
-52585113x-29323755 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Edvin half-elf english Male 16 Merchant Innocent and Empathic
Emerson half-elf english Male 72 Miller Haughty and Ugly
Kolby half-elf english Male 51 Miller Innocent and Inept
Marley half-elf english Female 6 Logger Helpful and Reflective

-65968932x-63596358 Gatehouse


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Alaric dwarf dwarven Male 45 Laborer Scrawny and Strange
Dorina dwarf dwarven Female 33 Weaponsmith Brash and Shrewd
Thorgrima dwarf dwarven Female 31 Brewer Thorough and Reserved
Rareka dwarf dwarven Female 172 Town Watch Member Virtuous and Brash
Flakki dwarf dwarven Male 100 Private Guard Tattooed and Bossy
Grond dwarf dwarven Male 154 Brewer Belligerent and Argumentative

-66277176x-63882594 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Tithdaeron elf elven Male 51 Merchant Messy and Clever
Raina elf elven Female 82 Private Guard Brainy and Malicious

AN1 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lunna dwarf dwarven Female 119 Worker Thorough and Intimidating
Nala gnome gnome Female 105 Worker Discerning and Thrifty

AS1 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Ghorlarubal half-orc halforc Female 6 Farmer Conversational and Silent
Ghamobal half-orc halforc Female 1 Private Guard Ambitious and Diligent
Atzuk half-orc halforc Male 25 Farmer Fearful and Intuitive

AT1 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Rarek dwarf dwarven Male 54 Laborer Messy and Obese
Fimburyth dwarf dwarven Female 113 Farmer Rugged and Smooth

AU1 The Rusty Steel


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Deda halfling halfling Female 37 Owner Educated and Intelligent
Grant human english Male 36 Clerk Frugal and Helpful
Edmonda half-elf english Female 34 Clerk Cranky and Evasive
Grogan dwarf dwarven Male 61 Clerk Thoughtful and Debonair


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 3gp 7
Barrel 1gp 5
Bedroll 2sp 3
Bell 9sp 1
Blanket, Winter 6sp 8
Block and Tackle 5gp 4
Bucket (empty) 4sp 7
Candle 2cp 92
Canvas (sq. yd.) 1sp 485
Case, Map/Scroll 14sp 6
Chalk, 1 piece 2cp 5
Chest (empty) 2gp 1
Fishhook 2sp 3
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 4gp 6
Flint and Steel 15sp 4
Grappling Hook 11sp 3
Hammer 4sp 7
Hourglass 30gp 1
Ink (1 oz. vial) 11gp 1
Ladder, 10ft 3sp 10
Lamp, common 2sp 11
Lantern, bullseye 10gp 5
Lantern, hooded 9gp 5
Manacles 15gp 2
Mirror, small steel 28gp 4
Mag/Tankard, clay 4cp 1
Oil (1-pint flask) 3sp 36
Parchment (sheet) 3sp 19
Pitcher, clay 1cp 12
Piton 3sp 11
Pole, 10-foot 3cp 3
Pot, iron 10sp 5
Pouch, belt 1gp 10
Rations, trail (per day) 5sp 17
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 3gp 6
Sack 2sp 18
Sewing Needle 15sp 17
Signet ring 7gp 2
Sledge 1gp 2
Tent 15gp 2
Whetstone 1cp 12

BO1 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kole human english Male 36 Baker Gloomy and Wise
Weston human english Male 21 Laborer Cranky and Focused
Brenner human english Male 33 General Blacksmith Poor Gambler and Sharp

BP1 Locksmith


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Suiadanion elf elven Male 232 Locksmith Judgmental and Alert
Hayes human english Male 32 Apprentice Simple and Cultured
Fudina halfling halfling Female 56 Apprentice Withdrawn and Shy


Item Price #Avail
Lock, Average 46gp 2
Manacles 17gp 2

BP2 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Nala gnome gnome Female 160 Worker Irritable and Shy
Kimberlee human english Female 39 Worker Inventive and irresponsible
Bellethiel elf elven Female 199 Worker Scruffy and Easygoing

BR1 The Tarnished Three Bits


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Aelfraed human english Male 41 Owner Kleptomaniac and Tall
Rimedur elf elven Male 171 Owner Argumentative and Stubborn
Fiffa halfling halfling Female 39 Clerk Shy and Industrious
Derin gnome gnome Male 120 Clerk Bratty and Rash
Millard human english Male 19 Clerk Obese and Cruel


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 3gp 1
Barrel 3gp 3
Basket 4sp 3
Bedroll 1sp 4
Bell 15sp 2
Blanket, Winter 4sp 11
Block and Tackle 6gp 3
Bucket (empty) 6sp 12
Caltrops 15sp 7
Candle 2cp 11
Chalk, 1 piece 1cp 99
Chest (empty) 1gp 3
Crowbar 2gp 5
Firewood (per day) 1cp 12
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 3gp 9
Flask (empty) 2cp 11
Flint and Steel 9sp 15
Grappling Hook 11sp 1
Hammer 5sp 6
Hourglass 24gp 1
Ink (1 oz. vial) 10gp 3
Lamp, common 1sp 4
Lantern, bullseye 14gp 1
Lock, Simple 19gp 4
Mag/Tankard, clay 4cp 15
Oil (1-pint flask) 2sp 32
Paper (sheet) 8sp 8
Pitcher, clay 2cp 1
Piton 1sp 10
Pole, 10-foot 3cp 4
Rations, trail (per day) 6sp 21
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 3gp 4
Sack 2sp 13
Sewing Needle 3sp 6
Shovel or spade 5gp 9
Sledge 2gp 2
Soap (per lb.) 10sp 15
Tent 13gp 6
Vial, ink or potion 1gp 22
Waterskin 3gp 10
Whetstone 4cp 9

BT1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Abellana human english Female 39 Worker Intimidating and Argumentative

BT4 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Toda halfling halfling Female 24 Adventurer Tempermental and Strong
Bobdo halfling halfling Male 52 Injury Discharged Soldier Silent and Sly
Tidin halfling halfling Male 24 Cutpurse Loud and Strong
Frega halfling halfling Female 7 Adventurer Loves Beer and Observant
Olo halfling halfling Male 10 Unemployed Mercenary Honest and Trusting

BX1 Hatmaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Suiadanion elf elven Male 146 Hatmaker Industrious and Trustworthy
Rod human english Male 16 Apprentice Trustworthy and Curious
Burudha half-orc halforc Female 17 Apprentice Picks nose and Jaded
Ayer gnome gnome Male 64 Apprentice Unforgiving and Beautiful

BX2 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Edouard human english Male 25 Maid Quiet and Funny
Kendyl human english Female 29 Private Guard Deferential and Strong
Elvin human english Male 8 Weaponsmith Brainy and Sarcastic
Brinley human english Male 34 Tailor Audacious and Silent
Earline human english Female 27 Armorsmith Brazen and Frugal

CM1 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Edison human english Male 26 Furrier Lunatic and Paranoid
Valadhiel elf elven Female 153 Apprentice Unfriendly and Abrasive
Bartram half-elf english Male 41 Apprentice Know-it-all and Patient

CN2 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Alvina human english Female 40 Fisherman Macho and Stubborn
Tatum human english Female 56 Laborer Inquisitive and Quarrelsome
Bradyn human english Male 5 Farmer Sheepish and Rugged

CP1 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Emerson human english Male 38 Farmer Disciplined and Alcoholic

CR1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Sherwin human english Male 48 Worker Inventive and Curious
Alfreda human english Female 30 Worker Discreet and Angry

CS2 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Ryder half-elf english Male 63 Baker Skillful and Spunky
Aland half-elf english Male 19 Brewer Cruel and Dull

CU1 Brothel


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dana human english Female 44 Host Reserved and Rude
Aranduriel elf elven Female 135 Worker Clean and Conversational
Pilindiel elf elven Female 108 Worker Witty and Loyal
Kimberly human english Female 24 Worker Honest and Manipulative
Elfriede half-elf english Female 50 Worker Macho and Sullen
Kimberly human english Female 35 Worker Bites Nails and Spunky
Diffu halfling halfling Male 52 Worker Filthy mouth and Diplomatic
Synne half-elf english Female 29 Worker Cheerless and Intuitive
Fredina halfling halfling Female 55 Worker Honorable and Belligerent
Presley half-elf english Female 63 Worker Macho and Friendly
Fridu halfling halfling Male 48 Worker Sensitive and Sincere
Elfi half-elf english Female 62 Worker Disrespectful and Intuitive
Scarlet half-elf english Female 46 Worker Touchy and Brainy
Avery human english Female 51 Guard Argumentative and Timid
Alderney human english Male 26 Guard Eccentric and Unhappy
Kolby half-elf english Male 70 Guard Generous and Virtuous
Clark human english Male 31 Guard Inventive and Cheerless
Burlok dwarf dwarven Male 46 Guard Judgmental and Sarcastic
Vardainiel elf elven Female 109 Guard Artistic and Uncooperative
Dunstan human english Male 16 Guard Honest and Macho
Sellion elf elven Male 115 Guard Considerate and Superstitious
Dedu halfling halfling Male 61 Guard Honest and Audacious
Nelle human english Female 42 Guard Unhappy and Empathic
Todu halfling halfling Male 31 Guard Loud and Reliable
Chelsea half-elf english Female 63 Guard Con man and Refined
Togu halfling halfling Male 59 Guard Tall and Loud
Arbellason elf elven Male 257 Guard Scrawny and Empathic

CX1 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Skagga dwarf dwarven Female 60 Cook Brash and Verbose
Garagyn dwarf dwarven Female 10 Private Guard Self-Centered and Ignorant
Grimbulyn dwarf dwarven Female 142 Laborer Artistic and Lunatic
Grond dwarf dwarven Male 73 Logger Snob and Sharp

DI1 Woodseller


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kendyl human english Female 17 Worker Disagreeable and Dull
Frela halfling halfling Female 71 Worker Strong-willed and Judgmental
Tawna gnome gnome Female 127 Worker Rugged and Angry
Landin human english Male 40 Worker Easygoing and Stutters

DR1 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Annis human english Female 16 Laborer Macho and Alert

DV2 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Adney half-elf english Male 64 Worker Forgetful and irresponsible
Iven gnome gnome Male 80 Worker Belligerent and Wise

DW1 Barber


Item Price
Haircut 3cp
Shave 2cp
Tooth Pulling 5cp
Lance a Boil 4cp
Other Surgery varies


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kelsey half-elf english Female 73 Barber Spunky and Discreet
Chelsea half-elf english Female 59 Assistant Bossy and Lazy
Dexter human english Male 17 Assistant Eccentric and Humble

DX2 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Hildra dwarf dwarven Female 125 Worker Wise and Scruffy
Keaton half-elf english Male 92 Worker Classy and Conversational
Tylor half-elf english Male 27 Worker Ugly and Gloomy
Marley human english Female 32 Worker Timid and Thrifty

EH1 Cooper


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Blossom human english Female 16 Cooper Quarrelsome and Belligerent
Diffa halfling halfling Female 51 Assistant Strict and Honest
Harper human english Female 23 Assistant Gullible and Spoiled

EI1 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Bathag half-orc halforc Male 29 Farmer Virtuous and Introverted

EJ1 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kendyl human english Female 43 Worker Audacious and Dishonest
Elfriede human english Female 20 Worker Diligent and Unfriendly
Skagga dwarf dwarven Female 73 Worker Respectful and Tall

EW1 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Valadhiel elf elven Female 7 Unemployed Mercenary Overweight and Scarred Face
Eruraviel elf elven Female 137 Retired Soldier Industrious and Thorough
Revion elf elven Male 189 Off-Duty Mercenary Compassionate and Ugly
Aearion elf elven Male 13 Cutpurse Shy and Selfish
Rissien elf elven Male 156 Guardsman Obnoxious and Self-Centered

EW3 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dana half-elf english Female 37 Worker Energetic and Cold
Shakhal half-orc halforc Female 25 Worker Witty and Good Gambler

EX1 Magic-Shop


Item Price #Avail
Stabilize (oil) 40gp 1
Cure Light Wounds 60gp 1
Mage Armor 70gp 2


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Graham half-elf english Male 65 Owner Educated and Funny
Arundel human english Male 30 Assistant/Cutpurse Sleazy and Strong-willed
Togo halfling halfling Male 59 Assistant Patient and Funny
Uralimpiel elf elven Female 171 Assistant Tempermental and Reluctant

FH1 Caster's Tower


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Hayley human english Female 54 Mage Observant and Sour
Haley half-elf english Female 102 Apprentice Conversational and Discerning

FI2 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Bugdahra half-orc halforc Female 26 Furrier Quarrelsome and Lazy
Palin gnome gnome Male 66 Apprentice Sly and Dull

FI6 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Shelly human english Female 40 Laborer Tired and Rude

FL1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Harlow half-elf english Female 13 Laborer Eccentric and Sullen

FU1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Haleigh human english Female 15 Worker Abrasive and Flirty
Durzukh half-orc halforc Male 20 Worker Empathic and Intelligent
Baynard human english Male 52 Worker Strong-willed and Diligent

FU4 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Marlie human english Female 19 Laborer Cynical and Opinionated
Edgardo human english Male 27 Baker Cynical and Nosy
Lindsey human english Female 1 Farmer Scruffy and Refined
Kendal human english Male 41 Armorsmith Reliable and Cheerless
Westin human english Male 52 Beggar Con man and Brutish
Emerson human english Female 15 Private Guard Succinct and Stutters

FV1 The Bright Skull


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Goreka dwarf dwarven Female 82 Owner Boisterous and Tired
Brawley human english Male 22 Clerk Belligerent and Charmer
Dayna half-elf english Female 56 Clerk Scrawny and Well-informed
Brinley human english Male 34 Clerk Pleasant and Bubbly


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 2gp 2
Barrel 1gp 4
Basket 5sp 4
Bedroll 2sp 3
Bell 8sp 1
Blanket, Winter 7sp 3
Block and Tackle 6gp 3
Bucket (empty) 4sp 10
Caltrops 15sp 2
Candle 2cp 68
Canvas (sq. yd.) 1sp 947
Chalk, 1 piece 1cp 17
Chest (empty) 4gp 4
Firewood (per day) 1cp 25
Fishhook 2sp 4
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 4gp 5
Flask (empty) 5cp 40
Flint and Steel 12sp 11
Grappling Hook 12sp 2
Hammer 4sp 4
Ink (1 oz. vial) 11gp 7
Ladder, 10ft 3sp 3
Lamp, common 2sp 2
Mag/Tankard, clay 1cp 17
Oil (1-pint flask) 1sp 9
Parchment (sheet) 4sp 5
Pitcher, clay 3cp 6
Pole, 10-foot 6cp 10
Pouch, belt 2gp 6
Sack 2sp 10
Sealing Wax 3gp 5
Sewing Needle 18sp 10
Shovel or spade 5gp 12
Signal whistle 11sp 5
Soap (per lb.) 5sp 2
Waterskin 2gp 16

FW1 Gatehouse


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Edwina human english Female 42 Beggar Unfriendly and Witty
Oswin human english Male 39 Weaponsmith Careful and Poor Gambler

FW22 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Strom dwarf dwarven Male 26 Fisherman Mature and Dishonest
Storrid dwarf dwarven Female 81 Tailor Rich and Sensitive
Borgo dwarf dwarven Male 70 Farmer irresponsible and Quiet
Balzud dwarf dwarven Male 101 Beggar Friendly and Sensitive
Snaddryn dwarf dwarven Female 46 Farmer Indiscrete and Melancholy
Herger dwarf dwarven Male 61 Baker Sincere and Shallow

GD3 House Very Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Rylee half-elf english Female 34 Cutpurse Upbeat and Loyal
Lindsay half-elf english Female 91 Injury Discharged Soldier Cowardly and Superstitious

GF1 Tavern


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Ghamobal half-orc halforc Female 19 Patron Cheerless and Energetic
Larbum half-orc halforc Male 36 Patron Contrarian and Good-looking
Shorkumal half-orc halforc Female 28 Patron Strange and Kleptomaniac
Ghorlarub half-orc halforc Male 39 Patron Selfish and Dull
Matub half-orc halforc Male 19 Patron Shy and Flirty
Dupu halfling halfling Male 50 Patron Gullible and Determined
Fedu halfling halfling Male 56 Patron Disrespectful and Vain
Tidina halfling halfling Female 46 Patron Manipulative and Skillful
Bida halfling halfling Female 42 Patron Cold and Reckless
Figina halfling halfling Female 74 Patron Dishonest and Good-looking
Bodu halfling halfling Male 54 Patron Gloomy and Shallow
Beda halfling halfling Female 68 Patron Smooth and Boisterous
Aelflaed human english Female 19 Patron Fearful and Combative
Lilyanna human english Female 37 Patron Incoherent and Sneaky
Alderney human english Male 16 Patron Wise and Unhappy
Trent human english Male 16 Patron Dumb and Cruel
Deana human english Female 41 Patron Thorough and Deferential
Marley human english Male 26 Patron Discerning and Brilliant
Kelcie human english Female 69 Patron Lazy and Gullible
Clive human english Male 17 Patron Sweet and Wary
Colten human english Male 35 Patron Thorough and Calm
Kinsey human english Female 34 Patron Shy and Fanatical
Nell human english Female 52 Patron Thorough and Beautiful
Macie human english Female 23 Patron Creepy and Loud
Ted human english Male 52 Patron Succinct and Logical
Elfreda human english Female 21 Patron Intuitive and Sweet
Kelsie human english Female 22 Patron Combative and Irritating


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Gage half-elf english Male 36 Owner Virtuous and Tired
Dexter human english Male 40 Bartender Bossy and Lunatic
Dean half-elf english Male 49 Bartender Cold and Mature
Earle half-elf english Male 33 Cook Cultured and Withdrawn
Koemi gnome gnome Female 100 Servers Insincere and Boring
Haakona dwarf dwarven Female 76 Servers Contrarian and Boastful
Holden human english Male 16 Servers Lazy and Eccentric
Cyneburga human english Female 24 Servers Tenacious and Sadistic
Frada halfling halfling Female 45 Servers Boring and Disagreeable
Editta human english Female 30 Servers Fanatical and Good-looking


Item Price
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) 5cp
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 1cp
Mild Ale (less strong) 3cp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 4cp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 3cp
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 3cp
Yanusa Wine 2cp
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale 5cp


Item Price
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms 6cp
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables 4cp
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon 5sp
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds 5sp
Grilled Fillet of Salmon 3sp
Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips 2sp
Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer 2sp
Kito's Spiced Potatos 9cp

GG2 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Alvar human english Female 28 Farmer Stubborn and Scrawny
Howard human english Male 4 Fisherman Unfriendly and Empathic
Lilyana human english Female 32 Cook Sleazy and Ignorant
Cyneburga human english Female 39 Farmer Fanatical and Scarred Face
Amice human english Female 20 Farmer Intuitive and Vain

GI3 Old-Clothes


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Cliff half-elf english Male 73 Worker Overweight and Well-informed

GM1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Peyton human english Female 27 Merchant Boring and Cheerless

