Game Notes- 02-08-2021 - On the way to Stompenharder
They move a way up the road and look for a camp site. They find an
OK one and bed down..
Eleasis-Gerd 3Day 243:
☀️ High: 91°F Low: 67°F Wind: 9 mph
They meet the road
going N early in the day. No Enc until Stampemharder
They let Loric go off and hunt. It finds a rabbit and is happy.
They get to the town and are greeted by the mayor and go to the
store to pick up their shirts and by more scarves. They also buy
stuff from a butcher. Buy some jugs of ale and a bottle of vodka.
They have a conversation about their exploits and then the
townsfolk depart to their dinners.
That night late a young gnome named Gugead asks them to take him
with them.
They talk him into speaking with his folks and boning up on skills
and focus on what he wants to do.
Eleasis-Gerd 4 Day 244: 💨☀️ High: 92°F Low: 68°F Wind: 11 mph
They spend the day in the town and want to relax.
Gugan father of Gugead thanks them for their speaking to his son.
They spend the day eating and sleeping in between visits from the
gnomes. They are presented with offers to buy handicrafts.
A grey tabbard with a bird embroidered.
Kids ask for a story. No night enc.
Eleasis-Gerd 5 Day 245: 💨☀️ High: 97°F Low: 68°F Wind: 13 mph
They leave the town about 8:00 which is when the men are going to
work so they get a chorus of goodbys as they pack up.
No enc,.
Eleasis-Gerd 6 Day 245: 💨☀️ High: 92°F Low: 64°F Wind: 23 mph
They hike all day and get to the spot where the Arachnid Pathwy
starts. Just at dusk they are checked out by a pair of bandit
lookouts. They are hiding, but might be spotted.
They spot the bandits. Loric is called to guard which convinces
them the party is too much to handle.
One of the bandits spots rollen. They both drop out of the trees
and run into the forest.
They cast longstrider spell and run as far up the road as they can
until dark.
Eleasis-Gerd 7 Day 246: 💨☀️ High: 92°F Low: 64°F Wind: 3 mph Calm
Very hot! No day encounters.
They get to the Leaning Tree camp 2 hrs after dark. They make
themselves at home.
Night encounters with spiders which they don't even wake up the
others for.
Eleasis-Gerd 8 Day 247: 💨☀️ High: 100°F Low: 67°F Wind: 0 mph Calm
Danny finds the snarling dwarf door and investigates.
Plants are talked to about the rock and give enigmatic answers
The party returns to the stone. The find it is a door, but it is
still a mystery. In my mind, it was a door being delivered that was
heavy and tiresome and was dumped off to reduce the weight of a
It is 10 mi from the camp to the road S. then 40 mi S. to the
Northride trail. They decide to head out due E. to hit the
further N. Really hot!!!. No water!!! They are in the fertile
dalelands and find it easy travel.
They find a nice place to camp. It is up on a small hill with shady
trees at the top but open to any breeze.
Val speaks w/plants. and improves it even more!
Eleasis-Gerd 9 Day 248: 💨☀️ High: 102°F Low: 70°F Wind: 0 mph Calm
They have a fire that morning for tea a quick, cold breakfast and
are back on the road again.
They hit the Northride at about 4:00 and head into the forest at
They want to find a prosperous farm with a truck garden.
The place they find a tiny mill. Raymond is her husband. Mildred is
the wife. They have dinner and goods for hire.
They have 3 children 2, 4, 8, 12 - Jam, robie, wesly, bogan are kids
They want to buy good food and offer good prices.
They are put up at a nice established camp downstream from the
Val does a enriches the land of this place yielding XC2 harvest the
next yer.
They fall asleep to the sound of crickets and frogs!
Next morning they get up, make breakfast and return to the farm.
They get lemons and other variety of veg.
They want 4gp for the fresh fruit and vegis.Rapand farm.
That afternoon they get to the shadowdale forest area.
1/2 day from shadowdale time stop.
Eleasis-Gerd 10Day
250: ☀️ High: 34°F Low: 18°F Wind: 0 mph
Eleasis-Gerd 11Day
251: ☀️ High: 34°F Low: 16°F Wind: 0 mph
Eleasis-Gerd 12Day
252: ☀️ High: 34°F Low: 16°F Wind: 0 mph
Eleasis-Gerd 13Day
253: ☀️ High: 37°F Low: 18°F Wind: 0 mph