Major Dieties
Lesser (Racial) Dieties
Deities in 5th edition
Technically, there are no "stats" or stat blocks for gods. As one
source has it:"
"You don't need to give a Avatar Stats. Shouldn't, even. They are
literally your (the GMs) will given form in the game world and as
such are not bound by the rules. They don't cast spells or make
attacks, they merely do what you want them to. As soon as you give
it stats, it can be killed. As soon as you roll a dice for it, it
become vulnerable instead of unassailable."
And while this is true, it has always been that the stats for the
gods have been for their Avatars and NOT the gods themselves. In
if a god is going to do something in the mortal realm, it is not
going to be the unkillable god but rather a manifested portion of
a god. So any stats below are for the avatar of the god. Images of
the gods that appear in the temple and such are usually derived
from a combination of an eye witness account for a avatar and the
artistic license of the craftsmen. Again, the stats below are ONLY
used when a god sends a piece of itself to the prime material
plane. This is costly to the power of the deity and is a last
resort for them.
These gods are all lesser gods that are supported by at least one
of the major deities and are intended to fit in with the allies
wanted by the major deity. Although they are lesser gods all of
them have the following power and conditions in addition to any
they may have specifically.
Allignments The One Pantheism Bobdobbs |
Neutral Alignments Twillim Yakmarta Rahsee |
Good Alignments Fluumay Maclewar Wabah Stegmen |
Evil Alignments Gotradang Gloomera Dority Kuthlu |
Greater god ARMOR CLASS: 40 MOVE: 60' or 100' (based on form) HIT POINTS: 440 NO. OF ATTACKS: 4 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2d20 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Understanding everyone gives The One the power to sway mens hearts as in Diplomacy at DC40 SPECIAL DEFENSES: Only divine weapons damage MAGICAL RESISTANCE: 20 SIZE: Medium ALIGNMENT: All WORSHIPER'S ALIGN: Any SYMBOL: a dot within a Circle PLANE: All Planes Abilities: Str 51, Dex 30, Con 34, Int 28, Wis 28, Cha 28. Always Maximize Roll: Yes Special Immunities: Transmutation, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind-Affecting Effects, electricity, cold, acid, disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, disintegration and effects that imprison or banish, Damage Reduction: 26 Spell Resistance: 48 Domain Powers: +16 Per Day Senses: Darkvision and low-light vision Favored Weapon: Mace Symbol: A Sphere or a Circle Allignment: All Alignments Initiative: +6 Skills: Any Feats: All Mage Spells: Any Cleric Spells: Any Dogma: Karma works, redemption is always possible Clergy and Temples: This religion has no temples but maintains a regular place of gathering. Priests seek to do good and encourage those who don't to seek redemption |
Holy Symbol |
As this religion does not recognize any god as being the only one
worthy of worship, their followers may be of any alignment.
Characters may chose any 2 different Domains from which to cast
spells. However, they get no additional blesssings.
Greater god Alignment. Chaotic Neutral Plane: Limbo Domains. Knowledge, Trickery ARMOR CLASS: 30 MOVE: 100" HIT POINTS: 350 NO. OF ATTACKS: 2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 8d20 SPECIAL ATTACKS: Pacification - Once per round Bobdobs can attempt to make all attacks cease. Save VS DC 50 or cease. SPECIAL DEFENSES: Animated Pipe - His pipe becomes an animated object and may unearingly block attacks from any 1 attacker MAGICAL RESISTANCE: 40 SIZE: Medium ALIGNMENT: True Neutral WORSHIPER'S ALIGN: Any SYMBOL: Smoking Pipe PLANE: Etherial and any Outer Plane CLERIC/DRUID: 18 FIGHTER: 20 MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST: 10 THIEF/ASSASSIN: 10 MONK/BARD: 20 Abilities: Str 51, Dex 30, Con 34, Int 28, Wis 28, Cha 28 Slack is forgiveness of anything. It remove regret and can reverse the effects of Karma. It is depicted by a mans head with a straight smoking pipe. |
