Fransica - Capitol of Funnundia

Fransica City Small Map, Funnundai Area Map, Big Labled Map
NPCs, Townspeople, City Scenes, Encounters

The Livery of the city is Navy Blue with silver piping or Gray with Navy Blue piping for the Military.

The Volcano and The Castle

The castle is built on a huge outcropping that is the remains of a small volcanic cone. The castle is built in the caldera. The sides of the small mountain are very steep. On the sea side, they rise directly out of the ocean. At several times in the past the impressed workers of the city have worked on the sea stone to chop away and form an almost vertical rise from the water with the stone taken from the side is spread out for hundreds of feet out from the foot of the castle making it impossible for any kind of boat to navigate to the side of the volcano.

This outcropping was created only 10K years ago in a violent volcanic eruption. The sides of the volcano cone are of a very hard, high temprature lava. Near the bottom of the cone (toward the city and away from the castle) obsidean is common and fashioned into many usefull and beatiful objects. At places inside the cone, under the castle are many pockets of pumice. These are often joined together with lava tubes forming a natural maze of passageways. There is a miniature castle built on an extreme outcropping of stone on the Seaward edge of the volcano called the "Swallows Nest".

There are only 3 ways to get to the Castle at the top of the volcano. You can scale the sides, but all the easy handholds and pathways have been intentionally removed making each 100' area dangerous enough to require a climb walls roll of  DC18. There is a well marked trail of switchbacks that leads up and is wide enough for a heavy horse drawn cart to navigate. At the end of every switchback there is a small rocky emplacement where archers have a clear bowshot all along the path below. The upper 6 emplacements mount a small balista. There is also a cart that goes sideways up the mountain (like the car at the restaraunt). It has brass shot wheels and rides at a steep angle. The cart has been constructed so the bed is flat and meets up with a dock at the bottom that will load litterly tons of material for lifting to the castle. The castle side also has a dock so the materials can be easily moved inside the castle. There is a huge counterweight made magically by doing rock to mud and mud to rock to form this massive rock from the broken pieces from the road construction. A capstan moved by 4 Oxen moves the cart up and down.

The River Aharea
There is a river that flows through an area just S. of the castle mount and forms a small river delta. There is an area between the river and the mountain that is the toughest part of town. The docks for both the river traffic and the oversea traffic meet in this area. The seamen and the rivermen don't get along so fights in the taverns there are common.

Outer wall is 30' high stone wall 15' thick.

The City of Fransaica

The city lies at the foot of the castle mount. The city wall runs from
The old wall is a berm with bamboo covered with dirt and tile with a rampart on the top made from more bamboo spikes high enough for a man to hide behind. The New Wall is made of mortered river stone so that it looks like a cobblestone road.

Old Town Districts
The entire area inside the Old wall is technically speaking part of "Old Town" but in practice, the Docks area is mentioned seperatly. And for good reason. The Old Town area is where the nice folks, the prosperous merchants and the nobility live. This area is devided into two parts: Uptown and Downtown. Uptown is north of the Old Gate road and Downtown is south.

The Docks
The Docks are in the SW most part of the city and surrounds the Sea docs. A few of the buildings are made of volcanic stone from the mountain but all the newer buildings are made out of bamboo with the exception of 3 that are made from Eucalyptus wood. Although there is plenty of money floading around in the docs district there is little attention paid to the condition of the buildings there. There is a general feeling of disrepair and cosmetic indifference. Most of the smaller streets are very irregular and narrow. The main roads are the only exception in this district. This place is populated by the dock workers, sailors, cutthroats, theives and whores. Pawn shops, warehouses, flop houses, boarding houses and taverns are the most common buildings.

