Campaign Kickoff

"Beginnings are delicate times"

"You can try anything - Tell me how you want to do that"
"A DMs main job is to create good memories."
"If it's not specified it is up to the DM to determine it"

This document is intended to be the first page created for the new 5th Edition Campaign. Although today it is January 10th, 2018 I have been working toward this result for almost a year. Most of the work has been spent reading and understanding the rules and creating a web site with the rules ready to go. More recently I have been updating and expanding the Berth map of the Norcompia area where the initial game will take place. I know that there will still be things missing, but I feel I have enough done now to start the campaign.

I am going to start small and ref games just for Lisa at 1st level then add Cindy and Dale in at first level and bring them up to 3rd level (and maybe more) before adding any more players. Here are some disjointed notes about stuff to do with the new game!
They are in the 5th Empire of the 4th Civilization!

1 Moon - Called Nilit  The Third Civilization was ended by a collision between a large meteor and the moon. The meteor split it into 2 peices and a debris field. The 3 are in very different orbits. The smaller piece is named "the Hawk" It is moving very fast and circles Berth 2.5 times a day. The larger piece is called Lilnilit and circles the globe 1.2 times a day. Another meteor struck the planet and ended the 3rd civilization.
The debris field intersects the planet orbit and the orbit of the larger moon. These times are known as bad omen times. The intersection occurs every 5.2 years. While the largest effect of this is a dramatic display of meteorites that can even be seen (rarely) during the daylight. Dozens of meteors can be seen every minute at the height of the intersection which lasts about 3 days. Occassionaly, a large moon piece hits the ground, and twice large pieces have hit the ground causing earthquakes and distrubing the weather for years afterword due to dust and ash propelled into the atmosphere.
Lisa is my first player She is generously playing solo before folks get here to help get the kinks out!

The first adventure is an outdoor trek from the Lake Clotha are to Helia on the Western sea where one of the players has inherited a castle. One of the areas they will pass through will be a fey forest who will only let them pass if they perform a action.

Good One Page Adventurers
Frozen Tomb
Hettiescrag Caves
Mad Alchemist