Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dean | human | english | Male 68 | Farmer/Unemployed Mercenary | Domineering and Likeable | |
Haeronwen | elf | elven | Female 213 | Wife/Adventurer | Likeable and Judgmental | |
Dessuithiel | elf | elven | Female 175 | Teen/Cutpurse | Tempermental and Melancholy | |
Vivin | gnome | gnome | Male 113 | Teen/Guardsman | Macho and Dishonest | |
Sawyer | half-elf | english | Male 27 | Child/Adventurer | Flirty and Plain | |
Skaga | dwarf | dwarven | Female 126 | Child/Explorer | Trusting and Unfriendly | |
Dane | human | english | Male 32 | Child/Unemployed Mercenary | Frank and Debonair | |
Landathradon | elf | elven | Male 179 | Child/Explorer | Frank and Tall | |
Arundel | human | english | Male 35 | Child/Injury Discharged Soldier | Cranky and Contrarian | |
Sherwin | half-elf | english | Male 87 | Hired Hand/Unemployed Mercenary | Sweet and Tall | |
Aradan | elf | elven | Male 110 | Hired Hand/Pirate | Temperate and Good-looking | |
Bosley | human | english | Male 17 | Hired Hand/Cutpurse | Intuitive and Brilliant | |
Emerion | elf | elven | Male 133 | Hired Hand/Unemployed Mercenary | Focused and Incoherent | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kelsey | human | english | Female 7 | Logger | Thorough and Unforgiving | |
Brantley | human | english | Male 25 | Baker | Strict and Respectful | |
Cole | human | english | Male 42 | Laborer | Brainy and Deferential | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ulrik | dwarf | dwarven | Male 190 | Farmer/Adventurer | Patient and Reflective | |
Tyler | half-elf | english | Female 84 | Wife/Unemployed Mercenary | Indiscrete and Funny | |
Amity | human | english | Female 42 | Teen/Guardsman | Scruffy and Beautiful | |
Edouard | human | english | Male 16 | Teen/Cutpurse | Refined and Obese | |
Chadwigh | human | english | Male 36 | Teen/Off-Duty Mercenary | Ambitious and Inquisitive | |
Birkitt | half-elf | english | Male 72 | Teen/Retired Soldier | Wise and Obnoxious | |
Demin | gnome | gnome | Male 73 | Child/Off-Duty Mercenary | Rash and Bossy | |
Orgri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 51 | Child/Adventurer | Hot-headed and Sullen | |
Rosine | gnome | gnome | Female 115 | Child/Off-Duty Mercenary | Obese and Well-informed | |
Duda | halfling | halfling | Female 62 | Child/Injury Discharged Soldier | Perfectionist and Disciplined | |
Throbbi | dwarf | dwarven | Male 112 | Hired Hand/Cutpurse | Dumb and Cranky | |
Edoarda | human | english | Female 37 | Hired Hand/Explorer | Timid and Sarcastic | |
Baul | human | english | Male 28 | Hired Hand/Guardsman | Graceful and Superstitious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Rylee | human | english | Male 16 | Weaponsmith | Succinct and Simple | |
Harper | human | english | Female 26 | Town Watch Member | Debonair and Tenacious | |
Lilianna | human | english | Female 14 | Merchant | Obese and Thrifty | |
Kimber | human | english | Female 56 | Weaponsmith | Belligerent and Carefree | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Khurgokh | half-orc | halforc | Male 22 | Farmer/Injury Discharged Soldier | Shallow and Educated | |
Balita | gnome | gnome | Female 86 | Wife/Unemployed Mercenary | Gullible and Empathic | |
Marleigh | human | english | Female 25 | Teen/Adventurer | Thoughtful and Sleazy | |
Bega | human | english | Female 38 | Teen/Cutpurse | Ostentatious and Stubborn | |
Grogrila | dwarf | dwarven | Female 68 | Teen/Guardsman | Strong and Spunky | |
Thorontur | elf | elven | Male 138 | Teen/Explorer | Con man and Sharp | |
Alfreda | human | english | Female 20 | Child/Off-Duty Mercenary | Cold and Snob | |
Aithnan | gnome | gnome | Male 95 | Child/Pirate | Brainy and Scarred Face | |
Earline | human | english | Female 21 | Child/Explorer | Fearful and Frugal | |
Bolton | half-elf | english | Male 37 | Hired Hand/Explorer | Overweight and Nosy | |
Charlton | half-elf | english | Male 75 | Hired Hand/Adventurer | Quarrelsome and Helpful | |
Armin | gnome | gnome | Male 111 | Hired Hand/Injury Discharged Soldier | Disagreeable and Quiet | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Bradshaw | human | english | Male 16 | Farmer/Retired Soldier | Disrespectful and Ostentatious | |
Faelwen | elf | elven | Female 97 | Wife/Adventurer | Boisterous and Good Gambler | |
Dexter | human | english | Male 30 | Teen/Explorer | Cranky and Shy | |
Synne | human | english | Female 40 | Teen/Cutpurse | Compassionate and Immodest | |
Shorkumal | half-orc | halforc | Female 26 | Child/Explorer | Conversational and Immodest | |
Garil | dwarf | dwarven | Male 103 | Child/Adventurer | Obese and Sharp | |
Rowana | gnome | gnome | Female 87 | Child/Retired Soldier | Reflective and Simple | |
Burudh | half-orc | halforc | Male 26 | Hired Hand/Guardsman | Fearful and Dishonest | |
Aylwin | half-elf | english | Male 45 | Hired Hand/Guardsman | Crabby and Likeable | |
Durbarkh | half-orc | halforc | Male 15 | Hired Hand/Injury Discharged Soldier | Well-informed and Clever | |
Alderney | human | english | Male 37 | Hired Hand/Adventurer | Debonair and Respectful | |
Weston | human | english | Male 53 | Hired Hand/Explorer | Bubbly and Gullible | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Riley | human | english | Male 15 | Farmer | Quarrelsome and Unforgiving | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Pala | gnome | gnome | Female 160 | Fishmonger | Overweight and Immature | |
