The Rusty Two Pence



Name Race Culture Sex/Age Background Personality Other
Gage Half-Ork english Male 76 Owner Aloof and Observant
Malin Half-Ork gnome Male 130 Clerk Withdrawn and Ambitious
Nell human english Female 22 Clerk Timid and Touchy
Wade human english Male 39 Clerk Courteous and Determined


Item Price #Avail
Backpack 1gp 2
Barrel 2gp 5
Basket 5sp 7
Bell 10sp 4
Bucket (empty) 5sp 10
Caltrops 13sp 1
Candle 2cp 98
Canvas (sq. yd.) 1sp 729
Chalk, 1 piece 2cp 49
Firewood (per day) 3cp 14
Fishhook 1sp 12
Fishing Net, 25sq. ft. 6gp 5
Flask (empty) 4cp 18
Flint and Steel 12sp 4
Grappling Hook 12sp 2
Hammer 5sp 7
Inkpen 2sp 3
Lamp, common 1sp 5
Lantern, bullseye 12gp 5
Lantern, hooded 7gp 8
Lock, Simple 23gp 2
Lock, Good 100gp 2
Mag/Tankard, clay 1cp 20
Oil (1-pint flask) 3sp 49
Paper (sheet) 3sp 6
Parchment (sheet) 2sp 19
Pitcher, clay 2cp 16
Piton 1sp 4
Pole, 10-foot 3cp 2
Pot, iron 7sp 2
Pouch, belt 2gp 6
Rations, trail (per day) 5sp 20
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) 1gp 3
Sack 1sp 17
Sewing Needle 12sp 18
Sledge 1gp 4
Soap (per lb.) 8sp 16
Tent 11gp 7
Vial, ink or potion 1gp 20
Waterskin 1gp 20
Whetstone 1cp 18