Ravenscrage Castle



In a sense, this is a castle operating on automatic. Many of the inhabitants finding themselves here after they died, went crazy and think that they are back where they were before. Like automatons, they do the same things in death that they did in life whether it has a purpose or not. The exceptions to this are the insane (who are very unpredictable) or those of the Court who bear the greatest brunt of the curse. These wander around aimlessly and are completely wrapped up in their misery. Some are oblivious to visitors, others are helpful while some are deadly.

If the castle is watched by day, no outward activity can be seen. The only clue that the place is not abandon is that occasionally birds (usually ravens) will suddenly be flushed from within the main courtyard. This is done by the phantom dogs.

General Condition of the Castle.

The castle has lain empty for over 500 years. Therefore, there is little value in things made of organic material. Wood, paper, cloth, and leather have all deteriorated so badly the they are useless to living creatures. Despite their age things like armor and weapons are functional enough for the few encounters they will have with the party. However, anytime a creature is weilding a mundane weapon and a 1 is rolled to hit, that weapon shatters and becomes useless.

G1 - Entry Road

This road slopes up from the riverbank. It averages 25’ wide and comes in from the NE. It leads to the first of three gates leading into the castle. The way is bared by a heavy wooden portcullis which is bound with iron rivets and bands. On the wall near the portcullis is a sign that has a skull that walks on skeletal legs. This is a common symbol that means the area is unsafe due to walking dead. It is often seen outside old graveyards. Below this sign is written in Thorass "Beware, for those within these walls are cursed to walk forever after death. Madness and evil lie within. Cross not this Portal!" It is raised normally by a windlass in Tower G2, but the mechanism is rusted solid and can not be freed without repairs. The gate itself may be lifted by the party if they muster more than 150 lift points. Add their lift gate score to their roll for more than 150. If the gate is raised, roll for "Hear Noise". If the party is successful, a sigh of regret will be heard comming from one of the windows that looks down onto the courtyard from the tower.

G2 - First Guard Tower

This gate house is 30’ in diameter with six small windows spaced about it. A short flight of stairs leads to a wooden door. The door opens into a room which is empth except for ladders leading to the battlements and the second floor at S4. The spot D markes a trap door in the floor that leads to B22. There are torch holders on the walls and remains of a small controled fire in the center of the room. A zombie and a poltergeist make their home here. The zombie will attack with it’s long sword, and the P. will throw iron spikes that do 1d3 damage each. It will Keep throwing the spikes until they are all taken away by party members. Needs a exorcise to remove.

G3 - Outer Gate Yard

Between the first and second inner gates is a courtyard. It is 95’ long and 55’ wide. The NE wall has 5 arrow slits in it. The second gate is in he SE wall, and leads to G4. Beyond the gate is G6. This area is open to the sky. The outer wall here is 25’ high and 15’ thick. The gate at the end of the yard is raised with the windlass in S7. The floor here and in the other court is hard packed weathered earth. A phantom cat still prowels here. It cannot be seen, but its mewing can be heard, and if the reactio roll for the party is above 70%, it will rub against the shins of a chosen party member, which will be startling to say the least!

G4 - Middle Gate Yard

This irregularly shaped room leads from the second to the third gate. It is 110’ long and about 70’ wide then narrows to 8’. The gate is in the narrowest part. The porticullis is operated from S4. Beyond this is G6. This area is abandon in the day, but at night a faint breathy voice will warn any entering the castle away. If the party continues despite the warning, the phantom will become briefly visible as a glowing man sized moving vapor with glowing red eyes. It will rush at the party from the next gate at G5. If the party is leaving the castle at night, it will laugh at them and warn them never to return.

G5 - Middle Gate House

This is little more than a set of steps that leads to a wide place in the wall with 5’ battlements overlooking the outer wall and the inner courtyard. A raven’s nest is nestled in between the stones of the battlements. In the nest is a silver ring belonging to a child of the castle. It is magical, but it’s only magic is to glow pale pink in the dark. A quiver of warped arrows lies propped against a wall.

