Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Rodney | human | english | Male 30 | Farmer/Explorer | Sly and Gullible | |
Elfi | half-elf | english | Female 75 | Wife/Unemployed Mercenary | Ugly and Sly | |
Adan | gnome | gnome | Female 50 | Teen/Guardsman | Bashful and Obese | |
Frulo | halfling | halfling | Male 61 | Teen/Cutpurse | Courteous and Irritating | |
Lilien | human | english | Female 32 | Teen/Adventurer | Boastful and Scarred Face | |
Rylee | half-elf | english | Male 97 | Child/Guardsman | Melancholy and Snob | |
Kimball | half-elf | english | Male 113 | Child/Adventurer | Debonair and Assertive | |
Bentley | human | english | Male 45 | Child/Retired Soldier | Immature and Disrespectful | |
Maidhion | elf | elven | Male 133 | Child/Pirate | Loves Beer and Tattooed | |
Meadow | human | english | Female 26 | Child/Adventurer | Pleasant and Energetic | |
Grogril | dwarf | dwarven | Male 52 | Hired Hand/Unemployed Mercenary | Quarrelsome and Cold | |
Zorkin | gnome | gnome | Male 99 | Hired Hand/Explorer | Logical and Abrasive | |
Kingsley | human | english | Male 36 | Hired Hand/Unemployed Mercenary | Bratty and Picks nose | |
Houston | human | english | Male 53 | Hired Hand/Adventurer | Filthy mouth and Well-informed | |
Bartender: Roketa Strongbaq Female dwarf,
1st-level bard Interesting Clientele: A few anonymous drunks, a sorcerer selling spells (Dancing Lights ,Fire Bolt). Erevan Amakiir (Gemflower) — Level 3 High Elf Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline) Ability scores: STR: 12 (+1) DEX: 15 (+2) CON: 14 (+2) INT: 8 (-1) WIS: 8 (-1) CHA: 15 (+2) Saving throws: STR: +1 DEX: +2 CON: +4 INT: -1 WIS: -1 CHA: +4 Initiative: +2 Speed: 30 Passive perception: 11 Size: Medium Proficiency bonus: +2 Gender: Male Hit points: 23
Hit dice: 3d6
Armor: None AC: 15 Melee weapons:
Proficient skills: Deception +4,
Medicine +1, Perception +1, Persuasion +4, Religion +1Ranged weapons: Non-proficient skills: Acrobatics +2, Animal Handling -1, Arcana -1, Athletics +1, History -1, Insight -1, Intimidation +2, Investigation -1, Nature -1, Perform +2, Sleight of Hand +2, Stealth +2, Survival -1 Languages: Common, Elvish, Draconic, Halfling, Celestial Other proficiencies: Herbalism kit Racial Traits: Darkvision, Keen senses, Fey ancestry, Trance, Cantrip, Extra Language Abilities: Spellcasting, Draconic Ancestry (White, Cold damage), Draconic Resilience, Font of Magic, Metamagic (Distant Spell, Twinned Spell), 3 sorcery points Equipment: Record of Hermit studies, Common clothes, Herbalism kit, Dungeoneer's pack, Arcane focus Wealth: 51 gp, 20 pp, Silver Cutlery worth 80 gold Magic Items: Potion of Healing, Gloves of Swimming and Climbing Spells known: Charm Person, Shield,
Maximilian's Earthen Grasp, Pyrotechnics Cantrips:
Create Bonfire, Ray of Frost, Shocking Grasp, True
Hermit (I was exiled for a crime I didn’t commit.)Spell slots: 4 first level, 2 second level Spell save DC: 12 Spell Attack Modifier: +4 Knows 4 spells Race magic: Prestidigitation Spell save DC: 9 Spell Attack Modifier: +1 Personality: I’m oblivious to etiquette and social expectations. I am utterly serene, even in the face of disaster. Ideal: Live and Let Live. Meddling in the affairs of others only causes trouble. (Neutral) Bond: Nothing is more important than the other members of my hermitage, order, or association. Flaw: I am dogmatic in my thoughts and philosophy. Rumors Overheard: Huge beasts are preying upon a small town. Accommodations: Common (a placed on a raised, heated floor, blanket and pillow, amongst higher-class company) for 3 sp/day Today's Menu: Breakfast: Bacon, Duck eggs, Goose eggs, Blackberries, Corn pone (cost 3sp). Lunch: Rabbit stew, Chicken eggs, Lentils, Dates (cost 4sp). Supper: Lamb chop, Broad beans, Onions, Rice, Raisin pie (cost 5sp). Snack: Soft cheese, Strawberries, Rice (cost 2sp). |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dorin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 112 | Owner | Haughty and Incoherent | |
