Crumbling Stair Dungeon Level 3

The rooms on this level were devoted to the safety and comfort of the advisors and the King.

This level is the only one where the doors have been opened. This is very difficult for the Wise Ones as it goes against their programming. They were not intended to live in the Man Houses, but rather with the workers underneath. As their cast system gave rise to a class of privileged, it’s expression required the best live in the Man Houses as they were both "law makers". They have not touched any of the rooms where the gates are, but rooms 6-10 are in use as living quarters by the Wise Ones.

Room 1 Throne Room (28 Wise One Roaches and the Most Old)

This has been a home to the 83 Wise Ones for the last 375 years. The continual donations of gold, silver, iron and copper. Each metal is a sign of caste.

The throne room has one throne, a large table and 10 chairs. This is the main meeting room of the 10 members of the council. Each of the chairs is sized and carved in a fashion to please the race that sat here. The table is pentagonal

This is the lair of the creatures that rule this dungeon. The Wise One Roaches are intelligent and protective of their homes. They are long lived (250 years) and they are less prolific as a race than the elves with children being born only once every 75 years. As a designed race, they are exceedingly strong, dangerous and very difficult to kill.

If they lose more than a quarter of their number the Most Old will present himself fearlessly to any attack in an effort to surrender to the attackers. He speaks only the language of his race, but will try to speak with sign language if given a chance.

Acceptable terms are

Access to anywhere in the dungeon

Tribute on a yearly basis of:

5 drams of Sleep Liquid

5 drams of Health Vomit

A hundred weight of gold

A hundred weight of silver

A hundred weight of copper

One Half a Hundred weight of fine iron.

All signs of respect deemed desirable

Healing of all wounds using the Vomit Roaches

If they are treated ruthlessly by ordering executions, higher tribute than offered, require regular abasement, ect., they will do their best to meet the terms of agreement but will not converse with the party, but will tell them nothing of the underground parts or how they got all the metal (saying it was left in one of the rooms on this level and here when they arrived) nor anything else of value.

If they are treated poorly they will offer basic conversation, but will be evasive about important issues and will not tell the party where they got the metal (same lie).

If truly befriended (the party does not require deaths as part of tribute, more than the stated tribute, etc. they will speak in their language with wisdom and interest in the outside world.

If the party makes efforts to improve the living conditions or heal the fallen of the guards they will be attentive and talkative. If the party then begins to treat them like valued servants (what they truly desire to be) they will tell the party everything and offer them selves to the Most Valiant Ones in High Command. This carries with it some responsibilities like protect them against any attacks coming from the land above, ridding them of monsters that are beyond their abilities to deal with, authorizing areas for them to expand into and help dealing with magic (like curses and the like).

The agreement entitles the party to a tribute twice what was offered and command of all the roaches which may be directed to convert the areas now in use by the roaches to use by humans which will easily double the size of the existing dungeon.

Anything else that may be desired of them as long as it may be done within their "sacred home" (the dungeon).

They will speak of the "power of place" which they might grant as the power came to them unexpectedly by finding one of the Kings Advisors dead in Room 9. The key they call the "power of place" was found on the skeleton. They have enshrined his body in the crypt of Room 13.

As a security measure, they were never told and due to their poor closeup eyesight never found the secret door that leads to the room with the Codex of Infinite planes.

Room 2 Gate Room

Both of the gates in this room are destroyed. There was once was something organic awaiting transport here, but is nothing more than a pile of dust in the NE corner about 15’ in diameter.

Room 3 Gate Room

The NE gate is broken, buy the NW gate goes to the 8th level of the Stone House dungeon. A number of barrels lies in the SE corner. The wood of all but one of the barrels has dried and cracked spilling out their contents. One barrel is still intact and contains brandy of the finest quality. It was destined to go to the leader of Tekumel (where the broken gate here went).

Room 4 The Fake Gate Room.

Room 5 Main Gate Room

This gate has 3 functioning gates and one is broken.

