Local 509 Returns to Katina and Takes Care of Business (and Has Some Fun)

Cookie was just clearing away the dishes from another excellent meal and all of Local 509 were sprawled back in their chairs. Stallen was smoking a huge cigar and Dromar was sending plumes of pungent herb smoke out of his black briar pipe. The rest were nursing the last of the Ruby Port from Amn that had been their desert.

"Back at last!" hissed Galranwyn in the middle of a long stretch. Her head was thrown back and her arms were high overhead stretching to touch the ceiling.

"Yes, but for how long I wonder." grumbled Dromar. "I can see it now. I'm 3 weeks into researching one of my new spells and Beourn strolls in and we're off to Quackamora or some other place no one has ever heard of. I hate to be rushed when doing spell research."

"I'll say this about the adventuring life" said Katrina, "when you get a chance to relax, TAKE IT!"

"How true." rumbled said the half giant. "I don't think I've ever felt this good in my whole life." He grinned and Cookie

They had been back from Mt. Celestina form a couple of weeks, and it was beginning to sink in that Beourn (regardless of Dromar's fatalistic assessment) might not be back for years. For people as used to going through life at breakneck speed, this presented some new problems.

Galranwyn finished off her wine with a flourish. "So Katrina; we've both been so busy copying in our spell books, we haven't really had a chance to talk much. How are all the folks doing this year. Are they recovering from the Ork raid OK? I assume you've been back to socialize with the town folk."

"Naturally! I snuck off early in the mornings long before you got up.
"The folks are all doing fine. It's been a good year fortunately, so not many are worried about the future at this point. Not like they don't have problems though."

"I guess the biggest change has been in Mayor Turnelmore. You know he lost his wife and a daughter in the raid. He positively dotes on his remaining daughter like he never did before. Hell, he didn't use to talk about them at all, and now he makes a point of letting everyone know what his little girl did that day. But that's not the big change. He's gotten militant. Since the raid he has been diligent about making sure the Militia and the soldiers among the followers are ready for action at any time. In council, he always makes a point of considering how an action will affect the towns security and the like. Funny how adversity often brings out qualities in someone even they didn't suspect."

"One kind of funny thing happened that the wags of the town are having a field day with. You remember that woman who was running around without nothing on? She kept crying that she couldn't find her husband? The guy that was with her was their field hand right? Well, her husband turned up dead by the front door and they went out the back. The new is that she and the field hand got married in mid-Kythorn. Most wonder why neither the woman or the field hand had any clothes on, but her husband was found in his nightgown and a robe!"

"You remember Cretin? The landlord of the Bark and Bite. Died right? So his wife Bettsy has taken over the place. But I don't think her heart is in it. The place has really gone downhill. No body goes there except they feel sorry for her. Quinat at the Trident is getting all her old trade. Alarontha ended up staying on though and helping out. Mostly just bouncing (like they need any these day) but she does some cutting and carrying too. You might go over and visit her sometime. I hear she has a tale or two to tell about her daredevil days."

"Karis and Flarnia adopted a little boy of about 2 last year. They lost two daughters and a son about the same age. One of the floozies that followed a wood carver here from Waterdeep decided to run out on him and her kid. The poor guy felt really guilty, but he was only 19 and was in no condition to take care of a baby just weaned. So Flarnia offered to raise the kid, and that was that. They're going to be OK."

"Do you guys remember seeing that really nice farm with the big red barn and the good fences? Poor old Regia put her heart and soul into that place. But her heart broke when her husband, her mother and all the hired hands were killed in the fire that took the bunk house. She didn't plant this year. Said she had all she needed and I guess she was right in a way. Folks were keeping an eye on her, but they couldn't watch her all the time. She hung her self in the kitchen about 3 months ago."

"But other than that there's money around town, crops are growing and so are the kids. It's funny seeing them at year intervals. It's like watching them grow in spurts."

"Yah, Regia was a sad case" said Stallen with a puff of deep blue smoke. "She said she couldn't stop seeing that Ork kill Eugin. Who did she leave the place to?"

"She didn't have any kin as anyone knows of, so I don't know" said Katina. "I expect it'll be fallow till next spring and the council will put it up for auction".

"Why next year? Why not sooner?" asked Victorex.

"To give anyone as no one know of a chance to put forward a claim. It the custom around here." answer Katrina.

They heard the door to the Hero's Rest open and a uniformed man strode in. His black, silver and gold uniform identified him as a member of the Waterdeep guard and his face as the Captain of the Militia named Mordicity. He smiled when he saw that there was no one in the Inn except for Local 509 and a table with the elite of the construction crew who were keeping to themselves. Everyone greeted Mordicity. with unfeigned gladness.

"Good to see you all Local 509! Sorry to hear about Duzy, but that's the business for you. Mind if I join you for a while?"

He was assured that he was very welcome, so he sat down at the end of the table between Krom and Brodda.

"I'm glad I found you mostly alone" he began. I've been wanting to talk to you about some things. I wanted to let you know that because of the good reports coming out of the raid, I was promoted to Captain. I don't know how much you all had to do with it, but I'm grateful all the same. We would have been cut down if it wasn't for you. 'Course, it probably wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been around, but no one can blame you for living!"

"Anyway, we now at a standing force of 50 with 2 patrols of 20 each and the rest are on active reserve on a rotating basis. So we have a bigger force in the field and the men are getting a break without depleting the patrol size. We haven't seen any Orks at all in the area since the battle. I guess it's like you figured, that the priest had them riled up to attack. Without him, they must have all headed back to whatever stinking hole they came from. May it be ever so."

They all agreed that the orks were well gone. Calling for Cookie to bring the port back, they made sure Mordacity was comfortable before going on.

