The Liches Revenge

The lich didn't know about the removal of the house of stone. He was not  happy when he saw it, but hoped for a chance to continue his work undisturbed. However, he has been brooding about the destruction of  "the family mansion" and is now furious about it. The desire for revenge (never far away) is rising in him. He decides to send Baskiador to look around.

The Reconnoiter

The lich spares a few moments from his research and wonders what the intruders are doing. Now that they have a spot memorized on the surface near the river, it is easy for Baskiador to come up and check things out. He plans his excursion for some time and picks spells appropriate to the adventure.

  • 1st Level
  • 2nd Level
  • 3rd Level
  • 4th Level
  • 5th Level
  • * Spells cast before teleporting outside.

    His objective will be to find out what preperations the party is performing. He will fly over invisibile and check on the troops, the militia, the followers and the townspeople. He will make every possible effort to avoid being seen and will not go inside the buildings. However, he can deduce much about the goings on.

    His instructions are to look for signs that they have capitulated and will obey his order. He will look for business as usual as a sign of agreement. If he does not see a message or signs of things getting back to normal, he is instructed to begin the attack, but to leave a note with one option left to them.
    As B. is flying around invisible, he sees the town abandoned, the school fortified and the militia pickets guarding it. He smiles and flies toward the town. Using his Vampiric Touch, he renders uncontious then kills one of the guards with a dagger in the heart. He drags the body away from where he plans to cause the fire. Pinned by the dagger is
    the note from the Lich. It says:
    "I know of your visit which was very unwise. But you showed goodsense by not going below. But you have not acted properly. You have one last chance to avoid a fate worse than death. If you complete a brick wall over the two entrances to my home by this time tomorrow, I will allow you to live unmollested. Otherwise, your lives and your legacy will be swept away and shall serve my ends."
    Under this, B. adds (it appears in a different hand)
    "Too bad. This used to be a nice little hovel."
    Then, B. casts a Wall of fire in the center of the town setting a bunch of buildings blazing. Unfortunatly for him, the heavy snow build up will retard the spread of the flames. It will however ignite roofs in the area of effect of the wall. He then uses a D. Door to return to the place on the surface he has memorized near the river. He goes invisible again and uses his spider climb to go up the highest tree and watch the fun.
    If the party significantly reduces the number of guards around the school, he will attempt to cast his second WoF on them. He will then use his D. Door to return to the dungeon.
    His report to the Lich is that they are on a war-like stance and they are fortified. This is the last straw for the Lich. He will not agree to his offerer even if they agree now, despite his note to the contrary. This was to be honored only if things were back to normal on the surface.
    Instead, he begins planning his revenge.

    First, he makes privisions for his own protection and security. To this end, he puts many additional traps around the dungeon. He has 3 days to do this before the party can go down. These preperations and traps can be located in blue lettering in the main file of the dungeon.
    Protection and trap type spells of the lich and B.

    12 lesser sign of sealing. Will last 20 days. (LS on map)
    Cold Damage is 20+1d8 ST=1/2 damage
    By using this spell, the caster creates a magical ward that has two major effects; first of all, it affects a doorway or item that opens (a chest, for instance) as if it were a hold portal spell, keeping it securely locked and closed. Secondly, if the protected doorway is forced open by any means, magical or physical, the sign is not only destroyed, but also strikes the offending creature for 1d8 points of damage +1 point of damage per level of the caster. The duration of this spell is either one day per level of the caster or until discharged, whichever happens first.
    The exact form of energy is chosen by the caster when he creates the lesser sign; acid, cold, fire, electricity, or sonic disruption are popular choices.
    The sign is not hidden or concealed in any way and is usually quite prominent on the item or portal it protects. The caster cannot specify particular creatures or conditions for the lesser sign's operation; it functions against any creature that attempts to pass it (except for extraplanar creatures of 6 HD or more and wizards of higher level than the caster-they can merely ignore it as if it were not there). The sign cannot be dispelled by spells of lower spell levels such as knock, but the caster can remove it any time he chooses, thus ending the spell, or it can be defeated by an erase spell cast by a wizard of equal or higher level than the original caster.
    The material component for a lesser sign can be a pinch of either powdered diamond (cold), ruby (fire), emerald (acid), pearl (sonic disruption, or sapphire (electricity), depending on the type of energy the wizard wishes the sign to employ. The value of the gemstone must be at least 100 gold pieces.

