ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
THAC0: 15
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Disease, fear, paralysis, torture
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Spell immunity
SIZE: M (6' tall)
MORALE: Fanatic (17-18)
XP VALUE: 3,000

Created by evil wizards centuries ago, inquisitors are a sham-
bling, rotting, undead abomination, living on sheer terror. Each
is an ancient expert in torture and information extraction, an art-
ist who works in screams and agony. Those without masters
dwell in dark places where they can take prisoners and ask im-
possible questions that let them further perfect their techniques.
Some inquisitors are themselves imprisoned by more powerful
beings and forced to work their trade on demand, longing for the
day they put their masters on the rack.
An inquisitor can be easily mistaken for a zombie or other un-
dead. Nearly half of its flesh has rotted away, exposing tendons
and yellowing bones. Many wear black hoods, but those who
don™t display foul smelling mucous dripping from their eyes and
mouths. An inquisitor wears tattered pants and shoes, but no shirt
or gloves. Its hands are charred from years of using red-hot torture
implements, and its thick, yellow nails poke menacingly from its
fingers. One is seldom encountered without its whip in hand.
An inquisitor can speak and understand Common and any ra-
cial languages particular to its location.
Combat: An inquisitor™s horrifying appearance and its reputation
for lingering torture and death require those who see him to suc-
cessfully save vs. paralyzation or flee in fear for 1-6 rounds.
Once a victim has failed this saving throw, his attacks against
that inquisitor are made with a -2 penalty to the attack roll,
even after the victim stops fleeing.
The inquisitor™s gaze requires one opponent per round to suc-
cessfully save vs. paralyzation or be paralyzed for 1-4 turns. This
gaze attack is in addition to any physical attacks it makes during
the round. On a successful saving throw, a victim can never be
paralyzed by that particular inquisitor.
Each round an inquisitor can attack with its whip, causing 1-4
points of damage, and scratch with the nails on its other hand,
causing 1-6 points of damage. Any victim who is hit with the
nails must successfully save vs. poison to avoid a wasting disease
that causes him to lose one point of Strength and one point of
Constitution per day until cured. Only cure disease can rid a
character of the affliction and restore lost points. If either ability
score reaches zero the victim dies.
If an inquisitor manages to capture a victim, it chains and shack-
les him to a table and gleefully begins its torture. The inquisitor™s
torture causes considerable pain and disfigurement. At the end of
every day of torture, the victim must successfully save vs. paraly-
zation or become insane. While insane, the character may still at-
tempt to escape the inquisitor and may defend himself, but is
unable to distinguish his friends from enemies or interact with fa-
miliar places or situations. The character may only regain his sani-
ty with time, 1-4 weeks after the torture has ended. In any event,
the character loses one point of Charisma after being tortured by
an inquisitor. This point can only be regained through magical
healing such as a heal spell intended for this purpose only.
An inquisitor is immune to all mind affecting spells, such as
charm, geas, or illusions.
Habitat/Society: Every inquisitor has its own torture chamber for
its lair. The chamber can be in a dungeon or cave, in the secluded
wilderness, or even in the town square. The devices it has vary,
including but not limited to racks, iron maidens, thumb screws,
vices and clamps, or even more exotic devices such as large hel-
mets filled with hungry insects or rats. When screaming victims
offer bribes to lessen their punishment, an inquisitor often keeps
the gems and coins for itself rather than alert its master. Any trea-
sure is hidden in or around the inquisitor™s chamber. Of course,
no bribe will stay an inquisitor from its task.
The inquisitor™s home is its torture chamber. It only strays
from its chamber when in search of new victims. If supplied with
ample subjects for its torture, an inquisitor may not willingly
leave his chamber for years or even centuries at a time.
The inquisitor is a solitary creature, but may employ lesser be-
ings to do its bidding. Evil creatures such as orcs and kobolds
sometimes make a small profit selling live captives to an inquisitor.
Ecology: Inquisitors are biologically immortal, cursed hundreds
or thousands of years ago to forever cause pain and extract infor-
mation. They cannot reproduce. If an inquisitor is denied the op-
portunity to mercilessly torture victims for a long period of time,
it slowly wastes away and dies. Every year of such denial it loses
one hit point permanently. More powerful beings who use inquis-
itors often keep them in check with threats of victim denial.