Victorex asked "So what is your assessment of the battle readiness of my fol... I mean the army of the Illustrious Bobocob? Are they ready for anything that might show up or is there something of their training that has been under stressed?"

"I must say they've done a bully job at repairing those old weapons you found. They aren't quite as good as new, but they are quite serviceable. I would recommend getting a few new long swords as the non-coms have grumbled to me about using the same "crappy" swords as the trainees. I might have them drill more, but when I suggested it to your head man; can't remember his name, he said it would get in the way of their devotions and that was the end of that!"

"That's right!" said Victorex. "Their souls relation to the great Bobocob is more important than any other duty they might have. But you say they are in good fighting form?"

"I would say so. And I will also say that I feel quite a bit better now about our ability to throw back attacks than I did before. In fact, I know of few places that are as well protected given our distance from Waterdeep and re-enforcement."

"Glad to hear it!" says Victorex. "I would like to work more with you now I am back. I think you have a lot to teach us."

"This may be, but I don't feel comfortable assigning men to train you. However, I have no objections to my men helping you on a voluntary basis. I think you all should meet my new officers. I'll bring them over tomorrow night if that's OK".

Everyone said this would be a good idea and promised to be there the next evening.

"Has anyone gone back to the Crumbling Stair lately?" asked Galranwyn. "Even though the orks are gone, I still worry about some of those creepy spiders finding their way here."

"I have the patrols get within a few miles of there, but I didn't want to tempt the men into approaching the ruins." He smiled and said "In some ways, you guys are a bad example. I mean, I don't want them taking un-necessary risks and there you are popping off to one deadly place after another. I don't think any of you realize how their image of you has changed since the battle. There is a closeness that warriors who fight together feel. They brag about fighting side by side with Local 509 and it makes them feel stronger."

No one knew what to say to this, so they sipped their port and Dromar stoked up his pipe which had gone out.

"So Stallen, I still don't know what you were up to the last year." asked Pisheo. Stallen frowned at this and Pisheo said "Now don't get your back up, I can see how far all the construction has progressed and I'm sure we all thank you. I mean the rest of the stuff."

"Well, I spent a lot of time working on my songs. I re-wrote several and I'm about ready with a couple more. In fact, I started working on one about your adventurers a couple of days ago. I thinks it's going to come out well."

"As a kind of training thing, I took some of my warriors down to secure the levels under the house. It didn't go all that well actually. Things went well down to the 5th level. The rats in the tunnels near the surface were the toughest to get rid of. I still have a couple of guys patrolling the area weekly. Except for the odd insect and a bunch of killer bats, the other levels were clean.

"But every time we got down to the 6th level, these damn gremlin like guys would turn them back. They used fear, illusions and poisoned darts. Tough little bastards too. We didn't clear it out, but we mapped most of the place. And we found a stairway down. No one felt inclined to go down and I didn't think they were ready. I think we need to do some exploring down there. Maybe this winter, we can tackle it just to keep in practice! We really should know how much is down there. We should then completely block off the areas we don't need."

"As long as we're on the subject of our followers, I'll tell you about MY guys. They train on their weapons and then spend a couple of hours learning instruments. Hey! How about if... Hang on, you guys are planing to go to Waterdeep soon aren't you?"

Everyone answer with an enthusiastic yes.

"Then how about if I start planning a end of summer party for us. The Reunion party was a ton of fun, but I didn't have much notice. This time, I can get creative cause I'll have more time. When did you plan on heading out?"

Victorex said "I'm not going anywhere for another week minimum. That's about how long Jon Keel said I would need to train with my trident."

"So I'm not going anywhere either I guess" said Jon with a wistful tone.

"And then I've gotta write some scrolls" said Victorex. So, I'll be busy for another couple of weeks at least altogether."

Katrina "I'm working on some training myself, so a couple more weeks here at home sounds good."

Everyone agreed that going to the city in a couple of weeks was a good idea.

"Great!" said Stallen. "I'm going to get the followers working on some group tunes. I hope you all like penny whistles. That's what most of them started with. Hopefully, we'll get some new instruments in Waterdeep.

Every one began talking in small groups, discussing how they could help out to make the party memorable. After a few minutes, they were interrupted when the Architect came over to speak with them. His name was Jezai O'Dulali. They all respected him and his abilities even more since they had had time to inspect all the work he had supervised that year.

"I hope you don't mind if I butt in here?" he asked.

"Sure, come on over and sit down" said Timber. "Have a drink, make yourself comfortable." He moved over to let Jezai sit down next to the Captain.

"I'm pleased that you pleased with the way the building is coming. I must say that making something of this scale com e to life here on the edge of the frontier has been the most satisfying experience professionally that I have had. No one has made a big deal about it, but you certainly didn't do much to hide the fact that you brought a fortune back with you. I haven't discussed this with you sooner as I really didn't know my own mind yet. You see, it's been almost 2 years I've worked here. It's a lot harder than working in Waterdeep. I wasn't sure that I didn't want to go back home again. I'm still not convinced to tell you the truth, so I thought I would sound you out on your plans and see if we can arrange something." He leaned back in his chair and looked at the folks who were his employers expectantly.

Stallen speaks first and says "We've talked about the improvements to the amphitheater and build a theater I would like to build next to it."

Victorex interrupted Jezai's affirmative answer. The words tumbled out in the rush. "I have been working on this drawing the last week or so. See, this is the temple and here are the rest of the rooms. I want to make the whole level into The Dungeon Temple of Bobicob." They could all hear the capitol letters in Victorex's tone of voice.

"First, I want to make this area into a kitchen. That means we need to vent the kitchen via chimney to surface to take the smoke and fumes out. I would like to make some privies; lots of privies. Bobicob demands good personal hygiene. That's what these 8 new rooms are. And these existing rooms I need turned into privies too."