Bido | halfling | halfling | Male 71 | Assistant | Eccentric and Cranky | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dell | gnome | gnome | Male 58 | Armorsmith | Sarcastic and Contrarian | |
Kierna | gnome | gnome | Female 5 | Brewer | Rich and Bites Nails | |
Kellera | gnome | gnome | Female 83 | Beggar | Thrifty and Superstitious | |
Whitley | gnome | gnome | Female 129 | Logger | Inventive and Rude | |
Palo | gnome | gnome | Male 56 | Logger | Judgmental and Paranoid | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gelana | gnome | gnome | Female 8 | Fisherman | Stubborn and Talkative | |
Brenna | gnome | gnome | Female 15 | Armorsmith | Compassionate and Empathic | |
Barro | gnome | gnome | Male 172 | Miller | Empathic and Naive | |
Tavina | gnome | gnome | Female 32 | Fisherman | Upbeat and Honest | |
Leib | gnome | gnome | Male 16 | Miller | Considerate and Witty | |
Item | Price |
Haircut | 3cp |
Shave | 2cp |
Tooth Pulling | 5cp |
Lance a Boil | 3cp |
Other Surgery | varies |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Nelly | human | english | Female 38 | Barber | Boisterous and Bites Nails | |
Berina | gnome | gnome | Female 52 | Assistant | Intuitive and Intimidating | |
Bagan | gnome | gnome | Male 104 | Assistant | Sheepish and Aloof | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Grond | dwarf | dwarven | Male 9 | Maid | Tattooed and Scrawny | |
Oldora | dwarf | dwarven | Female 162 | Farmer | Intimidating and Crabby | |
Heganbor | dwarf | dwarven | Male 0 | Farmer | Evasive and Dishonest | |
Dorina | dwarf | dwarven | Female 126 | Laborer | Ambitious and Verbose | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kevana | gnome | gnome | Female 46 | Adventurer | Courteous and Friendly | |
Armin | gnome | gnome | Male 56 | Injury Discharged Soldier | Obese and Reluctant | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hayes | human | english | Male 56 | Laborer | Assertive and Dependable | |
Sawyer | human | english | Female 59 | Beggar | Cruel and Loud | |
Kimberlee | human | english | Female 22 | Private Guard | Unforgiving and Lunatic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Alston | human | english | Male 19 | Miller | Rugged and Ostentatious | |
Leigh | human | english | Male 3 | Town Watch Member | Aloof and Bashful | |
Lyndsey | human | english | Female 25 | Beggar | Eccentric and Graceful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hali | human | english | Female 29 | Furrier | Reluctant and Solitary | |
Emerson | human | english | Female 40 | Apprentice | Poor Gambler and Quarrelsome | |
Lindsay | human | english | Female 20 | Apprentice | Deceitful and Shallow | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kimber | human | english | Female 31 | Furrier | Dumb and Reckless | |
Peyton | human | english | Female 32 | Apprentice | Introverted and Angry | |
Hayley | human | english | Female 16 | Apprentice | Suave and Strong-willed | |
Shazash | half-orc | halforc | Male 44 | Apprentice | Calm and Stubborn | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Emersyn | half-elf | english | Female 65 | Weaponsmith | Graceful and Shallow | |
Hayley | half-elf | english | Female 60 | Farmer | Bashful and Carefree | |
Balthilda | half-elf | english | Female 86 | Town Watch Member | Alcoholic and Talkative | |
Dean | half-elf | english | Male 81 | Maid | irresponsible and Compassionate | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Killian | gnome | gnome | Male 62 | Master | Dull and Strange | |
Gebo | halfling | halfling | Male 73 | Apprentice | Honorable and Strong-willed | |
Landion | elf | elven | Male 208 | Apprentice | Domineering and Respectful | |
Aelflaed | half-elf | english | Female 87 | Apprentice | Shy and Rich | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Freli | halfling | halfling | Male 33 | Owner | Sadistic and Energetic | |
Rylan | half-elf | english | Female 44 | Clerk | Industrious and Poor Gambler | |
Geffo | halfling | halfling | Male 65 | Clerk | Hot-headed and Tenacious | |
Barric | half-elf | english | Male 35 | Clerk | Trustworthy and Flirty | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 3gp | 1 |
Barrel | 3gp | 4 |
Basket | 3sp | 11 |
Bedroll | 2sp | 2 |
Bell | 10sp | 2 |
Blanket, Winter | 5sp | 1 |
Bucket (empty) | 6sp | 10 |
Caltrops | 9sp | 1 |
Candle | 1cp | 12 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 2sp | 40 |
Case, Map/Scroll | 13sp | 6 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 1cp | 61 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 3gp | 7 |
Flint and Steel | 15sp | 14 |
Grappling Hook | 11sp | 2 |
Ink (1 oz. vial) | 9gp | 8 |
Inkpen | 1sp | 2 |
Ladder, 10ft | 3sp | 8 |
Lantern, bullseye | 13gp | 2 |
Lantern, hooded | 12gp | 8 |
Lock, Average | 46gp | 1 |
Manacles | 20gp | 2 |
Mirror, small steel | 28gp | 4 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 2cp | 8 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 2sp | 44 |
Pick, miner's | 4gp | 2 |
Pitcher, clay | 3cp | 6 |
Piton | 3sp | 6 |
Pole, 10-foot | 7cp | 10 |
Pot, iron | 12sp | 2 |
Pouch, belt | 2gp | 8 |
Sewing Needle | 10sp | 13 |
Shovel or spade | 5gp | 5 |
Signal whistle | 11sp | 1 |
Tent | 14gp | 10 |
Vial, ink or potion | 3gp | 8 |
Waterskin | 1gp | 17 |
Whetstone | 2cp | 6 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Miluiel | elf | elven | Female 127 | Worker | Dull and Honest | |
Dedina | halfling | halfling | Female 49 | Worker | Skillful and Artistic | |
Kelsi | human | english | Female 46 | Worker | Kleptomaniac and Loyal | |
