Featherwine Inn

In better days, this was a wonderful Inn. It is built to look like a large hunting lodge. Hunting trophies line the walls of the common room, and each room had a carpet of animal skins. Now all is corrupt.

Room 1-1 North-West Tower

This room has a circular table in the center of the room with four chairs around it. The table is made of heavy walnut and the chairs match it. They have purple cushions. In the south part of the room visible only after entering it. On the western wall is a staircase leading to the rooms above. There is an iron banister along the stair. Two rounds after the party enters the room a winged being will fly down the stairway and hover for a while watching them. If they give it no instructions, it will fly to the fireplace and perch on the mantle. It will not make any threatening actions.

The towers of the Inn were mostly reserved for visiting dignitaries and permanent residents. There are no permanent residents now (in a human sense). This was set up as a sitting room. The entrance to the room extends into the room and forms part of a fireplace that faces to the west. There is a rotting couch facing the fireplace. 1 GP, 2 SP and a copper will be found in the cushions; fallout from the pockets of a previous guest. The only current resident is a Homonculous. The Homonculous was instructed to stay in this place by the Mage that lived in this tower rent free for 10 years. This mage used the tower as a research laboratory, but that was some time ago. There are no traces of his stay now other than the beast he left behind as payment. It was instructed to serve anyone staying in the room. It will fetch objects, clean up, serve meals brought into the room, ect. This creature has been on its own since the Inn was abandon and has been supporting itself by catching night birds as they sleep. It is deathly sick of eating ravens, and will serve the party and even follow them if offered regular food. It has no intelligence and cannot speak. It will not harm the party in any way, and even if they don’t feed it it will follow simple instructions that are given clearly in common tongue. If the party begin to break up the furnishings or vandalize the room in any way, it will try to bite them, but it will not harm them in a permanent way.

The creature was created by a neutral good mage and if there is a mage in the party of that allignment, it will attach itself to them. If a Summon Familiar is cast by that mage, the creature will respond automatically and it will become the familiar of that mage.

Room 1-2 Second floor of North-West Tower

There is nothing of much interest in this room. A bed is in the mddle of the room, a chest of drawers with a mirror is on the north wall and a wardrobe on the south wall. They are all empty; awaiting the next occupant. A spell has been cast on the mirror that will enhance the appearance of anyone looking into it. It will hide any scars, deepen the color of a person eyes, put a rosy glow in the cheeks ect. It has no effect other than this illusion.

This is the lower bedroom of the tower suite. There are no encounters here.

Room 1-3 Top Floor of North-West Tower

This room is similar to the one below. There is a bed, a chest of drawers and a wardrobe here. The difference is the shuttered window that faces the setting sun. On the bottom of the wardrobe (no doubt forgotten by the last tenant) is a Mink bola. Other than these things, the room is empty.

Room 2-1



Room 4-1

The bottom of this tower is bleak and cold. There has been no attempt to make this part of the Inn hospitable. There are only stark iorn sconces for the torches and a iorn bannister other than stone in this place. At the bottom of the stair, there is a pile of rags.

The pile of rags covers a skeleton. This skeleton is very small; it is that of a small child from a wandering gypsy tribe. It is dressed in a long robe that the haunt put on him. He climbed up the wall to the second floor where he was taken over by the Haunt in the top room. While trying to get the body down, he tumbled off the ladder above an fell down the stairs. There is nothing of value on the body.


Room 4-2

This room is fitted as a bedroom and sitting room. The is a small table and four chairs in the center of the room. There are window on the north and west wall. Their are shutters over the windows. The bed is between them.

The first person entering this room will be the one attacked by the Haunt that makes its lair in the room above. It will decend the stairs as a glowing ball of light two rounds after the first person enters the room.

Room 4-3

This room has a small table and near the door is a low chest of drawers. Hanging above the door is the body of the last occupant before this area was closed off. On the table is a suicide note.

This Haunt has only one thing on it’s non-intellegent mind. This is to have its body burried. If it is successful in taking over a player, it will immediatly come up here and cut the body down. If given the time it will take the body outside and bury the body. There is a little treasure on the body. A pendant and gold chain.

Room 7

A brown bear has made the large its home here. It regards the entire place as its home, and will defend its territory.

Brown Bear HD 5+5 HP 28 Move 12" 3 Attacks Damage 1d6x2/1d8