Yovisha Forest Random Encounters
Roll 1d10
Common 1-4
Uncommon 5-7
Rare 8-9
Very Rare - 10
Roll Percentile/2
Roll Percentile/2 Roll 1d30
Roll 1d30
  1. Random Domestic Dog
  2. Wild Dog CR 1/3
  3. Dog, Riding CR 1
  4. Wolf CR 1
  5. Coyote
  6. Fox
  7. Cattle
  8. Sheep
  9. Donkey Cr 1/6
  10. Horse
  11. Mule CR 1
  12. Pony CR 1/4
  13. Lizard CR 1/6
  14. Constrictor Snake CR 2
  15. Ghoul CR 1
  16. Zombie (template)
  17. Human Commoner
  18. Amphibians
  19. baboon
  20. badger
  21. camel
  22. cat
  23. eagle
  24. elk
  25. boar
  26. crab
  27. brown bear
  28. flying snake
  29. hawk
  30. Herd Animals
  31. jackal
  32. mage
  33. mastiff
  34. frog
  35. knight
  36. kobold
  37. lion
  38. gladiator
  39. goat
  40. goblin
  41. rat
  42. raven
  43. owl
  44. vulture
  45. weasel
  46. scout
  47. priest
  48. scorpion
  49. scout
  50. Small Mammals
  1. Blink Dog CR 2
  2. Dire Wolf CR 3
  3. Nessian Warhound CR
  4. Hyena CR 1
  5. Wolverine CR 2
  6. Jackal
  7. Bison CR 2
  8. Camel CR 1
  9. Antelope
  10. Lizardfolk CR 1
  11. Viper Snake
  12. Snake, Tiny Viper CR 1/3
  13. Wight CR 3
  14. death dog
  15. elephant
  16. ettin
  17. dretch
  18. druid
  19. crocodile
  20. cultist
  21. ghoul
  22. giant ape
  23. giant badger
  24. giant bat
  25. giant boar
  26. giant eagle
  27. giant elk
  28. giant frog
  29. giant goat
  30. giant hyena
  31. magmin
  32. mammoth
  33. lizardfolk
  34. gnoll
  35. treant
  36. triceratops
  37. owlbear
  38. panther
  39. shrieker
  40. swarm of bats
  41. swarm of insects
  42. swarm of snakes
  43. swarm of rats
  44. swarm of ravens
  45. hobgoblin
  46.  bugbear
  47. Wolf Skeleton CR 1
  48. roper
  49. Viper
  50. Elephant CR 7
  1. Hell Hound CR 3
  2. Wyvern CR 6
  3. Worg CR 2
  4. Cave Hyena
  5. Rhinoceros CR 4
  6. Lizard, Monitor CR 2
  7. Const. Snake, Giant CR 5
  8. Snake, Huge
  9. Shocker Lizard
  10. Salamander
  11. Allip CR 3
  12. Ghast CR 3
  13. Warrior Skeleton CR 1/3
  14. Owlbear Skeleton CR 2
  15. Troll Skeleton CR 3
  16. Chimera Skeleton CR 4
  17. Ettin Skeleton
  18. Wraith CR 5
  19. giant centipede
  20. giant crocodile
  21. giant fire beetle
  22. hill giant
  23. griffon
  24. nightmare
  25. rust monster
  26. werebear
  27. wereboar
  28. shambling mound
  29. wraith
  30. wyvern
  1. Winter Wolf CR 5
  2. Centaur CR 3
  3. Unicorn CR 3
  4. Celestial Charger CR
  5. Behir CR 8
  6. Dinosaur
  7. Hydra
  8. Dark Naga CR 8
  9. Water Naga CR 7
  10. Bodak CR 8
  11. Ghost
  12. Lich (template)
  13. Shadow CR 3
  14. Greater Shadow CR 8
  15. Spectre CR 7
  16. Vampire (template)
  17. chimera
  18. harpy
  19. hezrou
  20. manticore
  21. hippogriff
  22. minotaur
  23. guardian naga
  24. gynosphinx
  25. ochre jelly
  26. xorn
  27. pegasus
  28. roc
  29. weretiger
  30. werewolf

Kobold Zombie CR 1/2  Zombie CR 1/2 Troglodyte Zombie CR 1 Specials
    Pick From Below
    Sinkhole Lava Eruptions Ash Eruptions Explosive Eruptions EARTHQUAKES TIDAL WAVES FLOODS AND FLASH FLOODS AVALANCHES, ROCKFALLS, AND MUDSLIDES QUICKSAND Forest Fire Human Funeral Procession Elf Funeral Procession Hobbit Funeral Procession Human Pilgramge Group Elf Pilgramge Group Dwarf Pilgramge Group Gnome Pilgramge Group Human Refugee Family Human Refugee Families Hobbit Refugee Family Find abandon shelter Space/Time Rift
    Monster Lair

The lava merely “gurgles” up, out, and down the sides of the volcano and flows out through fissures in the ground
250 yards per hour is about average for a lava flow
To determine what impact the volcano has, the Dungeon Master can roll ld4 and refer to the indicated result from this list:
