Yhammos Family History

The history of the family Yhammos does not reach back all that far. They first came into prominence about 145 years ago. Magic has always been the lynch pin of their fortune. This began with the Beniko Yhammos known as "the Learn'ed". He was a 13th level mage of the Conjuration school. His early life was spent on the sea. He rose quickly through the ranks and spent his money seldom so he could by a ship. His first ship was named the "Yhammos Freehold". This part of his life ended when he lost a leg during a storm. He was forced to become land bound, but this ultimately was the making of him and his family. He stayed in Hellia and with the proceeds of his ships merchant travels he bought a house, took a wife and became interested in Wizardry. As his conjuration skills increased, his stature in the city increased and he became a member of the City Council.
His business was very successful and he bought more ships.
It was a fluke that put a Wildspace Ship in his hands. A pirate captured the ship on the high sea who was totally ignorant of the existence of Helms and space travel. The pirate considered the small ship with no major weapons a "prize" vessel and arranged to sell it to Beniko as a "Coaster". Beniko knew about Helms and after some study learned how to fly it. This became his obsession. He remodeled it, added a ballista and renamed it "Farstar".
He would do 4 merchant trips to other planets a year. In the weeks when he was home in Hellia, he would direct the family finances but would leave that in the hands of his first son "Daniko". Daniko had much of the money talent his father had, so they were able to add 3 more ships to the family and Beniko secured another wildspace ship named "Skysailor".
As the Yhammos family rose, the Gulaaga family fortunes fell off. The Gulaaga had made their position as expert undertakers, but when one of the family members was revealed to be dabbling in necromancy (not to mention necrofilia) their business stopped. They were forced to sell the castle they had built to Daniko Yhammos.
Once the families position in Hellia was very secure, Daniko began to use the Wildspace ship to begin transporting fresh sea fish caught by the Guldar family to Maknusi. This was the making of both families in the big city. The two families are staunch allies as a result. There are not a lot of fish in the waters around Maknusi, so a constant influx of fish from Hellia quickly became a staple. This added to the exotic goods from other worlds that sold for premium prices made the family rich.
In addition, Greebok the third son of Daniko, studied magic under his grandfather Beniko He was a good study and soon became more powerful than his sire. Greebok began tutoring other family members and later other Hellia residents in magic. Eventually he founded a mages school in Hellia that was attracting sudents from all over. With the success of that effort he found it would be more successful in Maknusi, so he decided to move there. The school was very successful there and over 2 generations morphed into the Maknusi Mages guild. Although the guild is no longer directly controlled by the Yhammos family, they still have a ton of influence.
6 generations later, the family continued to become more powerful in Maknusi which made the other families jealous.

Here are the current relations between the Yhammos family and the other major powers and families in Maknusi
Tessar - Mercenaries - This family stays carefully neutral to make it easy to fight against anyone if they are paid to.
Ruddar - City Guard - Ruddar is closely connected to the King and his family who are friendly to Yhammos
Malavhan - Weapons and Armor - They are neutral to the family Yhammos
Urdo - The king his family are friendly to Yhammos as they are also Gnomes. In addition, Yhammos gives the king exotic gifts from other planets.
Ssemm - Entertainment - This family is also gnomish and so is on good relations with Yhammos, but not closely related.
Thorsar - Gambling and Drugs - Thorsar is resentful of Yhammos as they have refused to transport slaves and drugs to Maknusi
Myrkeer - Thieves - Almost nobody likes these forks as all have been victimized at one time or another. However, they are in the pay of the Dhostar family to assassinate as many of the Yhammos family as possible. There is a bounty of 500gp to any thief who can prove a kill.
Dhostar - Groceries - This family would LOVE to see Yhammos family go down as the fish trade is cutting into their profits
Guldar - Fish - They are very close to Yhammos as the fish they catch has a huge market that would be tiny without fast transport
Thalavar - Teamsters - They would like to shut the Yhammos down and take over their transport of fish
Yesak - Slaves - They are hostile toward Yhammos as they would like to put slaves on the Yhammos ships but are not allowed.

Currently, there is no competition for the fish trade. The Yhammos and Guldar families managed to pass a law against any "flying ships" entering the city docks. This was done by crashing a almost ruined wildspace ship bought specifically for the purpose into the city docks. All the fish coming from the sea is still carried by a Wildspace ship named the " Teshyash Runner", but it stays in the water all the time as it travels up the Teshyash river. The river is to shallow and has many rocky areas that prevent other large ships from reaching the coast. The helm is only used to float the ship over the shallow and rocky areas.

In the last 10 years the Yhammos family has been the target of a series of unexplained deaths.