Game Notes 07-31-2020 At the Roost
They get to Glen at dinnertime. The only inn is called the Stone
Its a dump. They get to the cutoff to the Roost-Time stop at about
Val turns into a bear, Danny casts beast sense to see through his
Lorik and Val head goes off the road but following the road
They encounter giant ants.
The 2 bears encounter a giant ant
Val drops beast form
XAnt HP 52 AC 14
Lorik - 24 Val-16, Val - 12
Init: Val 8, Ant, Lorik 4
Round 1 - they engage - Erupt Earth
Round 2 - Spirit Totem-Bear
They go searching for a good camp and make a cold camp that night.
Night encounter with 4 ants-2 Hunters and 2 workers
1st Watch Danny, Ro, Lorik
Hunter Ant 1 - 56 HP, Hunter ant 2 - 49HP
Ro-38, Danny - 29 Danny
-20, Ro - 21. lorik - 13
Worker ant HP 7 Worker Ant HP 10
Init: Danny 24, Lu 23, Ant 1 21, Ro 19, Ant 2 15, Val 14
Lorik 5
Round 1 - Ant 1 down, Worker ant down
Round 2 - Worker ant down, Last ant down
They get mandibles off of each type
The rest of the night passes w/out enc.
They return to the path and head down to the roost
They walk around it clockwise and encounter the Krenshar
Init: Lu-19, Kren, Ro 18, Val-15, Danny-14, Lor 6
XKenshar 3-11 XKenshar 4-11 XKenshar 5-12 XKenshar
6- 10
Val - 27
Round 1 - Lu Blur,
Round 2 - Lu kills the last one
They see the buried bodies and knock a tooth or 3 from the Krenshar
They decide to follow the Krenshar tracks to their stinky lair
Val turns into wolf and goes into the lair and finds nothing
Ro follows the track to the ditch.
They go over to the ditch
They get into the ditch and start pulling stuff out
Val and Lu goes into the ditch,
Danny and Ro are guarding.
They hear the elfs calling out.
They all go to see what's up with the ditch
The two brothers will make a camp just to the SW of the Roost
They seem reluctant to go into the roost.
The rest go up to where Danny points out what the two have been
Its 3:00 when the brothers go into the fort to search it.
West woods are what the elves call the spiderhaunt woods.
They meet with the elves and shortly discuss what the y are up to .
Medium monstrosity, unaligned
Armor Class 13 (natural armor)
Hit Points 11 (2d8 + 2)
Speed 40 ft.
STR12 (+1) DEX15
(+2) CON12 (+1) INT3
(−4) WIS12 (+1) CHA6 (−2)
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +4
Senses Darkvision 60 feet, passive Perception 13
Languages —
Challenge ½ (100 XP)
Keen Hearing and Smell. The krenshar has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.
Scare. A krenshar can pull the skin back from its head,
revealing the musculature and bony structures of its skull.
Combining this with a loud screech produces an unsettling effect on
a single creature within 100 feet. The target must succeed on
a DC 12 Charisma saving throw, or suffer the Frightened condition.
The target can make a new saving throw at the end of each of its
turns. A creature that successfully saves cannot be affected
again by the same krenshar’s scare ability for 24 hours. The shriek
does not affect other krenshars.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 7 (2d4 + 2) piercing damage.
The krenshar is a strange creature that resembles a large but
earless hunting cat, save that it can retract the fur and skin on
its face to reveal the glistening skull and musculature underneath.
Combined with its strange, keening wail, this horrifying display is
enough to paralyze prey and send formidable opponents running.
Krenshar's retractable skin allows it to dine on carrion with a
lower risk of picking up disease-carrying vermin, much like a
vulture's bare head and neck. When the creature finishes eating,
restoring the facial skin to its normal position scrapes off gore
and clinging bugs. The ability to retract their skin is demonstrated
in other contexts as well—male krenshars bare their skulls at rivals
as a challenge over mates, females use this ability to ward off
undesired suitors, and hunting adults use it to scare prey into
Though krenshars generally prefer to stalk herd animals like deer or
cattle, they have no qualms about taking on humanoids when food is
scarce. They average 4 to 5 feet in length and weigh approximately
175 pounds.