G6 - Inner Gateyard

The Cobblestone path is 20’ wide and 230’ long. At the center is a semicircular widening with a radius of 15’. The area forms the outer defense of the castle on the west side. The bulge is to provide fire points along the length of the wall. The left end of this area opens into G31 and opposite the bulge is the entrance to the inner courtyard. This is protected by two proticullis with a pair of thick, iron banded wooden doors. Faint sounds of sniffing animals comes from the right made by the death dogs in the stables.

G7 - Main Courtyard

This is a large area open to the air. It is 270’ long and 85 to 110’ wide. Opposite the door, at the opposite end of the wall is a tower that juts into the courtyard. A smaller tower can be seen to the left near the entry gate. There are several doors leading off this area and there are many windows looking onto it. As the party enters, they will hear loud barking coming from the four phantom dogs that haunt the courtyard. These dogs are invisible, but can make a hell of a racket. Then a human voice can be heard saying "Bart, Naric down now. Karl sit; no sit. Good girl Lizzie.

Good day(evening) gentle persons. Have you horses with you?" Without

waiting for an answer the voice says "Very good and who is your business

with if I may ask?". Again without waiting for an answer continues with

"Thank you gentle sir I will attend to your horses and you may go through

the door just over there." Of course, since the page is invisible the party

has no clue to where they are to go. If a p

ember can see invisible

roll 1d6. There are five doors off this court and the roll will tell which the phantom is pointing to. If a 6 is rolled he is pointing off into space somewhere. Those who see invisible Notice that the person speaking is dressed in the costume of a court page. His name is Puck, but it is possible to get him to reply and tell his story only if you know his name.

G8 - Guard Captains Quaters

This room is at the base of a low tower, and was the sleeping quaters of the captain of the Guard. To the left of the door is a desk and chair. On the right is a bed with a small wooden box beside it. A dry oil lamp sits on the box. There are holes in the stone wall directly opposite the door with the remains of wood inside. These were once pegs for hanging clothes. From outside, a murmering voice can be heard is listened for. If the room is entered, a voice that comes from the area of the bed is heard to say "I am the captain of the guard. I AM the captain of the guard. I am the CAPTAIN of the guard." Once all the variations of emphasis have been used, the phantom will begin laughing insanely.

G9 - Main Barracks

This is the first of four barracks rooms. They all contain two rows of double bunks, allowng each wall. The room is 70’ long and 30’ wide. It is guarded by 12 skeletons. Each has chainmail, a small helm and a shield with a raven painted on it. They are armed with longswords and pikes which are becide each bed. They will only use the swords.

HD 1 AC 5 1 Attack 1d8 Damage (longsword) Move 6"

1-8 2-8 3-3 4-7 5-8 6-3



7-6 8-6 9-7 10-8 11-5 12-2


The armor worn by the guards is of a type that is very old and is almost rusted through in many cases. The swords are also rusted but they retain their temper. No self respecting person would use any of this stuff. If the room is searched, (and a see hidden roll is made) a bunk will be found that has a broken support to the upper bed. On close examination, it can be seen that a portion of the support in the back has been carved away making a small compartment. This hole has a oiled canvas bag containing a ruby ring with many small gems mounted in silver and shaped like a rose. It is worth 100gp.

A ladder in the corner leads up to S3. A regular door leads to G8 and G11. There is a secret door that leads to G10. When a stone in the floor near the door is stepped on the door will slide down revealing G10. All of the skeletons knows this but they don’t talk much.

G10 - NW Tower Base

This is a 30’ diameter round room with no windows. There is a ladder that leads up to S4 near the secret door entrance. At the bottom of the ladder lies a skeleton with a broken skull. It fell through the hole above one night because the guard got to drunk. It’s body was left where is was as a grisly reminder to the rest of the troops. This was toward the end of Count Restnik’s reign when things were getting generally grisly around the castle.