"We need a new room here about 30x30 feet square for... well it's kind of a secret. And all my followers need private places, so I want to use these three rooms to be made into about 20 or so. They don't have to be fancy, just timber and clapboard would be OK."

"Then I want to turn this room into a storage room, this one into a study, this one into a library and this one into a private room. But that's mostly a matter of getting the right furnicture. I think maybe some of the worshipers will build some, but I'll buy the rest in Waterdeep. What do you think?" finished Victorex breathlessly.

"I hardly know what to think" Jezai replied. "Hmm. It's ambitious and curious." He pulled the intricate map of the proposed Dungeon Temple toward him. "Quite a lot of work here. Particularly putting in that new room. I've never done a "dungeon" as such before. Not much call for it in Waterdeep. Still there is a great tradition of underground architecture. Unfortunately, the original builders ignored most of it. Rather crude down there you know."

"Yes, this will take a long time. Cutting, pulverizing and removing stone is time consuming and hard work. Fortunately, the gross removal can be done by relatively unskilled labor. And the additions..." his voice trailed off as he pondered the map.

Dromar interrupted Jezai's study saying "Well, there a lot of work I'd like done".

Jezai's head came up and he looked at Dromar with some surprise. "Of course Dromar. What did you have in mind?"

"Victorex isn't the only one who can make a map!" Dromar said an pulled a couple of sheets of parchment out of his back pocket.. Unfolding them he said "It's kind of a different place. See this building on this page is this building on this other page. These are all rooms, but they don't have any doors or windows. And then this building is the palisade with the barracks and towers and oh yah, these rooms (except for this one) are underground. What do you think?"

Dromar and Jazai spent some time working out a basic concept. Jazai asked Glukas Glee the foreman of the construction workers over to answer a question about the Palisade. He was obviously pleased to be sitting in with the Local 509.

Phrases like "But how will you breathe much less get in or out?" and "How am I supposed to get men down to work on them if " and the like, but at the end Jazai was smiling.
"A true challenge I must say. I can see the logic of it now, but I have never heard of anything similar. I will take these if I may, and prepare an estimate and some specifics. If I decide to take them on, we can talk about the cost."

He pulled his chair closer to the table and spent the rest of the evening covering the maps with tiny numbers and structural sketches. Occasionally he would interject a comment, but most of his attention was on the plans for new buildings.

By this tie, the room was beginning to fill. There were no seats at the bar, and Boris was moving fast to keep up with the demand. Alexa too was busy carrying platters full of drinks to the tables. There were only a few empty seats.

Cookie hurried out of the kitchen and up to Stallen. "You get corn flower like I ask? Better get pretty soon or no one have good food. Corn flour best like I say. You get soon." She almost sounded like she was reprimanding Stallen.

"I know Cookie. It was supposed to be on the last wagon from Waterdeep and I'm sure it will be on the one coming in three days. I told you this yesterday." Stallen spoke politely.

"OK hope so" she said.

"So Cookie, the place is really crowded" Katrina said to Cookie. "Is it like this all the time?"

"Most time, not have you big belles sitting at table." Cookie said with a smile looking down the long table where Local 509 lounged. "But most times like this. We no rooms empty, fix much food and sell many drinks. It very hard for me. Toby help much, but take much care. He very good boy. Oh, toast burn!" She ran off back to her kitchen.

Jon Keel had been quietly watching and listening to all the conversations around him. He seemed to think for a while then said to Stallen "You all seem to know everybody here. Is there any one you see that's a stranger?"

Stallen looked around and replied "I don't think so. It's the same old crowd."

"So who are all these people?"

"Lets do some introductions" said Katrina. There several I haven't had a chance to talk to since I got back. Tell you what, how bout if I go get Soos and bring him over?"

Everyone agreed, and Katrina stood up.

"Hey everybody! I've seen those curious looks you've been giving our friend here. Now don't deny it. I would like to introduce the latest member of Local 509. His name is Jon Keel (he says it a little different of course). Say hello and make him welcome if you would."

All the heads in the bar turned toward the 1/2 giant and he was surprised to see the smiles on their faces. It was so different here! Jon was used to dealing with everyone as if they were out to get him. Here they seemed satisfied with what they had and weren't interested in stealing what was his. On his world, a place like this would be full of people competing to have clean water and enough food. There would be some guarded enjoyment perhaps, but never the genuine welcome he felt just then. It troubled him.

In ones and twos, the people in the Hero's Rest Inn wandered over to introduce themselves to the biggest person most of them had ever seen.

A small thin man of about 40 with a thick beard came over and said "I'm glad to make your acquaintance Jon. My name is Soos Voy. I'm an animal trainer. I'll bet they have a lot of interesting animals on your world. Do you have any dogs?"

"No. No dogs Soos. Only some wild ones in the far north maybe. Most animals I know have scales and are poisonous."

"So what kind of pets did you have there?"

"Pets. I did not know what they were until I met Timber" replied Jon Keel. "We don't have them. Except for gamblers who bet on ptharth races and rich nobles who keep certain snakes to make potions."

"Sad. Well if there is anything I can do, I mean, if you would like a animal to be your helper and companion or for hunting or anything, just let me know. Tell you what, how about if you come over to my place tomorrow. I've been training the spring liter from Flossy. She had 7 pups" Soos said proudly "and some of the pups are coming along well. If you need a horse, let me know. There are several for sale around town, and I know who's got the good ones."

"I've never ridden a horse before" said Jon.

"Really! We better get started train... I mean teaching you. Come over tomorrow morning early and I'll try and find something that will take your weight." He laughs and shakes his head. "Even with a great war horse you'll look like your riding a donkey. No offense!"

"None taken" said Jon Keel. He didn't really get the joke (he didn't know what a donkey was), but he laughed along. It was obvious that this total stranger really cared enough to offer to help him.