GN1 Tavern


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Odi halfling halfling Male 40 Patron Unhappy and Spunky
Diffu halfling halfling Male 59 Patron Wise and Sneaky
Gedin halfling halfling Male 38 Patron Rude and Ostentatious
Fudo halfling halfling Male 42 Patron Bossy and Smooth
Fiffu halfling halfling Male 70 Patron Witty and Strict
Eruraina elf elven Female 103 Patron Discerning and Spunky
Caunardhon elf elven Male 84 Patron Unforgiving and Discreet
Beriadhwen elf elven Female 234 Patron Careful and Irritable
Landathradon elf elven Male 157 Patron Combative and Shallow
Adan elf elven Male 169 Patron Talkative and Conversational
Nellethiel elf elven Female 143 Patron Disagreeable and Quarrelsome
Cuiledhwen elf elven Female 295 Patron Empathic and Friendly
Arbellason elf elven Male 184 Patron Boastful and Reserved
Beriogelir elf elven Male 99 Patron Lazy and Friendly
Skalf dwarf dwarven Male 105 Patron Sullen and Opinionated
Heganbora dwarf dwarven Female 135 Patron Macho and Boring
Herger dwarf dwarven Male 42 Patron Simple and Humble
Goreka dwarf dwarven Female 87 Patron Observant and Bubbly
Dorra dwarf dwarven Female 48 Patron Hot-headed and Disrespectful
Gudda dwarf dwarven Female 49 Patron Cold and Intelligent
Helgar dwarf dwarven Female 106 Patron Eccentric and Clever
Grond dwarf dwarven Male 83 Patron Wise and Considerate
Dorri dwarf dwarven Male 142 Patron Obese and Brainy
Grom dwarf dwarven Male 163 Patron Careful and Lazy
Oswin human english Male 36 Patron Courteous and Bratty
Leland human english Male 37 Patron Selfish and Cheerless
Houston human english Male 39 Patron Immature and Calm
Ryland human english Male 23 Patron Smooth and Stutters
Branton human english Male 55 Patron Sensitive and Diplomatic
Dana human english Female 28 Patron Tattooed and Emotional
Wade human english Male 36 Patron Educated and Brilliant
Hailey human english Female 35 Patron Scruffy and Religious
Earline human english Female 29 Patron Opinionated and Easygoing
Amice human english Female 39 Patron Rugged and Poor
Whitley human english Female 48 Patron Assertive and Inventive
Aethelu human english Female 32 Patron Manipulative and Plain
Kamden human english Male 25 Patron Evasive and Smooth
Alvina human english Female 40 Patron Hot-headed and irresponsible
Tanner human english Male 35 Patron Angry and Assertive
Deana human english Female 65 Patron Bratty and Hot-headed
Daisy human english Female 36 Patron Sly and Debonair


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Princeton human english Male 37 Owner Timid and Reserved
Iellwen elf elven Female 147 Bartender Ugly and Deceitful
Beriadanwen elf elven Female 107 Bartender Condescending and Calm
Rowan gnome gnome Male 73 Bartender Honest and Tactful
Clay half-elf english Male 56 Cook Suave and Judgmental
Yorryn dwarf dwarven Female 153 Cook Argumentative and Poor Gambler
Bliss human english Female 35 Cook Scrawny and Macho
Maidhfinden elf elven Male 87 Cook Calm and Industrious
Kinsey human english Female 39 Servers Angry and Sadistic
Pidu halfling halfling Male 49 Servers Aloof and Crabby
Mellimeldisiel elf elven Female 89 Servers Cheerless and Observant


Item Price
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) 2cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 1cp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 3cp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 5cp
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 3cp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 5cp
Quillin (elven) Wine 8cp
Kharukan (dwarven) Ale 8cp
Whiskey 4cp
Dwarven Spirits 8cp


Item Price
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms 7cp
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon 5sp
Roasted and Smoked Pork Spareribs 5sp
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds 4sp
Grilled Fillet of Salmon 3sp
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread 3sp
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese 2sp
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables 4cp
Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb 6sp
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms 8sp

GN5 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Abellana human english Female 47 Worker Crabby and Disciplined
Ascot human english Male 41 Worker Strong and Deceitful
Arethusa human english Female 39 Worker Sadistic and Reserved
Royce human english Male 31 Worker Sarcastic and Sullen

GO4 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Camden half-elf english Male 24 Miller Bratty and Sullen
Earline half-elf english Female 78 Baker Disciplined and Unforgiving
Knox half-elf english Male 72 Armorsmith Macho and Intuitive
Kole half-elf english Male 20 General Blacksmith Boring and Scruffy
Mildred half-elf english Female 19 Farmer Logical and Good Gambler

GP1 Old-Clothes


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Hayleigh half-elf english Female 89 Worker Logical and Con man

GT1 Brewery


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Zowana gnome gnome Female 88 Brewer Compassionate and Incoherent
Reed human english Male 17 Apprentice Determined and Charmer
Burdan human english Male 23 Apprentice Tattooed and Condescending
Arbellason elf elven Male 223 Apprentice Bratty and Unfriendly
Koemi gnome gnome Female 108 Apprentice Discreet and Lazy
Ryder human english Male 34 Apprentice Spoiled and Honest
Manna gnome gnome Female 116 Apprentice Brutish and Macho

Items (Each is 1 gallon)

Item Price
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 4sp
Mild Ale (less strong) 3sp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 4sp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 3sp
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 4sp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 3sp

GU1 The Rusty Shekel


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Veryamedliel elf elven Female 217 Owner Plain and Carefree
Tivin gnome gnome Male 136 Clerk Abrasive and Classy
Elvin human english Male 16 Clerk Pensive and Angry
Remy half-elf english Male 42 Clerk Conversational and Determined


Item Price #Avail
Barrel 1gp 3
Basket 4sp 11
Bedroll 1sp 1
Bell 12sp 2
Blanket, Winter 7sp 10
Block and Tackle 5gp 2
Bottle, Glass 3gp 1
Bucket (empty) 5sp 15
Caltrops 10sp 3
Candle 1cp 73
Canvas (sq. yd.) 1sp 451
Case, Map/Scroll 11sp 3
Chain (10ft) 38gp 4
Chalk, 1 piece 2cp 87
Chest (empty) 3gp 3
Crowbar 3gp 3
Fishhook 2sp 11
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 7gp 7
Flint and Steel 12sp 7
Grappling Hook 13sp 1
Hammer 6sp 1
Hourglass 28gp 1
Ink (1 oz. vial) 12gp 10
Ladder, 10ft 2sp 9
Lamp, common 3sp 3
Lantern, bullseye 10gp 7
Lantern, hooded 5gp 6
Lock, Average 35gp 4
Mag/Tankard, clay 1cp 17
Oil (1-pint flask) 3sp 20
Paper (sheet) 4sp 11
Parchment (sheet) 4sp 20
Pitcher, clay 4cp 18
Pot, iron 12sp 6
Pouch, belt 2gp 7
Ram, portable 10gp 2
Rations, trail (per day) 8sp 16
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 1gp 2
Sealing Wax 1gp 3
Sewing Needle 4sp 14
Signal whistle 9sp 3
Sledge 2gp 4
Waterskin 3gp 18

GV1 Old-Clothes


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Gormana gnome gnome Female 53 Worker Condescending and Immodest

GW1 Blacksmith


Item Price
Master Services, per day 2sp
Apprentice Services, per day 3cp


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Garin dwarf dwarven Male 80 Owner Forgetful and Belligerent
Usham half-orc halforc Male 16 Owner Bashful and Sympathetic
Bassett half-elf english Male 28 Apprentice Generous and Paranoid
Eithelonnen elf elven Male 83 Apprentice Rugged and Deferential
Togin halfling halfling Male 30 Apprentice Secretive and Trusting


Item Price #Avail
Axe 5gp 9
Caltrops 2gp 3
Crane (hold pot over fire) 6sp 1
Crowbar 4gp 1
Grappling Hook 1gp 2
Grate (Cook-pit) 5sp 4
Hammer 8sp 4
Hoe 5sp 3
Lock, Very Simple 16gp 2
Manacles 14gp 2
Pan 5sp 10
Pick, Miner's 2gp 4
Piton 2sp 2
Pot 5sp 2
Saw 7gp 5
Signal Whistle 10sp 2
Sledge 2gp 8
Spade/Shovel 1gp 10

GX1 Wineseller


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Vance half-elf english Male 28 Worker Rugged and Jaded
Gorman gnome gnome Male 97 Worker Strong and Brutish
Throbin dwarf dwarven Male 128 Worker Tenacious and Clean
Bosley human english Male 22 Worker Wise and Loyal

Items (Each is 1 gallon)

Item Price
Merlot (Red, soft, mild) 3sp
Pinot Noir (Red, acidic, smooth, baked cherry) 2sp
Zinfindel (Red, smooth, blackberry) 2sp
Sauvignon Blanc (White, grapefruit, bell pepper) 3sp
Chardonnay (White, oak, citrus) 4sp
Riesling (White, lime, apple, pear) 4sp
Semillon (White, dry, sweet) 3sp
Moscato (White, smooth, creamy, peach, citrus) 3sp

HB3 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Payton half-elf english Female 58 Laborer Easygoing and Domineering
Wade half-elf english Male 72 Town Watch Member Intimidating and Honest

HC1 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dedina halfling halfling Female 29 Laborer Discreet and Tall
Bobdo halfling halfling Male 3 Brewer Honest and Hot-headed
Fragu halfling halfling Male 21 Maid Virtuous and Reliable
Odu halfling halfling Male 73 Armorsmith Sour and Strict

HD1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lurogum half-orc halforc Male 29 Worker Thrifty and Boastful
Harper human english Male 23 Worker Sarcastic and Messy
Emersyn half-elf english Female 40 Worker Scarred Face and Cheerless

HE1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dertain dwarf dwarven Female 68 Worker Charmer and Sagely
Turtegiel elf elven Female 278 Worker Reckless and Solitary
Turtegiel elf elven Female 167 Worker Diplomatic and Sharp
Tavina gnome gnome Female 85 Worker Dependable and Brainy

HF1 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Stuart half-elf english Male 110 Fisherman Inventive and Clean
Ashton half-elf english Female 32 Maid Brash and Reckless
Beverly half-elf english Female 35 Baker Witty and Thoughtful
Rylan half-elf english Male 8 Farmer Strange and Cynical
Emersyn half-elf english Female 99 Fisherman Wise and Beautiful
Beverly half-elf english Female 58 Town Watch Member Dull and Argumentative

HG1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Taurhassdorien elf elven Male 150 Worker Self-Centered and Eccentric

HH1 Blacksmith


Item Price
Master Services, per day 2sp
Apprentice Services, per day 3cp


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dudo halfling halfling Male 32 Owner Unhappy and Sensitive
Ashton half-elf english Male 50 Owner Lazy and Obnoxious
Rhassbaradhon elf elven Male 236 Apprentice Deceitful and Disagreeable
Byram human english Male 24 Apprentice Loves Beer and Respectful


Item Price #Avail
Axe 6gp 7
Bell 2gp 1
Caltrops 2gp 4
Studded Leather 20gp 1
Chain 10ft 34gp 2
Crane (hold pot over fire) 6sp 2
Crowbar 2gp 5
Grappling Hook 2gp 1
Grate (Cook-pit) 6sp 4
Hammer 4sp 4
Hoe 8sp 6
Lock, Very Simple 22gp 1
Manacles 15gp 3
Pan 5sp 8
Pick, Miner's 3gp 3
Piton 2sp 4
Pot 5sp 1
Saw 4gp 4
Sledge 2gp 7
Spade/Shovel 2gp 2

HN3 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Gumli dwarf dwarven Male 96 Worker Tactful and Sharp
Shirley human english Female 25 Worker Solitary and Filthy mouth
Harlow half-elf english Female 70 Worker Clean and Alcoholic

HO2 Scabbardmaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Edoarda half-elf english Female 45 Worker Con man and Energetic

HP31 House Very Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Grover human english Male 14 Cutpurse Dull and Respectful
Breena human english Female 13 Adventurer Thorough and Unhappy
Chelsey human english Female 18 Adventurer Brilliant and Superstitious
Etel human english Female 12 Injury Discharged Soldier Quarrelsome and Friendly
Scarlet human english Female 11 Unemployed Mercenary Unforgiving and Messy
Sheldon human english Male 20 Explorer Determined and Obnoxious

HQ1 Guildhouse


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Eithelonnen elf elven Male 148 Leader Introverted and Miserly
Justice human english Female 31 Scribe Lazy and Frank
Yombul half-orc halforc Male 18 Scribe Lazy and Secretive
Palo gnome gnome Male 117 Scribe Calm and Alert

HQ3 Barber


Item Price
Haircut 4cp
Shave 3cp
Tooth Pulling 5cp
Lance a Boil 5cp
Other Surgery varies


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lyndon human english Male 60 Barber Aloof and Insincere
Azramyth dwarf dwarven Female 186 Assistant Eloquent and Hot-headed

HR1 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Alvar human english Female 26 Furrier Nosy and Reserved
Kimball human english Male 29 Apprentice Vain and Inventive
Nixon half-elf english Male 42 Apprentice Virtuous and Aloof

HR3 The Crystal Coin


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Oklyn dwarf dwarven Female 92 Owner Messy and Boring
Tangadion elf elven Male 316 Clerk Secretive and Frugal


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 1gp 4
Barrel 2gp 6
Basket 3sp 1
Bedroll 2sp 1
Block and Tackle 7gp 6
Bucket (empty) 5sp 9
Caltrops 14sp 10
Candle 3cp 91
Case, Map/Scroll 8sp 6
Chain (10ft) 25gp 2
Chalk, 1 piece 2cp 81
Chest (empty) 2gp 5
Fishhook 2sp 9
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 4gp 2
Flask (empty) 4cp 38
Flint and Steel 15sp 6
Grappling Hook 12sp 3
Hammer 4sp 7
Hourglass 26gp 1
Ladder, 10ft 4sp 6
Lantern, hooded 11gp 5
Mirror, small steel 48gp 1
Mag/Tankard, clay 1cp 2
Oil (1-pint flask) 1sp 50
Pitcher, clay 3cp 8
Piton 1sp 19
Pole, 10-foot 8cp 4
Pot, iron 7sp 4
Pouch, belt 3gp 6
Rations, trail (per day) 5sp 3
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 2gp 8
Rope, silk (50 ft.) 9gp 1
Sack 2sp 16
Sewing Needle 4sp 3
Signet ring 6gp 1
Sledge 1gp 2
Waterskin 1gp 7

HS1 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Colt half-elf english Male 76 Laborer Timid and Clever
Arundel half-elf english Male 47 Armorsmith Perfectionist and Boastful
Alditha half-elf english Female 0 Logger Cheerless and Uncooperative
Linden half-elf english Male 62 Armorsmith Trusting and Intimidating
Westin half-elf english Male 77 General Blacksmith Angry and Immature

HV1 Hatmaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Barric human english Male 21 Hatmaker Belligerent and Thorough
Ashton human english Female 41 Apprentice Snob and Forgetful

HV3 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Maxton human english Male 38 Furrier Shrewd and Sheepish
Grunni dwarf dwarven Male 107 Apprentice Good-looking and Jealous
Skaggi dwarf dwarven Male 123 Apprentice Irritable and Sour

HW1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Figu halfling halfling Male 42 Baker Reluctant and Quiet
Fralu halfling halfling Male 50 Weaponsmith Tactful and Cowardly
Frego halfling halfling Male 23 Cook Judgmental and Tenacious
Frula halfling halfling Female 8 Laborer Manipulative and Forgetful
Gebina halfling halfling Female 54 Miller Alert and Nosy

IB1 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Grimla dwarf dwarven Female 4 Armorsmith Incoherent and Messy
Hugen dwarf dwarven Male 53 Miller Sincere and Good Gambler
Drumnia dwarf dwarven Female 185 Farmer Frugal and Deferential

IC1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Barrington human english Male 43 Worker Sheepish and Indiscrete

ID2 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Heganbor dwarf dwarven Male 146 Laborer Refined and Trusting
Budrik dwarf dwarven Male 101 Private Guard Charmer and Snob
Ultheryn dwarf dwarven Female 30 Merchant Touchy and Insincere

IE1 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Deana half-elf english Female 49 Town Watch Member Verbose and Selfish
Brayton half-elf english Male 74 Fisherman Carefree and Good-looking

IG1 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Clifton human english Male 18 Worker Carefree and Alcoholic
Skagga dwarf dwarven Female 124 Worker Verbose and Friendly

IG5 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Haleigh human english Female 32 Brewer Cheerful and Sullen
Millard human english Male 23 Fisherman Carefree and Well-informed
Emerson human english Male 36 Brewer Deceitful and Artistic
Ashton human english Female 38 Cook Good-looking and Flirty

IH1 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Royce human english Male 41 Beggar Strong-willed and Sly
Layne human english Male 29 Fisherman Angry and Sarcastic
Blossom human english Female 25 Laborer Observant and Assertive

IO1 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Meldarion elf elven Male 184 Furrier Indiscrete and Sullen
Bosina gnome gnome Female 90 Apprentice Sympathetic and Likeable

IP1 Wineseller


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Rhassdorthion elf elven Male 175 Worker Solitary and Lazy

Items (Each is 1 gallon)

Item Price
Merlot (Red, soft, mild) 4sp
Barbera (Red, smooth, acidic, blackberry) 3sp
Sauvignon Blanc (White, grapefruit, bell pepper) 2sp

IP4 Tavern


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Miuverthon elf elven Male 212 Patron Wise and Loud
Macie human english Female 28 Patron Gullible and Reserved
Rylan half-elf english Male 41 Patron Forgetful and Cranky
Karter half-elf english Male 75 Patron Studious and Eccentric
Lilien half-elf english Female 52 Patron Studious and Suave
Haley half-elf english Female 25 Patron Well-informed and Shallow
Atherton half-elf english Male 118 Patron Innocent and Know-it-all
Osbert half-elf english Male 98 Patron Story-teller and Sleazy
Presley half-elf english Female 51 Patron Creepy and Judgmental
Chelsie half-elf english Female 66 Patron Tattooed and Audacious
Hayleigh half-elf english Female 54 Patron Quarrelsome and Thoughtful
Beasley half-elf english Male 34 Patron Introverted and Inept
Ryder half-elf english Male 41 Patron Dishonest and Mature
Braxton half-elf english Male 77 Patron Unfriendly and Withdrawn
Brenner half-elf english Male 89 Patron Beautiful and Scarred Face
Shelley half-elf english Female 57 Patron Clean and Obese


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dupu halfling halfling Male 64 Owner Stutters and Careful
Rylan human english Male 36 Bartender Manipulative and Eccentric
Audric human english Male 18 Bartender Vain and Good-looking
Adanessa elf elven Female 95 Cook Cold and Discerning
Lili human english Female 22 Servers Alert and Reflective
Wayne half-elf english Male 61 Servers Naive and Paranoid
Barrington human english Male 30 Servers Self-Centered and Immature


Item Price
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 5cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 3cp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 3cp
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 1cp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 3cp
Yanusa Wine 4cp
Heron Wine 3cp
Chanusian Wine 6cp
Fallan (elven) Wine 9cp
Vodka 5cp


Item Price
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms 8cp
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables 6cp
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon 4sp
Roasted and Smoked Pork Spareribs 3sp
Grilled Fillet of Salmon 6sp
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese 2sp