Docks - Warehouses, dives, flop houses, Import goods, Theives guild
  1. Mama's General store
  2. The Gentle Mermaid Inn and Tavern
  3. Sea Serpent Tavern, Odd goods
  4. Rope and Sail - Guild Shop
  5. The Tatooed Maid Tavern
  6. Fine Wine and Spirits Tavern
  7. Good Shipmates Festhall
  8. Rush In Saloon
  9. Inn at the Docks
  10. Grabble Imports Warehouse
  11. Duke Jasspers Fine Imports - General store
  12. Wilburs Weapon shop
  13. Papermakers Hall Guild HQ - Stationers, Parchment
  14. Gareth the Net Shop (ExArena fighter. Fishing and fighting nets)
  15. The Fresh Fish Bar and Grill
  16. Docks Best Fine Fish - Dried and Cured
  17. Arnagus the Shipwright
Downtown is where the nobility live. Each "villa" is surrounded by a small garden and most are walled or enclosed somehow with the garden on the inside. The district reeks of money and power and is heavily patrolled by private guards who are paid by the folks who own the houses, not by the city. All activity is closely monitored here  All persons are welcome to walk around but anyone making a disturbance or looking suspicious are challenged at sword point.
Downtown - Nobility, Civil Servants, Gems and Banks
  1. Fine Gems and Metalwork by Eman
  2. Exotic Furs of the Jungle
  3. The Great Inn of Katalina
  4. Jomcool's Gems and Jewels - Promanade
  5. House of Fine Carvers - Carpentry Guild outlet store
  6. The Pampered Traveler Inn
  7. Horn of Plenty Casino
  8. Blananka - Moneychanger/Bank
  9. Grani the Moneylender /Bank

4 Jomcools Gems and Jewlery
Tryggvi, male human Sor4:  CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 3 in. tall); HD 4d4+8; hp 19; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +0 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +7; AL NE; Str 6 (-2), Dex 11 (+0), Con 15 (+2), Int 13 (+1), Wis 12 (+1), Cha 14 (+2).
Skills and feats:  Balance +1, Hide +0, Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +3, Knowledge (History) +2, Knowledge (Local) +3.5, Listen +1, Move Silently +0, Ride +1, Sense Motive +4, Spot +1; Brew Potion, Craft Wondrous Item, Iron Will.
Possessions:  3,300 gp  in gear.
Sorcerer Spells Known (6/7/4):  0th -- Acid Splash, Dancing Lights, Flare, Message, Open/Close, Read Magic.  1st -- Color Spray, Endure Elements, Magic Missile.  2nd -- Spectral Hand. 

8 Naomi Blanaka, female human Bbn1:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 1d12; hp 12; Init +2; Spd 40 ft.; AC 12; Attack +2 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +2, Will -1; AL NE; Str 12 (+1), Dex 15 (+2), Con 10 (+0), Int 6 (-2), Wis 8 (-1), Cha 7 (-2).
Skills and feats:  Climb +5, Hide +2, Listen -1, Move Silently +2, Perform (Percussion Instruments) +0, Spot -1, Survival +3; Dodge, Track.
Possessions:  900 gp  in gear.
Armor and arms not allowed. Guarded by 2 apes in steel plate armor. A tent outside is used to remove armor and weapons.
The Human Kalate is in charge of the money changing.
They exchange their silver pieces for gold pieces. 450gp and 250sp

9.Grani, male human Com1:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 1d4-2; hp 2; Init -1 (-1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 9 (-1 Dex); Attack +1 melee, or -1 ranged;
SV: Fort +0, Ref -1, Will +0; AL LN; Str 13, Dex 8, Con 6, Int 11, Wis 10, Cha 15.
Languages Spoken:  Celestial, Common, Sylvan.
Skills and feats:  Hide -1, Listen +2, Move Silently -1, Perform (String Instruments) +4, Profession (Hunter) +5, Speak Language +2, Spot +0; Great Fortitude, Skill Focus (Profession (Hunter)).
Possessions:  4 gp  in gear.
Uptown houses some of the nicest shops in town. Particularly in the section along Old Gate road, the selection of goods of high quality is excellent. The nice saloons and Inns are in this district on the smaller roads off of Old Gate. Although the smaller streets in this area are less twisted than those in the Dock and Downtown, they are seldom straight for very long. In the northern part of Uptown are the seafood vendors and the powerful Fishermens Guild. They surround the smaller doc in that section. A number of residances of the upper merchants houses are located to the NE section of the Uptown area. For the most part the people living here make their money in trade or by the fishing aquaculture business.
Lots of smoked, pickled and sulfer treated fish is prepared near the NW dock.

