"S5 Temple: The Parentree - Temple to Corellon
Larethian. 12-story Ground/Tree
This High-Magic created massive shadowtop is 100 feet wide
and 400 feet high, and its entire form has turned to ivory. Its
massive, echoing hollow interior provides the breathtaking
temple space, open at top and bottom for ventilation and
acoustics. The Corellons Choir usually performs at the floor of
the temple or in strategic points along the sides. The few
influential people who get seated pews within the temple rest on
platforms at various places up along the walls (none closer than
20 feet from the floor), while most attendees remain outside.
The Parentree is a cathedral for religious celebration and
performance, magically set to allow all those around the tree to
hear the beauty of the choir. The Parentree is only used for
performances on major holidays of the Seldarine, though
highly-placed noble (or simply allies) weddings do take place
in this holiest of Cormanthyran temples from time to time. Most
of the temples clergy live and handle the temple business out
of their manse directly west of the Parentree."
This was in the times before the fall of Myth
Drannor. Now, the great tree has been pulled down, broken, its
roots exposed and openings to the air. Many of the limbs of the
tree lie shattered under their brother limbs that were toward the
broken edge of the roots. Several of the limb tunnels have been
visited and looted, but many are still intact but often used as
lairs for monsters.
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