IQ2 Old-Clothes


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Rylan human english Male 38 Worker Educated and Lazy
Arundel human english Male 22 Worker Strong-willed and Creepy

IQ7 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Skudd dwarf dwarven Male 14 Beggar Strong and Rugged
Throbbyn dwarf dwarven Female 14 Fisherman Argumentative and Obese

IR10 Three Shekels and Two Shekels


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Whitin gnome gnome Male 67 Owner Irritable and Logical
Mildred half-elf english Female 26 Clerk Melancholy and Brilliant


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 2gp 4
Barrel 1gp 5
Bedroll 1sp 2
Bell 10sp 2
Blanket, Winter 6sp 9
Bucket (empty) 5sp 13
Caltrops 8sp 2
Candle 3cp 83
Canvas (sq. yd.) 1sp 50
Chalk, 1 piece 2cp 70
Crowbar 2gp 4
Firewood (per day) 3cp 2
Fishhook 2sp 8
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 7gp 9
Flask (empty) 3cp 31
Flint and Steel 14sp 11
Grappling Hook 8sp 1
Hammer 6sp 8
Hourglass 26gp 1
Ink (1 oz. vial) 6gp 10
Lantern, bullseye 18gp 7
Lantern, hooded 6gp 4
Lock, Good 90gp 2
Mirror, small steel 57gp 2
Mag/Tankard, clay 4cp 13
Oil (1-pint flask) 1sp 13
Paper (sheet) 7sp 7
Parchment (sheet) 3sp 13
Pick, miner's 3gp 1
Pitcher, clay 3cp 3
Piton 1sp 3
Pole, 10-foot 8cp 1
Pot, iron 11sp 1
Pouch, belt 3gp 1
Ram, portable 14gp 2
Rations, trail (per day) 8sp 8
Sealing Wax 1gp 8
Signal whistle 12sp 5
Sledge 2gp 4
Soap (per lb.) 10sp 8
Vial, ink or potion 3gp 12
Waterskin 3gp 7
Whetstone 1cp 23

IS1 Saddler


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Beinion elf elven Male 169 Worker Fearful and Boring
Umulum half-orc halforc Male 52 Worker Intuitive and Ugly
Gurna dwarf dwarven Female 63 Worker Selfish and Eccentric
Bronson half-elf english Male 53 Worker Beautiful and Wary

IT1 Guildhouse


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Hrungnor dwarf dwarven Male 83 Leader Charismatic and Sullen
Aldyth human english Female 38 Scribe Reflective and Bites Nails
Denver half-elf english Male 62 Scribe Lazy and Brilliant

IT9 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Beffin halfling halfling Male 3 General Blacksmith Forgetful and Observant

IU1 Buckle-Maker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Edgarda half-elf english Female 47 Master Tactful and Domineering
Baynard human english Male 41 Apprentice Observant and Suave
Elfi human english Female 19 Apprentice Irritating and Sagely
Erle human english Male 28 Apprentice Succinct and Sadistic

IU10 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lindsay half-elf english Female 71 Furrier Spoiled and Eccentric
Argrama dwarf dwarven Female 91 Apprentice Aloof and irresponsible
Stuart human english Male 33 Apprentice Brutish and Charmer
Gottri dwarf dwarven Male 124 Apprentice Ugly and Brash

IV1 Locksmith


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Febina halfling halfling Female 89 Locksmith Reserved and Bashful
Hayley human english Female 50 Apprentice Insincere and Lazy


Item Price #Avail
Lock, Good 80gp 2

IV25 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Darwin human english Male 18 Adventurer Timid and Thorough
Baxter human english Male 27 Explorer Good Gambler and Energetic

IW1 Woodseller


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Elfrida human english Female 16 Worker Brutish and Evasive

JC1 Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Aikin gnome gnome Male 83 Butcher Kleptomaniac and Industrious
Lorcana gnome gnome Female 40 Assistant Assertive and Story-teller
Bodi halfling halfling Male 34 Assistant Unfriendly and Bratty
Peda halfling halfling Female 57 Assistant Vain and Cynical
Kennard human english Male 43 Assistant Talkative and Smooth
Balika dwarf dwarven Female 50 Assistant Sharp and Eloquent

JE1 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Maxwell human english Male 32 Furrier Cynical and Rich
Taurhassdorien elf elven Male 102 Apprentice Quarrelsome and Courteous
Aelflaed half-elf english Female 62 Apprentice Shallow and Sneaky
Fregar dwarf dwarven Female 165 Apprentice Disrespectful and Smooth

JE3 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Knox human english Male 20 Worker Simple and Classy
Rhassdorthion elf elven Male 207 Worker Cheerful and Conversational

JF1 Temple


Item Price #Avail
Cure Moderate Wounds 150gp 2
Cure Serious Wounds 250gp 1
Holy Water, per Vial 7gp 21


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Narashal half-orc halforc Female 28 Head Priest Brutish and Inventive
Grimla dwarf dwarven Female 153 Apprentice Sly and Strict
Payten human english Female 41 Apprentice/Adventurer Well-informed and Sincere
Lothar dwarf dwarven Female 135 Apprentice Eccentric and Unhappy
Eddie human english Male 42 Apprentice Irritable and Carefree
Elfi human english Female 29 Apprentice Inventive and Judgmental
Lindsey human english Male 32 Acolyte Tall and Judgmental
Carlton half-elf english Male 51 Acolyte Perfectionist and Poor Gambler
Audren human english Male 20 Acolyte/Retired Soldier Sour and Strong
Gemina gnome gnome Female 91 Acolyte Clever and Brilliant
Wayne half-elf english Male 26 Acolyte Silent and Upbeat
Kelsey human english Male 33 Acolyte Sagely and Obnoxious

JH1 Jail


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Trygga dwarf dwarven Female 98 Captain/Off-Duty Mercenary Diligent and Funny
Lugdakh half-orc halforc Male 43 Guard Funny and Poor Gambler
Tosin gnome gnome Male 68 Guard/Unemployed Mercenary Brainy and Thrifty
Ultheryn dwarf dwarven Female 86 Guard/Guardsman Haughty and Evasive
Duarte human english Male 17 Guard/Pirate Unhappy and Brash
Edith human english Female 49 Prisoner Irritating and Curious
Morag dwarf dwarven Male 104 Prisoner/Adventurer Strong-willed and Dishonest
Payten human english Female 34 Prisoner Ambitious and Aloof
Scarlett half-elf english Female 33 Prisoner Charismatic and Calm
Tibu halfling halfling Male 84 Prisoner/Unemployed Mercenary Solitary and Gloomy

JI1 Cooper


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Elfrida human english Female 31 Cooper Rash and Cruel
Blythe half-elf english Male 57 Assistant Intimidating and Strong
Wade human english Male 42 Assistant Sympathetic and Stutters

JJ1 Fishmonger


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kelsea human english Female 53 Fishmonger Secretive and Plain
Boda halfling halfling Female 34 Assistant Irritating and Disciplined
Amice human english Female 48 Assistant Scrawny and Silent
Dana human english Male 30 Assistant Cold and Bites Nails

JJ2 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Bowan gnome gnome Male 121 Worker Helpful and Evasive
Blakely half-elf english Male 86 Worker Suave and Evasive

JL1 Scabbardmaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Grimwolda dwarf dwarven Female 57 Worker Inquisitive and Frugal
Istuion elf elven Male 174 Worker Humble and Gloomy
Drong dwarf dwarven Male 97 Worker Brainy and Loyal
Macy human english Female 41 Worker Tenacious and Brilliant

JO1 Tannery


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Justice half-elf english Female 55 Worker Eccentric and Sympathetic
Sherman half-elf english Male 74 Worker Frugal and Courteous
Lilianna human english Female 41 Worker Quiet and Belligerent
Frula halfling halfling Female 50 Worker Patient and Lunatic

JP1 Baker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Fay half-elf english Female 114 Baker Know-it-all and Strong
Elfriede human english Female 15 Apprentice Belligerent and Ambitious


Item Price #Avail
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) 2cp 4
Biscuit (2x/baked, stays longer) 7cp 12
Unleavened Bread 3cp 24
Iced Almond/Caraway Shortbread 3cp 7
Cream Boylede (Thick Custard) 4cp 3

JQ1 Saddler


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Skaga dwarf dwarven Female 161 Worker Alcoholic and Poor Gambler
Ashton human english Female 36 Worker Cranky and Cultured
Arledge human english Male 23 Worker Wise and Friendly
Moraga dwarf dwarven Female 127 Worker Patient and Lunatic

JS1 Pursemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Hallie half-elf english Female 26 Worker Sullen and Rash
Synne human english Female 36 Worker Tempermental and Patient
Aelfgifu human english Female 15 Worker Loud and Likeable
Bassett human english Male 38 Worker Considerate and Friendly

JS4 Baker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Royce half-elf english Male 70 Baker Calm and Dishonest
Rohesia human english Female 25 Apprentice Rugged and Reluctant
Layne half-elf english Male 52 Apprentice Virtuous and Jaded


Item Price #Avail
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) 2cp 1
Biscuit (2x/baked, stays longer) 7cp 8
Unleavened Bread 2cp 10
Caraway Seed Cookie 3cp 4
Cryspes (sugar coated funnel cakes) 4cp 4

JU55 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Nellie human english Female 15 Private Guard Thoughtful and Silent

JU8 Barber


Item Price
Haircut 3cp
Shave 4cp
Tooth Pulling 5cp
Lance a Boil 5cp
Other Surgery varies


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Frido halfling halfling Male 50 Barber Dishonest and Sly
Thingryd dwarf dwarven Female 59 Assistant Lazy and Beautiful

JV1 Ropemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Harlow human english Female 36 Worker Cruel and Scruffy
Kelsea half-elf english Female 52 Worker Gullible and Honest
Nala gnome gnome Female 132 Worker Opinionated and Belligerent
Hadrina dwarf dwarven Female 114 Worker Nimble and Uncooperative

JW1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dimgol dwarf dwarven Male 99 Worker Cold and Withdrawn
Mentathiel elf elven Female 89 Worker Abrasive and Lunatic
Marshal half-elf english Male 73 Worker Discreet and Cold
Wayne half-elf english Male 66 Worker Fanatical and Nosy

KD1 Barber


Item Price
Haircut 5cp
Shave 3cp
Tooth Pulling 5cp
Lance a Boil 3cp
Other Surgery varies


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Minuialwen elf elven Female 77 Barber Filthy mouth and Generous
Gurtrud dwarf dwarven Female 124 Assistant Sly and Tactful
Shurarkha half-orc halforc Female 17 Assistant Self-Centered and Sagely

KD3 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Gorin dwarf dwarven Male 123 Brewer Belligerent and Brilliant
Thingryd dwarf dwarven Female 35 General Blacksmith Unforgiving and Talkative

KE1 Tavern


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Emerson human english Male 17 Patron Studious and Sarcastic
Leigha human english Female 19 Patron Considerate and Energetic
Aland human english Male 42 Patron Spoiled and Trusting
Bosley human english Male 38 Patron Spunky and Boring
Marley human english Female 23 Patron Rude and Silent
Edith human english Female 19 Patron Quarrelsome and Touchy
Arethusa human english Female 42 Patron Kleptomaniac and Calm
Remington human english Male 29 Patron Bratty and Thoughtful
Justice human english Male 26 Patron Friendly and Quarrelsome
Alston human english Male 52 Patron Calm and Boisterous
Elfrida half-elf english Female 59 Patron Energetic and Unforgiving
Marley half-elf english Female 89 Patron Withdrawn and Domineering
Maci half-elf english Female 77 Patron Sensitive and Bashful
Bonita gnome gnome Female 84 Patron Perfectionist and Evasive
Zowana gnome gnome Female 101 Patron Thrifty and Haughty
Jenna gnome gnome Female 47 Patron Audacious and Loves Beer
Zuko gnome gnome Male 107 Patron Curious and Creepy
Palin gnome gnome Male 57 Patron Good-looking and Fanatical
Goban gnome gnome Male 157 Patron Contrarian and Reckless
Torka gnome gnome Female 71 Patron Loud and Strict
Maleah gnome gnome Female 70 Patron Haughty and Sneaky


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Thorek dwarf dwarven Male 128 Owner Perfectionist and Cynical
Bobda halfling halfling Female 36 Owner Story-teller and Eccentric
Edgaro human english Male 23 Owner Judgmental and Naive
Chester human english Male 25 Bartender Alcoholic and Stutters
Bainwen elf elven Female 172 Cook Evasive and Reckless
Haleigh human english Female 20 Servers Tenacious and Humble
Deana human english Female 52 Servers Haughty and Sour
Diffa halfling halfling Female 51 Servers Obese and Stutters
Kinsey human english Female 32 Servers Scarred Face and Secretive
Edith human english Female 25 Servers Insincere and Messy


Item Price
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 3cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 5cp
Mild Ale (less strong) 2cp
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 3cp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 1cp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 4cp
Fallan (elven) Wine 5cp
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale 6cp


Item Price
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms 5cp
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables 6cp
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese 2sp
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms 5sp
Roast Beef Served with Cranberry Sauce 4sp
Spicy Hellhound Claws 8gp

KF3 Three Shekels and Five Bits


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Atherton human english Male 65 Owner Obnoxious and Ugly
Gebina halfling halfling Female 53 Clerk Story-teller and Strange
Reed human english Male 20 Clerk Tactful and Thoughtful


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 1gp 6
Barrel 2gp 8
Basket 4sp 5
Bedroll 1sp 2
Blanket, Winter 6sp 10
Bottle, Glass 3gp 2
Bucket (empty) 5sp 4
Candle 2cp 20
Canvas (sq. yd.) 2sp 232
Chalk, 1 piece 2cp 6
Chest (empty) 1gp 1
Flask (empty) 5cp 22
Flint and Steel 9sp 11
Grappling Hook 9sp 2
Hammer 5sp 2
Hourglass 26gp 1
Ink (1 oz. vial) 12gp 3
Inkpen 2sp 5
Ladder, 10ft 1sp 3
Lamp, common 2sp 4
Lantern, bullseye 14gp 4
Lantern, hooded 5gp 5
Lock, Simple 18gp 4
Manacles 17gp 1
Manacles, masterwork 92gp 2
Mag/Tankard, clay 4cp 7
Oil (1-pint flask) 3sp 38
Pick, miner's 4gp 5
Pitcher, clay 4cp 6
Piton 1sp 4
Rations, trail (per day) 5sp 21
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 1gp 4
Sack 1sp 3
Sealing Wax 1gp 5
Sewing Needle 5sp 18
Signal whistle 9sp 2
Signet ring 4gp 1
Sledge 1gp 3
Tent 11gp 7
Vial, ink or potion 1gp 7
Waterskin 1gp 3

KH1 Gatehouse


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Gondien elf elven Male 106 Adventurer Spunky and Disciplined
Lostariel elf elven Female 130 Adventurer Abrasive and Snob
Aesuithiel elf elven Female 205 Retired Soldier Reluctant and Ignorant
Sanya elf elven Female 86 Cutpurse Gullible and Alcoholic
Gondien elf elven Male 111 Unemployed Mercenary Talkative and Rich
Alyameldir elf elven Male 158 Unemployed Mercenary Sharp and Trusting

KI16 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Haylee human english Female 39 Town Watch Member Fearful and Self-Centered
Royce human english Male 51 Fisherman Strong-willed and Unhappy
Carlton human english Male 39 Farmer Judgmental and Crabby

KJ1 Hatmaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Biba halfling halfling Female 35 Hatmaker Trusting and Talkative
Durz half-orc halforc Male 45 Apprentice Clean and Rash
Naerwen elf elven Female 97 Apprentice Secretive and Empathic

KJ4 Barber


Item Price
Haircut 5cp
Shave 2cp
Tooth Pulling 5cp
Lance a Boil 5cp
Other Surgery varies


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Olfarkal half-orc halforc Female 37 Barber Boastful and Unfriendly
Braxton human english Male 30 Assistant Wary and Virtuous

KK14 House Very Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kiles gnome gnome Male 111 Farmer Strong and Helpful
Rala gnome gnome Female 108 Merchant Ambitious and Contrarian
Igen gnome gnome Male 55 Miller Beautiful and Humble

KM3 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Editha human english Female 56 Armorsmith Quarrelsome and Smooth

KM8 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Baragor dwarf dwarven Male 83 Laborer Witty and Observant
Gorinyth dwarf dwarven Female 50 Cook Silent and Pensive
Gottri dwarf dwarven Male 118 Brewer Gullible and Studious
Grimbul dwarf dwarven Male 7 Weaponsmith Humorous and Empathic
Durim dwarf dwarven Male 42 Farmer Innocent and Sly
Drumnia dwarf dwarven Female 73 Laborer Friendly and Honest

KN7 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Clinton human english Male 11 Beggar Carefree and Likeable
Payten human english Female 20 Logger Temperate and Quiet
Holden human english Male 32 Farmer Discreet and Graceful
Baynard human english Male 24 Logger Tall and Story-teller
Kimber human english Female 55 Fisherman Con man and Sadistic

KO5 Baker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Rowena human english Female 26 Baker Sincere and Paranoid
Landin human english Male 23 Apprentice Graceful and Bratty
Haley human english Female 35 Apprentice Focused and Jaded


Item Price #Avail
Knight's Loaf Bread (wheat) 6cp 7
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) 1cp 16
Biscuit (2x/baked, stays longer) 6cp 19
Unleavened Bread 4cp 11
Iced Almond/Caraway Shortbread 4cp 7
Darioles (Green/Red/Yellow Custard in pie shell) 3cp 9
Lente Frytoures (fried battered apple rings) 2cp 9

KO8 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Landon human english Male 56 Worker Innocent and Paranoid
Beasley half-elf english Male 57 Worker Classy and Reluctant
Beffa halfling halfling Female 50 Worker Jealous and Skillful

KP3 Pursemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lilianna half-elf english Female 76 Worker Crabby and Classy

KP7 Cooper


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Febdo halfling halfling Male 62 Cooper Brainy and Humorous
Kelsi human english Female 17 Assistant Ugly and Calm
Marlee half-elf english Female 25 Assistant Determined and Disrespectful
Aethelu human english Female 27 Assistant Indiscrete and Talkative
Hallie human english Female 41 Assistant Ambitious and Strong

KR1 Doctor


Item Price
Tooth Pulling 5cp
Lance a Boil 5cp
Other Surgery varies


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Durzaka half-orc halforc Female 24 Doctor Miserly and Flirty
Shozumal half-orc halforc Female 34 Assistant Vain and Humorous
Garzanhk half-orc halforc Male 17 Assistant Respectful and Reflective

KR6 Brothel


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Afreda human english Female 29 Host Generous and Reluctant
Kelcie human english Female 16 Worker Reserved and Know-it-all
Kellera gnome gnome Female 61 Worker Ugly and Charismatic
Marlie human english Female 48 Worker Brilliant and Boastful
Lawley human english Male 30 Worker Empathic and Thrifty
Sawyer half-elf english Female 32 Worker Know-it-all and Patriotic
Heath human english Male 31 Worker Tattooed and Loud
Caunardhon elf elven Male 177 Guard Sneaky and Discerning
Tosin gnome gnome Male 100 Guard Aloof and Tactful
Frelo halfling halfling Male 47 Guard irresponsible and Emotional
Borman gnome gnome Male 138 Guard Frugal and Thoughtful
Payton half-elf english Male 78 Guard Tattooed and Audacious
Tidina halfling halfling Female 97 Guard Artistic and Gullible
Figdo halfling halfling Male 39 Guard Pleasant and Sneaky

