Maskepar City


This city is the home of the King of Funnundia and it's seat of government.
The topology of the city is key in it's layout. The city lies in a low spot between the coast and a basalt ridge that forms a high cliff at the sea. The city is built largely on sedimentary rock which tends to be quite soft. The cliff has several high spots. The King's fort is build on one that is north of the city proper, Castle Franscia is located on the tallest of these which is near the center of the city. There is another very high hill south of the city where Fort Franscia is located. This fort is also the dungeon prison for state criminals.

City Census
There are 33,000 people in Franscia when the campaign starts. 90% of these are human. The minority represtation is 2% Elf, 2% Midget, 2% Dwarf, 1% or less of the rest of the races. Although there is little overt raceism in the city, there is some resentment of the elves, some fear of the dwarves and apes and hostility toward the Aslan and Vargr.

North City Docks
These are well north of the city. There is a cobblestone paved road leading to the city that is barely wide enough for 2 large carts to pass each other.
The 3 small docks are used by the local fishing fleet. There are normally about 25 boats moored there in the evenings, but this may swell to 50 in the early spring when the A'alran fish are swarming in the cold waters off shore.
The larger dock is reserved for use by the Kings Navy. The dry docks are hear as well. There are usually 2 ships of the line and some of the smaller ships here.

South Docks
This dock is much farther from the city than the north docks so it is less frequented by the local fishermen although there is a single large dock they are allowed to use. The bulk of the Funnundia navy is moored here. There are always at least 6 ships of the line docked here and half of these are taken out to guard the sea near the city every day and brought back each night unless there has been an alert of some kind.
The King has a fleet totaling:
8 Ships of the line
6 Courvettes
12 Assorted smaller ships
24 Boats with sails

Castle Franscia
The castle was built 740 years ago by King Bluseco the Wise who decreed it be built on this location as it is has so many resources nearby and due to the maze of underground water passages that make it almost impregnable to attack and seige.
This is the main fortification of the city and the redoubt for all the officials of Funnundia. Although the city proper has no walls, the castle is fortified with 2 walls. The lower wall was built about 330 years ago and joined together the lower fortifications that were built soon after the primary castle wall.
There are 3 main fortifications below the castle and 3 more smaller guard towers facing the city. There are 2 cobbled paths leading up to the main gate of the castle. Just before the rise begins, there is a guard house next to these paths that will challenge anyone going up to make sure they are authorized for castle business. In between these two guard houses is the National Stable that has some of the best horses in the area.
The governmental buildings are located between the outer and inner walls; some on the higher level and some on the lower level. The inside of the inner wall is occupied only by the King's Militia, the Official Residence and the Nobles Court.

Fort Franscia
This is a relativly small fortress that guards the roads south of the city. It has 4 6 story high towers in the corners, a baily in the center that is 4 stories high and a wall around it that is 20' high. The only entrance is through the SE tower. Below this fort is the National Prison Dungeon. This has houseing for 412 prisoner and is one of the worst places in Funnundia to be incarcerated. The prisoners are used as forced labor to be constantly enlarging the dungeon under the fort and the maze of passages under the castle as well. The fortress itself is fairly comfortable, but the sandstone caverns are always damp, cold and filled with biting insects from the nearby marshes.

Lake Normeta
This lake has the freshest water of any source within the city. There is a basalt rock dam between this lake and the city the prevents the sea water from backing up into it. The Normeta Branch of the Domesta river feeds fresh water into this lake providing it with a constant flow of fresh water. The water flowing out of this lake in the Oona River is also very fresh, but become quickly polluted by the people in the north part of the city that dump all kinds of garbage into it despite city regulations to the contrary.
Fishing is not good in this lake as it was almost fished to extintion a century ago. Since that time, net fishing has been prohibited and there are no docks allowed which prevents the use of large boats. Dozens of one man and two man fishing boats can be seen on the lake every day the weather permits and more that a hundred families make their living from fishing and harvesting the plants that grow in the lake.

Semica Marsh
This area including the eastern portion of the Semica branch of the river are dry from mid summer until the late fall monsoons begin. It is a more useful marsh than the North Marsh as it dries up during the summer. During this period, the area along the dry river bed are planted by farmers most of who live in the New Franscia district. As this area floods each winter, it does not support houses, but is very fertile. Some hardy souls try to grow rice in the short warm period between the begining of the monsoon season and the winter chills, but there are frequently ruined by either flooding or an early freeze.
No one goes near this area between the end of winter and early spring while the marsh is at it's most soggy time. Until the water dries, the swarms of mosquitoes and leaches will eat anything that ventures into the area. These swarms regularly make their way to the New Maskepar and Marsh districts making life miserable for those who can't affort netting or the smoky "Marsh Candles" that help keep them off.

North Marsh
This marsh is mostly solid ground, and remains that way almost year round. Naturally, heavy rains will make a quagmire of this area, but folks have used fallen trees and rocks from their gardens to make paths throughn the marsh that make it somewhat navicable year round. This marsh is the source of most wood used in the city. The Eucaliptus trees that line the edge of the marsh grow quickly and the eastern marsh area near the Normeta branch has been heavily planted with bamboo trees that are harvested in any number of forms all year round. The basalt intrusion runs along the SW area of the lake between the two rivers. This creates a buffer zone of reasonably dry ground between the marsh and the lake proper. The sandstone that is under the marsh helps keep the area more solid that Semica marsh. The bamboo and trees make it impractical to farm this area.

Lake Lucet
Although this lake is somewhat brackish, it is still drinkable. The most desirable district in the city borders on this lake. It is most commonly used as a recreational spot with the small docks along the SE side houseing dozens of small vessels many of which are for rent. In summer the shores are covered with people swiming in this lake. Fishing is officially prohibited on this lake but it does contain a much prized variety of anchovie. As a result there is a fair amount of poaching that take place in the dead of night by fishermen who use special silent and darkened boats.

Lake Baratara
This lake is the city dump area. It is too brackish to use for drinking even for animals, but is not stagnet as it is fed by the Baratara branch of the river. The south area of the lake is the most damp area of the Brack Marsh. Fortunatly for the folks in the south area of the city, the Brack Marsh has too much salt in it to support a large population of biting insects. It does have many other dangers in the form of monsters who are not at all bothered by the salt. Many of the folks in the Baratara district make their living by hunting species of monsters and animals that the city has placed a bounty on. This monster bounty has prevented most (but not all) of the wandering monster encounters in the city. The North and West areas of this lake are the most poluted with the waters near the intersection of the river branch being the only waters suitable for swimming and drinking.

Brack Marsh
This area is lightly forested except around the southern part of Lake Baratara and the river branch. The further to the south you go through the marsh the less water and more soil is encountered. Other than the stone road that leads across the Baratara bridge to the south and the 2 cobblestone paths that lead away from this road, the area south and east of the lake are impassable by any other than a handful of people who can navigate through the soggy ground. This area is left mostly to monsters and other undesirables. Travel on the paths that lead through it is dangerous and no one but the drunk or foolish uses them after nightfall.

City Districts

The city districts are not an exact thing although it is so represented on the map. Folks along the border will often disagree with folks from other areas of the city on which district they are in. As such, the borders as shown are approximate. Still, most everyone is the city argrees to the district borders that are not adjacent to them.

North District
This is the nicest part of the city, but it is not the location of the most impressive homes. This area is a much newer development that the Lucet district where the Nobles have their homes. Still, it is well protected from the worst of the wind coming off the ocean and has not had the constant occupation for the period of time that other parts of the city have experienced. All the better buisnesses not connected to the nobility are located here. Most of the newer homes and particularly those of the rich but not noble families are found here.
The district only has a single park, but has several tree lined streets with much open space around the buildings. This gives this district a much more open feeing that the more heavily occupied and older parts. There are two bridges across the River Oona in this district at the extreme north and south edges.

Lucet District
This part of the city is restricted to the Nobility, their support business and workers. Until the last 150 years or so, it was the only place for those seeking a prestige residance, but this has changed a bit with the build up of the North District. Still, all of the oldest and largest private buildings can be found here. Many of the buildings have been enlarged with upper floors being built over smaller lower floors with only narrow passages for carts run through many of the smaller streets.
Most of the buildings here are made of basalt blocks with the newer upper floors being made of the lighter and cheaper sandstone. This area is the most crive free in the city as the national guard is supplemented by the "district militia" that is paid by the nobles and the business owners. This militia are little more than hired thugs and are ready to deal out on the spot punnishment for crimes. They also will often intimidate people they think "don't belong in this area". This is the only area of the city where slaves are not permitted to live. They are allowed to work there, and many are owned by the nobility. However due to a uprising that occurred 421 years ago, slaves were forced to quarter in the Baratara district and more receintly in the North district at night. Any slaves found on the street after dark will be impounded and their owners fined.

Baratara District
This area houses mostly the middle class and foreign merchants. The north eastern corner houses many of the slaves in the Lucent district. Center street runs through this district and devides it clearly into sections. Shops and Inns line the streen on either side. East of Center lies the lower middle class residences and west of the street are the upper middle class homes. There are 4 bridges
in this district. The part of town bordering on the lake is the rough part of the district. The western most part is considered the most desirable.

East River District
Only the lower class people live on the east side of the river (with the exception of the clerics). All the buildings near a bridge to either Lucet or Baratara discticts are baraks housing slaves. The more eastern buildings are home to the working poor and the theives. The main streets that lead from a bridge to the Temple district of this area are heavily guarded bny National Guards who quickly deal with any altercations there while leaving the rest of the district to do mostly what it wants. In the center if the heavily built area there is little if any law becides that of might.

