Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Edvin | half-elf | english | Male 16 | Merchant | Innocent and Empathic | |
Emerson | half-elf | english | Male 72 | Miller | Haughty and Ugly | |
Kolby | half-elf | english | Male 51 | Miller | Innocent and Inept | |
Marley | half-elf | english | Female 6 | Logger | Helpful and Reflective | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Alaric | dwarf | dwarven | Male 45 | Laborer | Scrawny and Strange | |
Dorina | dwarf | dwarven | Female 33 | Weaponsmith | Brash and Shrewd | |
Thorgrima | dwarf | dwarven | Female 31 | Brewer | Thorough and Reserved | |
Rareka | dwarf | dwarven | Female 172 | Town Watch Member | Virtuous and Brash | |
Flakki | dwarf | dwarven | Male 100 | Private Guard | Tattooed and Bossy | |
Grond | dwarf | dwarven | Male 154 | Brewer | Belligerent and Argumentative | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Tithdaeron | elf | elven | Male 51 | Merchant | Messy and Clever | |
Raina | elf | elven | Female 82 | Private Guard | Brainy and Malicious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lunna | dwarf | dwarven | Female 119 | Worker | Thorough and Intimidating | |
Nala | gnome | gnome | Female 105 | Worker | Discerning and Thrifty | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ghorlarubal | half-orc | halforc | Female 6 | Farmer | Conversational and Silent | |
Ghamobal | half-orc | halforc | Female 1 | Private Guard | Ambitious and Diligent | |
Atzuk | half-orc | halforc | Male 25 | Farmer | Fearful and Intuitive | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Rarek | dwarf | dwarven | Male 54 | Laborer | Messy and Obese | |
Fimburyth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 113 | Farmer | Rugged and Smooth | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Deda | halfling | halfling | Female 37 | Owner | Educated and Intelligent | |
Grant | human | english | Male 36 | Clerk | Frugal and Helpful | |
Edmonda | half-elf | english | Female 34 | Clerk | Cranky and Evasive | |
Grogan | dwarf | dwarven | Male 61 | Clerk | Thoughtful and Debonair | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 3gp | 7 |
Barrel | 1gp | 5 |
Bedroll | 2sp | 3 |
Bell | 9sp | 1 |
Blanket, Winter | 6sp | 8 |
Block and Tackle | 5gp | 4 |
Bucket (empty) | 4sp | 7 |
Candle | 2cp | 92 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 1sp | 485 |
Case, Map/Scroll | 14sp | 6 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 2cp | 5 |
Chest (empty) | 2gp | 1 |
Fishhook | 2sp | 3 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 4gp | 6 |
Flint and Steel | 15sp | 4 |
Grappling Hook | 11sp | 3 |
Hammer | 4sp | 7 |
Hourglass | 30gp | 1 |
Ink (1 oz. vial) | 11gp | 1 |
Ladder, 10ft | 3sp | 10 |
Lamp, common | 2sp | 11 |
Lantern, bullseye | 10gp | 5 |
Lantern, hooded | 9gp | 5 |
Manacles | 15gp | 2 |
Mirror, small steel | 28gp | 4 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 4cp | 1 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 3sp | 36 |
Parchment (sheet) | 3sp | 19 |
Pitcher, clay | 1cp | 12 |
Piton | 3sp | 11 |
Pole, 10-foot | 3cp | 3 |
Pot, iron | 10sp | 5 |
Pouch, belt | 1gp | 10 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 5sp | 17 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 3gp | 6 |
Sack | 2sp | 18 |
Sewing Needle | 15sp | 17 |
Signet ring | 7gp | 2 |
Sledge | 1gp | 2 |
Tent | 15gp | 2 |
Whetstone | 1cp | 12 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kole | human | english | Male 36 | Baker | Gloomy and Wise | |
Weston | human | english | Male 21 | Laborer | Cranky and Focused | |
Brenner | human | english | Male 33 | General Blacksmith | Poor Gambler and Sharp | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Suiadanion | elf | elven | Male 232 | Locksmith | Judgmental and Alert | |
Hayes | human | english | Male 32 | Apprentice | Simple and Cultured | |
Fudina | halfling | halfling | Female 56 | Apprentice | Withdrawn and Shy | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Lock, Average | 46gp | 2 |
Manacles | 17gp | 2 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Nala | gnome | gnome | Female 160 | Worker | Irritable and Shy | |
Kimberlee | human | english | Female 39 | Worker | Inventive and irresponsible | |
Bellethiel | elf | elven | Female 199 | Worker | Scruffy and Easygoing | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Aelfraed | human | english | Male 41 | Owner | Kleptomaniac and Tall | |
Rimedur | elf | elven | Male 171 | Owner | Argumentative and Stubborn | |
Fiffa | halfling | halfling | Female 39 | Clerk | Shy and Industrious | |
Derin | gnome | gnome | Male 120 | Clerk | Bratty and Rash | |
Millard | human | english | Male 19 | Clerk | Obese and Cruel | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 3gp | 1 |
Barrel | 3gp | 3 |
Basket | 4sp | 3 |
Bedroll | 1sp | 4 |
Bell | 15sp | 2 |
Blanket, Winter | 4sp | 11 |
Block and Tackle | 6gp | 3 |
Bucket (empty) | 6sp | 12 |
Caltrops | 15sp | 7 |
Candle | 2cp | 11 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 1cp | 99 |
Chest (empty) | 1gp | 3 |
Crowbar | 2gp | 5 |
Firewood (per day) | 1cp | 12 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 3gp | 9 |
Flask (empty) | 2cp | 11 |
Flint and Steel | 9sp | 15 |
Grappling Hook | 11sp | 1 |
Hammer | 5sp | 6 |
Hourglass | 24gp | 1 |
Ink (1 oz. vial) | 10gp | 3 |
Lamp, common | 1sp | 4 |
Lantern, bullseye | 14gp | 1 |
Lock, Simple | 19gp | 4 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 4cp | 15 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 2sp | 32 |
Paper (sheet) | 8sp | 8 |
Pitcher, clay | 2cp | 1 |
Piton | 1sp | 10 |
Pole, 10-foot | 3cp | 4 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 6sp | 21 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 3gp | 4 |
Sack | 2sp | 13 |
Sewing Needle | 3sp | 6 |
Shovel or spade | 5gp | 9 |
Sledge | 2gp | 2 |
Soap (per lb.) | 10sp | 15 |
Tent | 13gp | 6 |
Vial, ink or potion | 1gp | 22 |
Waterskin | 3gp | 10 |
Whetstone | 4cp | 9 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Abellana | human | english | Female 39 | Worker | Intimidating and Argumentative | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Toda | halfling | halfling | Female 24 | Adventurer | Tempermental and Strong | |
Bobdo | halfling | halfling | Male 52 | Injury Discharged Soldier | Silent and Sly | |
Tidin | halfling | halfling | Male 24 | Cutpurse | Loud and Strong | |
Frega | halfling | halfling | Female 7 | Adventurer | Loves Beer and Observant | |
Olo | halfling | halfling | Male 10 | Unemployed Mercenary | Honest and Trusting | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Suiadanion | elf | elven | Male 146 | Hatmaker | Industrious and Trustworthy | |
Rod | human | english | Male 16 | Apprentice | Trustworthy and Curious | |
Burudha | half-orc | halforc | Female 17 | Apprentice | Picks nose and Jaded | |
Ayer | gnome | gnome | Male 64 | Apprentice | Unforgiving and Beautiful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Edouard | human | english | Male 25 | Maid | Quiet and Funny | |
Kendyl | human | english | Female 29 | Private Guard | Deferential and Strong | |
Elvin | human | english | Male 8 | Weaponsmith | Brainy and Sarcastic | |
Brinley | human | english | Male 34 | Tailor | Audacious and Silent | |
Earline | human | english | Female 27 | Armorsmith | Brazen and Frugal | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Edison | human | english | Male 26 | Furrier | Lunatic and Paranoid | |
Valadhiel | elf | elven | Female 153 | Apprentice | Unfriendly and Abrasive | |
Bartram | half-elf | english | Male 41 | Apprentice | Know-it-all and Patient | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Alvina | human | english | Female 40 | Fisherman | Macho and Stubborn | |
Tatum | human | english | Female 56 | Laborer | Inquisitive and Quarrelsome | |
Bradyn | human | english | Male 5 | Farmer | Sheepish and Rugged | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Emerson | human | english | Male 38 | Farmer | Disciplined and Alcoholic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Sherwin | human | english | Male 48 | Worker | Inventive and Curious | |
Alfreda | human | english | Female 30 | Worker | Discreet and Angry | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ryder | half-elf | english | Male 63 | Baker | Skillful and Spunky | |
Aland | half-elf | english | Male 19 | Brewer | Cruel and Dull | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dana | human | english | Female 44 | Host | Reserved and Rude | |
Aranduriel | elf | elven | Female 135 | Worker | Clean and Conversational | |
Pilindiel | elf | elven | Female 108 | Worker | Witty and Loyal | |
Kimberly | human | english | Female 24 | Worker | Honest and Manipulative | |
Elfriede | half-elf | english | Female 50 | Worker | Macho and Sullen | |
Kimberly | human | english | Female 35 | Worker | Bites Nails and Spunky | |
Diffu | halfling | halfling | Male 52 | Worker | Filthy mouth and Diplomatic | |
Synne | half-elf | english | Female 29 | Worker | Cheerless and Intuitive | |
Fredina | halfling | halfling | Female 55 | Worker | Honorable and Belligerent | |
Presley | half-elf | english | Female 63 | Worker | Macho and Friendly | |
Fridu | halfling | halfling | Male 48 | Worker | Sensitive and Sincere | |
Elfi | half-elf | english | Female 62 | Worker | Disrespectful and Intuitive | |
Scarlet | half-elf | english | Female 46 | Worker | Touchy and Brainy | |
Avery | human | english | Female 51 | Guard | Argumentative and Timid | |
Alderney | human | english | Male 26 | Guard | Eccentric and Unhappy | |
Kolby | half-elf | english | Male 70 | Guard | Generous and Virtuous | |
Clark | human | english | Male 31 | Guard | Inventive and Cheerless | |
Burlok | dwarf | dwarven | Male 46 | Guard | Judgmental and Sarcastic | |
Vardainiel | elf | elven | Female 109 | Guard | Artistic and Uncooperative | |
Dunstan | human | english | Male 16 | Guard | Honest and Macho | |
Sellion | elf | elven | Male 115 | Guard | Considerate and Superstitious | |
Dedu | halfling | halfling | Male 61 | Guard | Honest and Audacious | |
Nelle | human | english | Female 42 | Guard | Unhappy and Empathic | |
Todu | halfling | halfling | Male 31 | Guard | Loud and Reliable | |
Chelsea | half-elf | english | Female 63 | Guard | Con man and Refined | |
Togu | halfling | halfling | Male 59 | Guard | Tall and Loud | |
Arbellason | elf | elven | Male 257 | Guard | Scrawny and Empathic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Skagga | dwarf | dwarven | Female 60 | Cook | Brash and Verbose | |
Garagyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 10 | Private Guard | Self-Centered and Ignorant | |
Grimbulyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 142 | Laborer | Artistic and Lunatic | |
Grond | dwarf | dwarven | Male 73 | Logger | Snob and Sharp | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kendyl | human | english | Female 17 | Worker | Disagreeable and Dull | |
Frela | halfling | halfling | Female 71 | Worker | Strong-willed and Judgmental | |
Tawna | gnome | gnome | Female 127 | Worker | Rugged and Angry | |
Landin | human | english | Male 40 | Worker | Easygoing and Stutters | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Annis | human | english | Female 16 | Laborer | Macho and Alert | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Adney | half-elf | english | Male 64 | Worker | Forgetful and irresponsible | |
Iven | gnome | gnome | Male 80 | Worker | Belligerent and Wise | |
Item | Price |
Haircut | 3cp |
Shave | 2cp |
Tooth Pulling | 5cp |
Lance a Boil | 4cp |
Other Surgery | varies |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kelsey | half-elf | english | Female 73 | Barber | Spunky and Discreet | |
Chelsea | half-elf | english | Female 59 | Assistant | Bossy and Lazy | |
Dexter | human | english | Male 17 | Assistant | Eccentric and Humble | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hildra | dwarf | dwarven | Female 125 | Worker | Wise and Scruffy | |
Keaton | half-elf | english | Male 92 | Worker | Classy and Conversational | |
Tylor | half-elf | english | Male 27 | Worker | Ugly and Gloomy | |
Marley | human | english | Female 32 | Worker | Timid and Thrifty | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Blossom | human | english | Female 16 | Cooper | Quarrelsome and Belligerent | |
Diffa | halfling | halfling | Female 51 | Assistant | Strict and Honest | |
Harper | human | english | Female 23 | Assistant | Gullible and Spoiled | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Bathag | half-orc | halforc | Male 29 | Farmer | Virtuous and Introverted | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kendyl | human | english | Female 43 | Worker | Audacious and Dishonest | |
Elfriede | human | english | Female 20 | Worker | Diligent and Unfriendly | |
Skagga | dwarf | dwarven | Female 73 | Worker | Respectful and Tall | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Valadhiel | elf | elven | Female 7 | Unemployed Mercenary | Overweight and Scarred Face | |
Eruraviel | elf | elven | Female 137 | Retired Soldier | Industrious and Thorough | |
Revion | elf | elven | Male 189 | Off-Duty Mercenary | Compassionate and Ugly | |
Aearion | elf | elven | Male 13 | Cutpurse | Shy and Selfish | |
Rissien | elf | elven | Male 156 | Guardsman | Obnoxious and Self-Centered | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dana | half-elf | english | Female 37 | Worker | Energetic and Cold | |
Shakhal | half-orc | halforc | Female 25 | Worker | Witty and Good Gambler | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Stabilize (oil) | 40gp | 1 |
Cure Light Wounds | 60gp | 1 |
Mage Armor | 70gp | 2 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Graham | half-elf | english | Male 65 | Owner | Educated and Funny | |
Arundel | human | english | Male 30 | Assistant/Cutpurse | Sleazy and Strong-willed | |
Togo | halfling | halfling | Male 59 | Assistant | Patient and Funny | |
Uralimpiel | elf | elven | Female 171 | Assistant | Tempermental and Reluctant | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hayley | human | english | Female 54 | Mage | Observant and Sour | |
Haley | half-elf | english | Female 102 | Apprentice | Conversational and Discerning | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Bugdahra | half-orc | halforc | Female 26 | Furrier | Quarrelsome and Lazy | |
Palin | gnome | gnome | Male 66 | Apprentice | Sly and Dull | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Shelly | human | english | Female 40 | Laborer | Tired and Rude | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Harlow | half-elf | english | Female 13 | Laborer | Eccentric and Sullen | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Haleigh | human | english | Female 15 | Worker | Abrasive and Flirty | |
Durzukh | half-orc | halforc | Male 20 | Worker | Empathic and Intelligent | |
Baynard | human | english | Male 52 | Worker | Strong-willed and Diligent | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Marlie | human | english | Female 19 | Laborer | Cynical and Opinionated | |
Edgardo | human | english | Male 27 | Baker | Cynical and Nosy | |
Lindsey | human | english | Female 1 | Farmer | Scruffy and Refined | |
Kendal | human | english | Male 41 | Armorsmith | Reliable and Cheerless | |
Westin | human | english | Male 52 | Beggar | Con man and Brutish | |
Emerson | human | english | Female 15 | Private Guard | Succinct and Stutters | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Goreka | dwarf | dwarven | Female 82 | Owner | Boisterous and Tired | |
Brawley | human | english | Male 22 | Clerk | Belligerent and Charmer | |
Dayna | half-elf | english | Female 56 | Clerk | Scrawny and Well-informed | |
Brinley | human | english | Male 34 | Clerk | Pleasant and Bubbly | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 2gp | 2 |
Barrel | 1gp | 4 |
Basket | 5sp | 4 |
Bedroll | 2sp | 3 |
Bell | 8sp | 1 |
Blanket, Winter | 7sp | 3 |
Block and Tackle | 6gp | 3 |
Bucket (empty) | 4sp | 10 |
Caltrops | 15sp | 2 |
Candle | 2cp | 68 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 1sp | 947 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 1cp | 17 |
Chest (empty) | 4gp | 4 |
Firewood (per day) | 1cp | 25 |
Fishhook | 2sp | 4 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 4gp | 5 |
Flask (empty) | 5cp | 40 |
Flint and Steel | 12sp | 11 |
Grappling Hook | 12sp | 2 |
Hammer | 4sp | 4 |
Ink (1 oz. vial) | 11gp | 7 |
Ladder, 10ft | 3sp | 3 |
Lamp, common | 2sp | 2 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 1cp | 17 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 1sp | 9 |
Parchment (sheet) | 4sp | 5 |
Pitcher, clay | 3cp | 6 |
Pole, 10-foot | 6cp | 10 |
Pouch, belt | 2gp | 6 |
Sack | 2sp | 10 |
Sealing Wax | 3gp | 5 |
Sewing Needle | 18sp | 10 |
Shovel or spade | 5gp | 12 |
Signal whistle | 11sp | 5 |
Soap (per lb.) | 5sp | 2 |
Waterskin | 2gp | 16 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Edwina | human | english | Female 42 | Beggar | Unfriendly and Witty | |
Oswin | human | english | Male 39 | Weaponsmith | Careful and Poor Gambler | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Strom | dwarf | dwarven | Male 26 | Fisherman | Mature and Dishonest | |
Storrid | dwarf | dwarven | Female 81 | Tailor | Rich and Sensitive | |
Borgo | dwarf | dwarven | Male 70 | Farmer | irresponsible and Quiet | |
Balzud | dwarf | dwarven | Male 101 | Beggar | Friendly and Sensitive | |
Snaddryn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 46 | Farmer | Indiscrete and Melancholy | |
Herger | dwarf | dwarven | Male 61 | Baker | Sincere and Shallow | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Rylee | half-elf | english | Female 34 | Cutpurse | Upbeat and Loyal | |
Lindsay | half-elf | english | Female 91 | Injury Discharged Soldier | Cowardly and Superstitious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ghamobal | half-orc | halforc | Female 19 | Patron | Cheerless and Energetic | |
Larbum | half-orc | halforc | Male 36 | Patron | Contrarian and Good-looking | |
Shorkumal | half-orc | halforc | Female 28 | Patron | Strange and Kleptomaniac | |
Ghorlarub | half-orc | halforc | Male 39 | Patron | Selfish and Dull | |
Matub | half-orc | halforc | Male 19 | Patron | Shy and Flirty | |
Dupu | halfling | halfling | Male 50 | Patron | Gullible and Determined | |
Fedu | halfling | halfling | Male 56 | Patron | Disrespectful and Vain | |
Tidina | halfling | halfling | Female 46 | Patron | Manipulative and Skillful | |
Bida | halfling | halfling | Female 42 | Patron | Cold and Reckless | |
Figina | halfling | halfling | Female 74 | Patron | Dishonest and Good-looking | |
Bodu | halfling | halfling | Male 54 | Patron | Gloomy and Shallow | |
Beda | halfling | halfling | Female 68 | Patron | Smooth and Boisterous | |
Aelflaed | human | english | Female 19 | Patron | Fearful and Combative | |
Lilyanna | human | english | Female 37 | Patron | Incoherent and Sneaky | |
Alderney | human | english | Male 16 | Patron | Wise and Unhappy | |
Trent | human | english | Male 16 | Patron | Dumb and Cruel | |
Deana | human | english | Female 41 | Patron | Thorough and Deferential | |
Marley | human | english | Male 26 | Patron | Discerning and Brilliant | |
Kelcie | human | english | Female 69 | Patron | Lazy and Gullible | |
Clive | human | english | Male 17 | Patron | Sweet and Wary | |
Colten | human | english | Male 35 | Patron | Thorough and Calm | |
Kinsey | human | english | Female 34 | Patron | Shy and Fanatical | |
Nell | human | english | Female 52 | Patron | Thorough and Beautiful | |
Macie | human | english | Female 23 | Patron | Creepy and Loud | |
Ted | human | english | Male 52 | Patron | Succinct and Logical | |
Elfreda | human | english | Female 21 | Patron | Intuitive and Sweet | |
Kelsie | human | english | Female 22 | Patron | Combative and Irritating | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gage | half-elf | english | Male 36 | Owner | Virtuous and Tired | |
Dexter | human | english | Male 40 | Bartender | Bossy and Lunatic | |
Dean | half-elf | english | Male 49 | Bartender | Cold and Mature | |
Earle | half-elf | english | Male 33 | Cook | Cultured and Withdrawn | |
Koemi | gnome | gnome | Female 100 | Servers | Insincere and Boring | |
Haakona | dwarf | dwarven | Female 76 | Servers | Contrarian and Boastful | |
Holden | human | english | Male 16 | Servers | Lazy and Eccentric | |
Cyneburga | human | english | Female 24 | Servers | Tenacious and Sadistic | |
Frada | halfling | halfling | Female 45 | Servers | Boring and Disagreeable | |
Editta | human | english | Female 30 | Servers | Fanatical and Good-looking | |
Item | Price |
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) | 5cp |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 1cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 3cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 4cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 3cp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 3cp |
Yanusa Wine | 2cp |
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale | 5cp |
Item | Price |
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms | 6cp |
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables | 4cp |
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon | 5sp |
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds | 5sp |
Grilled Fillet of Salmon | 3sp |
Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips | 2sp |
Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer | 2sp |
Kito's Spiced Potatos | 9cp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Alvar | human | english | Female 28 | Farmer | Stubborn and Scrawny | |
Howard | human | english | Male 4 | Fisherman | Unfriendly and Empathic | |
Lilyana | human | english | Female 32 | Cook | Sleazy and Ignorant | |
Cyneburga | human | english | Female 39 | Farmer | Fanatical and Scarred Face | |