KS2 Guildhouse


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Arthion elf elven Male 170 Leader Stutters and Calm
Agano gnome gnome Female 112 Scribe Crabby and Gloomy
Rovena half-elf english Female 41 Scribe Clean and Smooth

KT1 Brewery


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Fay human english Female 36 Brewer Thrifty and Shy
Rod half-elf english Male 26 Apprentice Macho and Cheerless
Morfindien elf elven Male 79 Apprentice Gullible and Determined

Items (Each is 1 gallon)

Item Price
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 4sp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 3sp
Mild Ale (less strong) 2sp
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 4sp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 3sp
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 4sp

KU2 Pursemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Welch human english Male 24 Worker Pleasant and Condescending
Rowan gnome gnome Female 88 Worker Diligent and Bossy

KU23 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Archer human english Male 9 Brewer Loud and Sleazy
Marleigh human english Female 46 Farmer Educated and Lazy
Kelsie human english Female 28 Weaponsmith Condescending and Combative
Kimberly human english Female 12 General Blacksmith Indiscrete and Lazy
Rohesia human english Female 29 Farmer Melancholy and Friendly

KV1 Spice Merchant


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Ainion elf elven Male 208 Worker Cold and Sagely
Gormana gnome gnome Female 122 Worker Sympathetic and Con man
Arethusa half-elf english Female 36 Worker Obese and Intuitive

KW2 Tavern


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Elfi human english Female 33 Patron Boastful and Patient
Burleigh human english Male 42 Patron Inquisitive and Reluctant
Bancroft human english Male 19 Patron Funny and Withdrawn
Leigha human english Female 15 Patron Messy and Succinct
Beriogelir elf elven Male 108 Patron Bubbly and Spoiled
Saeldur elf elven Male 77 Patron Courteous and Shallow
Kenyon half-elf english Male 25 Patron Energetic and Ugly
Brandon half-elf english Male 57 Patron Temperate and Strange
Drake half-elf english Male 35 Patron Intimidating and Rugged
Anice half-elf english Female 54 Patron Witty and Talkative
Beval half-elf english Male 44 Patron Kleptomaniac and Malicious
Marleigh half-elf english Female 48 Patron Judgmental and Frugal
Maxwell half-elf english Male 37 Patron Creepy and Stubborn
Keaton half-elf english Male 34 Patron Intolerant and Patriotic
Welch half-elf english Male 56 Patron Nosy and Inquisitive
Febda halfling halfling Female 57 Patron Jealous and Picks nose
Grigina halfling halfling Female 62 Patron Creepy and Nosy
Fredi halfling halfling Male 55 Patron Boastful and Paranoid
Stanley human english Male 56 Patron Stubborn and Vain
Weston human english Male 32 Patron Patient and Pleasant
Peyton human english Male 21 Patron Educated and Forgetful
Burleigh human english Male 36 Patron Inept and irresponsible
Edward human english Male 22 Patron Energetic and Succinct
Leigha half-elf english Female 81 Patron Bites Nails and Aloof
Preston half-elf english Male 68 Patron Ambitious and Tempermental
Brainard half-elf english Male 55 Patron Plain and Beautiful
Emerson half-elf english Female 55 Patron Generous and Kleptomaniac
Harlow half-elf english Female 30 Patron Tactful and Compassionate
Villads half-elf english Male 58 Patron Sleazy and Strong
Grover half-elf english Male 29 Patron Tempermental and Industrious
Hailey half-elf english Female 58 Patron Opinionated and Insincere
Huoriel elf elven Female 76 Patron Abrasive and Dishonest
Adanessa elf elven Female 106 Patron Funny and Determined
Bellasiel elf elven Female 138 Patron Carefree and Filthy mouth
Adonnenniel elf elven Female 243 Patron Quiet and Industrious
Daerwen elf elven Female 88 Patron Thrifty and Sharp
Locien elf elven Male 159 Patron Tall and Unforgiving
Laermeluion elf elven Male 103 Patron Friendly and Discerning
Maidhfinden elf elven Male 266 Patron Frank and Scarred Face
Alastegiel elf elven Female 143 Patron Educated and Observant
Cuiledhwen elf elven Female 181 Patron irresponsible and Brilliant
Drakki dwarf dwarven Male 98 Patron Cheerful and Sympathetic
Dammyth dwarf dwarven Female 107 Patron Smooth and Sour
Oreka dwarf dwarven Female 71 Patron Haughty and Debonair
Lunn dwarf dwarven Male 101 Patron Rugged and Paranoid
Belegond dwarf dwarven Male 187 Patron Careful and Boisterous
Sindra dwarf dwarven Female 118 Patron Brazen and Cultured
Villads human english Male 23 Patron/Unemployed Mercenary Manipulative and Condescending
Bramwell human english Male 39 Patron/Adventurer Overweight and Hot-headed
Layton human english Male 41 Patron/Unemployed Mercenary Helpful and Empathic
Alvina human english Female 36 Patron/Retired Soldier Bashful and Helpful
Haleigh human english Female 15 Patron/Cutpurse Honest and Cynical


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lindethiel elf elven Female 162 Owner Boastful and Cold
Babette gnome gnome Female 87 Owner/Explorer Assertive and Domineering
Palina gnome gnome Female 65 Owner Solitary and Inventive
Deana human english Female 34 Bartender Ugly and Focused
Adva gnome gnome Female 98 Bartender Picks nose and Messy
Bliss human english Female 15 Cook Manipulative and Likeable
Payton half-elf english Female 45 Cook Industrious and Obnoxious
Thingryd dwarf dwarven Female 90 Servers Scrawny and Boring
Gumlyn dwarf dwarven Female 98 Servers Poor Gambler and Ugly
Brighton human english Female 19 Servers Studious and Sour
Editta human english Female 17 Servers Tired and Eloquent
Dedo halfling halfling Male 53 Servers Sour and Flirty


Item Price
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 5cp
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 3cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 3cp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 2cp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 2cp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 3cp
Yanusa Wine 4cp
Heron Wine 6cp
Fallan (elven) Wine 9cp


Item Price
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets 2sp
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon 3sp
Roast Stuffed Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce 3sp
Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips 1sp
Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer 2sp
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread 3sp
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables 4cp
Basilisk Knuckle Roasted in Beer 10gp

KX2 Cooper


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Thorbal dwarf dwarven Male 96 Cooper Courteous and Irritable
Logazor dwarf dwarven Male 46 Assistant Judgmental and Kleptomaniac
Brokki dwarf dwarven Male 139 Assistant Artistic and Talkative
Hailie human english Female 55 Assistant Honest and Aloof
Lyndon half-elf english Male 35 Assistant Strict and Rash
Kinsey human english Female 18 Assistant Innocent and Judgmental

KY1 Jeweler


Item Price #Avail
Large Rose Quartz 90gp 1


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Minuialwen elf elven Female 162 Jeweler Pensive and Eloquent
Bosin gnome gnome Male 46 Apprentice Debonair and Vain
Valaina elf elven Female 123 Apprentice Unfriendly and irresponsible
Fubdo halfling halfling Male 38 Apprentice Boastful and Focused
Edgardo human english Male 37 Apprentice Trustworthy and Honorable
Graysen half-elf english Male 83 Apprentice Shrewd and Shallow


Item Price #Avail
Gold Necklace with 3 Medium Diamonds 500gp 1
Gold Necklace with 3 Medium Black Opals 260gp 1
Sterling Silver Necklace with 10 Small Pearls 320gp 1
Sterling Silver Necklace with 10 Small Moonstones 120gp 1

KY3 Granary


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Idhrenion elf elven Male 197 Beggar Quarrelsome and Humble
Taurhassdorien elf elven Male 53 Fisherman Gullible and Carefree
Venessiel elf elven Female 66 Fisherman Graceful and Eloquent
Morfindien elf elven Male 181 Farmer Paranoid and Macho
Limbairedhiel elf elven Female 131 General Blacksmith Perfectionist and Curious
Verya elf elven Female 121 Laborer Pleasant and Logical

KZ1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Hayleigh human english Female 30 Worker Unforgiving and Courteous

LC1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Edison human english Male 19 Worker Fearful and Sincere
Paxton human english Male 30 Worker Succinct and Patriotic

LC3 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Posin gnome gnome Male 78 Tailor Trustworthy and Spoiled
Kila gnome gnome Female 49 Miller Likeable and Strict
Koemi gnome gnome Female 14 Fisherman Unhappy and Aloof
Broty gnome gnome Male 81 Laborer Disciplined and Quarrelsome
Gelana gnome gnome Female 47 Beggar Immodest and Friendly
Sorkin gnome gnome Male 186 Cook Disagreeable and Macho

LD1 The Emerald Coin


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kyndall human english Female 22 Owner Friendly and Jaded
Goban gnome gnome Male 94 Clerk Sweet and Know-it-all
Arethusa half-elf english Female 91 Clerk Tactful and Inquisitive
Barric human english Male 53 Clerk Thorough and Sneaky


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 2gp 7
Barrel 1gp 1
Basket 4sp 3
Bedroll 2sp 1
Bucket (empty) 5sp 6
Candle 3cp 33
Chalk, 1 piece 2cp 96
Chest (empty) 1gp 3
Crowbar 2gp 3
Firewood (per day) 1cp 3
Fishhook 1sp 4
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 7gp 5
Flask (empty) 2cp 16
Flint and Steel 10sp 9
Ladder, 10ft 3sp 7
Lamp, common 1sp 4
Lantern, bullseye 13gp 5
Mirror, small steel 25gp 3
Oil (1-pint flask) 3sp 37
Paper (sheet) 4sp 8
Pitcher, clay 1cp 12
Pot, iron 7sp 4
Pouch, belt 1gp 5
Ram, portable 14gp 2
Rations, trail (per day) 8sp 20
Rope, silk (50 ft.) 15gp 2
Sack 1sp 10
Sealing Wax 3gp 3
Sewing Needle 15sp 10
Shovel or spade 4gp 8
Sledge 3gp 4
Soap (per lb.) 4sp 7
Waterskin 1gp 19
Whetstone 2cp 2

LI1 Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dupu halfling halfling Male 72 Butcher Wise and Spunky
Walker human english Male 54 Assistant Helpful and Reflective
Maxton human english Male 51 Assistant Reckless and Witty
Beda halfling halfling Female 57 Assistant Virtuous and Frugal
Colby human english Male 30 Assistant Sweet and Tactful

LI3 Hatmaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Frudi halfling halfling Male 38 Hatmaker Nosy and Rich
Amoniel elf elven Female 119 Apprentice Obese and Humorous
Amity human english Female 36 Apprentice Unfriendly and Bites Nails

LJ1 Black Market


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Gwaedhiel elf elven Female 146 Leader/Adventurer Cynical and Naive
Dedo halfling halfling Male 73 Lieutenant/Explorer Bossy and Ostentatious
Elfrida human english Female 38 Lieutenant/Injury Discharged Soldier Timid and Touchy
Durbarkha half-orc halforc Female 18 Thug/Unemployed Mercenary Cowardly and Sympathetic
Ghamobal half-orc halforc Female 20 Thug/Explorer Inventive and Inquisitive
Duloorzal half-orc halforc Female 44 Thug/Retired Soldier Snob and Argumentative
Guargumal half-orc halforc Female 39 Thug/Cutpurse Malicious and Good Gambler
Urzarkh half-orc halforc Male 33 Thug/Unemployed Mercenary Know-it-all and Patient
Guargumal half-orc halforc Female 23 Thug/Retired Soldier Alert and Helpful
Fubda halfling halfling Female 56 Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier Shallow and Indiscrete
Frulo halfling halfling Male 70 Thug/Adventurer Brazen and Charismatic
Fiffu halfling halfling Male 39 Thug/Pirate irresponsible and Evasive
Beba halfling halfling Female 31 Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier Assertive and Sincere
Peda halfling halfling Female 51 Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier Dumb and Innocent
Fridu halfling halfling Male 53 Thug/Pirate Rugged and Forgetful
Fubo halfling halfling Male 53 Thug/Adventurer Withdrawn and Condescending
Frelina halfling halfling Female 43 Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier Simple and Tattooed

LJ4 Pursemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Keaton human english Male 15 Worker Sleazy and Reliable
Lugrak half-orc halforc Male 29 Worker Logical and Picks nose
Braxton half-elf english Male 30 Worker Superstitious and Thorough

LL1 Armorer


Item Price #Avail
Padded 8gp 4
Leather 11gp 1
Studded Leather 20gp 4
Hide 15gp 1
Scale Mail 51gp 3
Chain Mail 140gp 1
Breastplate 210gp 2
Splint Mail 210gp 3
Banded Mail 240gp 1
Half-Plate 630gp 2
Full Plate 1460gp 1


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lilyanna human english Female 32 Owner Rude and Pensive
Haeronwen elf elven Female 197 Apprentice Inept and Abrasive
Roreka dwarf dwarven Female 118 Apprentice/Retired Soldier Scarred Face and Insincere


Item Price #Avail
Buckler 6gp 1
Shield, Light Wooden 2gp 2
Shield, Light Steel 8gp 1
Shield, Heavy Wooden 6gp 1
Shield, Heavy Steel 24gp 1

LL2 The Ogre and Troll


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Slade human english Male 41 Patron/Pirate Patriotic and Virtuous
Shelley human english Female 39 Patron/Off-Duty Mercenary Rude and Ugly
Sheldon human english Male 15 Patron/Injury Discharged Soldier Paranoid and Educated
Winto human english Male 32 Patron Rash and Debonair
Rohesia human english Female 32 Patron Shallow and Generous
Bentley human english Male 24 Patron Tall and Tired
Clifford human english Male 55 Patron Deferential and Bratty
Otger human english Male 30 Patron Introverted and Tenacious
Rylan human english Male 68 Patron Trusting and Ignorant
Kelcie human english Female 16 Patron Miserly and Boisterous
Leighton human english Male 35 Patron Creepy and Eloquent
Grimbul dwarf dwarven Male 173 Patron Upbeat and Intimidating
Lokri dwarf dwarven Male 156 Patron Miserly and Inventive
Ranulyn dwarf dwarven Female 124 Patron Intimidating and Beautiful
Ragnar dwarf dwarven Male 146 Patron Good-looking and Refined
Arngrim dwarf dwarven Male 108 Patron Alert and Filthy mouth
Grundi dwarf dwarven Male 49 Patron Silent and Loyal
Thorgrima dwarf dwarven Female 97 Patron Thoughtful and Honorable
Thoreka dwarf dwarven Female 82 Patron Picks nose and Charismatic
Dadra dwarf dwarven Female 86 Patron Classy and Sheepish
Sindri dwarf dwarven Male 108 Patron Belligerent and Succinct
Kolton human english Male 30 Patron Spoiled and Bratty
Stuart human english Male 37 Patron Innocent and Pensive
Bradford human english Male 34 Patron Rude and Trustworthy
Lee human english Male 25 Patron Quiet and Conversational
Fays human english Female 34 Patron Fanatical and Ignorant
Kelsey human english Female 37 Patron Rich and Patriotic
Kenton human english Male 24 Patron Intimidating and Generous
Nell human english Female 41 Patron Withdrawn and Evasive
Haleigh human english Female 55 Patron Naive and Selfish
Wynton human english Male 46 Patron Poor Gambler and Cold
Zuka gnome gnome Female 79 Patron Poor and Naive
Solita gnome gnome Female 53 Patron Sleazy and Shallow
Tosa gnome gnome Female 135 Patron Rugged and Secretive
Kellera gnome gnome Female 50 Patron Stubborn and Loud
Malina gnome gnome Female 62 Patron Respectful and Artistic
Tosa gnome gnome Female 76 Patron Patient and Solitary
Brynlee half-elf english Female 35 Patron Sneaky and Abrasive
Kendyl half-elf english Female 28 Patron Combative and Argumentative
Clifton human english Male 47 Patron Inquisitive and Brash
Brynlee human english Female 16 Patron Audacious and Frank
Beval human english Male 39 Patron Bubbly and Brainy
Blaxton human english Male 16 Patron Irritable and Aloof
Winto human english Male 27 Patron Lazy and Virtuous
Kendal human english Female 32 Patron Ugly and Con man
Lilyanna human english Female 49 Patron Carefree and Strange
Guage human english Male 18 Patron Curious and Vain
Sheldon human english Male 17 Patron Witty and Courteous
Bartley human english Male 54 Patron Angry and Intuitive
Lilianna human english Female 41 Patron Self-Centered and Discreet
Fralu halfling halfling Male 38 Patron Simple and Irritating
Frudin halfling halfling Male 78 Patron Snob and Miserly
Frolina halfling halfling Female 64 Patron Reluctant and Eloquent
Freda halfling halfling Female 46 Patron Good-looking and Focused
Fubo halfling halfling Male 39 Patron Compassionate and Cynical
Fubda halfling halfling Female 59 Patron Dumb and Brutish
Geffina halfling halfling Female 48 Patron Touchy and Secretive
Oda halfling halfling Female 44 Patron Alcoholic and Contrarian


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Riley half-elf english Female 72 Owner Cynical and Aloof
Ted half-elf english Male 72 Owner Lazy and Inept
Adanessa elf elven Female 145 Bartender Emotional and Talkative
Dexter human english Male 21 Cook Frugal and Friendly
Lindsay human english Female 45 Cook Audacious and Scrawny
Presley human english Female 43 Cook Crabby and Alert
Solito gnome gnome Male 145 Servers Eloquent and Rugged
Amorette gnome gnome Female 70 Servers Story-teller and Classy
Tawna gnome gnome Female 95 Servers Courteous and Tired


Item Price
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 1cp
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) 5cp
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 2cp
Mild Ale (less strong) 4cp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 2cp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 2cp
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 5cp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 3cp
Yanusa Wine 4cp
Chanusian Wine 5cp
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale 5cp
Rum 8cp


Item Price
Smoked Salmon Salad 4sp
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon 6sp
Roasted and Smoked Pork Spareribs 6sp
Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer 4sp
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread 3sp
Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb 5sp
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms 4sp
Breaded Breast of Griffon in Whisky Mushroom Sauce 11gp


Item Price
Mat in Common Room 3cp
Private Room, Simple, 1 Bed 3sp
Private Room, Upscale, 1 Bed 4sp
Private Room, Simple, 2 Beds 5sp

LM48 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Cleve human english Male 15 General Blacksmith Alcoholic and Strong
Daisy human english Female 25 Logger Rude and Boisterous
Nelle human english Female 19 Laborer Debonair and Sly
Barlow human english Male 5 Logger Evasive and Boastful
Stuart human english Male 36 Laborer Introverted and Strange
Marlie human english Female 7 Farmer Frugal and Inept

LM9 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Tosina gnome gnome Female 52 Worker Forgetful and Carefree

LN4 Old-Clothes


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kendyl human english Female 42 Worker Likeable and Shy
Kolten human english Male 46 Worker Reliable and Cheerless

