
BL1 The Emerald Coin


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Bowana gnome gnome Female 129 Owner Tall and Know-it-all
Amity human english Female 51 Owner Rash and Pensive
Mugdal half-orc halforc Female 27 Clerk Eloquent and Empathic
Koffumal half-orc halforc Female 34 Clerk Domineering and Boastful


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 3gp 3
Barrel 3gp 7
Basket 4sp 2
Bedroll 2sp 5
Blanket, Winter 4sp 7
Block and Tackle 7gp 5
Bucket (empty) 7sp 12
Caltrops 8sp 9
Candle 3cp 14
Canvas (sq. yd.) 1sp 983
Chain (10ft) 37gp 4
Chalk, 1 piece 1cp 86
Chest (empty) 1gp 3
Firewood (per day) 3cp 24
Fishhook 1sp 15
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 3gp 2
Flask (empty) 4cp 25
Flint and Steel 8sp 13
Hammer 5sp 1
Ink (1 oz. vial) 7gp 8
Ladder, 10ft 1sp 5
Lamp, common 1sp 3
Lantern, hooded 12gp 2
Mag/Tankard, clay 4cp 4
Oil (1-pint flask) 3sp 33
Paper (sheet) 5sp 10
Pick, miner's 4gp 1
Pitcher, clay 4cp 9
Piton 3sp 2
Pot, iron 7sp 2
Pouch, belt 2gp 5
Ram, portable 14gp 2
Rations, trail (per day) 7sp 5
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 1gp 10
Rope, silk (50 ft.) 11gp 2
Sack 3sp 16
Sewing Needle 18sp 3
Shovel or spade 5gp 8
Signal whistle 11sp 2
Sledge 2gp 1
Soap (per lb.) 8sp 16
Tent 9gp 10
Waterskin 3gp 6
Whetstone 5cp 10

BQ1 Shoemaker


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Garika dwarf dwarven Female 92 Worker Alcoholic and Ambitious
Boda halfling halfling Female 63 Worker/Off-Duty Mercenary Trustworthy and Loyal

FG1 Farm Large


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Umulum half-orc halforc Male 30 Farmer/Adventurer Dependable and Emotional
Fays half-elf english Female 40 Wife/Off-Duty Mercenary Sympathetic and Melancholy
Garil dwarf dwarven Male 72 Teen/Off-Duty Mercenary Wary and Disagreeable
Bartram half-elf english Male 84 Teen/Cutpurse Focused and Eccentric
Todin halfling halfling Male 43 Teen/Unemployed Mercenary Good Gambler and Audacious
Ralo gnome gnome Male 47 Teen/Retired Soldier Honest and Quiet
Kendall human english Female 48 Teen/Explorer Witty and Funny
Narash half-orc halforc Male 46 Child/Unemployed Mercenary Tall and Con man
Grimdalyn dwarf dwarven Female 87 Child/Injury Discharged Soldier Industrious and Scruffy
Meldarion elf elven Male 191 Hired Hand/Cutpurse Honest and Armorsmith
Cooper human english Male 53 Hired Hand/Adventurer irresponsible and Unforgiving
Lilliana human english Female 28 Hired Hand/Adventurer Snob and Opinionated
Houston half-elf english Male 39 Hired Hand/Adventurer Incoherent and Eccentric

HN2 Tailor


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Lynsey half-elf english Female 87 Worker Skillful and Patient
Bridgely human english Male 15 Worker Strong-willed and Crabby
Charlton half-elf english Male 51 Worker Lazy and Trusting

LR1 Barn


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Biffa halfling halfling Female 28 Merchant Tired and Mature
Tida halfling halfling Female 47 Miller Cowardly and Trusting

NN1 Furrier


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Emersyn human english Female 34 Furrier Deceitful and Friendly
Chelsie human english Female 51 Apprentice Boisterous and Bites Nails

