Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Rylee | human | english | Male 23 | Farmer/Adventurer | Beautiful and Cheerful | |
Alditha | half-elf | english | Female 69 | Wife/Injury Discharged Soldier | Conversational and Gullible | |
Karter | human | english | Male 24 | Teen/Explorer | Witty and Fearful | |
Bolton | human | english | Male 40 | Teen/Guardsman | Succinct and Reserved | |
Febdo | halfling | halfling | Male 47 | Teen/Adventurer | Selfish and Snob | |
Whitney | human | english | Female 15 | Teen/Retired Soldier | Trusting and Boisterous | |
Pudo | halfling | halfling | Male 35 | Child/Explorer | Tired and Messy | |
Ascot | human | english | Male 43 | Child/Adventurer | Easygoing and Refined | |
Skorri | dwarf | dwarven | Male 104 | Child/Retired Soldier | Silent and Sleazy | |
Kelsey | human | english | Female 35 | Child/Unemployed Mercenary | Cruel and Brutish | |
Olo | halfling | halfling | Male 44 | Hired Hand/Retired Soldier | Boisterous and Shy | |
Kern | gnome | gnome | Male 74 | Hired Hand/Unemployed Mercenary | Sadistic and Malicious | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Tido | halfling | halfling | Male 24 | Farmer | Suave and Solitary | |
Fredo | halfling | halfling | Male 59 | Laborer | Logical and Creepy | |
Frugo | halfling | halfling | Male 69 | Cook | Scrawny and Careful | |
Bibo | halfling | halfling | Male 2 | Fisherman | Determined and Considerate | |
Frolina | halfling | halfling | Female 16 | Brewer | Disrespectful and Patriotic | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Baul | half-elf | english | Male 66 | Farmer/Guardsman | Tactful and Intelligent | |
Bellethiel | elf | elven | Female 200 | Wife/Explorer | Uncooperative and Diplomatic | |
Yashal | half-orc | halforc | Female 23 | Teen/Explorer | Classy and Assertive | |
Amice | human | english | Female 35 | Teen/Off-Duty Mercenary | Eccentric and Ignorant | |
Grumda | dwarf | dwarven | Female 65 | Teen/Off-Duty Mercenary | Unhappy and Cold | |
Kerna | gnome | gnome | Female 101 | Teen/Off-Duty Mercenary | Innocent and Inquisitive | |
Graeme | human | english | Male 17 | Child/Cutpurse | Industrious and Charmer | |
Kelsey | human | english | Male 40 | Child/Explorer | Snob and Brilliant | |
Clive | human | english | Male 44 | Child/Cutpurse | Ambitious and Obnoxious | |
Edgaro | human | english | Male 38 | Child/Off-Duty Mercenary | Scarred Face and Cynical | |
Emerson | human | english | Female 38 | Child/Retired Soldier | Funny and Cold | |
Frolin | halfling | halfling | Male 50 | Hired Hand/Guardsman | Humble and Bashful | |
Beleg | elf | elven | Male 208 | Hired Hand/Cutpurse | Cheerful and Paranoid | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Bowan | gnome | gnome | Male 111 | Farmer/Off-Duty Mercenary | Tactful and Dishonest | |
Eduarda | human | english | Female 21 | Wife/Pirate | Nimble and Disagreeable | |
Hampton | gnome | gnome | Male 58 | Teen/Explorer | Bossy and Fanatical | |
Keller | gnome | gnome | Male 41 | Teen/Guardsman | Strong and Solitary | |
Haylie | human | english | Female 28 | Child/Explorer | Witty and Dependable | |
Haylie | human | english | Female 17 | Child/Off-Duty Mercenary | Unhappy and Talkative | |
Gary | human | english | Male 33 | Hired Hand/Pirate | Fearful and Stubborn | |
Morngram | dwarf | dwarven | Female 182 | Hired Hand/Adventurer | Humorous and Manipulative | |
Erle | human | english | Male 24 | Hired Hand/Injury Discharged Soldier | Nimble and Tired | |
Tosin | gnome | gnome | Male 64 | Hired Hand/Cutpurse | Simple and Fearful | |