Landyn | half-elf | english | Male 103 | Worker | Cruel and Loyal | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Biffa | halfling | halfling | Female 44 | Logger | Likeable and Know-it-all | |
Figo | halfling | halfling | Male 54 | Tailor | Reliable and Calm | |
Tido | halfling | halfling | Male 78 | Fisherman | Tenacious and Filthy mouth | |
Febina | halfling | halfling | Female 49 | Farmer | Loyal and Ambitious | |
Frelo | halfling | halfling | Male 18 | Fisherman | Reckless and Skillful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gormana | gnome | gnome | Female 77 | Farmer | Helpful and Hot-headed | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Whitin | gnome | gnome | Male 83 | Baker | Honest and Gullible | |
Audren | human | english | Male 56 | Apprentice | Self-Centered and Disciplined | |
Solita | gnome | gnome | Female 66 | Apprentice | Eccentric and Funny | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Knight's Loaf Bread (wheat) | 6cp | 3 |
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) | 1cp | 7 |
Biscuit (2x/baked, stays longer) | 6cp | 17 |
Unleavened Bread | 2cp | 15 |
Iced Almond/Caraway Shortbread | 3cp | 1 |
Papyns (Custard) | 3cp | 6 |
Cream Boylede (Thick Custard) | 3cp | 5 |
Frytour of Erbes (honeyed herbed fritters) | 3cp | 3 |
Lente Frytoures (fried battered apple rings) | 2cp | 9 |
Losenges Fryes (diamond shaped fried dough) | 3cp | 5 |
Fritter of Milk (fried sweet cottage cheese) | 3cp | 4 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Stanley | human | english | Male 34 | Worker | Domineering and Bashful | |
Figdo | halfling | halfling | Male 49 | Worker | Argumentative and Intolerant | |
Alassiel | elf | elven | Female 82 | Worker | Educated and Discreet | |
Haven | human | english | Female 31 | Worker | Loves Beer and Clean | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Brawley | human | english | Male 38 | Patron | Brutish and Carefree | |
Edoarda | human | english | Female 39 | Patron | Con man and Witty | |
Elfrida | human | english | Female 26 | Patron | Likeable and Trusting | |
Erle | human | english | Male 53 | Patron | Loud and Cranky | |
Lilyana | human | english | Female 15 | Patron | Forgetful and Intuitive | |
Burne | human | english | Male 23 | Patron | Assertive and Good Gambler | |
Presley | human | english | Female 27 | Patron | Unfriendly and Sullen | |
Brainard | human | english | Male 50 | Patron | Lunatic and Fanatical | |
Marleigh | half-elf | english | Female 44 | Patron | Skillful and Strong | |
Rowena | half-elf | english | Female 33 | Patron | Artistic and Religious | |
Dana | half-elf | english | Female 47 | Patron | Religious and Shrewd | |
Ryland | half-elf | english | Male 93 | Patron | Simple and Domineering | |
Rohesia | half-elf | english | Female 56 | Patron | Ambitious and Dumb | |
Figa | halfling | halfling | Female 31 | Patron | Brutish and Contrarian | |
Fedu | halfling | halfling | Male 53 | Patron | Superstitious and Careful | |
Fragu | halfling | halfling | Male 30 | Patron | Sullen and Combative | |
Bida | halfling | halfling | Female 62 | Patron | Naive and Debonair | |
Grigina | halfling | halfling | Female 60 | Patron | Argumentative and Obnoxious | |
Beba | halfling | halfling | Female 33 | Patron | Bites Nails and Reflective | |
Dedina | halfling | halfling | Female 51 | Patron | Frank and Discreet | |
Brayden | human | english | Male 22 | Patron | Patient and Ugly | |
Vance | human | english | Male 39 | Patron | Discerning and Assertive | |
Weston | human | english | Male 39 | Patron | Dumb and Quarrelsome | |
Halle | human | english | Female 38 | Patron | Hot-headed and Boisterous | |
Leigha | human | english | Female 56 | Patron | Scruffy and Spoiled | |
Ridley | human | english | Male 48 | Patron | Diplomatic and Respectful | |
Tanner | human | english | Male 28 | Patron | Alert and Bashful | |
Haylee | human | english | Female 21 | Patron | Melancholy and Spunky | |
Editha | human | english | Female 19 | Patron | Deferential and Spoiled | |
Rovena | human | english | Female 26 | Patron | Cynical and Intelligent | |
Haven | human | english | Female 36 | Patron | Debonair and Forgetful | |
Ryleigh | human | english | Female 24 | Patron | Immature and Sensitive | |
Dwight | human | english | Male 29 | Patron | Tired and Sheepish | |
Lynsey | human | english | Female 20 | Patron | Funny and Immodest | |
Deana | human | english | Female 41 | Patron | Jealous and Overweight | |
Chad | human | english | Male 29 | Patron | Immodest and Scrawny | |
Kelsie | human | english | Female 36 | Patron | Thoughtful and Likeable | |
Graham | human | english | Male 52 | Patron | Discreet and Skillful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Beverly | human | english | Female 17 | Owner | Sneaky and Virtuous | |
Harley | half-elf | english | Male 98 | Owner | Condescending and Tired | |
Tosina | gnome | gnome | Female 83 | Owner | Audacious and Discerning | |
Arthion | elf | elven | Male 160 | Bartender | Ambitious and Intelligent | |
Renna | gnome | gnome | Female 94 | Bartender | Know-it-all and Haughty | |
Brand | dwarf | dwarven | Male 81 | Cook | Sweet and Honest | |
Grimbul | dwarf | dwarven | Male 73 | Cook | Ugly and Self-Centered | |
Laermeluion | elf | elven | Male 207 | Cook | Boastful and Audacious | |
Alditha | human | english | Female 49 | Servers | Sweet and Plain | |
Frila | halfling | halfling | Female 31 | Servers | Studious and Indiscrete | |