Temple District
The temple district also houses the primary open air market. Small businesses, craftsmen and cart merchants sell their wares in the small buildings and open area at the foot of the rise where the temples area located. This area is heavliy guarded by the National Guard who also enforce the tax laws and laws of measure. Selling a pound of wheat that is less than a pound can result in a one month stint at hard labor! All of the lower classes and most of the middle class people do their shopping for every day items here as prices are considerably lower than the more fancy shops in the North and Lucet districts.
The Temple proper is a huge building heavily columned like the parthanon. At each of the 8 cardinal points the statue of a god faces outward. Many of the religions have built temples along the edge of the rise that face toward the statue of the god. These buildings are of very different construction ranging from simple woven huts to elaborite marble edifaces. No selling of any kind is allowed here and all are welcome to go where they will as long as they trouble no one. The clerics patrol this area closely and few crimes of any sort are committed here as the clerics do not answer to the city militia  or National Guard.

Marsh Row District
Only the very poor and the homeless live in this district. It gets the worst of the pests from the marsh and during the late spring the smell of rotting vegitation is strong. The homes are mostly made of unfinished natural materials including many woven bamboo huts and partially sunken yerts. Many a killer makes their home here and violence is common particularly in the north eastern area.

New Maskepar District
The people who live in this area live well, but have little status within the city. A few poor live here, but mostly the houses are new built for the rising middle class. Most folks say the district is to close to the Brack Marsh, but those who live there are seldom bothered by pests except for May. There is a convient bridge to the Temple district where most of the people have their work or shops. They also have the freshest water and the most plentiful fish. Still, as it was long considered the "wilderness" by the older city families, it is not considered desirable except amoung those who care little for the opinions of others. This includes most of the people involved in artistic, musical and educational persuits. The best school in the city called "The New University of Maskepar" is here. There are also 2 excellent inns with wonderful views of the river here.

Maskepar Retail Businesses

There are several forges in the city that make weapons and armor. There is a strong guild called the Wargear Guild that controls the number and type of weapons and armor available to the public. There is only one shop in town (and one guy with a booth in the farmer's market area) who will carry the "depritiated" weapons and armor.

Building Number 501 - Sharp Knives - Edged weapons and fine cutlery

Building Number 509 - Steel and Wood - Long arms, staffs and spears

Building Number 503 - Flying Weapons - Missle weapons only

Building Number 504 - Warriors Welcome - All weapons and Metal armor

Building Number 505 - Hard Hide - Leather armor, shoes, shields and custom leather works

Building Number 506 - The Best Protection - All kinds of shields and armor

Building Number 507 - Boskor's Used War Gear - Will buy any weapon with almost no questions asked. You can always find a bargain here, but you better hope the REAL owner of that sword never sees it!

Building Number 508 - Honest Bong's Weapon Shop - Used weapons only. He mostly gets cast off stuff from the military but will get the seconds from the city foundrys as well. Good prices but low quality.

The buildings below are organized along the line of items found in Aurora's catalog. This will provide a fairly complete idea of what is carried within the shops.

Building Number 509 - Explorers Supply House - Ranger's Field
This business is owned by Groic Doniage who although getting on in years (54) he is still passionate about living in the wilderness. In his youth he was a trapper and adventurer who travelled widely and was associated with the "Lucky 8" adventuring group for 4 years where he made his fortune. He was lamed in an encounter with a Dire Boar 12 years ago and now walks with a cane. He found this shop a substatute for his love of the wilderness he could not longer navigate. He has found 2 other men of advancing years to help him run the shop.
Tumnial Rubuten is 60 and specializes in hunting, fishing and general living off the land by foraging.
Dumas Humis is 61 and an expert in making a home in the wilderness as opposed to travelling across it.
Between them, they have a lot of knowledge about the wilderness in the area around the city and in areas across Funnundia.
The prices here are fairly high, but the goods are of top quality and many unique items may be found here. As valuable as the items sold is the information and advice dispensed by this experenced staff. As long as customers commit to a significant purchase, they will be forthcoming with information. When asked questions without such a commitment, they will reply with "I'm sure I can't say much about that sir, but I can recommend this items which I think will be very valuable to you".
Groic Doniage Tumnial Rubuten Dumas Humis
Race   -- Human                Interest --  Politics
Class   --  Thief            Occupation -- Trapper
Sex        -- Female           Morals -- Lusty
Strength   -- 7               General -- Unkempt
Intelegence -- 16              Intellect -- Brilliant
Wisdom      -- 9              Piety -- Average
Dexterity   -- 15              Personality -- Hostile
Constitution -- 10             Hit Dice -- d6
Charisma    -- 9              Nature -- Resentful
Comeliness  -- 13              Materialism -- Average
Allignment  -- Chaotic Evil    Possessions -- Average
Age          -- 19             Apparent Age -- Mature
Armor Class  -- 7              Bravery -- Cowardly
Favored weapon -- Club        General Tendencies -- Kindly
Height in "   -- 75            Disposition -- Harsh
Weight in #   -- 125            Honesty -- Average
Hair Color    -- Blond         Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Tanned        Energy -- Slothful
Features      -- Corse         Thrift -- Average
Race   -- Human                Interest --  History
Class   --  Fighter            Occupation -- Merchant
Sex        -- Male             Morals -- Aesthetic
Strength   -- 12               General -- Non-descript
Intelegence -- 14              Intellect -- Average
Wisdom      -- 10              Piety -- Irreverant
Dexterity   -- 11              Personality -- Abrasive
Constitution -- 7             Hit Dice -- d10
Charisma    -- 16              Nature -- Sharing
Comeliness  -- 11              Materialism -- Greedy
Allignment  -- Neutral Good    Possessions -- Average
Age          -- 16             Apparent Age -- Ancient
Armor Class  -- 2              Bravery -- Fearless
Favored weapon -- 2H. sword    General Tendencies -- Careless
Height in "   -- 62            Disposition -- Cheerful
Weight in #   -- 164            Honesty -- Very Honorable
Hair Color    -- Black         Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Dark          Energy -- Normal
Features      -- Corse         Thrift -- Miserly
Race   -- Human                Interest --  Learning
Class   --  Cleric            Occupation -- Carpenter
Sex        -- Male             Morals -- Lustful
Strength   -- 15               General -- Unkempt
Intelegence -- 5              Intellect -- Average
Wisdom      -- 16              Piety -- Average
Dexterity   -- 9              Personality -- Overbearing
Constitution -- 13             Hit Dice -- d8
Charisma    -- 12              Nature -- Suspicious
Comeliness  -- 16              Materialism -- Greedy
Allignment  -- Chaotic Neutral Possessions -- Scant
Age          -- 19             Apparent Age -- Middle-aged
Armor Class  -- 2              Bravery -- Normal
Favored weapon -- Hammer    General Tendencies -- Altrust
Height in "   -- 73            Disposition -- Unfeeling
Weight in #   -- 121            Honesty -- Decietful
Hair Color    -- Black         Sanity -- Unstable
Complexion    -- Tanned        Energy -- Lazy
Features      -- Rounded       Thrift -- Spendthrift

Building Number 510 Sudin's Sundries - Theives Corner
Maril Sudin is not a member of the theives guild, but has been known to supply them and sometimes even bankroll "jobs". He is the very definition of a "slimey weasle" and will trade sharply with all. His shop is devided into two distinct areas. The front room which displays cheap household wares like wooden plates, tin forks, bamboo placemats and other mundane items. They are low priced and equaly low quality.
There is a back door to the shop which leads to a living room that is only 5' wide but stretches across the building. There will always be at least one "bully boy" here drinking beer with his feet up at the right side near the fireplace. Next to him against the back wall is what looks like a pile of firewood in a crib which is really a hatch that pushes open into the room beyond. This 3rd room is the same dimension as the living room, but is the theives supply store. Many of the items here are not legal within the city, so great care is taken to verify the identity of anyone being allowed into this room.
Maril Sudin
Race   -- Human                Interest --  Exotic Animals
Class   --  Thief            Occupation -- Fisher (Fresh Water)
Sex        -- Male             Morals -- Lusty
Strength   -- 10               General -- Non-descript
Intelegence -- 9              Intellect -- Active
Wisdom      -- 9              Piety -- Reverant
Dexterity   -- 15              Personality -- Well Spoken
Constitution -- 10             Hit Dice -- d6
Charisma    -- 13              Nature -- Forgiving
Comeliness  -- 14              Materialism -- Intellectualist
Allignment  -- Lawful Good     Possessions -- Scant
Age          -- 21             Apparent Age -- Ancient
Armor Class  -- 7              Bravery -- Cowardly
Favored weapon -- L. sword    General Tendencies -- Pessimist
Height in "   -- 70            Disposition -- Compassionate
Weight in #   -- 165            Honesty -- Truthful
Hair Color    -- Bald          Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Black         Energy -- Energetic
Features      -- Sharp         Thrift -- Average

Building Number 511- Fineeous Musical Supply - Bards Emporium
Fineeous Malaiac was born with a severe birth defect that robbed him of useful fingers and a twisted torso. His otherwise unattractive appearance is completely overcome by his tremendous charisma. He is the most sympathetic and understanding of people and if he could afford it would give away everything in his shop if it gave pleaseure to those who heard the music his instruments produced. He lives to promote the love of music and is very active in several musical persuits within the city. Most important of which is his Summer's Evening concerts which promotes the new performers in the city with free performances. Every musician in the city knows him and loves him and owes him something. He carries a wide range of quality in the popular instruments and the highest quality of rare ones. He is always ready to buy instruments and so has a good selection of used goods. His prices are fair, but not cheap. He willingly offers loans to those who can demonstrate capability with the instrument they want to buy. He employs no help so service may be slow, but he goes far out of his way to assist anyone patient enough to wait on him.
Fineeous Malaiac
Race   -- Human                Interest --  Altrusim
Class   --  Mage            Occupation -- Trapper
Sex        -- Male             Morals -- Normal
Strength   -- 8               General -- Unkempt
Intelegence -- 16              Intellect -- Anti-intellectual
Wisdom      -- 7              Piety -- Irreverant
Dexterity   -- 14              Personality -- Diplomatic
Constitution -- 15             Hit Dice -- d4
Charisma    -- 16              Nature -- Quiotic
Comeliness  -- 14              Materialism -- Avaricious
Allignment  -- Chaotic Neutral Possessions -- Average
Age          -- 31             Apparent Age -- Young
Armor Class  -- 10              Bravery -- Foolhardy
Favored weapon -- Dart      General Tendencies -- Sober
Height in "   -- 64            Disposition -- Unfeeling
Weight in #   -- 150            Honesty -- Average
Hair Color    -- White         Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Tanned        Energy -- Slothful
Features      -- Refined       Thrift -- Spendthrift