Holy Symbol |
Greater god Alignment. Chaotic Evil Plane: Pandemonium Domains. Death, Tempest ARMOR CLASS: 29 MOVE: 18"/36" HIT POINTS: 400 NO. OF ATTACKS: 30 DAMAGE/ATTACK: !-10(x30; SPECIAL ATTACKS: See below SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to magical control, +4 or better weapon to hit, regeneration MAGIC RESISTANCE: 80%-** SIZE: L (100'tall) ALIGNMENT: Chaotic evil WORSHIPER'S ALIGN: Chaotic evil SYMBOL: /mage of Kuthlu PLANE: Prime Material Plane CLERIC/DRUID: Nil FIGHTER: As 16+ HD monster MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST: 20th level magic-user THIEF/ASSASSIN: Nil MONK/BARD: Nil PSIONIC ABILITY: I S:25( + 7, +14) 1:20 W:23 D:20 C: 25 CH:-7 |
Holy Symbol |
Levels: Fighter:
20, Cleric: 15, Bard: 15 Hit Points: 400 Speed: 60' Armor Class: 20+13+2+15+7 When in Battle Breastplate of Command, +5 Plate Armor, of the Sun, +5 Shield of Brotherhood +2 breastplate armor bestows a dignified and commanding aura upon its owner. The wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on all Charisma checks, +2 competence bonus to his Leadership, Friendly troops within 360 feet of the user become braver than normal. Plate Armor of the Sun glows with sunlight that penetrates all darkness. Creatures affected by sunlight have a -4 ST. When activated The Shield of Brotherhood becomes a copy of the gods form with 100HP. The shiled is weilded by the double who will take all damage until it's 100 HP are exhausted. When in Judgement Twillim is the ultimate authority among the gods and mortals. When called upon in this capacity he appears as a slender blined woman with a sword in one hand and a scale in the other. Attacks: 62, 62, 58, 58 Always Maximize Roll: Yes Saving Throws: Fortitude: 46, Reflex: 40, Will: 44 Checks: 20 + Greater deities always get a result of 20 on any check, provided they need to make a check at all. Special Immunities: Transmutation, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind-Affecting Effects, electricity, cold, acid, disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, disintegration and effects that imprison or banish, Damage Reduction: 30 Spell Resistance: 52 Salient Divine Abilities: Domain Powers: +20 Per Day Spell-Like Abilities: Level 30, ST 40+Spell Level Senses: Darkvision - Sight 32, Hearing 32, Smell 28, Taste 28, Feel 30 Remote Sensing: 20 Miles around 20 Locations Block Sensing: 20 Miles for 20 hours Divine Aura: 20 Miles, Will Save 36 - Daze, Fright, Resolve Familiar: Palimino Warhorse mare with silver barding. Named Beucalia Abilities: Str 51, Dex 30, Con 34, Int 28, Wis 28, Cha 28. Favored Weapon: Long Sword Symbol: a thick open book Allignment: LN Initiative: +10 Special Attacks: Blinding Ray - As blindness. Save at a DC 40 Special Qualities:Dazzling aspect Mage Spells: any 1st through 4th Cleric Spells: Any Dogma: Even gods are subject to the law. All mortals should be prepared to give their lives to the support of just rules Clergy and Temples: The clerics tend to be stern and their temples ornate. A 10% tithe is a law for worshipers Protection, Mercy, Law, Nobility, Glory, Supreme, Justice, endurance, wisdom, Truth |
Fighter: 15, Cleric:
15,Rogue: 10, Sorcerer: 10 Hit Points: 400 Speed: 60' Armor Class: 20+13+4+2=39 +5 Leather Blink Armor, Helmet of Greater Invisibility, +4 Shield of Displacement, Ring of Blur Leather Blink armor acts as Improved Blink as cast by a 15th level sorc., Helmet of Invisibility as the spells Attacks: Always Maximize Roll: Yes Saving Throws: Fortitude: , Reflex: , Will: Checks: 20 + Greater deities always get a result of 20 on any check, provided they need to make a check at all. Special Immunities: Transmutation, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind-Affecting Effects, electricity, cold, acid, disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, disintegration and effects that imprison or banish, Damage Reduction: 30 Spell Resistance: 52 Salient Divine Abilities: Domain Powers:+20 Per Day Spell-Like Abilities: Level 30, ST 36+Spell Level Senses: Darkvision and low-light vision - Sight 30, Hearing 30, Smell 30, Taste 30, Feel 30 Remote Sensing: 20 Miles around 20 Locations Block Sensing: 20 Miles for 20 hours Divine Aura: 20 Miles, Will Save 32 - Daze, Fright, Resolve Abilities: Str 51, Dex 30, Con 34, Int 28, Wis 28, Cha 28. Favored Weapon: Flail Symbol: Allignment: Initiative: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Skills: Feats: Mage Spells: Cleric Spells: Dogma: Clergy and Temples: |