Amice | human | english | Female 20 | Farmer | Intuitive and Vain | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Cliff | half-elf | english | Male 73 | Worker | Overweight and Well-informed | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Peyton | human | english | Female 27 | Merchant | Boring and Cheerless | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Odi | halfling | halfling | Male 40 | Patron | Unhappy and Spunky | |
Diffu | halfling | halfling | Male 59 | Patron | Wise and Sneaky | |
Gedin | halfling | halfling | Male 38 | Patron | Rude and Ostentatious | |
Fudo | halfling | halfling | Male 42 | Patron | Bossy and Smooth | |
Fiffu | halfling | halfling | Male 70 | Patron | Witty and Strict | |
Eruraina | elf | elven | Female 103 | Patron | Discerning and Spunky | |
Caunardhon | elf | elven | Male 84 | Patron | Unforgiving and Discreet | |
Beriadhwen | elf | elven | Female 234 | Patron | Careful and Irritable | |
Landathradon | elf | elven | Male 157 | Patron | Combative and Shallow | |
Adan | elf | elven | Male 169 | Patron | Talkative and Conversational | |
Nellethiel | elf | elven | Female 143 | Patron | Disagreeable and Quarrelsome | |
Cuiledhwen | elf | elven | Female 295 | Patron | Empathic and Friendly | |
Arbellason | elf | elven | Male 184 | Patron | Boastful and Reserved | |
Beriogelir | elf | elven | Male 99 | Patron | Lazy and Friendly | |
Skalf | dwarf | dwarven | Male 105 | Patron | Sullen and Opinionated | |
Heganbora | dwarf | dwarven | Female 135 | Patron | Macho and Boring | |
Herger | dwarf | dwarven | Male 42 | Patron | Simple and Humble | |
Goreka | dwarf | dwarven | Female 87 | Patron | Observant and Bubbly | |
Dorra | dwarf | dwarven | Female 48 | Patron | Hot-headed and Disrespectful | |
Gudda | dwarf | dwarven | Female 49 | Patron | Cold and Intelligent | |
Helgar | dwarf | dwarven | Female 106 | Patron | Eccentric and Clever | |
Grond | dwarf | dwarven | Male 83 | Patron | Wise and Considerate | |
Dorri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 142 | Patron | Obese and Brainy | |
Grom | dwarf | dwarven | Male 163 | Patron | Careful and Lazy | |
Oswin | human | english | Male 36 | Patron | Courteous and Bratty | |
Leland | human | english | Male 37 | Patron | Selfish and Cheerless | |
Houston | human | english | Male 39 | Patron | Immature and Calm | |
Ryland | human | english | Male 23 | Patron | Smooth and Stutters | |
Branton | human | english | Male 55 | Patron | Sensitive and Diplomatic | |
Dana | human | english | Female 28 | Patron | Tattooed and Emotional | |
Wade | human | english | Male 36 | Patron | Educated and Brilliant | |
Hailey | human | english | Female 35 | Patron | Scruffy and Religious | |
Earline | human | english | Female 29 | Patron | Opinionated and Easygoing | |
Amice | human | english | Female 39 | Patron | Rugged and Poor | |
Whitley | human | english | Female 48 | Patron | Assertive and Inventive | |
Aethelu | human | english | Female 32 | Patron | Manipulative and Plain | |
Kamden | human | english | Male 25 | Patron | Evasive and Smooth | |
Alvina | human | english | Female 40 | Patron | Hot-headed and irresponsible | |
Tanner | human | english | Male 35 | Patron | Angry and Assertive | |
Deana | human | english | Female 65 | Patron | Bratty and Hot-headed | |
Daisy | human | english | Female 36 | Patron | Sly and Debonair | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Princeton | human | english | Male 37 | Owner | Timid and Reserved | |
Iellwen | elf | elven | Female 147 | Bartender | Ugly and Deceitful | |
Beriadanwen | elf | elven | Female 107 | Bartender | Condescending and Calm | |
Rowan | gnome | gnome | Male 73 | Bartender | Honest and Tactful | |
Clay | half-elf | english | Male 56 | Cook | Suave and Judgmental | |
Yorryn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 153 | Cook | Argumentative and Poor Gambler | |
Bliss | human | english | Female 35 | Cook | Scrawny and Macho | |
Maidhfinden | elf | elven | Male 87 | Cook | Calm and Industrious | |
Kinsey | human | english | Female 39 | Servers | Angry and Sadistic | |
Pidu | halfling | halfling | Male 49 | Servers | Aloof and Crabby | |
Mellimeldisiel | elf | elven | Female 89 | Servers | Cheerless and Observant | |
Item | Price |
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) | 2cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 1cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 3cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 5cp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 3cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 5cp |
Quillin (elven) Wine | 8cp |
Kharukan (dwarven) Ale | 8cp |
Whiskey | 4cp |
Dwarven Spirits | 8cp |
Item | Price |
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms | 7cp |
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon | 5sp |
Roasted and Smoked Pork Spareribs | 5sp |
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds | 4sp |
Grilled Fillet of Salmon | 3sp |
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread | 3sp |
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese | 2sp |
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables | 4cp |
Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb | 6sp |
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms | 8sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Abellana | human | english | Female 47 | Worker | Crabby and Disciplined | |
Ascot | human | english | Male 41 | Worker | Strong and Deceitful | |
Arethusa | human | english | Female 39 | Worker | Sadistic and Reserved | |
Royce | human | english | Male 31 | Worker | Sarcastic and Sullen | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Camden | half-elf | english | Male 24 | Miller | Bratty and Sullen | |
Earline | half-elf | english | Female 78 | Baker | Disciplined and Unforgiving | |
Knox | half-elf | english | Male 72 | Armorsmith | Macho and Intuitive | |
Kole | half-elf | english | Male 20 | General Blacksmith | Boring and Scruffy | |
Mildred | half-elf | english | Female 19 | Farmer | Logical and Good Gambler | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hayleigh | half-elf | english | Female 89 | Worker | Logical and Con man | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Zowana | gnome | gnome | Female 88 | Brewer | Compassionate and Incoherent | |
Reed | human | english | Male 17 | Apprentice | Determined and Charmer | |
Burdan | human | english | Male 23 | Apprentice | Tattooed and Condescending | |
Arbellason | elf | elven | Male 223 | Apprentice | Bratty and Unfriendly | |
Koemi | gnome | gnome | Female 108 | Apprentice | Discreet and Lazy | |
Ryder | human | english | Male 34 | Apprentice | Spoiled and Honest | |
Manna | gnome | gnome | Female 116 | Apprentice | Brutish and Macho | |
Item | Price |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 4sp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 3sp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 4sp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 3sp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 4sp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 3sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Veryamedliel | elf | elven | Female 217 | Owner | Plain and Carefree | |
Tivin | gnome | gnome | Male 136 | Clerk | Abrasive and Classy | |
Elvin | human | english | Male 16 | Clerk | Pensive and Angry | |
Remy | half-elf | english | Male 42 | Clerk | Conversational and Determined | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Barrel | 1gp | 3 |
Basket | 4sp | 11 |
Bedroll | 1sp | 1 |
Bell | 12sp | 2 |
Blanket, Winter | 7sp | 10 |
Block and Tackle | 5gp | 2 |
Bottle, Glass | 3gp | 1 |
Bucket (empty) | 5sp | 15 |
Caltrops | 10sp | 3 |
Candle | 1cp | 73 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 1sp | 451 |
Case, Map/Scroll | 11sp | 3 |
Chain (10ft) | 38gp | 4 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 2cp | 87 |
Chest (empty) | 3gp | 3 |
Crowbar | 3gp | 3 |
Fishhook | 2sp | 11 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 7gp | 7 |
Flint and Steel | 12sp | 7 |
Grappling Hook | 13sp | 1 |
Hammer | 6sp | 1 |
Hourglass | 28gp | 1 |
Ink (1 oz. vial) | 12gp | 10 |
Ladder, 10ft | 2sp | 9 |
Lamp, common | 3sp | 3 |
Lantern, bullseye | 10gp | 7 |
Lantern, hooded | 5gp | 6 |
Lock, Average | 35gp | 4 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 1cp | 17 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 3sp | 20 |
Paper (sheet) | 4sp | 11 |
Parchment (sheet) | 4sp | 20 |
Pitcher, clay | 4cp | 18 |
Pot, iron | 12sp | 6 |
Pouch, belt | 2gp | 7 |
Ram, portable | 10gp | 2 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 8sp | 16 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 1gp | 2 |
Sealing Wax | 1gp | 3 |
Sewing Needle | 4sp | 14 |
Signal whistle | 9sp | 3 |
Sledge | 2gp | 4 |
Waterskin | 3gp | 18 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gormana | gnome | gnome | Female 53 | Worker | Condescending and Immodest | |
Item | Price |
Master Services, per day | 2sp |
Apprentice Services, per day | 3cp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Garin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 80 | Owner | Forgetful and Belligerent | |
Usham | half-orc | halforc | Male 16 | Owner | Bashful and Sympathetic | |
Bassett | half-elf | english | Male 28 | Apprentice | Generous and Paranoid | |
Eithelonnen | elf | elven | Male 83 | Apprentice | Rugged and Deferential | |
Togin | halfling | halfling | Male 30 | Apprentice | Secretive and Trusting | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Axe | 5gp | 9 |
Caltrops | 2gp | 3 |
Crane (hold pot over fire) | 6sp | 1 |
Crowbar | 4gp | 1 |
Grappling Hook | 1gp | 2 |
Grate (Cook-pit) | 5sp | 4 |
Hammer | 8sp | 4 |
Hoe | 5sp | 3 |
Lock, Very Simple | 16gp | 2 |
Manacles | 14gp | 2 |
Pan | 5sp | 10 |
Pick, Miner's | 2gp | 4 |
Piton | 2sp | 2 |
Pot | 5sp | 2 |
Saw | 7gp | 5 |
Signal Whistle | 10sp | 2 |
Sledge | 2gp | 8 |
Spade/Shovel | 1gp | 10 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Vance | half-elf | english | Male 28 | Worker | Rugged and Jaded | |
Gorman | gnome | gnome | Male 97 | Worker | Strong and Brutish | |
Throbin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 128 | Worker | Tenacious and Clean | |
Bosley | human | english | Male 22 | Worker | Wise and Loyal | |
Item | Price |
Merlot (Red, soft, mild) | 3sp |
Pinot Noir (Red, acidic, smooth, baked cherry) | 2sp |
Zinfindel (Red, smooth, blackberry) | 2sp |
Sauvignon Blanc (White, grapefruit, bell pepper) | 3sp |
Chardonnay (White, oak, citrus) | 4sp |
Riesling (White, lime, apple, pear) | 4sp |
Semillon (White, dry, sweet) | 3sp |
Moscato (White, smooth, creamy, peach, citrus) | 3sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Payton | half-elf | english | Female 58 | Laborer | Easygoing and Domineering | |
Wade | half-elf | english | Male 72 | Town Watch Member | Intimidating and Honest | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dedina | halfling | halfling | Female 29 | Laborer | Discreet and Tall | |
Bobdo | halfling | halfling | Male 3 | Brewer | Honest and Hot-headed | |
Fragu | halfling | halfling | Male 21 | Maid | Virtuous and Reliable | |
Odu | halfling | halfling | Male 73 | Armorsmith | Sour and Strict | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lurogum | half-orc | halforc | Male 29 | Worker | Thrifty and Boastful | |
Harper | human | english | Male 23 | Worker | Sarcastic and Messy | |
Emersyn | half-elf | english | Female 40 | Worker | Scarred Face and Cheerless | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dertain | dwarf | dwarven | Female 68 | Worker | Charmer and Sagely | |
Turtegiel | elf | elven | Female 278 | Worker | Reckless and Solitary | |
Turtegiel | elf | elven | Female 167 | Worker | Diplomatic and Sharp | |
Tavina | gnome | gnome | Female 85 | Worker | Dependable and Brainy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Stuart | half-elf | english | Male 110 | Fisherman | Inventive and Clean | |
Ashton | half-elf | english | Female 32 | Maid | Brash and Reckless | |
Beverly | half-elf | english | Female 35 | Baker | Witty and Thoughtful | |
Rylan | half-elf | english | Male 8 | Farmer | Strange and Cynical | |
Emersyn | half-elf | english | Female 99 | Fisherman | Wise and Beautiful | |
Beverly | half-elf | english | Female 58 | Town Watch Member | Dull and Argumentative | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Taurhassdorien | elf | elven | Male 150 | Worker | Self-Centered and Eccentric | |
Item | Price |
Master Services, per day | 2sp |
Apprentice Services, per day | 3cp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dudo | halfling | halfling | Male 32 | Owner | Unhappy and Sensitive | |
Ashton | half-elf | english | Male 50 | Owner | Lazy and Obnoxious | |
Rhassbaradhon | elf | elven | Male 236 | Apprentice | Deceitful and Disagreeable | |
Byram | human | english | Male 24 | Apprentice | Loves Beer and Respectful | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Axe | 6gp | 7 |
Bell | 2gp | 1 |
Caltrops | 2gp | 4 |
Studded Leather | 20gp | 1 |
Chain 10ft | 34gp | 2 |
Crane (hold pot over fire) | 6sp | 2 |
Crowbar | 2gp | 5 |
Grappling Hook | 2gp | 1 |
Grate (Cook-pit) | 6sp | 4 |
Hammer | 4sp | 4 |
Hoe | 8sp | 6 |
Lock, Very Simple | 22gp | 1 |
Manacles | 15gp | 3 |
Pan | 5sp | 8 |
Pick, Miner's | 3gp | 3 |
Piton | 2sp | 4 |
Pot | 5sp | 1 |
Saw | 4gp | 4 |
Sledge | 2gp | 7 |
Spade/Shovel | 2gp | 2 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gumli | dwarf | dwarven | Male 96 | Worker | Tactful and Sharp | |
Shirley | human | english | Female 25 | Worker | Solitary and Filthy mouth | |
Harlow | half-elf | english | Female 70 | Worker | Clean and Alcoholic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Edoarda | half-elf | english | Female 45 | Worker | Con man and Energetic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Grover | human | english | Male 14 | Cutpurse | Dull and Respectful | |
Breena | human | english | Female 13 | Adventurer | Thorough and Unhappy | |
Chelsey | human | english | Female 18 | Adventurer | Brilliant and Superstitious | |
Etel | human | english | Female 12 | Injury Discharged Soldier | Quarrelsome and Friendly | |
Scarlet | human | english | Female 11 | Unemployed Mercenary | Unforgiving and Messy | |
Sheldon | human | english | Male 20 | Explorer | Determined and Obnoxious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Eithelonnen | elf | elven | Male 148 | Leader | Introverted and Miserly | |
Justice | human | english | Female 31 | Scribe | Lazy and Frank | |
Yombul | half-orc | halforc | Male 18 | Scribe | Lazy and Secretive | |
Palo | gnome | gnome | Male 117 | Scribe | Calm and Alert | |
Item | Price |
Haircut | 4cp |
Shave | 3cp |
Tooth Pulling | 5cp |
Lance a Boil | 5cp |
Other Surgery | varies |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lyndon | human | english | Male 60 | Barber | Aloof and Insincere | |
Azramyth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 186 | Assistant | Eloquent and Hot-headed | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Alvar | human | english | Female 26 | Furrier | Nosy and Reserved | |
Kimball | human | english | Male 29 | Apprentice | Vain and Inventive | |
Nixon | half-elf | english | Male 42 | Apprentice | Virtuous and Aloof | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Oklyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 92 | Owner | Messy and Boring | |
Tangadion | elf | elven | Male 316 | Clerk | Secretive and Frugal | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 1gp | 4 |
Barrel | 2gp | 6 |
Basket | 3sp | 1 |
Bedroll | 2sp | 1 |
Block and Tackle | 7gp | 6 |
Bucket (empty) | 5sp | 9 |
Caltrops | 14sp | 10 |
Candle | 3cp | 91 |
Case, Map/Scroll | 8sp | 6 |
Chain (10ft) | 25gp | 2 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 2cp | 81 |
Chest (empty) | 2gp | 5 |
Fishhook | 2sp | 9 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 4gp | 2 |
Flask (empty) | 4cp | 38 |
Flint and Steel | 15sp | 6 |
Grappling Hook | 12sp | 3 |
Hammer | 4sp | 7 |
Hourglass | 26gp | 1 |
Ladder, 10ft | 4sp | 6 |
Lantern, hooded | 11gp | 5 |
Mirror, small steel | 48gp | 1 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 1cp | 2 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 1sp | 50 |
Pitcher, clay | 3cp | 8 |
Piton | 1sp | 19 |
Pole, 10-foot | 8cp | 4 |
Pot, iron | 7sp | 4 |
Pouch, belt | 3gp | 6 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 5sp | 3 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 2gp | 8 |
Rope, silk (50 ft.) | 9gp | 1 |
Sack | 2sp | 16 |
Sewing Needle | 4sp | 3 |
Signet ring | 6gp | 1 |
Sledge | 1gp | 2 |
Waterskin | 1gp | 7 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Colt | half-elf | english | Male 76 | Laborer | Timid and Clever | |
Arundel | half-elf | english | Male 47 | Armorsmith | Perfectionist and Boastful | |
Alditha | half-elf | english | Female 0 | Logger | Cheerless and Uncooperative | |
Linden | half-elf | english | Male 62 | Armorsmith | Trusting and Intimidating | |
Westin | half-elf | english | Male 77 | General Blacksmith | Angry and Immature | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Barric | human | english | Male 21 | Hatmaker | Belligerent and Thorough | |
Ashton | human | english | Female 41 | Apprentice | Snob and Forgetful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Maxton | human | english | Male 38 | Furrier | Shrewd and Sheepish | |
Grunni | dwarf | dwarven | Male 107 | Apprentice | Good-looking and Jealous | |
Skaggi | dwarf | dwarven | Male 123 | Apprentice | Irritable and Sour | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Figu | halfling | halfling | Male 42 | Baker | Reluctant and Quiet | |
Fralu | halfling | halfling | Male 50 | Weaponsmith | Tactful and Cowardly | |
Frego | halfling | halfling | Male 23 | Cook | Judgmental and Tenacious | |
Frula | halfling | halfling | Female 8 | Laborer | Manipulative and Forgetful | |
Gebina | halfling | halfling | Female 54 | Miller | Alert and Nosy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Grimla | dwarf | dwarven | Female 4 | Armorsmith | Incoherent and Messy | |
Hugen | dwarf | dwarven | Male 53 | Miller | Sincere and Good Gambler | |
Drumnia | dwarf | dwarven | Female 185 | Farmer | Frugal and Deferential | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Barrington | human | english | Male 43 | Worker | Sheepish and Indiscrete | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Heganbor | dwarf | dwarven | Male 146 | Laborer | Refined and Trusting | |
Budrik | dwarf | dwarven | Male 101 | Private Guard | Charmer and Snob | |
Ultheryn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 30 | Merchant | Touchy and Insincere | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Deana | half-elf | english | Female 49 | Town Watch Member | Verbose and Selfish | |
Brayton | half-elf | english | Male 74 | Fisherman | Carefree and Good-looking | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Clifton | human | english | Male 18 | Worker | Carefree and Alcoholic | |
Skagga | dwarf | dwarven | Female 124 | Worker | Verbose and Friendly | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Haleigh | human | english | Female 32 | Brewer | Cheerful and Sullen | |
Millard | human | english | Male 23 | Fisherman | Carefree and Well-informed | |
Emerson | human | english | Male 36 | Brewer | Deceitful and Artistic | |
Ashton | human | english | Female 38 | Cook | Good-looking and Flirty | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Royce | human | english | Male 41 | Beggar | Strong-willed and Sly | |
Layne | human | english | Male 29 | Fisherman | Angry and Sarcastic | |
Blossom | human | english | Female 25 | Laborer | Observant and Assertive | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Meldarion | elf | elven | Male 184 | Furrier | Indiscrete and Sullen | |
Bosina | gnome | gnome | Female 90 | Apprentice | Sympathetic and Likeable | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Rhassdorthion | elf | elven | Male 175 | Worker | Solitary and Lazy | |
Item | Price |
Merlot (Red, soft, mild) | 4sp |
Barbera (Red, smooth, acidic, blackberry) | 3sp |
Sauvignon Blanc (White, grapefruit, bell pepper) | 2sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Miuverthon | elf | elven | Male 212 | Patron | Wise and Loud | |
Macie | human | english | Female 28 | Patron | Gullible and Reserved | |
Rylan | half-elf | english | Male 41 | Patron | Forgetful and Cranky | |
Karter | half-elf | english | Male 75 | Patron | Studious and Eccentric | |
Lilien | half-elf | english | Female 52 | Patron | Studious and Suave | |
Haley | half-elf | english | Female 25 | Patron | Well-informed and Shallow | |
Atherton | half-elf | english | Male 118 | Patron | Innocent and Know-it-all | |
Osbert | half-elf | english | Male 98 | Patron | Story-teller and Sleazy | |
Presley | half-elf | english | Female 51 | Patron | Creepy and Judgmental | |
Chelsie | half-elf | english | Female 66 | Patron | Tattooed and Audacious | |
Hayleigh | half-elf | english | Female 54 | Patron | Quarrelsome and Thoughtful | |
Beasley | half-elf | english | Male 34 | Patron | Introverted and Inept | |
Ryder | half-elf | english | Male 41 | Patron | Dishonest and Mature | |
Braxton | half-elf | english | Male 77 | Patron | Unfriendly and Withdrawn | |
Brenner | half-elf | english | Male 89 | Patron | Beautiful and Scarred Face | |
Shelley | half-elf | english | Female 57 | Patron | Clean and Obese | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dupu | halfling | halfling | Male 64 | Owner | Stutters and Careful | |
Rylan | human | english | Male 36 | Bartender | Manipulative and Eccentric | |
Audric | human | english | Male 18 | Bartender | Vain and Good-looking | |
Adanessa | elf | elven | Female 95 | Cook | Cold and Discerning | |
Lili | human | english | Female 22 | Servers | Alert and Reflective | |
Wayne | half-elf | english | Male 61 | Servers | Naive and Paranoid | |
Barrington | human | english | Male 30 | Servers | Self-Centered and Immature | |
