


  • Approximately 350; mostly human, some halfling.


  • Hoeford is governed by an arcane sorcerer, a female human named Eadild.
  • They have found a amber site they are mining.

Notable Places:

  • Wizards Eadilds.tower 3 stories brick
  • The Warrior's Alehouse: A large commoner's tavern, built within what was once an aristocrat's manor. Grableale
  • Hoober Coper - Level 1 Human Wizard
    Ability scores:   STR: 11 (+0)   DEX: 14 (+2)   CON: 12 (+1)   INT: 18 (+4)   WIS: 12 (+1)   CHA: 9 (-1)
    Saving throws:   STR: +0   DEX: +2   CON: +1   INT: +6   WIS: +3   CHA: -1
    Initiative: +2   Speed: 30   Passive perception: 11   Size: Medium   Proficiency bonus: +2   Gender: Female
    Hit points: 7   Hit dice: 1d6
    Armor: None
    AC: 12

    Melee weapons:
  • Dagger (+4 to hit) 1d4+2 piercing damage
    Ranged weapons:
  • Dagger (+4 to hit) 1d4+2 piercing damage   Range: 20/60
  • Light crossbow (+4 to hit) 1d8+2 piercing damage   Range: 80/320   20 bolts
Proficient skills: Acrobatics +4, History +6, Investigation +6, Perform +1
Non-proficient skills: Animal Handling +1, Arcana +4, Athletics +0, Deception -1, Insight +1, Intimidation -1, Medicine +1, Nature +4, Perception +1, Persuasion -1, Religion +4, Sleight of Hand +2, Stealth +2, Survival +1

Languages: Common, Halfling     Other proficiencies: Flute, Disguise kit
Abilities: Spellcasting, Arcane Recovery

Equipment: Flute, Costume, Explorer's pack, Component pouch, Spellbook   Wealth: 125 gp
Spellbook: Comprehend Languages, Find Familiar, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Witch Bolt
Current spells: Comprehend Languages, Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Tasha's Hideous Laughter, Witch Bolt     Cantrips: Chill Touch, Light, Shape Water
Spell slots: 2 first level     Spell save DC: 14     Spell Attack Modifier: +6     Can prepare 5 spells
Familiar: Sea Horse
  • Sone's Anvil: The workshop of a female human blacksmith named Phone Sone, who has been purchasing much more raw iron than usual.
  • The S. Courtyard building hides an amber mine.
  • A few NPCs:

    The Broken Arrow
    The inn is a single storey half-timbered building, with a reinforced wooden door and only a few crude tables and benches. Accomodations consist of straw mats near the hearth.


    The innkeeper is a stout female elf named Boada. She seems to never sleep.

    1. Bari: Female Dwarf Scholar, Neutral. Bari has braided white hair and hazel eyes, and large ears. She wears expensive clothing and carries a fine stiletto. Bari believes that she is the rightful heir to the kingdom of Egiond.
    2. Gundo Ginsi: Male Halfling Artist, Evil. Gundo has straight brown hair and sharp gray eyes, and an unusual mark on his leg. He wears modest garments and a sling of vials and potions. Gundo seeks a company of adventurers to escort his daughter to the orphanage of the Pantheon of Veils.
    3. Curasaer: Male Elf Priest, Good. Curasaer has black hair and soft hazel eyes. He wears modest garments and a sling of vials and potions. Curasaer seeks opponents for a drinking contest.
    4. Nelothien: Female Elf Craftsman, Evil. Nelothien has a long face, with straight auburn hair and light brown eyes. She wears plain clothing and a gray cloak. Nelothien seeks opponents for a drinking contest.
    5. Fastar: Male Halfling Aristocrat, Good. Fastar is tall, with braided gray hair and brown eyes. He wears fine raiment and several pouches hang from his belt. Fastar serves Hielik, an ancient but forgotten god of law.
    6. Cuthfleue: Female Human Peasant, Good. Cuthfleue has brown hair and bright green eyes, and a magical mark on her face. She wears modest garments and several small tools hang from her belt. Cuthfleue is quarreling with a company of elves.
    7. Verumbr: Male Halfling Scofflaw, Neutral. Verumbr is rough in appearance, with straight silver hair and soft green eyes. He wears plain clothing and carries a cedar staff. Verumbr is quarreling with a company of dwarves.
    8. Elin Storay: Female Human Scofflaw, Neutral. Elin has a long face, with white hair and light hazel eyes. She wears modest garments and carries a long knife. Elin seeks a company of adventurers to escort her daughter to the orphanage of the Pantheon of Gardens.
    1. The reeve is also the master of the Assassins Guild.
    2. Dwarven miners have accidentally awakened an ancient horror in the Biddaedca Hills.
    3. There are still many undiscovered chambers in the Halls of Wala.