Rukha | dwarf | dwarven | Female 118 | Owner | Pleasant and Debonair | |
Alya | elf | elven | Female 232 | Clerk | Cold and Sagely | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 2gp | 5 |
Barrel | 2gp | 4 |
Basket | 3sp | 1 |
Blanket, Winter | 7sp | 4 |
Caltrops | 15sp | 1 |
Candle | 1cp | 20 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 1sp | 809 |
Case, Map/Scroll | 8sp | 2 |
Chain (10ft) | 39gp | 1 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 2cp | 97 |
Chest (empty) | 4gp | 2 |
Firewood (per day) | 1cp | 8 |
Fishhook | 1sp | 6 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 4gp | 5 |
Flask (empty) | 5cp | 21 |
Flint and Steel | 15sp | 12 |
Hammer | 7sp | 7 |
Hourglass | 26gp | 2 |
Ink (1 oz. vial) | 6gp | 7 |
Ladder, 10ft | 5sp | 10 |
Lamp, common | 1sp | 13 |
Lantern, hooded | 10gp | 3 |
Lock, Simple | 22gp | 2 |
Manacles | 16gp | 2 |
Mirror, small steel | 29gp | 4 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 1cp | 2 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 2sp | 38 |
Paper (sheet) | 6sp | 14 |
Pick, miner's | 5gp | 3 |
Pitcher, clay | 5cp | 13 |
Pole, 10-foot | 3cp | 8 |
Pot, iron | 12sp | 6 |
Pouch, belt | 1gp | 1 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 5sp | 1 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 2gp | 9 |
Rope, silk (50 ft.) | 15gp | 1 |
Sack | 1sp | 20 |
Sealing Wax | 3gp | 6 |
Sewing Needle | 16sp | 3 |
Signal whistle | 12sp | 6 |
Sledge | 2gp | 2 |
Soap (per lb.) | 3sp | 6 |
Waterskin | 2gp | 18 |
Whetstone | 1cp | 20 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lugrak | half-orc | halforc | Male 29 | Farmer/Adventurer | irresponsible and Boastful | |
Liliane | human | english | Female 21 | Wife/Off-Duty Mercenary | Shy and Jealous | |
Osbert | human | english | Male 34 | Teen/Explorer | Thrifty and Audacious | |
Westley | human | english | Male 51 | Teen/Retired Soldier | Flirty and Brilliant | |
Brawley | human | english | Male 36 | Teen/Off-Duty Mercenary | Wary and Brainy | |
Liliana | human | english | Female 18 | Teen/Injury Discharged Soldier | Poor Gambler and Debonair | |
Racerediron | elf | elven | Male 90 | Child/Pirate | Cheerful and Energetic | |
Aldyth | half-elf | english | Female 94 | Child/Explorer | Flirty and Bubbly | |
Kendall | human | english | Female 16 | Child/Off-Duty Mercenary | Strange and Pensive | |
Rhassbaradhon | elf | elven | Male 93 | Hired Hand/Cutpurse | Poor and Lazy | |
Knox | human | english | Male 40 | Hired Hand/Pirate | Thrifty and Bratty | |
Rylee | human | english | Female 27 | Hired Hand/Pirate | Artistic and Scruffy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Rilien | elf | elven | Male 228 | Farmer/Pirate | Inept and Bossy | |
Lili | human | english | Female 40 | Wife/Retired Soldier | Loud and Paranoid | |
Ghamborzakha | half-orc | halforc | Female 36 | Teen/Cutpurse | Overweight and Industrious | |
Fredo | halfling | halfling | Male 44 | Teen/Explorer | Well-informed and Tattooed | |
Mannix | gnome | gnome | Male 114 | Teen/Explorer | Introverted and Self-Centered | |
Renna | gnome | gnome | Female 86 | Child/Off-Duty Mercenary | Nosy and Condescending | |
Charlene | gnome | gnome | Female 82 | Child/Unemployed Mercenary | Diplomatic and Secretive | |
Yaturak | half-orc | halforc | Male 31 | Hired Hand/Unemployed Mercenary | Alcoholic and Condescending | |
Clayton | human | english | Male 45 | Hired Hand/Explorer | Respectful and Scrawny | |
Edmondo | human | english | Male 29 | Hired Hand/Explorer | Quarrelsome and Ambitious | |
Sellion | elf | elven | Male 212 | Hired Hand/Explorer | Silent and Loud | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Brenner | half-elf | english | Male 72 | Furrier | Lazy and Abrasive | |
Whitley | human | english | Female 29 | Apprentice | Eloquent and Frank | |
Alastegiel | elf | elven | Female 93 | Apprentice | Con man and Quarrelsome | |
