House of Stone Monster Stats
The description below is taken from the Earth Elemental monster
which is the creature that formed the House (See the History).
This is maybe the most strange creature the players will encounter.
It is a house that is a gigantic creature that has a consciousness
and can react to what happens inside its body. The Wax Stone is the
fleash of this creature and is somewhat under control of the
thinking part of the house. The material of the walls and floor can
become alive and change itself. Normally the house is unaware and
uncaring of what happens inside it. But there are things that will
awaken the House and focus its attention on the area where the
disturbance occurs.
Like all earth elementals it is sensitive to vibrations.
Tremorsense (Ex) A creature with tremorsense is sensitive to
vibrations in the ground and can automatically pinpoint the location
of anything that is in contact with the ground. The ability's range
is specified in the creature's descriptive text.
Simply walking on the floor is not enough to rise to a conciseness
of the house. Below is a list of activities that will focus the
attention of the house on a specific room:
Causing damage to the house - hitting a wall with a weapon (even
accidentally!), driving a spike into the stone, any destructive area
of effect spell, more than 100' of anything dropping to the floor
(including bodies and furnishings) or even a group of more than 3
people who jump up and down in unison.
If the house walls, ceiling or floor is damaged, the house will
attempt to retaliate. It will take 1d4 rounds to grow an eye, ear or
nose (which ever is the most useful) to see what's happening. If it
sees furniture or fixture damage it will do nothing but continue to
watch. If the house sees the party as intruders it will attack.Then
it will begin growing appendages that will be able to respond. No
doubt the party will find new and unpredictable ways of messing with
the house. When in doubt, the DM should think about what the party
has done and respond as a monster nearby would react.
Damaging the walls, floors or ceiling will provoke an immediate
reaction. The house will grow a perception appendage, locate the
spot where the damage occured and strike back. As it couldn't see
the specific person who caused the damage so it will attack anyone
within reach of an appendage.
Attacking Appendage
The house can form up to 4 appendages per 10'x10'surface. That is 4
per wall (x4 walls), 4 per floor and 4 on the ceiling. If the party
is successful at "killing" all the appendages in a room, it will
become a safe area for 1 week. After 1 week the house has repaired
itself completely and will attack the party at full strength again!
Although the appendages can move (10'), usually they simple appear
in one spot and then in another as the house grows them at will.
The House has a number of different attacking options based on how
it initially appears will be best. This is left to the DMs option.
However, rolling 1d4 will produce a random appendage.
The crack in the ground begins to open. It opens fully in 2 rounds.
After 30 seconds having a 6' deep V shaped opening in the floor that
slams shut after 30s second.
An attacking appendage is a psudopod like extrusion from a surface.
It looks something like a "Lava Lamp" blob that springs out from the
wall and then retreats back in. It leaves a "dimple" in the surface
after it's attack is over. This happens so quickly that only a Swift
action or a readied action will have an opportunity to attack one.
Once it has become a dimple, it won't take damage. The house will
feel pain however and will get more aggressive about how many
appendages to grow. AC below assumes a Swift or readied action. Yes,
the IS the whack a mole encounter!
When an appendage is "killed" it shatters into white gravel that
falls to the floor scabs over then is reabsorbed into the rock
Arm - Its not really an arm at all, just a stone psudopod. -
Slam: BAB 8, AC 16, Touch: 10 HD (2d12+2) 15 HP, Dam:
2d6+2 only one per 5' area can appear any 1 round
Leg - These grow on the floor. Slam: BAB 8, AC 16,
Touch: 10 HD (2d12+4) 17 HP, 2d8+2 only one per 5' area can
appear any 1 round
Lips - These grow on the floor suddenly and will attempt to
grab a character and hold them so they can be hit by another
appendage. BAB 4, AC 12, Touch 10, HD (2d8+2) HP 10, Damage: 1d4, 1
per 10' of floor will form. CMB 20 CMD 20. The mouth will try to
grab a character:--- attempts to start a grapple as a free action
without provoking an attack of opportunity. The creature has the
option to conduct the grapple normally, or simply to use the part of
its body it used in the grab to hold the opponent. If it chooses to
do the latter, it takes a –20 penalty on its CMB check to make and
maintain the grapple, but does not gain the grappled condition
itself. A successful hold does not deal any extra damage unless the
creature also has the constrict special attack. If the creature does
not constrict, each successful grapple check it makes during
successive rounds automatically deals the damage indicated for the
attack that established the hold. Otherwise, it deals constriction
damage as well (the amount is given in the creature's descriptive
text). Creatures with grab receive a +4 bonus on combat maneuver
checks made to start and maintain a grapple.Unless otherwise noted,
grab works only against opponents no larger than the same size
category as the creature.