Building Number 512 - Bordumas Agnostic Religious Supply - Priests Alcove
Bordumas Alenta is a pretentious, overbearing, pendantic man who enjoys discussing religion and why it is a total waste of time. It is obvious he owns the store just so he has a neverending supply of potential opponents in his verbal assults on organized religion. If it weren't for the fact that his goods are top quality and low priced, he would get no trade at all. As it is, he has an excellent selection and is smart enough to avoid insulting anyone or preventing a repeat sale. Still, few spend longer in his shop that they absolutely have to. Fortunately, there are two assistants (Rebug Gama and Benson Eurgubian) who do the bulk of customer service.
Bordumas Alenta Rebug Gama Benson Eurgubian
Race   -- Human                Interest --  Nature
Class   --  Cleric            Occupation -- Mason
Sex        -- Male             Morals -- Lusty
Strength   -- 13               General -- Non-descript
Intelegence -- 15              Intellect -- Average
Wisdom      -- 16              Piety -- Pious
Dexterity   -- 14              Personality -- Well Spoken
Constitution -- 7             Hit Dice -- d8
Charisma    -- 14              Nature -- Jealous
Comeliness  -- 11              Materialism -- Intellectualist
Allignment  -- Neutral Good    Possessions -- Exceptional
Age          -- 21             Apparent Age -- Mature
Armor Class  -- 2              Bravery -- Fearless
Favored weapon -- Staff     General Tendencies -- Moody
Height in "   -- 74            Disposition -- Humble
Weight in #   -- 153            Honesty -- Average
Hair Color    -- Bald          Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Light         Energy -- Energetic
Features      -- Dull          Thrift -- Spendthrift
Race   -- Human                Interest --  Gems
Class   --  Fighter            Occupation -- Navigator
Sex        -- Female           Morals -- Immoral
Strength   -- 14               General -- Dirty
Intelegence -- 14              Intellect -- Active
Wisdom      -- 11              Piety -- Saintly
Dexterity   -- 13              Personality -- Diplomatic
Constitution -- 14             Hit Dice -- d10
Charisma    -- 15              Nature -- Quiotic
Comeliness  -- 17              Materialism -- Generous
Allignment  -- Neutral        Possessions -- Average
Age          -- 17             Apparent Age -- Old
Armor Class  -- 2              Bravery -- Brave
Favored weapon -- B. sword     General Tendencies -- Hedonist
Height in "   -- 64            Disposition -- Cheerful
Weight in #   -- 154            Honesty -- Scrupulous
Hair Color    -- Bald          Sanity -- Unstable
Complexion    -- Dark          Energy -- Slothful
Features      -- Rounded       Thrift -- Average
Race   -- Human                Interest --  Fishing
Class   --  Mage            Occupation -- Sailor
Sex        -- Female           Morals -- Lusty
Strength   -- 11               General -- Dandyish
Intelegence -- 17              Intellect -- Average
Wisdom      -- 12              Piety -- Average
Dexterity   -- 12              Personality -- Rude
Constitution -- 12             Hit Dice -- d4
Charisma    -- 8              Nature -- Forgiving
Comeliness  -- 13              Materialism -- Aesthetic
Allignment  -- Chaotic Neutral Possessions -- Scant
Age          -- 30             Apparent Age -- Middle-aged
Armor Class  -- 10              Bravery -- Cowardly
Favored weapon -- Dart      General Tendencies -- Altrust
Height in "   -- 65            Disposition -- Cheerful
Weight in #   -- 164            Honesty -- Average
Hair Color    -- Brown         Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Light         Energy -- Lazy
Features      -- Flat          Thrift -- Mean

Building Number 513 - Wendel Wilkey's Magic Materials - Wizard's Laboratory
Not only does Wendel use what he sells, he lives his occupation as well. Magic spells are his hobby as well as his living. He is not very good (he is only a 1st level mage), but knows all the cantraps and most of the good first level spells. He uses them every chance he gets even casting favorite cantrips from scrolls he writes in his spare time!
His magic is scrupulously "white" and no necromantic spell ingredients will be found in his store. He has a good selection of alchemical supplies as well as spell ingredients, spell focus items and even non-magic items relating to divination like Tarot cards, Tau sticks and the like. He is condisending to non-spell casters or people below his level and fawning on those of high level attainment. He does not sell herbs or items of a clerical nature.
Wendel Wilkey
Race   -- Human                Interest --  Gems
Class   --  Mage            Occupation -- Painter
Sex        -- Male             Morals -- Lusty
Strength   -- 14               General -- Foppish
Intelegence -- 18              Intellect -- Dull
Wisdom      -- 14              Piety -- Zelous
Dexterity   -- 11              Personality -- Diplomatic
Constitution -- 10             Hit Dice -- d4
Charisma    -- 16              Nature -- Forgiving
Comeliness  -- 9              Materialism -- Covetous
Allignment  -- Lawful Neutral  Possessions -- Superb
Age          -- 38             Apparent Age -- Mature
Armor Class  -- 10              Bravery -- Normal
Favored weapon -- Dagger    General Tendencies -- Capricious
Height in "   -- 64            Disposition -- Compassionate
Weight in #   -- 151            Honesty -- Average
Hair Color    -- Brown         Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Black         Energy -- Energetic
Features      -- Anglar        Thrift -- Spendthrift

Building Number 514 - Field and Farm - Farmer and Laborers List
Modest Galien owns this shop and runs it with the help of a 1/2 dozen devoted workers. Each of them has a disability that prevents them from full labor (Bud Mekman a club foot, Bornin My a missing hand, Winking Jake one eye, Sala Jones a crooked back and so on). She uses them in a capacity that minimizes the impact of their infirmity and obviously loves each of them. In turn they are devoted to her.
The store is one of the lagest in the city. They deal in feed, grain, seed and all manner of equipment to turn the wilderness into a farm. There is an open area in the center of the building with chairs and tables made of crates and barrels where anyone may sit and waste as much time as they like swapping lies and information as they will.
This lady is everyones favorite aunt.
Modest Galien
Racae   -- Human                Interest --  Drugs
Class   --  Thief            Occupation -- Trapper
Sex        -- Male             Morals -- Aesthetic
Strength   -- 12               General -- Dandyish
Intelegence -- 14              Intellect -- Dreaming
Wisdom      -- 7              Piety -- Average
Dexterity   -- 15              Personality -- Rude
Constitution -- 10             Hit Dice -- d6
Charisma    -- 15              Nature -- Suspicious
Comeliness  -- 9              Materialism -- Avaricious
Allignment  -- Neutral Good    Possessions -- Average
Age          -- 19             Apparent Age -- Mature
Armor Class  -- 7              Bravery -- Foolhardy
Favored weapon -- Sling       General Tendencies -- Kindly
Height in "   -- 74            Disposition -- Harsh
Weight in #   -- 133            Honesty -- Average
Hair Color    -- Blond         Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Pale          Energy -- Energetic
Features      -- Delicate      Thrift -- Thrifty

Bud Mekman a club foot Bornin My a missing left hand Winking Jake one eye Sala Jones a crooked back
Race   -- Human
Class   --  Thief
Sex        -- Male
Strength   -- 12
Intelegence -- 14
Wisdom      -- 7
Dexterity   -- 15
Constitution -- 10
Charisma    -- 15
Comeliness  -- 9
Allignment  -- Neutral Good
Age          -- 19
Race   -- Human
Class   --  Thief
Sex        -- Male
Strength   -- 10
Intelegence -- 8
Wisdom      -- 14
Dexterity   -- 17
Constitution -- 16
Charisma    -- 15
Comeliness  -- 7
Allignment  -- Lawful Good
Age          -- 19
Race   -- Human
Class   --  Mage
Sex        -- Male
Strength   -- 8
Intelegence -- 15
Wisdom      -- 12
Dexterity   -- 12
Constitution -- 9
Charisma    -- 16
Comeliness  -- 12
Allignment  -- Lawful Evil
Age -- 43
Race   -- Human
Class   --  Fighter
Sex        -- Male
Strength   -- 7
Intelegence -- 12
Wisdom      -- 8
Dexterity   -- 10
Constitution -- 10
Charisma    -- 12
Comeliness  -- 8
Allignment  -- Chaotic Neutral
Age -- 33