Okri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 115 | Servers | Unfriendly and Inept | |
Item | Price |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 4cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 4cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 2cp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 5cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 3cp |
Yanusa Wine | 1cp |
Fallan (elven) Wine | 9cp |
Rum | 5cp |
Vodka | 4cp |
Dwarven Spirits | 4cp |
Item | Price |
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets | 4sp |
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables | 4cp |
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon | 3sp |
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds | 3sp |
Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer | 4sp |
Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato | 3sp |
Dragon Turtle and Garlic Stew | 11gp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ryleigh | human | english | Female 62 | Patron | Irritating and Obnoxious | |
Cooper | human | english | Male 32 | Patron | Trustworthy and Sheepish | |
Ryleigh | human | english | Female 18 | Patron | Smooth and Conversational | |
Emerson | human | english | Female 29 | Patron | Frugal and Discreet | |
Lilia | human | english | Female 34 | Patron | Alcoholic and Perfectionist | |
Stewart | human | english | Male 48 | Patron | Carefree and Innocent | |
Trent | human | english | Male 39 | Patron | Fearful and Armorsmith | |
Cerina | gnome | gnome | Female 93 | Patron | Haughty and Virtuous | |
Bosin | gnome | gnome | Male 52 | Patron | Perfectionist and Snob | |
Ivena | gnome | gnome | Female 89 | Patron | Good Gambler and Lunatic | |
Gorman | gnome | gnome | Male 61 | Patron | Reserved and Evasive | |
Rowan | gnome | gnome | Male 107 | Patron | Strong and Armorsmith | |
Bosin | gnome | gnome | Male 67 | Patron | Spunky and Funny | |
Aithne | gnome | gnome | Female 136 | Patron | Graceful and Plain | |
Allison | gnome | gnome | Female 114 | Patron | Empathic and Aloof | |
Gemin | gnome | gnome | Male 106 | Patron | Courteous and Picks nose | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Barse | human | english | Male 25 | Owner | Overweight and Wise | |
Haylee | human | english | Female 24 | Owner | Belligerent and Well-informed | |
Pido | halfling | halfling | Male 59 | Bartender | Overweight and Patient | |
Arethusa | human | english | Female 20 | Bartender | Rude and Sullen | |
Hallie | human | english | Female 40 | Cook | Reckless and Succinct | |
Audric | half-elf | english | Male 49 | Servers | Carefree and Honorable | |
Gharagh | half-orc | halforc | Male 37 | Servers | Likeable and Sagely | |
Calanon | elf | elven | Male 154 | Servers | Snob and Classy | |
Tharwaithiel | elf | elven | Female 114 | Servers | Charismatic and Sheepish | |
Shirley | half-elf | english | Female 81 | Servers | Fearful and Combative | |
Item | Price |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 4cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 4cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 4cp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 1cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 4cp |
Yanusa Wine | 3cp |
Whiskey | 5cp |
Dwarven Spirits | 7cp |
Item | Price |
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms | 8cp |
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets | 2sp |
Smoked Salmon Salad | 3sp |
Roasted and Smoked Pork Spareribs | 3sp |
Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips | 2sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dulakh | half-orc | halforc | Male 23 | Private Guard | Stutters and Reserved | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Blakely | human | english | Male 42 | Brewer | Discreet and Thoughtful | |
Avellana | human | english | Female 50 | Apprentice | Kleptomaniac and Creepy | |
Tuarwen | elf | elven | Female 242 | Apprentice | Tattooed and Sharp | |
Adanion | elf | elven | Male 198 | Apprentice | Assertive and Rash | |
Item | Price |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 4sp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 4sp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 2sp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 4sp |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 6sp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 4sp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 3sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Abellana | human | english | Female 15 | Worker | Humorous and Uncooperative | |
Cliff | human | english | Male 17 | Worker | Timid and Lazy | |
Daisy | half-elf | english | Female 39 | Worker | Inept and Charmer | |
Bobda | halfling | halfling | Female 52 | Worker | Considerate and Sensitive | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kelton | human | english | Male 35 | Butcher | Logical and Trustworthy | |
Beriadanwen | elf | elven | Female 92 | Assistant | Pensive and Con man | |
Chelsi | human | english | Female 35 | Assistant | Bratty and Cranky | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Leighton | human | english | Male 31 | Cook | Diplomatic and Judgmental | |
Lindsay | human | english | Male 4 | Merchant | Religious and Emotional | |
Kimberly | human | english | Female 3 | Armorsmith | Cowardly and Angry | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Tatum | half-elf | english | Male 30 | Miller | Wise and Pleasant | |
Kole | half-elf | english | Male 12 | Baker | Reflective and Religious | |