LN7 Tavern


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Ivena gnome gnome Female 83 Patron/Adventurer Quiet and Sympathetic
Kellera gnome gnome Female 70 Patron/Adventurer Simple and Tenacious
Ralo gnome gnome Male 97 Patron/Unemployed Mercenary Compassionate and Uncooperative
Rala gnome gnome Female 96 Patron/Injury Discharged Soldier Discreet and Strong
Jeven gnome gnome Male 104 Patron/Guardsman Disagreeable and Brainy
Viveca gnome gnome Female 86 Patron/Adventurer Reckless and Secretive
Kendall human english Male 51 Patron Forgetful and Abrasive
Harley human english Female 30 Patron Boisterous and Curious
Kelsie human english Female 52 Patron Angry and Solitary
Lee human english Female 54 Patron Strong and Empathic
Kimberly half-elf english Female 51 Patron Superstitious and Good Gambler
Hugena dwarf dwarven Female 135 Patron Focused and Diplomatic
Ragnar dwarf dwarven Male 127 Patron Shrewd and Dependable
Hadrin dwarf dwarven Male 179 Patron Domineering and Logical
Gumli dwarf dwarven Male 114 Patron Bites Nails and Contrarian
Thrungeth dwarf dwarven Female 96 Patron Forgetful and Bites Nails
Heganbora dwarf dwarven Female 44 Patron Bashful and Spoiled
Thorek dwarf dwarven Male 134 Patron Overweight and Selfish


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Presley half-elf english Female 51 Owner Opinionated and Helpful
Kenyon human english Male 29 Owner Tattooed and Stutters
Edgaro half-elf english Male 40 Owner Quiet and Cheerful
Durrag dwarf dwarven Male 66 Bartender Strong-willed and Gloomy
Kendall half-elf english Male 63 Bartender Selfish and Fanatical
Dex half-elf english Male 31 Bartender Combative and Determined
Halle human english Female 28 Cook Crabby and Loves Beer
Dana human english Female 26 Cook Combative and Wary
Dadra dwarf dwarven Female 137 Servers Uncooperative and Condescending
Bronson human english Male 16 Servers Curious and Filthy mouth
Macie human english Female 37 Servers Discreet and Friendly
Kelcie half-elf english Female 69 Servers Stubborn and Intelligent


Item Price
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 5cp
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 4cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 3cp
Mild Ale (less strong) 2cp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 1cp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 4cp
Yanusa Wine 2cp
Fallan (elven) Wine 8cp
Vodka 8cp


Item Price
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms 9cp
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds 3sp
Breaded Breast of Chicken, Whiskey & Mushroom Sauce 5sp
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms 5sp

LO4 Weaponsmith


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Halie human english Female 55 Owner/Injury Discharged Soldier Intolerant and Messy
Brynlee half-elf english Female 55 Apprentice Compassionate and Suave
Kinsey human english Female 17 Apprentice Easygoing and Witty

Melee Weapons

Item Price #Avail
Dagger 3gp 15
Dagger, Punching 1gp 6
Mace, Light 6gp 4
Sickle 5gp 1
Shortspear 1gp 2
Longspear 5gp 3
Spear 2gp 15
Axe, Throwing 10gp 3
Handaxe 6gp 5
Sword, Short 11gp 7
Battleaxe 11gp 2
Longsword 16gp 3
Pick, Heavy 8gp 1
Rapier 20gp 3
Trident 13gp 2
Falchion 67gp 1
Greataxe 23gp 3
Greatclub 4gp 3

Ranged Weapons

Item Price #Avail
Blowgun 2gp 2
Crossbow, Light 40gp 4
Dart 6sp 11
Longbow 80gp 2
Longbow, Composite 100gp 2
Shortbow 34gp 3
Arrows(20) 12sp 1
Sling Bullets 1sp 8
Bolts, Crossbow (10) 8sp 11

LO59 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dayna human english Female 5 Maid Diplomatic and Skillful
Lilliana human english Female 3 Fisherman Religious and Obese
Dexter human english Male 55 Miller Paranoid and Bossy
Hallie human english Female 19 General Blacksmith Brash and Alert
Lilianna human english Female 35 Brewer Introverted and Unforgiving
Nell human english Female 26 Fisherman Humble and Quiet

LP2 Buckle-Maker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dana human english Male 25 Master Sympathetic and Diligent
Hayley human english Female 44 Apprentice Uncooperative and Macho
Rylee half-elf english Female 39 Apprentice Diplomatic and Strong

LQ111 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Ailith human english Female 55 Logger Well-informed and Suave
Barden human english Male 7 Brewer Melancholy and Likeable
Edi human english Male 17 Farmer Brilliant and Dumb
Bradshaw human english Male 8 Farmer Incoherent and Likeable

LQ3 Black Market


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lilyana human english Female 34 Leader/Guardsman Picks nose and Poor
Archer human english Male 16 Lieutenant/Injury Discharged Soldier Reluctant and Spoiled
Riley human english Female 21 Thug Secretive and Evasive
Halie human english Female 41 Thug Touchy and Tempermental
Avellana human english Female 26 Thug Combative and Sympathetic
Leigha human english Female 27 Thug Ostentatious and Friendly
Bassett human english Male 26 Thug/Explorer Compassionate and Conversational
Hali human english Female 23 Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier Fearful and Brutish
Lee human english Female 41 Thug/Pirate Honorable and Eccentric
Edith human english Female 18 Thug/Explorer Creepy and Graceful
Presley human english Female 52 Thug/Off-Duty Mercenary Scarred Face and Sincere
Dwight human english Male 19 Thug/Explorer Industrious and Inventive
Drake human english Male 37 Thug/Adventurer Intuitive and Compassionate

LS1 Ropemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Tivin gnome gnome Male 90 Worker Selfish and Patriotic

LS6 Baker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Gumli dwarf dwarven Male 43 Baker Ugly and Beautiful
Birkitt half-elf english Male 68 Baker Focused and Gullible
Kendall half-elf english Male 65 Apprentice Manipulative and Plain
Tiba halfling halfling Female 54 Apprentice Fearful and Messy
Ryleigh human english Female 52 Apprentice Inept and Brazen
Leigh human english Female 18 Apprentice Stubborn and Tempermental


Item Price #Avail
Knight's Loaf Bread (wheat) 4cp 16
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) 3cp 2
Biscuit (2x/baked, stays longer) 6cp 14
Unleavened Bread 3cp 22
Gingerbread 2cp 6
Caraway Seed Cookie 3cp 6
Lente Frytoures (fried battered apple rings) 2cp 1
Losenges Fryes (diamond shaped fried dough) 3cp 4
Cryspes (sugar coated funnel cakes) 3cp 9

LS7 Scabbardmaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Vendethiel elf elven Female 94 Worker Irritating and Sullen
Olin halfling halfling Male 39 Worker Cruel and Pleasant
Hayleigh human english Female 38 Worker Ugly and Spoiled
Gurni dwarf dwarven Male 81 Worker Quiet and Charismatic

LT5 Old-Clothes


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Yakumal half-orc halforc Female 45 Worker Nimble and Lazy

LU3 Wineseller


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lee human english Male 21 Worker Paranoid and Bashful
Eduard human english Male 48 Worker Thoughtful and Skillful
Maeron elf elven Male 111 Worker Obese and Reckless

Items (Each is 1 gallon)

Item Price
Zinfindel (Red, smooth, blackberry) 4sp
Chardonnay (White, oak, citrus) 4sp
Pinot Gris (White, rich, slightly spicy) 4sp
Semillon (White, dry, sweet) 2sp

LV3 Saddler


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Alfreda human english Female 29 Worker Pensive and Helpful
Audric human english Male 31 Worker Sour and Ugly
Faelwen elf elven Female 229 Worker Gullible and Secretive
Princeton human english Male 15 Worker Con man and Opinionated

LW1 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Tucker human english Male 35 Furrier Clever and Strong
Sanya elf elven Female 171 Apprentice Shrewd and Conversational

LX1 Chicken-Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Derina gnome gnome Female 83 Butcher Scrawny and Con man
Aethelu human english Female 20 Assistant Contrarian and Irritable
Babette gnome gnome Female 57 Assistant Incoherent and Superstitious
Kolby human english Male 25 Assistant Lunatic and Sleazy

LY3 The Rusty Gold-piece


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Caladwen elf elven Female 250 Owner Brash and Dependable
Somana gnome gnome Female 96 Owner Bites Nails and Industrious
Holden human english Male 44 Clerk Brutish and Courteous
Rhassbaradhon elf elven Male 94 Clerk Tempermental and Fearful
Lomana gnome gnome Female 54 Clerk Rude and Inept


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 2gp 4
Barrel 2gp 1
Basket 4sp 11
Bedroll 1sp 1
Bell 13sp 4
Blanket, Winter 6sp 9
Block and Tackle 5gp 2
Bucket (empty) 5sp 9
Candle 3cp 4
Chain (10ft) 36gp 2
Chalk, 1 piece 2cp 11
Chest (empty) 4gp 2
Firewood (per day) 3cp 2
Fishhook 1sp 14
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 4gp 9
Flask (empty) 5cp 25
Flint and Steel 15sp 5
Hourglass 26gp 1
Ink (1 oz. vial) 9gp 8
Ladder, 10ft 1sp 3
Lamp, common 2sp 4
Lantern, bullseye 17gp 1
Lantern, hooded 8gp 2
Lock, Simple 24gp 3
Lock, Average 50gp 3
Lock, Good 70gp 2
Mirror, small steel 54gp 1
Mag/Tankard, clay 3cp 20
Oil (1-pint flask) 2sp 4
Parchment (sheet) 2sp 3
Pitcher, clay 2cp 18
Pole, 10-foot 5cp 1
Pouch, belt 1gp 8
Ram, portable 12gp 2
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 3gp 1
Sack 1sp 10
Sewing Needle 5sp 4
Shovel or spade 2gp 4
Signal whistle 12sp 2
Signet ring 4gp 1
Sledge 3gp 4
Soap (per lb.) 6sp 15
Vial, ink or potion 3gp 9
Waterskin 3gp 12
Whetstone 2cp 5

LZ1 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Aearion elf elven Male 167 Furrier Ignorant and Rich
Dumina dwarf dwarven Female 144 Apprentice Armorsmith and Religious
Amity half-elf english Female 68 Apprentice Intolerant and Good Gambler

MC1 House Very Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Sherman human english Male 34 Explorer Diligent and Educated

MD1 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Braeden half-elf english Female 4 Off-Duty Mercenary Diplomatic and Introverted

MG1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Gwaedhiel elf elven Female 68 Weaponsmith Forgetful and Timid
Rhovanion elf elven Male 82 Logger Thoughtful and Friendly
Maerwen elf elven Female 26 Brewer Ostentatious and Sympathetic
Edhelwen elf elven Female 125 Private Guard Cynical and Diligent
Beriadhwen elf elven Female 159 Logger Manipulative and Careful
Herenya elf elven Female 15 Maid Combative and Thoughtful

MK1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Walker half-elf english Male 84 Worker Good-looking and Judgmental
Bramwell human english Male 18 Worker Frank and Contrarian
Aikin gnome gnome Male 119 Worker Tattooed and Contrarian
Kyndal half-elf english Female 59 Worker Compassionate and Helpful

ML1 Barber


Item Price
Haircut 4cp
Shave 4cp
Tooth Pulling 7cp
Lance a Boil 3cp
Other Surgery varies


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Ellethwen elf elven Female 147 Barber Simple and Indiscrete
Van human english Male 34 Assistant Classy and Intolerant
Justice human english Male 17 Assistant Poor and Smooth

MM2 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Nina gnome gnome Female 139 Furrier Condescending and Judgmental
Bugralb half-orc halforc Male 57 Apprentice Sadistic and Verbose
Dammin dwarf dwarven Male 107 Apprentice Quarrelsome and Messy
Edmondo human english Male 51 Apprentice Stutters and Industrious

MN1 Bookseller


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lester human english Male 0 Merchant Courteous and Reflective
Baul human english Male 17 Miller Vain and Combative

MP5 Barber


Item Price
Haircut 5cp
Shave 2cp
Tooth Pulling 5cp
Lance a Boil 4cp
Other Surgery varies


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Baldrick dwarf dwarven Male 78 Barber Plain and Curious
Reed human english Male 54 Assistant Brutish and Brainy
Nelle human english Female 33 Assistant Generous and Diligent

MQ1 Scabbardmaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Avery half-elf english Female 28 Worker Charismatic and Ostentatious
Dana human english Female 33 Worker Good-looking and Trustworthy
Yadumal half-orc halforc Female 29 Worker Generous and Mature

MR1 Temple


Item Price #Avail
Cure Moderate Wounds 120gp 1
Holy Water, per Vial 8gp 40


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Amonost elf elven Male 221 Head Priest/Pirate Friendly and Indiscrete
Istuion elf elven Male 218 Apprentice Patient and Argumentative
Van human english Male 48 Apprentice Unhappy and Humble
Ryder human english Male 23 Acolyte Beautiful and Judgmental
Whitley gnome gnome Female 87 Acolyte Determined and Bubbly
Lilian human english Female 26 Acolyte Melancholy and Shy
Burdan half-elf english Male 27 Acolyte Pensive and Beautiful
Olina halfling halfling Female 74 Acolyte Boisterous and Pleasant
Nellethiel elf elven Female 118 Acolyte Spunky and Friendly
Zorkin gnome gnome Male 45 Acolyte Timid and Sensitive
Drake human english Male 23 Acolyte Clean and Witty
Liliane human english Female 15 Acolyte Flirty and Hot-headed
Lilian half-elf english Female 56 Acolyte Crabby and Frank
Editha human english Female 52 Acolyte Cold and Stutters
Audric human english Male 52 Acolyte/Explorer Honorable and Gullible
Whitley human english Female 52 Acolyte/Adventurer Gullible and Likeable
Yorri dwarf dwarven Male 96 Acolyte/Adventurer Disrespectful and Intimidating
Brishen human english Male 29 Acolyte Gloomy and Loyal
Westley human english Male 16 Acolyte Focused and Strange

MR178 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Taurhassdorien elf elven Male 123 Private Guard Sagely and Lazy

MS1 Herbalist


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Haley half-elf english Female 52 Herbalist Simple and Fanatical
Clark human english Male 26 Apprentice Strange and Sarcastic
Clinton human english Male 34 Apprentice Boisterous and Sullen

Items (Each is 1 bunch)

Item Price
Holly 4cp
Mistletoe 4cp
Tea, Night 2sp
Tobacco 6sp
Wolfsbane 5sp

MS36 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Liliane human english Female 43 Farmer Indiscrete and Beautiful
Hailee human english Female 25 Cook Naive and Clean
Sawyer human english Female 12 Fisherman Logical and Generous
Marlee human english Female 29 Tailor Ugly and Sadistic
Hailee human english Female 44 General Blacksmith Incoherent and Cold
Aethelu human english Female 30 Armorsmith Unhappy and Incoherent

MT13 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Anameleth elf elven Female 102 Worker Strong and Industrious

MZ1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Geda halfling halfling Female 10 Farmer Jealous and Diplomatic
Diffi halfling halfling Male 57 Farmer Loyal and Shy
Fragina halfling halfling Female 38 Armorsmith Frugal and Belligerent
Bibdo halfling halfling Male 6 Laborer Bossy and Loyal
Feda halfling halfling Female 25 Weaponsmith Jealous and Deceitful

NC1 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kendyl half-elf english Female 50 Furrier Belligerent and Tall
Zosa gnome gnome Female 66 Apprentice Boastful and Humble

ND3 House Very Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Hailee human english Female 35 Farmer Aloof and Malicious
Stewart human english Male 21 Cook Eloquent and Scarred Face
Emerson human english Male 28 Maid Frank and Sadistic
Hadley human english Female 58 Farmer Lazy and Hot-headed
Afreda human english Female 39 Tailor Poor and Quarrelsome

NI1 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Gundrik dwarf dwarven Male 104 Logger Quarrelsome and Rude

NM1 The Rusty Five Pence


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dedu halfling halfling Male 72 Owner Know-it-all and Disagreeable
Archer human english Male 30 Clerk Silent and Strong
Dimzad dwarf dwarven Male 41 Clerk Self-Centered and Sneaky
Stanley human english Male 36 Clerk Inquisitive and Strange


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 1gp 1
Barrel 2gp 3
Basket 4sp 5
Bedroll 1sp 2
Block and Tackle 6gp 3
Bottle, Glass 2gp 2
Bucket (empty) 5sp 14
Caltrops 13sp 3
Candle 1cp 13
Canvas (sq. yd.) 1sp 196
Case, Map/Scroll 9sp 4
Chalk, 1 piece 1cp 88
Chest (empty) 2gp 5
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 7gp 9
Flask (empty) 5cp 29
Flint and Steel 9sp 11
Grappling Hook 10sp 1
Hammer 4sp 1
Ink (1 oz. vial) 10gp 3
Inkpen 2sp 4
Ladder, 10ft 4sp 2
Lamp, common 3sp 2
Lantern, bullseye 11gp 2
Lantern, hooded 12gp 5
Lock, Simple 18gp 4
Manacles, masterwork 49gp 2
Mag/Tankard, clay 1cp 15
Pick, miner's 3gp 3
Pitcher, clay 5cp 6
Piton 2sp 6
Pole, 10-foot 5cp 1
Pot, iron 7sp 4
Pouch, belt 1gp 4
Rations, trail (per day) 5sp 15
Sack 3sp 7
Sewing Needle 3sp 16
Signet ring 9gp 1
Sledge 1gp 1
Waterskin 1gp 3
Whetstone 4cp 9

NO1 Fishmonger


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Hurgina dwarf dwarven Female 129 Fishmonger Rash and Perfectionist
Pedu halfling halfling Male 58 Assistant Flirty and Likeable

NO35 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Bickford human english Male 9 Brewer Alcoholic and Strong
Clark human english Male 14 Fisherman Cruel and Funny
Gaige human english Male 32 Merchant Plain and Logical

