Lisa Notes 4-28-2020 - Entering the Grove
The next day they get to the Grove,They get in but don't find out
They investigate the gates. They are made of pale white wood in the
shape of a harp fit inside 2 laural tress grown into an arch.
They meet Lethyhanso Retharhe the curator and guardian of the
grove.l He is a deva in disguise.
He takes them inside the chapel which is made of white trees grown
together to form walls with leaves on the outside and white bark on
the inside. Lethy is agreeable of an ancient age in his appearance
carrying a white ashwood staff.
Once in the chapel he uses the holy water font on the alter with 6
god statues to create water for them and the collection bowl to make
food. He has bowls and glasses of wood under the alter.
He gives them a tour of the grove and talks to them of the other
gods the statues represent. They are told what the fountain powers
are. They are led to the cloister and go to sleep.