During the two years since the party rescued Dio Mas and traveled to other planets, bad things have been hapening to the people around the Stone House. They have been plagued by kidnapings first of animals then of childeren and finally of people in isolated farms. Lasket has been growing smaller and loosing people as people flee the evil creatures commoing out of the House to wreak havoc.
Yavid is a wealthy merchant who moved into town about 1 ½ years ago. He is well respected in town and is vying with the current mayor for that job. His donations to the town and to down on their luck individuals has endered himself to the elders of the town of Lasket. They have no clue that he is the High Priest of Cyric whose temple is deep within the house.
Cyric is a relativly new god who has a small following currently and has instructed his clerics to go into the world to increse pain and his number of worshipers. The party in their previous adventures had weakened the evil in the House. This allowed a concerted attack by the priest and miniomns of Cyric to take over the Stone House and begin to use the Mad house mind to his own ends. There are still some denizens of Bane present in the House and they may either attack the party for their crimes against Bane (the unintellegent ones) or give them information which could be used to drive Cyric out of the house with the idea that Bane will once again move in.
With Yavids help, the stone house has been repopulated with Daemons from Hades who enjoy the torture of the humans trapped in the house in their various forms.
The face of the House has changed somewhat. The fog surronding the top of the hill which previously was still now blow and roils with deamonic energy. The wind blows constantly inside the fog and is strong enough to blow a person off their feet or even suck them up into the malestrom. The wind will be very strong even at the edge of the fog, but ½ way in, each member of the party must roll under their weight/10 on 1d20 with a +5 to the roll (those 150lbs need not roll). As the stone house comes into view, another roll vs wind must be made without the + to the roll. Those missing their roll must make a roll vs their Dex. If they succeed, they have grabbed ahold of something, (ask the character what) to keep them able to move. If they fail they will be blown away into the fog and lost. If this happens they must make yet another roll against their weight. If they fail this roll, they have been swept into the wind and need to roll 1d6 to determine how many rounds they will be carried away. They will tak 1d4 of damage every round they are in the grip of the wind.
Inside, the effects manifested by the House will remain the same, but there will be additions to the random encounter tables which will include Daemons. Anything of good alignment will be in hiding, and the chances of encountering them will be ½ of what it was previously. If a good creature (or neutral for that matter) is indicated in the Rnd. Enc. table, roll 1d6. If a 1-3 is rolled, roll on the chart again. If 4-6 is rolled, the encounter will occur with that creature. It will be twice as likely to help the party if they do not attack it immidiatly (+8 to normal reaction roll).,
1) Nycaloth - Greater (Master of House) Will only be encountered if Ultroloth below has been encountered. Otherwise, subtract 1 from the Encounter roll.
2) Ultroloth - Greater (Leutenant in Residance)
3) Yagnoloth - Lesser (Corperal)
4) Piscoloth - Lesser (Sargent)
5) Mezzoloth - Lesser (Soldier)
6) Undead
7-11) Picture encounter