Fighter: 10, Cleric:
20, Druid: 10, Sorcerer: 10 Hit Points: 400 Speed:60' Armor Class: 20+13+5=38 Never wears armor, relies on it's damage resistance and regeneration to protect him, +5 Ring of Protection Attacks: Always Maximize Roll: Yes Saving Throws: Fortitude: , Reflex: , Will: Checks: 20 + Greater deities always get a result of 20 on any check, provided they need to make a check at all. Special Immunities: Transmutation, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind-Affecting Effects, electricity, cold, acid, disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, disintegration and effects that imprison or banish, Damage Reduction: 30 Spell Resistance: 52 Salient Divine Abilities: Regeneration +30 per round Domain Powers: +20 Per Day Spell-Like Abilities: Level 30, ST 45+Spell Level Senses: Darkvision and low-light vision - Sight 34, Hearing 34, Smell 22, Taste 30, Feel 30 Remote Sensing: 20 Miles around 20 Locations Block Sensing: 20 Miles for 20 hours Divine Aura: 20 Miles, Will Save 32 - Daze, Fright, Resolve Familiar: Golden haired Unicorn named Alcosterai Abilities: Str 51, Dex 30, Con 34, Int 28, Wis 28, Cha 28. Favored Weapon: Lance Symbol: Allignment: Initiative: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Skills: Feats: Mage Spells: Cleric Spells: Dogma: Clergy and Temples: Charm, Good, Healing, Strength, Mercy, light, sun, Agriculture, Fertility Rank: 20 |
20 Levels: Fighter: 10, Cleric: 10, Rogue: 15, Sorcerer: 15 Hit Points: 400 Speed: 65' Armor Class: Attacks: Always Maximize Roll: Yes Saving Throws: Fortitude: , Reflex: , Will: Checks: 20 + Greater deities always get a result of 20 on any check, provided they need to make a check at all. Special Immunities: Transmutation, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind-Affecting Effects, electricity, cold, acid, disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, disintegration and effects that imprison or banish, Damage Reduction: 30 Spell Resistance: 52 Salient Divine Abilities: Domain Powers:+20 Per Day Spell-Like Abilities: Level 30, ST 30+Spell Level Senses: Darkvision and low-light vision - Sight 30, Hearing 28, Smell 28, Taste 32, Feel 34 Remote Sensing: 20 Miles around 20 Locations Block Sensing: 20 Miles for 20 hours Divine Aura: 20 Miles, Will Save 30 - Daze, Fright, Resolve Familiar: Ancient Black Dragon named Ruinous Abilities: Str 51, Dex 30, Con 34, Int 28, Wis 28, Cha 28. Favored Weapon: Great Ax Symbol: Allignment: Initiative: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Skills: Feats: Mage Spells: Cleric Spells: Dogma: Clergy and Temples- Darkness, Evil, Fire, Destruction, Trickery, Death, Undead, theives, lies |
Cleric: 12, Druid:
12, Ranger: 12, Sorcerer: 10 Hit Points: 370 Speed: 100' (Quadraped) Armor Class: Attacks: Always Maximize Roll: Yes Saving Throws: Fortitude: , Reflex: , Will: Checks: 18 + Greater deities always get a result of 20 on any check, provided they need to make a check at all. Special Immunities: Transmutation, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind-Affecting Effects, electricity, cold, acid, disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, disintegration and effects that imprison or banish, Damage Reduction: 28 Spell Resistance: 50 Salient Divine Abilities: Domain Powers: +18 Per Day Spell-Like Abilities: Level 28, ST 38+Spell Level Senses:Darkvision and low-light vision - Sight 36, Hearing 36, Smell 36, Taste 24, Feel 18 Remote Sensing: 18 Miles around 18 Locations Block Sensing: 18 Miles for 18 hours Divine Aura: 18 Miles, Will Save 30 - Daze, Fright, Resolve Familiar: Legendary Lion named Goldenmain Abilities: Str 51, Dex 30, Con 34, Int 28, Wis 28, Cha 28. Favored Weapon: Quarterstaff Symbol: Allignment: Initiative: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Skills: Feats: Mage Spells: Cleric Spells: Dogma: Clergy and Temples: Nature, Air, Earth, Water, Weather, Animal, Death, Plant, Healing, wind Rank: 18 |