Item | Price |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 5cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 3cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 3cp |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 1cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 3cp |
Yanusa Wine | 4cp |
Heron Wine | 3cp |
Chanusian Wine | 6cp |
Fallan (elven) Wine | 9cp |
Vodka | 5cp |
Item | Price |
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms | 8cp |
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables | 6cp |
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon | 4sp |
Roasted and Smoked Pork Spareribs | 3sp |
Grilled Fillet of Salmon | 6sp |
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese | 2sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Rylan | human | english | Male 38 | Worker | Educated and Lazy | |
Arundel | human | english | Male 22 | Worker | Strong-willed and Creepy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Skudd | dwarf | dwarven | Male 14 | Beggar | Strong and Rugged | |
Throbbyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 14 | Fisherman | Argumentative and Obese | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Whitin | gnome | gnome | Male 67 | Owner | Irritable and Logical | |
Mildred | half-elf | english | Female 26 | Clerk | Melancholy and Brilliant | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 2gp | 4 |
Barrel | 1gp | 5 |
Bedroll | 1sp | 2 |
Bell | 10sp | 2 |
Blanket, Winter | 6sp | 9 |
Bucket (empty) | 5sp | 13 |
Caltrops | 8sp | 2 |
Candle | 3cp | 83 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 1sp | 50 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 2cp | 70 |
Crowbar | 2gp | 4 |
Firewood (per day) | 3cp | 2 |
Fishhook | 2sp | 8 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 7gp | 9 |
Flask (empty) | 3cp | 31 |
Flint and Steel | 14sp | 11 |
Grappling Hook | 8sp | 1 |
Hammer | 6sp | 8 |
Hourglass | 26gp | 1 |
Ink (1 oz. vial) | 6gp | 10 |
Lantern, bullseye | 18gp | 7 |
Lantern, hooded | 6gp | 4 |
Lock, Good | 90gp | 2 |
Mirror, small steel | 57gp | 2 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 4cp | 13 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 1sp | 13 |
Paper (sheet) | 7sp | 7 |
Parchment (sheet) | 3sp | 13 |
Pick, miner's | 3gp | 1 |
Pitcher, clay | 3cp | 3 |
Piton | 1sp | 3 |
Pole, 10-foot | 8cp | 1 |
Pot, iron | 11sp | 1 |
Pouch, belt | 3gp | 1 |
Ram, portable | 14gp | 2 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 8sp | 8 |
Sealing Wax | 1gp | 8 |
Signal whistle | 12sp | 5 |
Sledge | 2gp | 4 |
Soap (per lb.) | 10sp | 8 |
Vial, ink or potion | 3gp | 12 |
Waterskin | 3gp | 7 |
Whetstone | 1cp | 23 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Beinion | elf | elven | Male 169 | Worker | Fearful and Boring | |
Umulum | half-orc | halforc | Male 52 | Worker | Intuitive and Ugly | |
Gurna | dwarf | dwarven | Female 63 | Worker | Selfish and Eccentric | |
Bronson | half-elf | english | Male 53 | Worker | Beautiful and Wary | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hrungnor | dwarf | dwarven | Male 83 | Leader | Charismatic and Sullen | |
Aldyth | human | english | Female 38 | Scribe | Reflective and Bites Nails | |
Denver | half-elf | english | Male 62 | Scribe | Lazy and Brilliant | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Beffin | halfling | halfling | Male 3 | General Blacksmith | Forgetful and Observant | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Edgarda | half-elf | english | Female 47 | Master | Tactful and Domineering | |
Baynard | human | english | Male 41 | Apprentice | Observant and Suave | |
Elfi | human | english | Female 19 | Apprentice | Irritating and Sagely | |
Erle | human | english | Male 28 | Apprentice | Succinct and Sadistic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lindsay | half-elf | english | Female 71 | Furrier | Spoiled and Eccentric | |
Argrama | dwarf | dwarven | Female 91 | Apprentice | Aloof and irresponsible | |
Stuart | human | english | Male 33 | Apprentice | Brutish and Charmer | |
Gottri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 124 | Apprentice | Ugly and Brash | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Febina | halfling | halfling | Female 89 | Locksmith | Reserved and Bashful | |
Hayley | human | english | Female 50 | Apprentice | Insincere and Lazy | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Lock, Good | 80gp | 2 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Darwin | human | english | Male 18 | Adventurer | Timid and Thorough | |
Baxter | human | english | Male 27 | Explorer | Good Gambler and Energetic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Elfrida | human | english | Female 16 | Worker | Brutish and Evasive | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Aikin | gnome | gnome | Male 83 | Butcher | Kleptomaniac and Industrious | |
Lorcana | gnome | gnome | Female 40 | Assistant | Assertive and Story-teller | |
Bodi | halfling | halfling | Male 34 | Assistant | Unfriendly and Bratty | |
Peda | halfling | halfling | Female 57 | Assistant | Vain and Cynical | |
Kennard | human | english | Male 43 | Assistant | Talkative and Smooth | |
Balika | dwarf | dwarven | Female 50 | Assistant | Sharp and Eloquent | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Maxwell | human | english | Male 32 | Furrier | Cynical and Rich | |
Taurhassdorien | elf | elven | Male 102 | Apprentice | Quarrelsome and Courteous | |
Aelflaed | half-elf | english | Female 62 | Apprentice | Shallow and Sneaky | |
Fregar | dwarf | dwarven | Female 165 | Apprentice | Disrespectful and Smooth | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Knox | human | english | Male 20 | Worker | Simple and Classy | |
Rhassdorthion | elf | elven | Male 207 | Worker | Cheerful and Conversational | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Cure Moderate Wounds | 150gp | 2 |
Cure Serious Wounds | 250gp | 1 |
Holy Water, per Vial | 7gp | 21 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Narashal | half-orc | halforc | Female 28 | Head Priest | Brutish and Inventive | |
Grimla | dwarf | dwarven | Female 153 | Apprentice | Sly and Strict | |
Payten | human | english | Female 41 | Apprentice/Adventurer | Well-informed and Sincere | |
Lothar | dwarf | dwarven | Female 135 | Apprentice | Eccentric and Unhappy | |
Eddie | human | english | Male 42 | Apprentice | Irritable and Carefree | |
Elfi | human | english | Female 29 | Apprentice | Inventive and Judgmental | |
Lindsey | human | english | Male 32 | Acolyte | Tall and Judgmental | |
Carlton | half-elf | english | Male 51 | Acolyte | Perfectionist and Poor Gambler | |
Audren | human | english | Male 20 | Acolyte/Retired Soldier | Sour and Strong | |
Gemina | gnome | gnome | Female 91 | Acolyte | Clever and Brilliant | |
Wayne | half-elf | english | Male 26 | Acolyte | Silent and Upbeat | |
Kelsey | human | english | Male 33 | Acolyte | Sagely and Obnoxious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Trygga | dwarf | dwarven | Female 98 | Captain/Off-Duty Mercenary | Diligent and Funny | |
Lugdakh | half-orc | halforc | Male 43 | Guard | Funny and Poor Gambler | |
Tosin | gnome | gnome | Male 68 | Guard/Unemployed Mercenary | Brainy and Thrifty | |
Ultheryn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 86 | Guard/Guardsman | Haughty and Evasive | |
Duarte | human | english | Male 17 | Guard/Pirate | Unhappy and Brash | |
Edith | human | english | Female 49 | Prisoner | Irritating and Curious | |
Morag | dwarf | dwarven | Male 104 | Prisoner/Adventurer | Strong-willed and Dishonest | |
Payten | human | english | Female 34 | Prisoner | Ambitious and Aloof | |
Scarlett | half-elf | english | Female 33 | Prisoner | Charismatic and Calm | |
Tibu | halfling | halfling | Male 84 | Prisoner/Unemployed Mercenary | Solitary and Gloomy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Elfrida | human | english | Female 31 | Cooper | Rash and Cruel | |
Blythe | half-elf | english | Male 57 | Assistant | Intimidating and Strong | |
Wade | human | english | Male 42 | Assistant | Sympathetic and Stutters | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kelsea | human | english | Female 53 | Fishmonger | Secretive and Plain | |
Boda | halfling | halfling | Female 34 | Assistant | Irritating and Disciplined | |
Amice | human | english | Female 48 | Assistant | Scrawny and Silent | |
Dana | human | english | Male 30 | Assistant | Cold and Bites Nails | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Bowan | gnome | gnome | Male 121 | Worker | Helpful and Evasive | |
Blakely | half-elf | english | Male 86 | Worker | Suave and Evasive | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Grimwolda | dwarf | dwarven | Female 57 | Worker | Inquisitive and Frugal | |
Istuion | elf | elven | Male 174 | Worker | Humble and Gloomy | |
Drong | dwarf | dwarven | Male 97 | Worker | Brainy and Loyal | |
Macy | human | english | Female 41 | Worker | Tenacious and Brilliant | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Justice | half-elf | english | Female 55 | Worker | Eccentric and Sympathetic | |
Sherman | half-elf | english | Male 74 | Worker | Frugal and Courteous | |
Lilianna | human | english | Female 41 | Worker | Quiet and Belligerent | |
Frula | halfling | halfling | Female 50 | Worker | Patient and Lunatic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Fay | half-elf | english | Female 114 | Baker | Know-it-all and Strong | |
Elfriede | human | english | Female 15 | Apprentice | Belligerent and Ambitious | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) | 2cp | 4 |
Biscuit (2x/baked, stays longer) | 7cp | 12 |
Unleavened Bread | 3cp | 24 |
Iced Almond/Caraway Shortbread | 3cp | 7 |
Cream Boylede (Thick Custard) | 4cp | 3 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Skaga | dwarf | dwarven | Female 161 | Worker | Alcoholic and Poor Gambler | |
Ashton | human | english | Female 36 | Worker | Cranky and Cultured | |
Arledge | human | english | Male 23 | Worker | Wise and Friendly | |
Moraga | dwarf | dwarven | Female 127 | Worker | Patient and Lunatic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hallie | half-elf | english | Female 26 | Worker | Sullen and Rash | |
Synne | human | english | Female 36 | Worker | Tempermental and Patient | |
Aelfgifu | human | english | Female 15 | Worker | Loud and Likeable | |
Bassett | human | english | Male 38 | Worker | Considerate and Friendly | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Royce | half-elf | english | Male 70 | Baker | Calm and Dishonest | |
Rohesia | human | english | Female 25 | Apprentice | Rugged and Reluctant | |
Layne | half-elf | english | Male 52 | Apprentice | Virtuous and Jaded | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) | 2cp | 1 |
Biscuit (2x/baked, stays longer) | 7cp | 8 |
Unleavened Bread | 2cp | 10 |
Caraway Seed Cookie | 3cp | 4 |
Cryspes (sugar coated funnel cakes) | 4cp | 4 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Nellie | human | english | Female 15 | Private Guard | Thoughtful and Silent | |
Item | Price |
Haircut | 3cp |
Shave | 4cp |
Tooth Pulling | 5cp |
Lance a Boil | 5cp |
Other Surgery | varies |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Frido | halfling | halfling | Male 50 | Barber | Dishonest and Sly | |
Thingryd | dwarf | dwarven | Female 59 | Assistant | Lazy and Beautiful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Harlow | human | english | Female 36 | Worker | Cruel and Scruffy | |
Kelsea | half-elf | english | Female 52 | Worker | Gullible and Honest | |
Nala | gnome | gnome | Female 132 | Worker | Opinionated and Belligerent | |
Hadrina | dwarf | dwarven | Female 114 | Worker | Nimble and Uncooperative | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dimgol | dwarf | dwarven | Male 99 | Worker | Cold and Withdrawn | |
Mentathiel | elf | elven | Female 89 | Worker | Abrasive and Lunatic | |
Marshal | half-elf | english | Male 73 | Worker | Discreet and Cold | |
Wayne | half-elf | english | Male 66 | Worker | Fanatical and Nosy | |
Item | Price |
Haircut | 5cp |
Shave | 3cp |
Tooth Pulling | 5cp |
Lance a Boil | 3cp |
Other Surgery | varies |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Minuialwen | elf | elven | Female 77 | Barber | Filthy mouth and Generous | |
Gurtrud | dwarf | dwarven | Female 124 | Assistant | Sly and Tactful | |
Shurarkha | half-orc | halforc | Female 17 | Assistant | Self-Centered and Sagely | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gorin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 123 | Brewer | Belligerent and Brilliant | |
Thingryd | dwarf | dwarven | Female 35 | General Blacksmith | Unforgiving and Talkative | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Emerson | human | english | Male 17 | Patron | Studious and Sarcastic | |
Leigha | human | english | Female 19 | Patron | Considerate and Energetic | |
Aland | human | english | Male 42 | Patron | Spoiled and Trusting | |
Bosley | human | english | Male 38 | Patron | Spunky and Boring | |
Marley | human | english | Female 23 | Patron | Rude and Silent | |
Edith | human | english | Female 19 | Patron | Quarrelsome and Touchy | |
Arethusa | human | english | Female 42 | Patron | Kleptomaniac and Calm | |
Remington | human | english | Male 29 | Patron | Bratty and Thoughtful | |
Justice | human | english | Male 26 | Patron | Friendly and Quarrelsome | |
Alston | human | english | Male 52 | Patron | Calm and Boisterous | |
Elfrida | half-elf | english | Female 59 | Patron | Energetic and Unforgiving | |
Marley | half-elf | english | Female 89 | Patron | Withdrawn and Domineering | |
Maci | half-elf | english | Female 77 | Patron | Sensitive and Bashful | |
Bonita | gnome | gnome | Female 84 | Patron | Perfectionist and Evasive | |
Zowana | gnome | gnome | Female 101 | Patron | Thrifty and Haughty | |
Jenna | gnome | gnome | Female 47 | Patron | Audacious and Loves Beer | |
Zuko | gnome | gnome | Male 107 | Patron | Curious and Creepy | |
Palin | gnome | gnome | Male 57 | Patron | Good-looking and Fanatical | |
Goban | gnome | gnome | Male 157 | Patron | Contrarian and Reckless | |
Torka | gnome | gnome | Female 71 | Patron | Loud and Strict | |
Maleah | gnome | gnome | Female 70 | Patron | Haughty and Sneaky | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Thorek | dwarf | dwarven | Male 128 | Owner | Perfectionist and Cynical | |
Bobda | halfling | halfling | Female 36 | Owner | Story-teller and Eccentric | |
Edgaro | human | english | Male 23 | Owner | Judgmental and Naive | |
Chester | human | english | Male 25 | Bartender | Alcoholic and Stutters | |
Bainwen | elf | elven | Female 172 | Cook | Evasive and Reckless | |
Haleigh | human | english | Female 20 | Servers | Tenacious and Humble | |
Deana | human | english | Female 52 | Servers | Haughty and Sour | |
Diffa | halfling | halfling | Female 51 | Servers | Obese and Stutters | |
Kinsey | human | english | Female 32 | Servers | Scarred Face and Secretive | |
Edith | human | english | Female 25 | Servers | Insincere and Messy | |
Item | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 3cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 5cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 2cp |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 3cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 1cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 4cp |
Fallan (elven) Wine | 5cp |
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale | 6cp |
Item | Price |
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms | 5cp |
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables | 6cp |
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese | 2sp |
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms | 5sp |
Roast Beef Served with Cranberry Sauce | 4sp |
Spicy Hellhound Claws | 8gp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Atherton | human | english | Male 65 | Owner | Obnoxious and Ugly | |
Gebina | halfling | halfling | Female 53 | Clerk | Story-teller and Strange | |
Reed | human | english | Male 20 | Clerk | Tactful and Thoughtful | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 1gp | 6 |
Barrel | 2gp | 8 |
Basket | 4sp | 5 |
Bedroll | 1sp | 2 |
Blanket, Winter | 6sp | 10 |
Bottle, Glass | 3gp | 2 |
Bucket (empty) | 5sp | 4 |
Candle | 2cp | 20 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 2sp | 232 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 2cp | 6 |
Chest (empty) | 1gp | 1 |
Flask (empty) | 5cp | 22 |
Flint and Steel | 9sp | 11 |
Grappling Hook | 9sp | 2 |
Hammer | 5sp | 2 |
Hourglass | 26gp | 1 |
Ink (1 oz. vial) | 12gp | 3 |
Inkpen | 2sp | 5 |
Ladder, 10ft | 1sp | 3 |
Lamp, common | 2sp | 4 |
Lantern, bullseye | 14gp | 4 |
Lantern, hooded | 5gp | 5 |
Lock, Simple | 18gp | 4 |
Manacles | 17gp | 1 |
Manacles, masterwork | 92gp | 2 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 4cp | 7 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 3sp | 38 |
Pick, miner's | 4gp | 5 |
Pitcher, clay | 4cp | 6 |
Piton | 1sp | 4 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 5sp | 21 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 1gp | 4 |
Sack | 1sp | 3 |
Sealing Wax | 1gp | 5 |
Sewing Needle | 5sp | 18 |
Signal whistle | 9sp | 2 |
Signet ring | 4gp | 1 |
Sledge | 1gp | 3 |
Tent | 11gp | 7 |
Vial, ink or potion | 1gp | 7 |
Waterskin | 1gp | 3 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gondien | elf | elven | Male 106 | Adventurer | Spunky and Disciplined | |
Lostariel | elf | elven | Female 130 | Adventurer | Abrasive and Snob | |
Aesuithiel | elf | elven | Female 205 | Retired Soldier | Reluctant and Ignorant | |
Sanya | elf | elven | Female 86 | Cutpurse | Gullible and Alcoholic | |
Gondien | elf | elven | Male 111 | Unemployed Mercenary | Talkative and Rich | |
Alyameldir | elf | elven | Male 158 | Unemployed Mercenary | Sharp and Trusting | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Haylee | human | english | Female 39 | Town Watch Member | Fearful and Self-Centered | |
Royce | human | english | Male 51 | Fisherman | Strong-willed and Unhappy | |
Carlton | human | english | Male 39 | Farmer | Judgmental and Crabby | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Biba | halfling | halfling | Female 35 | Hatmaker | Trusting and Talkative | |
Durz | half-orc | halforc | Male 45 | Apprentice | Clean and Rash | |
Naerwen | elf | elven | Female 97 | Apprentice | Secretive and Empathic | |
Item | Price |
Haircut | 5cp |
Shave | 2cp |
Tooth Pulling | 5cp |
Lance a Boil | 5cp |
Other Surgery | varies |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Olfarkal | half-orc | halforc | Female 37 | Barber | Boastful and Unfriendly | |
Braxton | human | english | Male 30 | Assistant | Wary and Virtuous | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kiles | gnome | gnome | Male 111 | Farmer | Strong and Helpful | |
Rala | gnome | gnome | Female 108 | Merchant | Ambitious and Contrarian | |
Igen | gnome | gnome | Male 55 | Miller | Beautiful and Humble | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Editha | human | english | Female 56 | Armorsmith | Quarrelsome and Smooth | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Baragor | dwarf | dwarven | Male 83 | Laborer | Witty and Observant | |
Gorinyth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 50 | Cook | Silent and Pensive | |
Gottri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 118 | Brewer | Gullible and Studious | |
Grimbul | dwarf | dwarven | Male 7 | Weaponsmith | Humorous and Empathic | |
Durim | dwarf | dwarven | Male 42 | Farmer | Innocent and Sly | |
Drumnia | dwarf | dwarven | Female 73 | Laborer | Friendly and Honest | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Clinton | human | english | Male 11 | Beggar | Carefree and Likeable | |
Payten | human | english | Female 20 | Logger | Temperate and Quiet | |
Holden | human | english | Male 32 | Farmer | Discreet and Graceful | |
Baynard | human | english | Male 24 | Logger | Tall and Story-teller | |
Kimber | human | english | Female 55 | Fisherman | Con man and Sadistic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Rowena | human | english | Female 26 | Baker | Sincere and Paranoid | |
Landin | human | english | Male 23 | Apprentice | Graceful and Bratty | |
Haley | human | english | Female 35 | Apprentice | Focused and Jaded | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Knight's Loaf Bread (wheat) | 6cp | 7 |
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) | 1cp | 16 |
Biscuit (2x/baked, stays longer) | 6cp | 19 |
Unleavened Bread | 4cp | 11 |
Iced Almond/Caraway Shortbread | 4cp | 7 |
Darioles (Green/Red/Yellow Custard in pie shell) | 3cp | 9 |
Lente Frytoures (fried battered apple rings) | 2cp | 9 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Landon | human | english | Male 56 | Worker | Innocent and Paranoid | |
Beasley | half-elf | english | Male 57 | Worker | Classy and Reluctant | |
Beffa | halfling | halfling | Female 50 | Worker | Jealous and Skillful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lilianna | half-elf | english | Female 76 | Worker | Crabby and Classy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Febdo | halfling | halfling | Male 62 | Cooper | Brainy and Humorous | |
Kelsi | human | english | Female 17 | Assistant | Ugly and Calm | |
Marlee | half-elf | english | Female 25 | Assistant | Determined and Disrespectful | |
Aethelu | human | english | Female 27 | Assistant | Indiscrete and Talkative | |
Hallie | human | english | Female 41 | Assistant | Ambitious and Strong | |
Item | Price |
Tooth Pulling | 5cp |
Lance a Boil | 5cp |
Other Surgery | varies |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Durzaka | half-orc | halforc | Female 24 | Doctor | Miserly and Flirty | |
Shozumal | half-orc | halforc | Female 34 | Assistant | Vain and Humorous | |
Garzanhk | half-orc | halforc | Male 17 | Assistant | Respectful and Reflective | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Afreda | human | english | Female 29 | Host | Generous and Reluctant | |
Kelcie | human | english | Female 16 | Worker | Reserved and Know-it-all | |