Lilia | human | english | Female 34 | Apprentice | Scruffy and Boring | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Pidu | halfling | halfling | Male 67 | Adventurer | Nosy and Sarcastic | |
Freda | halfling | halfling | Female 35 | Off-Duty Mercenary | Sympathetic and Discreet | |
Oda | halfling | halfling | Female 18 | Explorer | Loyal and Dishonest | |
Feda | halfling | halfling | Female 72 | Injury Discharged Soldier | Tempermental and Sullen | |
Pida | halfling | halfling | Female 13 | Injury Discharged Soldier | Humble and Inquisitive | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Thorbal | dwarf | dwarven | Male 130 | Worker | Classy and Bashful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Tucker | half-elf | english | Male 74 | Farmer/Adventurer | Brutish and Helpful | |
Dayna | human | english | Female 56 | Wife/Adventurer | Charismatic and Shrewd | |
Hallie | human | english | Female 38 | Teen/Explorer | Carefree and Plain | |
Barric | human | english | Male 39 | Teen/Unemployed Mercenary | Lazy and Deceitful | |
Finn | dwarf | dwarven | Male 140 | Child/Injury Discharged Soldier | Ugly and Cheerless | |
Jagger | human | english | Male 16 | Child/Unemployed Mercenary | Religious and Trusting | |
Mugash | half-orc | halforc | Male 37 | Child/Retired Soldier | Tempermental and Manipulative | |
Jagger | human | english | Male 35 | Hired Hand/Unemployed Mercenary | Strong and Malicious | |
Stuart | half-elf | english | Male 70 | Hired Hand/Adventurer | Strange and Angry | |
Palo | gnome | gnome | Male 112 | Hired Hand/Off-Duty Mercenary | Melancholy and Boastful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Edvard | human | english | Male 27 | Farmer/Injury Discharged Soldier | Mature and Helpful | |
Mellimeldisiel | elf | elven | Female 115 | Wife/Adventurer | Artistic and Aloof | |
Ryder | human | english | Male 41 | Teen/Cutpurse | Story-teller and Thrifty | |
Willibrord | human | english | Male 36 | Teen/Explorer | Bubbly and Honest | |
Blossom | human | english | Female 19 | Teen/Adventurer | Good Gambler and Loyal | |
Heath | human | english | Male 29 | Teen/Explorer | Focused and Filthy mouth | |
Payton | human | english | Male 33 | Child/Retired Soldier | Tired and Silent | |
Valadhiel | elf | elven | Female 79 | Child/Retired Soldier | Brainy and Bites Nails | |
Harley | human | english | Female 42 | Child/Cutpurse | Bossy and Graceful | |
Brainard | half-elf | english | Male 100 | Hired Hand/Off-Duty Mercenary | Picks nose and Brutish | |
Darra | gnome | gnome | Female 99 | Hired Hand/Explorer | Rich and Sneaky | |
Tyler | half-elf | english | Male 41 | Hired Hand/Adventurer | Obese and Ambitious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Elton | human | english | Male 40 | Farmer/Explorer | Frugal and Selfish | |
Earline | human | english | Female 24 | Wife/Injury Discharged Soldier | Wary and Brash | |
Sherwin | human | english | Male 28 | Teen/Retired Soldier | Disagreeable and Thorough | |
Clayton | half-elf | english | Male 58 | Teen/Adventurer | Religious and Abrasive | |
Baakha | half-orc | halforc | Female 59 | Teen/Adventurer | Inept and Curious | |
Lokri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 48 | Teen/Adventurer | Bashful and Studious | |
Dumbakh | half-orc | halforc | Male 47 | Child/Guardsman | Rich and Pensive | |
Brockton | human | english | Male 27 | Child/Cutpurse | Verbose and Perfectionist | |
Duryth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 106 | Hired Hand/Guardsman | Nimble and Fearful | |
Atwater | human | english | Male 27 | Hired Hand/Explorer | Immature and Succinct | |
Princeton | human | english | Male 20 | Hired Hand/Explorer | Disrespectful and Condescending | |
Osbert | human | english | Male 29 | Hired Hand/Retired Soldier | Inquisitive and Virtuous | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dwight | half-elf | english | Male 30 | Worker | Insincere and Tall | |
Charlene | gnome | gnome | Female 59 | Worker | Tactful and Discreet | |
Peyton | human | english | Female 38 | Worker | Pensive and Incoherent | |