    10 per day Greater Sign of Sealing -  (GS on map)
    Horrid Wilting - 20d8 Damage ST=1/2 damage
    A more potent form of the lesser sign of sealing, this spell allows the caster to guard an item or portal and prevent all other creatures from opening or passing through the sealed item or surface. The greater sign has several effects; first of all, it affects a doorway or item that opens (a chest, for instance) as a wizard lock spell. If placed in an open corridor or archway to prevent passage, the greater sign creates a magical barrier that repels all who try to pass.
    Second, the greater sign greatly strengthens the physical structure of any door or item it is placed upon, granting a +6 bonus on any item saving throws and allowing the item or door to ignore 1 point of damage per caster level from any attack. For example, a greater sign cast by a 12th-level wizard would reduce the damage of any blow or spell by 12 points, so a fighter armed with a broad sword (maximum damage of 8 points) could never hack through a door protected by the sign.
    Finally, if the protected doorway or item is forced open or destroyed by any means, the sign itself is not only destroyed, but also releases a spell upon the offending creature. The spell held by the sign is cast into the ward when the greater sign is created, and any spell the caster has memorized may be used in this way, from a fireball or shocking grasp to a very nasty wish or polymorph. The range of the sign's retributive spell is 10 yards per caster level, so it is possible to destroy the warding from a safe distance.
    The sign is displayed in plain sight, and most wizards will recognize it for what it is. The caster cannot specify particular creatures or conditions for the sign's operation; it functions against any creature that attempts to pass it, although the wizard can freely pass through his own sign without activating it. The greater sign can be removed by the caster, thus ending the spell, or it can be defeated by a limited wish or wish spell cast by a wizard of equal or higher level than the original caster; it cannot be dispelled.
    The material component for a greater sign is a powdered diamond worth at least 1,000 gold pieces.

    Phase Door for quick get aways. (P on map)

    4  Symbol (Blue S on map)
    Insanity - Permanant, No Save
    A symbol spell creates magical runes affecting creatures that pass over, touch, or read the runes, or pass through a portal upon which the symbol is inscribed. Upon casting the spell, the wizard inscribes the symbol upon whatever surface he desires. Likewise, the spellcaster is able to place the symbol of his choice, using any one of the following:
    Death One or more  reatures, whose total hit points do not exceed 80, are slain.
    Discord All creatures are affected and immediately fall to loud bickering and arguing; there is a 50% probability that creatures of different alignments attack each other. The bickering lasts for 5d4 rounds, the fighting for 2d4 rounds.
    Fear This symbol creates an extra-strong fear spell, causing all creatures to save vs. spell with -4 penalties to the die roll, or panic and flee as if attacked by a fear spell.
    Hopelessness All creatures are affected and must turn back in dejection unless they save
    vs. spell. Affected creatures submit to the demands of any opponent--for example, surrender, get out, etc. The hopelessness lasts for 3d4 turns; during this period it is 25% probable that affected creatures take no action during any round, and 25% likely that those taking action turn back or retire from battle, as applicable.
    Insanity One or more creatures whose total hit points do not exceed 120 become insane and remain so, acting as if a confusion spell had been placed upon them, until a heal, restoration, or wish spell is used to remove the madness.
    Pain All creatures are afflicted with wracking pains shooting through their bodies, causing a -2 penalty to Dexterity and a -4 penalty to attack rolls for 2d10 turns.
    Sleep All creatures under 8+1 Hit Dice immediately fall into a catatonic slumber and cannot be awakened for 1d12+4 turns.
    Stunning One or more creatures whose total hit points do not exceed 160 are stunned and reeling for 3d4 rounds, dropping anything they are holding.
    The type of symbol cannot be recognized without being read and thus activating its effects. The material components of this spell are powdered black opal and diamond dust, worth not less than 5,000 gp each.

    The only positive side of their encounters with the Lich will be the re-appearance of their friend Runic Rolmph. Of course he is still dead, but is willing to help them as he can. Here is Runic as he was before.
    LG Level 6 20 HP, AC -1, THAC0 12 (With sword). Of course, these stats are long gone. He still appears in his armor and weapons.
    When he first appears (after the parties first major battle on the 9th level), he will appear as a knigh on the strangest horse the party has ever seen. It is a greater shedu, a LG creature with the head of a dwarf and the body of a horse. It speaks many languages, but prefers to speak telepathically. The Shedu's name is Sharheadar. He wears a headband with a ruby in the center marking him as a leutenant among his kind. He will battle for the party as long as they follow LG goals as a favor to Runic who was able to free on of their kind from Rubic Rolmph some 200 years ago.
    Shareadar: HD 14+14,  HP 105, AC 2, THAC0 5, Att. 2