Kellera | gnome | gnome | Female 61 | Worker | Ugly and Charismatic | |
Marlie | human | english | Female 48 | Worker | Brilliant and Boastful | |
Lawley | human | english | Male 30 | Worker | Empathic and Thrifty | |
Sawyer | half-elf | english | Female 32 | Worker | Know-it-all and Patriotic | |
Heath | human | english | Male 31 | Worker | Tattooed and Loud | |
Caunardhon | elf | elven | Male 177 | Guard | Sneaky and Discerning | |
Tosin | gnome | gnome | Male 100 | Guard | Aloof and Tactful | |
Frelo | halfling | halfling | Male 47 | Guard | irresponsible and Emotional | |
Borman | gnome | gnome | Male 138 | Guard | Frugal and Thoughtful | |
Payton | half-elf | english | Male 78 | Guard | Tattooed and Audacious | |
Tidina | halfling | halfling | Female 97 | Guard | Artistic and Gullible | |
Figdo | halfling | halfling | Male 39 | Guard | Pleasant and Sneaky | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Arthion | elf | elven | Male 170 | Leader | Stutters and Calm | |
Agano | gnome | gnome | Female 112 | Scribe | Crabby and Gloomy | |
Rovena | half-elf | english | Female 41 | Scribe | Clean and Smooth | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Fay | human | english | Female 36 | Brewer | Thrifty and Shy | |
Rod | half-elf | english | Male 26 | Apprentice | Macho and Cheerless | |
Morfindien | elf | elven | Male 79 | Apprentice | Gullible and Determined | |
Item | Price |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 4sp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 3sp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 2sp |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 4sp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 3sp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 4sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Welch | human | english | Male 24 | Worker | Pleasant and Condescending | |
Rowan | gnome | gnome | Female 88 | Worker | Diligent and Bossy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Archer | human | english | Male 9 | Brewer | Loud and Sleazy | |
Marleigh | human | english | Female 46 | Farmer | Educated and Lazy | |
Kelsie | human | english | Female 28 | Weaponsmith | Condescending and Combative | |
Kimberly | human | english | Female 12 | General Blacksmith | Indiscrete and Lazy | |
Rohesia | human | english | Female 29 | Farmer | Melancholy and Friendly | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ainion | elf | elven | Male 208 | Worker | Cold and Sagely | |
Gormana | gnome | gnome | Female 122 | Worker | Sympathetic and Con man | |
Arethusa | half-elf | english | Female 36 | Worker | Obese and Intuitive | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Elfi | human | english | Female 33 | Patron | Boastful and Patient | |
Burleigh | human | english | Male 42 | Patron | Inquisitive and Reluctant | |
Bancroft | human | english | Male 19 | Patron | Funny and Withdrawn | |
Leigha | human | english | Female 15 | Patron | Messy and Succinct | |
Beriogelir | elf | elven | Male 108 | Patron | Bubbly and Spoiled | |
Saeldur | elf | elven | Male 77 | Patron | Courteous and Shallow | |
Kenyon | half-elf | english | Male 25 | Patron | Energetic and Ugly | |
Brandon | half-elf | english | Male 57 | Patron | Temperate and Strange | |
Drake | half-elf | english | Male 35 | Patron | Intimidating and Rugged | |
Anice | half-elf | english | Female 54 | Patron | Witty and Talkative | |
Beval | half-elf | english | Male 44 | Patron | Kleptomaniac and Malicious | |
Marleigh | half-elf | english | Female 48 | Patron | Judgmental and Frugal | |
Maxwell | half-elf | english | Male 37 | Patron | Creepy and Stubborn | |
Keaton | half-elf | english | Male 34 | Patron | Intolerant and Patriotic | |
Welch | half-elf | english | Male 56 | Patron | Nosy and Inquisitive | |
Febda | halfling | halfling | Female 57 | Patron | Jealous and Picks nose | |
Grigina | halfling | halfling | Female 62 | Patron | Creepy and Nosy | |
Fredi | halfling | halfling | Male 55 | Patron | Boastful and Paranoid | |
Stanley | human | english | Male 56 | Patron | Stubborn and Vain | |
Weston | human | english | Male 32 | Patron | Patient and Pleasant | |
Peyton | human | english | Male 21 | Patron | Educated and Forgetful | |
Burleigh | human | english | Male 36 | Patron | Inept and irresponsible | |
Edward | human | english | Male 22 | Patron | Energetic and Succinct | |
Leigha | half-elf | english | Female 81 | Patron | Bites Nails and Aloof | |
Preston | half-elf | english | Male 68 | Patron | Ambitious and Tempermental | |
Brainard | half-elf | english | Male 55 | Patron | Plain and Beautiful | |
Emerson | half-elf | english | Female 55 | Patron | Generous and Kleptomaniac | |
Harlow | half-elf | english | Female 30 | Patron | Tactful and Compassionate | |
Villads | half-elf | english | Male 58 | Patron | Sleazy and Strong | |
Grover | half-elf | english | Male 29 | Patron | Tempermental and Industrious | |
Hailey | half-elf | english | Female 58 | Patron | Opinionated and Insincere | |
Huoriel | elf | elven | Female 76 | Patron | Abrasive and Dishonest | |
Adanessa | elf | elven | Female 106 | Patron | Funny and Determined | |
Bellasiel | elf | elven | Female 138 | Patron | Carefree and Filthy mouth | |
Adonnenniel | elf | elven | Female 243 | Patron | Quiet and Industrious | |
Daerwen | elf | elven | Female 88 | Patron | Thrifty and Sharp | |
Locien | elf | elven | Male 159 | Patron | Tall and Unforgiving | |
Laermeluion | elf | elven | Male 103 | Patron | Friendly and Discerning | |
Maidhfinden | elf | elven | Male 266 | Patron | Frank and Scarred Face | |
Alastegiel | elf | elven | Female 143 | Patron | Educated and Observant | |
Cuiledhwen | elf | elven | Female 181 | Patron | irresponsible and Brilliant | |
Drakki | dwarf | dwarven | Male 98 | Patron | Cheerful and Sympathetic | |
Dammyth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 107 | Patron | Smooth and Sour | |
Oreka | dwarf | dwarven | Female 71 | Patron | Haughty and Debonair | |
Lunn | dwarf | dwarven | Male 101 | Patron | Rugged and Paranoid | |
Belegond | dwarf | dwarven | Male 187 | Patron | Careful and Boisterous | |
Sindra | dwarf | dwarven | Female 118 | Patron | Brazen and Cultured | |
Villads | human | english | Male 23 | Patron/Unemployed Mercenary | Manipulative and Condescending | |
Bramwell | human | english | Male 39 | Patron/Adventurer | Overweight and Hot-headed | |
Layton | human | english | Male 41 | Patron/Unemployed Mercenary | Helpful and Empathic | |
Alvina | human | english | Female 36 | Patron/Retired Soldier | Bashful and Helpful | |
Haleigh | human | english | Female 15 | Patron/Cutpurse | Honest and Cynical | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lindethiel | elf | elven | Female 162 | Owner | Boastful and Cold | |
Babette | gnome | gnome | Female 87 | Owner/Explorer | Assertive and Domineering | |
Palina | gnome | gnome | Female 65 | Owner | Solitary and Inventive | |
Deana | human | english | Female 34 | Bartender | Ugly and Focused | |
Adva | gnome | gnome | Female 98 | Bartender | Picks nose and Messy | |
Bliss | human | english | Female 15 | Cook | Manipulative and Likeable | |
Payton | half-elf | english | Female 45 | Cook | Industrious and Obnoxious | |
Thingryd | dwarf | dwarven | Female 90 | Servers | Scrawny and Boring | |
Gumlyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 98 | Servers | Poor Gambler and Ugly | |
Brighton | human | english | Female 19 | Servers | Studious and Sour | |
Editta | human | english | Female 17 | Servers | Tired and Eloquent | |
Dedo | halfling | halfling | Male 53 | Servers | Sour and Flirty | |
Item | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 5cp |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 3cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 3cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 2cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 2cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 3cp |
Yanusa Wine | 4cp |
Heron Wine | 6cp |
Fallan (elven) Wine | 9cp |
Item | Price |
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets | 2sp |
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon | 3sp |
Roast Stuffed Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce | 3sp |
Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips | 1sp |
Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer | 2sp |
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread | 3sp |
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables | 4cp |
Basilisk Knuckle Roasted in Beer | 10gp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Thorbal | dwarf | dwarven | Male 96 | Cooper | Courteous and Irritable | |
Logazor | dwarf | dwarven | Male 46 | Assistant | Judgmental and Kleptomaniac | |
Brokki | dwarf | dwarven | Male 139 | Assistant | Artistic and Talkative | |
Hailie | human | english | Female 55 | Assistant | Honest and Aloof | |
Lyndon | half-elf | english | Male 35 | Assistant | Strict and Rash | |
Kinsey | human | english | Female 18 | Assistant | Innocent and Judgmental | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Large Rose Quartz | 90gp | 1 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Minuialwen | elf | elven | Female 162 | Jeweler | Pensive and Eloquent | |
Bosin | gnome | gnome | Male 46 | Apprentice | Debonair and Vain | |
Valaina | elf | elven | Female 123 | Apprentice | Unfriendly and irresponsible | |
Fubdo | halfling | halfling | Male 38 | Apprentice | Boastful and Focused | |
Edgardo | human | english | Male 37 | Apprentice | Trustworthy and Honorable | |
Graysen | half-elf | english | Male 83 | Apprentice | Shrewd and Shallow | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Gold Necklace with 3 Medium Diamonds | 500gp | 1 |
Gold Necklace with 3 Medium Black Opals | 260gp | 1 |
Sterling Silver Necklace with 10 Small Pearls | 320gp | 1 |
Sterling Silver Necklace with 10 Small Moonstones | 120gp | 1 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Idhrenion | elf | elven | Male 197 | Beggar | Quarrelsome and Humble | |
Taurhassdorien | elf | elven | Male 53 | Fisherman | Gullible and Carefree | |
Venessiel | elf | elven | Female 66 | Fisherman | Graceful and Eloquent | |
Morfindien | elf | elven | Male 181 | Farmer | Paranoid and Macho | |
Limbairedhiel | elf | elven | Female 131 | General Blacksmith | Perfectionist and Curious | |
Verya | elf | elven | Female 121 | Laborer | Pleasant and Logical | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hayleigh | human | english | Female 30 | Worker | Unforgiving and Courteous | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Edison | human | english | Male 19 | Worker | Fearful and Sincere | |
Paxton | human | english | Male 30 | Worker | Succinct and Patriotic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Posin | gnome | gnome | Male 78 | Tailor | Trustworthy and Spoiled | |
Kila | gnome | gnome | Female 49 | Miller | Likeable and Strict | |
Koemi | gnome | gnome | Female 14 | Fisherman | Unhappy and Aloof | |
Broty | gnome | gnome | Male 81 | Laborer | Disciplined and Quarrelsome | |
Gelana | gnome | gnome | Female 47 | Beggar | Immodest and Friendly | |
Sorkin | gnome | gnome | Male 186 | Cook | Disagreeable and Macho | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kyndall | human | english | Female 22 | Owner | Friendly and Jaded | |
Goban | gnome | gnome | Male 94 | Clerk | Sweet and Know-it-all | |
Arethusa | half-elf | english | Female 91 | Clerk | Tactful and Inquisitive | |
Barric | human | english | Male 53 | Clerk | Thorough and Sneaky | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 2gp | 7 |
Barrel | 1gp | 1 |
Basket | 4sp | 3 |
Bedroll | 2sp | 1 |
Bucket (empty) | 5sp | 6 |
Candle | 3cp | 33 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 2cp | 96 |
Chest (empty) | 1gp | 3 |
Crowbar | 2gp | 3 |
Firewood (per day) | 1cp | 3 |
Fishhook | 1sp | 4 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 7gp | 5 |
Flask (empty) | 2cp | 16 |
Flint and Steel | 10sp | 9 |
Ladder, 10ft | 3sp | 7 |
Lamp, common | 1sp | 4 |
Lantern, bullseye | 13gp | 5 |
Mirror, small steel | 25gp | 3 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 3sp | 37 |
Paper (sheet) | 4sp | 8 |
Pitcher, clay | 1cp | 12 |
Pot, iron | 7sp | 4 |
Pouch, belt | 1gp | 5 |
Ram, portable | 14gp | 2 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 8sp | 20 |
Rope, silk (50 ft.) | 15gp | 2 |
Sack | 1sp | 10 |
Sealing Wax | 3gp | 3 |
Sewing Needle | 15sp | 10 |
Shovel or spade | 4gp | 8 |
Sledge | 3gp | 4 |
Soap (per lb.) | 4sp | 7 |
Waterskin | 1gp | 19 |
Whetstone | 2cp | 2 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dupu | halfling | halfling | Male 72 | Butcher | Wise and Spunky | |
Walker | human | english | Male 54 | Assistant | Helpful and Reflective | |
Maxton | human | english | Male 51 | Assistant | Reckless and Witty | |
Beda | halfling | halfling | Female 57 | Assistant | Virtuous and Frugal | |
Colby | human | english | Male 30 | Assistant | Sweet and Tactful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Frudi | halfling | halfling | Male 38 | Hatmaker | Nosy and Rich | |
Amoniel | elf | elven | Female 119 | Apprentice | Obese and Humorous | |
Amity | human | english | Female 36 | Apprentice | Unfriendly and Bites Nails | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gwaedhiel | elf | elven | Female 146 | Leader/Adventurer | Cynical and Naive | |
Dedo | halfling | halfling | Male 73 | Lieutenant/Explorer | Bossy and Ostentatious | |
Elfrida | human | english | Female 38 | Lieutenant/Injury Discharged Soldier | Timid and Touchy | |
Durbarkha | half-orc | halforc | Female 18 | Thug/Unemployed Mercenary | Cowardly and Sympathetic | |
Ghamobal | half-orc | halforc | Female 20 | Thug/Explorer | Inventive and Inquisitive | |
Duloorzal | half-orc | halforc | Female 44 | Thug/Retired Soldier | Snob and Argumentative | |
Guargumal | half-orc | halforc | Female 39 | Thug/Cutpurse | Malicious and Good Gambler | |
Urzarkh | half-orc | halforc | Male 33 | Thug/Unemployed Mercenary | Know-it-all and Patient | |
Guargumal | half-orc | halforc | Female 23 | Thug/Retired Soldier | Alert and Helpful | |
Fubda | halfling | halfling | Female 56 | Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier | Shallow and Indiscrete | |
Frulo | halfling | halfling | Male 70 | Thug/Adventurer | Brazen and Charismatic | |
Fiffu | halfling | halfling | Male 39 | Thug/Pirate | irresponsible and Evasive | |
Beba | halfling | halfling | Female 31 | Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier | Assertive and Sincere | |
Peda | halfling | halfling | Female 51 | Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier | Dumb and Innocent | |
Fridu | halfling | halfling | Male 53 | Thug/Pirate | Rugged and Forgetful | |
Fubo | halfling | halfling | Male 53 | Thug/Adventurer | Withdrawn and Condescending | |
Frelina | halfling | halfling | Female 43 | Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier | Simple and Tattooed | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Keaton | human | english | Male 15 | Worker | Sleazy and Reliable | |
Lugrak | half-orc | halforc | Male 29 | Worker | Logical and Picks nose | |
Braxton | half-elf | english | Male 30 | Worker | Superstitious and Thorough | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Padded | 8gp | 4 |
Leather | 11gp | 1 |
Studded Leather | 20gp | 4 |
Hide | 15gp | 1 |
Scale Mail | 51gp | 3 |
Chain Mail | 140gp | 1 |
Breastplate | 210gp | 2 |
Splint Mail | 210gp | 3 |
Banded Mail | 240gp | 1 |
Half-Plate | 630gp | 2 |
Full Plate | 1460gp | 1 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lilyanna | human | english | Female 32 | Owner | Rude and Pensive | |
Haeronwen | elf | elven | Female 197 | Apprentice | Inept and Abrasive | |
Roreka | dwarf | dwarven | Female 118 | Apprentice/Retired Soldier | Scarred Face and Insincere | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Buckler | 6gp | 1 |
Shield, Light Wooden | 2gp | 2 |
Shield, Light Steel | 8gp | 1 |
Shield, Heavy Wooden | 6gp | 1 |
Shield, Heavy Steel | 24gp | 1 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Slade | human | english | Male 41 | Patron/Pirate | Patriotic and Virtuous | |
Shelley | human | english | Female 39 | Patron/Off-Duty Mercenary | Rude and Ugly | |
Sheldon | human | english | Male 15 | Patron/Injury Discharged Soldier | Paranoid and Educated | |
Winto | human | english | Male 32 | Patron | Rash and Debonair | |
Rohesia | human | english | Female 32 | Patron | Shallow and Generous | |
Bentley | human | english | Male 24 | Patron | Tall and Tired | |
Clifford | human | english | Male 55 | Patron | Deferential and Bratty | |
Otger | human | english | Male 30 | Patron | Introverted and Tenacious | |
Rylan | human | english | Male 68 | Patron | Trusting and Ignorant | |
Kelcie | human | english | Female 16 | Patron | Miserly and Boisterous | |
Leighton | human | english | Male 35 | Patron | Creepy and Eloquent | |
Grimbul | dwarf | dwarven | Male 173 | Patron | Upbeat and Intimidating | |
Lokri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 156 | Patron | Miserly and Inventive | |
Ranulyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 124 | Patron | Intimidating and Beautiful | |
Ragnar | dwarf | dwarven | Male 146 | Patron | Good-looking and Refined | |
Arngrim | dwarf | dwarven | Male 108 | Patron | Alert and Filthy mouth | |
Grundi | dwarf | dwarven | Male 49 | Patron | Silent and Loyal | |
Thorgrima | dwarf | dwarven | Female 97 | Patron | Thoughtful and Honorable | |
Thoreka | dwarf | dwarven | Female 82 | Patron | Picks nose and Charismatic | |
Dadra | dwarf | dwarven | Female 86 | Patron | Classy and Sheepish | |
Sindri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 108 | Patron | Belligerent and Succinct | |
Kolton | human | english | Male 30 | Patron | Spoiled and Bratty | |
Stuart | human | english | Male 37 | Patron | Innocent and Pensive | |
Bradford | human | english | Male 34 | Patron | Rude and Trustworthy | |
Lee | human | english | Male 25 | Patron | Quiet and Conversational | |
Fays | human | english | Female 34 | Patron | Fanatical and Ignorant | |
Kelsey | human | english | Female 37 | Patron | Rich and Patriotic | |
Kenton | human | english | Male 24 | Patron | Intimidating and Generous | |
Nell | human | english | Female 41 | Patron | Withdrawn and Evasive | |
Haleigh | human | english | Female 55 | Patron | Naive and Selfish | |
Wynton | human | english | Male 46 | Patron | Poor Gambler and Cold | |
Zuka | gnome | gnome | Female 79 | Patron | Poor and Naive | |
Solita | gnome | gnome | Female 53 | Patron | Sleazy and Shallow | |
Tosa | gnome | gnome | Female 135 | Patron | Rugged and Secretive | |
Kellera | gnome | gnome | Female 50 | Patron | Stubborn and Loud | |
Malina | gnome | gnome | Female 62 | Patron | Respectful and Artistic | |
Tosa | gnome | gnome | Female 76 | Patron | Patient and Solitary | |
Brynlee | half-elf | english | Female 35 | Patron | Sneaky and Abrasive | |
Kendyl | half-elf | english | Female 28 | Patron | Combative and Argumentative | |
Clifton | human | english | Male 47 | Patron | Inquisitive and Brash | |
Brynlee | human | english | Female 16 | Patron | Audacious and Frank | |
Beval | human | english | Male 39 | Patron | Bubbly and Brainy | |
Blaxton | human | english | Male 16 | Patron | Irritable and Aloof | |
Winto | human | english | Male 27 | Patron | Lazy and Virtuous | |
Kendal | human | english | Female 32 | Patron | Ugly and Con man | |
Lilyanna | human | english | Female 49 | Patron | Carefree and Strange | |
Guage | human | english | Male 18 | Patron | Curious and Vain | |
Sheldon | human | english | Male 17 | Patron | Witty and Courteous | |
Bartley | human | english | Male 54 | Patron | Angry and Intuitive | |
Lilianna | human | english | Female 41 | Patron | Self-Centered and Discreet | |
Fralu | halfling | halfling | Male 38 | Patron | Simple and Irritating | |
Frudin | halfling | halfling | Male 78 | Patron | Snob and Miserly | |
Frolina | halfling | halfling | Female 64 | Patron | Reluctant and Eloquent | |
Freda | halfling | halfling | Female 46 | Patron | Good-looking and Focused | |
Fubo | halfling | halfling | Male 39 | Patron | Compassionate and Cynical | |
Fubda | halfling | halfling | Female 59 | Patron | Dumb and Brutish | |
Geffina | halfling | halfling | Female 48 | Patron | Touchy and Secretive | |
Oda | halfling | halfling | Female 44 | Patron | Alcoholic and Contrarian | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Riley | half-elf | english | Female 72 | Owner | Cynical and Aloof | |
Ted | half-elf | english | Male 72 | Owner | Lazy and Inept | |
Adanessa | elf | elven | Female 145 | Bartender | Emotional and Talkative | |
Dexter | human | english | Male 21 | Cook | Frugal and Friendly | |
Lindsay | human | english | Female 45 | Cook | Audacious and Scrawny | |
Presley | human | english | Female 43 | Cook | Crabby and Alert | |
Solito | gnome | gnome | Male 145 | Servers | Eloquent and Rugged | |
Amorette | gnome | gnome | Female 70 | Servers | Story-teller and Classy | |
Tawna | gnome | gnome | Female 95 | Servers | Courteous and Tired | |
Item | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 1cp |
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) | 5cp |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 2cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 4cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 2cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 2cp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 5cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 3cp |
Yanusa Wine | 4cp |
Chanusian Wine | 5cp |
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale | 5cp |
Rum | 8cp |
Item | Price |
Smoked Salmon Salad | 4sp |
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon | 6sp |
Roasted and Smoked Pork Spareribs | 6sp |
Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer | 4sp |
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread | 3sp |
Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb | 5sp |