Frequency: Rare
Organization: Military Unit
Activity: Night
Alignment: LE
Number Appearing: 2-8
AC: 3
Move: 9
HD: 7
THAC0: 13
No Att: 3/2
Damage: 1d10
Special Att: Strength Drain
Special Defences: +2 weapon to hit
Morale: 19-20
Swordwraiths are the spirits of warriors cut down during battle
and kept from the dissolution of death by their indomitable wills.
Only seen at night, or underground where the sun never shines,
swordwraiths appear as warriors. Although the armor and weap-
ons are unremarkable, the flesh within appears insubstantial. Un-
der certain lighting conditions, all that can be seen are two
glowing eyes.
Combat: Swordwraiths, when they were alive, were hardened
warriors; as undead, they retain their knowledge of strategy and
tactics. They speak the common tongue and might parlay with
someone they consider their military equal. Swordwraiths attack
as normal warriors. No matter what weapon is used, the damage
is Id10 points. Each hit also drains 1 point of Strength from the
victim. If a victim's Strength reaches 0, he dies. Strength lost to a
swordwraiths attack can only be regained by complete rest (1
point per day of total inactivity), or through a wish, limited wish,
or equally potent magic.
Swordwraiths can be harmed only by weapons of +2 or better
enchantment. They are immune to sleep, charm, and other mind-
affecting magic. They are turned by priests as if they were vam-
habitat/society Swordwraiths were once professional soldiers
for whom fighting was all there was in life. In many cases, they
are too stubborn to even admit that they are dead.
These creatures are active only in the absence of sunlight. Their
bodies were typically interred in barrows or burial mounds. Dur-
ing daylight hours, intruders into such barrows may meet
swordwraiths preparing for their nocturnal activities.
Swordwraiths congregate in small units, planning and execut-
ing midnight raids on nearby settlements. They are also likely to
attack any traveling party unwise enough to spend the night
within their territory. Swordwraiths gather no loot and occupy
no territory; they fight because fighting is all they know.
Swordwraiths are common in the Stark Mounds region-
probably as a result of ancient territorial wars between Geoff and
Stench, or their forebears-but they can be found in any other
parts of the world that boast old battlefields and war graves.

FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 6"
% IN LAIR: 100%
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Chill (see below)
INTELLIGENCE: Average to very
ALIGNMENT: Neutral (evil)
PSlONlC ABILITY: See below
Attack/Defense Modes:
LEVEVX.P. VALUE: V1/800 + 6/hp
Drelb inhabit the Negative Material Plane, but evil-minded persons will
sometimes call them to the Prime Material Plane to serve as guardians
of hidden wealth or secret places, so whenever they are encountered on
this plane they are guarding something. Unfortunately a drelb looks so
much like a wraith that one is indistinguishable from the other until an
attack takes place. The effect of the nether chill of a drelb is to make its
victim fall shivering to the ground for the following round (no saving
throw), immediately dropping anything it holds and unable to perform
any actions until after the chill passes. When confronted by a cleric
attempting to turn it, or if prey is hesitant, the cunning monster uses a
trickof illusion. It causes itsform torapidlydiminish in sizewhilegliding
smoothlyforward. This is 90% likelyto give the viewer(s)the impression
that the drelb is retreating, while it is actually moving up to attack.
Although drelb resemble undead, they are not and cannot be turned.
Magic weapons are needed to harm drelb; silver has no effect, unless it
is magicked silver, which causes double damage. Drelb also have the
facility of imitation and/or reflection of psionic power. Any power used
within 30 feet of the creature or any psionic attack.directed at it is
imitated or reflected back upon the attacker. Drelb can speak onlytheir
own strange language, although they can understand simple phrases in
the common tongue. Magic which draws a drelb to the Prime Material
Plane is likely to function only from sunset to sunrise; so, much like
undead, drelb appear only in twilight or darkness.

FREQUENCY: Very rare (rare)
NO. APPEARING: Typically 1-2
ARMOR CLASS: As original creature
MOVE: As original creature
HIT DICE: As original class
% IN LAIR: Variable
NO. OF ATACKS: As original class and level
DAMAGE/ATTACKS: By weapon type
INTELLIGENCE: Low to genius
ALIGNMENT: Any(except good)
SIZE: As original creature
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: Variable

