Game Notes - 05-19-2020 - First in Myth Drannor
EXP = 213 They find 23 cp, 17 sp, 2gp
She has just eliminated the owl bear and is ready to go outside.
They take the claws and beak as trophies.
They search down the dead end tunnel and find it leads 50' down to a
dead end in the nest of the owl bear.
There is a pair of heavy crossbows on watch from one of the roots of
the tree guarding one of their lairs. There is a total of 6 in the
4th level adventurers in tunnel 3.
They have to climb 6' up to get out. The two women are brought up
first up last is danny. Attack come3s just after Danny comes up.
They are fired on from the tunnel and missed.
Init: Dan 19, lu 15, ro 9, Crossbow 7, V 6,
They hide behind root 13.
Va uses conjure animal to summon 4 black bears. "Flush the bandits
out". At Int 2 the bears run off in the direction Va points but
don't really do much except run off.
Ro runs N. after the bears.
Lu runs forward
They engage in hand to hand combat.
Round 8 - Lu searches bodies
Liadon (Silverfrond) Dead
Cade Tealeaf -
AC 18 - HP 40 Dead
- 9-8-11-7-28
Betha Starag — Level 4 Air
Genasi Dead
AC 18 - HP 40
Ilphelkiir (Gemblossom) — Level 4
AC 17 - HP 36
Galanodel (Moonwhisper)
AC 1 - HP 45