Uptown - Aquaculture, fish, Nice houses, expensive inns
  1. General Dixstone's Sundries Store
  2. Green Cavern Tavern and Restaurant
  3. Home Cooking Inn
  4. Gold Dragon Inn
  5. Suite Songs - Lutes & Harps
  6. Warehouse of the Fish
  7. House of Cleanliness Launderers’ Guild
  8. Seaweed Boutique
  9. Popeye's Shipwright
  10. Fish of Sea and Stream
  11. Happy Fishing Tackle and Bait

2 Green Cavern Tavern and Restaurant
Hjalti, male human Com7:  CR 6; Size M (5 ft., 9 in. tall); HD 7d4; hp 18; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack +6 melee, or +5 ranged; SV Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +6; AL LE; Str 17, Dex 14, Con 10, Int 16, Wis 15, Cha 13.
Languages Spoken:  Auran, Common, Elven, Halfling.
Skills and feats:  Craft (Blacksmithing) +12, Craft (Carpentry) +10, Craft (Leatherworking) +13, Craft (Pottery) +10, Craft (Sculpting) +10, Craft (Trapmaking) +13, Hide +2, Jump +13, Listen +4, Move Silently +2, Spot +4; Alertness, Iron Will, Point Blank Shot, Run.

This place has 4 floors 2 underground and 2 above.

Old Gate Road
This used to be called the Gate road, but when the new wall went up they started calling it the Old Gate road. It is cobblestone like all the rest of the main roads, but is much, much older. When the Old wall went up, all the less fortunate merchants could not afford the tax that was placed on protected businesses to pay for the new wall. They were forced outside and they tended to gather near the city gate on either side of the road. For security, no permanent buildings were allowed withing 100 yards of the city gate. Thus the area long the road just out of the embargoed area became a spot for both the permanent buildings and the merchants with their carts and barrows to sell their wares. When the new wall went up, the Market Square remained in it's old location, but became more respectable and more up scale. All the main roads in the New Wall area lead to the Market Square.

New Town
Meddows District - Upper middle class, parks, city buildings
  1. Pastries by Ladies Who Care
  2. Froju - Frozen Juice
Arena District - Toughest part of New Town. Military barracks, weapon smithies, hucksters
  1. The Galloping Minotaur
  2. Most Refined Tavern and Restaurant
  3. Festhall of the Fighters
  4. Arena Tavern
  5. Soldiers Liberty Festhall
  6. Bets and Book - Saloon and Grill
  7. Arthur Armor
  8. Excellence Inn
  9. Palace Warehouse
  10. Palace Stables
  11. Palace Paddocks
  12. Fines'keyen Famous Weapons
  13. Maurica Warehouse

Arthur Armors -
Arthur Kolskegg, male human Exp5: 
CR 4; Size M (5 ft., 4 in. tall); HD 5d6-5; hp 16; Init +4; Spd 30 ft.; AC 14; Attack +1 melee, or +7 ranged; SV Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +4; AL LN; Str 6 (-2), Dex 18 (+4), Con 8 (-1), Int 14 (+2), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 9 (-1).
Skills and feats:  Appraise +7, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +10, Craft (Armorer) +9, Escape Art +12, Handle Animal +7, Heal +3.5, Hide +4, Intimidate +1, Jump +0.5, Knowledge (History) +4, Listen +0, Move Silently +4, Perform (Sing) +10, Ride +9.5, Search +6, Spot +0; Combat Expertise, Skill Focus (Ride), Skill Focus (Perform (Sing)).
Possessions:  4,300 gp  in gear.

