
The river that flows through the village is called Stallint and always has water in it. There is a stone bridge across it about 1/4 mile N of the city. It is broken and the stone joining 2 of the 5 arches is missing. The 2 missing sections have boards across them so the river can still be crossed. It looks like they have been in place a very long time and are badly worn.
The road runs S. for a bit and leads past the Tasty Tinker Inn

FB1 Farm Large


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Rodney human english Male 30 Farmer/Explorer Sly and Gullible
Elfi half-elf english Female 75 Wife/Unemployed Mercenary Ugly and Sly
Adan gnome gnome Female 50 Teen/Guardsman Bashful and Obese
Frulo halfling halfling Male 61 Teen/Cutpurse Courteous and Irritating
Lilien human english Female 32 Teen/Adventurer Boastful and Scarred Face
Rylee half-elf english Male 97 Child/Guardsman Melancholy and Snob
Kimball half-elf english Male 113 Child/Adventurer Debonair and Assertive
Bentley human english Male 45 Child/Retired Soldier Immature and Disrespectful
Maidhion elf elven Male 133 Child/Pirate Loves Beer and Tattooed
Meadow human english Female 26 Child/Adventurer Pleasant and Energetic
Grogril dwarf dwarven Male 52 Hired Hand/Unemployed Mercenary Quarrelsome and Cold
Zorkin gnome gnome Male 99 Hired Hand/Explorer Logical and Abrasive
Kingsley human english Male 36 Hired Hand/Unemployed Mercenary Bratty and Picks nose
Houston human english Male 53 Hired Hand/Adventurer Filthy mouth and Well-informed

FJ7 The Testy Tinker

Bartender: Roketa Strongbaq Female dwarf, 1st-level bard
Interesting Clientele: A few anonymous drunks, a sorcerer selling spells (Dancing Lights ,Fire Bolt).
Erevan Amakiir (Gemflower) — Level 3 High Elf Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline)
Ability scores:   STR: 12 (+1)   DEX: 15 (+2)   CON: 14 (+2)   INT: 8 (-1)   WIS: 8 (-1)   CHA: 15 (+2)
Saving throws:   STR: +1   DEX: +2   CON: +4   INT: -1   WIS: -1   CHA: +4
Initiative: +2   Speed: 30   Passive perception: 11   Size: Medium   Proficiency bonus: +2   Gender: Male
Hit points: 23   Hit dice: 3d6
Armor: None
AC: 15

Melee weapons:
  • Shortsword (+4 to hit) 1d6+2 piercing damage
  • 3 Daggers (+4 to hit) 1d4+2 piercing damage
    Ranged weapons:
  • 3 Daggers (+4 to hit) 1d4+2 piercing damage   Range: 20/60
  • Long bow (+4 to hit) 1d8+2 piercing damage   Range: 150/600   20 arrows
  • Proficient skills: Deception +4, Medicine +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +4, Religion +1
    Non-proficient skills: Acrobatics +2, Animal Handling -1, Arcana -1, Athletics +1, History -1, Insight -1, Intimidation +2, Investigation -1, Nature -1, Perform +2, Sleight of Hand +2, Stealth +2, Survival -1

    Languages: Common, Elvish, Draconic, Halfling, Celestial     Other proficiencies: Herbalism kit
    Racial Traits: Darkvision, Keen senses, Fey ancestry, Trance, Cantrip, Extra Language
    Abilities: Spellcasting, Draconic Ancestry (White, Cold damage), Draconic Resilience, Font of Magic, Metamagic (Distant Spell, Twinned Spell), 3 sorcery points

    Equipment: Record of Hermit studies, Common clothes, Herbalism kit, Dungeoneer's pack, Arcane focus   Wealth: 51 gp, 20 pp, Silver Cutlery worth 80 gold
    Magic Items: Potion of Healing, Gloves of Swimming and Climbing
    Spells known: Charm Person, Shield, Maximilian's Earthen Grasp, Pyrotechnics     Cantrips: Create Bonfire, Ray of Frost, Shocking Grasp, True Strike
    Spell slots: 4 first level, 2 second level     Spell save DC: 12     Spell Attack Modifier: +4     Knows 4 spells
    Race magic: Prestidigitation     Spell save DC: 9     Spell Attack Modifier: +1
    Background: Hermit (I was exiled for a crime I didn’t commit.)
    Personality: I’m oblivious to etiquette and social expectations.
    I am utterly serene, even in the face of disaster.
    Ideal: Live and Let Live. Meddling in the affairs of others only causes trouble. (Neutral)
    Bond: Nothing is more important than the other members of my hermitage, order, or association.
    Flaw: I am dogmatic in my thoughts and philosophy.