All knowledgeable authorities agree that shades are, or were, normal
humans who through arcane magic or dark sciences have traded their
souls or spirits for the essence of shadowstuff. While still retaining the
shape and abilities of their original species, they havegrown in power by
joining with thisshadowstuff. The true native shade is unknown, and no
one knows if shades are connected with the shadow (q.v.) or some
power or substance from the Plane of Shadow. The method of transmu-
tation from living being to unliving shade life has been lost.
Any humanor demihuman, if the formula is rediscovered, can becomea
shade. Dwarves, elves, gnomes, half-elves, halflings, humans, and an
occasional half-orc, are known to have forsaken goodness for the dark
lure of shadowstuff. Becoming a shade does not alter species limitations
of ability, class, or level (except as noted hereafter). The stuff of shadow
most certainly prolongs the life of shades, for unless they meet with an
accident or are killed, they are undying. Disease has no effect on them
once they enter shadow, and they may regrow body parts lost in combat
(savethe head) in 1-4 weeks. This unnaturalvitalityalso manifests itself
in the regeneration of hit points, allowing them to regain them at 1 hit
point per turn.
Because of changing light on the Prime Material Plane, shades live in
the Plane of Shadow whenever possible (where they are rare). They do
not leave that plane unless sufficiently motivated, such as by treasure,
enforced servitude, revenge, etc.
Shades wield great power in shadows, but as shadows diminish,
whether from increase in light or darkness, so too wanes the power of
these shadow-beings. The exact power of a shade in varying light
conditions is detailed below.
Bright light; sunlight
Average light
Shadowy light
Complete darkness
Standard;saves at -4
-1 /die
+1 /die
Shadow-walk; shadow images
Light Conditions: A shade's power varies according to the amount of
shadow available: They are most vulnerable in cases of total light and
total darkness.
Bright light

Average Light


Shadowy light
Underground torchlight


Total darkness
Bright sunlight on a clear day
Center of continual light spell
Light without shadows (as from several sources around the shade)
Normal daylight with shade or clouds
Center of a light spell
Outline of a faerie fire spell
Average indoor light
Edges of light and continual light
Dimly-lit room or forest
Normal illumination on Plane of
A room with windows at night
A moonless or cloudy night sky
Pitch black, overcast night sky
Unlit, interior room or cavern
A darkness spell
Ability Scores: Light affects the ability statistics of the shade. Bonuses
will exceed normal species maximums with the exception of strength.
Each +I adds 10% to 18 strength, and strength scores over 18/00 are
treated as a 19 strength. Penalties lower strength by a full point (an
18/00 strength drops to 17 at -1 and 16 at -2).
MagicResistance:Checkthe basicabilityofthe shadeto resist spellsvs.
the light conditions. Magic resistance for a shadewill never exceed 60%
(a 13th-levelshadefighter intwilightwill havea 60%magicresistance,
not 65%). Note that a shade in bright light hasstandard magic resistance
and all savesare made at -4 on the die because of the shade'sweakness.
Hit Points: Penalties and bonuses are per hit die. No hit die may be less
than 1 point.
Special Abilities: All shades have the following special spell-like abil-
ties, depending on local light conditions.
Shadow-walk-This is the abilityto gather shadows around itself
and use them to transport itself to the Plane of Shadow. The
transport requires 1 full round.
Shadow images - This is the ability to form exact duplicates of
itself out of shadow and cause the duplicates to act as if they were
living entities. A shade can create 2-5 shadow images and can
control their actions as long as they remain within 30 feet of their
creator. They may only be dispelled by altering the lighting condi-
tions around the shade. Note that shadow images have no material
substance (so they do no damage in their attacks), and that the
shade must draw from surrounding shadow to create them.
OtherAbilities: All shades may hide in shadows in conditions of twilight,
shadowy light, and night/dark. They hide as a thief of the same level.
Shades with thieving ability gain 2% per level in shadowy conditions,
and 5% per level in night/dark conditions.
As mentioned before, becoming a shade does not change the basic
characteristics of the individual. Those having psionic abilities may have
those powers enhanced, but psionic abilitymay not be gained by becom-
ing a shade. Shades with psionic ability will lose all mastery in the
disciplines of invisibility and etherealness but will gain 2 levels in
dimension walking when in shadows. Shades with psionic abilities
usually gain the ability of shape alteration (10% chance per year as a
shade), if they do not already have this power. The psionic strength of
gifted shadeswill alter upon attaining shadehood because abilityscores
will be changed. New power and discipline gained by such a shade will
operate only on the Plane of Shadow.
Finally, it is nearly impossibletodetect a shade, for its appearance does
not differ areatlv from its mortal form. A shade's eves show no white,
however, rust a'dark grey or purple iris and pupii. and its skin tone
becomesduskyandgrey. They prefer garbof grey or blackandwill rarely
wear brightly-colored clothes. The transformation to shade has some
evil in it, for the shade becomes gloomy and brooding. They are generally
solitary due to this fact, as they cannot trust other shades, nor can they
deal with normal creatures without dominating or exploiting them.