Room 6 Wise One Roach Brood Room, Lavatory and "sex having" room)

Room 7 Steel Clad Low Caste Wise One Lair

Room 8 Copper Mid Caste Wise One Lair

Room 9 Silver Mid Caste Wise One Lair

Room 10 Gold High Caste Wise One Lair

Room 11 Entry Room (Wise One Roach Guards)

Room 12 Most Old’s Rooms

Room 13 Secret Treasure of the Roaches

Trap Path

The floor and walls of this special corredor is covered with small cobbles. They are covered with pebbles from 1" to 3" in diameter. This makes hiding the traps much easier! The only way to get through this hallway without setting off any traps is to follow an intrincate path. It is possible to find the trigger points of the traps in some cases, but in others the search will be bad for the searcher.

The safe path is shown as a jagged line down the corredor. The code was like "Left wall-step ahead, foot to right-step ahead, foot to right-step ahead, …" for the first 15’.

Due to the cunning use of the cobbles to disguise the trap triggers, all find rolls are made at -35%. Remove traps roll is normal, but in a couple of cases, removing one trap will trigger another unseen trap!

With the exception of the contact poison traps are of the self-resetting mechanical variety. This is an exersize in memory and imagination as there are different traps every 5’ down this hall. They are all powere by a water wheel working hidden within the walls. This mechanism turns screws that load the traps with kinetic energy.

Trap 1 – Twin Sabers

Each of these has a 35% chance of hitting if their location is not known and a 20% chance of hitting if the blades have been seen before. They do 1d8+2 damage each. They are 5’ long blades that pivot on the end. The trigger releases a rock that hits the blade knocking it outward at great speed. The rock can be heard falling down the long tunnel.

Trap 2 – Dart Traps

Many of the pebbles in this area are connected to a tiny air pump. Stepping on the pebble forces air down a tube forcing a tiny metal dart out. Darts do 1d4+1 damage and contain a paralyzation poison.

Trap 3 – Rock Fall Trap

Stepping on the triger of this trap releases a number (2d4) rocks from a bin 60’ above the ceiling. These fall until they hit another trigger about 10’ above the ceiling. At this point the ceiling falls away, allowing the rocks to fall on those underneith. An internal spring then forces the ceiling to spring quickly back into position again. The rocks hit if the character fails a dex roll at a –8 if the char is surprised and –4 if char reacts quickly. The rocks do 2d4 dam for each that hits.

Trap 4 – Tip Trap

Triggering this trap causes the floor to fall away, dumping the char into a 30’x5’x 8’ pit. This pit is lined with daggers about 1 every 18". A falling char will take 2d6 of damage from the fall. Next the char makes a dex roll to avoid the daggers while falling. A fail means only 1d4 daggers could hit. Roll 30% for each dagger to hit. If the dex roll fails, then 2d6 daggers may hit. Each dagger does 1d4 damage. The daggers on the floor of the pit are unavoidable. Roll 1d3 for how many hit.

Trap 5 – Contact Poison Trap

Attempting to grab hold of the lip of the floor beyond the tip trap is not a good idea. This 4’ area of the walls, floor and ceiling is covered with a sticky liquid that is a powerful numbing agent. Any skin touching this stuff goes numb within 2 rounds preventing all use for 2d6 hours. There is no ST for this effect, but a failed ST indicates that the char is paralyzed.

Trap 6 – Mallets Trap

This trap causes sections of the ceiling to swing down in an ark, striking the one who triggered it. There are 3 "mallets" which are spring activated. There is a 40% chance each that they will hit. A successful dex roll reduces this to 20%. Each mallet does 1d6+2 points of damage.

Trap 7 – Illusionary Flames

This is a contingency spell. When the floor is stepped on, it activates a Phantasmal Force spell creating the illusion of flames jetting out of the walls. This is a very realistic illusion (it was modeled to look just like the real flame trap just beyond). A fail against the spell causes the char 2d6 pts of damage.

Trap 8 – Real Flames

This trap is real! When stepped on the trap causes jets of natural gas to open and ignite. A char will take 2d6 pts of damage. There is no way to avoid the flames if the trap goes off.

Trap 9 – Ceiling Spikes

The entire ceiling is covered with holes. If this trap is triggered, 14’ long spikes, one every 1’ slam down at the one triggering it. There is no way to avoid this trap save to jump across it. This is possible only if the char makes a surprise roll. If the surprise roll fails, then 3d3 of the spikes have hit the char. Each spike does 1d6+1 pts of damage.