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms | 4sp |
Breaded Breast of Griffon in Whisky Mushroom Sauce | 11gp |
Item | Price |
Mat in Common Room | 3cp |
Private Room, Simple, 1 Bed | 3sp |
Private Room, Upscale, 1 Bed | 4sp |
Private Room, Simple, 2 Beds | 5sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Cleve | human | english | Male 15 | General Blacksmith | Alcoholic and Strong | |
Daisy | human | english | Female 25 | Logger | Rude and Boisterous | |
Nelle | human | english | Female 19 | Laborer | Debonair and Sly | |
Barlow | human | english | Male 5 | Logger | Evasive and Boastful | |
Stuart | human | english | Male 36 | Laborer | Introverted and Strange | |
Marlie | human | english | Female 7 | Farmer | Frugal and Inept | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Tosina | gnome | gnome | Female 52 | Worker | Forgetful and Carefree | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kendyl | human | english | Female 42 | Worker | Likeable and Shy | |
Kolten | human | english | Male 46 | Worker | Reliable and Cheerless | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ivena | gnome | gnome | Female 83 | Patron/Adventurer | Quiet and Sympathetic | |
Kellera | gnome | gnome | Female 70 | Patron/Adventurer | Simple and Tenacious | |
Ralo | gnome | gnome | Male 97 | Patron/Unemployed Mercenary | Compassionate and Uncooperative | |
Rala | gnome | gnome | Female 96 | Patron/Injury Discharged Soldier | Discreet and Strong | |
Jeven | gnome | gnome | Male 104 | Patron/Guardsman | Disagreeable and Brainy | |
Viveca | gnome | gnome | Female 86 | Patron/Adventurer | Reckless and Secretive | |
Kendall | human | english | Male 51 | Patron | Forgetful and Abrasive | |
Harley | human | english | Female 30 | Patron | Boisterous and Curious | |
Kelsie | human | english | Female 52 | Patron | Angry and Solitary | |
Lee | human | english | Female 54 | Patron | Strong and Empathic | |
Kimberly | half-elf | english | Female 51 | Patron | Superstitious and Good Gambler | |
Hugena | dwarf | dwarven | Female 135 | Patron | Focused and Diplomatic | |
Ragnar | dwarf | dwarven | Male 127 | Patron | Shrewd and Dependable | |
Hadrin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 179 | Patron | Domineering and Logical | |
Gumli | dwarf | dwarven | Male 114 | Patron | Bites Nails and Contrarian | |
Thrungeth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 96 | Patron | Forgetful and Bites Nails | |
Heganbora | dwarf | dwarven | Female 44 | Patron | Bashful and Spoiled | |
Thorek | dwarf | dwarven | Male 134 | Patron | Overweight and Selfish | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Presley | half-elf | english | Female 51 | Owner | Opinionated and Helpful | |
Kenyon | human | english | Male 29 | Owner | Tattooed and Stutters | |
Edgaro | half-elf | english | Male 40 | Owner | Quiet and Cheerful | |
Durrag | dwarf | dwarven | Male 66 | Bartender | Strong-willed and Gloomy | |
Kendall | half-elf | english | Male 63 | Bartender | Selfish and Fanatical | |
Dex | half-elf | english | Male 31 | Bartender | Combative and Determined | |
Halle | human | english | Female 28 | Cook | Crabby and Loves Beer | |
Dana | human | english | Female 26 | Cook | Combative and Wary | |
Dadra | dwarf | dwarven | Female 137 | Servers | Uncooperative and Condescending | |
Bronson | human | english | Male 16 | Servers | Curious and Filthy mouth | |
Macie | human | english | Female 37 | Servers | Discreet and Friendly | |
Kelcie | half-elf | english | Female 69 | Servers | Stubborn and Intelligent | |
Item | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 5cp |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 4cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 3cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 2cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 1cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 4cp |
Yanusa Wine | 2cp |
Fallan (elven) Wine | 8cp |
Vodka | 8cp |
Item | Price |
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms | 9cp |
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds | 3sp |
Breaded Breast of Chicken, Whiskey & Mushroom Sauce | 5sp |
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms | 5sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Halie | human | english | Female 55 | Owner/Injury Discharged Soldier | Intolerant and Messy | |
Brynlee | half-elf | english | Female 55 | Apprentice | Compassionate and Suave | |
Kinsey | human | english | Female 17 | Apprentice | Easygoing and Witty | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Dagger | 3gp | 15 |
Dagger, Punching | 1gp | 6 |
Mace, Light | 6gp | 4 |
Sickle | 5gp | 1 |
Shortspear | 1gp | 2 |
Longspear | 5gp | 3 |
Spear | 2gp | 15 |
Axe, Throwing | 10gp | 3 |
Handaxe | 6gp | 5 |
Sword, Short | 11gp | 7 |
Battleaxe | 11gp | 2 |
Longsword | 16gp | 3 |
Pick, Heavy | 8gp | 1 |
Rapier | 20gp | 3 |
Trident | 13gp | 2 |
Falchion | 67gp | 1 |
Greataxe | 23gp | 3 |
Greatclub | 4gp | 3 |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Blowgun | 2gp | 2 |
Crossbow, Light | 40gp | 4 |
Dart | 6sp | 11 |
Longbow | 80gp | 2 |
Longbow, Composite | 100gp | 2 |
Shortbow | 34gp | 3 |
Arrows(20) | 12sp | 1 |
Sling Bullets | 1sp | 8 |
Bolts, Crossbow (10) | 8sp | 11 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dayna | human | english | Female 5 | Maid | Diplomatic and Skillful | |
Lilliana | human | english | Female 3 | Fisherman | Religious and Obese | |
Dexter | human | english | Male 55 | Miller | Paranoid and Bossy | |
Hallie | human | english | Female 19 | General Blacksmith | Brash and Alert | |
Lilianna | human | english | Female 35 | Brewer | Introverted and Unforgiving | |
Nell | human | english | Female 26 | Fisherman | Humble and Quiet | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dana | human | english | Male 25 | Master | Sympathetic and Diligent | |
Hayley | human | english | Female 44 | Apprentice | Uncooperative and Macho | |
Rylee | half-elf | english | Female 39 | Apprentice | Diplomatic and Strong | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ailith | human | english | Female 55 | Logger | Well-informed and Suave | |
Barden | human | english | Male 7 | Brewer | Melancholy and Likeable | |
Edi | human | english | Male 17 | Farmer | Brilliant and Dumb | |
Bradshaw | human | english | Male 8 | Farmer | Incoherent and Likeable | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lilyana | human | english | Female 34 | Leader/Guardsman | Picks nose and Poor | |
Archer | human | english | Male 16 | Lieutenant/Injury Discharged Soldier | Reluctant and Spoiled | |
Riley | human | english | Female 21 | Thug | Secretive and Evasive | |
Halie | human | english | Female 41 | Thug | Touchy and Tempermental | |
Avellana | human | english | Female 26 | Thug | Combative and Sympathetic | |
Leigha | human | english | Female 27 | Thug | Ostentatious and Friendly | |
Bassett | human | english | Male 26 | Thug/Explorer | Compassionate and Conversational | |
Hali | human | english | Female 23 | Thug/Injury Discharged Soldier | Fearful and Brutish | |
Lee | human | english | Female 41 | Thug/Pirate | Honorable and Eccentric | |
Edith | human | english | Female 18 | Thug/Explorer | Creepy and Graceful | |
Presley | human | english | Female 52 | Thug/Off-Duty Mercenary | Scarred Face and Sincere | |
Dwight | human | english | Male 19 | Thug/Explorer | Industrious and Inventive | |
Drake | human | english | Male 37 | Thug/Adventurer | Intuitive and Compassionate | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Tivin | gnome | gnome | Male 90 | Worker | Selfish and Patriotic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gumli | dwarf | dwarven | Male 43 | Baker | Ugly and Beautiful | |
Birkitt | half-elf | english | Male 68 | Baker | Focused and Gullible | |
Kendall | half-elf | english | Male 65 | Apprentice | Manipulative and Plain | |
Tiba | halfling | halfling | Female 54 | Apprentice | Fearful and Messy | |
Ryleigh | human | english | Female 52 | Apprentice | Inept and Brazen | |
Leigh | human | english | Female 18 | Apprentice | Stubborn and Tempermental | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Knight's Loaf Bread (wheat) | 4cp | 16 |
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) | 3cp | 2 |
Biscuit (2x/baked, stays longer) | 6cp | 14 |
Unleavened Bread | 3cp | 22 |
Gingerbread | 2cp | 6 |
Caraway Seed Cookie | 3cp | 6 |
Lente Frytoures (fried battered apple rings) | 2cp | 1 |
Losenges Fryes (diamond shaped fried dough) | 3cp | 4 |
Cryspes (sugar coated funnel cakes) | 3cp | 9 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Vendethiel | elf | elven | Female 94 | Worker | Irritating and Sullen | |
Olin | halfling | halfling | Male 39 | Worker | Cruel and Pleasant | |
Hayleigh | human | english | Female 38 | Worker | Ugly and Spoiled | |
Gurni | dwarf | dwarven | Male 81 | Worker | Quiet and Charismatic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Yakumal | half-orc | halforc | Female 45 | Worker | Nimble and Lazy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lee | human | english | Male 21 | Worker | Paranoid and Bashful | |
Eduard | human | english | Male 48 | Worker | Thoughtful and Skillful | |
Maeron | elf | elven | Male 111 | Worker | Obese and Reckless | |
Item | Price |
Zinfindel (Red, smooth, blackberry) | 4sp |
Chardonnay (White, oak, citrus) | 4sp |
Pinot Gris (White, rich, slightly spicy) | 4sp |
Semillon (White, dry, sweet) | 2sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Alfreda | human | english | Female 29 | Worker | Pensive and Helpful | |
Audric | human | english | Male 31 | Worker | Sour and Ugly | |
Faelwen | elf | elven | Female 229 | Worker | Gullible and Secretive | |
Princeton | human | english | Male 15 | Worker | Con man and Opinionated | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Tucker | human | english | Male 35 | Furrier | Clever and Strong | |
Sanya | elf | elven | Female 171 | Apprentice | Shrewd and Conversational | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Derina | gnome | gnome | Female 83 | Butcher | Scrawny and Con man | |
Aethelu | human | english | Female 20 | Assistant | Contrarian and Irritable | |
Babette | gnome | gnome | Female 57 | Assistant | Incoherent and Superstitious | |
Kolby | human | english | Male 25 | Assistant | Lunatic and Sleazy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Caladwen | elf | elven | Female 250 | Owner | Brash and Dependable | |
Somana | gnome | gnome | Female 96 | Owner | Bites Nails and Industrious | |
Holden | human | english | Male 44 | Clerk | Brutish and Courteous | |
Rhassbaradhon | elf | elven | Male 94 | Clerk | Tempermental and Fearful | |
Lomana | gnome | gnome | Female 54 | Clerk | Rude and Inept | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 2gp | 4 |
Barrel | 2gp | 1 |
Basket | 4sp | 11 |
Bedroll | 1sp | 1 |
Bell | 13sp | 4 |
Blanket, Winter | 6sp | 9 |
Block and Tackle | 5gp | 2 |
Bucket (empty) | 5sp | 9 |
Candle | 3cp | 4 |
Chain (10ft) | 36gp | 2 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 2cp | 11 |
Chest (empty) | 4gp | 2 |
Firewood (per day) | 3cp | 2 |
Fishhook | 1sp | 14 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 4gp | 9 |
Flask (empty) | 5cp | 25 |
Flint and Steel | 15sp | 5 |
Hourglass | 26gp | 1 |
Ink (1 oz. vial) | 9gp | 8 |
Ladder, 10ft | 1sp | 3 |
Lamp, common | 2sp | 4 |
Lantern, bullseye | 17gp | 1 |
Lantern, hooded | 8gp | 2 |
Lock, Simple | 24gp | 3 |
Lock, Average | 50gp | 3 |
Lock, Good | 70gp | 2 |
Mirror, small steel | 54gp | 1 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 3cp | 20 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 2sp | 4 |
Parchment (sheet) | 2sp | 3 |
Pitcher, clay | 2cp | 18 |
Pole, 10-foot | 5cp | 1 |
Pouch, belt | 1gp | 8 |
Ram, portable | 12gp | 2 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 3gp | 1 |
Sack | 1sp | 10 |
Sewing Needle | 5sp | 4 |
Shovel or spade | 2gp | 4 |
Signal whistle | 12sp | 2 |
Signet ring | 4gp | 1 |
Sledge | 3gp | 4 |
Soap (per lb.) | 6sp | 15 |
Vial, ink or potion | 3gp | 9 |
Waterskin | 3gp | 12 |
Whetstone | 2cp | 5 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Aearion | elf | elven | Male 167 | Furrier | Ignorant and Rich | |
Dumina | dwarf | dwarven | Female 144 | Apprentice | Armorsmith and Religious | |
Amity | half-elf | english | Female 68 | Apprentice | Intolerant and Good Gambler | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Sherman | human | english | Male 34 | Explorer | Diligent and Educated | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Braeden | half-elf | english | Female 4 | Off-Duty Mercenary | Diplomatic and Introverted | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gwaedhiel | elf | elven | Female 68 | Weaponsmith | Forgetful and Timid | |
Rhovanion | elf | elven | Male 82 | Logger | Thoughtful and Friendly | |
Maerwen | elf | elven | Female 26 | Brewer | Ostentatious and Sympathetic | |
Edhelwen | elf | elven | Female 125 | Private Guard | Cynical and Diligent | |
Beriadhwen | elf | elven | Female 159 | Logger | Manipulative and Careful | |
Herenya | elf | elven | Female 15 | Maid | Combative and Thoughtful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Walker | half-elf | english | Male 84 | Worker | Good-looking and Judgmental | |
Bramwell | human | english | Male 18 | Worker | Frank and Contrarian | |
Aikin | gnome | gnome | Male 119 | Worker | Tattooed and Contrarian | |
Kyndal | half-elf | english | Female 59 | Worker | Compassionate and Helpful | |
Item | Price |
Haircut | 4cp |
Shave | 4cp |
Tooth Pulling | 7cp |
Lance a Boil | 3cp |
Other Surgery | varies |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ellethwen | elf | elven | Female 147 | Barber | Simple and Indiscrete | |
Van | human | english | Male 34 | Assistant | Classy and Intolerant | |
Justice | human | english | Male 17 | Assistant | Poor and Smooth | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Nina | gnome | gnome | Female 139 | Furrier | Condescending and Judgmental | |
Bugralb | half-orc | halforc | Male 57 | Apprentice | Sadistic and Verbose | |
Dammin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 107 | Apprentice | Quarrelsome and Messy | |
Edmondo | human | english | Male 51 | Apprentice | Stutters and Industrious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lester | human | english | Male 0 | Merchant | Courteous and Reflective | |
Baul | human | english | Male 17 | Miller | Vain and Combative | |
Item | Price |
Haircut | 5cp |
Shave | 2cp |
Tooth Pulling | 5cp |
Lance a Boil | 4cp |
Other Surgery | varies |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Baldrick | dwarf | dwarven | Male 78 | Barber | Plain and Curious | |
Reed | human | english | Male 54 | Assistant | Brutish and Brainy | |
Nelle | human | english | Female 33 | Assistant | Generous and Diligent | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Avery | half-elf | english | Female 28 | Worker | Charismatic and Ostentatious | |
Dana | human | english | Female 33 | Worker | Good-looking and Trustworthy | |
Yadumal | half-orc | halforc | Female 29 | Worker | Generous and Mature | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Cure Moderate Wounds | 120gp | 1 |
Holy Water, per Vial | 8gp | 40 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Amonost | elf | elven | Male 221 | Head Priest/Pirate | Friendly and Indiscrete | |
Istuion | elf | elven | Male 218 | Apprentice | Patient and Argumentative | |
Van | human | english | Male 48 | Apprentice | Unhappy and Humble | |
Ryder | human | english | Male 23 | Acolyte | Beautiful and Judgmental | |
Whitley | gnome | gnome | Female 87 | Acolyte | Determined and Bubbly | |
Lilian | human | english | Female 26 | Acolyte | Melancholy and Shy | |
Burdan | half-elf | english | Male 27 | Acolyte | Pensive and Beautiful | |
Olina | halfling | halfling | Female 74 | Acolyte | Boisterous and Pleasant | |
Nellethiel | elf | elven | Female 118 | Acolyte | Spunky and Friendly | |
Zorkin | gnome | gnome | Male 45 | Acolyte | Timid and Sensitive | |
Drake | human | english | Male 23 | Acolyte | Clean and Witty | |
Liliane | human | english | Female 15 | Acolyte | Flirty and Hot-headed | |
Lilian | half-elf | english | Female 56 | Acolyte | Crabby and Frank | |
Editha | human | english | Female 52 | Acolyte | Cold and Stutters | |
Audric | human | english | Male 52 | Acolyte/Explorer | Honorable and Gullible | |
Whitley | human | english | Female 52 | Acolyte/Adventurer | Gullible and Likeable | |
Yorri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 96 | Acolyte/Adventurer | Disrespectful and Intimidating | |
Brishen | human | english | Male 29 | Acolyte | Gloomy and Loyal | |
Westley | human | english | Male 16 | Acolyte | Focused and Strange | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Taurhassdorien | elf | elven | Male 123 | Private Guard | Sagely and Lazy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Haley | half-elf | english | Female 52 | Herbalist | Simple and Fanatical | |
Clark | human | english | Male 26 | Apprentice | Strange and Sarcastic | |
Clinton | human | english | Male 34 | Apprentice | Boisterous and Sullen | |
Item | Price |
Holly | 4cp |
Mistletoe | 4cp |
Tea, Night | 2sp |
Tobacco | 6sp |
Wolfsbane | 5sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Liliane | human | english | Female 43 | Farmer | Indiscrete and Beautiful | |
Hailee | human | english | Female 25 | Cook | Naive and Clean | |
Sawyer | human | english | Female 12 | Fisherman | Logical and Generous | |
Marlee | human | english | Female 29 | Tailor | Ugly and Sadistic | |
Hailee | human | english | Female 44 | General Blacksmith | Incoherent and Cold | |
Aethelu | human | english | Female 30 | Armorsmith | Unhappy and Incoherent | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Anameleth | elf | elven | Female 102 | Worker | Strong and Industrious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Geda | halfling | halfling | Female 10 | Farmer | Jealous and Diplomatic | |
Diffi | halfling | halfling | Male 57 | Farmer | Loyal and Shy | |
Fragina | halfling | halfling | Female 38 | Armorsmith | Frugal and Belligerent | |
Bibdo | halfling | halfling | Male 6 | Laborer | Bossy and Loyal | |
Feda | halfling | halfling | Female 25 | Weaponsmith | Jealous and Deceitful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kendyl | half-elf | english | Female 50 | Furrier | Belligerent and Tall | |
Zosa | gnome | gnome | Female 66 | Apprentice | Boastful and Humble | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hailee | human | english | Female 35 | Farmer | Aloof and Malicious | |
Stewart | human | english | Male 21 | Cook | Eloquent and Scarred Face | |
Emerson | human | english | Male 28 | Maid | Frank and Sadistic | |
Hadley | human | english | Female 58 | Farmer | Lazy and Hot-headed | |
Afreda | human | english | Female 39 | Tailor | Poor and Quarrelsome | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gundrik | dwarf | dwarven | Male 104 | Logger | Quarrelsome and Rude | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dedu | halfling | halfling | Male 72 | Owner | Know-it-all and Disagreeable | |
Archer | human | english | Male 30 | Clerk | Silent and Strong | |
Dimzad | dwarf | dwarven | Male 41 | Clerk | Self-Centered and Sneaky | |
Stanley | human | english | Male 36 | Clerk | Inquisitive and Strange | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 1gp | 1 |
Barrel | 2gp | 3 |
Basket | 4sp | 5 |
Bedroll | 1sp | 2 |
Block and Tackle | 6gp | 3 |
Bottle, Glass | 2gp | 2 |
Bucket (empty) | 5sp | 14 |
Caltrops | 13sp | 3 |
Candle | 1cp | 13 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 1sp | 196 |
Case, Map/Scroll | 9sp | 4 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 1cp | 88 |
Chest (empty) | 2gp | 5 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 7gp | 9 |
Flask (empty) | 5cp | 29 |
Flint and Steel | 9sp | 11 |
Grappling Hook | 10sp | 1 |
Hammer | 4sp | 1 |
Ink (1 oz. vial) | 10gp | 3 |
Inkpen | 2sp | 4 |
Ladder, 10ft | 4sp | 2 |
Lamp, common | 3sp | 2 |
Lantern, bullseye | 11gp | 2 |
Lantern, hooded | 12gp | 5 |
Lock, Simple | 18gp | 4 |
Manacles, masterwork | 49gp | 2 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 1cp | 15 |
Pick, miner's | 3gp | 3 |
Pitcher, clay | 5cp | 6 |
Piton | 2sp | 6 |
Pole, 10-foot | 5cp | 1 |
Pot, iron | 7sp | 4 |
Pouch, belt | 1gp | 4 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 5sp | 15 |
Sack | 3sp | 7 |
Sewing Needle | 3sp | 16 |
Signet ring | 9gp | 1 |
Sledge | 1gp | 1 |
Waterskin | 1gp | 3 |
Whetstone | 4cp | 9 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hurgina | dwarf | dwarven | Female 129 | Fishmonger | Rash and Perfectionist | |
Pedu | halfling | halfling | Male 58 | Assistant | Flirty and Likeable | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Bickford | human | english | Male 9 | Brewer | Alcoholic and Strong | |
Clark | human | english | Male 14 | Fisherman | Cruel and Funny | |
Gaige | human | english | Male 32 | Merchant | Plain and Logical | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Liliane | half-elf | english | Female 39 | Patron | Patient and Honest | |
Bickford | half-elf | english | Male 53 | Patron | Considerate and Lazy | |
Lindsey | half-elf | english | Male 74 | Patron | Rude and Good-looking | |
Kingsley | half-elf | english | Male 51 | Patron | Spoiled and Silent | |
Branton | half-elf | english | Male 34 | Patron | Melancholy and Sensitive | |
Breena | half-elf | english | Female 96 | Patron | Silent and Plain | |
Beriadhwen | elf | elven | Female 107 | Patron | Considerate and Verbose | |
Menelwen | elf | elven | Female 82 | Patron | Quiet and Focused | |
Valaina | elf | elven | Female 142 | Patron | Sincere and Inventive | |
Megildur | elf | elven | Male 110 | Patron | Hot-headed and Unforgiving | |
Bellethiel | elf | elven | Female 269 | Patron | Bossy and Debonair | |
Bebin | halfling | halfling | Male 72 | Patron | Trusting and Reluctant | |
Odo | halfling | halfling | Male 36 | Patron | Rich and Humble | |
