
"S5 Temple: The Parentree - Temple to Corellon Larethian. 12-story Ground/Tree
This High-Magic created massive shadowtop is 100 feet wide and 400 feet high, and its entire form has turned to ivory. Its massive, echoing hollow interior provides the breathtaking temple space, open at top and bottom for ventilation and acoustics. The Corellon’s Choir usually performs at the floor of the temple or in strategic points along the sides. The few influential people who get seated pews within the temple rest on platforms at various places up along the walls (none closer than 20 feet from the floor), while most attendees remain outside. The Parentree is a cathedral for religious celebration and performance, magically set to allow all those around the tree to hear the beauty of the choir. The Parentree is only used for performances on major holidays of the Seldarine, though highly-placed noble (or simply allies’) weddings do take place in this holiest of Cormanthyran temples from time to time. Most of the temple’s clergy live and handle the temple business out of their manse directly west of the Parentree."

This was in the times before the fall of Myth Drannor. Now, the great tree has been pulled down, broken, its roots exposed and openings to the air. Many of the limbs of the tree lie shattered under their brother limbs that were toward the broken edge of the roots. Several of the limb tunnels have been visited and looted, but many are still intact but often used as lairs for monsters.

More City Encounters

Random Encounter
  1. Spinagon (ld3)
  2. Erinyes (ld2)
  3. Spinagon (ld3)
  4. Barbazu (3d4)
  5. Spinagon (ld3)
  6. Erinyes (ld4)
  7. Hamatula (Id21
  8. Osyluth (ld4)
  9. Barbazu (4d4)
  10. DMs choice: osyluth (2d4) or erinyes
  11. (2d4) or cornugon (Id20)

  1. An oil lamp of dark iron, set with constellations of tiny gemstones
  2. A tooth from an unknown creature
  3. A dragon's fang engraved with the fiery mark of a demon lord
  4. A small brass cage which holds a tiny bear
  5. A small leather pouch of flat stones
  6. A knot of goblin hair
  7. A set of small nesting dolls of chromatic dragons
  8. An iron key with a sword-like hilt
  9. A wooden walking stick inlaid with geometric patterns in pewter
  10. A glass lens etched with geometric patterns
  11. A glass flask etched with an impossible alchemical formula
  12. A bronze candlestick which was recently given to you by a wandering peddler
  13. An electrum coin bearing the visage of a legendary thief on one side, and an dark symbol on the other
  14. A silver bell etched with endless spirals
  15. A tiny squid-like creature floating in a bottle of clear red fluid
  16. A small golden sphere with a pair of crumpled silver wings
  17. A set of small nesting dolls of elementals
  18. A pewter ring with one edge notched like a key
  19. A working wooden miniature of a ballista
  20. A wooden doll of a troll
  21. A crystalline bottle filled with a strange iridescent fluid
  22. An iron gauntlet torn from a clockwork suit of armor
  23. An ivory plaque bearing the image of crossed swords beneath four runes
  24. The bronze holy symbol of an unknown god
  25. A devil's tongue floating in a bottle of clear red fluid
  26. A glass flask etched with an impossible alchemical formula
  27. An empty crystalline bottle which weighs more than it should
  28. A ring with three keys and an iron tag engraved with a crown beneath six runes
  29. A wooden walking stick which conceals a spellcaster's wand
  30. An agate cameo of a rat
  31. A bronze oil lamp engraved with dozens of eyes
  32. A tentacle covered in eyes preserved in quartz
  33. A small leather pouch which is ten times larger when turned inside-out
  34. A stiletto dagger carved from jade
  35. A single cloth glove embroidered with the initials O.W.
  36. A stiletto dagger carved from jade
  37. A strange bronze egg marked with arcane symbols
  38. A troll's fingertip preserved in glass
  39. A petrified rose
  40. An iron key which would fit no type of lock you've ever seen
  41. A small iron box with a tiny secret compartment
  42. A broken dagger engraved with the symbol of a powerful archmage
  43. A silk handkerchief embroidered with the initials U.A.
  44. A pendant of blue stone which was recently given to you for protection
  45. Parts of a broken compass in a small leather bag
  46. A pewter amulet which was given to you to ward against a fell curse
  47. A small petrified mouse
  48. A leather gauntlet inscribed with the word "Strength"
  49. A pewter miniature of a castle entombed in glass
  50. An imp's skull floating in a bottle of clear amber fluid
  51. An ivory plaque bearing the image of a throne surrounded by four runes
  52. A small book of text of an unknown language
  53. A carved wooden figurine of a fomorian giant
  54. A glass orb etched with an impossible alchemical formula
  55. A brass bell etched with the image of a fiendish greatsword
  56. A lodestone sphere which keeps appearing in your dreams
  57. A six-sided die which was recently given to you for good luck
  58. A fragment of meteoric iron which was recently given to you for protection
  59. A wooden walking stick which conceals a spellcaster's wand
  60. A small leather pouch of various buttons
  61. A hematite sphere which keeps appearing in your dreams
  62. A bronze gauntlet with six fingers
  63. A carved wooden figurine of a great bear
  64. A wooden walking stick which conceals a spellcaster's wand
  65. A bloodstone pawn engraved with an arcane symbol
  66. An ivory flute engraved with alchemical symbols
  67. A silver bell which sounds every twelve hours
  68. A bronze torc which was given to you to ward against a fell curse
  69. The jade holy symbol of an unknown god
  70. A crystalline prism which your family has kept secret for many generations
  71. A loosely-bound folio of draconic lore and mythology
  72. A small hourglass filled with fine grey ash
  73. A crystalline shard etched and scarred by acid
  74. A wooden puzzle box which seems to be missing a piece
  75. An iron ring engraved with the initials S.W.
  76. A pendant of blue stone engraved with the symbol of a powerful archpriest
  77. A wooden sphere painted with dozens of eyes
  78. A quill pen crafted from the feather of a griffon
  79. A dragonscale bracer with three matching rings attached by fine silver chains
  80. An ancient book of the last accounts of your mentor, before her disappearance
  81. A stiletto dagger cast in lead
  82. A steel mirror etched with a map of a nearby city
  83. A glass flask filled with fine crimson sand
  84. A moonstone candlestick engraved with the symbol of a fell dragon
  85. A bronze oil lamp inscribed with the words "Light makes one realize how vast is the darkness"
  86. A silver chime etched with a map of a mythical realm
  87. A small iron box inlaid with geometric patterns in pewter
  88. A bloodstone candlestick engraved with a dark symbol
  89. A brass chime etched with geometric patterns and dwarven runes
  90. A brass bell etched with sylvan designs and elven glyphs
  91. An empty wooden box which rattles when shaken
  92. A brass oil lamp engraved with a map of the City of Brass
  93. A wooden flute which produces various birdcalls when played
  94. A key carved from the black bone of a displacer beast
  95. A monocle of green-tinted glass
  96. A ceramic ocarina which seems to attract songbirds when played
  97. A small wooden box crafted in the form of a slumbering dragon
  98. A pewter candlestick crafted in the form of a vampire
  99. A pendant of silver stone engraved with a strange rune
  100. A linen handkerchief embroidered with a different arcane glyph each time you unfold it