12. Fines'keyen Famous Weapons

Catherine Fines'Kine,
female human Com3:  CR 2; Size M (4 ft., 8 in. tall); HD 3d4-9; hp 3; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +3 melee, or +2 ranged; SV Fort -2, Ref +2, Will +2; AL LN; Str 14, Dex 13, Con 4, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 12.
Languages Spoken:  Common.
Skills and feats:  Craft (Blacksmithing) +9, Craft (Carpentry) +2, Craft (Painting) +5, Hide +1, Listen +7, Move Silently +1, Spot +1; Blind-Fight, Run, Skill Focus (Craft (Blacksmithing)).
Possessions:  12 gp  in gear.
Jalobar is their salesperson
Gauntlets 1gp2sp Brass in Leather same as in PH.
Steel Dagger 250 gp for local production
750 foe an Enland dagger.
1 GP for brass dagger
1 gp 2 sp for obsideon
Wooden, obsodiean tips 3 sp - Brass tipped 4sp
Steel Rapier 2500gp
Scimitar Brass - 7gp3sp, Obsidian - 4 gp
Leather sheithes for daggers 3 or 4 sp
S.Sword brass w/steel edge - 8gp 2 sp
Brass Warhammer - 8gp 3sp
Obsedian or Brass Arrow - 20 1gp
Frog Leg arrows - 2 sp
Arrows of Flame - 3sp
wedgetip arrows or "Climbing arrows"- 2sp (1/4 normal range)
Steel edged brass L. Sword 12gp 5 sp
Steel edged brass scimitar 16gp

The factory / workrooms are in the back of the store. The Giant size L. Sword is over the door in the front of the building.
2 sets of doors. Stone building First is a portcullis that opens onto a brick corredor with a double bar style swinging doors inside
Steel Weapons from Fines'keyen
She gets a shipment of steel weapons from the other contanent 3 weeks after they first contact her.
Three weeks after they get to the city the shipment comes in. THere is a 10% chance of a steel weapon in the shipment at 10x (9x for them) the normal price per weapon,
She agree to rent forge for 5gp per wk for their use.

Guilds District - Craftsmen shops and factories
  1. Cornicopia General store
  2. Splendid Shoes by Hena'a
  3. Guild HQ: Glass-Blowers
  4. The Master Baker’s Hall - Guild Hall
  5. Quick One Tavern
  6. Swooping Eagle Tavern
  7. Ye Old Fellowship Hall - Food and Board
  8. Natick Warehouse
  9. Pewterer Guildhall - Peweter work
  10. Costumer’s Hall Guild HQ: Tailors
  11. Thentawa’s Boots Shoe store
  12. House of Song Guild HQ: Musicians
  13. Patient Fingers Finework Woodcraft shop
  14. Office of the League Guild HQ: Basketmakers
  15. The Old Guildhall Guild HQ: Plumbers
  16. Thond Glass and Glazing Glass shop
  17. The Zoarstar Guild HQ: Scribes & Clerks
  18. House of Textiles Guild HQ: Weavers - Seaweed is grown that provides strong fibers for their craft.
  19. Cobblers  Guild HQ: Cobblers
  20. The Stone House Guild HQ: Roofers & Carpenters
Midtown District - Lower middle class servants, cheap Inns and the upper class saloons
  1. Jonker's General Store and Specialities
  2. Sweet Smell Candles and Soap
  3. Tuskaloosa Tavern 
  4. Festhall of the Rising Sun
  5. Careful Butler Inn
  6. Royal Chartographer
  7. Royal Chartographer - Midtown Blvd.

7-Royal Chartographer
Norendd, male dwarf Exp15: 

CR 14; Size M (3 ft., 11 in. tall); HD 15d6; hp 66; Init +1 (+1 Dex); Spd 20 ft.; AC 11 (+1 Dex); Attack +11/+6/+1 melee, or +12/+7/+2 ranged;
SV: Fort +5, Ref +6, Will +11; AL CN; Str 10, Dex 13, Con 11, Int 12, Wis 14, Cha 8.
Languages Spoken:  Common, Dwarven, Giant, Gnome, Orc, Undercommon.
Skills and feats:  Craft (Alchemy) +13, Craft (Armorsmithing) +3, Craft (Blacksmithing) +3, Craft (Mapmaking) +15, Craft (Pottery) +12.5, Craft (Sculpting) +7.5, Craft (Stonemasonry) +3, Craft (Trapmaking) +12, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +3, Hide +1, Listen +4, Move Silently +1, Speak Language +4, Spellcraft +22, Spot +25, Tumble +20; Alertness, Skill Focus (Craft (Pottery)), Skill Focus (Tumble), Skill Focus (Spot), Skill Focus (Craft (Alchemy)), Skill Focus (Spellcraft).
Possessions:  59,000 gp  in gear.

