Hap Village

Hap is a small village in Battledale, located south of the Standing Stone halfway between Essembra and Featherdale, at the base of the former volcano, Haptooth Hill. It was minor, peaceful settlement inhabited in large part by woodcutters and herb-growers. Despite its serene nature, it did attract many adventurers looking to explore the ruins and tunnel system under Haptooth Hill.

Tower of Dracandros: The keep at the top of the hill was formerly inhabited by Dracandros and his allies rested on the top of Haptooth Hill It is now a ruin. It is currently occupied by a crazy woman
     Solva Rockslab Female Dwarf Aristocrat, N. Str 8, Dex 8, Con 11, Int 5, Wis 8, Cha 8. Solva has a narrow face, with uneven silver hair and hazel eyes. She wears fine raiment (tattered) and jewelry (imitations). Solva seeks to discover what destroyed her family. She says they were the ones who created the tower
The Millery Inn: A small rooming house that served adequate lodgings and food to those who stayed, and some who lived,in Hap. Run by
     Silas Genk.Male Human inkeeper LN. Str 11, Dex 9, Con 8, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 9. Silas has a round face, with black hair and light hazel eyes. He wears well-made clothing and a gold amulet. Sias is searching for his lost brother.
He employs Ishakalow Landstrider
Delmuth's Barrel: This large, and extremely well-stocked, general store was run by a retired, dwarven warrior.
     Horgi Pallison: Male Dwarf Fighter, LE. Str 12, Dex 11, Con 8, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 12. Horgi is slender, with curly red hair and soft hazel eyes. He wears hide armor and wields a greatsword. Horgi has an animal companion, a copper firedrake named Dwoinan.
Glarth's Anvil: The smithy of Hap provided rough, but sturdy weapons, armor and other goods made of iron.
     Garath Armstrong: Female Dragonborn Craftsman, CN. Str 9, Dex 5, Con 10, Int 11, Wis 13, Cha 11. Nisab has bronze scales and hazel eyes, and a flicking forked tongue. She wears plain clothing and carries a long knife. Nisab has an animal companion, a hawk named Abudeat.
Haestar's Woodworks: Haestar and his assistants were among the quickest in the dales to provide semi-finished woodwork.
     Haestar Edwas: Male Halfling Craftsman, NG. Str 10, Dex 12, Con 5, Int 15, Wis 6, Cha 12. Edwas has tangled auburn hair and soft gray eyes, and prominent ears. He wears travel-stained clothing and a green cloak.
Lathander's Open Hand
: A small, but bustling, stone chapel dedicated to the Morninglord
     Head Priest Elenen Bluesky: Female Half-elf Paladin, Good. Str 15, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 7, Wis 9, Cha 14. Elenen has a long face, with thin black hair and large gray eyes. She wears a breastplate and wields a 2 hand sword.

Ishakalow Landstrider (Diamonddew) Female Lvl 3 Wood Elf Barbarian (Totem Warrior - Bear)
Ability scores:   STR: 16 (+3)   DEX: 17 (+3)   CON: 16 (+3)   INT: 13 (+1)   WIS: 15 (+2)   CHA: 11 (+0)
Saving throws:   STR: +5   DEX: +3   CON: +5   INT: +1   WIS: +2   CHA: +0
Initiative: +3   Speed: 35   Passive perception: 14   Size: Medium   Proficiency bonus: +2   Gender: Female
Hit points: 35   Hit dice: 3d12
Armor: None
AC: 16

Melee weapons:
  • Great Axe (+5 to hit) 1d12+3 slashing damage
  • Warhammer (+5 to hit) 1d8(1d10)+3 bludgeoning damage
    Ranged weapons:
  • +1 Long bow (+6 to hit) 1d8+4 piercing damage   Range: 150/600   20 arrows
  • Proficient skills: Animal Handling +4, Intimidation +2, Medicine +4, Perception +4, Religion +3
    Non-proficient skills: Acrobatics +3, Arcana +1, Athletics +3, Deception +0, History +1, Insight +2, Investigation +1, Nature +1, Perform +0, Persuasion +0, Sleight of Hand +3, Stealth +3, Survival +2

    Languages: Common, Elvish, Dwarvish     Other proficiencies: Herbalism kit
    Racial Traits: Darkvision, Keen senses, Fey ancestry, Trance, Mask of the Wild
    Abilities: Rage (3 Rages, +2 damage), Unarmored Defense, Reckless Attack, Danger Sense, Primal Path (Path of the Totem Warrior), Spirit Seeker, Totem Spirit (Bear)

    Equipment: Explorer's pack, Record of Hermit studies, Common clothes, Herbalism kit   Wealth: 94 gp, 4 small gemstones worth 180 gold
    Magic Items: 3 Potions of Healing, +1 Long bow

    Background: Hermit (I was a pilgrim in search of a person, place, or relic of spiritual significance.)
    Personality: I’m oblivious to etiquette and social expectations.
    I am working on a grand philosophical theory and love sharing my ideas.
    Ideal: Greater Good. My gifts are meant to be shared with all, not used for my own benefit. (Good)
    Bond: I entered seclusion to hide from the ones who might still be hunting me. I must someday confront them.
    Flaw: I harbor dark, bloodthirsty thoughts that my isolation and meditation failed to quell.

    Dracandros of the Crimson or the Mad
    Dracandros of the Crimson was an exiled Red Wizard of Thay in Battledale in 1357 DR
    Dracandros was a promising but megalomaniac Red Wizard. He was stripped of all his property and exiled from Thay after he attacked a mind flayer ambassador during a dinner party.
    He dreamed of unleashing a new Flight of Dragons and managed to ally with the dracolich Crimdrac and to obtain the powerful Helm of Dragons.
    Dracandros later relocated to the small village of Hap, which he conquered thanks to his drow mercenaries and efreeti and salamander minions. At this point, Tyranthraxus offered to Dracandros to join the New Alliance and he agreed.
    Dracandros at last was killed by the adventuring party possessing the Azure Bonds.
    Dracandros was crazy. He believed himself one of the most powerful Red Wizards and did not understand the reasons for his exile. He was obsessed with unleashing a new Flight of Dragons, believing this was the key to returning in glory to Thay.