Tyler | half-elf | english | Female 39 | Brewer | Cold and Dull | |
Ackerley | half-elf | english | Male 115 | Private Guard | Conversational and Ignorant | |
Alfreda | half-elf | english | Female 47 | Logger | Emotional and Careful | |
Kendal | half-elf | english | Male 57 | Farmer | Smooth and Filthy mouth | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Reid | human | english | Male 35 | Worker | Cultured and Touchy | |
Wynton | human | english | Male 32 | Worker | Reliable and Energetic | |
Olin | halfling | halfling | Male 56 | Worker | Discerning and Cruel | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Fiffa | halfling | halfling | Female 49 | Owner | Fearful and Secretive | |
Nell | human | english | Female 22 | Clerk | Manipulative and Eccentric | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 3gp | 5 |
Barrel | 3gp | 8 |
Bedroll | 1sp | 2 |
Bell | 11sp | 1 |
Blanket, Winter | 4sp | 3 |
Bottle, Glass | 2gp | 2 |
Bucket (empty) | 6sp | 15 |
Caltrops | 11sp | 8 |
Candle | 3cp | 23 |
Case, Map/Scroll | 15sp | 2 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 1cp | 66 |
Crowbar | 2gp | 4 |
Firewood (per day) | 2cp | 17 |
Fishhook | 1sp | 2 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 6gp | 1 |
Flask (empty) | 4cp | 27 |
Flint and Steel | 13sp | 15 |
Grappling Hook | 15sp | 3 |
Ladder, 10ft | 3sp | 9 |
Lamp, common | 1sp | 7 |
Lantern, hooded | 6gp | 4 |
Lock, Simple | 21gp | 4 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 2cp | 10 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 2sp | 48 |
Pick, miner's | 3gp | 5 |
Pitcher, clay | 5cp | 18 |
Piton | 3sp | 16 |
Pot, iron | 7sp | 1 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 8sp | 1 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 2gp | 10 |
Sack | 2sp | 4 |
Sewing Needle | 4sp | 3 |
Signal whistle | 10sp | 1 |
Sledge | 3gp | 3 |
Soap (per lb.) | 7sp | 7 |
Waterskin | 3gp | 11 |
Whetstone | 5cp | 4 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dex | human | english | Male 29 | Cooper | Stutters and Intimidating | |
Feda | halfling | halfling | Female 55 | Assistant | Gloomy and Boisterous | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Piero | gnome | gnome | Male 60 | Owner | Upbeat and Conversational | |
Fuda | halfling | halfling | Female 50 | Owner | Artistic and Verbose | |
Boffin | halfling | halfling | Male 53 | Clerk | Humorous and Humble | |
Durzaka | half-orc | halforc | Female 20 | Clerk | Reliable and Filthy mouth | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 3gp | 2 |
Barrel | 3gp | 5 |
Blanket, Winter | 7sp | 9 |
Block and Tackle | 6gp | 6 |
Bucket (empty) | 4sp | 11 |
Caltrops | 12sp | 2 |
Candle | 1cp | 50 |
Chain (10ft) | 38gp | 3 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 2cp | 14 |
Chest (empty) | 4gp | 4 |
Crowbar | 2gp | 3 |
Firewood (per day) | 2cp | 11 |
Fishhook | 1sp | 1 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 6gp | 10 |
Flask (empty) | 5cp | 48 |
Grappling Hook | 15sp | 3 |
Hammer | 5sp | 2 |
Hourglass | 26gp | 1 |
Lamp, common | 3sp | 5 |
Lantern, bullseye | 14gp | 4 |
Lantern, hooded | 7gp | 4 |
Mirror, small steel | 16gp | 5 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 3cp | 3 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 2sp | 39 |
Parchment (sheet) | 4sp | 6 |
Pitcher, clay | 5cp | 9 |
Pole, 10-foot | 8cp | 3 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 1gp | 10 |
Sack | 1sp | 7 |
Sewing Needle | 17sp | 12 |
Shovel or spade | 1gp | 18 |
Sledge | 2gp | 3 |
Soap (per lb.) | 10sp | 20 |
Vial, ink or potion | 2gp | 13 |
Waterskin | 3gp | 16 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Fae | human | english | Female 15 | Worker | Unfriendly and Discerning | |
Bosin | gnome | gnome | Male 126 | Worker | Strange and Focused | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Herenya | elf | elven | Female 172 | Farmer | Paranoid and Evasive | |
Belleruraina | elf | elven | Female 18 | Cook | Artistic and Nosy | |
Istuion | elf | elven | Male 177 | Armorsmith | Deceitful and Jaded | |
Maidhfinden | elf | elven | Male 97 | Farmer | Smooth and Brilliant | |
Mirima | elf | elven | Female 142 | Farmer | Sly and Assertive | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hailey | human | english | Female 30 | Worker | Bossy and Shallow | |
Mauhulumal | half-orc | halforc | Female 36 | Worker | Generous and Strange | |
Eruheran | elf | elven | Male 120 | Worker | Honest and Wary | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Frelina | halfling | halfling | Female 42 | Owner | Superstitious and Poor Gambler | |
Ryleigh | half-elf | english | Female 47 | Clerk | Boastful and Filthy mouth | |
Maci | half-elf | english | Female 42 | Clerk | Thoughtful and Diplomatic | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 1gp | 7 |
Barrel | 3gp | 1 |
Basket | 4sp | 10 |
Bedroll | 2sp | 2 |
Bell | 12sp | 3 |
Blanket, Winter | 6sp | 10 |
Block and Tackle | 7gp | 3 |
Bucket (empty) | 5sp | 5 |
Candle | 1cp | 23 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 2sp | 818 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 2cp | 28 |
Crowbar | 3gp | 4 |
Firewood (per day) | 1cp | 1 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 3gp | 10 |
Flint and Steel | 11sp | 3 |
Grappling Hook | 11sp | 1 |
Hammer | 7sp | 1 |
Hourglass | 24gp | 1 |
Ladder, 10ft | 1sp | 1 |
Lamp, common | 1sp | 12 |
Lantern, bullseye | 15gp | 8 |
Lantern, hooded | 6gp | 3 |
Lock, Average | 50gp | 3 |