Building Number 515 - Warp and Woof - Joiners and Stonemasons
This business has a good selection of tools for carpenters, stone worker and construction. It also has it's own smithy where most any metal item may be fabricated (weapons and armor excepted). They also stock wood both raw and board, small lots of may types of stone and most other building materials as well.
Dewar Die is the owner and Zeth Carson is the blacksmith. The prices are very high however (add 20% to the listed price) particularly to items custom made (add 40%!). Both of them have a annoying habit of shouting "Git 'er Done!" after a sale. They employ (at rediculously cheap wages) a ever rotating bunch of laborers.
Dewar Die Zeth Carson
Race   -- Human                Interest --  Fishing
Class   --  Fighter            Occupation -- Fisher (Salt Water)
Sex        -- Male             Morals -- Amoral
Strength   -- 8               General -- Unkempt
Intelegence -- 9              Intellect -- Active
Wisdom      -- 8              Piety -- Average
Dexterity   -- 13              Personality -- Rude
Constitution -- 12             Hit Dice -- d10
Charisma    -- 11              Nature -- Resentful
Comeliness  -- 14              Materialism -- Generous
Allignment  -- Neutral Evil    Possessions -- None
Age          -- 19             Apparent Age -- Mature
Armor Class  -- 2              Bravery -- Craven
Favored weapon -- Axe          General Tendencies -- Altrust
Height in "   -- 68            Disposition -- Unfeeling
Weight in #   -- 169            Honesty -- Truthful
Hair Color    -- White         Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Tanned        Energy -- Lazy
Features      -- Rugged       Thrift -- Spendthrift
Race   -- Human                Interest --  Weapons
Class   --  Fighter            Occupation -- Farmer/Gardner
Sex        -- Male             Morals -- Virtuous
Strength   -- 10               General -- Dirty
Intelegence -- 14              Intellect -- Anti-intellectual
Wisdom      -- 13              Piety -- Zelous
Dexterity   -- 14              Personality -- Well Spoken
Constitution -- 10             Hit Dice -- d10
Charisma    -- 12              Nature -- Suspicious
Comeliness  -- 14              Materialism -- Greedy
Allignment  -- Neutral        Possessions -- Average
Age          -- 17             Apparent Age -- Youthful
Armor Class  -- 2              Bravery -- Normal
Favored weapon -- L. sword     General Tendencies -- Sober
Height in "   -- 60            Disposition -- Cheerful
Weight in #   -- 152            Honesty -- Truthful
Hair Color    -- White         Sanity -- Normal
Complexion    -- Dark          Energy -- Normal
Features      -- Flat          Thrift -- Miserly

Building Number 516 - Smith Smith - Smith
It isn't known if Mr. Smith was named before or after choosing his occupation, but he always announces himself as Smith the Smith. While he always has a good selection of finished metal goods (not weapons or armor), his speciality is in tools for metal working. If anyone asks him about his name, he will announce it as "Bootstrap Smith making the tools to make the tools".

Building Number 517 - Animal Health and Supply - Husbandman
No one knows how these two powerhouses go together but all agree it was a marriage made in heaven. Derek and Anica Janik run this combination feed store and commercial vetrinary. They sell everything needed to bring animals to market from wheat to nose rings. Anica is a well respected vet who is on contract to the King for taking care of his prize horses. Together there is little a husbandman needs to know that they can't tell him. They are owed favors by most of the farmers around the city and are respected in any gathering of city financiers. They have begun investing in farms outside the city relying on share cropping to increase their wealth.

Building Number 518 - Warm Hearth - Cozy Home - Inn and Tavern
This store supplies the wealthier people of the city with quality home goods and many of the towns inns with cheap sundries. The store has two sides within the same building that faces on two streets. The Cozy Home side carries blankets, dinnerware, candle sticks and the like while the Warm Hearth side carries stoneware, candles and oversized pots and pans. The same man, Kalmus Hoversome owns both and runs them with the aid of 4 assistants. The prices in Cozy Home are high and the Warm Hearth prices are very low.

Building Number 519 - The Salubreous Scrivner - Scribes Desk
This store's primary reason for being is to sell all kinds of writing materials to the public. It has evolved into a clearing house for anthing related to record keeping. Here you will find magical quality scroll parchment and vellum, inks of all colors and qualities, blank books, cheap newsprint, cardboard and pens. There is also a tiny coffee house where professional writers wait for work and post their availibility on a large bulletine board. Wharol Colve is the propriotor and only employee of this small but important shop. Brunella Tekumsa runs the coffee house that adjoins the shop. She is a young but very ugly woman whos personality does not match her appearance. She is so encouraging in the efforts of her patrons that many consider her their primary muse and have posted numerous odes to her on the bulletine board.

Building Number 520 -  Keep It - Storage
If you need to keep something in something else, this is your store. It has jugs and jars, crates and casks, barrels and bags, purses and pouches, sacks and satchels and all of that sort of thing. It is particularly popular with merchants as there is a excellent selection of cheap bags of all sizes. Another attraction is the extraordinary organization of Margort Nator's goods. Everything is stored in the same way; all similar items in strict size order.

Building Number 521 - City Hard Goods - Hardware
This is a large store with a huge selection of merchandise. It works at both the retail and wholesale levels and every employee is a top notch negotiator. It is owned by Lornaly Formatchin who is a 6'2" rail thin bundle of energy who delights in a hard bargain. Everything in the store is over priced by 20% but all offers will be considered. Normally, the discount of an item starts at 20% (normal price) but slides down as much as an additional 20% as the size of an order increases. Clubbing in to make a single purchase for several people is never an option so all such offers will be refused. There are 2 assistants who are authorized to sell and 2 more who just fetch and carry. Dunkan Sooks, Jabarba Borbero are the sale people. They also LOVE to bargain and will always tempt their customers with deals on goods related to what was just selected. Think here.

Building Number 522 - Sew What - Tailor Corner
Kluter McOrfith is the proud owner of the largest purveyor of fabric in the city. Some say he has a monopoply on cloth and this is not far off the mark. Not only do they buy for resale every kind of fabric coming into the city, they buy raw cotton, wool and flax then contract out the spinning dyeing and weaving. There is even a custom loom in the building with daily demonstrations of the weavers art.
The goods are devided into types by the quality of the fabric. There is "Rustic", "City" and "Fine". There is a 4th department where finished goods are sold. This does not include clothes as this would put out many of their professional patrons. It carries wall hangings, tapestries, many canvas items and other misc cloth items. You will also find sissors, needles, and other sewing necessities.
A unique aspect of this store is that tailors and seamstresses who are out of work at the time are welcomed into the store. It is not unusual for a patron selecting a particuar fabric to have a seamstress examining some nearby wares mention "for 14 silver I can turn that into a marvelous party dress". This works well for Kluter as it provides his shop with a properous appearance and makes the city's tailors feel an obligation for their future trade.
The prices are fair for most everything, but very cheap for the fabric made in the shop (-15%)

Building Number 522 - Maskepar Fur and Skin  - Clothes and Shoes
This place is so particular clientelle that they have an armed bully boy watching the door to keep out the "lookie loos". The guard has been told not to allow anyone into the store that does not look like they carry 100GP with them. If you can get past the guard (he does accept "gratuities") you will see the finest leather and fur goods anywhere. They only carry clothes made of skin or fur but this provides a staggering variety of goods. They carry shoes, boots, purses, jackets, pants, hats, gloves, leg warmers, muffs in every conceivable variety of animal hide. You can buy kid leather moccasins and sable pillbox hats. And if you can't find it, they willingly take special orders. For a sufficient downpayment they will even accept orders for unique skin types such as dragon hide.
Only the cities cortisans and cognasenties know to ask about the "private room" where the intimate apparal is displayed.

Building Number 523 - Walk On Us - Shoes and Boots
A middle class shop that offers some relativly inexpensive quality goods along with a wide range of cheap goods at average prices. The best thing about this shop is it's attractive staff. The owner, Bella Nuesbuam stays mostly to the back room allowing Evana Toorsish and Venson Doloa to do the selling. They are both charisma 18 folks with Evana servicing the mens department and Venson the ladies. Their specialty is a sideways glance at the end of a purchase and the question "is there ANYTHING else I can get for you?" which has increased sales substantially.

Building Number 524 - Honest Bills Dress Shop
Hoplessly out of date fashions and overpriced fabrics leave most patrons wondering how this place stays in business. The answer is Bill is a cross dresser who is the bastard son of Duke Katchuem. The Duke provides the difference between what is taken in and what Bill needs to live frugally doing something he loves; talking to women about fashion. Unfortunatly, he has appaling taste and his goods are seldom if ever fashionable. His normal clientelle is wealthy older women who take his naked flattery for fact.

Building Number 525 - Betty's Clothing for Women
The matronly Betty Moonstar is the matronly owner of this shop and works there every day. She loves her work which she see as "making sure the lady finds something in her price that fits well her size and personality". She has one assistant who is a cousin and a hopeless ninny. Charla Moonstar is everything betty isn't. She is thin, surly, incompetent, argumentative and grasping. Betty spend her day going from patron to patron soothing ruffled  nerves rattled by Charla. Oddly, this often works out to be the "bad cop, good cop" ploy and results in a quick sale!

Building Number 526 - Mack's Mensware
Although 3 different men work here, they all look very, very similar. The brothers Mack, Mark and Goomer are all small, paunchy, balding men with pale skin and blue eyes. When they stand side by side it's easy to see the differences between them, but in isolation, they are so common looking they become identical. In this shop you will find mostly working men's clothes. Sturdy and cheap is the main attraction. Their canvas shirts and pants will wear forever, but it will take a year to break them in. They even sell canvas socks. Their woolen longjohns are tortureous and eternal. Standard prices for all goods, but no dickering. They say "my brothers wouldn't allow it".

Building Number 527  - Clothing Emporium
This grandiouse name belongs to a humble shop on a back street in the Marsh district. Only the poorest of the poor shop here. Although there is a meger selection of new clothes, most of the goods are used. A "famous" feature is the "rag bag" where you can buy a small cotton sack and all the fabric in a bin you can stuff into it for 2CP. Nargot Yasimash owns and runs the place. She is about 70 and moves slowly around the store constantly trying to arrange her stock to look better than the trash it really is. Her voice seldom rises above a hoars whisper. Her addition  "has gotten very bad" and she will always try to add at least 1 coin to her totals.