Asshole - These grow on the ceiling. A spicture will form and
a Wax Rock stone shard will be "spit" at someone. This is as an
arrow. BAB 6, AC 12, Touch 10, HD (2d6+2), HP 8 Damage: 1d8. It
shits stone spikes! I love it!
It may be that the characters in the HOS are killing off the
appendages. In that event the house will try to kill everyone at one
time. A crack in the floor begins where each character is standing
and then begins joining the small cracks into one giant one. The
crack in the ground opens fully in 2 rounds forming itself into a 6'
deep V shaped opening in the floor that slams shut after 30s second.
Any character trapped in the pit takes 5d12 crushing damage.
Grow Eyes and Ears and Nose:
If something attracts the attention of the house it will grow a body
part in 1d4 that will try to detect the party. Until they are
"grown", the house does not have information about where the party
is besides a particular room, so they will appear at a random spot
in the room (see below). Growing a body part is silent. If the
party is not using all their attention to be looking for something
on the wall or ceiling, they have no chance of detecting that it has
happened. If they are consciously watching for something, the must
make a Perception roll DC 18.
Once an eye an ear or a nose is grown, the house has a "Perception"
skill of 19, so it's hard to hide from it
A perception appendage has the following stats:
AC 23 - HD 2 (2d6+2) - HP: 8 - Immune elemental
traits - Move: 10' - Perception: 19
Consult the chart below for the spawning location of an perception
body part:
Roll d20
- Ceiling - 10' from NW corner
- Ceiling - 10' from NW corner
- Ceiling - 10' from NW corner
- Ceiling - 10' from NW corner
- N. Wall - d10' from right hand wall - d10' from floor
- N. Wall - d10' from left hand wall - d10' from floor
- N. Wall - d5' from right hand wall - d10' from floor
- N. Wall - d5' from left hand wall - d10' from floor
- N. Wall - d10' from right hand wall - d10' from floor
- S. Wall - d10' from left hand wall - d10' from floor
- S. Wall - d5' from right hand wall - d10' from floor
- S. Wall - d5' from left hand wall - d10' from floor
- E. Wall - d10' from left hand wall - d10' from floor
- E. Wall - d10' from left hand wall - d10' from floor
- E. Wall - d5' from right hand wall - d10' from floor
- E. Wall - d5' from left hand wall - d10' from floor
- W. Wall - d10' from right hand wall - d10' from floor
- W. Wall - d10' from left hand wall - d10' from floor
- W. Wall - d5' from right hand wall - d10' from floor
- W. Wall - d5' from left hand wall - d10' from floor
House of Stone - The Heart of the House
Languages Terran
Environment any (Plane of Earth)
Organization solitary, pair, or gang (3–8)
Treasure none
Special Abilities
Grow body parts for attack, defense and perception
XP 12,800
N Huge outsider
Init –1; Senses darkvision 60 ft., tremorsense 60
ft.; Perception
AC 23, touch 7, flat-footed 23 (–1 Dex, +16 natural, –2 size)
hp 368 (16d10+280)
Fort +15, Ref +4, Will +10
DR 10/—; Immune elemental
Speed 20 ft., burrow 20 ft., earth glide
Melee 2 slams +26 (2d10+12/19–20)
Space 15 ft.; Reach 15 ft.
Special Attacks earth mastery
Str 34, Dex 8, Con 21, Int 10, Wis
11, Cha 11
Base Atk +16; CMB +30; CMD 39
Feats Awesome
Blow, Cleave,
Bull Rush, Greater
Overrun, Improved
Bull RushB, Improved
Critical (slam), Improved
Overrun, Improved
Sunder, Power
Skills Knowledge
(dungeoneering) +19, Knowledge
(planes) +19, Knowledge
(History) +14, Survival
+10, Perception