Lock, Good | 70gp | 1 |
Manacles, masterwork | 47gp | 1 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 3cp | 5 |
Pick, miner's | 4gp | 4 |
Pitcher, clay | 4cp | 9 |
Pot, iron | 10sp | 5 |
Pouch, belt | 2gp | 7 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 7sp | 21 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 2gp | 6 |
Sack | 1sp | 11 |
Sealing Wax | 1gp | 7 |
Sewing Needle | 15sp | 18 |
Shovel or spade | 3gp | 20 |
Vial, ink or potion | 1gp | 7 |
Waterskin | 1gp | 6 |
Whetstone | 1cp | 23 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dane | half-elf | english | Male 74 | Logger | Sour and Helpful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Mildred | half-elf | english | Female 93 | Worker | Well-informed and Funny | |
Trent | human | english | Male 25 | Worker | Brainy and Sly | |
Belegara | dwarf | dwarven | Female 86 | Worker | Boisterous and Story-teller | |
Avellana | human | english | Female 24 | Worker | Withdrawn and Unfriendly | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ashton | human | english | Male 19 | Town Watch Member | irresponsible and Inquisitive | |
Dane | human | english | Male 12 | Merchant | Cruel and Introverted | |
Rylan | human | english | Female 9 | Farmer | Good-looking and Strong | |
Kenton | human | english | Male 34 | Fisherman | Immature and Simple | |
Ailith | human | english | Female 9 | Armorsmith | Plain and Diligent | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Sawyer | human | english | Female 15 | Weaponsmith | Scarred Face and Humorous | |
Eduard | human | english | Male 27 | Farmer | Self-Centered and Strange | |
Wilson | human | english | Male 9 | Fisherman | irresponsible and Melancholy | |
Rylee | human | english | Male 22 | Fisherman | Lazy and Flirty | |
Alvar | human | english | Female 14 | Armorsmith | Trustworthy and Ambitious | |
Haley | human | english | Female 7 | Fisherman | Tactful and Pensive | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hali | human | english | Female 39 | Worker | Naive and Vain | |
Winto | human | english | Male 35 | Worker | Easygoing and Honest | |
Item | Price |
Shiraz (Red, blackcurrant, black pepper) | 2sp |
Cabernet Sauvignon (Red, currant, bell pepper) | 3sp |
Zinfindel (Red, smooth, blackberry) | 2sp |
Sauvignon Blanc (White, grapefruit, bell pepper) | 4sp |
Pinot Gris (White, rich, slightly spicy) | 4sp |
Moscato (White, smooth, creamy, peach, citrus) | 4sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Frugin | halfling | halfling | Male 29 | Injury Discharged Soldier | Suave and Discreet | |
Bodi | halfling | halfling | Male 54 | Adventurer | Miserly and Patient | |
Frida | halfling | halfling | Female 44 | Off-Duty Mercenary | Trustworthy and Lazy | |
Fudina | halfling | halfling | Female 9 | Explorer | Pleasant and Deferential | |
Frepina | halfling | halfling | Female 54 | Off-Duty Mercenary | Melancholy and Alcoholic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Morek | dwarf | dwarven | Male 114 | Farmer | Considerate and Unhappy | |
Borgyth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 25 | Farmer | Verbose and Boisterous | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Groth | dwarf | dwarven | Male 4 | Fisherman | Immodest and Alert | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Megilwen | elf | elven | Female 175 | Worker | Fearful and Kleptomaniac | |
Kyndal | human | english | Female 23 | Worker | Lazy and Abrasive | |
Nell | human | english | Female 22 | Worker | Miserly and Self-Centered | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Brodhika | dwarf | dwarven | Female 76 | Host | Empathic and Immodest | |
Bega | half-elf | english | Female 68 | Worker | Picks nose and Simple | |
Aethelu | half-elf | english | Female 100 | Worker | Vain and Loves Beer | |
Malthenniel | elf | elven | Female 153 | Worker | Snob and Industrious | |
Riley | human | english | Female 35 | Worker | Boastful and Brilliant | |
Grondyth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 45 | Worker | Sneaky and Lunatic | |
Skagga | dwarf | dwarven | Female 126 | Worker | Industrious and Honorable | |
Frulo | halfling | halfling | Male 47 | Worker | Reflective and Ugly | |
Fuba | halfling | halfling | Female 46 | Worker | Uncooperative and Tattooed | |
Aelfgifu | human | english | Female 46 | Worker/Explorer | Suave and Strong | |
Branton | human | english | Male 32 | Worker | Bites Nails and Incoherent | |
Nimtolien | elf | elven | Male 338 | Worker | Naive and Tenacious | |
Gary | human | english | Male 56 | Guard | Selfish and Alcoholic | |
Bradshaw | half-elf | english | Male 30 | Guard | Domineering and Audacious | |
Geffo | halfling | halfling | Male 45 | Guard | Innocent and Deferential | |
Arquenniel | elf | elven | Female 144 | Guard | Strict and Curious | |
Yashal | half-orc | halforc | Female 40 | Guard | Tattooed and Solitary | |
Vivin | gnome | gnome | Male 111 | Guard | Bashful and Fearful | |
Bartram | human | english | Male 15 | Guard | Inept and Compassionate | |
Emerson | human | english | Male 23 | Guard | Diligent and Skillful | |
Brawley | human | english | Male 26 | Guard | Logical and Rich | |
Dammin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 79 | Guard | Secretive and Sullen | |
Trent | human | english | Male 48 | Guard | Disagreeable and Brazen | |
Elvis | human | english | Male 43 | Guard | Frank and Unfriendly | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Glashikha | half-orc | halforc | Female 17 | Miller | Reluctant and Intelligent | |
