07/29 Cliff Complex 5: Bonus map! This cliff complex offers a tight squeeze for any Medium-sized creature. But squeezing through the narrow tunnels grants access to the riches -- and dangers -- of the inner chambers. Note the unusual color of the rock. Is this complex the result of mining a special material?
07/22 Cliff Complex 4: The grand bottom level has the largest room yet, with rough stairs leading down to a mysterious sunken pool . . . of what? What goes on in this deepest level that requires so much room and yet so restricted an access? Note the ledges in the southwest.
07/15 Cliff Complex 3: This level is an interim level, connecting the upper worked levels and the lower unworked levels. There's still room for things and things among the winding, twisting tunnels and chambers. Is everything down here fed regularly?
07/08 Cliff Complex 2: These worked corridors lead to the large room that dominates this level. It could be used for arcane experiments, divine worship, or as a meeting place for a secret society up to no good. The trap door in the floor leads down to the next level. Is it trapped or merely locked?
07/01 Cliff Complex 1: A narrow walkway leads to a worked corridor. Although the corridor is out of place with the surrounding terrain, its tucked away enough not to be noticed. Inside is plenty of room to house stolen goods or fearsome guardians. A trap door in the floor leads down to the next level . . . .