Building Number 528 - Larellion's Elfware
Larellion and his wife Lutharia provide a wide variety of clothes "made by elves for other elves". There is an almost militant pro-elven attitude.This couple that makes it obvious in their elven speach (they speak common with a VERY heavy elven accent) and condisending attitude toward non-elves that they think the elves rule and the rest suck. Despite their attitude, their goods are as advertized. The cloth the thread and even the buttons of their cloths are made by elves. Most of the work is done in the city, but much of the best items are made in enclaves and communes in the wild. The prices are a bit high, but are guarenteed to put you in good with the elves all over the kingdom.

Building Number 529 - Small and Smaller Clothiers
This shop specializes in clothing for small people. There are both mens and womens everyday clothing here in dwarf, midget and tiny people here. It also does a good business for adult style clothes for wealthy babies. Ouslu Bushbrow, a midget owns the place but stays in the backround allowing his daughters Moralee and Lasamore to help the customers. They are courteous toward the larger races but the low ceiling and small furnishings make most large races head for the door.

Building Number 530 - Fighting Clothes - Boom's Garden
This store is run by an ex-adventurer named Bruteous Malafacata for folks who want clothes that will help them "on the job". He also carries some "specialty" items for theives. His pants have scabbords sewn into the hems, extra pockets (as many as a dozen in one shirt!) and all of the most resillient fabric he can find. He has a side business contrating uniforms for the Militia. His store is small, but his shop is large as he does a lot of trade.
The prices are high but his clothes are unique. It isn't unusual to see member of competing adventure groups shoping side by side. If a player suggests a particular item, roll 60% chance of having it even if it's outrageous! ROll 90% for anything other clothing items aiding an player character.
Only the cortisans and cognisenti of the city know to ask about the "Private Room" in the back where the intimate apparal is displayed.

Building Number 531 - Haveski Jewels - Jewelry
Manny Haveski is a midget with an eye for the "pritty things". He loves his work which is buying and selling gems and other small, beautiful things. His shop is guarded by a half-giant who sits in a chair in front of the only exit from this building. Those entering or exiting must squeeze between his big back and the door jamb. His knowledge of "treasure" is vast and his apprasials are always right on. He is scrupoulsly honest and will demand a receipt for anything he is considering buying. If he suspects someone has stolen the goods, he will insist on a recepit and ask for references (someone who will stand for him). This scares off most theives.  He almost never gets to see a receipt, but revels in tales of how the item was aquired. He will not buy anything he thinks will get him into trouble but if he beleves the items were aquired in an honest way or aquired from someone who's family was dead, he will make an offer.
There is a room behind a steel door where he will take those wishing to show their goods to him. If the story about the treasure is short, he will consider it carefully and ask questions. If the story is long and boring he will just make an offer. If the story is long and interesting he will open his office bar as give everyone a drink of excellent port. No ones glass will ever be empty until the deal is made. He is an excellent listener and does the "ooooh" and "yeah!" bits at just the right time.
His prices are low (-25% of list). There is no getting around it, you can always do better somewhere else if you want to deal in coins. However, he loves trading and will exchange goods up to the full value of the item. This is a really good opportunity to trade for portable valuables. He is a member in good standing of the jewlers Guild

Building Number 532 - Chealsi's Jewelry - Jewelry
This is not really a Jewelry store. There are almost no precious gems here and the gold is only plating over pot metal that will turn your earloabs green in a week. The Marsh district is far too poor to host a shop with valuables. The items here are costume jewlery with a bead shop on one side. There are some semi-precious stones set in silver as the high end items. Even worse, Chealsi will only let one person into the shop at a time. and is never farther away from the customer than arms length. She will scream if anyone does anything that makes her nervious. Her scream summons a pair of brusers to intimidate the customer into leaving. If you are really poor enough to shop here, she will be intollerably condisending.
Chealsi Turnok is 65 years old, ugly and on the frail side. She is frequently robbed despite her protection and will say "the purse is in the same place as always". No wonder she is so testy.

Building Number 533 - Kincade Fine Gems and Jewlery
Jewler to the nobility. He doesn't buy from anyone not recommended by the jewlers guild.
There are two chainmail guards in front of the steel reinforced gated door of this stone block building.

Building Number 534 - General Household Goods - Household

Building Number 535 -Dukalas Furnishings - Chairs, Tables and Sofas

Building Number 538 - Dean Loaka Bedding - Beds and blankets

Building Number 539 - Lighting by Dongar - Illuminations

Building Number 540 - Wonders for the Young at Heart - Toys and Diversions

Building Number 541 -Hanna's Herbs and Spices for Health and Happiness - Common Seasonings and Herbs

Building Number 542Fine Food - Larder and Cheese Shop
This is a no frills grocery store selling mostly non-parishable items and a small selection of items on sale at the farmers market the day before.

Building Number 543 - Fresh Food Exposition - Larder (only fresh goods)
This is a building made of packing crates that houses what looks to be an improvised farmers market. In reality, Haber Rung runs the place on a dime and makes a huge (mostly hidden) profit. His prices are fair the food is healthy if not exactly fresh and he deals sharply but fairly with everyone.

Building Number 545 - Jonas Bread and Pastrys - Breads
The best bakery in town.

Building Number 546 - House of Noodles - Noodles

Building Number 547 - Maskepar Spirits - Wine, Ales, Strong Spirits and Drugs

Building Number 548 - Beer and Wine for Less - Wines, Ales and Strong Spirits

Building Number 549 - The Royal Decanter - Wines, Strong Spirits and Exotics

Building Number 550 - Wilderness Outfitting - Gear
Survival, climbing, and foraging related items.

Building Number 551 - Mercy of the Gods - Priest in a Poke and Clerical Gear
This circular building sells Healing items (including herbs) and has a seperate room for each god as well as a large central area for non-religious healing equipment.

Building Number 552 - Wheelwright and Cartier - Land Vehicles

Building Number 553  - Longsails - Boatwright

Building Number 554 - All Race Travellers Supply - Elven, Ape, Aslan and Vargr made goods (non-weapon)
Clothing and other specialty items made by and for each of the races. The Aslan and Vargr goods are at opposite sides of this large building. The selection is good the quality is fair and the prices are high. Still, it's the only place in town where you can buy a Aslan adulthood costume.

Building Number 555 - City Stable and Livery - Horses borded, bought, sold and rented out. Good care, high cost.

Building Number 556 - Town and Country Livery - Horses borded and rented. Hay only and curry service costs extra.

Building Number 557 - Jackob Low Cost Stable - Horse bought, sold, stabled. Low cost, but good care (oats extra)

Building Number 558 - Margot's Potions - Some are magical, most are bogus or low effect. Don't buy the healing potions!

Building Number 559 - Diamonte's - Clothier and accessory provider to the Nobility.

Building Number 560 - Magic Shop
 1  Collar (made of Wrought Platinum and valued (for components) at  853 sps) of d8 Dex Bonus Taken from Other Stat , worth  3500  xps, and  35853  gps.

 2 MU scroll with 5 spells. To use it, just read the scroll
     The scroll's in a corked, electrum tube
    MU-Eight:  Gateway with experience value of:  800
    MU-Eight:  Polymorph Any Object with experience value of:  800
    MU-Four:  Dimension Door with experience value of:  400
    MU-Three:  Resist Fire with experience value of:  300
    MU-Eight:  Polymorph Any Object with experience value of:  800
    This scroll is worth  3100  xps, and might sell for  18600  gps.

 3  Pennant  of Protection: +1, 5-foot radius on AC, worth  600  xps, and  3600  gps.

 4 Goblet with Potion of Alchemy , worth  300  xps, and  600  gps.
This potion appears  fuming with a dark saffron color.  It has a smooth consistency, with a fetid odor and herbal taste.

This magic shop also has some spell components as well:
         Mini-Portal of Ivory (Mordenkainen's Magnificent Mansion, 250 sp), numbering:  2
         Topaz (Fool's Gold) numbering:  2
         Mercury (Symbol, Resist Fire/Cold, Contingency, 25 sp/oz), numbering:  2
         Parchment (10 sp/oz), numbering:  1
         Small Brass Knuckles (Bigbey's Clenched Fist, 100 sp), numbering:  1
         Topaz (Fool's Gold) numbering:  5

Building Number 561 Magic Shop
 1 +1  Norman Kite Shield,  Dwarven in Origin,
         This shield is worth  3000  sps, and  300  xps.
         This is one unusual shield, because  it can blind opponent on a successful 'to hit' using shield as weapon.

 2 Vial with Potion of Premonitions , worth  400  xps, with a price of  800  gps.
This potion appears  watery with a dark mahoghany color.  It has a smooth consistency, with a rank odor and rotten taste.

 3 +2  Ring Mail Armor, with AC of  5  Elven in Origin, Elf-Sized,  worth  6518  for armor.
         It also has Wrought Gold worth:  461
         This means the total value of this armor is  6979  and  1163  xps.

 4  Flag  of +3 versus Fire, worth  900  xps, and  5400  gps.

This magic shop also has some spell components as well:
         Agate (Infravision) numbering:  17
         Crystal Prism (Alpha's Aurora Borealis, 100+ sp); numbering:  4
         Silver Mirror (Sanctuary, Spell Turning, 20 sp), numbering:  11
         Clear Gem (Alpha's Ice Bolt, 100+ sp), numbering:  2
         Diamond (Wall of Force, Mage Lock, 5000+ sp); numbering:  1
         Rod of Amber/Crystal/Glass (Lightning, Chain Lightning, 15 sp), numbering:  6
         Silver Mirror (Sanctuary, Spell Turning, 20 sp), numbering:  11
         Parchment (10 sp/oz), numbering:  6
         Mummy Dust (Breath of Life, 250 sp); numbering:  3
         Phosphorus (Symbol, Fire Shield, Wall of Fire, 5 sp/oz), numbering:  5
         Stylus (Wizard Mark, 1 sp), numbering:  9
         Moonstone (Moonbeam) numbering:  1
         Firefly Tail (Fire Shield, 5 sp), numbering:  13
         Silver Mirror (Sanctuary, Spell Turning, 20 sp), numbering:  7

Food and Drinks

Building Number 562 -  Sweet Meat - Butcher
Leason Baker prides himself on being able to go "from a side to steaks" in under 10 minutes. Everyone agrees he is amazing in his meat cutting ability. So true is this that he has his workroom in the front of the store where everyone can see him work. It is said that "no one ever sees him sharpen a knife". His prices are on the high side, the quality firmly medeocre but his sausage are made at the store and they are the best in town.


