Malar The Beastlord in Reskla
When the Claw returns to Elminster he tells them about the beast
lords who are being challenged in their role as leaders of the
animals by the were creatures led by a high level characer or
demigod. He asks them to investigate this while they wander the
A firbolg rogue was captured and cursed with lycanthropy by those in
the village of Reskla who are always on the lookout for new members.
The Firblog returned to his home village of Tangle Trees where he
tried to fit in again.
When the Claw Clan arrives in the village again he thinks they might
be able to help him and shares his secret..
There is a place in the forest that is a village of were creatures.
They are dedicated to the worship of Malar the Beast Lord.
He wants very much to be rid of the curse but none of them are
clerics. They should be encouraged to take him to Lethyhanso
Retharhe in Corellions grove.
The priest will do some divine research after hearing the story and
tell the party that there is a disturbance in the balance between
good and evil in the forest animals because of Malars influence. His
control is emanating from the village Reskla. They should be fixed
either by convincing the leader of the village to desist,
confronting Malar or killing as many in the village to secure it
against further influence.
The village of Reskla is very well fortified and is difficult to get
into much less attack.