NP6 Tavern


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Liliane half-elf english Female 39 Patron Patient and Honest
Bickford half-elf english Male 53 Patron Considerate and Lazy
Lindsey half-elf english Male 74 Patron Rude and Good-looking
Kingsley half-elf english Male 51 Patron Spoiled and Silent
Branton half-elf english Male 34 Patron Melancholy and Sensitive
Breena half-elf english Female 96 Patron Silent and Plain
Beriadhwen elf elven Female 107 Patron Considerate and Verbose
Menelwen elf elven Female 82 Patron Quiet and Focused
Valaina elf elven Female 142 Patron Sincere and Inventive
Megildur elf elven Male 110 Patron Hot-headed and Unforgiving
Bellethiel elf elven Female 269 Patron Bossy and Debonair
Bebin halfling halfling Male 72 Patron Trusting and Reluctant
Odo halfling halfling Male 36 Patron Rich and Humble
Geffin halfling halfling Male 39 Patron Alert and Suave
Geffa halfling halfling Female 44 Patron Thorough and Reliable
Frepin halfling halfling Male 44 Patron Clean and Tactful
Fralu halfling halfling Male 31 Patron Sneaky and Immature
Fudi halfling halfling Male 70 Patron Patient and Tempermental
Pidu halfling halfling Male 51 Patron Careful and Temperate
Thorgrim dwarf dwarven Male 112 Patron Dishonest and Ostentatious
Ulrik dwarf dwarven Male 67 Patron Indiscrete and Loud
Grogan dwarf dwarven Male 147 Patron Boring and Story-teller
Millard half-elf english Male 36 Patron Sympathetic and Lunatic
Dane half-elf english Male 34 Patron Deferential and Sarcastic
Archer half-elf english Male 45 Patron Indiscrete and Sly
Winto half-elf english Male 57 Patron Patriotic and Scarred Face
Fae half-elf english Female 41 Patron Aloof and Opinionated
Kelcie half-elf english Female 30 Patron Con man and Bubbly
Lilian half-elf english Female 53 Patron Cold and Logical
Darwin human english Male 36 Patron Smooth and Strong
Colton human english Male 23 Patron Con man and Verbose
Emerson human english Female 68 Patron Stutters and Intolerant
Eddie human english Male 36 Patron Verbose and Clever
Editta human english Female 23 Patron Frugal and Lazy
Brynlee human english Female 52 Patron Reluctant and Nimble
Barric human english Male 64 Patron Cultured and Suave
Averey human english Male 26 Patron Deferential and Alcoholic
Arthur human english Male 25 Patron Classy and Empathic
Burne human english Male 25 Patron Immodest and Honest
Koemo gnome gnome Male 128 Patron Withdrawn and Verbose
Bosina gnome gnome Female 82 Patron Belligerent and Abrasive
Balita gnome gnome Female 72 Patron Sarcastic and Messy
Posy gnome gnome Female 110 Patron Clever and Patriotic
Kiles gnome gnome Male 115 Patron Unforgiving and Inept
Zorko gnome gnome Male 95 Patron Suave and Miserly
Advo gnome gnome Male 46 Patron Domineering and Rich
Tuka gnome gnome Female 67 Patron Filthy mouth and Secretive
Idina gnome gnome Female 88 Patron Loves Beer and Honest
Rowan gnome gnome Male 159 Patron Brutish and Domineering
Bulla gnome gnome Female 61 Patron Poor and Artistic


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Anice human english Female 33 Owner Boastful and Virtuous
Colby human english Male 19 Owner Discreet and Disciplined
Edvard human english Male 34 Owner Abrasive and Respectful
Ulumal half-orc halforc Female 15 Bartender/Cutpurse Artistic and Brutish
Horgara dwarf dwarven Female 61 Bartender Clever and Religious
Tyler half-elf english Female 61 Bartender/Guardsman Perfectionist and Ugly
Storrid dwarf dwarven Female 90 Cook Jaded and Frank
Edgardo human english Male 49 Cook Shallow and Bites Nails
Cuiledhwen elf elven Female 205 Servers Brilliant and Perfectionist
Colten human english Male 20 Servers Focused and Bites Nails
Nedhudir elf elven Male 88 Servers Carefree and Ostentatious


Item Price
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) 4cp
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 1cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 3cp
Mild Ale (less strong) 2cp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 5cp
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 1cp
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 3cp
Fallan (elven) Wine 8cp
Whiskey 4cp


Item Price
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms 8cp
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon 5sp
Roast Stuffed Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce 4sp
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese 3sp
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables 4cp
Kito's Spiced Potatos 7cp
Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb 6sp
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms 4sp
Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato 3sp
Dragon Turtle and Garlic Stew 10gp

NQ16 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Solita gnome gnome Female 20 Farmer Obnoxious and Con man

NS5 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Toga halfling halfling Female 9 Miller Conversational and Irritating
Dudo halfling halfling Male 33 Fisherman Secretive and Forgetful

OD1 Herbalist


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Olina halfling halfling Female 36 Herbalist Intuitive and Simple
Riley half-elf english Male 64 Apprentice Discreet and Cynical
Cyneburga human english Female 39 Apprentice Intimidating and Frank

Items (Each is 1 bunch)

Item Price
Belladonna 1gp
Garlic 2sp
Holly 3cp
Mistletoe 4cp
Tea, Night 1sp
Tobacco 4sp
Wolfsbane 5sp

OI2 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Elwin half-elf english Male 89 Worker Silent and Introverted
Caladwen elf elven Female 185 Worker/Explorer Alcoholic and Eloquent
Lee human english Female 30 Worker Focused and Stubborn

OJ1 Chicken-Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Torko gnome gnome Male 71 Butcher Intelligent and Sly
Royce half-elf english Male 96 Assistant Macho and Obese
Keaton human english Male 42 Assistant Disagreeable and Melancholy

OJ2 Old-Clothes


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Dwight human english Male 24 Worker Discreet and Skillful
Edwin half-elf english Male 96 Worker Angry and Ostentatious
Fragin halfling halfling Male 63 Worker Sarcastic and Tenacious
Minuialwen elf elven Female 224 Worker Virtuous and Tattooed

OK1 Granary


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kimball human english Male 30 Explorer Careful and Scarred Face
Elfreda human english Female 1 Explorer Cultured and Miserly
Lawley human english Male 0 Adventurer Debonair and Skillful
Blaxton human english Male 33 Off-Duty Mercenary Combative and Boastful
Chelsea human english Female 19 Explorer Honest and Observant

OK9 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Malin gnome gnome Male 72 Maid Paranoid and Discerning
Tosin gnome gnome Male 69 Brewer Trusting and Shy
Ayer gnome gnome Male 46 Tailor Thrifty and Inventive
Solita gnome gnome Female 15 Merchant Brainy and Considerate
Kane gnome gnome Male 60 Cook Cheerful and Temperate
Tosin gnome gnome Male 3 Farmer Sullen and Reckless

OL2 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Brokki dwarf dwarven Male 93 Worker Sly and Brash
Synne human english Female 51 Worker Innocent and Silent

OM1 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Trygg dwarf dwarven Male 172 Worker Courteous and Loud
Grunna dwarf dwarven Female 132 Worker Dependable and Inquisitive
Tylor half-elf english Male 93 Worker Fearful and Debonair

ON18 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Valainistima elf elven Female 19 Farmer Determined and Kleptomaniac
Arwen elf elven Female 33 Tailor Crabby and Domineering
Elvellonwen elf elven Female 95 Armorsmith Unforgiving and Trustworthy
Urúvion elf elven Male 92 Laborer Evasive and Angry
Ithilwen elf elven Female 77 Baker Withdrawn and Disrespectful

ON2 Baker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Freda halfling halfling Female 53 Baker Respectful and Jaded
Paityn human english Female 44 Apprentice Cynical and Hot-headed
Charlin gnome gnome Male 106 Apprentice Strict and Empathic


Item Price #Avail
Knight's Loaf Bread (wheat) 6cp 12
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) 3cp 6
Unleavened Bread 2cp 19
Caraway Seed Cookie 4cp 8
Papyns (Custard) 2cp 8
Darioles (Green/Red/Yellow Custard in pie shell) 2cp 9
Frytour of Erbes (honeyed herbed fritters) 2cp 6
Ryschewys (fried fig pastry) 2cp 8
Losenges Fryes (diamond shaped fried dough) 2cp 4
Fritter of Milk (fried sweet cottage cheese) 2cp 5

ON6 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Pedo halfling halfling Male 63 Furrier Loud and Tall
Kelsey human english Female 26 Apprentice Diligent and Cheerless
Emerson human english Male 40 Apprentice Angry and Reflective
Fae half-elf english Female 28 Apprentice Energetic and Superstitious

OO1 Brothel


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Tordan gnome gnome Male 52 Host Considerate and Patient
Aranduriel elf elven Female 172 Worker Combative and Spunky
Halie human english Female 48 Worker Compassionate and Pensive
Maci human english Female 15 Worker Artistic and Temperate
Reid human english Male 37 Worker Mature and Deferential
Boda halfling halfling Female 49 Worker Sly and Argumentative
Halie half-elf english Female 82 Worker Deceitful and Condescending
Lilian human english Female 51 Worker Disagreeable and Honorable
Afreda half-elf english Female 70 Worker Lazy and Tactful
Edmonda human english Female 45 Worker Patriotic and Rugged
Tawnie gnome gnome Female 73 Worker Cheerful and Perfectionist
Leigh half-elf english Male 71 Guard Obnoxious and Intimidating
Macy human english Female 22 Guard Sadistic and Quiet
Tedu halfling halfling Male 84 Guard Story-teller and Likeable
Alyan elf elven Male 257 Guard Boisterous and Rich
Grimnir dwarf dwarven Male 44 Guard Incoherent and Wary
Brainard human english Male 40 Guard Filthy mouth and Introverted
Pidu halfling halfling Male 47 Guard Pensive and Fanatical
Barric human english Male 25 Guard Intimidating and Patriotic
Ryland human english Male 23 Guard Loyal and Fearful
Clive half-elf english Male 75 Guard Pensive and Scruffy
Brandon half-elf english Male 65 Guard Sharp and Bashful
Kern gnome gnome Male 51 Guard Conversational and Evasive
Karter human english Male 42 Guard Cynical and Thrifty
Bronson human english Male 17 Guard Focused and Sympathetic

OO10 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Miluiel elf elven Female 21 Armorsmith Classy and Sweet
Melimion elf elven Male 212 Fisherman Brazen and Introverted
Airedhiel elf elven Female 54 Merchant Vain and Inquisitive
Alya elf elven Female 139 Weaponsmith Diligent and Dumb
Lithônion elf elven Male 62 Brewer Boring and Considerate

OQ1 The Crimson Dog


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Bellethiel elf elven Female 256 Patron Touchy and Irritating
Calanon elf elven Male 128 Patron Armorsmith and Disagreeable
Caunardhon elf elven Male 95 Patron Cold and Bossy
Gondien elf elven Male 84 Patron Tenacious and Bites Nails
Arawen elf elven Female 197 Patron Lunatic and Boastful
Brenner human english Male 23 Patron Strange and Spunky
Audric human english Male 15 Patron Beautiful and Frugal
Todin halfling halfling Male 89 Patron Evasive and Poor
Dedo halfling halfling Male 52 Patron Con man and Stubborn
Febu halfling halfling Male 61 Patron Tempermental and Skillful
Togin halfling halfling Male 65 Patron Incoherent and Forgetful
Tedi halfling halfling Male 35 Patron Quiet and Loyal
Frigo halfling halfling Male 66 Patron Scarred Face and Lazy
Justice half-elf english Female 56 Patron Brainy and Lazy
Royce half-elf english Male 48 Patron Argumentative and Flirty
Emersyn half-elf english Female 49 Patron Argumentative and Immodest
Drake half-elf english Male 44 Patron Strong and Gullible
Barden half-elf english Male 66 Patron Perfectionist and Insincere
Osbert half-elf english Male 51 Patron Virtuous and Contrarian
Chelsea half-elf english Female 57 Patron Compassionate and Lazy
Booker half-elf english Male 96 Patron Insincere and Friendly
Alvar half-elf english Female 46 Patron Incoherent and Good Gambler
Ethel half-elf english Female 60 Patron Educated and Audacious
Peda halfling halfling Female 68 Patron Bites Nails and Brash
Oda halfling halfling Female 81 Patron Trusting and Cheerful
Gebu halfling halfling Male 58 Patron Lunatic and Tenacious
Tedin halfling halfling Male 37 Patron Bubbly and Funny
Breena half-elf english Female 47 Patron/Guardsman Honest and Frank
Scarlett half-elf english Female 66 Patron/Injury Discharged Soldier Sincere and Macho
Marlie half-elf english Female 32 Patron/Cutpurse Ugly and Disagreeable
Ethel half-elf english Female 81 Patron/Explorer Gullible and Cowardly
Edwin half-elf english Male 86 Patron/Off-Duty Mercenary Humble and Eloquent
Nell half-elf english Female 86 Patron/Retired Soldier Macho and Ambitious
Kelsi half-elf english Female 37 Patron/Pirate Aloof and Strong
Bellethiel elf elven Female 167 Patron Malicious and Helpful
Megilwen elf elven Female 84 Patron Ostentatious and Thrifty
Maeron elf elven Male 141 Patron Brutish and Considerate
Thalion elf elven Male 191 Patron Alert and Quarrelsome
Rainion elf elven Male 238 Patron Boastful and Scarred Face
Menelwen elf elven Female 146 Patron Artistic and Patient
Daerwen elf elven Female 267 Patron Diplomatic and Inquisitive
Eithelonnen elf elven Male 98 Patron Assertive and Scruffy
Arietta human english Female 17 Patron Lazy and Clever
Cliff human english Male 23 Patron Miserly and Inventive
Lyndsey human english Female 19 Patron Immodest and Brutish
Macy human english Female 35 Patron Superstitious and Indiscrete


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Cole half-elf english Male 78 Owner Quarrelsome and Rich
Bega human english Female 37 Owner Aloof and Humorous
Brentley human english Male 53 Bartender Gloomy and Intelligent
Tidu halfling halfling Male 68 Bartender Deceitful and Messy
Ellethwen elf elven Female 162 Cook Talkative and Reckless
Bobdo halfling halfling Male 34 Cook Spunky and Cranky
Edgardo human english Male 27 Servers Belligerent and Sullen
Lawley half-elf english Male 76 Servers Ugly and Rugged
Adlanna elf elven Female 193 Servers Studious and Unhappy
Bradburn human english Male 50 Servers Ugly and Loud
Edgarda human english Female 55 Servers Unhappy and Cranky


Item Price
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 2cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 5cp
Mild Ale (less strong) 3cp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 1cp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 4cp
Heron Wine 3cp
Chanusian Wine 2cp
Kharukan (dwarven) Ale 7cp
Rum 6cp


Item Price
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon 4sp
Roasted and Smoked Pork Spareribs 5sp
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds 3sp
Grilled Fillet of Salmon 3sp
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese 3sp
Kito's Spiced Potatos 8cp


Item Price
Mat in Common Room 4cp
Private Room, Upscale, 1 Bed 3sp
Private Room, Simple, 2 Beds 6sp
Private Room, Upscale, 2 Beds 10sp

OQ18 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Maci human english Female 32 Furrier Cultured and Artistic
Aethelu human english Female 51 Apprentice Judgmental and Intolerant
Lilien half-elf english Female 63 Apprentice Honest and Patriotic

PD1 Weaponsmith


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Beinion elf elven Male 160 Owner Combative and Overweight
Freli halfling halfling Male 72 Owner Cruel and Dishonest
Alvar half-elf english Female 55 Apprentice Reserved and Introverted
Tucker human english Male 55 Apprentice Poor and Fanatical

Melee Weapons

Item Price #Avail
Dagger 1gp 10
Dagger, Punching 1gp 5
Mace, Light 6gp 5
Sickle 5gp 3
Mace, Heavy 14gp 2
Morningstar 7gp 4
Longspear 6gp 10
Spear 3gp 5
Handaxe 7gp 4
Sap 1gp 4
Sword, Short 11gp 3
Battleaxe 12gp 1
Flail 8gp 2
Longsword 14gp 2
Pick, Heavy 8gp 1
Rapier 23gp 3
Scimitar 17gp 1
Warhammer 10gp 1
Greataxe 21gp 3
Greatclub 6gp 3
Lance 9gp 5

Ranged Weapons

Item Price #Avail
Crossbow, Heavy 46gp 1
Crossbow, Light 30gp 1
Dart 6sp 17
Javelin 9sp 2
Longbow 80gp 2
Longbow, Composite 110gp 2
Shortbow 30gp 4
Shortbow, Composite 70sp 1
Arrows(20) 12sp 18
Sling Bullets 2sp 8
Darts, Blowgun (10) 5sp 6
Bolts, Crossbow (10) 10sp 7

PE1 Old-Clothes


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lilyanna human english Female 20 Worker Aloof and Strict
Tidin halfling halfling Male 50 Worker Reliable and Virtuous

PE4 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Wilson human english Male 13 Farmer Sharp and Curious
Archer human english Male 35 Tailor Belligerent and Compassionate
Kelsey human english Female 34 Weaponsmith Diligent and Alert

PK1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Haylee human english Female 32 Worker Sheepish and Boring
Figo halfling halfling Male 49 Worker Bashful and Loves Beer

PL3 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Rhassbaradhon elf elven Male 115 Worker Energetic and Religious
Wade human english Male 25 Worker Armorsmith and Reserved
Thalion elf elven Male 202 Worker Loyal and Fearful
Tyler human english Female 21 Worker Tired and Carefree

PM1 Spice Merchant


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Finna dwarf dwarven Female 58 Worker Tactful and Frugal

PM2 Wineseller


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Ascot human english Male 50 Worker Strange and Sagely
Febda halfling halfling Female 35 Worker Studious and Courteous
Olina halfling halfling Female 47 Worker Flirty and Funny
Earle human english Male 17 Worker Strong-willed and Pensive

Items (Each is 1 gallon)

Item Price
Merlot (Red, soft, mild) 2sp
Cabernet Sauvignon (Red, currant, bell pepper) 4sp
Zinfindel (Red, smooth, blackberry) 3sp
Sauvignon Blanc (White, grapefruit, bell pepper) 4sp
Riesling (White, lime, apple, pear) 3sp
Semillon (White, dry, sweet) 2sp

PN1 Chicken-Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Verya elf elven Female 110 Butcher Macho and Naive
Dwight human english Male 21 Assistant Courteous and Gloomy
Dayna human english Female 30 Assistant Selfish and Thorough
Tyson human english Male 17 Assistant Condescending and Reliable
Aland human english Male 19 Assistant Sour and Observant

PO1 Chicken-Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lillian human english Female 35 Butcher Frugal and Brazen
Fudi halfling halfling Male 45 Assistant Artistic and Plain
Garinyth dwarf dwarven Female 142 Assistant Carefree and Shallow
Bodina halfling halfling Female 76 Assistant Rash and Artistic

PP33 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Nelle half-elf english Female 30 Maid Patriotic and Scrawny
Dalton half-elf english Male 35 Farmer Bashful and Sagely
Liliane half-elf english Female 97 Farmer Friendly and Immodest

PT1 Market


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Balita gnome gnome Female 57 Vegetables Unforgiving and Debonair
Balthilda human english Female 34 Vegetables Calm and Stubborn
Millard human english Male 39 Fruit Sour and Charismatic
Van half-elf english Male 45 Fruit Inept and Brutish
Marley half-elf english Female 82 Fruit Immodest and Beautiful
Tida halfling halfling Female 39 Sweets Scrawny and Indiscrete
Bodi halfling halfling Male 40 Sweets Know-it-all and Gloomy
Brucie human english Female 30 Sweets Disrespectful and Brazen
Cotina gnome gnome Female 77 Meats Boisterous and Belligerent
Throbinyn dwarf dwarven Female 90 Meats Conversational and Cold
Guage human english Male 35 Meats Naive and Artistic

QD1 House Very Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Clark human english Male 22 Town Watch Member Wary and Well-informed

QH1 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Hali human english Female 2 Armorsmith Discerning and Spoiled
Harley human english Female 31 Laborer Rude and Ignorant
Dana human english Male 59 Fisherman Introverted and Sensitive
Liliana human english Female 28 Laborer Sharp and Pleasant

QO1 Blacksmith


Item Price
Master Services, per day 1sp
Apprentice Services, per day 3cp


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Colby half-elf english Male 36 Owner Refined and Loyal
Grumdi dwarf dwarven Male 140 Owner Withdrawn and Judgmental
Beriogelir elf elven Male 161 Apprentice Eccentric and Charmer
Birkitt human english Male 18 Apprentice Trustworthy and Tempermental