Building Number 562 The Pig  and Moon Inn
This establishment is run by Erjo Antin. It is a Poor quality establishment, located in the East River District.

It has 2 beds in single rooms at 4sp a night,
12 beds in double rooms at 6sp a night and
26 beds in common rooms at 10sp a night.
There are 10 tables in the main taproom.

Today's Specials
Main Courses - Spicy Vegetable surprise!
Puddings - Cherry Parcels and Pear Parcels
Drinks - Queen's Beer



Street Vendors

Maskepar Thieves Guild

Guild Attitudes & Relationships
The guild has a Indifferent relationship with Assassins.
The guild has a Favorable relationship with Beggers.
The guild has a Hostile relationship with Bards.
There is Hostility between the Guild and Freelance Thieves.
There is an air of Complex between the Guild and Merchants.
There is an air of Hassle between the Guild and the city Authorities.
Guild Rulership
Rulership Type: Council
Organization Type: Fractionated
Organization Style: Fairly Weak, Fairly Just, Fairly Despotic
Clangbrie  (Level 16 Human , Lawful Evil , Thief)
STR: 13  DEX: 16  CON: 18  INT: 14  WIS: 18  CHA: 18  HP : 90
AGE: 37
Ring:Fire Resistance
Sword:Bastard Sword +3
Weapon:Long Bow +2
Armour:Leather Armour +1
Scroll:Spell Scroll
Senior Thieves
Illgiant  (Level 10 Human , Chaotic Neutral , Thief)
STR: 14  DEX: 15  CON: 13  INT: 18  WIS: 16  CHA: 17  HP : 37
AGE: 39
Sword:Short Sword +2
Armour:Leather Armour +1
Ruam Drele  (Level 9 Human , Neutral  , Thief)
STR: 15  DEX: 18  CON: 12  INT: 16  WIS: 16  CHA: 15  HP : 17
AGE: 51
Appearance:Wears military style clothing
Sword:Bastard Sword +1
Weapon:Short Bow +2
Armour:Leather Armour +1

Amru  (Level 7 Human , Chaotic Evil , Thief)
STR: 16  DEX: 18  CON: 18  INT: 15  WIS: 14  CHA: 14  HP : 34
AGE: 48
Appearance:Has a commanding voice Unkempt
Phobia:Astaphobia - Storms
Sword:Bastard Sword +2
Armour:Leather Armour +1

Tayfist SeaRed  (Level 7 Human , Chaotic Neutral , Thief)
STR: 13  DEX: 13  CON: 16  INT: 16  WIS: 14  CHA: 17  HP : 26
AGE: 42
Appearance:Dresses poorly
Personality:Illogical Materialistic
Alergy:Severe - Meat
Scroll:Spell Scroll
Leek Anna  (Level 9 Human , Lawful Good , Thief)
STR: 14  DEX: 18  CON: 13  INT: 13  WIS: 14  CHA: 17  HP : 27
AGE: 45
Ring:Protection +3
Sword:Two Handed Sword +1
Weapon:9 Arrows +2
Armour:Leather Armour +1
Minor Thieves
NilRed Rulor  (Level 3 Human , Lawful Good , Thief)
STR: 7  DEX: 17  CON: 10  INT: 8  WIS: 10  CHA: 12  HP : 8
AGE: 22
Personality:Optimist Benign
Personality:Grim Passive
Phobia:Anemophobia - Wind
Ring:Spell Eating
Sword:"Normal Sword +1 +3 vs Dragonkind"

Oinbeth  (Level 1 Human , Lawful Good , Thief)
STR: 10  DEX: 16  CON: 9  INT: 11  WIS: 9  CHA: 8  HP : 2
AGE: 20
Personality:Studious Emotionless

Oinle  (Level 2 Human , Neutral  , Thief)
STR: 8  DEX: 11  CON: 9  INT: 10  WIS: 13  CHA: 10  HP : 4
AGE: 24
Sword:Short Sword +1

Lorphi Anclang  (Level 2 Human , Lawful Evil , Thief)
STR: 13  DEX: 17  CON: 11  INT: 6  WIS: 7  CHA: 13  HP : 4
AGE: 21
Appearance:Raspy or wheezy voice Dresses in a way to offend people
a rebel
Personality:Liar Drunkard

Lenil  (Level 4 Human , Neutral Good , Thief)
STR: 11  DEX: 13  CON: 10  INT: 9  WIS: 12  CHA: 13  HP : 8
AGE: 24
Appearance:Wears military style clothing

Naan  (Level 1 Human , Chaotic Evil , Thief)
STR: 13  DEX: 13  CON: 15  INT: 9  WIS: 12  CHA: 15  HP : 2
AGE: 23
Appearance:Wears military style clothing Heavy accent

Fistam Ilnil  (Level 4 Human , Neutral  , Thief)
STR: 17  DEX: 13  CON: 12  INT: 15  WIS: 7  CHA: 10  HP : 9
AGE: 25
Sword:Short Sword +2
Armour:Leather Armour +1

Ekna  (Level 3 Human , Chaotic Neutral , Thief)
STR: 11  DEX: 18  CON: 14  INT: 9  WIS: 8  CHA: 9  HP : 8
AGE: 25
Appearance:Dresses in a way to offend people a rebel Wears military
style clothing
Personality:Peacemaker Humble
Personality:Skeptic Follower

Aerrinar Rilrilri  (Level 3 Elf , Chaotic Neutral , Thief)
STR: 13  DEX: 14  CON: 14  INT: 6  WIS: 14  CHA: 10  HP : 12
AGE: 65
Appearance:High pitched voice Speaks loudly

Dreiron Oinbeth  (Level 1 Human , Neutral Evil , Thief)
STR: 10  DEX: 11  CON: 6  INT: 12  WIS: 7  CHA: 12  HP : 3
AGE: 20
Appearance:Speaks loudly Dresses in out of date clothing
Personality:Atheistic Aesthetic
Sword:Short Sword +2

Ilca  (Level 1 Human , Neutral  , Thief)
STR: 9  DEX: 17  CON: 11  INT: 13  WIS: 10  CHA: 9  HP : 2
AGE: 21

Fangclang  (Level 2 Aslan , Neutral Evil , Thief)
STR: 11  DEX: 11  CON: 12  INT: 14  WIS: 16  CHA: 12  HP : 2
AGE: 23
Appearance:Speaks loudly Unkempt
Phobia:Aerophobia - Flying
Sword:Short Sword +3

Slantclang Redsto  (Level 3 Human , Lawful Neutral , Thief)
STR: 7  DEX: 18  CON: 7  INT: 9  WIS: 11  CHA: 13  HP : 4
AGE: 24
Appearance:Husky voice
Personality:Teetotal Peaceful
Personality:Follower Humerous
Phobia:Pyrophobia - Fire
Sword:"Bastard Sword +1 +3 vs Spellcasters"

Robfash  (Level 1 Human , Neutral  , Thief)
STR: 13  DEX: 16  CON: 9  INT: 5  WIS: 9  CHA: 6  HP : 4
AGE: 22
Personality:Well-mannered Considerate
Personality:Emotional Extroverted

Pertliz  (Level 4 Human , Neutral Good , Thief)
STR: 9  DEX: 15  CON: 10  INT: 9  WIS: 10  CHA: 12  HP : 10
AGE: 24
Appearance:Has a commanding voice
Personality:Dependant Emotional
Phobia:Dendrophobia - Trees
Alergy:Mild - Dust
Sword:Normal Sword +3

Croftrob Zaek  (Level 3 Human , Chaotic Neutral , Thief)
STR: 16  DEX: 16  CON: 12  INT: 14  WIS: 16  CHA: 13  HP : 8
AGE: 25
Appearance:Unkempt Has a hissing voice
Phobia:Toxiphobia - Poison
Armour:Leather Armour +1

Bethert  (Level 2 Human , Neutral  , Thief)
STR: 5  DEX: 14  CON: 15  INT: 7  WIS: 6  CHA: 10  HP : 8
AGE: 23
Appearance:Heavy accent Dresses appropriately for his other
Personality:Teetotal Well-mannered
Personality:Dependant Logical
Personality:Drunkard Harsh
Alergy:Severe - Insect Bites/Stings

Phiela Friendlip  (Level 3 Special , Neutral Evil , Thief)
STR: 11  DEX: 15  CON: 6  INT: 8  WIS: 16  CHA: 14  HP : 5
AGE: -1
Appearance:Wears military style clothing Unkempt
Personality:Punctual Benign
Personality:Rough Self-Sufficient
Armour:Leather Armour +1

Brielip Illill  (Level 3 Human , Neutral  , Thief)
STR: 12  DEX: 11  CON: 13  INT: 12  WIS: 10  CHA: 11  HP : 8
AGE: 22
Appearance:High pitched voice Dresses in out of date clothing
Personality:Liberal Introverted
Phobia:Agoraphobia - Open Spaces
Alergy:Serious - Common Potion
Weapon:Short Bow +2

Seill Friendber  (Level 1 Human , Chaotic Neutral , Thief)
STR: 5  DEX: 13  CON: 7  INT: 10  WIS: 9  CHA: 5  HP : 3
AGE: 20
Appearance:Has a commanding voice
Phobia:Ombrophobia - Rain

Slantbran Anca  (Level 4 Human , Lawful Good , Thief)
STR: 15  DEX: 17  CON: 9  INT: 8  WIS: 15  CHA: 17  HP : 12
AGE: 25
Appearance:Has a hissing voice Dresses in out of date clothing
Phobia:Ophidophobia - Snakes
Sword:Bastard Sword +1
Armour:Leather Armour +1

Friendber Altay  (Level 3 Human , Neutral Good , Thief)
STR: 6  DEX: 18  CON: 6  INT: 9  WIS: 7  CHA: 7  HP : 5
AGE: 22
Appearance:Dresses simply
Personality:Atheistic Emotional
Personality:Unenthusiastic Rude
Ring:Animal Control
Armour:Leather Armour +1

Ithsea  (Level 2 Human , Lawful Evil , Thief)
STR: 9  DEX: 14  CON: 4  INT: 15  WIS: 6  CHA: 13  HP : 3
AGE: 22
Appearance:Speaks loudly Wears military style clothing
Personality:Mysterious Romantic
Personality:Andry Andry
Phobia:Phasmophobia - Ghosts
Sword:Bastard Sword +3
Armour:Leather Armour +1

Brieaim  (Level 3 Human , Neutral Evil , Thief)
STR: 15  DEX: 17  CON: 8  INT: 12  WIS: 9  CHA: 5  HP : 6
AGE: 24
Appearance:Husky voice
Personality:Self-Sufficient Rough
Armour:Leather Armour +1

Bethpert Berek  (Level 4 Human , Neutral  , Thief)
STR: 11  DEX: 12  CON: 9  INT: 11  WIS: 14  CHA: 11  HP : 16
AGE: 23
Appearance:Heavy accent Soft whispery voice
Personality:Amoral Rash
Phobia:Toxiphobia - Poison
Alergy:Mild - Meat
Sword:Short Sword +3
Armour:Leather Armour +3

Cace Amerek  (Level 3 Human , Chaotic Evil , Thief)
STR: 8  DEX: 15  CON: 12  INT: 7  WIS: 12  CHA: 13  HP : 7
AGE: 25
Appearance:Dresses in foppish clothing
Personality:Dreamy Immaculate
Alergy:Severe - Meat
Sword:Normal Sword +1

NehRed Redbrie  (Level 1 Human , Chaotic Neutral , Thief)
STR: 12  DEX: 15  CON: 12  INT: 10  WIS: 11  CHA: 11  HP : 3
AGE: 22
Appearance:Speaks loudly
Personality:Immaculate Aesthetic
Alergy:Serious - Magic

Ilsmith Slantsto  (Level 4 Human , Lawful Evil , Thief)
STR: 11  DEX: 15  CON: 8  INT: 10  WIS: 14  CHA: 3  HP : 10
AGE: 23
Personality:Pious Pious
Personality:Atheistic Atheistic
Alergy:Mild - Eggs
Armour:Leather Armour +2

Phiamer  (Level 3 Human , Chaotic Neutral , Thief)
STR: 5  DEX: 18  CON: 16  INT: 12  WIS: 9  CHA: 8  HP : 15
AGE: 24
Appearance:Heavy accent
Personality:Aggressive Studious
Personality:Greedy Violent
Phobia:Necrophobia - Corpses
Alergy:Serious - Meat
Weapon:Short Bow +2

Ertamer  (Level 1 Human , Neutral  , Thief)
STR: 7  DEX: 11  CON: 8  INT: 17  WIS: 5  CHA: 9  HP : 2
AGE: 21
Personality:Dreamy Mysterious
Phobia:Pyrophobia - Fire

ElaRed  (Level 4 Human , Neutral Evil , Thief)
STR: 16  DEX: 16  CON: 11  INT: 12  WIS: 10  CHA: 11  HP : 10
AGE: 24
Personality:Loving Peacemaker

Nilfash  (Level 3 Human , Neutral Good , Thief)
STR: 9  DEX: 16  CON: 9  INT: 13  WIS: 10  CHA: 11  HP : 4
AGE: 23
Appearance:Husky voice Unkempt
Phobia:Ailuroophobia - Cats
Sword:Two-Handed Sword +3

Pertfist  (Level 3 Human , Chaotic Neutral , Thief)
STR: 12  DEX: 17  CON: 13  INT: 4  WIS: 15  CHA: 11  HP : 12
AGE: 23
Personality:Careful Courageous
Phobia:Blennophobia - Slime
Sword:Short Sword +3

Ekan  (Level 3 Human , Chaotic Neutral , Thief)
STR: 15  DEX: 11  CON: 14  INT: 10  WIS: 15  CHA: 13  HP : 8
AGE: 22
Appearance:Wears military style clothing Wears military style clothing
Personality:Liberal Silent
Alergy:Severe - Magic
Sword:Bastard Sword +3

Nehrob  (Level 3 Human , Neutral  , Thief)
STR: 10  DEX: 17  CON: 9  INT: 14  WIS: 7  CHA: 10  HP : 7
AGE: 23
Personality:Dependant Skeptic

Numbered Buildings: 510
All other buildings are either storage (S), abandoned (A), or ruined/uninhabitable (R)
District Code: (N-n) North District, (L-n) Lucet District, (B-n) Baratara District, (E-n) East River District, (T-n) Temple District, (M-n) Marsh Row District, (NF-n) New Maskepar District. The (FM) indicates it is the home of someone who regularly appears in the Farmers Market on a frequent basis.