Shorkum | half-orc | halforc | Male 29 | Laborer | Witty and Beautiful | |
Glashikh | half-orc | halforc | Male 18 | Armorsmith | Melancholy and Scrawny | |
Durzuba | half-orc | halforc | Female 30 | Fisherman | Disciplined and Opinionated | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gorazin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 28 | Armorsmith | Bites Nails and Withdrawn | |
Skorri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 111 | Merchant | Clean and Scruffy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Camden | human | english | Male 6 | Baker | Reflective and Rash | |
Badrick | human | english | Male 38 | Logger | Logical and Sharp | |
Kyndall | human | english | Female 3 | Tailor | Smooth and Intimidating | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Skalf | dwarf | dwarven | Male 81 | Butcher | Religious and Refined | |
Baragor | dwarf | dwarven | Male 45 | Assistant | Generous and Rude | |
Bodina | halfling | halfling | Female 36 | Assistant | Energetic and Cheerful | |
Skaga | dwarf | dwarven | Female 114 | Assistant | Loyal and Con man | |
Leland | human | english | Male 42 | Assistant | Crabby and Rash | |
Hayley | human | english | Female 20 | Assistant | Cheerful and Patriotic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Earline | half-elf | english | Female 14 | Maid | Tall and Brash | |
Elfreda | half-elf | english | Female 71 | Private Guard | Humorous and Judgmental | |
Edwina | half-elf | english | Female 82 | General Blacksmith | Scarred Face and Brazen | |
Halle | half-elf | english | Female 13 | Miller | Story-teller and Inquisitive | |
Ethel | half-elf | english | Female 6 | Farmer | Clever and Con man | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Eddie | human | english | Male 1 | Tailor | Sweet and Frugal | |
Burdan | human | english | Male 49 | Tailor | Cheerless and Tired | |
Carter | human | english | Male 0 | Farmer | Disciplined and Plain | |
Alfreda | human | english | Female 13 | Fisherman | Sly and Frugal | |
Averey | human | english | Male 53 | Laborer | Vain and Sheepish | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Eddie | human | english | Male 12 | Baker | Touchy and Educated | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Todina | halfling | halfling | Female 60 | Fisherman | Malicious and Deferential | |
Peda | halfling | halfling | Female 55 | Farmer | Incoherent and Intimidating | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Arphenion | elf | elven | Male 177 | Hatmaker | Paranoid and Ugly | |
Haven | human | english | Female 34 | Apprentice | Miserly and Boring | |
Goban | gnome | gnome | Male 51 | Apprentice | Dumb and Mature | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Bradford | half-elf | english | Male 71 | Beggar | Smooth and Considerate | |
Milton | half-elf | english | Male 11 | Merchant | Frugal and Dependable | |
Chadwigh | half-elf | english | Male 95 | Farmer | Intimidating and Rich | |
Weston | half-elf | english | Male 27 | Farmer | Witty and Fanatical | |
Lee | half-elf | english | Male 44 | Private Guard | Respectful and Shy | |
Rylie | half-elf | english | Female 9 | Cook | Innocent and Sensitive | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Toda | halfling | halfling | Female 47 | Furrier | Honest and Refined | |
Gobana | gnome | gnome | Female 67 | Apprentice | Humorous and Honest | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Groma | dwarf | dwarven | Female 160 | Worker | Condescending and Dumb | |
Menelwen | elf | elven | Female 136 | Worker | Artistic and Pensive | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Chester | half-elf | english | Male 34 | Furrier | Well-informed and Creepy | |
Cordell | human | english | Male 31 | Apprentice | Poor and Unhappy | |
Feba | halfling | halfling | Female 41 | Apprentice | Belligerent and Brainy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Liliane | human | english | Female 41 | Worker | Diligent and Lunatic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gondien | elf | elven | Male 65 | Miller | Malicious and Picks nose | |
Morohtar | elf | elven | Male 62 | Baker | Perfectionist and Verbose | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Turtegiel | elf | elven | Female 153 | Worker | Rugged and Reckless | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lindsey | human | english | Male 13 | Fisherman | Funny and Studious | |
Lillian | human | english | Female 1 | Brewer | Dumb and Careful | |
Audric | human | english | Male 32 | Tailor | Bites Nails and Wise | |
Alderney | human | english | Male 28 | Miller | Suave and Story-teller | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Fays | half-elf | english | Female 54 | General Blacksmith | Good Gambler and Sneaky | |
Alistair | half-elf | english | Male 82 | Brewer | Witty and Tactful | |
Kimberlee | half-elf | english | Female 54 | Private Guard | Patient and Withdrawn | |
Lester | half-elf | english | Male 68 | Baker | Irritating and Deceitful | |
Hadley | half-elf | english | Female 69 | Farmer | Funny and Armorsmith | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Wayne | half-elf | english | Male 65 | Farmer | Courteous and Honest | |
Byron | half-elf | english | Male 4 | Fisherman | Angry and Armorsmith | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Harley | half-elf | english | Female 87 | Tailor | Sagely and Trustworthy | |
Kelsea | half-elf | english | Female 54 | Maid | Shy and Diplomatic | |
