There are 365 days in the year, split up into twelve months of thirty days each with five holidays that fall between some months. The names of the months are given in both the formal names and the common ones. The seasons run like they do for us; Hammer is like January and Flamerule is like July. Each week consists of ten days, called tendays.
Month | Name | Common name |
1 | Hammer | Deepwinter |
2 | Alturiak | The Claw of Winter |
3 | Ches | The Claw of the Sunsets |
4 | Tarsakh | The Claw of the Storms |
5 | Mirtul | The Melting |
6 | Kythorn | The Time of Flowers |
7 | Flamerule | Summertide |
8 | Elesias | Highsun |
9 | Eleint | The Fading |
10 | Marpenoth | Leaffall |
11 | Uktar | The Rotting |
12 | Nightal | The Drawing Down |
The holidays are Midwinter, Greengrass, Midsummer, Highharvestide and The Feast of the Moon. Midwinter falls between Hammer and Alturiak, Greengrass between Tarsakh and Mirtul, Midsummer is between Flamerule and Eleasis, Highharvestide is between Elient and Marpenoth, and The Feast of the Moon is between Uktar and Nightal.
Every four years, another holiday called Shieldmeet is added as a leap day immediately following the Midsummer holiday.