"I'll let the others come over and meet you Jon, so maybe I'll see you tomorrow."

Jon said "I will be there Soos. Thank you. Good to meet you"

As the people came up to greet Jon Keel, they spent a moment talking to the rest of Local 509.. Each of the people that Dio Mas had brought from different planets to plea for help from Local 509 explained what they were doing and perhaps receive new instructions.

Their animal trainer Soos Voy had bred Timber's bitch and she had 7 puppies that spring. He was working with them all to make them suitable pets and to discover which of them had the instincts to become a superior hunting dog. He reported that two of the males and a female looked promising. He suggested that if anyone of Local 509 wanted a pet that they should let him know as soon as possible so he could begin training the owner and their dog together.

Kamin the Alchemist approached and told them that he had produced several potion while they had been gone. He had made 2 Chameleon potions, an Oil of Impact potion and 3 Sweetwaters. He said that he was out of several critical ingredients and gave them a list of thing to purchase in Waterdeep. He also gave them two places where they could go to get what he needed and perhaps, get additional potion recipes for him.

Anakan the artist had finished the mural in the upstairs meeting room (which they had already noticed and remarked on). Also, he has been working on canvases and has 2 ready. One is of a battle scene with the Local 509 fighting against skeletons against the backdrop of the monolithic stones of the House of Stone. The faces however were only sketched in. He said that he would like each of them to pose for him that he can paint the faces in as accurately as possible. The other completed picture was of the sea. He told them of a trip to Waterdeep he had made for inspiration. He had traveled with the caravan supplying the workmen. He then reluctantly show them a picture of n incredibly beautiful woman. It is of a woman he met in Waterdeep and fell in love with. He is pining. He would like to move there somehow, but doesn't know how to go about it considering his obligations to the party.

Kus Ahke comes to the table proudly bearing a platter of smoked ham from his own pigs. He tells them that he has been able to put up 300 lbs. of smoked pork and bacon for the winter so far and hopes to slaughter at leas 2 more hogs before the rains come. He tells them that he would very much like to have some salmon or other fish to smoke. This would make a welcome change from pork during the long winter.

Dorlan tree farmer has completed the plans for the Garden around the Inn. He would like to have the acre around the building to plant. He has in mind a setting that will concentrate on relaxation. Nothing formal, his design has 3 gazeboes, gravel paths, shade trees, scattered benches, arbors suitable for midnight assignations, all hidden in a maze of broad leafed plants. The path to the inn from the road is of fallen logs halved then placed into the ground with other paths being made of river gravel and sawdust.

Lanic the gold worker hadn't received any instructions regarding what he should be working on before the Local 509 left the last time. He has spent the last several months working on his skills. He tells them that most of his work was melted down again to provide metal for the next training project. He is willing to inscribe the Basin of Bobicob. He is excited about the gold they brought back from Seker. It is a little different from the local gold in that it is slightly stronger than normal gold although his tests could not reveal any alloy at all. He tells them that on his home planet he had once had to create molds for coins struck by his local lord and suggests the gold be used for medallions with Local 509 on them. He is thinking of something that would increase the visibility of the Local 509 (a souvenir thing) and also could be given out as tips and rewards for those helping the 509. He asks them for design suggestions and tells them he will be working on a design himself. They agree that this would be an excellent thing to do and Lanic happily goes of to begin his work.

Lee Jymridel the Potter and hedge wizard seems sad when he approaches the group. At first he is rather vague about what he has been doing. Finally, he explains that he has been working completely alone on a secret project, (no one much cared) that is close to completion. He has been using his spells to create a kiln about 1/4 mile down river in a small riverside cave. He has also helped Kamin find the right kind of sand along the river. He is an expert on the area one mile in either direction of the House of Stone. He was the one who discovered the remnants of the old bridge. He also knows about hunting info (what kind of tracks are where). Pisheo promises to go with him to where his kiln is located the next day.

It is quite late by the time all of the people have met Jon Keel and spoken to the party, so everyone finishes their drinks and goes off to bed. But all this talk about what has been done for them while they were gone has fired the imagination of the Local 509. Some of them have a hard time getting to sleep as the thoughts of possibilities keep intruding on their peace of mind.


The next morning, Pisheo goes off with Lee, Timber and Jon Keel go off with Soos and Stallen goes to meet with Dorlan about the garden plans.

Lee takes Pisheo down to the river side. Again, he is initially somewhat reluctant to talk much so the first part of their walk is made in silence. Lee points to a low cliff along the river and breaks the silence.

"See the dark brown mud there? That is some rather good pottery clay. I told Kamin about it and he experimented a bit and found it suitable for unglazed pottery although he has yet to make use of it". A little later Lee pointed to a wide place in the river surrounded on both sides by a small beach. "That is fine glass sand. Kamin has already produced some good alchemical flasks and a retort from it." Gesturing toward a deep spot in the river he says "That is an excellent fishing hole. There are some big trout there. I'm not a fisherman, but I have seen the fish swimming there several times as I am making my way home to the Inn in the evening."

When Lee and Pisheo have been walking for a hour, he points to a riverside cliff that has a thick growth of ground ivy, tree roots and undergrowth almost completely covering it. "There is where I have been working".

"There?" asks Pisheo. "I see nothing".

""Not wishing to be interrupted in my work, I have left the entrance as I found it. This could be cut back once we go into production". With this he walked up to the plants and pushed them aside revealing a large hole in the cliff. He put a stick that was lying on the ground into a hole bored into the rock near the entrance to hold back the foliage. There was an oil lamp by the entrance and Lee lit it before leading Pisheo into the cave.

The cave turned out to be much larger than Pisheo had expected. It was about 40 deep and continued for 60' along the edge of the cliff. In the gloom at the back of the cave, Pisheo could make out some kind of huge pottery construction. It was about 20' wide and had two sets of doors. One was at the base of the thing right at the floor and the others were to the left and right. The doors were made of the same pottery as the rest of the thing.