Artifice, Creation, Travel, Fire, Crafts,
Art, Bards, ,beauty, dance, love, music, poetry Rank: 18 Levels: Fighter: 12, Cleric: 15, Rogue: 10, Sorcerer: 8 Hit Points: 360 Speed: 50' Armor Class: Attacks: Always Maximize Roll: Yes Saving Throws: Fortitude: , Reflex: , Will: Checks: 18 + Greater deities always get a result of 20 on any check, provided they need to make a check at all. Special Immunities: Transmutation, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind-Affecting Effects, electricity, cold, acid, disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, disintegration and effects that imprison or banish, Damage Reduction: 28 Spell Resistance: 50 Salient Divine Abilities: Domain Powers: +18 Per Day Spell-Like Abilities: Level 28, ST 32+Spell Level Senses: Darkvision and low-light vision - Sight 38, Hearing 28, Smell 30, Taste 28, Feel 24 Remote Sensing: 18 Miles around 18 Locations Block Sensing: 18 Miles for 18 hours Divine Aura: 18 Miles, Will Save 30 - Daze, Fright, Resolve Abilities: Str 51, Dex 30, Con 34, Int 28, Wis 28, Cha 28. Favored Weapon: Rapier Symbol: Allignment: Initiative: Face/Reach: Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Skills: Feats: Mage Spells: Cleric Spells: Dogma: Clergy and Temples: |
Magic, Knowledge, Healing, secrets, Commerce,
protection, vengence, Agility Rank: 16 Levels: Cleric15, Rogue: 5, Sorcerer: 22 Hit Points: 340 Speed: 50' Armor Class: 36 Attacks: +25 With Staff of Destruction Always Maximize Roll: Yes Saving Throws: Fortitude: , Reflex: , Will: Checks: 16 + Greater deities always get a result of 20 on any check, provided they need to make a check at all. Special Immunities: Transmutation, Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Ability Damage, Mind-Affecting Effects, electricity, cold, acid, disease, poison, stunning, sleep, paralysis, death effects, disintegration and effects that imprison or banish, Damage Reduction: 26 Spell Resistance: 48 Salient Divine Abilities: Domain Powers: +16 Per Day Spell-Like Abilities: Level 26, ST 40+Spell Level Senses: Darkvision and low-light vision - Sight 36, Hearing 38, Smell 20, Taste 28, Feel 28 Remote Sensing: 16 Miles around 16 Locations Block Sensing: 16 Miles for 16 hours Divine Aura: 26 Miles, Will Save 26 - Daze, Fright, Resolve Familiar: Giant Owl named Flewsburry Abilities: Str 51, Dex 30, Con 34, Int 28, Wis 28, Cha 28. Favored Weapon: Crossbow Symbol: Owl or a Gold Mobius Strip circle Allignment: Neutral Good Initiative: +10 Face/Reach: 5' Special Attacks: Special Qualities: Skills: Feats: Mage Spells: Cleric Spells: Dogma: Clergy and Temples: |
Intermediate Deity The clerics tend to conceal their devotion to the god destined to burn down the world. Their temples are hidden affairs, or they are enormous fortresses . Visitors to Surtur’s temples have only a few seconds to prove their devotion to Surtur before the members of the cult attack. |
