The party meets
While travelling along a path in the jungle, the first group of adventurers makes a camp away from the path, but nearby. Just after sundown, they begin to hear the sounds of something going on. This is the secxond party a mile or more behind the party on the same trail. They have waited to long to camp and in the faiding light have been attacked by a pack of Wolf Snake. This is a "pride" of 7 snakes that work as a team to corner and posion large prey. ortunatly for the second group, the location of the snakes that lie hidden to attack when within range is near the first group. The acitiviy shoulld alert group 1 to investigate and intervene in the battle with the pack snakes.

Pack Snakes
These are similar to cobras except for there

After the snakes have been killedk, the two parties should beginhi to interact.

The adventure of the One Legged Man

A one legged man obviously an ex-adventrer approaches the party and offers them a fortune to kill the creature that took off his leg. It is a dire bear that has it's lair in a jungle spot that the man can describe.
The lair of this bear is the entrance to a sizable cave filled with more than monsters; it has an opening to all times!

The objective is to get the party to kill the bear that took his leg and bring him back the hide. They will know it from a large scar on it's shoulder.

If this was going to be a normal campaign, that's how it would start. Instead, let try it this way:

The party has found a nice spot within the rain forest that is near the path they are travelling on. There is an area near a pool that was larger but shrunk creating a sandy area that is free of debris and making it easy to make a fire from the drift wood. A trickle of water dribbles from a nearby 5' high waterfall. When the party has had dinner, a voice from the road will ask for shelter saying "Do you have room by your fire for a one legged man and his dog?"

The first thing about him people will notice is his false leg. The leg is missing in mid-thigh with a stump about 18" long. A leather cup encloses almost the whole stump. He has a cane in his left hand and his left leg  harnes is worn over his clothes with the cut off trousers tucked into the cup shaped top of the fake leg. The carved leg is made of a single giant elephant tusk as it the cane. The leg is carven in the shape of a bear (looking somewhat elongated) that holds it's paws up to support the cup around the stump. The cane is carved in the shape of a elongated human leg bone like the one that is missing but also elongated.

The quality of the carving and it's detail will tell a person makinig a DC 12 roll against Int. that the owner is rich, has been without the leg for some time and has a fine sense of irony.The man with one leg is hale and hearty. although he can not more faster than '10. Still, his lean form, whipcord mussles under the warriors leather harness speak to the level of his physical development in spite of the disability. His skin is leathery and his hair is streaked from sun exposure.
His riding dog is a St. Bernard long hair.

Once he is relaxing, he has had a chance to size the group up and likes what he sees. He asks them if he can tell them a story.
"I've just coming back from my annual pilgramage to the spot where I lost my leg. Every year it return to the cave where the bear lives that ate it. I have always hoped that some day I would be able to kill it, but it is too wary for me. I think he knows my scent and stays away when I'm around. This is the fifth year and the last. I want that bear dead and if I can't do it, I'll pay someone else just to get it done. The revenge must be satisfied. I am going home to (whatever city). If you bring me the hide of the bear, I will pay each of you 100gp. Here is how you get to the place."

A more traditional approach:
The players are relaxing in one of the many taverns in the city (which ever one the players choose) when a strange figure of a man walks in. With a quick look around the tavern that seems to weigh the patrons in an instant, he hobbles up to the bar and conducts a whispered conversation with the barkeep. Only those making a will save at DC 15 will notice he pays 10 times the normal cost of the drink (a glass of Gut Braser - fortified port)

Nursing his drink, he pretends to be interested in a dark corner of the tavern  wher 2 teenage lovers are hotting it ujp. A player making a DC 12 roll against wisdom can see it his watching the party too. Still, whatever he's doing, it's not something he is going to give away. He is waiting for something to happen that will reveal the partys nature what ever that is.  The DM should create an event that will be irrestable to the group. Someone in the party will have an idiosyncrasy allowing the DM to stage a encounter that will send someone into the party into if not a frenzy, then at least an uncharacterstic confrontation. A bar fight, an insulted server, a bad glass of bitters, an insult from another paytron; each could be an excuse for a revealoing act. It could even be an act of mercy to an abused servent. It depends on the imagination of the DM and the makeup of the party.

Once the one legged man sees something to interest him, he will approach the party and offer to buy then a round is they will listen to his story.