North Gate District - Old Gate Road shops, high price Inns, City Burial Ground
  1. House of Crystal - Denik Road - NG1
  2. Inn of The Grinning Lion - Denik Road - NG2
  3. Palace of Purple Silks - Denik Road - NG3
  4. Tavern - Bazooms - Old Gate Road - NG4
  5. Boony Las Tavern - Denik road - NG5
  6. Saloon - Rocky's - NG6
  7. Inn Of Ultimate Joy - Denik Road NG7 Rooms from 2 to 5 GP per night with meals from 1sp to 12 sp for a feast. Includes a hot bath with assistance.
  8. Warehouse - Tesak - NG8 - Not Open to the Public - KEEP OUT!
  9. Warehouse - Steals and Deals on this and that - Slide Street 9
  10. The Staying Alive - Shield & Armor Shop - Denik Road 10
  11. The Citadel of the Arrow Guild HQ: Bowyers, Fletchers - Road of Plenty 11
  12. Wheel Hall Guild HQ: Wheelwrights - Denik Road 12
  13. The Keenest Edge - Fine Swords Weapons Shop - NG13
Inn of The Grinning Lion - Denik Road - NG2
Tosti, female human Com1:  CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 1 in. tall); HD 1d4-3; hp 1; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +0 melee, or +0 ranged;
SV: Fort -3, Ref +0, Will +0; AL NE; Str 11, Dex 11, Con 4, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 8.
Languages Spoken:  Common.
Skills and feats:  Craft (Bowmaking) +2, Craft (Weaponsmithing) +0, Hide +0, Listen +0, Move Silently +0, Spot +0, Swim +5; Run, Skill Focus (Swim).
Possessions:  4 gp  in gear.
Ivar, male human Com1: 
CR 1; Size M (5 ft., 7 in. tall); HD 1d4+3; hp 7; Init +0; Spd 30 ft.; AC 10; Attack +2 melee, or +0 ranged;
SV: Fort +3, Ref +0, Will +1; AL LE; Str 14, Dex 11, Con 17, Int 7, Wis 13, Cha 13.
Languages Spoken:  Common.
Skills and feats:  Craft (Carpentry) +2, Hide +0, Listen +5, Move Silently +0, Spot +1; Martial Weapon Proficiency (pick, light), Run.
Possessions:  4 gp  in gear.
They have 4 rooms max the rate is 4 gp per day or 12gp per week per room.

The Bury Grounds
  1. Mariner’s Rest Tomb
  2. Hall of Heroes Tomb
  3. Hall of Sages Tombs
  4. Warriors of Waterdeep Monument
  5. The Merchant’s Rest Tomb
  6. House of the Homeless Tomb
  7. Weary Steed Stables
  8. Very Clean Stables
  9. Surthlan’s Metalwares Metalwork shop

South Gate District - Healers, apothacaries, magic, potions unlanded upper class. temple hill
  1. What You Need - General store
  2. House of Healing
  3. Wands of Magic and Power
  4. Guild HQ: Apothecaries
  5. The Wandering Wemic Tavern
  6. Inn at the Gate
  7. Laksiu Warehouse and Timberyard
  8. Rare and Wondrous Treasures
  9. Pascales Philtres
  10. Stables - Clean and Cheap
Market Square
  1. The Market Hall
  2. Belmonder’s Meats Butcher shop
  3. Meiroth’s Fine Silks Cloth shop
  4. The Grey Serpent Inn
  5. Serpentil Books
  6. Redbridle Stables
  7. Balthorr’s Treasures
  8. Moneylender’/Bank
Temples in the Temple District
  1. House of Law - Twillim
  2. House of the Healing - Maclewar
  3. House of Inspired Hands - Fluumay
  4. Shrine of Yakmarta - Godess of Nature
  5. Spell House - Wabab
  6. Multi-denominational - Pantheism, Rahsee
  Market Square

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