"What the hell is it Lee?" asked Pisheo.

"Well", said Lee with his first smile of the morning, "I found a patch of excellent oxide clay only a few hundred feet from here. You have also noticed that the trees in this area are mostly scrub oak and they are quite plentiful."

"You haven't told me what it is yet" said Pisheo with a warning tone in her voice. For an Elf she was very impatient.

"It is a brick kiln" said Lee proudly. "There is room on the right for the barrows with the clay in, and on the left we will need to construct cooling racks for the new bricks. These racks still need to be made, but I am no carpenter. Once we have the racks in place production can begin. It will take four or five workmen taking their instructions from me to operate the thing. One to cut the wood, one to bring the wood down and stoke the fire, one to form the bricks and one to place the fired bricks into the racks. I expect to produce from 20 to 40 bricks a days once we get up to full speed."

"Bricks, what do we need bricks for?"

"You may not know this, but the river rock that the buildings have been made from so far is getting harder to find and are being brought from farther and farther away. I overheard Jezai saying that he wished he could use brick, but that bringing them from the nearest place that makes bricks would be too expensive. This reminded me of the patch of brick earth I had found and ... well, here is the result."

Pisheo walked around the cave taking note of the modifications that Lee had made to turn the place into a workroom. She approached the pottery kiln and opened the door. The door was about 3' thick, and the body of the kiln at least 6" thick. Looking up she could see light coming from the flue.

"The flue goes up through the top of the cliff and comes out behind a cluster of rocks I placed there. The wind is going the right direction here and should travel away from the river most of the time." said Lee.

"Very impressive" said Pisheo. "You have worked well Lee. Have you spoken of this to Jezai?"

" I haven't told anyone about this until last night. I work best when undisturbed and decided to wait until construction was done before revealing it. I still have a few things to do before the racks will be needed, and would have waited until I was complete before asking for folks to build my racks."

"I will speak with Jezai when we return and ask for him to loan you the workmen you need."

"Thank you Pisheo. I am... it is.. I .. well, it's best if you talk to him" stuttered Lee.

Pisheo looked at Lee out of the corners of her eyes. "Is there something I should know Lee? Something you haven't told me yet?"

"I don't ... he is.. it's not... well lets just say that, oh damn. I thing Jezai is an arrogant asshole is all. There, sorry I had to say that but it's true. We don't get on well" Lee''s voice trailed off.

"I think I know what you mean Lee. That's OK. We can't expect everyone to like everyone else. I'll speak to him for you. Don't worry about it. Is there anything else you would like me to see?"

"There is little else to show you in here. If you like, I could show you were the stand of oak is and perhaps we could walk down river a bit farther and I could show you some other interesting things."

"Fine" said Pisheo and off they went. The two of them didn't return to the Hero's Rest until almost dark. Lee went to his small cabin and Pisheo went into the Inn and that night told the rest of the party about Lee's surprise and about all the things he showed her along the river.


As good as his word, Jon Keel left the inn early in the morning and went to the area north east of the Inn where Soos had built his corral. Since last year, the tiny earth hovel had been replaced with a crude log cabin. Soos was sitting in a chair in front of the cabin playing with a large group of puppies who were all clamoring for his attention. Most of the horses in the coral were stamping and blowing anxious to get their exersized. Jon greeted Soos who immediately stood up spilling a pair of puppies onto their litter mates.

"Good! You have come Jon. Are you ready for your introduction?"

"These are the beasts you would have me ride on?" said Jon pointing to the horses.

"Yes indeed if they will bear you".

"Are the 'horses' poisonous?" asked Jon seriously.

Soos laughed and said "They are not friend. In fact they are the most friendly and accommodating of beasts if a little less intelligent that might be desired."

"That is good" said Jon. "It seems that few things are poisonous here. Where I come from, almost all animals have either poison or mind skills to protect them."

"Sounds like a rather rum place to be from if you'll forgive me saying so" said Soos sadly. "Here there are only a few animals, mostly snakes, that are poisonous. Come over here to the rail and I will call one of the horses".

Jon and Soos went to the fence. Soos whistled a strange warbling note and all of the horses ears pivoted to face him. A pair of them trotted over to where they stood. Soos brought an apple out of his pocket and cut it in half with his knife giving half to each of them. As they quickly devoured the apple halves Soos rubbed their heads with his hands and spoke to them in a low voice.

"Here Jon. Pet them gently and let them smell you."

Jon gently touched them, but jerked his hand quickly back when they brought their great heads around to see if he had an apple for them too.

"Don't worry about that Jon. They just want another treat. As long as their mouths are closed there is nothing to fear from them. But if they are excited by something, they might give you a nasty bite. But you won't have to worry about that with these horses. None of them are biters and I have trained the instinct out of them. The one you are petting is named 'Trotter'. I hope to train him to the horse cart some day." Soos pulled another apple from a different pocket and gave it to Jon. "Here. Give it to Trotter, but watch you fingers."

Jon gave the horse the apple and stroked the head of the beast with more confidence. As he did so, Soos began to tell Jon about the lore of horses. How to calm them, how to master them, how they thought and how they would react and why. Jon noticed that the horse he was petting was the largest in the corral.

"Now that you know a tiny bit about how horses think, it's time to show you how to saddle one. Come over here."

Soos took Jon to a thatched roof shack near the corral and instructed Jon to take a saddle from the rack and put it up on the railing. Soos grabbed a bit and bridle and explained their use. Opening the gate, they walked in and Jon's training began in earnest. It took some time before Jon had succeeded in getting the saddle bit and bridle on Trotter even with Soos's help.

