Gron and Krims Blood and Guts Tavern

Gron & Krim, half-Ogre brothers, run a respectable establishment that welcomes anyone who tends to not be welcome elsewhere. Goblins, Orcs, Kobolds, Bugbears, Gnolls and even Humans are all welcome to kick back, drink some swill, so long as they’re willing to keep the peace. And if anyone really needs to crack some heads, Krim runs an unsanctioned boxing gym in the tavern’s basement.
1st Floor
There are drinks behind the bar and more in the adjoining supply room. The bar doesn't serve cooked food, but keeps plenty of dried meats, nuts and other salty thirst-inducing snacks on hand.
Gron tends the bar and is responsible for generally keeping folks in line. You wanna fight? Take it downstairs to the Quadrigon.
The 1st floor is served by Grahlis and Drohlivia, a pair of attractive half-orc sisters, both skilled in fighting and thievery.
Kyllada, an elven bard (of the mundane variety) is kept in a cage, chained by the neck. Performs 20 minute sets once an hour, usually to jeering, catcalls and a painful barrage of copper pieces. Contrary to all appearances the bard is there voluntarily and is a salaried employee of the establishment.
Eybak, on old orc veteran, hangs out here and is always up for arm wrestling.
2nd Floor
Usually a bit quieter than 1st floor, but not always.
A trio of human thieves can often be found playing darts here.
Goblins, Orcs and Bugbears play cards here in the evenings; most players are out for themselves, but it's clear the goblins tend to coordinate their play with the occasionally mumbled “All in the family...”
Kyund, a middle aged human wearing a dark traveler’s cloak, can usually (80%) be found sitting alone, sipping a drink. He is a fixer and can usually find work or a fence for the desperate if given a generous cut. Patrons that Grahlis or Drohlivia take a liking to or who are able to beat Eybak may be introduced to him.
A few hours after sundown, prize fights are held in "Quadrigon", which is really just a ramshackle boxing ring with hemp ropes and wooden turnbuckles. Things are overseen by Gyaka, a hob-goblin veteran turned fight trainer, and Krim, who handles the business end of things.
Fights are attended by a wide variety of greenskins and humans, including the occasional off-duty guard. Anyone is welcome to throw their hat into the ring, however no weapons, armor or spells are permitted.
The star of Gyaka's makeshift gym is a young orc named Khorak. There are a few other regulars who come and fight to make a name for themselves, including Urda (human barbarian, tall out-fighter), Olut (bugbear, in-fighter), and Gidik (goblin, out-fighter, southpaw). While newcomers are allowed to challenge established fighters above their weight-class, the reverse is not permitted.
Gron & Krim have a small office here where they keep a lock-box with the prize money and some of the petty cash for upstairs.