Item Price #Avail
Axe 5gp 19
Bell 1gp 2
Studded Leather 30gp 3
Chain 10ft 27gp 4
Crane (hold pot over fire) 5sp 3
Fishhook 1sp 3
Grappling Hook 2gp 1
Grate (Cook-pit) 5sp 5
Hammer 5sp 1
Hoe 6sp 7
Lock, Very Simple 22gp 1
Lock, Average 37gp 3
Manacles 18gp 3
Pan 5sp 14
Pick, Miner's 2gp 3
Piton 2sp 6
Pot 6sp 1
Saw 4gp 5
Signal Whistle 7sp 3
Spade/Shovel 1gp 9

QO4 Tavern


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Snarri dwarf dwarven Male 50 Patron Clever and Observant
Thrungeth dwarf dwarven Female 148 Patron Tempermental and Hot-headed
Bardin dwarf dwarven Male 95 Patron Spoiled and Obnoxious
Hadley human english Female 38 Patron Classy and Combative
Lindsay human english Female 32 Patron Skillful and Discerning
Stewart human english Male 27 Patron Strict and Stutters
Clive human english Male 24 Patron Secretive and Cranky
Nellie human english Female 44 Patron Alert and Strange
Edvard human english Male 20 Patron Ambitious and Intelligent
Paxton human english Male 21 Patron Well-informed and Considerate
Colton human english Male 26 Patron Sheepish and Rash
Durion elf elven Male 82 Patron Alcoholic and Tired
Arawen elf elven Female 198 Patron Irritable and Cynical
Henaradwen elf elven Female 195 Patron Alcoholic and Forgetful
Maidhion elf elven Male 152 Patron Boring and Loyal
Morfindien elf elven Male 276 Patron Shrewd and Courteous
Gwirithiel elf elven Female 112 Patron Obnoxious and Gullible


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Amoniel elf elven Female 102 Owner Cruel and Plain
Trent human english Male 28 Bartender Thoughtful and Courteous
Lilyana human english Female 32 Cook Friendly and Conversational
Blakely human english Male 34 Cook Upbeat and Lunatic
Bronn dwarf dwarven Male 43 Servers Good Gambler and Frank
Mordin dwarf dwarven Male 76 Servers Disagreeable and Cynical
Bazgarub half-orc halforc Male 16 Servers Tall and Good-looking


Item Price
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 5cp
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) 1cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 5cp
Mild Ale (less strong) 2cp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 2cp
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) 4cp
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 1cp
Kharukan (dwarven) Ale 4cp
Whiskey 5cp


Item Price
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms 9cp
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds 3sp
Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer 2sp
Breaded Breast of Chicken, Whiskey & Mushroom Sauce 5sp
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread 3sp
Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb 4sp
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms 6sp

QP18 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Vivina gnome gnome Female 121 Laborer Emotional and Sleazy
Keegan gnome gnome Male 109 Private Guard Overweight and Observant
Aiko gnome gnome Female 56 Weaponsmith Uncooperative and Fearful
Palo gnome gnome Male 96 Armorsmith Bites Nails and Emotional

QP3 Old-Clothes


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Adan elf elven Male 207 Worker Cruel and Fanatical

RN1 Fishmonger


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Aelfgifu half-elf english Female 86 Fishmonger Cheerful and Artistic
Suiauthon elf elven Male 167 Assistant Rude and Jealous
Paityn half-elf english Female 52 Assistant Ambitious and Condescending

RO1 Spice Merchant


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Fuda halfling halfling Female 75 Worker/Retired Soldier Sarcastic and Domineering

SN2 Saddler


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Holden human english Male 21 Worker Spunky and Industrious

SN5 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Racerediron elf elven Male 68 Maid Discreet and Withdrawn
Beriogelir elf elven Male 156 Logger Cold and Lazy
Cuiledhwen elf elven Female 199 Farmer Crabby and Shallow
Saeldur elf elven Male 4 Fisherman Sneaky and Upbeat

SO1 Butcher


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Bowman half-elf english Male 69 Butcher Honorable and Ignorant
Aldyth half-elf english Female 68 Assistant Dull and Mature
Pida halfling halfling Female 64 Assistant Refined and Hot-headed
Lindsey human english Male 24 Assistant Patient and Know-it-all
Toga halfling halfling Female 40 Assistant Alcoholic and Irritating

SO28 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Sawyer human english Male 27 Town Watch Member Strong and Calm
Bega human english Female 37 Fisherman Tactful and Bratty
Aldrich human english Male 37 Beggar Bratty and Condescending
Nash human english Male 33 Logger Religious and Humorous
Macy human english Female 29 Farmer Tattooed and Industrious
Sterling human english Male 47 Town Watch Member Lazy and Cynical

SP2 Doctor


Item Price
Tooth Pulling 6cp
Lance a Boil 3cp
Other Surgery varies


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kelcie human english Female 28 Doctor Scarred Face and Irritating
Barden human english Male 42 Assistant Sweet and Cynical

SP3 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Darwin human english Male 37 Farmer Story-teller and Scarred Face
Harlow human english Female 45 Beggar Introverted and Stutters
Tylor human english Male 25 Farmer Sincere and Respectful
Bavol human english Male 9 Laborer Intimidating and Frank
Lillianna human english Female 5 Merchant Generous and Pleasant

SQ10 House Very Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Slade human english Male 32 Beggar Energetic and Nimble
Elfreda human english Female 1 Fisherman Stubborn and Belligerent
Lillianna human english Female 10 Laborer Vain and Mature
Shelley human english Female 12 Logger Honest and Tactful

SQ3 Granary


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Hayleigh human english Female 6 Private Guard Clever and Belligerent

SQ7 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Ridley human english Male 34 Worker Tempermental and Crabby

SR1 The Tarnished Two Skulls


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Sunniva human english Female 25 Owner Graceful and Patient
Haleigh human english Female 18 Owner Shrewd and Armorsmith
Rhassdorthion elf elven Male 204 Clerk Unforgiving and Patient
Millard half-elf english Male 94 Clerk Nimble and Brainy


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 1gp 5
Barrel 3gp 2
Basket 4sp 4
Bedroll 2sp 1
Blanket, Winter 5sp 4
Block and Tackle 7gp 6
Bottle, Glass 3gp 3
Bucket (empty) 7sp 11
Caltrops 12sp 10
Candle 3cp 33
Canvas (sq. yd.) 2sp 677
Case, Map/Scroll 11sp 3
Chalk, 1 piece 1cp 100
Fishhook 1sp 15
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 7gp 7
Flask (empty) 5cp 14
Flint and Steel 14sp 4
Grappling Hook 15sp 1
Hammer 5sp 4
Ink (1 oz. vial) 7gp 9
Ladder, 10ft 1sp 4
Lamp, common 2sp 13
Lantern, bullseye 14gp 6
Lantern, hooded 9gp 1
Lock, Simple 20gp 1
Lock, Average 37gp 1
Lock, Good 70gp 2
Mirror, small steel 19gp 1
Mag/Tankard, clay 3cp 2
Oil (1-pint flask) 2sp 26
Pick, miner's 3gp 5
Pitcher, clay 4cp 12
Piton 3sp 12
Pole, 10-foot 5cp 5
Pot, iron 8sp 3
Pouch, belt 2gp 8
Rope, silk (50 ft.) 12gp 2
Sealing Wax 3gp 8
Sewing Needle 16sp 8
Shovel or spade 3gp 4
Signal whistle 11sp 5
Sledge 2gp 1
Soap (per lb.) 4sp 6
Tent 15gp 2
Vial, ink or potion 2gp 10
Waterskin 1gp 13

SR2 Five Shekels and Two Shekels


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Gwedhiel elf elven Female 274 Owner Messy and Sympathetic
Borman gnome gnome Male 106 Clerk Sarcastic and Empathic


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 3gp 8
Barrel 1gp 3
Basket 5sp 5
Bedroll 1sp 5
Bell 11sp 4
Block and Tackle 6gp 4
Bucket (empty) 6sp 13
Candle 3cp 83
Case, Map/Scroll 8sp 6
Chalk, 1 piece 2cp 10
Chest (empty) 1gp 2
Crowbar 2gp 2
Fishhook 2sp 14
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 5gp 7
Flask (empty) 2cp 34
Flint and Steel 13sp 12
Lamp, common 3sp 15
Lantern, bullseye 11gp 6
Lantern, hooded 10gp 8
Lock, Superior 130gp 2
Mag/Tankard, clay 4cp 7
Oil (1-pint flask) 1sp 36
Parchment (sheet) 4sp 15
Pick, miner's 2gp 5
Pitcher, clay 2cp 3
Piton 3sp 11
Pot, iron 9sp 5
Pouch, belt 2gp 8
Ram, portable 8gp 2
Rations, trail (per day) 4sp 14
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 2gp 3
Sack 3sp 11
Sealing Wax 1gp 8
Sewing Needle 3sp 13
Shovel or spade 4gp 7
Signal whistle 12sp 1
Signet ring 4gp 2
Sledge 3gp 3
Vial, ink or potion 3gp 1
Waterskin 3gp 14
Whetstone 1cp 23

SS1 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Haven human english Female 26 Worker Angry and Charismatic
Edgarda human english Female 39 Worker Intelligent and Audacious
Fuba halfling halfling Female 67 Worker Lunatic and Artistic

SS2 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Shelley human english Female 26 Worker/Adventurer Shallow and Argumentative
Oswin human english Male 40 Worker Simple and Boring
Tidina halfling halfling Female 70 Worker Refined and Alcoholic
Dumalb half-orc halforc Male 21 Worker Malicious and Determined

ST1 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Tawarthion elf elven Male 53 Guardsman Emotional and Lunatic
Sanya elf elven Female 176 Adventurer Ostentatious and Withdrawn
Adanessa elf elven Female 135 Adventurer Graceful and Filthy mouth
Bainwen elf elven Female 30 Adventurer Tattooed and Strong
Urúvion elf elven Male 231 Explorer Scrawny and Mature

TL1 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lili human english Female 29 Fisherman Incoherent and Manipulative
Edwin human english Male 4 Logger Bites Nails and Macho
Batilda human english Female 45 Laborer Inept and Forgetful
Sawyer human english Female 27 Merchant Disagreeable and Sincere

TM1 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Linden human english Male 13 Armorsmith Gullible and Beautiful
Graham human english Male 35 Brewer Cheerless and Shallow
Graysen human english Male 41 Farmer Ugly and Indiscrete
Sunniva human english Female 30 Town Watch Member Brazen and Brash

TN9 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Nelly human english Female 24 Weaponsmith Boastful and Deferential
Ed human english Male 23 General Blacksmith Well-informed and Ignorant
Earline human english Female 37 General Blacksmith Know-it-all and Spoiled

TO2 Lumber Yard


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Hallie half-elf english Female 43 Owner Loyal and Brazen
Bazgarubal half-orc halforc Female 20 Assistant Discreet and Diligent
Verya elf elven Female 204 Assistant Naive and Religious
Shirley human english Female 36 Assistant Immature and Industrious
Milton human english Male 53 Assistant Fanatical and Withdrawn

TP1 Brewery


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kinsey human english Female 17 Brewer Upbeat and Clean
Westley human english Male 54 Apprentice Ostentatious and Boisterous
Beriadan elf elven Male 195 Apprentice Witty and Refined

Items (Each is 1 gallon)

Item Price
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 2sp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 3sp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 3sp

TS1 The Rusty Skull


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Poman gnome gnome Male 158 Owner Curious and Sleazy
Cuiledhwen elf elven Female 112 Owner Tempermental and Eloquent
Cotina gnome gnome Female 93 Clerk Gloomy and Patient


Item Price #Avail
Barrel 1gp 4
Basket 5sp 9
Bedroll 2sp 4
Blanket, Winter 7sp 6
Block and Tackle 4gp 2
Candle 2cp 88
Canvas (sq. yd.) 1sp 688
Chalk, 1 piece 2cp 55
Chest (empty) 1gp 1
Fishhook 1sp 7
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 7gp 2
Flask (empty) 4cp 18
Flint and Steel 14sp 8
Grappling Hook 8sp 3
Hammer 7sp 3
Hourglass 32gp 1
Lamp, common 2sp 13
Lantern, bullseye 15gp 2
Mag/Tankard, clay 1cp 8
Oil (1-pint flask) 2sp 5
Parchment (sheet) 2sp 14
Pitcher, clay 3cp 5
Piton 2sp 11
Pole, 10-foot 3cp 7
Pot, iron 7sp 1
Pouch, belt 1gp 6
Ram, portable 9gp 2
Rations, trail (per day) 8sp 7
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 1gp 1
Sack 1sp 2
Sewing Needle 4sp 1
Shovel or spade 5gp 9
Signal whistle 8sp 5
Signet ring 5gp 1
Sledge 3gp 5
Tent 9gp 1
Waterskin 1gp 20
Whetstone 4cp 25

TW1 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Tedina halfling halfling Female 56 Private Guard Angry and Reserved
Febo halfling halfling Male 25 Beggar Funny and Solitary
Olo halfling halfling Male 31 Laborer Unhappy and Trusting
Odo halfling halfling Male 46 Private Guard Scrawny and Haughty
Griga halfling halfling Female 15 Tailor Rash and Unfriendly
Biba halfling halfling Female 58 Fisherman Overweight and Reliable

UF1 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Yaturak half-orc halforc Male 34 Laborer Forgetful and Cranky

UG1 Barracks


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Frilina halfling halfling Female 70 Leader/Injury Discharged Soldier Scrawny and Debonair
Elfi half-elf english Female 100 Lieutenant/Explorer Trusting and Sour
Nalo gnome gnome Male 78 Lieutenant/Off-Duty Mercenary Haughty and Insincere
Kenyon human english Male 27 Lieutenant/Injury Discharged Soldier Talkative and Curious
Bregolien elf elven Male 151 Lieutenant/Adventurer Courteous and Rich
Ryder human english Male 27 Lieutenant/Retired Soldier Diligent and Obese
Armida gnome gnome Female 130 Lieutenant Empathic and Mature
Booker human english Male 47 Lieutenant/Guardsman Empathic and irresponsible
Arethusa human english Female 21 Lieutenant Inventive and Clean
Kolten human english Male 28 Guard Witty and Assertive
Lindsay human english Female 18 Guard Bashful and Pensive
Anice human english Female 49 Guard Opinionated and Simple
Edmond human english Male 31 Guard Skillful and Poor
Brighton human english Female 22 Guard Calm and Reserved
Kolby human english Male 38 Guard Mature and Angry
Beverly human english Female 33 Guard Inquisitive and Succinct
Hailey human english Female 50 Guard Diligent and Spoiled
Ola halfling halfling Female 64 Guard Thoughtful and Tenacious
Frada halfling halfling Female 76 Guard Mature and Tired
Frugina halfling halfling Female 39 Guard Malicious and Fearful
Fiffu halfling halfling Male 56 Guard Energetic and Immodest
Allison gnome gnome Female 61 Guard Uncooperative and Clean
Leib gnome gnome Male 156 Guard Story-teller and irresponsible
Derina gnome gnome Female 101 Guard Tattooed and Patriotic
Palo gnome gnome Male 109 Guard Reflective and Innocent
Tawnie gnome gnome Female 115 Guard Skillful and Trustworthy
Forcan gnome gnome Male 47 Guard Bossy and Brash
Marshal human english Male 18 Guard Scrawny and Hot-headed
Kelsi human english Female 36 Guard Lazy and Quiet
Clay human english Male 35 Guard Silent and Self-Centered
Hailey human english Female 23 Guard Overweight and Trusting
Landon human english Male 50 Guard Observant and Empathic
Lindsey human english Female 23 Guard Succinct and Sagely
Barney human english Male 39 Guard Irritable and Snob
Wayne human english Male 21 Guard Loves Beer and Debonair
Lindsey human english Female 17 Guard Condescending and Sharp
Hailee half-elf english Female 90 Guard/Retired Soldier Alert and Hot-headed
lane half-elf english Male 50 Guard/Explorer Sensitive and Scarred Face
Nelle half-elf english Female 65 Guard/Retired Soldier Sullen and Energetic
Sunniva half-elf english Female 48 Guard/Adventurer Melancholy and Bites Nails
Megildur elf elven Male 182 Guard Loves Beer and Trusting
Beriogelir elf elven Male 142 Guard Skillful and Simple
Alassiel elf elven Female 202 Guard Gullible and Intuitive
Rhassdorthion elf elven Male 85 Guard Lunatic and Spoiled
Arawen elf elven Female 272 Guard Self-Centered and Graceful
Charlton half-elf english Male 31 Guard/Retired Soldier Wary and Gullible
Chelsi half-elf english Female 66 Guard/Unemployed Mercenary Graceful and Assertive
Bradyn half-elf english Male 66 Guard/Adventurer Unhappy and Sharp
Edvin half-elf english Male 67 Guard/Explorer Naive and Filthy mouth
Earline half-elf english Female 115 Guard/Off-Duty Mercenary Determined and Aloof
Anice half-elf english Female 59 Guard/Explorer Curious and Vain
Arledge half-elf english Male 41 Guard/Unemployed Mercenary Sullen and Sarcastic
Eddie half-elf english Male 116 Guard/Retired Soldier Eccentric and Indiscrete
Kelsey human english Male 16 Guard Bites Nails and Belligerent
Colton human english Male 19 Guard Conversational and Lazy
Bega human english Female 32 Guard Rich and Intelligent
Rylan human english Female 43 Guard Bubbly and Sincere
Anameleth elf elven Female 172 Guard/Unemployed Mercenary Cheerful and Forgetful
Miluiel elf elven Female 143 Guard/Adventurer Tempermental and Brilliant
Sellion elf elven Male 151 Guard/Adventurer Graceful and Sincere
Lithônion elf elven Male 131 Guard/Unemployed Mercenary Diplomatic and Talkative
Lindethiel elf elven Female 240 Guard/Unemployed Mercenary Patriotic and Patient
Rhovanion elf elven Male 244 Guard/Pirate Diligent and Filthy mouth
Saeldur elf elven Male 167 Guard/Off-Duty Mercenary Opinionated and Humorous
Nellethiel elf elven Female 144 Guard/Injury Discharged Soldier Logical and Story-teller
Tuarwen elf elven Female 154 Guard/Retired Soldier Alert and Thorough
Cerina gnome gnome Female 40 Guard/Cutpurse Miserly and Lunatic
Egan gnome gnome Male 117 Guard/Retired Soldier Curious and Beautiful
Forcan gnome gnome Male 109 Guard/Pirate Logical and Cowardly
Gerina gnome gnome Female 64 Guard/Guardsman Tactful and Observant
Palina gnome gnome Female 152 Guard/Adventurer Silent and Patient

UO5 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Brishen human english Male 39 Private Guard Story-teller and Talkative
Leland human english Male 10 Farmer Frugal and Diplomatic
Lyndon human english Male 9 Armorsmith Graceful and Intolerant
Kendyl human english Female 18 Logger Picks nose and Cranky
Rohesia human english Female 0 Farmer Compassionate and Tenacious