OY1 Farm Large


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Darwin human english Male 34 Farmer/Explorer Thorough and Trustworthy
Grima dwarf dwarven Female 129 Wife/Pirate Reckless and Discerning
Atzal half-orc halforc Female 16 Teen/Guardsman Creepy and Sour
Urimubal half-orc halforc Female 25 Teen/Cutpurse Reluctant and Disrespectful
Bolton human english Male 41 Teen/Guardsman Sour and Logical
Posin gnome gnome Male 90 Child/Injury Discharged Soldier Skillful and Strict
Gurni dwarf dwarven Male 76 Child/Off-Duty Mercenary Lunatic and Reluctant
Kingston human english Male 24 Hired Hand/Guardsman Aloof and Uncooperative
Eduardo human english Male 40 Hired Hand/Guardsman Frugal and Strong
Wynton human english Male 21 Hired Hand/Retired Soldier Determined and Jaded

QT1 Farm Large


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Adney human english Male 21 Farmer/Off-Duty Mercenary Trustworthy and Shrewd
Rylan human english Female 39 Wife/Guardsman Haughty and Focused
Clifton human english Male 29 Teen/Adventurer Cruel and Deferential
Grumda dwarf dwarven Female 84 Teen/Explorer Wary and Careful
Haven human english Female 38 Teen/Explorer Graceful and Sincere
Clark human english Male 52 Child/Explorer Kleptomaniac and Plain
Miriel elf elven Female 111 Child/Pirate Smooth and Secretive
Yashal half-orc halforc Female 35 Child/Explorer Intimidating and Poor
Colton human english Male 46 Child/Adventurer Unhappy and Ostentatious
Grimbul dwarf dwarven Male 56 Child/Explorer Boisterous and Jealous
Lawley half-elf english Male 56 Hired Hand/Cutpurse Tired and Filthy mouth
Aland half-elf english Male 64 Hired Hand/Explorer Fearful and Incoherent

WQ1 Farm Large


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Clayton human english Male 34 Farmer/Cutpurse Opinionated and Reluctant
Meadow half-elf english Female 49 Wife/Unemployed Mercenary Courteous and Sullen
Gadrina dwarf dwarven Female 68 Teen/Cutpurse Eccentric and Alcoholic
Maleah gnome gnome Female 52 Teen/Adventurer Skillful and Know-it-all
Dean half-elf english Male 49 Teen/Adventurer Shallow and Sullen
Sawyer human english Female 57 Teen/Explorer Ugly and Shallow
Cole human english Male 39 Teen/Off-Duty Mercenary Sly and Courteous
Lyndon human english Male 28 Child/Adventurer Uncooperative and Carefree
Burleigh human english Male 60 Child/Injury Discharged Soldier Strict and Pensive
Frilo halfling halfling Male 65 Child/Cutpurse Gullible and Ignorant
Febu halfling halfling Male 41 Hired Hand/Cutpurse Sensitive and Refined
Boffin halfling halfling Male 30 Hired Hand/Explorer Touchy and Spunky
Kenyon half-elf english Male 52 Hired Hand/Adventurer Cynical and Tactful
Gorek dwarf dwarven Male 98 Hired Hand/Guardsman Cruel and Quiet
Earle human english Male 56 Hired Hand/Unemployed Mercenary Diplomatic and Withdrawn

XI1 Farm Large


Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Arphenion elf elven Male 149 Farmer/Injury Discharged Soldier Trusting and Smooth
Brynlee human english Female 17 Wife/Guardsman Intelligent and Brazen
Fredi human english Male 30 Teen/Explorer Funny and Honorable
Edmondo human english Male 25 Teen/Injury Discharged Soldier Inquisitive and Sneaky
Emerson human english Female 32 Teen/Explorer Inept and Manipulative
Nelly human english Female 41 Teen/Adventurer Succinct and Nimble
Aelfgifu human english Female 40 Child/Pirate Judgmental and Know-it-all
Rowena human english Female 27 Child/Off-Duty Mercenary Curious and Tall
Dalton half-elf english Male 110 Child/Cutpurse Cheerful and Perfectionist
Fubo halfling halfling Male 47 Child/Guardsman Nimble and Insincere
Aylwin half-elf english Male 43 Child/Injury Discharged Soldier Tattooed and Indiscrete
Bowan gnome gnome Male 136 Hired Hand/Adventurer Careful and Good-looking
Todo halfling halfling Male 57 Hired Hand/Injury Discharged Soldier Domineering and Charismatic