The Orbs

In the Ancient Castle of the Normans someone has scrawled a prophecy on the wall of Room 13. In Dwarf runes it reads:
"In the Dominion of Orbs, when song becomes silence and the Seal of Omens fails, the Wand of Miracles shall be restored"
"In the Dominion of the Orbs" refers to the House of Stones as it is the place where the Orbs protect the heart of the house of stone.
"When the song become silent" refers to the fact that each of the orbs has its own note when touched and can never be silenced until they are all brought together in front of the Alter of Omens.
"The Seal of Omens fails" refers to the fact that the seal must be broken by placing the collection of all the orbs on the Alter of Omens to open the chamber in it to recover the Wand of Miracles.
The Wand of Miracles will join Beatrices heart

The Nature of the Orbs
There are 8 orbs. Each represent the alignment aspect of a person (True Neutral being considered the absence of an alignment). Each orb has a sound that it will play forever when a player of that alignment touches it. The sound is related to the alignment. When they are touched by one of the correct alignment it confers a positive boon to that person. Anyone touching the orb who is not of that alignment will suffer a negative curse.
Each of the orbs looks similar in that they are all solid glass globes about 1' in diameter and weigh 60lbs.

The orb info is wrong! Update soonest. 8/18/17

  1. D2 - Orb of Greed - Lawful Evil - Inside is a Pearl about 1" in diameter (eye poppingly large!) - Do - Positive - Touch of Law once a day Negative -Touch of Order when attacked by a chaotic creature
  2. E10 - Orb of Pride - Lawful Good - Inside is a figurine of a 2' high Standing Man made of steel who is proud of who and what he is - Re - Positive - Once a day cause Leadership - Negative -Become dazed when attacked by a good creature
  3. D3 - Orb of Desire - Lawful Neutral - Inside is a life size human eye that has been preserved in the glass - Me - Positive - Charming Smile once a day Negative - (-1 to charisma to opposite sex)
  4. D4 - Orb of the Urge - Chaotic Neutral - Inside is a figurine 4" high made of crude clay depicting a fertility goddess with accentuated bust and ass. - Positive - Chaos Blade - Negative - Chaos Touch
  5. D5 - Orb of Indulgence - Neutral Good - Inside is a strange figurine that is made of wood 6" long and 1" high  that has a recumbent woman on carved one side and a man recumbent on the other. The eyes are open but dreamy. - So - Positive Touch - Positive - Negative -
  6. Orb of Indulgence - gluttony - Neutral Evil - Inside is a life size plantain that is fresh on one end and becomes more decayed until the end shows it infected with grubs. - La - Positive - Gentle Rest Touch - Negative - Touch of Evil Character becomes sickened if they are successfully touched by an evil creature. Being hit by Weapons do not have this effect.
  7. A 11 - Orb of Love - Chaotic Good - Inside is a 1" diameter ruby cut into the shape of a heart. - Te - Positive - Negative -
  8. Dungeon level - Orb of Hate - Chaotic Evil - Inside is a 1" diameter obsideon heart that is in 8 pieces but placed within the glass so it is obvious what the pieces made - Do (upper octave) - Positive - Negative -
Beatrice is one of the keys to ending the evil in the house of stone. Her heart and soul  is in the house of stone and they the only things that will remove the evil from the house. Her physical heart was stolen from her and cursed by the powerful and dreaded mage Hagort Normad. It must be placed on the alter in front of the Seal of Omens which will allow the party to enter the room with the Wand of Miracles needed to defeat the Heart of the HOS.

As the party enters the room the motes of light begin to come together very slowly as if this act is requiring an enormous amount of effort. The motes seem to move like feathers blown on the wind where puffs of air moves them toward the center of the space where there is no debris.  This process will take more than a minute. It is not menacing; it is beautiful.