    Rumors Overheard: Huge beasts are preying upon a small town.
    Accommodations: Common (a placed on a raised, heated floor, blanket and pillow, amongst higher-class company) for 3 sp/day
    Today's Menu:
    Breakfast: Bacon, Duck eggs, Goose eggs, Blackberries, Corn pone (cost 3sp).
    Lunch: Rabbit stew, Chicken eggs, Lentils, Dates (cost 4sp).
    Supper: Lamb chop, Broad beans, Onions, Rice, Raisin pie (cost 5sp).
    Snack: Soft cheese, Strawberries, Rice (cost 2sp).


    Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Dorin dwarf dwarven Male 112 Owner Haughty and Incoherent
    Rukha dwarf dwarven Female 118 Owner Pleasant and Debonair
    Alya elf elven Female 232 Clerk Cold and Sagely


    Item Price #Avail
    Backpack 2gp 5
    Barrel 2gp 4
    Basket 3sp 1
    Blanket, Winter 7sp 4
    Caltrops 15sp 1
    Candle 1cp 20
    Canvas (sq. yd.) 1sp 809
    Case, Map/Scroll 8sp 2
    Chain (10ft) 39gp 1
    Chalk, 1 piece 2cp 97
    Chest (empty) 4gp 2
    Firewood (per day) 1cp 8
    Fishhook 1sp 6
    Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 4gp 5
    Flask (empty) 5cp 21
    Flint and Steel 15sp 12
    Hammer 7sp 7
    Hourglass 26gp 2
    Ink (1 oz. vial) 6gp 7
    Ladder, 10ft 5sp 10
    Lamp, common 1sp 13
    Lantern, hooded 10gp 3
    Lock, Simple 22gp 2
    Manacles 16gp 2
    Mirror, small steel 29gp 4
    Mag/Tankard, clay 1cp 2
    Oil (1-pint flask) 2sp 38
    Paper (sheet) 6sp 14
    Pick, miner's 5gp 3
    Pitcher, clay 5cp 13
    Pole, 10-foot 3cp 8
    Pot, iron 12sp 6
    Pouch, belt 1gp 1
    Rations, trail (per day) 5sp 1
    Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 2gp 9
    Rope, silk (50 ft.) 15gp 1
    Sack 1sp 20
    Sealing Wax 3gp 6
    Sewing Needle 16sp 3
    Signal whistle 12sp 6
    Sledge 2gp 2
    Soap (per lb.) 3sp 6
    Waterskin 2gp 18
    Whetstone 1cp 20

    LD2 Farm Large


    Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Lugrak half-orc halforc Male 29 Farmer/Adventurer irresponsible and Boastful
    Liliane human english Female 21 Wife/Off-Duty Mercenary Shy and Jealous
    Osbert human english Male 34 Teen/Explorer Thrifty and Audacious
    Westley human english Male 51 Teen/Retired Soldier Flirty and Brilliant
    Brawley human english Male 36 Teen/Off-Duty Mercenary Wary and Brainy
    Liliana human english Female 18 Teen/Injury Discharged Soldier Poor Gambler and Debonair
    Racerediron elf elven Male 90 Child/Pirate Cheerful and Energetic
    Aldyth half-elf english Female 94 Child/Explorer Flirty and Bubbly
    Kendall human english Female 16 Child/Off-Duty Mercenary Strange and Pensive
    Rhassbaradhon elf elven Male 93 Hired Hand/Cutpurse Poor and Lazy
    Knox human english Male 40 Hired Hand/Pirate Thrifty and Bratty
    Rylee human english Female 27 Hired Hand/Pirate Artistic and Scruffy

    MP2 Farm Large


    Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Rilien elf elven Male 228 Farmer/Pirate Inept and Bossy
    Lili human english Female 40 Wife/Retired Soldier Loud and Paranoid
    Ghamborzakha half-orc halforc Female 36 Teen/Cutpurse Overweight and Industrious
    Fredo halfling halfling Male 44 Teen/Explorer Well-informed and Tattooed
    Mannix gnome gnome Male 114 Teen/Explorer Introverted and Self-Centered
    Renna gnome gnome Female 86 Child/Off-Duty Mercenary Nosy and Condescending
    Charlene gnome gnome Female 82 Child/Unemployed Mercenary Diplomatic and Secretive
    Yaturak half-orc halforc Male 31 Hired Hand/Unemployed Mercenary Alcoholic and Condescending
    Clayton human english Male 45 Hired Hand/Explorer Respectful and Scrawny
    Edmondo human english Male 29 Hired Hand/Explorer Quarrelsome and Ambitious
    Sellion elf elven Male 212 Hired Hand/Explorer Silent and Loud