Scholars have long debated the confusing nature of krenshar
intelligence. While clearly more intelligent than mere animals, the
creatures seem to lack all but the most rudimentary language of
snarls and yowls, and aside from the scare tactics that make them
notorious, tend to behave much like mundane cats or wolves, even
going so far as to occasionally be befriended by rangers or druids.
Those who deny krenshars' intelligence, however, need only look into
their strange violet eyes or observe the ease with which they
manipulate and outmaneuver their prey to realize their folly—an
error few make twice.
Krenshars use solitary scouts to drive prey into the waiting
clutches of the pride. The scout appears from hiding, uses its scare
ability, then chases the fleeing target to join the attack.
A krenshar was a carnivorous magical beast similar to a big cat that
could retract the skin from its face to scare prey.[
Krenshars had feline bodies[1] with spotted, shaggy fur that rose to
a spiky mane over its spine and a long, bushy tail. The skin
covering its skull was just a sheath that could be pulled back to
reveal the underlying muscles and bone structure.[2]
Krenshars were social animals[2] that ran in small packs.[1] Humans,
gnolls, and hobgoblins were known to capture krenshar cubs and
attempt to tame and domesticate them.[1] This was difficult and
dangerous, but occasionally produced fiercely loyal pets.[2]
Krenshar scouts made a loud screeching noise and displayed their
terrifying visage to scare prey toward the pride and then pursued to
herd them in the right direction and attack from behind. Both males
and females participated in the hunt. The shriek and skull reveal
had an effect similar to the scare spell. They typically attacked
with a fierce bite and two front claws.[2]
Krenshar lived in temperate regions and preferred forests,[2] hills,
and plains[1] for hunting herd animals (but would also hunt
humanoids if given the opportunity).[2] Krenshars could be
encountered as lone individuals, mated pairs, or in prides of six to
ten. Typically, a pride had two adults for every cub.[2] Blood-red
spots on their fur pattern usually indicated a pride leader or
Krenshar lived in temperate regions and preferred forests,[2] hills,
and plains[1] for hunting herd animals (but would also hunt
humanoids if given the opportunity).[2] Krenshars could be
encountered as lone individuals, mated pairs, or in prides of six to
ten. Typically, a pride had two adults for every cub.[2] Blood-red
spots on their fur pattern usually indicated a pride leader or
Giant ant
Large beast,
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 52 (7d10 + 14)
Speed 40 ft.
15 (+2) |
13 (+1) |
15 (+2) |
1 (-5) |
9 (-1) |
2 (-4) |
Senses blindsight 60 ft., passive Perception 9
Languages –
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
- Keen Smell. The giant ant has advantage on Wisdom
checks that rely on smell.
- Multiattack. The giant ant makes one bite attack
and one sting attack.
- Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) bludgeoning damage and
the target is grappled (escape DC 12). Until this grapple ends,
the target is restrained
and the giant ant can’t bite a different target.
- Sting. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5
ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage plus
22 (4d10) poison damage, or half as much poison damage with a
successful DC 12 Constitution
saving throw.
Several pony-sized ants swarm around an ant the size of a draft
horse, clacking their serrated mandibles and threatening with
their stingers. Giant ants look much like a normal ant with six
legs, a waspish segmented body, and large antenna. Their hides are
covered in thick chitin, and they have large, serrated mandibles
flanking their mouths and stingers on their tails. These stingers
are the size of a short sword, and they’re capable of stabbing and
poisoning a human
to death.
Colony Defenders. Giant ants form colonies under the
control of a queen much like their normal-sized cousins. Sterile
females form castes with the workers building the nest and caring
for larvae. Queens and male drones rarely leave the colony.
Soldiers defend the colony and forage for food.
Carry Prey Home. Giant ants are both predators and
scavengers, working in organized groups to bring down large prey and
carry it back to the nest. Giant ants tend to ignore animals away
from the colony when not foraging for food, but they quickly move to
overwhelm prey when hungry or threatened. A giant ant stands nearly
four feet tall and weighs 400 pounds, while a giant ant queen is
over five feet tall and weighs 900 pounds. Giant ants communicate
with each other primarily with pheromones but also use sound and