Shelley | half-elf | english | Female 65 | Fisherman | Considerate and Incoherent | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Carlton | human | english | Male 25 | Worker | Poor Gambler and Humorous | |
Hurgin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 127 | Worker | Trusting and irresponsible | |
Tido | halfling | halfling | Male 36 | Worker | Bossy and Humorous | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Flakka | dwarf | dwarven | Female 160 | Worker | Cruel and Shallow | |
Item | Price |
Master Services, per day | 2sp |
Apprentice Services, per day | 2cp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Tyson | human | english | Male 22 | Owner | Argumentative and Flirty | |
Guage | half-elf | english | Male 47 | Apprentice | Alcoholic and Overweight | |
Armin | gnome | gnome | Male 58 | Apprentice | Tattooed and Compassionate | |
Hirnaeranin | elf | elven | Male 106 | Apprentice | Gloomy and Touchy | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Axe | 8gp | 8 |
Caltrops | 2gp | 1 |
Chain 10ft | 26gp | 3 |
Crowbar | 2gp | 5 |
Grate (Cook-pit) | 6sp | 1 |
Hammer | 4sp | 3 |
Hoe | 4sp | 3 |
Lock, Very Simple | 21gp | 1 |
Lock, Average | 44gp | 1 |
Manacles | 15gp | 2 |
Pan | 6sp | 7 |
Pick, Miner's | 4gp | 2 |
Pot | 5sp | 2 |
Saw | 9gp | 4 |
Spade/Shovel | 1gp | 1 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Liliane | human | english | Female 44 | Leader | Domineering and Fearful | |
Brawley | human | english | Male 38 | Scribe | Sagely and Belligerent | |
Chester | human | english | Male 31 | Scribe | Brainy and Indiscrete | |
Valadhiel | elf | elven | Female 203 | Scribe | Quiet and Discerning | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dana | human | english | Female 41 | Injury Discharged Soldier | Sarcastic and Brutish | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kimball | half-elf | english | Male 25 | Miller | Energetic and Cheerless | |
Dane | half-elf | english | Male 35 | Weaponsmith | Careful and Patient | |
Edgarda | half-elf | english | Female 3 | Merchant | Naive and Loves Beer | |
Earle | half-elf | english | Male 52 | Cook | Sullen and Con man | |
Lyndsey | half-elf | english | Female 45 | Maid | Fearful and Kleptomaniac | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Todo | halfling | halfling | Male 78 | Worker | Energetic and Withdrawn | |
Lee | human | english | Female 30 | Worker | Mature and Sleazy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gebdo | halfling | halfling | Male 55 | Weaponsmith | Reluctant and Ugly | |
Frada | halfling | halfling | Female 31 | Fisherman | Sleazy and Story-teller | |
Figu | halfling | halfling | Male 18 | Laborer | Sympathetic and Strict | |
Frida | halfling | halfling | Female 61 | Baker | Know-it-all and Rude | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Harper | human | english | Male 34 | Worker | Kleptomaniac and Pleasant | |
Mentathiel | elf | elven | Female 179 | Worker | Scruffy and Brilliant | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dorra | dwarf | dwarven | Female 100 | Tailor | Patient and Sleazy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Cordell | human | english | Male 42 | Miller | Reserved and Shallow | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Bodi | halfling | halfling | Male 1 | Farmer | Inept and Incoherent | |
Frugin | halfling | halfling | Male 62 | Private Guard | Intelligent and Sagely | |
Boffina | halfling | halfling | Female 4 | Farmer | Cruel and Helpful | |
Frala | halfling | halfling | Female 58 | Private Guard | Ambitious and Tempermental | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Stan | human | english | Male 35 | Fisherman | Disagreeable and Tenacious | |
Bliss | human | english | Female 33 | Town Watch Member | Cruel and Charismatic | |
Edmond | human | english | Male 23 | Farmer | Ignorant and Sympathetic | |
Nell | human | english | Female 11 | Farmer | Pleasant and Loyal | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Rylan | half-elf | english | Female 37 | Retired Soldier | Beautiful and Careful | |
Edoardo | half-elf | english | Male 71 | Guardsman | Jealous and Logical | |
Averey | half-elf | english | Male 93 | Explorer | Haughty and Sadistic | |
Rod | half-elf | english | Male 20 | Guardsman | Disagreeable and Loyal | |
lane | half-elf | english | Male 59 | Injury Discharged Soldier | Cowardly and Strong | |
Batilda | half-elf | english | Female 41 | Adventurer | Nosy and Thorough | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Shelley | human | english | Female 6 | Adventurer | Verbose and Focused | |
Elfreda | human | english | Female 6 | Guardsman | Brash and Disrespectful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Aethelu | human | english | Female 30 | Farmer | Educated and Angry | |
Brantley | human | english | Male 39 | Logger | Suave and Haughty | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gottra | dwarf | dwarven | Female 101 | Worker | Disrespectful and Melancholy | |
Nixon | human | english | Male 41 | Worker | Intimidating and Cruel | |
Skaldor | dwarf | dwarven | Male 156 | Worker | Bossy and Sarcastic | |
Palin | gnome | gnome | Male 116 | Worker | Gullible and Industrious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lilien | human | english | Female 13 | Farmer | Dependable and Self-Centered | |
Ethel | human | english | Female 41 | Private Guard | Cultured and Combative | |
Kelsea | human | english | Female 30 | Farmer | Determined and Picks nose | |