Eruption is fluid magma that will spew from the volcano for 2d6 days. Any character closer than 500 yards to a significant source of flowing lava will take at least ld6 points of damage per minute from radiant heat, and possibly much more than that if he is considerably closer than 500 yards. The effective temperature of the air a mile from the site of the eruption will increase by 50 degrees and remain at that temperature for as long as the eruption continues. Of course, the temperature increase will be much more than 50 degrees in close proximity to the site. The increase will taper off by 10 degrees per 1/4 mile of additional distance from the site, until no heat difference is detectable from 12 miles away.
The eruption is thick magma that will spray into the air as well as flow out around the edges of the mouth of the volcano. The lava will continue coming out for 2d4 days, and during that time any character closer than 500 yards to a sizable quantity of it will suffer at least ld4 points of damage per minute. The effective temperature of the air V4 mile from the site of the eruption will increase by 30 degrees; this increase diminishes by 10 degrees for every V4 mile farther away, so that at 1 mile away no heat difference is felt.
The eruption is thick magma plus pyroclastic material. In addition to the effects described in the preceding paragraph, the bombs and blocks produced by this eruption can hurt or kill any character who is too close to the mouth of the volcano. There is a 1% chance per hour that a character within 1,000 yards of the site of the eruption will be hit by one or more chunks of pyroclastic material, causing him to lose 2d6 hit points from burn damage and impact damage. For every 100 yards of distance less than 1000 yards, the chance of being hit increases by 5% per hour and the damage from a hit increases by 1 d6.
Ash Eruptions
The DM should roll ld6 and refer to the following list:
1 to 3
The eruption will be light to moderate in intensity but of extended duration; ash will be expelled for at least 12 hours each day for a period of 3-6 weeks (ld4+2). During the entire duration of the eruption, a significant amount of ash (at least 2 inches of total  accumulation) will be carried 16-25 miles (ld10 + 15) away from the eruption site in the direction of the prevailing winds, and heavier amounts of ash (6 inches or more) will settle everywhere within a radius of 5-1 0 miles (1 d6 +4) of the site. A character within 2,000 yards of the eruption site will suffer ld3 points of burn damage per turn from the hot particles that settle on his body.. In addition, such a character must make a saving throw versus breath weapon once per turn to avoid going into a choking fit (-4 on attack rolls, +4 to be hit). A character who fails two saving throws in succession is in danger of being asphyxiated or suffocated; he will take ld4 points of damage per round, and will die unless he can receive aid within one turn.
The eruption will be heavy in intensity but of relatively short duration; ash will be expelled for 6-11 hours (1 d6 + 5) each day for a period of 1 d3 weeks. A significant amount of ash will accumulate 10-15 miles (ld6+9) away from the site in the direction of the wind, and a heavy accumulation (9 inches or more) will come down everywhere within a radius of 3-8 miles (ld6+2) from the site. The danger zone for characters is 4,000 yards, with effects as described above upon those who are unprotected and within that area.
The eruption will be heavy (as described in the preceding paragraph), and in addition the first 3-8 days of the eruption will be marked by the expulsion of pyroclastic material. See the last paragraph of the above section on lava eruptions for the possible effects on characters who are in the area of falling bombs and blocks.
Types of Quakes
For game purposes, earthquakes are classified as light, moderate, or severe.
