The micro refered to is not that this is a small adventure (I think it will take around 12 game hours) but rather to the size of the characters as they go through this adventure. The lever in Room E9 will shrink them to a size smaller than an insect. The lever in the "Jungle" room will shrink them to a size smaller than a paramecium. In each adventure uses insects and germs as monsters.

The Labratory Room E9 70x30x20

This room contains a exit to outside. This exit/entrance is hidden by a stone fireplace. A door will be found here only if the party in entering or if it is indicated on the d20 rolled for the location of the door out that day. There are several doors out of this room. In the center of the room is a couple of 25’ long tables. These tables have a jumble of alchemical gear. If a mage inspects the contents of the table, he will (INT roll) determine that there is enough glass were here to outfit a NPC apothicary. The spell ingredients that are found here are of no value, as most of them are rotted or contaminated. There is a rune about 3’ across in the area A21. This rune will (using Spell ID skill) will be determined to be of the alteration school. On the north wall directly opposite the rune there is glass case. A deep blue nimbus of force surrounds this case. Inside is a Mind Flayers skull in a glass case, a potion of healing, a vial holding oil of etherialness, a censor of summoning hostile air elemental Jug of alchemy.

The glass case is protected by a field of force. This force field can be negated by saying "Santislaw" (the name of a fellow mage). Without this key word, the case is almost impossible to get into. This is an entropy eater force field. It removes movement of all kinds from the air and anything else touching it. An arrow shot into it will stop about a foot away from the case and fall slowly to the ground. A hand pushed ito it will feel a pulling sensation at first and then a sticking and extreamly cold sensation. Their hand will take 1d3 of dam each round the hand remains in the field from the extream cold. A sword thrust into the field will slow to a stop and the blad will smoke from the cold when withdrawn. The spell creating the forcefield was cast as a 13th level mage, and a dispell magic could work to remove the shield. In between the case and the lever on the wall behind is some painted writing on the wall. It says "Macro to Micro, Negative Accumulation.

The lever activates the rune on the floor. Anyone withinn a 10’ rad of the rune center at the time the lever is pulled will be transported to the entrance are in Room E9A. They are also shrunk to .5 cm.




The level on wall Shrinks players to 1" high. They must travel to other side of room and get up wall to press other lever to regain their height.


Level on wall Shrinks players to 1" high. They must travel to other side of room and get up wall to press other lever to regain their height. It also teleports them to Room E9A which has been setup as a insectorium for the study of instect. The object passing through this room is to avoid being eaten by one of the insects that live in this room as you go towards a lever on the opposite wall that looks identicle to the one that shrunk them in the other room. It will be necessary to get up to the lever to push it. On the floor in front of the lever is another rune just like the one on the floor in the other room. This one will also shrink them and teleport them to Room E9B. They will go into a fungus culture that contains a number of single celled organizms. Again, they will be required to go to a rune and say magic words before they will appear full size still in Room E9B. Room E10 40x30x20 Cauldron of Keridwen- sacred druid artifact changes water to potion of regeneration effect happens once per week. Bolt of lightning snaps from huge har to cauldron or any other metal within 10’ once every other round.

1 Ankheg Tick

2 Ant Giant Daddy Longlegs

3 Ant Army (Swarm) Earwig

4 Ant Lion Fly

5 Bombardier Beetle Termite

6 Boring Beetle Fleas

7 Fire Beetle Lady Bug

8 Rhinoceros Beetle Grasshopper

9 Stag Beetle Butterfly

1 Water Beetle Moth

2 Grass Worm (As book worm) Silverfish

3 BurBur MayFly

4 Cave Fisher

5 Giant Centipede

5 Huge Centipede

6 Megalo-centipede

7 Hornet

8 Wasp

9 Large Spider

20 Huge Spider

21 Giant Spider

22 Giant Toad

23 Poisonous Toad






Giant Crab

Giant Crayfish

Giant Water Spider

Giant Marine Spider

Giant Toad

Giant Frog

Water Scorpion




The only humanoid inhabitants of this place are the Su-faries. They live in the bamboo forest in homes carved into the hollow bamboo. They ride huge hornets and are very mercinary. They will always charge exorbitant amounts for dinners and other assistance. If the party can not pay, they will offer 1kgp per year of service to them as studs. This is offered only to the male members of the party. The leader of the Su-farie is a compulsive gambler. Bongberting is the leader. They have musical ijnstruments that are stick trees on wihcht 4 insects each having differnt pitch. They buzz when hit with a piece hard wood. They drink honey wine.