The figure that forms is made of brilliant white light in the form of a slender woman with long hair combed back over the head revealing a pronounced high forehead and widows peak. She is dressed in a white wedding dress.  She smiles and it is the Smile of the Beyond. Ask the party if they smile back. Those that do feel a great goodness and satisfaction.
As the song continues, she begins a complex pantomime trying to convey the acts needed to kill the Heart of the house. Here are the gestures she uses. The DM should act these out as her song continues. It will last about 3 and a half minutes.

She floats over to the wall where the writing is (traveling through anything in her way with no effect to them other than a feeling of joy and peace). Her every movement is graceful filled with love.

She gestures with her right hand passing across the words "In the dominion of orbs".
She points UP and mimics like she is walking upstairs then stops and looks around.
She does this quickly 3 times. The last time she pauses looking in 4 directions then climbing again.
Then she holds up 8 fingers with her thumbs hidden and pivots to show it to everyone in the room.
She stands still for a moment and appears to sob then brushes invisible tears from her face.
 She tosses her hair and her body trembles as if to shake off the emotion.
Once again she passes her hands in front of the writing on the wall this time indicating "song becomes silence and the Seal of Omens". 
Then using her hands indicates a flat horizontal surface (the alter in front of the Seal of Omens).
She holds up a finger then places an object on that horizontal surface 8 times.
She turns to the writing again and passes her hand across the "Wand of Miracles shall be restored".
She turns around once then mimics great surprise.
She leans forward and mimes picking up something long and thin in both hands.
She cradles it in her left arm and points down with her right in time with a stepping motion as if going down stairs.
She takes the imaginary wand from her left hand and holds it in her right passing it from side to side until she stops and begins making a pointing motion.
She then holds her hands as if in prayer raises her eyes up and begins to slowly come apart into the tiny motes of light that she was before.
Once they again fill the area over the chest they begin one by one to flare deep blue and disappear. In a few seconds the room is dark.

The party will probably investigate the hole and the clear area in the floor. The hole is very round and rather irregularly shaped, but the irregularities are very smooth. It's impossible to determine how it was made. (It was made by Beatrice using her psychic energy over the centuries to remove tiny bits of stone one at a time.)
The invisibility spell on the sarcophagus can be dispelled as it was cast by a 12th level mage. They might also find ways of revealing its details.
On the top in deep letters is the following enscription
"Beatrice Norman
My heart my smile and my love lies with you
The last good of our line has now passed"
Inside the  sarcophagus is a female skeleton dressed in a wedding dress and delicate shoes. Both hands are holding a bunch of dried roses on it's breast. There is nothing of value inside.

Beatrice used to live in B1. Among the items there will be found the following poem:
"To Nameo Normad in Everlasting Love from Beatrice Norman"

The Prophesy - "In the Dominion of Orbs, when song becomes silence and the Seal of Omens fails, the Wand of Miracles shall be restored"

The main plot could be to reunite the spirits and possibly the reincarnated bodies of two lovers who have a sort of Romeo and Juliet story. Beatrice Norman and her lover Nameo Normad. The Wand of Miracles is something built by a mage (father of either Beatrice or Nameo?) that would bring them back to this plane of existence. He had finished it and intended to use it, but the "Event" interrupted it and killed the make (actually turned him into one of the many undead).

The Normad family split from the Normans and left the HOS for a time while they were gathering their strength. The elders of the Normads demanded that they return to the family house and dispossess the Normans and take it over. It is an obsession caused by the soul of the house
The attack started as a "Trogen horse" where a family of 8 Normads returned to the house and told the Normans that they had split from the side of their family that wanted to take over the house. The plan was that they would live there long enough to discover its secrets and to prepare for the battle that would take it over. Then the rest of the Normads would rush into the houas and using the preparations, destroy the Normans.

"In the dominion of orbs" refers to the enclosure of the various centers of evil withing the HOS and most importantly the orb containing the heart of the house.

To Do:
Determine what the finding of the orbs will do and what is guarding it.
Identify the location of the "Dominion of the orbs". This could be in one of the out buildings or in the dungeon.
Place a painting of Nameo Normad. Find one at google if possible.
Figure out what exactly "the Event" is and when it happened.
Create a ghost for Nameo and locate him in a room.