A light earthquake is perceived as a shivering or vibrating force that travels through the ground and anything in contact with it. The tremor lasts for afew seconds, often even less than that, and produces no effects that are directly hazardous to characters.
4-5 A moderate quake normally lasts for 10-15 seconds (d6+9), occasionally (20%) less than that, and sometimes (30%) more than that - up to 25 or 30 seconds. It has all the effects of a light quake, and in addition has the power to dislodge a character from a precarious position even if the position is not particularly unstable. Someone climbing a severe or moderate slope must make a Climbing Check atholetics or acrobatics at a disadvantage to avoid losing his footing and tumbling down the slope.
A severe earthquake has all the effects of a moderate quake, but all penalties and all chances of unfortunate occurrences are multiplied by two: The penalty to a character’s Climbing Rating is -100% instead of -50%; the penalty to attack rolls in melee combat is -6 instead of -3; the chance of a rockfall occurring adjacent to a cliff face is twice as great; and so forth. A severe quake will last from 40-90 seconds (ld6+3), during which time the only sensible course of action is to hit the ground (but not from 50 feet in the air), cover your head, and pray to the deity of your choice.

A flood can occur after a period of heavy rain in a low-lying area or an area that is lower in elevation than the land around it.
Usually, flooding will only occur in an area adjacent to a river or a lake that is fed by rivers.
A flash flood is a fleeting (and fleet) phenomenon; a mass of water in a flash  flood may pass through an area in minutes.
Flash floods occur after a heavy rain in locations where a natural body of water is not present. A flash flood that began as a trickle at an elevation of 10,000 feet can be a rushing torrent of thousands of gallons of water moving at a 1d20+30 MPH.
Roll Dexterity check at DC 12 or be knocked prone
If knocked prone you will need to swim. Make a proficiency check at DC 12 athloetics or acrobatics to avoid drowning
If not swiming Roll a athletics or acrobatics roll at DC15 or still suffer 2de6 damage from being slammed against rocks, trees, etc.
A character may escape the flood by making a athletics or acrobatics roll at DC 12 and they are out of danger
Make both the rolls above until the character succeeds in hanging on

A character caught in an avalanche will take 3d20 points of damage from impact with the falling snow
and debris. is damage is halved on a athletics or acrobatics roll at DC 15 a character will find himself buried under 2d3 feet of snow when the avalanche subsides a conscious character dig out at the rate of 1 foot per round
DM makes a secret d6 roll to see if the player chooses the right direction to dig:
1-2 Going down, not up
3-4 Going obliquly up will take 2x normal distance to dig out
5-6 Going straight up
While burried, the character can't breathe, so they begin suffocating
A creature can hold its breath for a number of minutes equal to 1 + its Constitution modifier (minimum of 30 seconds).
When a creature runs out of breath or is choking, it can survive for a number of rounds equal to its Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 round). At the start of its next turn, it drops to 0 hit points and is dying, and it can't regain hit points or be stabilized until it can breathe again.
For example, a creature with a Constitution of 14 can hold its breath for 3 minutes. If it starts suffocating, it has 2 rounds to reach air before it drops to 0 hit points.
If other characters want to help them dig out, the base chance of finding the right spot to dig in one round
of searching is lo%, modified upward by 1% per point of intelligence of the searcher and further modified by + 25% if the buried
 character is trying to dig himself out.
A character digging down to a trapped comrade can do so at
the rate of 2 feet per round if moving snow with his hands, or 3
feet per round if using an implement (weapon, pole, etc.)
Rock Fall
Rockfalls occur in mountainous areas, especially in places
where a deep valley separates two sharply rising peaks. They are
most likely in areas where the rock faces contain a large number
of cracks and outcroppings
If a character is caught in a rockfall he will be “attacked” 4 times per round for a duration of 2-5 rounds (1 d4 + 1) by rocks of sufficient size to do him harm. Each
rock hits on a 10 and does ld4 points of damage each.
A character who makes a dexterity check at DC 18 will take only half damage
If a character takes more than 20 points of damage from the rolling rocks, he is knocked off his feet and swept down the slope so that he also suffers
another round of 4 attacks.
Treat a mudslide as a flash flood except that the chance of getting out is reduced to DC18