dholes, elephants, deer, wild oxen, panthers, bears, and tigers. Cormorants, cranes, parrots, pheasants, and wild ducks are also found, and poisonous snakes are numerous.
Asian arowana
Agile Gibbon
Asian Elephant
Asiatic Softshell Turtle
Banded Krait
Batagur baska
Bengal monitor
Blood python
Burmese Python
Cantor's giant soft-shelled turtle
False gharial
Green sea turtle
Hawksbill turtle
Hog Badger
Indian Muntjac
Indotestudo elongata
King Cobra
Kting Voar
Lar Gibbon
Leatherback Sea Turtle
Leopard Cat
Lesser False Vampire Bat
Manouria emys
Marbled Cat
Pelochelys cantorii
Pileated Gibbon
Ramphotyphlops braminus
Reticulated Python
Rice-field rat
Saltwater Crocodile
Siamese Crocodile
Silvery Lutung
Water monitor