Game Notes 07-07-2020 Into the wilderness of Cormanthyr - Date-2nd Flamerule
The party stops at Ombuls and by food, rope and sundreies. 2 Apple wine and 2 apple brandy. Althgether 4gp 2sp
They cross the bridge go a ways then camp.
Time Stop Sleeping that night. No Encounters
Next morning they decide to go due west. Their journey will be about 300 to 280 miles long. 
They will be traveling 35 miles a day. They are in a thick forest but are not hindered by this as they are elfs with skills! It will still take about 8 or 9 days of no stops.
Day 1 of the journey
There is a hill that will show them the NW area of the bridge with Riverview in sight.

Temperature: Moderate
High: 64°F (17°C)
Low: 45°F (7°C)
Relative: Colder than normal
Wind Force: Light
Wind Speed: 6 mph (9 kph)
They continue on. There will be 3 random encounters per day without hunting but foraging (Rollen) as they go.
A passive perception roll of 15 or more indicates seeing something from the foraging chart. A 20 indicates a special herb.
3lbs rice found! No encounters that day.
Day 2 - No enc. They forage 2lb of sour cherries
Day 3 - No Enc. Special herb roll!
Day 4 - The wind and clouds pick up - Once they know a storm is on the way at 1:00, they start looking for a sheltered camp.
While they are looking, they find a footpath to the west 3:00. They follow the footpath. At 4:30 it takes them to a hidden elf campsite. They make a warm camp, a Danny heads off to hunt.
High:    69°F (20°C) - Low:    57°F (13°C) - Wind Force:    Severe - Wind Speed:    45 mph (72 kph)
Day 5 - Midday encounter
High:    61°F (16°C) - Low:    48°F (8°C) - Relative:    Colder than normal - Wind Force:    Severe Wind Speed:    37 mph (59 kph)
They stay in their camp. Loric heads out to find his kill. Danny and Ro are hunting, Val is boiling herbs Lu is doing maintenance then fishing.
Danny and Ro are hunting and run up on a Boobrie
They hear it and it doesn't hear then they are silent and head to the sound.
They watch it hunt and catch a fish out of a pond and then move away not quietly.
On the way back they forage and find 1lb pine nuts.
They speak with Llanther at length and she is apostate of Rillifane.
Day 6 - Llanthar leaves shortly after sunup but the rest stay in camp discussing. They hunker down again when the hail stats.
Hail at about 9:00 - Temperature:    Moderate - High:    61°F (16°C) - Low:    47°F (8°C) - Relative:    Colder than normal
Wind Force:    Light - Wind Speed:    10 mph (16 kph)
They fish the river stream near them. They only catch perch and yellow fin and 1 ugly eel.
Danny and Loric go the the pool they saw the Boobrie. Encounter the Panther on their way back.
Armor Class
12 Hit Points 13 (3d8)  - Speed 50 ft., climb 40 ft.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.
HP 12
-14 Danny
Init: Cat-21, Danny-20, Loric-12
Round 1 - Surprise
Round 2 - Danny kills it and Loric rips it up!
Danny heals up before heading home. Loric is proud of her "kill".
Day 7 - (25°C) - Low:    67°F (19°C) - Relative:    Warmer than normal
Wind Force:    Light - Wind Speed:    9 mph (14 kph)
They will arrive at Tangled Trees this day. They tell Loric how to behave there.
They get there about 3:00.
There are armed guards hidden in trees along the trail. They will shoot warning shots. There are always at leas 4 there 2 for attack and 2 to report.
Kamden elf elven Male 129 Guard/Explorer Runner for the guards
Marley elf Child Male 58 Guard/Adventurer Spokesman for the guards
They walk through town carefully avoiding the trees with animals. They get to the W. campsite and setup camp just outside the village in an indicated spot that is very nice.
Lu and Val go to the potion/herb store.
They meet the old lady who prints them out maps and tells them about the store next door.