It wasn't until Jon actually tried to put his foot in the stirrup that the problems began. As soon as Jon put his weight on the stirrup, the beast began to lean toward him spilling his foot out. After several tries, Soos saw that the weight of Jon was just to great to allow for this means of mounting the horse. Fortunately, Jon was large enough to swing his leg over the horse while still standing. The horse was getting more and more anxious and was beginning to pull away. It was all Soos could do to hold on the bridle. After several hours of attempts even Soos had to admit that none of the horses he had were strong enough to bear Jon even a little ways.

"I am sorry Jon, it doesn't look like you are going to be able to ride soon. These are all light riding horses and although they will bear two in a pinch, I think you are heavy enough for four of us."

"More like five" said Jon sadly. "That is too bad. I like these beasts. I think they are good friends to you and I wouldn't want to hurt them."

"I understand you will be going to Waterdeep soon with the rest of the Local 509. Perhaps there they will be able to sell you a great war horse that will be large enough and strong enough to bear you. Until then, I'm afraid you will have to walk."

"I am used to walking Soos so that is no hardship to me. In fact it seems that they are a lot of trouble just to save walking."

"It's not just that you don't have to walk. They can travel much faster than people and for a longer time too."

"Faster? How much faster?"

Laughing Soos said, "I keep forgetting you have not seen them before. In fact, have you ever seen a horse run?"

"Never" replied Jon.

"Then watch!"

With that, Soos swung himself onto the still saddled Trotter. Asking Jon to open the gate, Soos walked Trotter out of the corral. "Follow me Jon and I'll show you about horses".

Together the three of them walked to the edge of the meadow near Soos's house. Once in the open, Soos snapped the reins against the side of the horse's neck and cried "he'ah". The horse obeyed it's masters command and leapt forward. To Jon's surprise, the horse was immediately moving at a great speed and had soon reached the other side of the large Meadow. Soos began showing off, making the horse go through it's paces even showing Jon the trot gate that gave the horse it's name.

After the horse was thoroughly tired, Soos directed him back to where Jon stood.

"I wouldn't have thought that animals with legs so thin could bear a man so quickly and nimbly. It is a wonder!" said Jon with amazement in his voice. "Now I feel much worse about having to walk."

Soos swung himself down out of the saddle and said "Don't worry Jon. I'm sure you will have the pleasure soon. Come back to my cabin and we will share something of a bottle that will soon make you forget your disappointment". He winked broadly and together they went back to the cabin. With Soos sitting outside in his favorite rustic chair and Jon Keel sitting with his back to a tree they passed an earthen jug full of the local whiskey back and forth. They spent the rest of the day drinking, talking of animals and playing with the puppies. It was a memorably happy day for Jon, one he would remember fondly for a long time despite his lack of horsemanship.

As Jon left to join the rest of the group for the usual communal dinner, Soos commented to his dogs, "there goes a good man. I give thanks to Melikki that I was born here where the animals are friends of man and not to Seker where they complete with man for everything."


That evening at dinner, the group shared their exploits of the day. All had a good laugh with Jon as he told them of his aborted attempt to ride the horse. Timber offered to help Jon to find a good horse once they reached the city. This started them talking about what their plans were. After much discussion, they decided to leave for Waterdeep the following week.

Once this had been agreed to, Stallen spoke up saying "You have all been talking of going by yourselves, but I am going to bring those of my followers that have performed well along with me. A trip to Waterdeep is a major event for them and a chance to see their friends and relations again. Don't you think it would be best if we went with a honor guard of our best people?"

It seemed that this had not occurred to them, but once reminded they all saw the rightness of it and agreed to allow some of their folk to go with them. They soon realized that this would require considerable preparation and Victorex agreed to organize this.

When speaking about the date of their departure, Galranwyn remembered that her birthday was only two days away. She told them she wanted a party and so they let Cookie know to prepare something special in quantity for the occasion. Cookie obliged and made Tuber Stew with Chicken cooked in the traditional Elvin way which was one of
Galranwyns favorites.

It was not the rowdy kind of party you would throw for Krom or Timber, but rather a sedate affair marked by much talk of days gone by and hopes for the days to come. Galranwyn was still young for an Elf (she would only say that she was less than 200) but told them that she was determined to celebrate every birthday as if it were her last (as well it might be considering her chosen occupation). With a flourish, Boris brought the bottle of Elvin Dream Wine from it's hiding place somewhere under the bar. Reverently, he pulled the cork carefully avoiding touching the dusty patina of the bottle. Retrieving a box from the other end of the bar, he set it in front of Galranwyn and said "Kamin asked me to give this to you. He said there's one for the whole party. He had been waiting for the right occasion to give it to you and as you're leaving for Waterdeep soon, this was probably the best time."

This made Galranwyn a bit guilty at not having invited him, but not enough to prevent her from quickly opening the package. The box was filled with straw and inside the straw were glasses. On top of the straw was a note from Kamin which read:

"To the members of Local 509 for granting me my life's greatest wish. Thank you for allowing me to pursue my passion for the arts alchemical - Kamin"

The top and bottom of each of the glasses was the same on each glass. The stems however Kamin had twisted many slender threads of glass, delicately woven into the first letter of each of their names. They were very delicate and quite beautiful. They all agreed they had never seen the like. Boris announced

"As this is Galranwyn birthday, I shall pour hers first." With ceremonial gestures he poured the strange lavender colored Elvin liquor into the glass where is seemed to shimmer like a purple pearl. He also poured a glass for Pisheo. Then he brought forth a different bottle (although it looked almost as old as the other) and said "I've held back this bottle from Kou Mellian as you requested. I trust this is a proper occasion to try it?" After they had agreed he reverently pulled the clay which sealed it away from the top and worked the stopper out. Everyone crowded around, curious as to what was in the sealed flask. The liquid Boris poured into the new glass was a tawny red-brown. "Who will do the honors?" he asked. Dromar spoke up saying "Well, if I can't have any of the Dream Wine,,," and was interrupted as everyone shouted "NO", reminding him of the last time he had imbibed the potent beverage and slept for a week. "then I will be honored" he completed.