Barbarian 10/Fighter 10/Rogue 10/Sorcerer 10 Medium-Size Outsider (Chaotic, Evil) Divine Rank: 15 Hit Dice: 20d8+220 (outsider) plus 10d12+110 (Bbn) plus 10d10+110 (Ftr) plus 10d6+110 (Rog) plus 10d4+110 (Sor) (1,250 hp) Initiative: +15, always first (+11 Dex, +4 Improved Initiative, Supreme Initiative) Speed: 70 ft. AC: 73 (+11 Dex, +15 divine, +28 natural, +9 deflection) Attacks: Large +5 unholy chaotic frightful morningstar +81/+76/+71/+66 melee; or spell +71 melee touch or +66 ranged touch Damage: Large +5 unholy chaotic frightful morningstar 2d6+46/19–20; or by spell Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./5 ft. Special Attacks: Domain powers, salient divine abilities, spell-like abilities, sneak attack +5d6, crippling strike. Special Qualities: Divine immunities, DR 50/+4, fire resistance 35, understand, speak, and read all languages and speak directly to all beings within 15 miles, remote communication, godly realm, teleport without error at will, plane shift at will, familiar (boars), traps, uncanny dodge (cannot be flanked, +1 against traps), SR 47, divine aura (1,500 ft., DC 33). Saves: Fort +58, Ref +58, Will +54. Abilities: Str 42, Dex 33, Con 33, Int 24, Wis 24, Cha 29. Symbol: A half-demon, halfboar mask Home Plane: Pandemonium Alignment: Chaotic evil Portfolio: Hate, envy, malice, panic, ugliness, slaughter Worshipers: Barbarians, fighters, rogues, looters, outlaws Cleric Alignments: CE, CN, NE Domains: Chaos, Evil, Madness, Trickery, War Favored Weapon:Morningstar The deity of slaughter, Dority, is a terrible sight to behold. He usually appears as a human with knotted muscles and a blocky frame. His skin is mottled and ruddy, almost as though blood oozes from his pores. In battle, his features change between human, gnoll, bugbear, ogre, and troll. This mutable form is reflected in his title, The Many. He wields a two-handed morningstar in battle. This weapon has a perforated stone head that makes frightening sounds whenever Erythnul swings it. Dogma Doarity is a brutal deity who delights in panic and slaughter. In civilized lands, his followers (including evil fighters, barbarians, and rogues) form small, criminal cults. In savage lands, evil barbarians, gnolls, bugbears, ogres, and trolls commonly worship him. He admonishes his followers to shed blood for its own sake, to covet what is not theirs, and to destroy anyone who would deny them anything. He further urges them to bring ugliness and strife to pleasant locales. He encourages human sacrifice and glories in ritual deathj of all kinds. To take something away from someone else—especially from a rival—is an exalted act in Erythnul’s eyes. Foes who cannot be killed should be maimed, and that which cannot be stolen should be destroyed. Clergy and Temples Doarity’s clerics favor rust red or bloodstained garments. They are cruel, sadistic, and hateful. They maintain a low profile in most civilized lands. In savage areas, members of the priesthood are known as bullies and murderous tyrants. They love to deface beautiful things and to disfigure attractive people. Anyplace where great bloodshed or a spectacular act of cruelty has occurred is considered a holy site and an excellent place for a temple dedicated to Erythnul. In the countryside, Erythnul’s followers build squat, unsightly fortresses in places where battles, ambushes or massacres have occurred. In urban areas, Doarity’s temples are usually hidden in seedy sections of cities, preferably on sites where horrible crimes have happened. |
ARMOR CLASS: 24 MOVE: 18" (48" through forests,) HIT POINTS: 333 NO. OF ATTACKS: 3/2 DAMAGE/ATTACK: 5-50 (+14; SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil SPECIAL DEFENSES: Wolfhound (see below) MAGIC RESISTANCE: 30% SIZE: M (T) ALIGNMENT: Neutral WORSHIPER'S ALIGN: Dwellers of the forest SYMBOL: An animals outline (by Cult) PLANE: Elysium CLERIC/DRUID: 14th level in each FIGHTER: 13th level fighter MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST: 19th level THIEF/ASSASSIN: 10 MONK/BARD: 20th level bard S: 25 ( + 7, +14; 1:24 W: 25 D: 24 C: 25 CH: 23 Stegmen looks like a man with with the head of an animal. He can control any number of animals and creatures of the forest with the sound of his voice. He has the power to make plants grow and/or shrink at any rate he wills. He wears armor made of leaves that act like +5 plate mail and his mallet is constantly with him. This +5 wooden weapon strikes for 5-50 points in his hands. A giant wolfhound fights at his side (ACS, HD 10, hp 100, #AT1, D 2-20; regenerates 5 hit points per melee round). It is so fast that no matter how many beings strike at his master, the dog will take the damage. Stegmen is worshiped by druids and their followers, and he is a protector of the places of the druids: their groves, their villages and colleges, and their paths through the woods. There is a 1% chance that he will appear whenever harm is done to a high level druid or his or her grove. |