Geffin | halfling | halfling | Male 39 | Patron | Alert and Suave | |
Geffa | halfling | halfling | Female 44 | Patron | Thorough and Reliable | |
Frepin | halfling | halfling | Male 44 | Patron | Clean and Tactful | |
Fralu | halfling | halfling | Male 31 | Patron | Sneaky and Immature | |
Fudi | halfling | halfling | Male 70 | Patron | Patient and Tempermental | |
Pidu | halfling | halfling | Male 51 | Patron | Careful and Temperate | |
Thorgrim | dwarf | dwarven | Male 112 | Patron | Dishonest and Ostentatious | |
Ulrik | dwarf | dwarven | Male 67 | Patron | Indiscrete and Loud | |
Grogan | dwarf | dwarven | Male 147 | Patron | Boring and Story-teller | |
Millard | half-elf | english | Male 36 | Patron | Sympathetic and Lunatic | |
Dane | half-elf | english | Male 34 | Patron | Deferential and Sarcastic | |
Archer | half-elf | english | Male 45 | Patron | Indiscrete and Sly | |
Winto | half-elf | english | Male 57 | Patron | Patriotic and Scarred Face | |
Fae | half-elf | english | Female 41 | Patron | Aloof and Opinionated | |
Kelcie | half-elf | english | Female 30 | Patron | Con man and Bubbly | |
Lilian | half-elf | english | Female 53 | Patron | Cold and Logical | |
Darwin | human | english | Male 36 | Patron | Smooth and Strong | |
Colton | human | english | Male 23 | Patron | Con man and Verbose | |
Emerson | human | english | Female 68 | Patron | Stutters and Intolerant | |
Eddie | human | english | Male 36 | Patron | Verbose and Clever | |
Editta | human | english | Female 23 | Patron | Frugal and Lazy | |
Brynlee | human | english | Female 52 | Patron | Reluctant and Nimble | |
Barric | human | english | Male 64 | Patron | Cultured and Suave | |
Averey | human | english | Male 26 | Patron | Deferential and Alcoholic | |
Arthur | human | english | Male 25 | Patron | Classy and Empathic | |
Burne | human | english | Male 25 | Patron | Immodest and Honest | |
Koemo | gnome | gnome | Male 128 | Patron | Withdrawn and Verbose | |
Bosina | gnome | gnome | Female 82 | Patron | Belligerent and Abrasive | |
Balita | gnome | gnome | Female 72 | Patron | Sarcastic and Messy | |
Posy | gnome | gnome | Female 110 | Patron | Clever and Patriotic | |
Kiles | gnome | gnome | Male 115 | Patron | Unforgiving and Inept | |
Zorko | gnome | gnome | Male 95 | Patron | Suave and Miserly | |
Advo | gnome | gnome | Male 46 | Patron | Domineering and Rich | |
Tuka | gnome | gnome | Female 67 | Patron | Filthy mouth and Secretive | |
Idina | gnome | gnome | Female 88 | Patron | Loves Beer and Honest | |
Rowan | gnome | gnome | Male 159 | Patron | Brutish and Domineering | |
Bulla | gnome | gnome | Female 61 | Patron | Poor and Artistic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Anice | human | english | Female 33 | Owner | Boastful and Virtuous | |
Colby | human | english | Male 19 | Owner | Discreet and Disciplined | |
Edvard | human | english | Male 34 | Owner | Abrasive and Respectful | |
Ulumal | half-orc | halforc | Female 15 | Bartender/Cutpurse | Artistic and Brutish | |
Horgara | dwarf | dwarven | Female 61 | Bartender | Clever and Religious | |
Tyler | half-elf | english | Female 61 | Bartender/Guardsman | Perfectionist and Ugly | |
Storrid | dwarf | dwarven | Female 90 | Cook | Jaded and Frank | |
Edgardo | human | english | Male 49 | Cook | Shallow and Bites Nails | |
Cuiledhwen | elf | elven | Female 205 | Servers | Brilliant and Perfectionist | |
Colten | human | english | Male 20 | Servers | Focused and Bites Nails | |
Nedhudir | elf | elven | Male 88 | Servers | Carefree and Ostentatious | |
Item | Price |
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) | 4cp |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 1cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 3cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 2cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 5cp |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 1cp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 3cp |
Fallan (elven) Wine | 8cp |
Whiskey | 4cp |
Item | Price |
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms | 8cp |
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon | 5sp |
Roast Stuffed Leg of Lamb with Mint Sauce | 4sp |
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese | 3sp |
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables | 4cp |
Kito's Spiced Potatos | 7cp |
Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb | 6sp |
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms | 4sp |
Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato | 3sp |
Dragon Turtle and Garlic Stew | 10gp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Solita | gnome | gnome | Female 20 | Farmer | Obnoxious and Con man | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Toga | halfling | halfling | Female 9 | Miller | Conversational and Irritating | |
Dudo | halfling | halfling | Male 33 | Fisherman | Secretive and Forgetful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Olina | halfling | halfling | Female 36 | Herbalist | Intuitive and Simple | |
Riley | half-elf | english | Male 64 | Apprentice | Discreet and Cynical | |
Cyneburga | human | english | Female 39 | Apprentice | Intimidating and Frank | |
Item | Price |
Belladonna | 1gp |
Garlic | 2sp |
Holly | 3cp |
Mistletoe | 4cp |
Tea, Night | 1sp |
Tobacco | 4sp |
Wolfsbane | 5sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Elwin | half-elf | english | Male 89 | Worker | Silent and Introverted | |
Caladwen | elf | elven | Female 185 | Worker/Explorer | Alcoholic and Eloquent | |
Lee | human | english | Female 30 | Worker | Focused and Stubborn | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Torko | gnome | gnome | Male 71 | Butcher | Intelligent and Sly | |
Royce | half-elf | english | Male 96 | Assistant | Macho and Obese | |
Keaton | human | english | Male 42 | Assistant | Disagreeable and Melancholy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Dwight | human | english | Male 24 | Worker | Discreet and Skillful | |
Edwin | half-elf | english | Male 96 | Worker | Angry and Ostentatious | |
Fragin | halfling | halfling | Male 63 | Worker | Sarcastic and Tenacious | |
Minuialwen | elf | elven | Female 224 | Worker | Virtuous and Tattooed | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kimball | human | english | Male 30 | Explorer | Careful and Scarred Face | |
Elfreda | human | english | Female 1 | Explorer | Cultured and Miserly | |
Lawley | human | english | Male 0 | Adventurer | Debonair and Skillful | |
Blaxton | human | english | Male 33 | Off-Duty Mercenary | Combative and Boastful | |
Chelsea | human | english | Female 19 | Explorer | Honest and Observant | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Malin | gnome | gnome | Male 72 | Maid | Paranoid and Discerning | |
Tosin | gnome | gnome | Male 69 | Brewer | Trusting and Shy | |
Ayer | gnome | gnome | Male 46 | Tailor | Thrifty and Inventive | |
Solita | gnome | gnome | Female 15 | Merchant | Brainy and Considerate | |
Kane | gnome | gnome | Male 60 | Cook | Cheerful and Temperate | |
Tosin | gnome | gnome | Male 3 | Farmer | Sullen and Reckless | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Brokki | dwarf | dwarven | Male 93 | Worker | Sly and Brash | |
Synne | human | english | Female 51 | Worker | Innocent and Silent | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Trygg | dwarf | dwarven | Male 172 | Worker | Courteous and Loud | |
Grunna | dwarf | dwarven | Female 132 | Worker | Dependable and Inquisitive | |
Tylor | half-elf | english | Male 93 | Worker | Fearful and Debonair | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Valainistima | elf | elven | Female 19 | Farmer | Determined and Kleptomaniac | |
Arwen | elf | elven | Female 33 | Tailor | Crabby and Domineering | |
Elvellonwen | elf | elven | Female 95 | Armorsmith | Unforgiving and Trustworthy | |
Urúvion | elf | elven | Male 92 | Laborer | Evasive and Angry | |
Ithilwen | elf | elven | Female 77 | Baker | Withdrawn and Disrespectful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Freda | halfling | halfling | Female 53 | Baker | Respectful and Jaded | |
Paityn | human | english | Female 44 | Apprentice | Cynical and Hot-headed | |
Charlin | gnome | gnome | Male 106 | Apprentice | Strict and Empathic | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Knight's Loaf Bread (wheat) | 6cp | 12 |
Squire's Loaf Bread (wheat w/bark or dirt filler) | 3cp | 6 |
Unleavened Bread | 2cp | 19 |
Caraway Seed Cookie | 4cp | 8 |
Papyns (Custard) | 2cp | 8 |
Darioles (Green/Red/Yellow Custard in pie shell) | 2cp | 9 |
Frytour of Erbes (honeyed herbed fritters) | 2cp | 6 |
Ryschewys (fried fig pastry) | 2cp | 8 |
Losenges Fryes (diamond shaped fried dough) | 2cp | 4 |
Fritter of Milk (fried sweet cottage cheese) | 2cp | 5 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Pedo | halfling | halfling | Male 63 | Furrier | Loud and Tall | |
Kelsey | human | english | Female 26 | Apprentice | Diligent and Cheerless | |
Emerson | human | english | Male 40 | Apprentice | Angry and Reflective | |
Fae | half-elf | english | Female 28 | Apprentice | Energetic and Superstitious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Tordan | gnome | gnome | Male 52 | Host | Considerate and Patient | |
Aranduriel | elf | elven | Female 172 | Worker | Combative and Spunky | |
Halie | human | english | Female 48 | Worker | Compassionate and Pensive | |
Maci | human | english | Female 15 | Worker | Artistic and Temperate | |
Reid | human | english | Male 37 | Worker | Mature and Deferential | |
Boda | halfling | halfling | Female 49 | Worker | Sly and Argumentative | |
Halie | half-elf | english | Female 82 | Worker | Deceitful and Condescending | |
Lilian | human | english | Female 51 | Worker | Disagreeable and Honorable | |
Afreda | half-elf | english | Female 70 | Worker | Lazy and Tactful | |
Edmonda | human | english | Female 45 | Worker | Patriotic and Rugged | |
Tawnie | gnome | gnome | Female 73 | Worker | Cheerful and Perfectionist | |
Leigh | half-elf | english | Male 71 | Guard | Obnoxious and Intimidating | |
Macy | human | english | Female 22 | Guard | Sadistic and Quiet | |
Tedu | halfling | halfling | Male 84 | Guard | Story-teller and Likeable | |
Alyan | elf | elven | Male 257 | Guard | Boisterous and Rich | |
Grimnir | dwarf | dwarven | Male 44 | Guard | Incoherent and Wary | |
Brainard | human | english | Male 40 | Guard | Filthy mouth and Introverted | |
Pidu | halfling | halfling | Male 47 | Guard | Pensive and Fanatical | |
Barric | human | english | Male 25 | Guard | Intimidating and Patriotic | |
Ryland | human | english | Male 23 | Guard | Loyal and Fearful | |
Clive | half-elf | english | Male 75 | Guard | Pensive and Scruffy | |
Brandon | half-elf | english | Male 65 | Guard | Sharp and Bashful | |
Kern | gnome | gnome | Male 51 | Guard | Conversational and Evasive | |
Karter | human | english | Male 42 | Guard | Cynical and Thrifty | |
Bronson | human | english | Male 17 | Guard | Focused and Sympathetic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Miluiel | elf | elven | Female 21 | Armorsmith | Classy and Sweet | |
Melimion | elf | elven | Male 212 | Fisherman | Brazen and Introverted | |
Airedhiel | elf | elven | Female 54 | Merchant | Vain and Inquisitive | |
Alya | elf | elven | Female 139 | Weaponsmith | Diligent and Dumb | |
Lithônion | elf | elven | Male 62 | Brewer | Boring and Considerate | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Bellethiel | elf | elven | Female 256 | Patron | Touchy and Irritating | |
Calanon | elf | elven | Male 128 | Patron | Armorsmith and Disagreeable | |
Caunardhon | elf | elven | Male 95 | Patron | Cold and Bossy | |
Gondien | elf | elven | Male 84 | Patron | Tenacious and Bites Nails | |
Arawen | elf | elven | Female 197 | Patron | Lunatic and Boastful | |
Brenner | human | english | Male 23 | Patron | Strange and Spunky | |
Audric | human | english | Male 15 | Patron | Beautiful and Frugal | |
Todin | halfling | halfling | Male 89 | Patron | Evasive and Poor | |
Dedo | halfling | halfling | Male 52 | Patron | Con man and Stubborn | |
Febu | halfling | halfling | Male 61 | Patron | Tempermental and Skillful | |
Togin | halfling | halfling | Male 65 | Patron | Incoherent and Forgetful | |
Tedi | halfling | halfling | Male 35 | Patron | Quiet and Loyal | |
Frigo | halfling | halfling | Male 66 | Patron | Scarred Face and Lazy | |
Justice | half-elf | english | Female 56 | Patron | Brainy and Lazy | |
Royce | half-elf | english | Male 48 | Patron | Argumentative and Flirty | |
Emersyn | half-elf | english | Female 49 | Patron | Argumentative and Immodest | |
Drake | half-elf | english | Male 44 | Patron | Strong and Gullible | |
Barden | half-elf | english | Male 66 | Patron | Perfectionist and Insincere | |
Osbert | half-elf | english | Male 51 | Patron | Virtuous and Contrarian | |
Chelsea | half-elf | english | Female 57 | Patron | Compassionate and Lazy | |
Booker | half-elf | english | Male 96 | Patron | Insincere and Friendly | |
Alvar | half-elf | english | Female 46 | Patron | Incoherent and Good Gambler | |
Ethel | half-elf | english | Female 60 | Patron | Educated and Audacious | |
Peda | halfling | halfling | Female 68 | Patron | Bites Nails and Brash | |
Oda | halfling | halfling | Female 81 | Patron | Trusting and Cheerful | |
Gebu | halfling | halfling | Male 58 | Patron | Lunatic and Tenacious | |
Tedin | halfling | halfling | Male 37 | Patron | Bubbly and Funny | |
Breena | half-elf | english | Female 47 | Patron/Guardsman | Honest and Frank | |
Scarlett | half-elf | english | Female 66 | Patron/Injury Discharged Soldier | Sincere and Macho | |
Marlie | half-elf | english | Female 32 | Patron/Cutpurse | Ugly and Disagreeable | |
Ethel | half-elf | english | Female 81 | Patron/Explorer | Gullible and Cowardly | |
Edwin | half-elf | english | Male 86 | Patron/Off-Duty Mercenary | Humble and Eloquent | |
Nell | half-elf | english | Female 86 | Patron/Retired Soldier | Macho and Ambitious | |
Kelsi | half-elf | english | Female 37 | Patron/Pirate | Aloof and Strong | |
Bellethiel | elf | elven | Female 167 | Patron | Malicious and Helpful | |
Megilwen | elf | elven | Female 84 | Patron | Ostentatious and Thrifty | |
Maeron | elf | elven | Male 141 | Patron | Brutish and Considerate | |
Thalion | elf | elven | Male 191 | Patron | Alert and Quarrelsome | |
Rainion | elf | elven | Male 238 | Patron | Boastful and Scarred Face | |
Menelwen | elf | elven | Female 146 | Patron | Artistic and Patient | |
Daerwen | elf | elven | Female 267 | Patron | Diplomatic and Inquisitive | |
Eithelonnen | elf | elven | Male 98 | Patron | Assertive and Scruffy | |
Arietta | human | english | Female 17 | Patron | Lazy and Clever | |
Cliff | human | english | Male 23 | Patron | Miserly and Inventive | |
Lyndsey | human | english | Female 19 | Patron | Immodest and Brutish | |
Macy | human | english | Female 35 | Patron | Superstitious and Indiscrete | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Cole | half-elf | english | Male 78 | Owner | Quarrelsome and Rich | |
Bega | human | english | Female 37 | Owner | Aloof and Humorous | |
Brentley | human | english | Male 53 | Bartender | Gloomy and Intelligent | |
Tidu | halfling | halfling | Male 68 | Bartender | Deceitful and Messy | |
Ellethwen | elf | elven | Female 162 | Cook | Talkative and Reckless | |
Bobdo | halfling | halfling | Male 34 | Cook | Spunky and Cranky | |
Edgardo | human | english | Male 27 | Servers | Belligerent and Sullen | |
Lawley | half-elf | english | Male 76 | Servers | Ugly and Rugged | |
Adlanna | elf | elven | Female 193 | Servers | Studious and Unhappy | |
Bradburn | human | english | Male 50 | Servers | Ugly and Loud | |
Edgarda | human | english | Female 55 | Servers | Unhappy and Cranky | |
Item | Price |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 2cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 5cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 3cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 1cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 4cp |
Heron Wine | 3cp |
Chanusian Wine | 2cp |
Kharukan (dwarven) Ale | 7cp |
Rum | 6cp |
Item | Price |
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon | 4sp |
Roasted and Smoked Pork Spareribs | 5sp |
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds | 3sp |
Grilled Fillet of Salmon | 3sp |
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese | 3sp |
Kito's Spiced Potatos | 8cp |
Item | Price |
Mat in Common Room | 4cp |
Private Room, Upscale, 1 Bed | 3sp |
Private Room, Simple, 2 Beds | 6sp |
Private Room, Upscale, 2 Beds | 10sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Maci | human | english | Female 32 | Furrier | Cultured and Artistic | |
Aethelu | human | english | Female 51 | Apprentice | Judgmental and Intolerant | |
Lilien | half-elf | english | Female 63 | Apprentice | Honest and Patriotic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Beinion | elf | elven | Male 160 | Owner | Combative and Overweight | |
Freli | halfling | halfling | Male 72 | Owner | Cruel and Dishonest | |
Alvar | half-elf | english | Female 55 | Apprentice | Reserved and Introverted | |
Tucker | human | english | Male 55 | Apprentice | Poor and Fanatical | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Dagger | 1gp | 10 |
Dagger, Punching | 1gp | 5 |
Mace, Light | 6gp | 5 |
Sickle | 5gp | 3 |
Mace, Heavy | 14gp | 2 |
Morningstar | 7gp | 4 |
Longspear | 6gp | 10 |
Spear | 3gp | 5 |
Handaxe | 7gp | 4 |
Sap | 1gp | 4 |
Sword, Short | 11gp | 3 |
Battleaxe | 12gp | 1 |
Flail | 8gp | 2 |
Longsword | 14gp | 2 |
Pick, Heavy | 8gp | 1 |
Rapier | 23gp | 3 |
Scimitar | 17gp | 1 |
Warhammer | 10gp | 1 |
Greataxe | 21gp | 3 |
Greatclub | 6gp | 3 |
Lance | 9gp | 5 |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Crossbow, Heavy | 46gp | 1 |
Crossbow, Light | 30gp | 1 |
Dart | 6sp | 17 |
Javelin | 9sp | 2 |
Longbow | 80gp | 2 |
Longbow, Composite | 110gp | 2 |
Shortbow | 30gp | 4 |
Shortbow, Composite | 70sp | 1 |
Arrows(20) | 12sp | 18 |
Sling Bullets | 2sp | 8 |
Darts, Blowgun (10) | 5sp | 6 |
Bolts, Crossbow (10) | 10sp | 7 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lilyanna | human | english | Female 20 | Worker | Aloof and Strict | |
Tidin | halfling | halfling | Male 50 | Worker | Reliable and Virtuous | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Wilson | human | english | Male 13 | Farmer | Sharp and Curious | |
Archer | human | english | Male 35 | Tailor | Belligerent and Compassionate | |
Kelsey | human | english | Female 34 | Weaponsmith | Diligent and Alert | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Haylee | human | english | Female 32 | Worker | Sheepish and Boring | |
Figo | halfling | halfling | Male 49 | Worker | Bashful and Loves Beer | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Rhassbaradhon | elf | elven | Male 115 | Worker | Energetic and Religious | |
Wade | human | english | Male 25 | Worker | Armorsmith and Reserved | |
Thalion | elf | elven | Male 202 | Worker | Loyal and Fearful | |
Tyler | human | english | Female 21 | Worker | Tired and Carefree | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Finna | dwarf | dwarven | Female 58 | Worker | Tactful and Frugal | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ascot | human | english | Male 50 | Worker | Strange and Sagely | |
Febda | halfling | halfling | Female 35 | Worker | Studious and Courteous | |
Olina | halfling | halfling | Female 47 | Worker | Flirty and Funny | |
Earle | human | english | Male 17 | Worker | Strong-willed and Pensive | |
Item | Price |
Merlot (Red, soft, mild) | 2sp |
Cabernet Sauvignon (Red, currant, bell pepper) | 4sp |
Zinfindel (Red, smooth, blackberry) | 3sp |
Sauvignon Blanc (White, grapefruit, bell pepper) | 4sp |
Riesling (White, lime, apple, pear) | 3sp |
Semillon (White, dry, sweet) | 2sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Verya | elf | elven | Female 110 | Butcher | Macho and Naive | |
Dwight | human | english | Male 21 | Assistant | Courteous and Gloomy | |
Dayna | human | english | Female 30 | Assistant | Selfish and Thorough | |
Tyson | human | english | Male 17 | Assistant | Condescending and Reliable | |
Aland | human | english | Male 19 | Assistant | Sour and Observant | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lillian | human | english | Female 35 | Butcher | Frugal and Brazen | |
Fudi | halfling | halfling | Male 45 | Assistant | Artistic and Plain | |
Garinyth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 142 | Assistant | Carefree and Shallow | |
Bodina | halfling | halfling | Female 76 | Assistant | Rash and Artistic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Nelle | half-elf | english | Female 30 | Maid | Patriotic and Scrawny | |
Dalton | half-elf | english | Male 35 | Farmer | Bashful and Sagely | |
Liliane | half-elf | english | Female 97 | Farmer | Friendly and Immodest | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Balita | gnome | gnome | Female 57 | Vegetables | Unforgiving and Debonair | |
Balthilda | human | english | Female 34 | Vegetables | Calm and Stubborn | |
Millard | human | english | Male 39 | Fruit | Sour and Charismatic | |
Van | half-elf | english | Male 45 | Fruit | Inept and Brutish | |
Marley | half-elf | english | Female 82 | Fruit | Immodest and Beautiful | |
Tida | halfling | halfling | Female 39 | Sweets | Scrawny and Indiscrete | |
Bodi | halfling | halfling | Male 40 | Sweets | Know-it-all and Gloomy | |
Brucie | human | english | Female 30 | Sweets | Disrespectful and Brazen | |
Cotina | gnome | gnome | Female 77 | Meats | Boisterous and Belligerent | |
Throbinyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 90 | Meats | Conversational and Cold | |
Guage | human | english | Male 35 | Meats | Naive and Artistic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Clark | human | english | Male 22 | Town Watch Member | Wary and Well-informed | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hali | human | english | Female 2 | Armorsmith | Discerning and Spoiled | |