Trap 10 – Crashing Walls

Triggereing this trap makes the walls crash together. This does considerable crushing damage. A dex roll allows the char to jump on to the next area. A fail indicates the cahr takes 4d4 pts of crushing damage.

Trap 11 – Ceiling deadfall

A char tripping this trap causes the ceiling of the seciton just beyond to pivot downward and into the place where the char is standing. This can be avoided if the char jumps back and makes a dex roll. Failing the dex roll means the char is struck and takes 1d12+4 pts of damage. A char jumping forward from the previous trap can’t dex save this trap.

Trap 12 – Fish Hook Trap

Fine lines of strong but thin silk rope lies hidden in the cracks between the cobbles. When the trap is triggered, these are all thrown out into the corredor area then reeled back into the walls. At the end of each, is a hook that is very sharp. The char will be attacked by 2d4 hooks. Each has a 35% chance of hitting. If more than 2 hit, the char is held to the wall by the hooks. They continue to flail in this event until they have all hit. The chance to hit is 75% when the char is held. Each hook does 1d4 of damage.

Trap 13 – Levitation Trap

This is a perminante levitation cast in this section. Anyone entering this area are instantly thrown up to the ceiling for 1d6+2 pts of dam. They may crawl to an adjoining section and drop down.

Trap 14 – Acid Pit Trap

Stepping on the trigger of this trap causes the floor to fall away. Under the floor is a smooth tube 6’ in diameter which is covered with the green slime that covers the watery areas. This slick tube is about 20’ long and curves to the SE. It ends in a ceiling of a pool completely filled with acid. This acid does 2d6 dam per round immersed in it. All saves must also be made each round immersed.

Trap 15 – Dagger Floor

Tripping this trap causes 6" long daggers to spring from the floor with tremendous force. There will be 2d3 chances to be stabbed by one (no dex roll). It re-arms itself every 3 rounds. Each dagger has a 35% chance of hitting. They do 1d4+1 pts of dam.

Room 14

This is a room contains the Codex of Infinite Planes. The Codex is in the center of the room. It can barely be seen through the shimmering lights of the force domes protecting it. Each of these domes is a variation on the Chromatic Orb spell and is a 5th level varient called Chromatic Domes.

Level Color of Force dome Damage Points Special Effect

1st White 1-4 Light

2nd Red 1-6 Heat

3rd Orange 1-8 Fire

4th Yellow 1-10 Blindness

5th Green 1-12 Stinking Cloud

6th Turquoise 2-8 Magnetism

7th Blue 2-16 Paralysis

10th Violet slow Petrification

12th Black paralysis Death

Light from the force dome causes the victim to become surrounded by light

to a radius of 20 feet, as if affected by a light spell. The effect lasts

for 1 round, during which time the victim makes his attack rolls and

saving throws at a -4 penalty, and his AC is penalized by 4.

Heat from the force dome is intense enough to melt 1 cubic yard of ice.

The victim suffers a loss of 1 point of Strength and 1 point of Dexterity

(or -1 to attack rolls and AC for creatures without those attributes) for

1 round.

Fire from the force dome ignites all combustible materials with 3 feet of

the victim.

Blindness from the force dome causes the victim to become blind as per the

spell. The effect lasts for 1 round/level of the caster.

Stinking cloud from the force dome fills the room with a noxious cloud. The victim must save vs. poison or will be reeling and unable to attack until he leaves the area of the vapors.

Magnetism from the force dome has an effect only if the victim is wearing

armour made from iron. The iron armour becomes magically magnetized for

3d4 rounds. Other iron objects within 3 feet of the caster will stick

tight to the magnetized armour; only dispel magic or similar spell can

release the stuck items. At the end of the spell's duration, the stuck

items are released.

Paralysis from the force dome causes the victim to become paralyzed for

2d8+4 rounds; a successful saving throw vs. paralysis halves the number of


Petrification from the force dome turns the victim to stone. If the victim

successfully saves vs. petrification, he avoids turning to stone and

instead is slowed for 2d4 rounds.

Death from the force dome causes the victim to die. If the victim

successfully saves vs. death magic, he avoids death and instead is

paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds.