Fransica City Encounters

First roll "Who" then roll for the "Reason"

Encounter Who or What

1d20 Daytime Encounter 1d20 Nighttime Encounter
City Folk (Table 1A)
Unusual (Table 1B)
By Quarter (Table 1C)
Special Encounter (Table 1D)
City Folk (Table 1A)
Unusual (Table 1B)
By Quarter (Table 1C)
Special Encounter (Table 1D)

Once you have determined that your encounter is with a normal (or sometimes not so normal) occupant of the city, you must determine exactly who that encounter is with.
To use this table roll 1d20 to determine the Social Level (“SL”) of the person encountered and cross-index that against the result of a roll of 1d10 to determine the Hierarchy of the individual, meaning the “class” of that individual. Using those two results, cross-index them on the table below and you have your encounter.
encountered. If the encounter is a guard or constable (an entry of “C” or “G,” see below) the level is as per a standard guard or constable (see below and the City Folk Appendix) and is rolled according to those tables and descriptions.
Money Carried: This only applies to actual individual encounters. If the encounter is a guard or constable (an entry of “C” or “G,” see below) they carry only 1d6 gp each. Women encountered carry double the listed amount of money carried, though normally in the form of jewelry.
Though you may use human as the default race encountered, you may wish to randomly generate the race of the person or persons encountered. Refer to the Race tables later in this chapter.

City Folk (Table 1A)

SL (1d20) 1 Noble 2 Gentleman 3–4 Military 5–6 Guildsman 7–8 Merchant 9–10 General
NPC -  Level/Range
High Born
Royal Minister
Constable or Cleric
Well Born
Chief Magistrate
Lord Mayor

Man at

Master Craftsman*


Deputy Sheriff

1d4 cp
1d6 cp
1d4 sp
1d4 gp
1d8 gp
2d6 gp
3d6 gp
2d12 gp
2d20 gp
3d20 gp
4d20 gp
5d20 gp
6d20 gp
7d20 gp
8d20 gp
9d20 gp
10d20 gp
11d20 gp
12d20 gp
Some results are special or require additional rolls. Those results are indicated in the table with asterisks after their entry and are detailed below.
Slaves: To determine their master, roll again on the table.
Villaine, Freemen and Citizens: To determine the exact occupation of these persons from the General Hierarchy, roll on the “General Hierarchy Occupations” Subtable.
Merchants: To determine the type of products the merchant sells, roll on the “Merchants” Subtable.
Guildsmen: To determine the exact occupation of any person encountered from the “Guildsmen” hierarchy (except Beggars), roll on the “Guildsmen” Subtable.
Beggars: Beggars are a rich source of local information and strange prophetic predictions and are handled separately. To determine the number of beggars encountered roll 1d4.
G: Indicates an encounter with a group of 2d6 City Guard or Garrison operating in their official capacity. This is to be distinguished from a result of SL 5 of the Military Hierarchy, which is “Guard/Garrison,” and indicates the person is encountered is a guard member but is not in his official capacity and is “off duty.” Consult the “Guards and Constables” section.
C: Indicates an encounter with a group of 2d6 City Constables. As with city guards, a “C” result is different than a result of SL 4 of the Gentlemen Hierarchy, which is “Constable” and indicates the person encountered is a constable but is not in his official capacity and is “off duty.” Consult the “Guards and Constables” section.
Companions: For every person encountered of SL 6 or above, they will be accompanied by a number of companions equal to their NPC Level Range. Thus, a Cavalryman will be accompanied by 1d12 companions,
while a Senator will be accompanied by 2d8 companions. Companions will be 1d6 SL ranks below their liege.
Nobles and Gentlemen will also have and equal number of bodyguards of appropriate level.


3d12 Result 3d12 Result
3. Beholder
4. Wight
5. Lammasu
6. 1d2 Vampire Spawn*
7. 1d3 Shadows*
8. Giant (roll for type)
9. 1d6 Harpies
10. Golem (roll for type)
11. Troll
12. 1d2 Temple Spiders
13. 1d3 Gargoyles
14. 1d3 Paladins (level 1d8+3)
15. 1d3 Rogues (level 1d6+3)
16. 1d6 Barbarians (level 1d4+3)
17. 1d4 Clerics (level 1d6+2)
18. 1d2 Wizards (level 1d8+3)
19. 1d2 Sorcerers (level 1d6+2)
20. 1d3 Bards (level 1d6+2)
21. 1d3 Monks (level 1d6)
22. 1d4–1 Rangers (level 1d6+2)
23. 1d2 Carrion Crawlers
24. Griffon
25. 2d4 Stirges
26. Minotaur
27. Elemental (roll for type)
28. 1d6 Skeletons
29. Invisible Stalker
30. 1d3 Blink Dogs
31. 1d6 Zombies
32. 1d3 Winged Apes**
33. Wraith*
34. Vampire*
35. Mind Flayer
36. Gold Dragon (polymorphed)

By Quarter (Table 1C)

Roll 1d6 (+1 at night)

Old Town
New City
Market Square
Guild District
South of Main St.
1 Sheriff Dwarf Sharper Sailor Robber Apprentice
2 Knight 1d6 Orcs Beggar* Sailor Guard Apprentice
3 General* 1d2 Ogres Slaver Buccaneer Merchant* Footpad
4 Gentlemen* Bandit Performer Pirate Merchant* Robber
5 Noble* 2d4 Goblins Bard (1d6Level)
Sea-Captain Merchant* Burglar
6 Noble* 1d3 Barbarians Mercenary Beggar* General* Cutpurse
7 Cutpurse 1d6 Dire Rats Unusual* Press Gang Cutpurse 1d4 Wererats

General: This result means you must roll 1d20 on Table 1A, the “City Folk Encountered” table, and check your result on the “General Hierarchy” column.
Gentlemen: This result means you must roll 1d20 on Table 1A, the “City Folk Encountered” table, and check your result on the “Gentlemen Hierarchy” column.
Noble: This result means you must roll 1d20 on Table 1A, the “City Folk Encountered” table, and check your result on the “Noble Hierarchy” column.
Merchant: This result means you must roll 1d20 on Table 1A, the “City Folk Encountered” table, and check your result on the “Merchant Hierarchy” column.
Beggars: Beggars are a rich source of local information and strange prophetic predictions and are handled separately. For more information on any beggars encountered, consult the “Beggars” section later in this chapter.

Unusual: Roll on Table 1D, the “Unusual Encounters” Table.

Special Encounter (Table 1D)

1d20 Result
1. Expectorated upon
2. Dishwater poured on from above
3. Meathook from above
4. Chamber pot emptied upon
5. Clay pot hits (1d2 damage)
6. Brick hits (1d3 damage, Fort save DC 10 or stunned)
7. Runaway Carriage (Ref save DC 10 or 2d6 damage)
8. Street caves in beneath feet (Ref save DC 10 or 1d6
9. Impress gang (Thugs equal to number of PCs) grabs PC
10. 1d4 Wererats attempt to kidnap PC
11. Beggar*
12. 1d3 Drunks
13. Messenger
14. 1d3 Performers
15. Lamplighter
16. Buffoon (roll on City
(see Rules chapter)
17. Vigilantes*
18. Town Crier*
19. Fugutive
20. Hypnotist

Beggars: Beggars are a rich source of local information and strange prophetic predictions and are handled
separately. Beggars usually stay in lose groups, but usually approach people singly. The level of a beggar
encountered is 1d6. Consult the Beggar NPC class in the Rules chapter above for more information.
Vigilantes: Consult the “Vigilantes” Section, later in this chapter.
Town Crier: Roll on the “Town Crier” Subtable.

1. Call to Arms (general)
2. Orcs of the Purple Claw sighted from the wall
3. Special Occurrences (Roll below)
4–6. All’s Well.
7–8. Proclamation

1. Due to recent insurrection no armor may be worn for 1 week
2. Submission: all persons must register city of allegiance
3. Special bounty for an outlaw announced
4. Head tax on non-citizens (1 gp each)
5. Gladiator game and grand tourneys announced
6. All temples may impose special tax (4 sp per person)
7. Heroic soldier made a knight
8. No fires or lights allowed tonight
9. Noble’s death, mourners given right of way, festivals tonight
10. Birth of prince or noble, festivals tonight

1D20 Result
1. Caravan arriving/departing
2. Cavalry call to arms (excluding knights)
3. Footmen call to arms (excluding knights)
4. Stagecoach robbed/missing
5. Fire (5% chance to spread, roll random quarter)
6. Epidemic outbreak (roll 1d6, 1–5. in common quarter, 6. roll quarter randomly)
7. Ship arriving/departing
8. Noble’s birth/death (roll SL, excluding 18–20)
9. Holiday/Day of Mourning proclaimed
10. Execution coming up
11. Gladiator festival today
12. Battle result announced (distant army)
13. Curfew announced (goblins were loose in the city last night)
14. Gates locked (outlaw/spy sighted)
15. Spell use illegal today (enemy wizard loose)
16. Jail Break (5 gp reward per person, 3d6 escapees)
17. Emergency tax for Overlord (1 sp per person)
18. Extra month’s pay for army volunteers
19. War declaration/Peace treaty
20. Weapon/horse confiscation (avoid with Diplomacy check DC 20, modified by character’s SL if any)


Now that you know who or what is involved you need to know why they are encountering the PCs. Feel free to use your own judgment or roll 1d6 on the table below for inspiration.

1. Attack by surprise, see sub-table
2. Attack, see sub-table
3. Slanders or insults PC(s)
4. Questions PC(s)
5. Has proposition for PC(s), see sub-table
6. Seeks aid from PC(s)

1. Mistaken identity
2. Doesn’t like PC(s)’ looks
3. Doesn’t like PC(s)’ perceived class
4. Alignment hatred, if obvious, otherwise 2 above
5. Race hatred
6. Robbery/theft
7. Lust
8. Temporary insanity/berserk
9. Imagined slight
10. Clan hatred
11. Doesn’t like PC(s)’ NPCs, if any, otherwise 2 above
12. Doesn’t like PC(s)’ clothes
13. Thinks PC(s) look sneaky
14. Interfering with plans
15. In the way
16. Drunk
17. Religious hatred
18. Revenge
19. Jealousy
20. Capture, see sub-table

1d6 Result
1. To sacrifice
2. To use as decoy
3. To sell as slave
4. To ransom
5. To use in prisoner exchange
6. To impress into unit/work detail

1d6 Result
1. Challenge
2. Search
3. Task/Mission
4. Work offer
5. Sexual
6. Ruse to kidnap PC

If the encounter is with guards or constables (“G” or “C” on the City Folk table), refer to the “Guards and Constables” section later in this chapter to determine their unique reasons for interacting with the PCs.

Once you have determined the type of City Folk encountered, you may wish to determine the race of the persons encountered. The following tables reflect the racial composition of the City State. If you do not wish to generate race, you may use a default of Alryan, a type of human. See the Player’s Guide to the Wilderlands for more details on the races of the Wilderlands. If you are not using that book, then simply default to “human.”


See Table 1.1B, below
1–40 City, 41 Deep, 42–50 Hill, 51–00 Mountain
1–65 Common, 66–Highland, 81–00 Stouts
1 Dark, 2–60 High, 61–Grey, 65–66 Mer,Northern, 68–75 Southern,76–80 Wood, 81–00 Half–elf
See Table 1.1C, below

*Includes Altanian, Amazon and Avalonian which, though more appropriately considered humanoids, are so similar as to be included in this group.

d% Human Subtype*
1–34 Alryan
35–36 Antillian
37–38 Common Avalonian
39 Common Orichalan
40–42 Dunael
43 Ghinoran
44 Gishmesh
45 Karakhan
46–47 Skandik
48–75 Tharbrian
76–94 Altanian
95–98 Azazom
99 Avalonian
00 Other human
*Includes Altanian, Amazon and Avalonian which, though more appropriately considered humanoids, are so similar to humans as to be included in this group.
Other Human: Judges may insert other human or humanoid races that are very rare, such as Cavemen, Demonbrood, Dorins, Elphan, Elritorn, Hawk Folk, Houri, Liowan, Neamua or Nguak. Or the Judge may select other unusual humanoids such as Astari, Bardiks, Confed, Ghul, Lunari or Solari. These races are detailed in the article “Lesser Races of the Wilderlands,” in the EN World Player’s Journal Issue #4.

d% Race
1–35 Midget
36 Bugbear
37–39 Merfolk
40 Centaur
41–45 Caine
46–55 Gnome (1–85 City, 86–88 Forest,
56–70 Ape
71–80 Tenic
81 Common Viridian
82 Cavemen
83 Hawk Folk
84 Dorin
85 Elphan
86 Elritorn
87 Demonbrood
88–99 Filli
00 Other non-human
Other Non-human: Judges may insert other human or humanoid races that are very rare, such as Liowan, Neamua or Nguak. See the Player’s Guide to the Wilderlands for information on these races. Or the Judge may select other unusual humanoids such as Astari, Bardiks, Confed, Ghul,
 unari or Solari. These races are detailed in the article “Lesser Races of the Wilderlands,” in the EN World Player’s Journal, Issue # 4. The Judge may also decide to use fey races or outsiders.

Several general categories exist that need to be discussed. The flavor of the City State is such that some explanation is required.
Slavery is simply considered a fact of life in the City State. It is considered neither good nor evil, though it does tend to draw the ire of certain people. Slaves are usually considered valuable assets that are expensive to feed and maintain, as such, they are usually treated well. Slaves tend to have backgrounds as common laborers, craftsmen, or guards, but more elite slaves with specialized skills are not unheard of.
The bulk of the City State’s population consists of freemen, a classification that includes local or visiting merchants, laborers, craftsmen, and individuals practicing various trades. If one is not a slave, a noble, a knight, or a guardsman of some sort, then one is considered a freeman
Nobles of the City-State have many backgrounds: some are wealthy merchants, some are country landowners keeping city quarters, some are diplomats from foreign lands and others are company of a Knight Banneret, and may eventually become one himself.
The knighthood is a relatively recent addition to the social and military political landscape. Knights encompass many different elements of the social spectrum. A knight might be anything from a wandering mercenary possessed of a horse and heavy armor to a local noble fulfilling his familial duty to the Overlord. All knights are bound to a complex code of ethics that deplores the use of magic spells of broad effect in warfare, encourages the taking of helpless captives prisoner for ransom and demands chivalrous service to the Ladies of the City State. Socially (though not necessarily martially), the lowest rank of knighthood is the Knight Errant. Knights Errant are wandering knights who may or may not be of noble birth. They adhere to the tenets of knightly behavior and chivalry, but they have no permanent lord. Instead, they swear fealty to a patron, in this case the Overlord. Once sworn, they serve loyally and seek promotion in the Overlord’s Inner Circle of Knights; in the rare case that a Knight-Errant chooses to leave, he must submit to the Overlord for the acts he must fulfill in order to leave service, usually an extensive campaign. A mounted soldier who is unsworn or does not subscribe to knightly codes of behavior may find service in the cavalry.
Most Knights Errant aspire to gain rank, favor and entrance to the Knights of the Inner Circle. Upon completion of their third campaign in the Overlord’s name, a Knight Errant may be promoted to Knight Bachelor and reassigned to a smaller unit. These promotions sometimes come about as a result of uncanny bravery or martial prowess on the battlefield. Knights Bachelor are usually assigned a squire and may petition the Overlord’s court for a grant of land. Knights Bachelor may also be nobles who have received a land grant from the Overlord; any noble grantee assumes this Knightly rank and obligation, regardless of military background. Thus, there is a great disparity in martial ability between the fighting men and nobility in this knightly rank. Upon promotion, a Knight Bachelor is assigned to the trouble. Generally, guards attempt to subdue persons they attempt to arrest with non-lethal damage unless the suspects use deadly force in return.
If the person or persons encountered from the General Hierarchy on the City Folk Encountered Table , right, are villaines, freemen or citizens the Judge can determine the occupation of the person encountered using this table. First roll 1d6 for the occupation of the villaine, freeman or citizen. Then, using the appropriate die, determine the specific occupation.
All persons except beggars from the Guildsmen Hierarchy from the City Folk Encountered next page, have a trade. That trade can be determined using the following table. Not all trades a strong guild affiliation, having grown from barbarian ancestry. Those without solid guilds considered “tradesmen.”
Use this table to determine what types of particular merchant deals in. First, roll 2d6 to determine whether the merchant deals in Common, Rare Extraordinary goods. Then roll on the appropriate determine the specific type of goods.

1d6 and 1d10 roll - Guild
1d6 and 1d10 roll - Guild 1d6 and 1d10 roll - Guild
10 Accountant
11 Alchemist
12 Architect
13 Armorer
14 Artist
15 Assassin
16 Astrologer
17 Astronomer
18 Author
19 Beggar
20 Boatmaker
21 Bootmaker
22 Botanist
23 Bowmaker
24 Bricklayer
25 Carpenter
26 Carpetmaker
27 Carver
28 Courtesan
29 Engineer
30 Executioner
31 Fletcher
32 Geologist
33 Glass-blower
34 Goldsmith
35 Hatmaker
36 Inkmaker
37 Interpreter
38 Jeweler
39 Lampmaker
40 Leather craftsman
41 Litigation trickster
42 Mason
43 Miner
44 Magic user
45 Mercenary
46 Metal worker
47 Navigator
48 Perfumer/dyer
49 Pitchmaker
50 Poet/bard
51 Potter
52 Roofer
53 Ropemaker
54 Saddlemaker
55 Sailmaker
56 Sculptor
57 Sailor
58 Sage
59 Smith
60 Shipbuilder
61 Slaver
62 Scribe
63 Thief
64 Tailor
65 Tanner
66 Weaver
67 Wig/mask maker
68 Wheelwright
69 Winemaker

1d12 Category
2–8 Common
9–11 Rare
12 Extraordinary

Common Wares (1d10)
Rare (1d20)
Extraordinary (1d10)
1 Foodstuffs
2 Wine
3 Beer
4 Clothing
5 Small livestock
6 Rope
7 Tools
8 Feeds and seeds
9 —
10 —
11 —
12 —
13 —
14 —
15 —
16 —
17 —
18 —
19 —
Leather goods
Wagon caravan
Building supplies
Books/art objects
Precious gems/Metals
Processed foods
Shipping line
Magic weapons
Magic armor
Magic items
Magic scrolls and books
Fantastic creatures
Fantastic creature eggs
Fantastic creature parts
Poisons and alchemical items

People Random Encounters(d30)
  1. Race: Human - Occupation: Nobleman - Motivation: Drinking - Quirks: Well traveled
  2. Race: Elf - Occupation: Coachman - Motivation: Looking for a lost friend/relative - Quirks: Religious fanatic
  3. Race: Human - Occupation: Bricklayer - Motivation: Idle conversation - Quirks: Sloppy
  4. Race: Half-Elf - Occupation: Minstrel - Motivation: Pursuing someone/thing - Quirks: Paranoid
  5. Race: Human - Occupation: Sage - Motivation: Chasing a spooked horse - Quirks: Generous
  6. Race: Human - Occupation: Gravedigger - Motivation: Has malign intentions - Quirks: Tells bad jokes
  7. Race: Human - Occupation: Miller - Motivation: Sleeping in an inappropriate place - Quirks: Alcoholic
  8. Race: Human - Occupation: Fortune Teller - Motivation: Looking for a lost friend/relative - Quirks: Missing a leg
  9. Race: Human - Occupation: Soldier - Motivation: Drunk - Quirks: Enormously fat
  10. Race: Human - Occupation: Actor - Motivation: Attacks PC for no apparent reason - Quirks: Knows everything -
  11. Race: Human - Occupation: Shoemaker - Motivation: Hates a character class (Priest) - Quirks: Speaks many languages
  12. Race: Dwarf - Occupation: Merchant - Motivation: Involved in a fight - Quirks: Loud
  13. Race: Human - Occupation: Fighter - Motivation: Opinionated comments - Quirks: Dressed inappropriately
  14. Race: Elf - Occupation: Ranger - Motivation: Looking for a lost friend/relative - Quirks: Seriously injured
  15. Race: Human - Occupation: Barrister - Motivation: Wants to sell something - Quirks: Very quiet
  16. Race: Halfling - Occupation: Navigator - Motivation: Wants to hire PCs - Quirks: Sad
  17. Race: Human - Occupation: Ranger - Motivation: Compliments PC for some reason - Quirks: Uncooperative
  18. Race: Human - Occupation: Candlemaker - Motivation: Hates a race (Half-Elf) - Quirks: Cowardly
  19. Race: Half-Elf - Occupation: Dyer - Motivation: Looking for someone who reads - Quirks: Tells bad jokes
  20. Race: Human - Occupation: Servant - Motivation: Curiousity - Quirks: Owns a vicious dog
  21. Race: Halfling - Occupation: Fisherman - Motivation: Looking for a fight - Quirks: Deadbeat look
  22. Race: Elf - Occupation: Hunter - Motivation: Repairing a broken wheel - Quirks: Passive
  23. Race: Human - Occupation: Armourer - Motivation: Chasing a spooked horse - Quirks: Rude
  24. Race: Human - Occupation: Tailor - Motivation: Chasing a spooked horse - Quirks: Angry
  25. Race: Elf - Occupation: Soldier - Motivation: Wants to steal something - Quirks: Witty
  26. Race: Human - Occupation: Minstrel - Motivation: Rude comments - Quirks: Disorganised
  27. Race: Human - Occupation: Carpenter - Motivation: Wants PCs to settle a dispute - Quirks: Blind
  28. Race: Human - Occupation: Glassblower - Motivation: Mistakes PC for someone else - Quirks: Neat
  29. Race: Gnome - Occupation: Servant - Motivation: Transporting goods - Quirks: DM's Choice
  30. Race: Human - Occupation: Herbalist - Motivation: Drunk - Quirks: Very old

South Gate and Midtown District

  1. Wagon unloading supplies 4-5 porters
  2. Non-human (orc, ogre) porter
  3. Two merchants haggling
  4. Innocent bystander
  5. Barman or restauranteur buying supplies
  6. City Watch, patrol of 4
  7. Hard currency girls
  8. Beggar (10% chance thief level 1-4)
  9. Innocent bystander
  10. Runner in the livery of Waterdeep
  11. Wagon unloading supplies
  12. Noble in travel chair
  13. Street vendor
  14. Concerned citizen
  15. Trotting cart with 2 passengers
  16. 2-3 fishwives arguing
  17. Magic-User (level 1-6)
  18. Group of thugs
  19. Broken cart or wagon
  20. Two guildsmen in discussion
  21. Apprentice in the livery of a guild
  22. Innocent bystander
  23. Foreign merchant
  24. Empty wagon
  25. Moneychanger with 3 guards
  26. Hard currency girls
  27. Cryer advertising a merchant’s wares
  28. Street vendor
  29. Merchant making a sale
  30. Trotting cart, empty of passengers
  31. Group of mendicants cadging for coins
  32. Concerned citizen
  33. Runner in the livery of a noble house
  34. Minor official of Waterdeep (scribe or clerk)
  35. Non-human merchant (dwarf, elf, halfling, gnome)
  36. Children playing
  37. Street vendor
  38. Porters unloading a wagon
  39. Gridlock—a number of wagons narrowing traffic
  40. Cryer advertising a tavern or festhall
  41. Fishwives engaged in gossip
  42. Journeyman in the livery of a guild
  43. Old war veteran watching the world
  44. Street vendor
  45. 4-5 human porters carrying goods
  46. Two merchants in heated discussion
  47. Beggars (10% thief level 1-4)
  48. Small children
  49. Jongleur/Minstrel/Entertainer
  50. Cryer for entertainer or theater
  51. Innocent bystander (10% thief level 2-8)
  52. Obvious tourists from the hinterlands
  53. Street vendor
  54. Political speaker with crowd
  55. Cleric (levels 1-6)
  56. Foreign merchant
  57. Concerned citizen
  58. Detachment of the Guard-12 soldiers
  59. Fighter (level 1-8)
  60. Porters unloading a wagon
  61. Cryer in palace livery
  62. Unremarkable messenger
  63. Grocer directing wagon unloading
  64. Carriage with livery of noble house
  65. Construction on nearby building
  66. Dungsweepers
  67. Artist sketching
  68. Merchant fawning over a noble
  69. Old coots
  70. City Watch, patrol of 4
  71. Obvious tourists from the hinterlands
  72. Innocent bystanders
  73. Messenger wearing the device of a guild
  74. Young couple oblivious to the world
  75. Two men making a secret transaction
  76. Wagon pulled by oxen
  77. Bearers carrying large cloth burdens
  78. Cryer for eatery or tavern
  79. Minor, harried official
  80. Merchant in front of his store
  81. Shady individual lurking near corner
  82. Innocent bystander
  83. Band of ruffians
  84. Old drunk propped against a wall
  85. Horses tied up in front of building
  86. Obvious tourists from the hinterlands
  87. City Watch, patrol of 4
  88. 100 Flying creature (hippogriff, griffon, pegasus, flying
  89. Lamplighters
  90. Merchant en route home
  91. Drunken foreigner
  92. Monster encounter
  93. Lamplighters
  94. 2-3 men dressed in black
  95. Hard currency girls
  96. Ruffians
  97. Innocent bystanders, out too late
  98. Gang of low level (1-3) thieves
  99. Runner for some guild
  100. Wizard (level 9-15)


  1. 01 City Guard, patrol of 6
  2. 02 Messenger in the livery of a noble guild
  3. 03 Noble party
  4. 04 Wagon making deliveries
  5. 05 4-5 porters
  6. 06 Strolling minstrel
  7. 07 Two nobles in discussion
  8. 08 Innocent bystander
  9. 09 Clerical instructor and group of 4-16 students
  10. 10 City Watch, patrol of 4
  11. 11 Noblewomen out for a stroll
  12. 12 Beggar (10% chance thief level 1-4)
  13. 13 Innocent bystander
  14. 14 Runner in the livery of Waterdeep
  15. 15 Wagon moving towards one of the gates
  16. 16 Noble in portage chair
  17. 17 Street vendor
  18. 18 Concerned citizen
  19. 19 4-5 human porters
  20. 20 2-3 gladiators in demonstration
  21. 21 Magic-User (level 1-6)
  22. 22 2 clerics in religious discussion
  23. 23 Broken cart or wagon
  24. 24 Two guildsmen in discussion
  25. 25 Young nobleman
  26. 26 Innocent bystander
  27. 27 Foreign merchant
  28. 28 Empty wagon
  29. 29 Moneychanger with 3 guards
  30. 30 Children at play
  31. 31 Cryer advertising an upcoming gala
  32. 32 Street vendor
  33. 33 Merchant making a delivery
  34. 34 Trotting cart with 1 passenger
  35. 35 Group of clerics exhorting to the masses
  36. 36 Concerned citizen
  37. 37 Runner in the livery of a noble house
  38. 38 Minor official of Waterdeep (scribe or clerk)
  39. 39 Non-human merchant (dwarf, elf, halfling, gnome)
  40. 40 Children playing
  41. 41 Street vendor
  42. 42 Porters unloading a wagon
  43. 43 Craftsmen arguing over a noble’s business
  44. 44 Cryer advertising a tavern
  45. 45 Servants engaged in gossip
  46. 46 Journeyman in the livery of a guild
  47. 47 Servants running an errand
  48. Street vendor
  49. 4-5 human porters carrying goods
  50. Ragged cleric (level 2-8) looking to convert others
  51. 1-4 beggars (5% thief level 1-4)
  52. Small children, playing with dogs
  53. Jongleur/Minstrel/Entertainer
  54. Cryer for entertainer or theater
  55. Innocent bystander (10% thief level 2-8)
  56. Obvious tourists from the hinterlands
  57. Gardeners working on trees
  58. Religious speaker with crowd
  59. Cleric (levels 1-6) with group of followers
  60. Foreign merchant
  61. Concerned citizen
  62. City Watch, patrol of 4
  63. Fighter (level 1-8)
  64. Porters unloading a wagon
  65. Cryer in noble livery
  66. Unremarkable messenger
  67. Noblewoman directing construction
  68. Carriage with livery of noble house
  69. Construction on nearby building
  70. Dungsweepers
  71. Artist working on a wall mural
  72. Merchant fawning over a noble
  73. old coots
  74. City Watch, patrol of 4
  75. Obvious tourists from the hinterlands
  76. Innocent bystanders
  77. Messenger wearing the device of a guild
  78. Young couple oblivious to the world
  79. Iwo young nobles in a loud, angry discussion
  80. Wagon loaded with furniture
  81. Bearers carrying large cloth burdens
  82. Cryer for restaurant
  83. Minor, harried official
  84. Merchant making a delivery, with wagon
  85. Shady individual watching a nearby noble home
  86. Innocent bystander
  87. Band of young nobles
  88. Old man eating
  89. Young man with bulky object, looking over his shoulder
  90. Obvious tourists with guide
  91. City Watch, patrol of 4
  92. Flying creature (hippogriff, griffon, Pegasus, flying
  93. carpet, etc.)
  94. Lamplighters
  95. 2-3 men dressed in black
  96. Courtesans en route home
  97. Noble ruffians
  98. Innocent bystanders, out too late
  99. Gang of low level (l-3) thieves climbing over a wall
  100. Nobles out for an evening stroll


  1. 01 City Guard, patrol of 6
  2. 02 Messenger in the livery of a noble house
  3. 03 Local merchant
  4. 04 Wagon unloading supplies
  5. 05 4-5 porters
  6. 06 6 laborers on a break
  7. 07 Two nobles in intense discussion
  8. 08 Innocent bystander
  9. 09 Barman or restauranteur buying supplies
  10. 10 City Watch, patrol of 4
  11. 11 Hard currency girls
  12. 12 Beggar (20% chance thief level 1-4)
  13. 13 Innocent bystander
  14. 14 Runner in the livery of Waterdeep
  15. 15 Wagon unloading supplies
  16. 16 Noble in portage chair
  17. 17 Street vendor
  18. 18 Concerned citizen
  19. 19 Noblewoman returning from shopping with 4 bearers
  20. 20 2-3 mercenaries arguing
  21. 21 Magic-User (level 1-6)
  22. 22 Group of mangy-looking thugs
  23. 23 Broken cart or wagon
  24. 24 Two guildsmen in casual discussion
  25. 25 Apprentice in the livery of a guild
  26. 26 Innocent bystander
  27. 27 Foreign merchant, lost
  28. 28 Empty wagon
  29. 29 Moneychanger with 3 guards
  30. 30 3-4 servants, gossiping
  31. 31 Cryer advertising am upcoming noble festivity
  32. 32 Street vendor
  33. 33 Merchant making a sale
  34. 34 Trotting cart with 1 passenger
  35. 35 Group of beggars
  36. 36 Concerned citizen
  37. 37 Runner in the livery of a noble house
  38. City Watch, patrol of 4
  39. Lower-class Waterdhavians from Docks Ward
  40. Innocent bystanders
  41. Messenger wearing the device of a guild
  42. Young couple oblivious to the world
  43. Man buying a small item from another man
  44. Wagon moving furniture
  45. Bearers carrying large cloth burdens
  46. Religious parade or procession
  47. Minor; harried official
  48. Noble woman with three bodyguards
  49. Shady individual lurking near corner
  50. Innocent bystander
  51. Band of ruffians
  52. Minor city official taking a nap
  53. Horses tied up in front of building
  54. Obvious tourists from the hinterlands
  55. Drunken rowdies
  56. Party of tourists with guide
  57. Monster encounter
  58. Lamplighters
  59. City Watch, patrol of 4
  60. Party of tourists with guide
  61. 3-4 men in shadows
  62. Lone horseman
  63. Courting lovers
  64. Carriage with drawn curtains carpet, etc.)107 Cleric (level 9-15)
  65. 108 Drunken noble rowdies
  66. 109 Party of tourists with guide
  67. 110 Monster encounter
  68. 111 Lamplighters
  69. 112 City Watch, patrol of 4
  70. 113 3-4 men in shadows
  71. 114 Lone horseman
  72. 115 Courting lovers
  73. 116 Carriage with drawn curtains
  74. 117 Lamplighters
  75. 118 Courting lovers
  76. 119 Drunken foreigner
  77. 120 Monster encounter
  78. Artist doing portraits
  79. Merchant fawning over a noble
  80. Old coots
  81. Foreign merchant
  82. Concerned citizen
  83. Detachment of the Guard—12 soldiers
  84. Fighter (level 1-8)
  85. Porters unloading a wagon
  86. Cryer in noble house-livery
  87. Unremarkable messenger
  88. Merchant making deliveries to noble house
  89. Carriage with livery of noble house
  90. Construction on nearby building
  91. Dungsweepers
  92. Laborers cleaning up a wall
  93. Cleric (levels 1-6)
  94. Jongleur/Minstrel/Entertainer
  95. Cryer for entertainer or theater
  96. Innocent bystander (10% thief level 2-8)
  97. Dancing bear or other animal with owner
  98. Street musician
  99. 4-5 human porters carrying goods
  100. Two nobles in heated discussion
  101. Beggars (10% thief level 1-4)
  102. Small children
  103. Porters unloading a wagon
  104. Collision—Two wagons or carriages, owners are arguing
  105. Cryer advertising a tavern or festhall
  106. Servants engaged in gossip
  107. Journeyman in the livery of a guild
  108. Raggedy priest talking to himself
  109. Street vendor
  110. Minor official of Waterdeep (scribe or clerk)
  111. Non-human mercenary (dwarf, elf, half’ling, gnome)
  112. Children playing
  113. Street vendor
Guilds and Meddows Districts
  1.     Innocent bystanders, out too late
  2.     Gang of low level (1-3) thieves
  3.     Runner for some noble house
  4.     Wizard (level 9-15)
  5.     Drunken rowdies
  6.     Party of tourists with guide
  7.     Monster encounter
  8.     Lamplighters
  9.     City Watch, patrol of 4
  10.     Party of tourists with guide
  11.     3-4 men in shadows
  12.     Lone horseman
  13.     Courting lovers
  14.     Carriage with drawn curtains
  15.     Lamplighters
  16.     Noble en route home, drunk
  17.     Lost, confused foreigner
  18.     Monster encounter
  19.     City Guard, patrol of 6
  20.     Messenger in the livery of a merchant guild
  21.     Group of tradesmen
  22.     Wagon being loaded
  23.     4-5 porters
  24.     Drunken old sot
  25.     Merchant haggling with customer
  26.     Innocent bystander
  27.     Guildsman with 4 apprentices
  28.     City Watch, patrol of 4
  29.     Noblewomen out for a stroll
  30.     Beggar (10% chance thief level 1-4)
  31.     Innocent bystander
  32.     Runner in the livery of Waterdeep
  33.     Wagon moving towards one of the gates
  34.     Innkeep and customer arguing about a bill
  35.     Street vendor
  36.     Concerned citizen
  37.     4-5 human porters
  38.     2-3 common laborers on a break