Harley | human | english | Female 31 | Laborer | Rude and Ignorant | |
Dana | human | english | Male 59 | Fisherman | Introverted and Sensitive | |
Liliana | human | english | Female 28 | Laborer | Sharp and Pleasant | |
Item | Price |
Master Services, per day | 1sp |
Apprentice Services, per day | 3cp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Colby | half-elf | english | Male 36 | Owner | Refined and Loyal | |
Grumdi | dwarf | dwarven | Male 140 | Owner | Withdrawn and Judgmental | |
Beriogelir | elf | elven | Male 161 | Apprentice | Eccentric and Charmer | |
Birkitt | human | english | Male 18 | Apprentice | Trustworthy and Tempermental | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Axe | 5gp | 19 |
Bell | 1gp | 2 |
Studded Leather | 30gp | 3 |
Chain 10ft | 27gp | 4 |
Crane (hold pot over fire) | 5sp | 3 |
Fishhook | 1sp | 3 |
Grappling Hook | 2gp | 1 |
Grate (Cook-pit) | 5sp | 5 |
Hammer | 5sp | 1 |
Hoe | 6sp | 7 |
Lock, Very Simple | 22gp | 1 |
Lock, Average | 37gp | 3 |
Manacles | 18gp | 3 |
Pan | 5sp | 14 |
Pick, Miner's | 2gp | 3 |
Piton | 2sp | 6 |
Pot | 6sp | 1 |
Saw | 4gp | 5 |
Signal Whistle | 7sp | 3 |
Spade/Shovel | 1gp | 9 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Snarri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 50 | Patron | Clever and Observant | |
Thrungeth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 148 | Patron | Tempermental and Hot-headed | |
Bardin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 95 | Patron | Spoiled and Obnoxious | |
Hadley | human | english | Female 38 | Patron | Classy and Combative | |
Lindsay | human | english | Female 32 | Patron | Skillful and Discerning | |
Stewart | human | english | Male 27 | Patron | Strict and Stutters | |
Clive | human | english | Male 24 | Patron | Secretive and Cranky | |
Nellie | human | english | Female 44 | Patron | Alert and Strange | |
Edvard | human | english | Male 20 | Patron | Ambitious and Intelligent | |
Paxton | human | english | Male 21 | Patron | Well-informed and Considerate | |
Colton | human | english | Male 26 | Patron | Sheepish and Rash | |
Durion | elf | elven | Male 82 | Patron | Alcoholic and Tired | |
Arawen | elf | elven | Female 198 | Patron | Irritable and Cynical | |
Henaradwen | elf | elven | Female 195 | Patron | Alcoholic and Forgetful | |
Maidhion | elf | elven | Male 152 | Patron | Boring and Loyal | |
Morfindien | elf | elven | Male 276 | Patron | Shrewd and Courteous | |
Gwirithiel | elf | elven | Female 112 | Patron | Obnoxious and Gullible | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Amoniel | elf | elven | Female 102 | Owner | Cruel and Plain | |
Trent | human | english | Male 28 | Bartender | Thoughtful and Courteous | |
Lilyana | human | english | Female 32 | Cook | Friendly and Conversational | |
Blakely | human | english | Male 34 | Cook | Upbeat and Lunatic | |
Bronn | dwarf | dwarven | Male 43 | Servers | Good Gambler and Frank | |
Mordin | dwarf | dwarven | Male 76 | Servers | Disagreeable and Cynical | |
Bazgarub | half-orc | halforc | Male 16 | Servers | Tall and Good-looking | |
Item | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 5cp |
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) | 1cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 5cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 2cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 2cp |
Old Ale (1yr old, sharp, acetic flavor) | 4cp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 1cp |
Kharukan (dwarven) Ale | 4cp |
Whiskey | 5cp |
Item | Price |
Apple Stuffed Mushrooms | 9cp |
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds | 3sp |
Pork Knuckle Roasted in Beer | 2sp |
Breaded Breast of Chicken, Whiskey & Mushroom Sauce | 5sp |
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread | 3sp |
Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb | 4sp |
Braised Oxtails with Mushrooms | 6sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Vivina | gnome | gnome | Female 121 | Laborer | Emotional and Sleazy | |
Keegan | gnome | gnome | Male 109 | Private Guard | Overweight and Observant | |
Aiko | gnome | gnome | Female 56 | Weaponsmith | Uncooperative and Fearful | |
Palo | gnome | gnome | Male 96 | Armorsmith | Bites Nails and Emotional | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Adan | elf | elven | Male 207 | Worker | Cruel and Fanatical | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Aelfgifu | half-elf | english | Female 86 | Fishmonger | Cheerful and Artistic | |
Suiauthon | elf | elven | Male 167 | Assistant | Rude and Jealous | |
Paityn | half-elf | english | Female 52 | Assistant | Ambitious and Condescending | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Fuda | halfling | halfling | Female 75 | Worker/Retired Soldier | Sarcastic and Domineering | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Holden | human | english | Male 21 | Worker | Spunky and Industrious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Racerediron | elf | elven | Male 68 | Maid | Discreet and Withdrawn | |
Beriogelir | elf | elven | Male 156 | Logger | Cold and Lazy | |
Cuiledhwen | elf | elven | Female 199 | Farmer | Crabby and Shallow | |
Saeldur | elf | elven | Male 4 | Fisherman | Sneaky and Upbeat | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Bowman | half-elf | english | Male 69 | Butcher | Honorable and Ignorant | |
Aldyth | half-elf | english | Female 68 | Assistant | Dull and Mature | |
Pida | halfling | halfling | Female 64 | Assistant | Refined and Hot-headed | |
Lindsey | human | english | Male 24 | Assistant | Patient and Know-it-all | |
Toga | halfling | halfling | Female 40 | Assistant | Alcoholic and Irritating | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Sawyer | human | english | Male 27 | Town Watch Member | Strong and Calm | |
Bega | human | english | Female 37 | Fisherman | Tactful and Bratty | |
Aldrich | human | english | Male 37 | Beggar | Bratty and Condescending | |
Nash | human | english | Male 33 | Logger | Religious and Humorous | |
Macy | human | english | Female 29 | Farmer | Tattooed and Industrious | |
Sterling | human | english | Male 47 | Town Watch Member | Lazy and Cynical | |
Item | Price |
Tooth Pulling | 6cp |
Lance a Boil | 3cp |
Other Surgery | varies |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kelcie | human | english | Female 28 | Doctor | Scarred Face and Irritating | |
Barden | human | english | Male 42 | Assistant | Sweet and Cynical | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Darwin | human | english | Male 37 | Farmer | Story-teller and Scarred Face | |
Harlow | human | english | Female 45 | Beggar | Introverted and Stutters | |
Tylor | human | english | Male 25 | Farmer | Sincere and Respectful | |
Bavol | human | english | Male 9 | Laborer | Intimidating and Frank | |
Lillianna | human | english | Female 5 | Merchant | Generous and Pleasant | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Slade | human | english | Male 32 | Beggar | Energetic and Nimble | |
Elfreda | human | english | Female 1 | Fisherman | Stubborn and Belligerent | |
Lillianna | human | english | Female 10 | Laborer | Vain and Mature | |
Shelley | human | english | Female 12 | Logger | Honest and Tactful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hayleigh | human | english | Female 6 | Private Guard | Clever and Belligerent | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ridley | human | english | Male 34 | Worker | Tempermental and Crabby | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Sunniva | human | english | Female 25 | Owner | Graceful and Patient | |
Haleigh | human | english | Female 18 | Owner | Shrewd and Armorsmith | |
Rhassdorthion | elf | elven | Male 204 | Clerk | Unforgiving and Patient | |
Millard | half-elf | english | Male 94 | Clerk | Nimble and Brainy | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 1gp | 5 |
Barrel | 3gp | 2 |
Basket | 4sp | 4 |
Bedroll | 2sp | 1 |
Blanket, Winter | 5sp | 4 |
Block and Tackle | 7gp | 6 |
Bottle, Glass | 3gp | 3 |
Bucket (empty) | 7sp | 11 |
Caltrops | 12sp | 10 |
Candle | 3cp | 33 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 2sp | 677 |
Case, Map/Scroll | 11sp | 3 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 1cp | 100 |
Fishhook | 1sp | 15 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 7gp | 7 |
Flask (empty) | 5cp | 14 |
Flint and Steel | 14sp | 4 |
Grappling Hook | 15sp | 1 |
Hammer | 5sp | 4 |
Ink (1 oz. vial) | 7gp | 9 |
Ladder, 10ft | 1sp | 4 |
Lamp, common | 2sp | 13 |
Lantern, bullseye | 14gp | 6 |
Lantern, hooded | 9gp | 1 |
Lock, Simple | 20gp | 1 |
Lock, Average | 37gp | 1 |
Lock, Good | 70gp | 2 |
Mirror, small steel | 19gp | 1 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 3cp | 2 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 2sp | 26 |
Pick, miner's | 3gp | 5 |
Pitcher, clay | 4cp | 12 |
Piton | 3sp | 12 |
Pole, 10-foot | 5cp | 5 |
Pot, iron | 8sp | 3 |
Pouch, belt | 2gp | 8 |
Rope, silk (50 ft.) | 12gp | 2 |
Sealing Wax | 3gp | 8 |
Sewing Needle | 16sp | 8 |
Shovel or spade | 3gp | 4 |
Signal whistle | 11sp | 5 |
Sledge | 2gp | 1 |
Soap (per lb.) | 4sp | 6 |
Tent | 15gp | 2 |
Vial, ink or potion | 2gp | 10 |
Waterskin | 1gp | 13 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gwedhiel | elf | elven | Female 274 | Owner | Messy and Sympathetic | |
Borman | gnome | gnome | Male 106 | Clerk | Sarcastic and Empathic | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 3gp | 8 |
Barrel | 1gp | 3 |
Basket | 5sp | 5 |
Bedroll | 1sp | 5 |
Bell | 11sp | 4 |
Block and Tackle | 6gp | 4 |
Bucket (empty) | 6sp | 13 |
Candle | 3cp | 83 |
Case, Map/Scroll | 8sp | 6 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 2cp | 10 |
Chest (empty) | 1gp | 2 |
Crowbar | 2gp | 2 |
Fishhook | 2sp | 14 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 5gp | 7 |
Flask (empty) | 2cp | 34 |
Flint and Steel | 13sp | 12 |
Lamp, common | 3sp | 15 |
Lantern, bullseye | 11gp | 6 |
Lantern, hooded | 10gp | 8 |
Lock, Superior | 130gp | 2 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 4cp | 7 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 1sp | 36 |
Parchment (sheet) | 4sp | 15 |
Pick, miner's | 2gp | 5 |
Pitcher, clay | 2cp | 3 |
Piton | 3sp | 11 |
Pot, iron | 9sp | 5 |
Pouch, belt | 2gp | 8 |
Ram, portable | 8gp | 2 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 4sp | 14 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 2gp | 3 |
Sack | 3sp | 11 |
Sealing Wax | 1gp | 8 |
Sewing Needle | 3sp | 13 |
Shovel or spade | 4gp | 7 |
Signal whistle | 12sp | 1 |
Signet ring | 4gp | 2 |
Sledge | 3gp | 3 |
Vial, ink or potion | 3gp | 1 |
Waterskin | 3gp | 14 |
Whetstone | 1cp | 23 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Haven | human | english | Female 26 | Worker | Angry and Charismatic | |
Edgarda | human | english | Female 39 | Worker | Intelligent and Audacious | |
Fuba | halfling | halfling | Female 67 | Worker | Lunatic and Artistic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Shelley | human | english | Female 26 | Worker/Adventurer | Shallow and Argumentative | |
Oswin | human | english | Male 40 | Worker | Simple and Boring | |
Tidina | halfling | halfling | Female 70 | Worker | Refined and Alcoholic | |
Dumalb | half-orc | halforc | Male 21 | Worker | Malicious and Determined | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Tawarthion | elf | elven | Male 53 | Guardsman | Emotional and Lunatic | |
Sanya | elf | elven | Female 176 | Adventurer | Ostentatious and Withdrawn | |
Adanessa | elf | elven | Female 135 | Adventurer | Graceful and Filthy mouth | |
Bainwen | elf | elven | Female 30 | Adventurer | Tattooed and Strong | |
Urúvion | elf | elven | Male 231 | Explorer | Scrawny and Mature | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lili | human | english | Female 29 | Fisherman | Incoherent and Manipulative | |
Edwin | human | english | Male 4 | Logger | Bites Nails and Macho | |
Batilda | human | english | Female 45 | Laborer | Inept and Forgetful | |
Sawyer | human | english | Female 27 | Merchant | Disagreeable and Sincere | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Linden | human | english | Male 13 | Armorsmith | Gullible and Beautiful | |
Graham | human | english | Male 35 | Brewer | Cheerless and Shallow | |
Graysen | human | english | Male 41 | Farmer | Ugly and Indiscrete | |
Sunniva | human | english | Female 30 | Town Watch Member | Brazen and Brash | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Nelly | human | english | Female 24 | Weaponsmith | Boastful and Deferential | |
Ed | human | english | Male 23 | General Blacksmith | Well-informed and Ignorant | |
Earline | human | english | Female 37 | General Blacksmith | Know-it-all and Spoiled | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hallie | half-elf | english | Female 43 | Owner | Loyal and Brazen | |
Bazgarubal | half-orc | halforc | Female 20 | Assistant | Discreet and Diligent | |
Verya | elf | elven | Female 204 | Assistant | Naive and Religious | |
Shirley | human | english | Female 36 | Assistant | Immature and Industrious | |
Milton | human | english | Male 53 | Assistant | Fanatical and Withdrawn | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kinsey | human | english | Female 17 | Brewer | Upbeat and Clean | |
Westley | human | english | Male 54 | Apprentice | Ostentatious and Boisterous | |
Beriadan | elf | elven | Male 195 | Apprentice | Witty and Refined | |
Item | Price |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 2sp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 3sp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 3sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Poman | gnome | gnome | Male 158 | Owner | Curious and Sleazy | |
Cuiledhwen | elf | elven | Female 112 | Owner | Tempermental and Eloquent | |
Cotina | gnome | gnome | Female 93 | Clerk | Gloomy and Patient | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Barrel | 1gp | 4 |
Basket | 5sp | 9 |
Bedroll | 2sp | 4 |
Blanket, Winter | 7sp | 6 |
Block and Tackle | 4gp | 2 |
Candle | 2cp | 88 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 1sp | 688 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 2cp | 55 |
Chest (empty) | 1gp | 1 |
Fishhook | 1sp | 7 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 7gp | 2 |
Flask (empty) | 4cp | 18 |
Flint and Steel | 14sp | 8 |
Grappling Hook | 8sp | 3 |
Hammer | 7sp | 3 |
Hourglass | 32gp | 1 |
Lamp, common | 2sp | 13 |
Lantern, bullseye | 15gp | 2 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 1cp | 8 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 2sp | 5 |
Parchment (sheet) | 2sp | 14 |
Pitcher, clay | 3cp | 5 |
Piton | 2sp | 11 |
Pole, 10-foot | 3cp | 7 |
Pot, iron | 7sp | 1 |
Pouch, belt | 1gp | 6 |
Ram, portable | 9gp | 2 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 8sp | 7 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 1gp | 1 |
Sack | 1sp | 2 |
Sewing Needle | 4sp | 1 |
Shovel or spade | 5gp | 9 |
Signal whistle | 8sp | 5 |
Signet ring | 5gp | 1 |
Sledge | 3gp | 5 |
Tent | 9gp | 1 |
Waterskin | 1gp | 20 |
Whetstone | 4cp | 25 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Tedina | halfling | halfling | Female 56 | Private Guard | Angry and Reserved | |
Febo | halfling | halfling | Male 25 | Beggar | Funny and Solitary | |
Olo | halfling | halfling | Male 31 | Laborer | Unhappy and Trusting | |
Odo | halfling | halfling | Male 46 | Private Guard | Scrawny and Haughty | |
Griga | halfling | halfling | Female 15 | Tailor | Rash and Unfriendly | |
Biba | halfling | halfling | Female 58 | Fisherman | Overweight and Reliable | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Yaturak | half-orc | halforc | Male 34 | Laborer | Forgetful and Cranky | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Frilina | halfling | halfling | Female 70 | Leader/Injury Discharged Soldier | Scrawny and Debonair | |
Elfi | half-elf | english | Female 100 | Lieutenant/Explorer | Trusting and Sour | |
Nalo | gnome | gnome | Male 78 | Lieutenant/Off-Duty Mercenary | Haughty and Insincere | |
Kenyon | human | english | Male 27 | Lieutenant/Injury Discharged Soldier | Talkative and Curious | |
Bregolien | elf | elven | Male 151 | Lieutenant/Adventurer | Courteous and Rich | |
Ryder | human | english | Male 27 | Lieutenant/Retired Soldier | Diligent and Obese | |
Armida | gnome | gnome | Female 130 | Lieutenant | Empathic and Mature | |
Booker | human | english | Male 47 | Lieutenant/Guardsman | Empathic and irresponsible | |
Arethusa | human | english | Female 21 | Lieutenant | Inventive and Clean | |
Kolten | human | english | Male 28 | Guard | Witty and Assertive | |
Lindsay | human | english | Female 18 | Guard | Bashful and Pensive | |
Anice | human | english | Female 49 | Guard | Opinionated and Simple | |
Edmond | human | english | Male 31 | Guard | Skillful and Poor | |
Brighton | human | english | Female 22 | Guard | Calm and Reserved | |
Kolby | human | english | Male 38 | Guard | Mature and Angry | |
Beverly | human | english | Female 33 | Guard | Inquisitive and Succinct | |
Hailey | human | english | Female 50 | Guard | Diligent and Spoiled | |
Ola | halfling | halfling | Female 64 | Guard | Thoughtful and Tenacious | |
Frada | halfling | halfling | Female 76 | Guard | Mature and Tired | |
Frugina | halfling | halfling | Female 39 | Guard | Malicious and Fearful | |
Fiffu | halfling | halfling | Male 56 | Guard | Energetic and Immodest | |
Allison | gnome | gnome | Female 61 | Guard | Uncooperative and Clean | |
Leib | gnome | gnome | Male 156 | Guard | Story-teller and irresponsible | |
Derina | gnome | gnome | Female 101 | Guard | Tattooed and Patriotic | |
Palo | gnome | gnome | Male 109 | Guard | Reflective and Innocent | |
Tawnie | gnome | gnome | Female 115 | Guard | Skillful and Trustworthy | |
Forcan | gnome | gnome | Male 47 | Guard | Bossy and Brash | |
Marshal | human | english | Male 18 | Guard | Scrawny and Hot-headed | |
Kelsi | human | english | Female 36 | Guard | Lazy and Quiet | |
Clay | human | english | Male 35 | Guard | Silent and Self-Centered | |
Hailey | human | english | Female 23 | Guard | Overweight and Trusting | |
Landon | human | english | Male 50 | Guard | Observant and Empathic | |
Lindsey | human | english | Female 23 | Guard | Succinct and Sagely | |
Barney | human | english | Male 39 | Guard | Irritable and Snob | |
Wayne | human | english | Male 21 | Guard | Loves Beer and Debonair | |
Lindsey | human | english | Female 17 | Guard | Condescending and Sharp | |
Hailee | half-elf | english | Female 90 | Guard/Retired Soldier | Alert and Hot-headed | |
lane | half-elf | english | Male 50 | Guard/Explorer | Sensitive and Scarred Face | |
Nelle | half-elf | english | Female 65 | Guard/Retired Soldier | Sullen and Energetic | |
Sunniva | half-elf | english | Female 48 | Guard/Adventurer | Melancholy and Bites Nails | |
Megildur | elf | elven | Male 182 | Guard | Loves Beer and Trusting | |
Beriogelir | elf | elven | Male 142 | Guard | Skillful and Simple | |
Alassiel | elf | elven | Female 202 | Guard | Gullible and Intuitive | |
Rhassdorthion | elf | elven | Male 85 | Guard | Lunatic and Spoiled | |
Arawen | elf | elven | Female 272 | Guard | Self-Centered and Graceful | |
Charlton | half-elf | english | Male 31 | Guard/Retired Soldier | Wary and Gullible | |
Chelsi | half-elf | english | Female 66 | Guard/Unemployed Mercenary | Graceful and Assertive | |
Bradyn | half-elf | english | Male 66 | Guard/Adventurer | Unhappy and Sharp | |
Edvin | half-elf | english | Male 67 | Guard/Explorer | Naive and Filthy mouth | |
Earline | half-elf | english | Female 115 | Guard/Off-Duty Mercenary | Determined and Aloof | |
Anice | half-elf | english | Female 59 | Guard/Explorer | Curious and Vain | |
Arledge | half-elf | english | Male 41 | Guard/Unemployed Mercenary | Sullen and Sarcastic | |
Eddie | half-elf | english | Male 116 | Guard/Retired Soldier | Eccentric and Indiscrete | |
Kelsey | human | english | Male 16 | Guard | Bites Nails and Belligerent | |
Colton | human | english | Male 19 | Guard | Conversational and Lazy | |
Bega | human | english | Female 32 | Guard | Rich and Intelligent | |
Rylan | human | english | Female 43 | Guard | Bubbly and Sincere | |
Anameleth | elf | elven | Female 172 | Guard/Unemployed Mercenary | Cheerful and Forgetful | |
Miluiel | elf | elven | Female 143 | Guard/Adventurer | Tempermental and Brilliant | |
Sellion | elf | elven | Male 151 | Guard/Adventurer | Graceful and Sincere | |
Lithônion | elf | elven | Male 131 | Guard/Unemployed Mercenary | Diplomatic and Talkative | |
Lindethiel | elf | elven | Female 240 | Guard/Unemployed Mercenary | Patriotic and Patient | |
Rhovanion | elf | elven | Male 244 | Guard/Pirate | Diligent and Filthy mouth | |
Saeldur | elf | elven | Male 167 | Guard/Off-Duty Mercenary | Opinionated and Humorous | |
Nellethiel | elf | elven | Female 144 | Guard/Injury Discharged Soldier | Logical and Story-teller | |
Tuarwen | elf | elven | Female 154 | Guard/Retired Soldier | Alert and Thorough | |
Cerina | gnome | gnome | Female 40 | Guard/Cutpurse | Miserly and Lunatic | |
Egan | gnome | gnome | Male 117 | Guard/Retired Soldier | Curious and Beautiful | |
Forcan | gnome | gnome | Male 109 | Guard/Pirate | Logical and Cowardly | |
Gerina | gnome | gnome | Female 64 | Guard/Guardsman | Tactful and Observant | |
Palina | gnome | gnome | Female 152 | Guard/Adventurer | Silent and Patient | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Brishen | human | english | Male 39 | Private Guard | Story-teller and Talkative | |
Leland | human | english | Male 10 | Farmer | Frugal and Diplomatic | |
Lyndon | human | english | Male 9 | Armorsmith | Graceful and Intolerant | |
Kendyl | human | english | Female 18 | Logger | Picks nose and Cranky | |
Rohesia | human | english | Female 0 | Farmer | Compassionate and Tenacious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kimberley | human | english | Female 26 | Worker | Pensive and Incoherent | |
Kolten | human | english | Male 33 | Worker | Immature and Focused | |