     INTELLIGENCE: Genius (17-18)
     ALIGNMENT:  Lawful good
     ARMOR CLASS:  2
     MOVEMENT: 15, Fl 30 (B)
     HIT DICE: 14+14
     THAC0:  5
     NO. OF ATTACKS:  2 Front hoofs
     DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3d6/3d6
     SPECIAL ATTACKS: Special( Psionics)
     SPECIAL DEFENSES: Invisibility
     SIZE:  L (as a draft horse,
     MORALE:  Fearless (19-20)
    Greater shedu radiate protection from evil, 10' radius. Languages: Greater shedu speak shedu, lamia, lammasu, common, and root languages (i.e. most human tongues). However, they can always rely upon telepathy, which they have mastered so well that they can even make rudimentary contact can be made even with plants.
    Shedu are native to hot, arid climates. They have powerful, stocky equine bodies with short, powerful feathered wings. Their heads are large and humanoid, and rather dwarven in appearance. They always have beard sand mustache.s Shedu hair is very bristly, and curls into tight waves or bands. All shedu wear a simple headband made of braided cloth or rope, with a single button for adornment. The button is centered on the forehead, and its material represents the bearer's status. From the lowest rank to the highest, a button may be made of silver, gold, platinum, sapphire, ruby, or diamond. Lesser shedu almost never have a button above the platinum level, greater shedu almost never wear one below sapphire status. Shedu wander the Prime material, astral, and ethereal planes. They further the cause of law and goodness, help allied creatures in need, and combat evil. Greater shedu typically lead herds of six or more lesser shedu. Combat: All shedu attack with powerful front hooves. However, both forms of shedu prefer to use their psionic powers whenever possible.
    Psionics Summary Level Dis/Sci/Dev
    Attack/Defense Score PSPs 14 5/12/15 All/All = Int 200
    Common powers (* denotes powers they always have, † denotes innate abilities that are like the psionic powers, but require no point expenditures):
    Defense - mind bar*† Clairvoyance
    Sciences: aura sight, clairaudience, clairvoyance, object reading, precognition
    Devotions: danger sense, sensitivity to psychic impressions Psychometabolism
    Sciences: energy containment, metamorphosis Devotions: body control, ectoplasmic form*† Psychokinesis -
    Sciences: telekinesis Devotions: molecular agitation, molecular manipulation Telepathy - Sciences: domination, mass domination, mindlink*+
    Devotions: contact*, invisibility*†, post-hypnotic suggestion Psychoportation - Sciences: probability travel*†, teleport*† Devotions: dimensional door, dimension walk*†

    After B. returns and tells about the troops, the abandon village and being chased by a bunch of Local 509 members, the Lich begins to worry about them coming down to pester him. He also dislikes having the goodies in the dungeon. He will send the excursion group up through the dungeon through his shadow door and up to capture as much of the dungeon as possible. Behind the excursion party he will send 40 skeletons to occupy the area and act as guards.

    The Lich plans an "excursion" to be-devil the Local 509. From B.s information, he knows a head to head fight with so many troops is ill advised. He decides to try and drive them away with horrors and through the destruction of their morale. He has discovered a method of placing a scroll on flash paper and causing the spell to go off when the paper burns. He provides these to the minions he sends into the field. They are inscribed with a D. Door spell which returns them to Room 2 on the 9th level. If captured, they may be used, so only 1 is carried at any one time. He uses the creatures he has stalked in the Moonshae isle to provide him with troops.