Veryan | elf | elven | Male 75 | Hired Hand/Guardsman | Cultured and Focused | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Clinton | half-elf | english | Male 25 | Worker | Quiet and Fearful | |
Urúvion | elf | elven | Male 123 | Worker | Eloquent and Debonair | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kinsey | human | english | Female 34 | Worker | Manipulative and Focused | |
Kim | half-elf | english | Female 89 | Worker | Debonair and Boring | |
Beinion | elf | elven | Male 244 | Worker | Pleasant and Story-teller | |
Ghamobal | half-orc | halforc | Female 18 | Worker | Inquisitive and Considerate | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Frido | halfling | halfling | Male 45 | Owner | Alert and Eloquent | |
Kierina | gnome | gnome | Female 101 | Owner | Sly and Ugly | |
Todina | halfling | halfling | Female 62 | Clerk | Vain and Pleasant | |
Item | Price | #Avail |
Backpack | 2gp | 1 |
Barrel | 1gp | 8 |
Basket | 6sp | 1 |
Bedroll | 1sp | 3 |
Bell | 13sp | 2 |
Blanket, Winter | 4sp | 2 |
Block and Tackle | 4gp | 6 |
Bottle, Glass | 2gp | 3 |
Bucket (empty) | 4sp | 11 |
Candle | 3cp | 96 |
Canvas (sq. yd.) | 1sp | 454 |
Case, Map/Scroll | 15sp | 1 |
Chalk, 1 piece | 2cp | 12 |
Chest (empty) | 1gp | 5 |
Crowbar | 3gp | 2 |
Firewood (per day) | 2cp | 1 |
Fishhook | 1sp | 13 |
Flask (empty) | 5cp | 12 |
Flint and Steel | 13sp | 10 |
Grappling Hook | 14sp | 2 |
Lamp, common | 1sp | 8 |
Lantern, hooded | 11gp | 2 |
Lock, Simple | 21gp | 2 |
Lock, Average | 45gp | 3 |
Mirror, small steel | 68gp | 1 |
Mag/Tankard, clay | 3cp | 17 |
Oil (1-pint flask) | 3sp | 32 |
Parchment (sheet) | 1sp | 7 |
Pick, miner's | 4gp | 2 |
Pitcher, clay | 3cp | 5 |
Piton | 2sp | 18 |
Pole, 10-foot | 3cp | 5 |
Pot, iron | 8sp | 2 |
Pouch, belt | 3gp | 5 |
Rations, trail (per day) | 7sp | 15 |
Rope, hemp (50 ft.) | 2gp | 2 |
Sack | 3sp | 10 |
Sealing Wax | 2gp | 4 |
Sewing Needle | 14sp | 14 |
Shovel or spade | 5gp | 19 |
Signal whistle | 8sp | 5 |
Sledge | 2gp | 1 |
Soap (per lb.) | 6sp | 10 |
Tent | 9gp | 9 |
Whetstone | 3cp | 3 |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Kinsey | human | english | Female 54 | Furrier | Disagreeable and Sheepish | |
Frolina | halfling | halfling | Female 54 | Apprentice | Charmer and Upbeat | |
Name | Race | Culture | Sex/Age | Background | Personality | Other |
Nino | gnome | gnome | Male 132 | Farmer/Explorer | Insincere and Cheerless | |
Haleigh | human | english | Female 28 | Wife/Explorer | Stutters and Macho | |
Amice | half-elf | english | Female 67 | Teen/Adventurer | Poor Gambler and Sharp | |
Gurna | dwarf | dwarven | Female 197 | Teen/Retired Soldier | Jaded and Hot-headed | |
Todin | halfling | halfling | Male 31 | Teen/Unemployed Mercenary | Focused and Manipulative | |
Kila | gnome | gnome | Female 58 | Teen/Explorer | Bossy and Insincere | |
Reed | human | english | Male 20 | Teen/Retired Soldier | Patient and Story-teller | |
Eddy | human | english | Male 42 | Child/Injury Discharged Soldier | Sarcastic and Intuitive | |
Mildred | human | english | Female 56 | Child/Adventurer | Touchy and Sour | |
Lurogumal | half-orc | halforc | Female 41 | Child/Adventurer | Discerning and Tall | |
Gedin | halfling | halfling | Male 36 | Child/Adventurer | Hot-headed and Intelligent | |
Kolby | human | english | Male 33 | Hired Hand/Adventurer | Charmer and Filthy mouth | |
Caunion | elf | elven | Male 139 | Hired Hand/Injury Discharged Soldier | Carefree and Inventive | |
Egan | gnome | gnome | Male 40 | Hired Hand/Explorer | Pensive and Irritable | |
Bramwell | human | english | Male 36 | Hired Hand/Retired Soldier | Wary and Diplomatic | |