

Notable Places:

A few NPCs:

Town Guard: Malia Desarna ( LG female human warrior 4 ) , captain of the guard; two 3rd-level warriors; s


  1. The Shrine of Chantea: A stone statue of Eryn, Guardian of Plants, surrounded by a garden path.
  2. House of the missing folks. Family name Restoy.
  3. Hogarts Woodwork: A cluttered woodcarver's workshop, built around a large ash tree. Sannl Ungart (LN female dwarf expert 6 ) , town councilor and trade overseer.
  4. Home of rich woman Banjatha Minwitten (N female gnome diviner 3), town councilor and most potent local arcanist;
  5. Ian Turbrand, the owner of the Coronet and Cabbage Inn and head of the council

    The inn is a single storey wooden building, with a poorly-thatched roof.  Accommodations consist of several wooden cots in the cellar and woolen blankets near the hearth.


    The innkeeper is a willowy male dwarf named Gere.

    1. Alin: Female Dwarf Merchant, Good. Alin has a long face, with thin gray hair and gray eyes. She wears plain clothing and a wooden holy symbol. Alin quietly seeks to become a vampire.
    2. Lotate: Female Elf Scofflaw, Neutral. Lotate has a round face, with thick copper hair and hazel eyes. She wears well-made clothing and riding boots. Lotate compulsively chants nonsense.
    3. Antis: Male Elf Entertainer, Good. Antis is courtly in bearing, with blonde hair and narrow amber eyes. He wears well-made clothing and silk gloves. Antis seeks revenge against the sister who betrayed him.
    1. Bizarre monsters have been encountered in the Cursed Waste.
    2. The Linkmakers Guild is looking for mercenaries.
    3. A star has fallen into the Silverwood Forest.
    4. A five-headed dragon dwells in the Desolation of Saamsuma.
    5. Magic is altered in strange ways within the Gloomy Mire.
    6. A spectral dragon has been seen in the Paratria Jungle.
    7. The old monastery on Fang Hill is haunted by ghosts.
    8. The village of Maham has been decimated by famine.
  6. House/Warehouse Egden Frumm (LN male human commoner 7), town councilor and oldest and most respected farmer in town;
  7. Store of All things - Gran Stoutbrace (LG male dwarf expert 3 ) , town councilor and owner of the General Store; Store keep Phera: Female Human Paladin, Good. Phera is rugged in appearance, with copper hair and amber eyes. She wears splint mail and wields a L.Sword. Phera serves Chauntia, goddess of good crops
  8. Shanty with lean-tos and a shack is home to Hergon Hilltopple (CG female halfling rogue 1/cleric 2 of Olidammara), town councilor and most powerful divine spellcaste who has takena vow of poverty
  9. Stone building of Malia Hussar Sgt. of the twisted tower: Female Elf Soldier, NG. Malia is fey teifling in appearance, with matted golden hair and soft hazel eyes pale yellow skin. She wears studded leather and wields a mace. Malia has a severe allergy to dragons. Donbik Dwarf and Jubar human are the missing guards.
  10. Inn of the Rising Moon - large home of a female human named Eldaltas.

    The inn is a two-storey stone-walled building, with well-made wooden tables and chairs. Accomodations consist of a single large room with wooden cots and wooden cots near the hearth.


    The innkeeper is an old female high elf named Eldaltas. She is a retired adventurer, and often tells stories of distant lands and terrible monsters.

    1. Edild: Female Human Craftsman, Neutral. Edild is short, with long black hair and light hazel eyes. She wears modest garments and carries an oak staff. Edild compulsively lies.
    2. Magnhe: Female Dwarf Mercenary, Evil. Magnhe is rough in appearance, with golden hair and hazel eyes. She wears studded leather and wields a flail and shield. Magnhe seeks to save her family from financial ruin.
    3. Olmfrisg: Female Dwarf Entertainer, Neutral. Olmfrisg is exceptionally beautiful, with black hair and green eyes. She wears tailored clothing and numerous rings. Olmfrisg seeks to atone for past sins.
    1. Lesym the merchant stole something from the Butchers Fellowship and then disappeared.
    2. An elven goddess has been seen in the woods outside town.
    3. The ravens of the Peufena Fells have gained sentience and speech.
    4. Sybel murdered Lady Bilia and then disappeared.
    5. Gare was killed by wolves in the woods outside town.
    6. The entire Physicians Guild mysteriously disappeared last night.
    7. A perpetual storm rages over the Ssimay Steppe.
    8. Abel Borne saw a cloaked wizard with a hundred eyes in the Fula Waste.