  39.     Magic-User (level 1-6)
  40.     2 clerics in peaceful religious discussion
  41.     Broken cart or wagon
  42.     Two guildsmen in discussion with a merchant
  43.     Children playing
  44.     Innocent bystander
  45.     Moneylender with 3 guards
  46.     Merchant fawning over a noble
  47.     Old coots
  48.     City Watch, patrol of 4
  49.     Obvious tourists from the hinterlands
  50.     Innocent bystanders
  51.     Messenger wearing the device of a guild
  52.     Bad-tempered mercenaries
  53.     Two young lovers in a loud, angry discussion
  54.     Wagon loaded with street-sweepings, heading out of
  55.     Unremarkable messenger
  56.     Two foreign merchants arguing in different languages
  57.     Wagon overloaded with supplies
  58.     Construction on nearby building
  59.     Dungsweepers
  60.     Foreign merchant
  61.     Concerned citizen
  62.     City Watch, patrol of 4
  63.     Fighter (level 1-8)
  64.     Porters unloading a wagon
  65.     4-5 human porters carrying goods
  66.     Ragged cleric (level 2-8) looking convert others
  67.     1-4 beggars (5% thief level 1-4)
  68.     Small children, playing with dogs
  69.     Jongleur/Minstrel/Entertainer
  70.     Cryer for entertainer or theater
  71.     Innocent bystander (10% thief level 2-8)
  72.     City Watch, patrol of 4
  73.     Laborers patching the cobblestone street
  74.     Cryer with news of the city
  75.     Cleric (levels 1-6) with group of followers
  76.     Foreign merchant
  77.     Porters loading a wagon
  78.     Craftsmen arguing over a piece of work
  79.     Cryer advertising a tavern
  80.     Townspeople engaged in gossip
  81.     Journeyman in the livery of a guild
  82.     Trotting cart without passengers
  83.     Street vendor
  84.     Cryer advertising a local shop
  85.     Messenger in guild garb
  86.     Merchant making a delivery
  87.     Trotting cart with 1 passenger
  88.     Wild-eyed speaker yelling from a soapbox
  89.     Concerned citizen
  90.     Runner in the livery of a noble house
  91.     Minor official of Waterdeep (scribe or clerk)
  92.     Non-human merchant (dwarf, elf, halfling, gnome)
  93.     Children playing
  94.     Street vendor
  95.     Moneychanger with 3 guards
  96.     Street vendor
  97.     Foreign merchant
  98.     Empty wagon the city
  99.     Bearers carrying large cloth burdens
  100.     Cryer for tavern or festhall
Old Town Uptown District
  1.     City Guard, patrol of 6
  2.     Messenger in guild livery
  3.     Local merchant
  4.     Wagon unloading supplies 4-5 porters
  5.     Non-human (orc, ogre) porter
  6.     Two townspeople haggling with merchant
  7.     Innocent bystander
  8.     Barman buying supplies
  9.     City Watch, patrol of 4
  10.     Hard currency girls
  11.     Beggar (20% chance thief level 1-4)
  12.     Innocent bystander
  13.     Representative of a trading coster
  14.     Wagon unloading supplies
  15.     Political speaker with crowd
  16.     Cleric (levels 1-6)
  17.     Foreign merchant
  18.     Concerned citizen
  19.     Detachment of the Guard-12 soldiers
  20.     Fighter (level 1-8)
  21.     Porters unloading a wagon
  22.     Cryer in palace livery
  23.     Unremarkable messenger
  24.     Grocer directing wagon unloading
  25.     Caravan of odd animals (camels, oxen, baluchitherium)
  26.     Jongleur/Minstrel/Entertainer
  27.     Cryer for entertainer or theater
  28.     Innocent bystander (10% thief level 2-8)
  29.     Obvious tourists from the hinterlands
  30.     Street vendor
  31.     4-5 human porters carrying goods
  32.     Two merchants in heated discussion
  33.     Beggars (10% thief level 1-4)
  34.     Small children
  35.     Cryer with printed one-sheet pamphlets
  36.     Gridlock—a number of wagons narrowing traffic
  37.     Cryer advertising a tavern or festhall
  38.     Townspeople engaged in gossip
  39.     Journeyman in the livery of a guild
  40.     Old war veteran watching the world
  41.     Street vendor
  42.     Runner delivering a small item (sword, jewelry, food)
  43.     Minor official of Waterdeep (inspector, census-taker)
  44.     Non-human merchant (dwarf, elf, halfling, gnome)
  45.     Children playing
  46.     Street vendor
  47.     Merchant making a sale
  48.     Two foreign caravan owners arguing in different languages
  49.     Group of mendicants cadging for coins
  50.     Concerned citizen
  51.     Foreign mercenaries, working as wagon guards
  52.     Moneychanger with 3 guards
  53.     Hard currency girls
  54.     Cryer advertising a merchant’s wares
  55.     Street vendor
  56.     Abandoned cart or wagon
  57.     Two craftsmen in discussion
  58.     Apprentice in the livery of a guild
  59.     Trotting cart without passengers
  60.     Foreign merchant
  61.     Townspeople out shopping
  62.     Street vendor
  63.     Concerned citizen
  64.     4-5 human porters
  65.     2-3 fishwives arguing
  66.     Young toughs hanging out
  67.     Group of thugs
  68.     Construction on nearby building
  69.     Dungsweepers
  70.     Large pile of garbage, yet to be hauled away