G11 - Guard Room

This is a day room for the castle guard. It is 30’ wide and 70’ long. Two tables and a half dozen chairs are here. A slight sound may be heard coming from the table to the north. It comes from a pair of dice that are rolling themselves! They are made of ivory and have been worn down until they are almost round. The numbers are still legible. If the dice are taken, the poltergeist that occupies this room will begin throwing the pikes that are stacked against the wall to the east. If the pikes are taken or broken, a great wailing will be heard, and this spirit will be disconsolate. The groaning will continue until the curse is dispelled.

G12 - Audience Room

The Party members will be guided into this room by the fake Phantoms who will lead the party past the curtains and right in front of the Kings thrown which is in the center of the room. As they walk in, the thing on the throne looks like a dead body. It is obvious that it is a king by its crown and scepter. The party will be positioned so the closest to the thrown are standing directly on the trap door that opens down to B18.

Once inside, the doors will slam shut trapping the party in the room.

At that moment, the King will move with startling quickness and step on the

stone that opens the trapdoor. He will then jump across the pit to attack

the rest of the party. At the same instant the "phantom" guards become

Shadows and the battle for the audience room begins

King Redolph - Wight

HD 4+3 HP 24 AC 5 1 Attack 1d4+Energy Drain Move 12"

Zombie Guards

HD 2 HP A-12, B-14 AC6 1 Attack (Pike) 1d6 Damage Move 6"

The King still wears his crown, and wields a royal septre, but his robes are worm and moth eaten. Around the neck of this fiend is the royal amulet of Ravenscrag. This is a huge amber with a remarkable detailed inner flaw in the shape of a rampant raven. The Crown is worth 100gp, the scepter 540gp and the gem 300gp. He lusts for the life of living creatures as he feels that stealing life makes him more "human" and less undead. This is totally wrong of course.

The room is surrounded by curtains to form a room within a room. They are hung between pillars that are standing free in the middle of the room.

G13 - The Waiting Room

This room was once warm and comfortable, but now the benches and overstuffed chairs have fallen into ruin, and the fireplace contains cold ashes. When the party enters, two phantom like shapes will appear in the dress armor of the castle complete with an embossed shield depicting a raven. They will ask if they have come for an audience with the King. They may reply to some questions the party asks, and will lie profusely about what awaits the party in the Audience Hall. They will graciously escort the party through the doors and curtins, then attack along with the King.

Behind the fireplace in this room is a secret door. Any one searching the fireplace has a chance of finding this door, and a Elf passing by may notice ill fitting stones in the back. When opened this leads to room G15. It is one of the less used entrances to the basement. The door is opened by pushing on a stone that protrudes slightly from the left side of the fireplace. It must be pushed twice in succession or it will lock itself automatically when it swings closed. There is a latch on the inside of room G15, but it will not work if the outer stone is only pushed once.

Over the door leading to the courtyard is a Carving of a Raven with wings spread out 20’. In its right claw he holds a battle axe, and in the left a pitch fork. This is the Royal Arms of Ravenscrag, and is seen on most of the shields carried by guards and nobles. Banners bearing this design may be seen as tatters of cloth on the western wall. Below the carved raven is a portrait of Martin the founder of Ravenscrag. It depicts him as he appeared at his coronation. The scepter, crown and gem shown in the painting are the same as those worn by the Kings spirit in room G12.

The central pillar on the S side contains a secret chamber. This will not be casually noticed, but if the room is being searched, roll as for a secret door. This chamber contains a sword left by a guest who fled during the battle between Arturious and Delbart. It is a magical +1 longsword.

G14 - Passage way between Waiting Room and Audience Hall

At the west end of this passage is a finely worked shield with a embossed raven worked in jet and silver. This is worth 50gp, but the phantom guards will not allow the party to take it unchallenged. They will turn into zombies to prevent this.

G15 - Hidden Passage

This room is a passage way down to the prison area, and incidentally to one of the towers. The stairs descend to B10. A Green slime has worked its way up here from the lower levels, and now clings to the ceiling above the stairway. It is hungry!