Llanther Xiloscient (Goldpetal) — Level 5 Wood Elf Paladin (Oath of the Ancients)
Ability scores:   STR: 16 (+3)   DEX: 8 (-1)   CON: 16 (+3)   INT: 12 (+1)   WIS: 14 (+2)   CHA: 16 (+3)
Saving throws:   STR: +3   DEX: -1   CON: +3   INT: +1   WIS: +5   CHA: +6
Initiative: -1   Speed: 35   Passive perception: 15   Size: Medium   Proficiency bonus: +3   Gender: Female
Hit points: 49   Hit dice: 5d10
Armor: Chain mail and Shield - AC: 18
Melee weapons:
  • Morning Star (+6 to hit) 1d8+3 piercing damage
  • 3 Handaxes (+6 to hit) 1d6+3 slashing damage
  • Longsword (+6 to hit) 1d8(1d10)+3 slashing damage
    Ranged weapons:
  • 3 Handaxes (+6 to hit) 1d6+3 slashing damage   Range: 20/60
  • Proficient skills: Acrobatics +2, Insight +5, Medicine +5, Perception +5, Religion +4
    Non-proficient skills: Animal Handling +2, Arcana +1, Athletics +3, Deception +3, History +1, Intimidation +3, Investigation +1, Nature +1, Perform +3, Persuasion +3, Sleight of Hand -1, Stealth -1, Survival +2

    Languages: Common, Elvish, Gnomish, Giant
    Racial Traits: Darkvision, Keen senses, Fey ancestry, Trance, Mask of the Wild
    Abilities: Divine Sense, Lay on Hands (25 hp), Fighting Style (Protection), Spellcasting, Divine Smite, Divine Health, Sacred Oath (Oath of the Ancients), Nature's Wrath, Turn the Faithless, Extra Attack, Ability Score Improvement (4th level +1 Constitution, +1 Charisma)

    Equipment: Holy symbol, Prayer book, Common clothes, Priest's pack, Holy symbol, Flask of Holy Water, Healer's kit   Wealth: 150 gp, 35 pp, Golden Dice worth 100 gold, Collection of Rare Coins worth 60 gold
    Magic Items: 2 Potions of Healing, Boots of Striding and Springing, Goggles of Night
    Current spells: Searing Smite, Shield of Faith, Thunderous Smite, Find Steed, Locate Object
    Paladin Oath Spells: Ensnaring Strike, Speak with Animals, Moonbeam, Misty Step
    Spell slots: 4 first level, 2 second level     Spell save DC: 14     Spell Attack Modifier: +6     Can prepare 5 spells
    Background: Acolyte
    Personality: I've enjoyed fine food, drink, and high society among my temple’s elite. Rough living grates on me.
    I quote (or misquote) sacred texts and proverbs in almost every situation.
    Ideal: Charity. I always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost. (Good)
    Bond: I will someday get revenge on the corrupt temple hierarchy who branded me a heretic.
    Flaw: I judge others harshly, and myself even more severely.


    Medium beast, unaligned

    Armor Class 12
    Hit Points 13 (3d8)
    Speed 50 ft., climb 40 ft.

    14 (+2) 15 (+2) 10 (+0) 3 (−4) 14 (+2) 7 (−2)

    Skills Perception +4, Stealth +6
    Senses passive Perception 14
    Languages --
    Challenge 1/4 (50 XP)

    Keen Smell. The panther has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on smell.
    Pounce. If the panther moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a claw attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 12 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the panther can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.


    Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
    Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) slashing damage.

    Thunderstorm: The combined effects of precipitation and wind reduce visibility by three quarters, imposing a -8 penalty on Spot, Search, and Listen checks. Thunderstorms make ranged weapon attacks impossible, except for those using siege weapons, which suffer a -4 penalty on attack rolls.
    Thunderstorms automatically extinguish candles, torches, and similar unprotected flames. They cause protected flames, such as those of lanterns, to dance wildly and have a 50% chance to extinguish these lights.
    Creatures must succeed on a DC 15 Fort save or be blown away (Tiny or smaller creatures; knocked prone and rolled 1d4 x 10 feet, taking 1d4 points of nonlethal damage per 10 feet), knocked down (Small; prone), or checked (Medium; unable to move forward against the force of the wind).
    Airborne creatures are instead blown back 2d6 x 10 feet and dealt 2d6 points of nonlethal damage due to battering and buffeting (Small or smaller creatures), blown back 1d6 x 10 feet (Medium), or blown back 1d6 x 5 feet (Large).
    In addition, thunderstorms are accompanied by lightning that can pose a hazard to characters without proper shelter (especially those in metal armor). As a rule of thumb, assume one bolt per minute for a 1 hour period at the center of the storm. Each bolt causes electricity damage equal to 1d10 eight-sided dice.

    Hail: The sound of falling hail imposes a -4 penalty on Listen checks. Sometimes hail can become large enough to deal 1 point of lethal damage (per storm) to anything in the open.