    OI37 Furrier


    Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Brenner half-elf english Male 72 Furrier Lazy and Abrasive
    Whitley human english Female 29 Apprentice Eloquent and Frank
    Alastegiel elf elven Female 93 Apprentice Con man and Quarrelsome
    Lilia human english Female 34 Apprentice Scruffy and Boring

    PO3 Barn


    Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Pidu halfling halfling Male 67 Adventurer Nosy and Sarcastic
    Freda halfling halfling Female 35 Off-Duty Mercenary Sympathetic and Discreet
    Oda halfling halfling Female 18 Explorer Loyal and Dishonest
    Feda halfling halfling Female 72 Injury Discharged Soldier Tempermental and Sullen
    Pida halfling halfling Female 13 Injury Discharged Soldier Humble and Inquisitive

    TQ2 Shoemaker


    Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Thorbal dwarf dwarven Male 130 Worker Classy and Bashful

    UJ15 Farm Large


    Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Tucker half-elf english Male 74 Farmer/Adventurer Brutish and Helpful
    Dayna human english Female 56 Wife/Adventurer Charismatic and Shrewd
    Hallie human english Female 38 Teen/Explorer Carefree and Plain
    Barric human english Male 39 Teen/Unemployed Mercenary Lazy and Deceitful
    Finn dwarf dwarven Male 140 Child/Injury Discharged Soldier Ugly and Cheerless
    Jagger human english Male 16 Child/Unemployed Mercenary Religious and Trusting
    Mugash half-orc halforc Male 37 Child/Retired Soldier Tempermental and Manipulative
    Jagger human english Male 35 Hired Hand/Unemployed Mercenary Strong and Malicious
    Stuart half-elf english Male 70 Hired Hand/Adventurer Strange and Angry
    Palo gnome gnome Male 112 Hired Hand/Off-Duty Mercenary Melancholy and Boastful

    UZ1 Farm Large


    Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Edvard human english Male 27 Farmer/Injury Discharged Soldier Mature and Helpful
    Mellimeldisiel elf elven Female 115 Wife/Adventurer Artistic and Aloof
    Ryder human english Male 41 Teen/Cutpurse Story-teller and Thrifty
    Willibrord human english Male 36 Teen/Explorer Bubbly and Honest
    Blossom human english Female 19 Teen/Adventurer Good Gambler and Loyal
    Heath human english Male 29 Teen/Explorer Focused and Filthy mouth
    Payton human english Male 33 Child/Retired Soldier Tired and Silent
    Valadhiel elf elven Female 79 Child/Retired Soldier Brainy and Bites Nails
    Harley human english Female 42 Child/Cutpurse Bossy and Graceful
    Brainard half-elf english Male 100 Hired Hand/Off-Duty Mercenary Picks nose and Brutish
    Darra gnome gnome Female 99 Hired Hand/Explorer Rich and Sneaky
    Tyler half-elf english Male 41 Hired Hand/Adventurer Obese and Ambitious

    WF11 Farm Large


    Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Elton human english Male 40 Farmer/Explorer Frugal and Selfish
    Earline human english Female 24 Wife/Injury Discharged Soldier Wary and Brash
    Sherwin human english Male 28 Teen/Retired Soldier Disagreeable and Thorough
    Clayton half-elf english Male 58 Teen/Adventurer Religious and Abrasive
    Baakha half-orc halforc Female 59 Teen/Adventurer Inept and Curious
    Lokri dwarf dwarven Male 48 Teen/Adventurer Bashful and Studious
    Dumbakh half-orc halforc Male 47 Child/Guardsman Rich and Pensive
    Brockton human english Male 27 Child/Cutpurse Verbose and Perfectionist
    Duryth dwarf dwarven Female 106 Hired Hand/Guardsman Nimble and Fearful
    Atwater human english Male 27 Hired Hand/Explorer Immature and Succinct
    Princeton human english Male 20 Hired Hand/Explorer Disrespectful and Condescending
    Osbert human english Male 29 Hired Hand/Retired Soldier Inquisitive and Virtuous

    ZP2 Tailor


    Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
    Dwight half-elf english Male 30 Worker Insincere and Tall
    Charlene gnome gnome Female 59 Worker Tactful and Discreet
    Peyton human english Female 38 Worker Pensive and Incoherent