  71.     Merchant haggling with two adventurers
  72.     Old coots
  73.     City Watch, patrol of 4
  74.     Obvious tourists from the hinterlands
  75.     Innocent bystanders
  76.     Messenger wearing the device of a guild
  77.     Townsman arguing with merchant over freshness of
  78.     produce
  79.     Two men making a secret transaction
  80.     Wagon pulled by oxen
  81.     Bearers carrying large cloth burdens
  82.     Cryer for eatery or tavern
  83.     Minor, harried official
  84.     Merchant in front of his store
  85.     Shady individual lurking near corner
  86.     Trotting cart with two passengers
  87.     Band of ruffians
  88.     Old drunk propped against a wall
  89.     Horses tied up in front of building
  90.     Obvious tourists from the hinterlands
  91.     Young drunk sleeping at side of the building (10%
  92.     chance dead)
  93.     Craftsmen arguing quietly
  94.     City Watch, patrol of 4
  95.     Townspeople engaged in gossip
  96.     Journeyman in the livery of a guild, taking a nap
  97.     Servant running an errand
  98.     Hard currency girls
  99.     4-5 human porters carrying goods
  100.     Old man with book under his arm (perhaps a sage or
Old Town Downtown District
  1.     mage, or merely an accountant or moneylender)
  2.     1-4 Beggars (20% thief level 1-4)
  3.     Small children, playing with dogs
  4.     Orator, speaking well of the dead
  5.     City Watch, patrol of 4
  6.     Innocent bystander (10% thief level 2-8)
  7.     Obvious tourists from the hinterlands
  8.     Workers on a break
  9.     Political speaker with crowd
  10.     Cleric (levels 1-6) with group of followers
  11.     Foreign merchant
  12.     Concerned citizen
  13.     Single young woman
  14.     City Guard, 12 soldiers
  15.     Trotting cart without passengers
  16.     Quiet cryer handing out pamphlets for a tavern
  17.     Unremarkable messenger
  18.     Mourners en route to a tomb
  19.     Carriage with drawn curtains and livery of a noble house
  20.     Workers refinishing the surface of a building
  21.     Dungsweepers
  22.     Children writing graffiti on a wall
  23.     Two merchants haggling
  24.     Old coot, taking a nap
  25.     City Watch, patrol of 4
  26.     Tourists from the hinterlands
  27.     Innocent bystanders
  28.     Messenger wearing the device of a guild
  29.     Young couple oblivious to the world
  30.     Two young men in a loud, angry discussion
  31.     Funeral procession, led by cleric level 1-3
  32.     Bearers carrying large cloth burdens
  33.     Messenger scanning the crowd for some particular
  34.     person
  35.     Minor, harried official
  36.     Two old men playing cards
  37.     Shady individual
  38.     Innocent bystander
  39.     City Watch, patrol of 4
  40.     Old man eating
  41.     Young man with bulky object, looking over his shoulder
  42.     Obvious tourists with guide
  43.     Dog
  44.     Flying creature (hippogriff, griffon, pegasus, flying
  45.     01 City Guard, patrol of 12
  46.     02 Messenger in the livery of a merchant guild
  47.     03 Dock workers
  48.     Wagon making deliveries
  49.     4-5 porters
  50.     Beggar (10% chance thief level 1-6)
  51.     Two townsfolk in discussion
  52.     Innocent bystander
  53.     Ragged priest exhorting to the masses to repent
  54.     City Watch, patrol of 4
  55.     Drunken adventurers
  56.     Beggar (10% chance thief level 1-6)
  57.     Innocent bystander
  58.     Runner in the livery of Waterdeep
  59.     Wagon moving towards one of the docks
  60.     Sailors on leave
  61.     Street vendor
  62.     Concerned citizen
  63.     4-5 human porters
  64.     2-3 young toughs in a fight
  65.     Magic-User (level 1-6)
  66.     2 clerics in religious discussion
  67.     Broken and abandoned cart or wagon
  68.     Group of youths gambling with dice
  69.     Snooty young nobleman
  70.     Innocent bystander
  71.     Foreign merchant
  72.     Empty wagon
  73.     Moneychanger with 8 guards
  74.     Children at play
  75.     Cryer announcing arrival of a ship
  76.     Street vendor
  77.     Merchant making a delivery
  78.     Trotting cart with 1 passenger
  79.     Group of tough-looking townsfolk, betting on a dogfight
  80.     Concerned citizen
  81.     Runner in the livery of a noble house
  82.     Minor official of Waterdeep (scribe or clerk)
  83.     Non-human merchant (dwarf, elf, halfling, gnome)
  84.     Children playing
  85.     Street vendor
  86.     Porters unloading a wagon
  87.     Craftsmen arguing
  88.     Cryer advertising a tavern or festhall
  89.     Townspeople engaged in gossip
  90.     Journeymen in the livery of a guild
  91.     Servant running an errand
  92.     Street vendor
  93.     Non-human porters carrying goods
  94.     Old man with book under his arm (perhaps a sage or
  95.     mage, or merely an accountant or moneylender)
  96.     1-4 Beggars (20% thief level 1-4)
  97.     Small children, playing with dogs
  98.     Juggler being harassed by his audience
  99.     Cryer for entertainer or theater
  100.     Innocent bystander (10% thief level 2-8)