He raised the glass to his oversized nose and sniffed deeply. He smiled. Then he sipped from the glass and the smile grew larger. "I can't say exactly what it is, but it has a wonderful taste of honey and pear with oak overtones". With Dromar's approval, Boris had poured them each a glass carefully measuring so the bottle was empty as he filled the last one.

Striking a pose, Stallen raised his glass for a toast and the other followed suit. "Here's to a long life full of joy, to tasks worth doing and the courage to do them. To Galranwyn!" They all repeated "To Galranwyn!" and drank. Many exclamation of satisfaction came from the assembled guests as Dromar's assessment was agreed to.

As if the wine had brought forth the best of their feelings, the musicians had soon grabbed their instruments and began to sing the old songs of heroes triumphant and worlds saved. The celebration lasted late and all slept well and with pleasant dreams to comfort them.


The next days were busy ones. There was much preparation to do and the week passed quickly. Jon and Victorex completed their trident training while the others wrapped up the various projects they were working on. Victorex gave orders to prepare the horses, carts, food and equipment necessary to make their journey comfortable as possible.

Soon, they day of their departure arrived. Despite all of Victorex's efforts, getting underway turned into a quite chaotic exersize. Obviously, the soldiers of the Local 509 needed considerable work on group travel. It was almost mid-day before the group began to walk.

It was a large group indeed! In all, they numbered just over a hundred. They went with two carts placed near the center of the party surrounded by Victorex's followers. The rest of the soldiers went before and behind them with the members of Local 509 spread out on both sides to protect them and prevent the weary from stopping to rest. Timber rode ahead to scout and bring back word of any obstacles that were found.

They didn't get far the first day; only four miles or so. They stopped about 2 hours before sundown and began to make camp. This was even more confused and dis-organized than leaving town. Each of the heroes tried to give orders to their own followers and found that there was duplication of effort and conflicting instructions being given, so they elected Stallen to oversee the operation. He accepted with ill temper and muttered under his breath "This is what comes of taking some time off."

It wasn't until dark that a suitable area for bivouacking them had been cleared and the campfires lit. They ate in the dark. That night passed without event and the main topic of conversation was how to improve making camp in the evening and how they would break camp the next morning.

Being diligent in his duties as troop leader, Stallen was up before dawn. He first woke those of his followers as he had brought along and after they had finished their grumbling about the early hour, formed them into groups. These groups, with penny whistles in hand passed through the groups of sleeping campers waking them with an energetic tune. This method of awaking met with mixed reviews, but only one fight broke out which was soon made peaceful.

Due to the discussion the night before, breaking camp that morning was much easier, though not much quicker. The whole time the men were working, Stallen was passing between them giving orders and reminding them that the quicker they got on the road, the quicker they would arrive in Waterdeep. This was a great motivator as they were all looking forward to their arrival.

As the days passed, the men made continual improvement in their tasks and they were able to travel a little farther every day.

They passed through a beautiful wilderness following the ruts of the carts that brought the building materials from Waterdeep to Katina. The path was barely wide enough for 3 men to pass abreast and so the line of travelers stretched more than 200 feet long. Occasionally the path led through a stand of trees that was too narrow for them to pass without going through one by one. In all cases possible, Stallen sent them men with axes to cut down trees near the path so that they could pass through more easily on their way back. Of course this slowed them down, but it seemed a good investment of their time as Stallen figured they would be passing this way often in the future.

As they path they traveled was through the wilderness at first, they didn't meet many people. For the first few days they met only a traveling Tinker Gnome named Kuster Fooks who amused them with his quaint cart full of sundries, his odd inventions and his peculiar antics. Other than this and a night time encounter with some cowardly Kobalds who approached and then fled, the early journey was without incident until their fifth day out of Katina.

Timber as usual was scouting ahead. It was an hour past their mid-day meal when he came galloping back.

"There is a large group of what looks like adventurers coming down the path!" he said with excitement. They are all mounted and the ones in the front are on war horses."

They all began to speak at once but Stallen's voice rose above the rest to ask "How many are there?"

"More than 10 I think" replied Timber.

"Does anyone know the protocol for this situation?" asked Stallen. "Do we need to move aside or do they?"

This provoked a discussion with considerable difference of opinion. They were still talking when the group came into sight.

It was an impressive group. At the head of the opposing party were three men in plate armor riding war horses that bore elaborate barding that matched the flamboyant silks of their riders. Behind them were eight other riders, all of whom were elaborately dressed and armed for war. One in the middle was particularly note worthy as they could see a large fuzzy ball of blackness where his head should be. They were of mixed race and obviously of mixed profession with leather armor and robes traveling between those with plate and mail. This group halted about 150' from the party. The middle warrior in the front wore brilliant red silk with a streamer of silk that streamed from the top of his great helm. Raising the visor he revealed a bearded face.

"We are called the Murder Guild and I demand that you stand aside and let us pass" he said in a commanding voice.

"Well, we are known as Local 509 and our numbers are far greater than yours as you can see, I believe it is you who should stand aside." said Stallen, all the discussions forgotten in his anger at the others tone of voice.

"Numbers mean nothing to us! We sweep such troops as yours aside and it is much the worse for them. Come stand away and let us pass!"

Although cooler heads among the Local 509 advised compliance, Stallen (and several others) had his ire up and replied "We shall not! The rules of the road are clearly in our favor and etiquette demands that you stand aside for us".

"Etiquette if for the effete! The Murder Guild makes it's own rules and enforces them too. Stand aside or your men will suffer."

