Armor: light armor, medium armor, heavy armor, shields
Weapons: simple weapons, longbow, longsword, shortbow, shortsword
Tools: none
Saving Throws: Wisdom, Charisma
Skills: Insight, Medicine, Perception, Persuasion, Religion
Languages: Common, Elvish, Giant, Celestial
Basic Attack. One target per Attack action.
Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft. Hit: 1d8+1 slashing damage. (If used two-handed in melee, does 1d10+1 damage.)
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit. Hit: 1d8+0 piercing damage. (Normal range to 80 ft.; disadvantage long range 81 to 320 ft. Must be used two-handed, reloading limits to only one attack per round regardless of extra attacks.)
Sacred Flame Cantrip. Ranged Spell Attack: Targets creature within 60 feet that you can see. That creature makes a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw or takes 2d8 radiant damage. (No damage if made save.)
Alignment: Neutral. I will help others, but avoid serious personal risks or loyalties that don't benefit me.
Acolyte Background [PHB p. 127]
Feature: Shelter of the Faithful.
Traits: Practices ritual scarification. Suffers ophidiophobia, fear of snakes.
Ideal: Seeking the chosen one.
Bond: Renown foe of faith's enemies.
Flaw: Judges only by faith's laws.
Wood Elf Traits [PHB p. 23]
Age: 164 years old
Medium Size (5' 9", 175 lbs.)
Darkvision (60 feet)
Elf Weapon Training (swords, bows)
Fey Ancestry (vs. charm, no sleep)
Keen Senses (Perception)
Mask of the Wild (hide outdoors)
Trance (4 hrs. as 8 hrs. sleep)
Cleric Class Features [PHB p. 57]
Ritual Casting
Discipline of Life (healing bonus)
Channel Divinity (2 uses betw. short or long rests)
Channel Divinity: Turn Undead (within 30 ft., Wisdom save or turned 1 min. or until damaged)
Destroy Undead (CR 1 or lower)
Channel Divinity: Preserve Life (heal 40 hp)
Blessed Healer (healing bonus)
Divine Strike (+1d8 radiant weapon)
Spellcasting [PHB p. 201]
Cantrips Known: Guidance, Light, Resistance, Sacred Flame, Spare the Dying
Prepared Spells
1st Level (4 slots): Bless*, Cure Wounds*, Bane, Command, Detect Magic
2nd Level (3 slots): Lesser Restoration*, Spiritual Weapon*, Enhance Ability, Augury
3rd Level (3 slots): Beacon Of Hope*, Revivify*, Dispel Magic, Clairvoyance, Remove Curse, Magic Circle
4th Level (2 slots): Death Ward*, Guardian Of Faith*, Divination, Banishment, Control Water, Freedom of Movement