ARMOR CLASS: 23 MOVE: 12"/!2" HIT POINTS: 376 NO. OF ATTACKS: 0 DAMAGE/ATTACK: Nil SPECIAL ATTACKS: Nil SPECIAL DEFENSES: See below MAGIC RESISTANCE: 100% SIZE: M (5') ALIGNMENT: Lawful good WORSHIPER'S ALIGN: Lawful good and all suffering beings SYMBOL: Image of the goddess holding a child PLANE: Seven Heavens CLERIC/DRUID: 25th level cleric/14th level druid FIGHTER: Nil MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST: 12 THIEF/ASSASSIN: 5 MONK/BARD: 15th level bard S:8 1:25 W: 25 D: 12 C: 22 CH:25 Gerduna appears as a slim young woman wearing a gold brocade dress. Her main attribute is the ability to negate any single act of violence directed at anyone, once per melee round. When a being accomplishes a good act affecting 50 or more worshipers of Kuan Yin, and if the goddess is near, that being may be granted a wish (5% chance). No act of violence can be directed towards her by any being in the universe. For example, she could walk safely through 500 different types of demons and devils and never be harmed. She has the powers of a 20th level magic-user, though she will never use her spells to cause harm. Her main following is with the common folk and all may work in her cause and expect to be rewarded someday. Her clerics are the peacemakers and healers of the world. Their temples are open to all and are often the source of food for the hungry and healing for the sick and injured. |
ARMOR CLASS: 4 MOVE: 12"/24" HIT POINTS: 259 NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 DAMAGE/ATTACK: MO SPECIAL ATTACKS: Charm SPECIAL DEFENSES: Nil MAGIC RESISTANCE: 50% SIZE: M (5'A') ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good WORSHIPER'S ALIGN: Chaotic beings SYMBOL: Sea shell PLANE: Olympus CLERIC/DRUID: 10th level cleric FIGHTER: Nil MAGIC-USER/ILLUSIONIST: 12th level magic-user/?5th level illusionist THIEF/ASSASSIN: Nil MONK/BARD: 10th level bard PSIONIC ABILITY: VI S:19( + 3, +7) 1:20 W: 20 D: 23 C:2J CH: 25 The goddess of love and beauty, Geruna's main ability is to generate strong passion in mortals and gods alike. In every one of her shape changed forms she is beautiful. She is able to charm either sex, and once a person has viewed her and not made their saving throw against her charm, they can never attack her again. The simple wave of her hand causes 1-10 hit points of pain to any who would harm her, no saving throw. Her clerics sacrifice doves to her every 10 days and objects of art and lovely pieces of jewelry are destroyed on her altar every new moon. All of her female clerics must have a 15 or greater charisma and her male clerics must have a constitution of 16 or better. Aphrodite is an extremely vain and jealous goddess. If any character should unfavorably compare Aphrodite's charm to his or her own, there is a 10% chance that the goddess will hear and seek vengeance. |
Lawful | Neutral | Chaotic | |
Good | Lawful Good. | Neutral Good. | Chaotic Good. |
Neutral | Lawful Neutral, | Neutral. | Chaotic Neutral. |
Evil | Lawful Evil. | Neutral Evil. | Chaotic Evil. |
Outer Plane |
Residents Alignment |
Mount Celestia, the Seven Heavens of Bytopia, the Twin Paradises of Elysium, the Blessed Fields of The Beastlands, the Wilderness of Arborea, the Olympian Glades of Ysgard , the Heroic Domains of Limbo, the Ever-Changing Chaos of Pandemonium, the Windswept Depths of The Abyss, the Infinite Layers of Carceri, the Tarterian Depths of Hades, the Gray Waste of Gehenna, the Bleak Eternity of The Nine Hells of Baator Acheron, the Infinite Battlefield of Mechanus, the Clockwork Nirvana of Arcadia, the Peaceable Kingdoms of |