Kelsey | half-elf | english | Male 36 | Worker | Simple and Argumentative | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Adan | gnome | gnome | Female 7 | Cook | Clever and Stubborn | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kelcie | human | english | Female 48 | Guardsman | Emotional and Assertive | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Edoarda | human | english | Female 26 | Patron | Likeable and Pleasant | |
Beval | human | english | Male 69 | Patron | Touchy and Pleasant | |
Wynton | human | english | Male 50 | Patron | Self-Centered and Unhappy | |
Kimber | human | english | Female 23 | Patron | Cowardly and Charmer | |
Alvar | half-elf | english | Female 71 | Patron | Touchy and Cold | |
Arietta | half-elf | english | Female 90 | Patron | Alcoholic and Timid | |
Alditha | half-elf | english | Female 49 | Patron | Paranoid and Shy | |
Hayley | half-elf | english | Female 25 | Patron | Wise and Sharp | |
Peyton | half-elf | english | Female 79 | Patron | Bashful and Courteous | |
Haley | half-elf | english | Female 32 | Patron | Poor and Temperate | |
Nash | half-elf | english | Male 63 | Patron | Brazen and Rude | |
Hayes | half-elf | english | Male 43 | Patron | Secretive and Dull | |
Brucie | half-elf | english | Female 74 | Patron | Secretive and Good-looking | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kimberly | human | english | Female 26 | Owner | Respectful and Reserved | |
Eruraviel | elf | elven | Female 173 | Owner/Explorer | Intolerant and Upbeat | |
Grant | human | english | Male 43 | Bartender | Ambitious and Sincere | |
Barse | human | english | Male 37 | Bartender | Lunatic and Tired | |
Averey | human | english | Male 26 | Cook | Lazy and Sarcastic | |
Frolin | halfling | halfling | Male 32 | Servers | Boring and Brazen | |
Liliana | human | english | Female 28 | Servers | Plain and Quarrelsome | |
Rosine | gnome | gnome | Female 114 | Servers/Guardsman | Immodest and Talkative | |
Item | Price |
Pale Ale (malt dried w/coke) | 4cp |
Golden Ale (brewed w/malts) | 2cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 5cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 3cp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 2cp |
Dark Lager (amber to red-brown, medium body, slight sweetness) | 4cp |
Rum | 7cp |
Whiskey | 7cp |
Item | Price |
Smoked Fresh Trout Fillets | 2sp |
Smoked Salmon Salad | 5sp |
Grilled Fillet of Salmon | 4sp |
Honey Glazed Carrots and Parsnips | 3sp |
Chicken Liver Pate and Bread | 4sp |
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables | 4cp |
Garlic and Basil Leg of Lamb | 5sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Fubdu | halfling | halfling | Male 56 | Worker | Nimble and Cynical | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Muragum | half-orc | halforc | Male 37 | Worker | Emotional and Ugly | |
Brynlee | human | english | Female 37 | Worker | Abrasive and Calm | |
Grant | human | english | Male 56 | Worker | Calm and Loves Beer | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Durina | dwarf | dwarven | Female 110 | Patron | Assertive and Thorough | |
Gurna | dwarf | dwarven | Female 136 | Patron | Sneaky and Cowardly | |
Morngrim | dwarf | dwarven | Male 41 | Patron | Sensitive and Smooth | |
Grunda | dwarf | dwarven | Female 104 | Patron | Sweet and Sadistic | |
Throbbyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 71 | Patron | Intelligent and Mature | |
Groth | dwarf | dwarven | Male 122 | Patron | Honest and Messy | |
Logalyn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 136 | Patron | Spunky and Brutish | |
Faragriam | dwarf | dwarven | Female 41 | Patron | Perfectionist and Sympathetic | |
Othos | dwarf | dwarven | Male 115 | Patron | Patriotic and Sharp | |
Dana | half-elf | english | Male 64 | Patron | Quarrelsome and Strict | |
Kennard | half-elf | english | Male 25 | Patron | Cowardly and Gloomy | |
Camden | half-elf | english | Male 34 | Patron | Quiet and Brash | |
Sawyer | half-elf | english | Female 80 | Patron | Cranky and Thrifty | |
Willibrord | half-elf | english | Male 30 | Patron | Sly and Cowardly | |
Audric | half-elf | english | Male 63 | Patron | Empathic and Cultured | |
Bolton | half-elf | english | Male 92 | Patron | Intimidating and Unhappy | |
Elvis | human | english | Male 24 | Patron/Guardsman | Angry and Quarrelsome | |
Tatum | human | english | Female 19 | Patron/Pirate | Fanatical and Disrespectful | |
Figa | halfling | halfling | Female 48 | Patron | Cynical and Friendly | |
Frepin | halfling | halfling | Male 67 | Patron | Disrespectful and Well-informed | |
Fudo | halfling | halfling | Male 59 | Patron | Bratty and Dishonest | |
Fubdo | halfling | halfling | Male 34 | Patron | Honest and Brilliant | |
Beffin | halfling | halfling | Male 94 | Patron | Brilliant and Aloof | |
Frido | halfling | halfling | Male 47 | Patron | Artistic and Fearful | |
Beba | halfling | halfling | Female 42 | Patron | Brilliant and Poor Gambler | |
Fubdina | halfling | halfling | Female 47 | Patron | Sympathetic and Assertive | |
Fragina | halfling | halfling | Female 46 | Patron | Logical and Tall | |
Olina | halfling | halfling | Female 63 | Patron | Obese and Reliable | |
Azramyth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 119 | Patron | Quiet and Funny | |
Adlanniel | elf | elven | Female 293 | Patron | Respectful and Shy | |
Adanion | elf | elven | Male 75 | Patron | Compassionate and Clean | |
Lithônion | elf | elven | Male 246 | Patron | Silent and Charismatic | |
Airedhiel | elf | elven | Female 270 | Patron | Combative and Rich | |
Beriadan | elf | elven | Male 167 | Patron | Haughty and Gullible | |
Limwen | elf | elven | Female 107 | Patron | Thrifty and Tenacious | |
Meldarion | elf | elven | Male 165 | Patron | Charmer and Disagreeable | |
Fainauriel | elf | elven | Female 201 | Patron | Dependable and Calm | |
Thialfi | dwarf | dwarven | Male 42 | Patron | Reliable and Indiscrete | |
Fregar | dwarf | dwarven | Female 92 | Patron | Incoherent and Alert | |
Eduardo | human | english | Male 44 | Patron | Refined and Religious | |
Leigh | human | english | Female 34 | Patron | Reluctant and Classy | |
Lee | human | english | Male 25 | Patron | Scarred Face and Strict | |
Tucker | human | english | Male 37 | Patron | Angry and Boring | |
Synne | human | english | Female 24 | Patron | Frugal and Thorough | |
Kolton | human | english | Male 33 | Patron | Religious and Boastful | |
Nelle | human | english | Female 46 | Patron | Self-Centered and Brainy | |
Earline | human | english | Female 27 | Patron | Cranky and Smooth | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Haley | human | english | Female 27 | Owner | Armorsmith and Patient | |
Liliane | human | english | Female 42 | Owner | Immodest and Disrespectful | |
Zowana | gnome | gnome | Female 40 | Owner | Strict and Good Gambler | |
Denver | human | english | Male 18 | Bartender | Nimble and Suave | |
Poman | gnome | gnome | Male 63 | Bartender | Easygoing and Cranky | |
Kolton | human | english | Male 37 | Cook | Contrarian and Filthy mouth | |
Remy | half-elf | english | Male 52 | Cook | Dumb and Sagely | |
Kelsie | human | english | Female 24 | Servers | Spunky and Brainy | |
Edwina | human | english | Female 26 | Servers | Vain and Sagely | |
Eduardo | human | english | Male 22 | Servers | Shallow and Forgetful | |
Morngram | dwarf | dwarven | Female 181 | Servers | Good Gambler and Thorough | |
Dana | human | english | Female 32 | Servers/Unemployed Mercenary | Observant and Witty | |
Item | Price |
Brown Ale (lightly hopped, mild flavor, nutty taste) | 1cp |
Stout Ale (roasted barley, w/raisin, espresso, liqourice or molasses) | 3cp |
Mild Ale (less strong) | 2cp |
Burton Ale (strong, dark, somewhat sweet) | 5cp |
Stout (dark, among the strongest) | 3cp |
Pale Lager (golden color, bitter) | 2cp |
Chanusian Wine | 2cp |
Quillin (elven) Wine | 6cp |
Khellanic (dwarven) Ale | 9cp |
Item | Price |
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables | 4cp |
Beef in Ginger & Cinnamon | 5sp |
Roast Goose strewn with Caraway seeds | 4sp |
Breaded Breast of Chicken, Whiskey & Mushroom Sauce | 5sp |
Stuffed Mushrooms with Thyme & Creamcheese | 4sp |
Cheese rolls with a filling of nuts, honey and vegetables | 5cp |
Kito's Spiced Potatos | 9cp |
Roast Beef Served with Cranberry Sauce | 6sp |
Mutton, Lettuce and Tomato | 5sp |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Teda | halfling | halfling | Female 30 | Master | Domineering and Emotional | |
Tatum | half-elf | english | Male 61 | Apprentice | Ugly and Strange | |
Brandon | half-elf | english | Male 40 | Apprentice | Alcoholic and Patient | |
Hayleigh | human | english | Female 53 | Apprentice | Clever and Tactful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Duloorzal | half-orc | halforc | Female 35 | Furrier | Obnoxious and Perfectionist | |
Harley | human | english | Female 46 | Apprentice | Honest and Melancholy | |
Sherman | human | english | Male 15 | Apprentice | Nimble and Funny | |
Eruaistaniel | elf | elven | Female 121 | Apprentice | Ugly and Pensive | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Tangadion | elf | elven | Male 130 | Injury Discharged Soldier | Spunky and Rude | |
Caunardhon | elf | elven | Male 118 | Injury Discharged Soldier | Kleptomaniac and Scruffy | |
Hirnaeranin | elf | elven | Male 73 | Off-Duty Mercenary | Introverted and Naive | |
Adonnenniel | elf | elven | Female 182 | Pirate | Rash and Generous | |
Suiadanion | elf | elven | Male 160 | Explorer | Brazen and Condescending | |
Adanessa | elf | elven | Female 270 | Adventurer | Well-informed and Rich | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kim | human | english | Female 24 | General Blacksmith | Creepy and Brutish | |
Macy | human | english | Female 30 | Beggar | Ambitious and Gullible | |
Edmonda | human | english | Female 55 | Fisherman | Educated and Immodest | |
Chelsie | human | english | Female 17 | Farmer | Sensitive and Disciplined | |
Birkitt | human | english | Male 22 | Tailor | Unfriendly and Scrawny | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Frilina | halfling | halfling | Female 51 | Owner | Rash and Religious | |
Kole | human | english | Male 19 | Clerk | Clever and irresponsible | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 2gp | 9 |
Barrel | 1gp | 8 |
Basket | 6sp | 9 |
Bedroll | 1sp | 4 |
Bell | 12sp | 2 |
Blanket, Winter | 7sp | 6 |
Bucket (empty) | 5sp | 2 |
Caltrops | 13sp | 4 |
Candle | 1cp | 22 |
Chain (10ft) | 35gp | 4 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 1cp | 82 |
Chest (empty) | 3gp | 4 |
Crowbar | 3gp | 3 |
Firewood (per day) | 3cp | 4 |
Fishhook | 1sp | 3 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 7gp | 9 |
Flask (empty) | 5cp | 19 |
Hammer | 6sp | 8 |
Ink (1 oz. vial) | 12gp | 7 |
Ladder, 10ft | 1sp | 6 |
Lamp, common | 3sp | 8 |
Lantern, hooded | 12gp | 3 |
Lock, Simple | 25gp | 3 |
Lock, Average | 36gp | 4 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 1cp | 6 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 3sp | 44 |
Pick, miner's | 4gp | 1 |
Pitcher, clay | 1cp | 17 |
Piton | 2sp | 7 |
Pole, 10-foot | 6cp | 7 |
Pot, iron | 11sp | 2 |
Pouch, belt | 3gp | 6 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 7sp | 11 |
Sack | 1sp | 15 |
Sewing Needle | 9sp | 10 |
Shovel or spade | 1gp | 10 |
Signal whistle | 11sp | 2 |
Sledge | 3gp | 5 |
Waterskin | 1gp | 16 |
Whetstone | 2cp | 23 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Villads | human | english | Male 54 | Owner | Brash and Forgetful | |
Arbellason | elf | elven | Male 339 | Assistant | Cultured and Manipulative | |
Frugin | halfling | halfling | Male 64 | Assistant | Scruffy and Humorous | |
Lilien | half-elf | english | Female 49 | Assistant | Discerning and Virtuous | |
Yorryn | dwarf | dwarven | Female 80 | Assistant | Irritable and Religious | |
Zuko | gnome | gnome | Male 73 | Assistant | Rude and Reserved | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Allison | gnome | gnome | Female 59 | Worker | Witty and Immodest | |
Eddie | human | english | Male 23 | Worker | Pensive and Poor | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Edmonda | half-elf | english | Female 36 | Worker | Audacious and Quiet | |
Garzanhka | half-orc | halforc | Female 46 | Worker | Shy and Gloomy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Bentley | half-elf | english | Male 26 | Maid | Verbose and Know-it-all | |
Aelflaed | half-elf | english | Female 61 | Weaponsmith | Religious and Courteous | |
Alfreda | half-elf | english | Female 61 | Brewer | Intimidating and Energetic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Edoardo | human | english | Male 25 | Furrier | Artistic and Deferential | |
Kimber | human | english | Female 25 | Apprentice | Cruel and Focused | |
Brinley | human | english | Male 32 | Apprentice | Thoughtful and Bites Nails | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Earl | half-elf | english | Male 43 | Worker | Bossy and Shallow | |
Frugi | halfling | halfling | Male 71 | Worker | Smooth and Obese | |
Lynsey | human | english | Female 21 | Worker | Easygoing and Scarred Face | |
Eduardo | human | english | Male 28 | Worker | Verbose and Gloomy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Burleigh | human | english | Male 2 | Logger | Combative and Intolerant | |
Chelsea | human | english | Female 18 | Laborer | Focused and Succinct | |
Kingsley | human | english | Male 34 | Farmer | Contrarian and Overweight | |
Harper | human | english | Male 51 | Cook | Sweet and Self-Centered | |
Clint | human | english | Male 22 | Merchant | Witty and Nosy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Amice | human | english | Female 6 | Farmer | Lazy and Cheerless | |
Lindsey | human | english | Male 25 | Armorsmith | Sympathetic and Trusting | |
Haylee | human | english | Female 25 | Fisherman | Sour and Cultured | |
Rylee | human | english | Female 18 | Farmer | Boastful and Picks nose | |
Dayton | human | english | Male 54 | Farmer | Shrewd and Audacious | |
Haylee | human | english | Female 17 | Beggar | Bratty and Sheepish | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Bridgely | human | english | Male 31 | Worker | Flirty and Filthy mouth | |
Durzalka | half-orc | halforc | Female 22 | Worker | Kleptomaniac and Disciplined | |
Rylan | half-elf | english | Male 30 | Worker | Alert and Empathic | |
Rylan | human | english | Female 33 | Worker | Charismatic and Curious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Tatum | human | english | Male 52 | Worker | Scruffy and Fearful | |
Lorcana | gnome | gnome | Female 138 | Worker | Belligerent and Paranoid | |
Manwameldiel | elf | elven | Female 245 | Worker | Indiscrete and Boring | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Towana | gnome | gnome | Female 138 | Merchant | Cheerful and Reserved | |
Edva | gnome | gnome | Female 110 | Fisherman | Reserved and Friendly | |
Vivin | gnome | gnome | Male 27 | Private Guard | Bashful and Mature | |
Renna | gnome | gnome | Female 78 | Cook | Dependable and Brilliant | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Lorcan | gnome | gnome | Male 35 | Miller | Contrarian and Rash | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kamden | human | english | Male 28 | Owner | Dull and Tenacious | |
Blakely | human | english | Male 41 | Owner | Humorous and Sullen | |
Kole | half-elf | english | Male 70 | Clerk | Cruel and Charismatic | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 1gp | 4 |
Barrel | 2gp | 2 |
Basket | 5sp | 8 |
Bedroll | 1sp | 3 |
Bell | 12sp | 4 |
Blanket, Winter | 7sp | 5 |
Block and Tackle | 4gp | 1 |
Bucket (empty) | 7sp | 13 |
Caltrops | 13sp | 6 |
Candle | 2cp | 65 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 2sp | 719 |
Case, Map/Scroll | 11sp | 2 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 2cp | 99 |
Chest (empty) | 4gp | 4 |
Crowbar | 1gp | 2 |
Firewood (per day) | 2cp | 14 |
Fishhook | 2sp | 8 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 4gp | 6 |
Flask (empty) | 4cp | 4 |
Flint and Steel | 14sp | 3 |
Grappling Hook | 14sp | 3 |
Inkpen | 1sp | 2 |
Lamp, common | 3sp | 4 |
Lantern, bullseye | 14gp | 4 |
Lantern, hooded | 8gp | 1 |
Lock, Simple | 20gp | 2 |
Lock, Average | 46gp | 1 |
Manacles | 18gp | 1 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 2cp | 19 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 3sp | 2 |
Pick, miner's | 2gp | 3 |
Pitcher, clay | 1cp | 13 |
Piton | 1sp | 15 |
Pole, 10-foot | 5cp | 3 |
Pot, iron | 12sp | 5 |
Pouch, belt | 2gp | 10 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 2gp | 10 |
Sealing Wax | 2gp | 6 |
Sewing Needle | 17sp | 7 |
Shovel or spade | 3gp | 14 |
Signal whistle | 10sp | 2 |
Sledge | 1gp | 5 |
Vial, ink or potion | 1gp | 1 |
Water clock | 1440gp | 1 |
Waterskin | 2gp | 3 |
Whetstone | 1cp | 21 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Gudruna | dwarf | dwarven | Female 105 | General Blacksmith | Refined and Dumb | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Braxton | human | english | Male 41 | Worker | Strong-willed and Rugged | |
Edgarda | human | english | Female 27 | Worker | Witty and Audacious | |
Oswin | human | english | Male 61 | Worker | Considerate and Funny | |
Dedu | halfling | halfling | Male 41 | Worker | Hot-headed and Gloomy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Hailie | half-elf | english | Female 28 | Worker | Lazy and Simple | |
Cyneburga | human | english | Female 46 | Worker | Discerning and Smooth | |
Marley | human | english | Male 28 | Worker | Manipulative and Intolerant | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Marlie | human | english | Female 39 | Worker | Cowardly and Pleasant | |
Elvis | human | english | Male 39 | Worker | Succinct and Gloomy | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Ryder | human | english | Male 30 | Furrier | Nimble and Beautiful | |
Nalo | gnome | gnome | Male 58 | Apprentice | Insincere and Alcoholic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Harlow | human | english | Female 35 | Cooper | Quarrelsome and Cold | |
Thorlekyth | dwarf | dwarven | Female 167 | Assistant | Conversational and Scrawny | |
Ghamobal | half-orc | halforc | Female 33 | Assistant | Graceful and Dishonest | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kyndal | half-elf | english | Female 48 | Farmer | Poor Gambler and Well-informed | |
Edmonda | half-elf | english | Female 65 | General Blacksmith | Withdrawn and Deferential | |
Stanley | half-elf | english | Male 60 | Farmer | Unfriendly and Sincere | |
Elfi | half-elf | english | Female 83 | Farmer | Virtuous and Careful | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Vance | human | english | Male 36 | Worker | Bratty and Good Gambler | |
Dertain | dwarf | dwarven | Female 67 | Worker | Well-informed and Nosy | |
Braxton | human | english | Male 19 | Worker | Obese and Sour | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Avellana | human | english | Female 11 | Fisherman | Irritating and Shallow | |
Tyson | human | english | Male 4 | Town Watch Member | Snob and Honest | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Raline | gnome | gnome | Female 116 | Worker | Disrespectful and Thorough | |
Gavina | gnome | gnome | Female 41 | Worker | Combative and Brash | |
Edmund | human | english | Male 26 | Worker | Cruel and Sincere | |
Halle | human | english | Female 22 | Worker | Introverted and Studious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Rowana | gnome | gnome | Female 145 | Owner | Insincere and Patient | |
Editha | human | english | Female 41 | Clerk | Honorable and Abrasive | |
Macy | human | english | Female 40 | Clerk | Brash and Lazy | |
Clifton | human | english | Male 44 | Clerk | Rugged and Poor Gambler | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 3gp | 5 |
Barrel | 2gp | 6 |
Basket | 6sp | 10 |
Bell | 8sp | 3 |
Blanket, Winter | 5sp | 12 |
Block and Tackle | 7gp | 1 |
Bottle, Glass | 1gp | 1 |
Bucket (empty) | 6sp | 12 |
Caltrops | 10sp | 6 |
Candle | 2cp | 30 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 2sp | 7 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 1cp | 29 |
Chest (empty) | 3gp | 4 |
Crowbar | 2gp | 1 |
Firewood (per day) | 1cp | 9 |
Fishhook | 2sp | 10 |
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. | 4gp | 2 |
Flask (empty) | 4cp | 23 |
Flint and Steel | 13sp | 14 |
Hammer | 6sp | 6 |
Ink (1 oz. vial) | 10gp | 5 |
Ladder, 10ft | 4sp | 5 |
Lamp, common | 1sp | 13 |
Lantern, bullseye | 17gp | 5 |
Lantern, hooded | 12gp | 8 |
Lock, Average | 39gp | 4 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 3cp | 20 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 3sp | 45 |
Parchment (sheet) | 4sp | 4 |
Pick, miner's | 4gp | 3 |
Pitcher, clay | 1cp | 14 |
Piton | 2sp | 5 |
Ram, portable | 14gp | 2 |
Rope, silk (50 ft.) | 14gp | 1 |
Sack | 1sp | 19 |
Sealing Wax | 2gp | 2 |
Signal whistle | 10sp | 4 |
Sledge | 1gp | 1 |
Soap (per lb.) | 4sp | 1 |
Vial, ink or potion | 3gp | 6 |
Waterskin | 3gp | 14 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Alrika | dwarf | dwarven | Female 65 | Logger | Tired and Artistic | |
Birgita | dwarf | dwarven | Female 46 | Laborer | Empathic and Disciplined | |
Rareka | dwarf | dwarven | Female 92 | Fisherman | Armorsmith and Ignorant | |
Snorri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 115 | Cook | Frugal and Honest | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Thialfi | dwarf | dwarven | Male 5 | Farmer | Brash and Bratty | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Geffa | halfling | halfling | Female 46 | Cooper | Considerate and Sarcastic | |
Renna | gnome | gnome | Female 116 | Assistant | Thoughtful and Abrasive | |
Drake | human | english | Male 45 | Assistant | Respectful and Trusting | |
Gharagh | half-orc | halforc | Male 23 | Assistant | Helpful and Studious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kolby | half-elf | english | Male 28 | Farmer | Inventive and Graceful | |