Game Notes 07-25-2020 In Essembera
They each get 25xp for the cattle they killed and a successful visit
to the Tangled Trees.
Flamerule 13 High: 76°F (24°C) -
Low: 63°F (17°C) - Relative:
Warmer than normal
Wind Force: Light - Wind Speed:
3 mph (4 kph)
The next day, they pack up and get out.
Amity takes them to spots where she know specific stuff can be
They get to the road about 3:00pm - Aencars Manor is just were they
enter the Rauthauvyrs Road 4 mi S. of town.
They see priests of Gond on a pilgrimage.
Deloris is their server at the Silver Taproom after their dinner.
Chaunk is their server at the Watchful Eye where they eat dinner and
spend the night.
They take rooms and sort out the sleeping arrangements.
They like being able to all sleep at the same time (no watches!)
Breakfast is fruit pastry, tea, coffee and brew. Apple brandy
and spiced hot apple juice.
Sharleen is their breakfast server.
They want to wander around town.
They have a brief look around the open market.
They head down to 4 flying fish. They spend a gp on a round for the
house and talk to an uninformed bar tender.
They go to the silver taproom to sit, drink and wait for the rush to
be over.
They meet
In the Green door Florin and Dashan speak elvin and talk to them
about the sights in the area. They take her to the grandmother who
tells them of her history. Her name is Nelenwe Pinebough. She tells
them about how the Inn was founded.
They visit the hitching post general store. They buy tents, oil etc.
Back to the Watchfull Eye for dinner and sleep.
The next morning they are up early and head off to retreive Lorik.
He is hungry and runs off to hunt as soon as they are out of town.
They get to the cutoff going to the SWtanding Stone
It is surrounded by a perfectly circular hedge of elven magical
growth forming a glen carpeted in dichondra.
They stop to read the plynth and do a couple of rubbings.
They get to Glen at dinnertime. The only inn is called the Stone
Its a dump. They get to the cutoff to the Roost
Time stop
Underbough — Level 1 Stout Halfling Ranger
Ability scores: STR: 11 (+0) DEX: 16 (+3)
CON: 14 (+2) INT: 11 (+0) WIS: 13 (+1) CHA:
12 (+1)
Saving throws: STR: +2 DEX: +5 CON: +2
INT: +0 WIS: +1 CHA: +1
Initiative: +3 Speed: 25 Passive perception: 11
Size: Small Proficiency bonus: +2 Gender:
Hit points: 12
Hit dice: 1d10
Armor: Leather
AC: 14
Melee weapons:
2 Scimitars (+5 to hit) 1d6+3 slashing damage
Ranged weapons:
Short bow (+5 to hit) 1d6+3 piercing damage Range:
80/320 40 arrows
Proficient skills: Animal Handling +3,
Athletics +2, Insight +3, Nature +2, Survival +3
Non-proficient skills: Acrobatics +3, Arcana +0, Deception
+1, History +0, Intimidation +1, Investigation +0, Medicine +1,
Perception +1, Perform +1, Persuasion +1, Religion +0, Sleight of
Hand +3, Stealth +3
Languages: Common, Halfling,
Orc, Giant Other proficiencies:
Racial Traits: Lucky, Brave, Halfling Nimbleness, Stout
Abilities: Favored Enemy (Orcs, Goblins), Natural Explorer
Equipment: Hunting trap, Animal trophy,
Traveler's clothes, Dungeoneer's pack Wealth: 170
Background: Outlander (Tribal
Personality: I once ran twenty-five miles
without stopping to warn to my clan of an approaching orc horde.
I’d do it again if I had to.
I feel far more comfortable around animals than people.
Ideal: Honor. If I dishonor myself, I
dishonor my whole clan. (Lawful)
Bond: An injury to the unspoiled
wilderness of my home is an injury to me.
Flaw: There’s no room for caution in a
life lived to the fullest.