UP2 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kimberley human english Female 26 Worker Pensive and Incoherent
Kolten human english Male 33 Worker Immature and Focused
Kelsey half-elf english Male 36 Worker Simple and Argumentative

UP5 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Adan gnome gnome Female 7 Cook Clever and Stubborn

UR1 Wall Tower, No Stairs


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kelcie human english Female 48 Guardsman Emotional and Assertive

VO1 Tavern


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Edoarda human english Female 26 Patron Likeable and Pleasant
Beval human english Male 69 Patron Touchy and Pleasant
Wynton human english Male 50 Patron Self-Centered and Unhappy
Kimber human english Female 23 Patron Cowardly and Charmer
Alvar half-elf english Female 71 Patron Touchy and Cold
Arietta half-elf english Female 90 Patron Alcoholic and Timid
Alditha half-elf english Female 49 Patron Paranoid and Shy
Hayley half-elf english Female 25 Patron Wise and Sharp
Peyton half-elf english Female 79 Patron Bashful and Courteous
Haley half-elf english Female 32 Patron Poor and Temperate
Nash half-elf english Male 63 Patron Brazen and Rude
Hayes half-elf english Male 43 Patron Secretive and Dull
Brucie half-elf english Female 74 Patron Secretive and Good-looking


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kimberly human english Female 26 Owner Respectful and Reserved
Eruraviel elf elven Female 173 Owner/Explorer Intolerant and Upbeat
Grant human english Male 43 Bartender Ambitious and Sincere
Barse human english Male 37 Bartender Lunatic and Tired
Averey human english Male 26 Cook Lazy and Sarcastic
Frolin halfling halfling Male 32 Servers Boring and Brazen
Liliana human english Female 28 Servers Plain and Quarrelsome
Rosine gnome gnome Female 114 Servers/Guardsman Immodest and Talkative


Item Price
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) 4cp
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) 2cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 5cp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 3cp
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 2cp
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) 4cp
Rum 7cp
Whiskey 7cp


Item Price
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets 2sp
Smoked Salmon Salad 5sp
Grilled Fillet of Salmon 4sp
Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips 3sp
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread 4sp
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables 4cp
Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb 5sp

VP1 Tannery


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Fubdu halfling halfling Male 56 Worker Nimble and Cynical

WD1 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Muragum half-orc halforc Male 37 Worker Emotional and Ugly
Brynlee human english Female 37 Worker Abrasive and Calm
Grant human english Male 56 Worker Calm and Loves Beer

WK1 Tavern


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Durina dwarf dwarven Female 110 Patron Assertive and Thorough
Gurna dwarf dwarven Female 136 Patron Sneaky and Cowardly
Morngrim dwarf dwarven Male 41 Patron Sensitive and Smooth
Grunda dwarf dwarven Female 104 Patron Sweet and Sadistic
Throbbyn dwarf dwarven Female 71 Patron Intelligent and Mature
Groth dwarf dwarven Male 122 Patron Honest and Messy
Logalyn dwarf dwarven Female 136 Patron Spunky and Brutish
Faragriam dwarf dwarven Female 41 Patron Perfectionist and Sympathetic
Othos dwarf dwarven Male 115 Patron Patriotic and Sharp
Dana half-elf english Male 64 Patron Quarrelsome and Strict
Kennard half-elf english Male 25 Patron Cowardly and Gloomy
Camden half-elf english Male 34 Patron Quiet and Brash
Sawyer half-elf english Female 80 Patron Cranky and Thrifty
Willibrord half-elf english Male 30 Patron Sly and Cowardly
Audric half-elf english Male 63 Patron Empathic and Cultured
Bolton half-elf english Male 92 Patron Intimidating and Unhappy
Elvis human english Male 24 Patron/Guardsman Angry and Quarrelsome
Tatum human english Female 19 Patron/Pirate Fanatical and Disrespectful
Figa halfling halfling Female 48 Patron Cynical and Friendly
Frepin halfling halfling Male 67 Patron Disrespectful and Well-informed
Fudo halfling halfling Male 59 Patron Bratty and Dishonest
Fubdo halfling halfling Male 34 Patron Honest and Brilliant
Beffin halfling halfling Male 94 Patron Brilliant and Aloof
Frido halfling halfling Male 47 Patron Artistic and Fearful
Beba halfling halfling Female 42 Patron Brilliant and Poor Gambler
Fubdina halfling halfling Female 47 Patron Sympathetic and Assertive
Fragina halfling halfling Female 46 Patron Logical and Tall
Olina halfling halfling Female 63 Patron Obese and Reliable
Azramyth dwarf dwarven Female 119 Patron Quiet and Funny
Adlanniel elf elven Female 293 Patron Respectful and Shy
Adanion elf elven Male 75 Patron Compassionate and Clean
Lithônion elf elven Male 246 Patron Silent and Charismatic
Airedhiel elf elven Female 270 Patron Combative and Rich
Beriadan elf elven Male 167 Patron Haughty and Gullible
Limwen elf elven Female 107 Patron Thrifty and Tenacious
Meldarion elf elven Male 165 Patron Charmer and Disagreeable
Fainauriel elf elven Female 201 Patron Dependable and Calm
Thialfi dwarf dwarven Male 42 Patron Reliable and Indiscrete
Fregar dwarf dwarven Female 92 Patron Incoherent and Alert
Eduardo human english Male 44 Patron Refined and Religious
Leigh human english Female 34 Patron Reluctant and Classy
Lee human english Male 25 Patron Scarred Face and Strict
Tucker human english Male 37 Patron Angry and Boring
Synne human english Female 24 Patron Frugal and Thorough
Kolton human english Male 33 Patron Religious and Boastful
Nelle human english Female 46 Patron Self-Centered and Brainy
Earline human english Female 27 Patron Cranky and Smooth


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Haley human english Female 27 Owner Armorsmith and Patient
Liliane human english Female 42 Owner Immodest and Disrespectful
Zowana gnome gnome Female 40 Owner Strict and Good Gambler
Denver human english Male 18 Bartender Nimble and Suave
Poman gnome gnome Male 63 Bartender Easygoing and Cranky
Kolton human english Male 37 Cook Contrarian and Filthy mouth
Remy half-elf english Male 52 Cook Dumb and Sagely
Kelsie human english Female 24 Servers Spunky and Brainy
Edwina human english Female 26 Servers Vain and Sagely
Eduardo human english Male 22 Servers Shallow and Forgetful
Morngram dwarf dwarven Female 181 Servers Good Gambler and Thorough
Dana human english Female 32 Servers/Unemployed Mercenary Observant and Witty


Item Price
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) 1cp
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) 3cp
Mild Ale (less strong) 2cp
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) 5cp
Stout (dark, among the strongest) 3cp
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) 2cp
Chanusian Wine 2cp
Quillin (elven) Wine 6cp
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale 9cp


Item Price
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables 4cp
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon 5sp
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds 4sp
Breaded Breast of Chicken, Whiskey & Mushroom Sauce 5sp
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese 4sp
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables 5cp
Kito's Spiced Potatos 9cp
Roast Beef Served with Cranberry Sauce 6sp
Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato 5sp

WN1 Buckle-Maker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Teda halfling halfling Female 30 Master Domineering and Emotional
Tatum half-elf english Male 61 Apprentice Ugly and Strange
Brandon half-elf english Male 40 Apprentice Alcoholic and Patient
Hayleigh human english Female 53 Apprentice Clever and Tactful

WP1 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Duloorzal half-orc halforc Female 35 Furrier Obnoxious and Perfectionist
Harley human english Female 46 Apprentice Honest and Melancholy
Sherman human english Male 15 Apprentice Nimble and Funny
Eruaistaniel elf elven Female 121 Apprentice Ugly and Pensive

WQ3 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Tangadion elf elven Male 130 Injury Discharged Soldier Spunky and Rude
Caunardhon elf elven Male 118 Injury Discharged Soldier Kleptomaniac and Scruffy
Hirnaeranin elf elven Male 73 Off-Duty Mercenary Introverted and Naive
Adonnenniel elf elven Female 182 Pirate Rash and Generous
Suiadanion elf elven Male 160 Explorer Brazen and Condescending
Adanessa elf elven Female 270 Adventurer Well-informed and Rich

WR1 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kim human english Female 24 General Blacksmith Creepy and Brutish
Macy human english Female 30 Beggar Ambitious and Gullible
Edmonda human english Female 55 Fisherman Educated and Immodest
Chelsie human english Female 17 Farmer Sensitive and Disciplined
Birkitt human english Male 22 Tailor Unfriendly and Scrawny

WS1 The Tarnished Skull


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Frilina halfling halfling Female 51 Owner Rash and Religious
Kole human english Male 19 Clerk Clever and irresponsible


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 2gp 9
Barrel 1gp 8
Basket 6sp 9
Bedroll 1sp 4
Bell 12sp 2
Blanket, Winter 7sp 6
Bucket (empty) 5sp 2
Caltrops 13sp 4
Candle 1cp 22
Chain (10ft) 35gp 4
Chalk, 1 piece 1cp 82
Chest (empty) 3gp 4
Crowbar 3gp 3
Firewood (per day) 3cp 4
Fishhook 1sp 3
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 7gp 9
Flask (empty) 5cp 19
Hammer 6sp 8
Ink (1 oz. vial) 12gp 7
Ladder, 10ft 1sp 6
Lamp, common 3sp 8
Lantern, hooded 12gp 3
Lock, Simple 25gp 3
Lock, Average 36gp 4
Mag/Tankard, clay 1cp 6
Oil (1-pint flask) 3sp 44
Pick, miner's 4gp 1
Pitcher, clay 1cp 17
Piton 2sp 7
Pole, 10-foot 6cp 7
Pot, iron 11sp 2
Pouch, belt 3gp 6
Rations, trail (per day) 7sp 11
Sack 1sp 15
Sewing Needle 9sp 10
Shovel or spade 1gp 10
Signal whistle 11sp 2
Sledge 3gp 5
Waterskin 1gp 16
Whetstone 2cp 23

WT1 Lumber Yard


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Villads human english Male 54 Owner Brash and Forgetful
Arbellason elf elven Male 339 Assistant Cultured and Manipulative
Frugin halfling halfling Male 64 Assistant Scruffy and Humorous
Lilien half-elf english Female 49 Assistant Discerning and Virtuous
Yorryn dwarf dwarven Female 80 Assistant Irritable and Religious
Zuko gnome gnome Male 73 Assistant Rude and Reserved

WV1 Scabbardmaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Allison gnome gnome Female 59 Worker Witty and Immodest
Eddie human english Male 23 Worker Pensive and Poor

WW1 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Edmonda half-elf english Female 36 Worker Audacious and Quiet
Garzanhka half-orc halforc Female 46 Worker Shy and Gloomy

WW2 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Bentley half-elf english Male 26 Maid Verbose and Know-it-all
Aelflaed half-elf english Female 61 Weaponsmith Religious and Courteous
Alfreda half-elf english Female 61 Brewer Intimidating and Energetic

XH1 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Edoardo human english Male 25 Furrier Artistic and Deferential
Kimber human english Female 25 Apprentice Cruel and Focused
Brinley human english Male 32 Apprentice Thoughtful and Bites Nails

XK1 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Earl half-elf english Male 43 Worker Bossy and Shallow
Frugi halfling halfling Male 71 Worker Smooth and Obese
Lynsey human english Female 21 Worker Easygoing and Scarred Face
Eduardo human english Male 28 Worker Verbose and Gloomy

XK2 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Burleigh human english Male 2 Logger Combative and Intolerant
Chelsea human english Female 18 Laborer Focused and Succinct
Kingsley human english Male 34 Farmer Contrarian and Overweight
Harper human english Male 51 Cook Sweet and Self-Centered
Clint human english Male 22 Merchant Witty and Nosy

XN1 House L-Shaped Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Amice human english Female 6 Farmer Lazy and Cheerless
Lindsey human english Male 25 Armorsmith Sympathetic and Trusting
Haylee human english Female 25 Fisherman Sour and Cultured
Rylee human english Female 18 Farmer Boastful and Picks nose
Dayton human english Male 54 Farmer Shrewd and Audacious
Haylee human english Female 17 Beggar Bratty and Sheepish

XO1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Bridgely human english Male 31 Worker Flirty and Filthy mouth
Durzalka half-orc halforc Female 22 Worker Kleptomaniac and Disciplined
Rylan half-elf english Male 30 Worker Alert and Empathic
Rylan human english Female 33 Worker Charismatic and Curious

XQ2 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Tatum human english Male 52 Worker Scruffy and Fearful
Lorcana gnome gnome Female 138 Worker Belligerent and Paranoid
Manwameldiel elf elven Female 245 Worker Indiscrete and Boring

XQ3 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Towana gnome gnome Female 138 Merchant Cheerful and Reserved
Edva gnome gnome Female 110 Fisherman Reserved and Friendly
Vivin gnome gnome Male 27 Private Guard Bashful and Mature
Renna gnome gnome Female 78 Cook Dependable and Brilliant

XR1 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lorcan gnome gnome Male 35 Miller Contrarian and Rash

XS2 Five Coppers and Three Shekels


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kamden human english Male 28 Owner Dull and Tenacious
Blakely human english Male 41 Owner Humorous and Sullen
Kole half-elf english Male 70 Clerk Cruel and Charismatic


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 1gp 4
Barrel 2gp 2
Basket 5sp 8
Bedroll 1sp 3
Bell 12sp 4
Blanket, Winter 7sp 5
Block and Tackle 4gp 1
Bucket (empty) 7sp 13
Caltrops 13sp 6
Candle 2cp 65
Canvas (sq. yd.) 2sp 719
Case, Map/Scroll 11sp 2
Chalk, 1 piece 2cp 99
Chest (empty) 4gp 4
Crowbar 1gp 2
Firewood (per day) 2cp 14
Fishhook 2sp 8
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 4gp 6
Flask (empty) 4cp 4
Flint and Steel 14sp 3
Grappling Hook 14sp 3
Inkpen 1sp 2
Lamp, common 3sp 4
Lantern, bullseye 14gp 4
Lantern, hooded 8gp 1
Lock, Simple 20gp 2
Lock, Average 46gp 1
Manacles 18gp 1
Mag/Tankard, clay 2cp 19
Oil (1-pint flask) 3sp 2
Pick, miner's 2gp 3
Pitcher, clay 1cp 13
Piton 1sp 15
Pole, 10-foot 5cp 3
Pot, iron 12sp 5
Pouch, belt 2gp 10
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 2gp 10
Sealing Wax 2gp 6
Sewing Needle 17sp 7
Shovel or spade 3gp 14
Signal whistle 10sp 2
Sledge 1gp 5
Vial, ink or potion 1gp 1
Water clock 1440gp 1
Waterskin 2gp 3
Whetstone 1cp 21

XT1 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Gudruna dwarf dwarven Female 105 General Blacksmith Refined and Dumb

XV1 Old-Clothes


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Braxton human english Male 41 Worker Strong-willed and Rugged
Edgarda human english Female 27 Worker Witty and Audacious
Oswin human english Male 61 Worker Considerate and Funny
Dedu halfling halfling Male 41 Worker Hot-headed and Gloomy

XW1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Hailie half-elf english Female 28 Worker Lazy and Simple
Cyneburga human english Female 46 Worker Discerning and Smooth
Marley human english Male 28 Worker Manipulative and Intolerant

YI1 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Marlie human english Female 39 Worker Cowardly and Pleasant
Elvis human english Male 39 Worker Succinct and Gloomy

YJ1 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Ryder human english Male 30 Furrier Nimble and Beautiful
Nalo gnome gnome Male 58 Apprentice Insincere and Alcoholic

YK1 Cooper


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Harlow human english Female 35 Cooper Quarrelsome and Cold
Thorlekyth dwarf dwarven Female 167 Assistant Conversational and Scrawny
Ghamobal half-orc halforc Female 33 Assistant Graceful and Dishonest

YM1 House Square Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kyndal half-elf english Female 48 Farmer Poor Gambler and Well-informed
Edmonda half-elf english Female 65 General Blacksmith Withdrawn and Deferential
Stanley half-elf english Male 60 Farmer Unfriendly and Sincere
Elfi half-elf english Female 83 Farmer Virtuous and Careful

YO1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Vance human english Male 36 Worker Bratty and Good Gambler
Dertain dwarf dwarven Female 67 Worker Well-informed and Nosy
Braxton human english Male 19 Worker Obese and Sour

YT1 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Avellana human english Female 11 Fisherman Irritating and Shallow
Tyson human english Male 4 Town Watch Member Snob and Honest

YV1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Raline gnome gnome Female 116 Worker Disrespectful and Thorough
Gavina gnome gnome Female 41 Worker Combative and Brash
Edmund human english Male 26 Worker Cruel and Sincere
Halle human english Female 22 Worker Introverted and Studious

YW1 The Tarnished Five Shekels


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Rowana gnome gnome Female 145 Owner Insincere and Patient
Editha human english Female 41 Clerk Honorable and Abrasive
Macy human english Female 40 Clerk Brash and Lazy
Clifton human english Male 44 Clerk Rugged and Poor Gambler


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 3gp 5
Barrel 2gp 6
Basket 6sp 10
Bell 8sp 3
Blanket, Winter 5sp 12
Block and Tackle 7gp 1
Bottle, Glass 1gp 1
Bucket (empty) 6sp 12
Caltrops 10sp 6
Candle 2cp 30
Canvas (sq. yd.) 2sp 7
Chalk, 1 piece 1cp 29
Chest (empty) 3gp 4
Crowbar 2gp 1
Firewood (per day) 1cp 9
Fishhook 2sp 10
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 4gp 2
Flask (empty) 4cp 23
Flint and Steel 13sp 14
Hammer 6sp 6
Ink (1 oz. vial) 10gp 5
Ladder, 10ft 4sp 5
Lamp, common 1sp 13
Lantern, bullseye 17gp 5
Lantern, hooded 12gp 8
Lock, Average 39gp 4
Mag/Tankard, clay 3cp 20
Oil (1-pint flask) 3sp 45
Parchment (sheet) 4sp 4
Pick, miner's 4gp 3
Pitcher, clay 1cp 14
Piton 2sp 5
Ram, portable 14gp 2
Rope, silk (50 ft.) 14gp 1
Sack 1sp 19
Sealing Wax 2gp 2
Signal whistle 10sp 4
Sledge 1gp 1
Soap (per lb.) 4sp 1
Vial, ink or potion 3gp 6
Waterskin 3gp 14

YW3 House Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Alrika dwarf dwarven Female 65 Logger Tired and Artistic
Birgita dwarf dwarven Female 46 Laborer Empathic and Disciplined
Rareka dwarf dwarven Female 92 Fisherman Armorsmith and Ignorant
Snorri dwarf dwarven Male 115 Cook Frugal and Honest

YX1 House Very Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Thialfi dwarf dwarven Male 5 Farmer Brash and Bratty

ZI1 Cooper


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Geffa halfling halfling Female 46 Cooper Considerate and Sarcastic
Renna gnome gnome Female 116 Assistant Thoughtful and Abrasive
Drake human english Male 45 Assistant Respectful and Trusting
Gharagh half-orc halforc Male 23 Assistant Helpful and Studious

ZK1 House Very Fat L Wood


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Kolby half-elf english Male 28 Farmer Inventive and Graceful