    The first group will attack the day after B. made his fly over.
    Command: Zombie Lord (1)
     INTELLIGENCE:                    Average)(8-10)
     ALIGNMENT:                    Neutral evil
     ARMOR CLASS:                    6
     MOVEMENT:                    6
     HIT DICE:                    6
     THAC0:                    15
     NO. OF ATTACKS:                    2
     DAMAGE/ATTACK:                    2-8/2-8
     SPECIAL DEFENSES:                    Spell immunity
     SIZE:                    M (6')
     MORALE:                    Average (8-10)
    Description: Zombie Lord The zombie lord is a living creature that has taken on the foul powers and abilities of the undead. They are formed on rare occasions as the result of a raise dead spell gone awry. Zombie lords look as they did in life, save that their skin has turned to the pale grey of death, and their flesh is rotting and decaying. The odor of vile corruption and rotting meat hangs about them, and carrion feeding insects often buzz about them to dine on the bits of flesh and ichor that drop from their bodies. The zombie lords can speak those languages they knew in life and they seem to have a telepathic or mystical ability to converse freely with the living dead. Further, they can speak with dead merely by touching a corpse. Zombie lords are turned as vampires. When forced into combat, it relies on the great strength of its two crushing fists. The odor of death surrounding the zombie lord is so potent it causes horrible effects in those who breathe it. On the first round a character comes within 30 yards, he must save vs. poison or be affected in some way. The following results are possible:
    1d6 Roll Effect
    1 Weakness (as the spell).
    2 Cause disease (as the spell).
    3 -1 point of Constitution.
    4 Contagion (as the spell).
    5 Character unable to act for 1d4 rounds due to nausea and vomiting.
    6 Character dies instantly and becomes a zombie under control of the zombie lord.
    All zombies within sight of the zombie lord are subject to its mental instructions. Further, the creature can use the senses of any zombie within a mile of it to learn all that is happening within a very large area. Once per day, the zombie lord can animate dead to transform dead creatures into zombies. This works as described in the Player's Handbook except that it can be used on the living. Any living creature with fewer Hit Dice than the zombie lord can be attacked in this manner. A target who fails a saving throw vs. death is slain. In 1d4 rounds, the slain creature rises as a zombie under the zombie lord's command. Zombie lords seek out places of death as lairs. Often, they live in old graveyards or on the site of a tremendous battle -- any place there may be bodies to animate and feast upon. The mind of the zombie lord tends to focus on death and the creation of more undead. The regions around their lairs are often littered with the decaying bodies, half eaten, of those who have tried to confront the foul beast. The zombie lord comes into being by chance, and only under certain conditions which have been discovered by the Lich in his experiments. First, an evil human must die at the hand of an undead creatures. Second, an attempt to raise the character must be
    made. Third, the corpse must fail its resurrection survival roll. Fourth and last, a deity of evil must show "favor" to the deceased, and curse him or her with the "gift of eternal life." Within one week of the raise attempt, the corpse awakens as a zombie lord. Zombies are mindless, animated corpses controlled by their creators, usually evil wizards or priests. The condition of the corpse is not changed by the animating spell. If the body was missing a limb, the zombie created from it would be missing the same limb.

    Leut.: JuJu Zombies (3)
    ZOMBIE JUJU (x3); AC 6; MV 9"; HD 3D8+12; HP 18, 15, 27; #AT 1; DMG 3-12; SA

    Platoon of Red Skull Zombies (12)
    Zombie, Red Skull 
    FREQUENCY: Very rare 
    DIET: Carrion 
    INTELLIGENCE: Low (5-7) 
    ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil 
    NO. OF APPEARING: 1-6 
    MOVE: 9 
    HIT DICE: 2+3 
    THAC0: 17 
    NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 
    SPECIAL ATTACKS: Dust of Death 
    MAGIC RESISTANCE: See below 
    SIZE: M (6’ tall) 
    MORAL: Average (8-10) 
    XP VALUE: 270 
    Red skull zombies look like humans with shriveled red skin. The most noticeable thing about them is that their heads are shriveled to the point 
    where only a red skull remains. 

    COMBAT: These strange creatures attack by pummeling their opponents. Also, once every 5 rounds, a red skull zombie may breathe the " 
    Dust of Death " on an opponent. If the opponent fails their save vs. breath weapon, they will take on the appearance of a red skull zombie, and 
    die in 1-4 rounds, and arise a week later as a red skull zombie. Casting ** cure disease ** will prevent death, or if the character is already 
    dead, stop them from arising as a red skull zombie. Red skull zombies are not undead, and are not affected by priests attempts to turn them, or 
    by holy water. However, they can be slain by a ** cure disease ** spell. 

    Platoon of Zombies (12)
    ZOMBIE (x12); AC 8; MV 6"; HD 2D8; HP 7(x4), 13, 4(x4), 14, 9(x2); #AT 1; DMG

    They will come upward through the dungeon trying to reach the surface. Their objective is to divert attention from B. as he uses his spells to do maximum damage. This max damage will be the baracks, the Inn, buildings, then the workshops then the Fort in that order. They have also been instructed to gather as many of the dead as possible. They will rip and rend the bodies in their attempt to ruin the morale of the troops.
    The Zombie Lord will remain out of the fray, directing the battle from a safe vantage (the top of a tree-climbing ability). He will instruct the zombies in their tasks. The troops will be D. Doored to an area protected from arrow fire from the walls.

     Platoon of Steel Skeletons
    These are primarilly shock troops. They are considered expendable as he is able to create 3 or 4 of the each day. They have the amulet of +2 to turn saves. They all carry swords that the Lich has welded to both their arms. They get 2 attacks per round.

    As the