(1)  Cutler
(M-2)  Dyer
(3)  Embroiderer
(4)  Carter
(5)  Dwelling/Home
(6)  Dwelling/Home
(7)  Goldsmith
(8)  Arrowsmith
(9)  Dwelling/Home
(10)  Dwelling/Home
(11)  Dwelling/Home
(12)  Locksmith
(13)  Saucemaker Home
(M-14)  Leech-Healer
(15)  Dwelling/Home
(16)  Embroiderer
(17)  Dwelling/Home
(18)  House Painter
(M-19)  Porter Home
(20)  Dwelling/Home
(21)  Herald
(22)  Dwelling/Home
(23)  Fishmonger Home
(24)  Herbalist
(25)  Grocer
(26)  Dwelling/Home
(27)  Brewer
(28)  Butcher
(29)  Dwelling/Home
(M-30)  Bloomer (Flower Seller) Home
(31)  Needler
(32)  Glassblower
(33)  Dwelling/Home
(34)  Fresh Water Fisher Home
(35)  Dwelling/Home
(36)  Astrologer
(37)  Paviour (Road Maker)
(38)  Sailor
(39)  Dwelling/Home
(40)  Dwelling/Home
(41)  Girdler
(FM-42)  Fishmonger
(43)  Dwelling/Home
(44)  Hosier
(FM-45)  Locksmith
(46)  Dwelling/Home
(47)  Coppersmith
(48)  Dwelling/Home
(49)  Dwelling/Home
(50)  Enameler
(51)  Fletcher
(52)  Enameler Home
(53)  Dwelling/Home
(54)  Dwelling/Home
(55)  Limner
(56)  Dwelling/Home
(57)  Launder Home
(58)  Blacksmith Home
(59)  Dwelling/Home
(60)  Dwelling/Home
(61)  Dwelling/Home
(62)  Launder
(63)  Dwelling/Home
(64)  Soapmaker Home
(65)  Furrier
(66)  Dwelling/Home
(67)  Dwelling/Home
(68)  Dwelling/Home
(69)  Wheelwright Home
(70)  Dwelling/Home
(71)  Dwelling/Home
(M-72)  Brazier
(73)  Leech Home
(74)  Navigator
(75)  Bladesmith Home
(76)  Sailor Home
(77)  Dwelling/Home
(78)  Gem-cutter
(79)  Glazier
(80)  Clerk Home
(81)  Naval Officer Home
(82)  Dwelling/Home
(83)  Weaver Home
(84)  Salt Water Fisher Home
(85)  Goldsmith
(86)  Dwelling/Home
(87)  Army Officer Home
(88)  Guard Officer
(89)  Dwelling/Home
(FM-90)  Barber
(91)  Goldbeater
(92)  Dwelling/Home
(93)  Architect Home
(94)  Limeburner
(95)  Arrowsmith
(96)  Embroiderer
(97)  Salt Water Fisher Home
(98)  Embroiderer
(99)  Cobbler
(100)  Needler
(101)  Dwelling/Home
(102)  Knife-grinder
(103)  Teamster
(104)  Dwelling/Home
(105)  Potter
(106)  Locksmith
(107)  Hatter
(108)  Dwelling/Home
(109)  Carter
(110)  Nailsmith
(111)  Dwelling/Home
(112)  Paviour
(113)  Glazier
(114)  Dwelling/Home
(115)  Knife-grinder
(116)  Dwelling/Home
(117)  Bowyer
(118)  Dwelling/Home
(119)  Dwelling/Home
(120)  Leech
(121)  Dwelling/Home
(122)  Groom
(123)  Dwelling/Home
(124)  Glover
(125)  Cordwainer
(126)  Dwelling/Home
(127)  Farrier
(128)  Gem-cutter
(129)  Dwelling/Home
(130)  Dwelling/Home
(131)  Fletcher
(132)  Shipwright
(133)  Salt Water Fisher Home
(134)  Barber
(135)  Dwelling/Home
(136)  Dwelling/Home
(137)  Dwelling/Home
(138)  Cooper
(139)  Dwelling/Home
(140)  Dwelling/Home
(141)  Scrivener
(142)  Saddler
(143)  Salt Water Fisher Home
(144)  Dwelling/Home
(145)  Enameler
(146)  Dwelling/Home
(147)  Gilder
(148)  Chandler
(149)  Butcher
(150)  Limeburner
(151)  Parchment-maker
(152)  Dwelling/Home
(153)  Dwelling/Home
(154)  Dwelling/Home
(155)  Tailor
(156)  Dwelling/Home
(157)  Dwelling/Home
(158)  Cartwright
(159)  Fletcher
(160)  Dwelling/Home
(161)  Knife-grinder
(162)  Brewer Home
(163)  Arrowsmith
(164)  Painter
(165)  Dwelling/Home
(166)  Grocer
(167)  Gem-cutter
(168)  Dwelling/Home
(169)  Interpreter
(170)  Marbler
(171)  Barrister
(172)  Dwelling/Home
(173)  Dwelling/Home
(174)  Dwelling/Home
(175)  Waller
(176)  Dwelling/Home
(177)  Dwelling/Home
(178)  Haberdasher
(179)  Dwelling/Home
(180)  Barrister (Lawer)
(181)  Dwelling/Home
(182)  Saucemaker
(183)  Woodturner
(184)  Dwelling/Home
(185)  Locksmith
(186)  Glassblower
(187)  Dwelling/Home
(188)  Carpenter
(189)  Dwelling/Home
(190)  Forester
(191)  Tailor
(192)  Waller Home
(193)  Dwelling/Home
(194)  Joiner Home
(195)  Baker Home
(196)  Dwelling/Home
(197)  Girdler Home
(198)  Locksmith
(199)  Dwelling/Home
(200)  Butcher Home
(201)  Cordwainer
(202)  Dwelling/Home
(203)  Organmaker
(204)  Dwelling/Home
(205)  Harbor Master Building
(206)  Cordwainer
(207)  Spurrier
(208)  Hatter
(209)  Joiner
(210)  Sailors Charthouse
(211)  Skinner
(212)  Dwelling/Home
(213)  Fresh Water Fisher Home
(214)  Saucemaker
(215)  Poulterer (Chicken Farmer)
(216)  Paviour
(217)  Carpenter
(218)  Dwelling/Home
(219)  Skinner
(220)  Furrier
(221)  Hatter
(222)  Goldbeater
(223)  Dyer
(224)  Dwelling/Home
(225)  Knife-grinder
(226)  Sage
(227)  Tanner
(228)  Dwelling/Home
(229)  Clockmaker
(230)  Dwelling/Home
(231)  Dwelling/Home
(232)  Wiredrawer
(233)  Dwelling/Home
(234)  Farrier (Horse Doctor)
(235)  Dwelling/Home
(236)  Dwelling/Home
(237)  Dwelling/Home
(238)  Launder
(239)  Bloomer
(240)  Dwelling/Home
(241)  Goldsmith
(242)  Dwelling/Home
(243)  Dyer
(244)  Gem-cutter
(245)  Saddler
(246)  Fishmonger
(247)  Mason
(248)  Barber
(249)  Barber
(250)  Dwelling/Home
(251)  Dwelling/Home
(252)  Glassblower
(253)  Barber
(254)  Cobbler
(255)  Dwelling/Home
(256)  Astrologer
(257)  Dwelling/Home
(258)  Cooper
(259)  Fresh Water Fisher Home
(260)  Dwelling/Home
(261)  Limner
(262)  Bladesmith
(263)  Furrier
(264)  Dwelling/Home
(265)  Dwelling/Home
(266)  Harpmaker
(267)  Teamster
(268)  Dwelling/Home
(269)  Baker
(270)  Groom
(271)  Fuller
(272)  Dwelling/Home
(273)  Clerk
(274)  Dwelling/Home
(275)  Dwelling/Home
(276)  Pewterer
(277)  Dwelling/Home
(278)  Sailor
(279)  Potter
(280)  Dwelling/Home
(281)  Dwelling/Home
(282)  Hatter
(283)  Fishmonger
(284)  Carpenter
(285)  Forester
(286)  Carpenter
(287)  Arrowsmith
(288)  Scribe
(289)  Dwelling/Home
(290)  Herbalist
(291)  Dwelling/Home
(292)  Wheelwright
(293)  Dwelling/Home
(294)  Baker
(295)  Woodturner
(296)  Navigator
(297)  Dwelling/Home
(298)  Dwelling/Home
(299)  Navigator
(300)  Brazier
(301)  Dwelling/Home
(302)  Dwelling/Home
(303)  Dwelling/Home
(304)  Dwelling/Home
(305)  Cobbler
(306)  Saucemaker
(307)  Dwelling/Home
(308)  Sage
(309)  Dwelling/Home
(310)  Dwelling/Home
(311)  Bellfounder
(312)  Grocer
(313)  Carver
(314)  Dwelling/Home
(315)  Collier
(316)  Dwelling/Home
(317)  Dwelling/Home
(318)  Dwelling/Home
(319)  Paviour
(320)  Goldsmith
(321)  Seamstress
(322)  Organmaker
(323)  Furrier
(324)  Dwelling/Home
(325)  Dwelling/Home
(326)  Dwelling/Home
(327)  Sailor
(328)  Dwelling/Home
(329)  Woodturner
(330)  Harpmaker
(331)  Groom Home
(332)  Dwelling/Home
(333)  Herald
(334)  Limeburner
(335)  Dwelling/Home
(336)  Forester
(337)  Dwelling/Home
(338)  Dwelling/Home
(339)  Skinner
(340)  Dwelling/Home
(341)  Limner
(342)  Porter
(343)  Dwelling/Home
(344)  Sailor
(345)  Dwelling/Home
(346)  Glazier
(347)  Bellfounder
(348)  Dwelling/Home
(349)  Tax Collector Home
(350)  Dwelling/Home
(351)  Vintner
(352)  Dwelling/Home
(353)  Harpmaker
(354)  Carrier
(355)  Mason
(356)  Dwelling/Home
(357)  Dwelling/Home
(358)  Harpmaker
(359)  Barrister
(360)  Dwelling/Home
(361)  Fresh Water Fisher Home
(362)  Goldbeater
(363)  Dwelling/Home
(364)  Dwelling/Home
(365)  Seamstress
(366)  Dwelling/Home
(367)  Dwelling/Home
(368)  Seamstress
(369)  Salt Water Fisher Home
(370)  Dwelling/Home
(371)  Coppersmith
(372)  Dwelling/Home
(373)  Dwelling/Home
(374)  Fuller
(375)  Pewterer
(376)  Cartwright
(377)  Dwelling/Home
(378)  Dwelling/Home
(379)  Dwelling/Home
(380)  Carter
(381)  Spurrier
(382)  Dwelling/Home
(383)  Dwelling/Home
(384)  Porter
(385)  Butcher
(386)  Bowyer
(387)  Dwelling/Home
(388)  Fresh Water Fisher Home
(389)  Joiner
(390)  Dwelling/Home
(391)  Dwelling/Home
(392)  Dwelling/Home
(393)  Barber
(394)  Blacksmith
(395)  Cooper
(396)  Barber
(397)  Hatter
(398)  Goldbeater
(399)  Saucemaker
(400)  Dwelling/Home
(401)  Herald
(402)  Glazier
(403)  Bricklayer
(404)  Navigator
(405)  Hatter
(406)  Seamstress
(407)  Dwelling/Home
(408)  Cordwainer
(409)  Paviour
(410)  Bladesmith
(411)  Bookbinder
(412)  Dyer
(413)  Dwelling/Home
(414)  Interpreter
(415)  Scribe
(416)  Fresh Water Fisher Home
(417)  Dwelling/Home
(418)  Sage
(419)  Dwelling/Home
(420)  Poulterer (Chicken Farmer)
(421)  Launder
(422)  Herbalist
(423)  Launder
(424)  Enameler
(425)  Dwelling/Home
(426)  Coppersmith
(427)  Dwelling/Home
(428)  Dwelling/Home
(429)  Dwelling/Home
(430)  Dwelling/Home
(431)  Waller
(432)  Draper
(433)  Clockmaker
(434)  Enameler
(435)  Dwelling/Home
(436)  Cordwainer
(437)  Woodturner
(438)  Forester
(439)  Painter
(440)  Dwelling/Home
(441)  Poulterer (Chicken Farmer)
(442)  Brazier
(443)  Dwelling/Home
(444)  Dwelling/Home
(445)  Architect
(446)  Dwelling/Home
(447)  Tavern Owner Home
(448)  Dwelling/Home
(449)  Dwelling/Home
(450)  Dwelling/Home
(451)  Tanner
(452)  Dwelling/Home
(453)  Bellfounder
(454)  Nailsmith
(455)  Dwelling/Home
(456)  Dwelling/Home
(NF-457)  Enameler
(458)  Dwelling/Home
(459)  Dwelling/Home
(460)  Carpenter Home
(461)  Carpenter Home
(462)  Dwelling/Home
(463)  Dwelling/Home
(464)  Potter
(465)  Chandler
(466)  Dwelling/Home
(467)  Wiredrawer Home
(468)  Joiner
(469)  Cordwainer
(470)  Cobbler Home
(471)  Dwelling/Home
(472)  Dwelling/Home
(473)  Sage
(474)  Barrister
(475)  Bladesmith
(476)  Poulterer (Chicken Farmer)
(477)  Architect
(478)  Dwelling/Home
(479)  Embroiderer
(480)  Dwelling/Home
(481)  Fletcher
(482)  Lutemaker
(483)  Butcher
(484)  Tilemaker Home
(485)  Tilemaker
(486)  Dwelling/Home
(487)  Dwelling/Home
(488)  Coppersmith Home
(489)  Vintner Home
(M-490)  Soapmaker
(491)  Dwelling/Home
(492)  Bowyer Home
(M-493)  Parchment-maker
(494)  Goldsmith Home
(495)  Carrier
(496)  Fuller
(497)  Astrologer
(498)  Dwelling/Home

Maskepar Area Encounter List (Anamals only)














Koala Bear
Lynx Cats
Red Panda
Wild Dogs