"We shall not!" shouted Stallen. At this point, Dromar leaned toward Stallen and said

"It seems they are determined to fight which would be bad for us. I'm not willing to stand aside either, so maybe they will agree to a fight of champions to decide the issue."

"A capitol idea!" said Stallen. He turn back to the newcomers and said

"It seems that only combat will determine who shall stand aside. Is there one among you who is brave enough to fight one of us unarmed, hand to hand and man to man?"

"Is their one of you who is brave enough to fight us is a better question. I agree to the contest. It shall be to forfeiture with the looser allowing the other to pass unimpeded."

"Done!" shouted Stallen.

An excited murmur sprang up in the troupe. Through the din, the fighters of Local 509 gathered to find out who would represent them on the field of honor. After some debate, it was agreed that Jon Keel should represent them. Jon somewhat reluctantly agreed. Jon stripped off his few pieces of armor and laid his weapons on the pile. His eyes went unfocused and the more erudite of the party realized he was using the formidable powers of his mind to prepare for the battle.

In the other camp, a dwarf dressed in plate mail dismounted and also began to remove his armor. He was short and somewhat squat with tremendously broad shoulders and arms disproportionately large for his frame. As his leggings were removed they saw powerful legs that looked as corded with muscle as a ivy strangled tree.

Jon was ignoring this. Reaching out with his mind to the place from which all his power came, he made his skin tougher and increased his strength and dexterity. Realizing that the dwarf might gain an advantage from being so much shorter and also thinking confidently that the fight might not be fair, he again used his Will to find the Way and all were very surprised to see him shrink from his normal height of 10' down to but 5' high. Exclamations of wonder sprang from the lips of the followers who were carefully watching the preparations.

From the other group however came cries of "Foul! Foul! He uses magic to gain advantage!"

Jon Keel was somewhat surprised at this reaction. Where he came from every advantage was always used and any advantage freely take by both sides. He was unused to this kind of honorable combat. He stared somewhat dumfounded at the dwarf who was making most of the outcry.

The dwarf said "Tit for tat then it shall be!" and walked over to the figure whose head was shrouded in darkness. It was obvious that the dark one was casting spells on the dwarf as they could see the muscles grow even larger and his skin took on the appearance of tree bark. So prepared, the dwarf swaggered to the open area between the two camps and pronounce himself ready for the combat "if you still dare".

Jon Keel looking very odd being so much smaller, approached the dwarf and they began to circle one another. Both were very experienced in this kind of combat and they were neither anxious to expose a weakness to their opponent. As they circled, looking for an opening, the rest of the Murder Guild dismounted and formed themselves in a row at the edge of the area chosen for the fight. They were obviously ready to escalate the battle should foul play be revealed. The rest of Local 509 and all the followers thronged around the other side. Many wagers were made among the soldiers who moved restlessly around trying for the best possible view of the fight.

"I'm goona knock you head off" muttered the dwarf to Jon Keel.

"You may try, but I think it is I who shall walk away and you who will be carried" Jon replied.

"Right!" said the dwarf with a grin. He sprang forward and began to rain pummeling blow down on Jon Keel.

Jon reacted with punches of his own and the fisticuffs began in earnest. After the first few exchanges, Jon thought "this dwarf packs a hell of a punch! I think he is doing more damage than I am." But he grimly kept his fists working on his opponent.

The soldiers were practically in a frenzy watching the match. They were shouting encouragement to both sides and the wagering continued with the odds changing they thought one or the other had the advantage. At a particularly wild exchange of blows, some of the soldiers at the rear of the group attempted to surge forward for a better look. This shoved several other forward and toppled three of the watchers directly into the combatants! It took some time to dis-entangle everyone so the fight could begin again.

The fight continued with both fighters landing blows that would have killed any ordinary person, but they seemed well matched until the dwarf landed a haymaker against the head of Jon Keel. Those closest to the fight could see the eyes roll about in Jon's head for a moment and then close as he fell unconsious to the ground. The fight was over and the dwarf had won. A cry of disappoint from the followers of Local 509 mingled with the exultant shouts of "the Murder Guild wins again!'.

The dwarf had blood streaming from a split lip and another trickle issued from his nose. He walked over to Jon Keel and turned him over on his back. The dwarfs expression told the watchers that he meant no harm. In a few moments, Jon's eyes opened again and he slowly sat up.

The dwarf offered him his hand and helped Jon to his feet. "You're pretty good son" he said. "Gave me a run for the money indeed. I'm almost sorry the lucky punch did you in. I was enjoying myself!"

Dusting himself off and using his finger to test a front tooth that felt loose, Jon replied "I must admit you are the victor fair and true. I am glad our fight was not to the death as is the custom where I come from. Else I would be dead and not wondering if I still had all my teeth!"

"Well spoken sir." said the dwarf. "What is your name that I may remember this fight the better?"

"I am called Jon Keel. And how have I had the pleasure of sparing with?"

"Sparing! If that was sparing you are tougher than I thought. I am named Krusty".

"That name makes sense" thought Jon, "his smell is frightful!" But he said "Krusty, we shall honor our agreement".

With that, Jon walked over to Stallen and said "Move these men off the road and let them pass."

With many a downcast expression, the soldiers and other members of Local 509 walked some distance off the road into the underbrush and watched as the Murder Guild strutted by with smirking grins on their faces. Soon they were lost from sight and Stallen reformed the troop. They continued onward in a much subdued manner than previously. Jon Keel said little that day and went early to his bedroll that night.


The rest of the journey had little further excitement. They passed slowly from wilderness, to areas where small farmsteads could be seen. They passed only a farmer taking his cows to be bred by a nearby bull until they reached the High Road that would take them to Waterdeep, the City of Splendors.

Next Week:
The Local 509s triumphant return to Waterdeep and what they found there.