The Kingdom of Funnundia

  Fransica (Capital City), Semal, Dakromal, 2 Rivers, Aripasts, Zoonsentia
Maskepar, Galroel, Hootmata, Mamalake, Nilo, Rlea, Semal, Wewagh, Loofaral, Lorcal,

This kingdom is located near the center of the continent of Holiaka and lies near the equator of the planet. It is an old nation with a history going back 740 years. It's current nature is very diverse with cities of considerable size that are home to each of the races.
The kingdom is bordered to the west by the Kodar mountain range (8000') and by Mt. Makol (12000') on the east. Mt. Makol is visible from almost everywhere in Funnundia. The North and South borders are the sea.

The Weather
It's average temperature is around 80 degrees which is fairly constant except for the violent storms that swirl through the gap between the mountains during the winter months. During the summer, the temperature can go as high as 110 and stay there for weeks at a time.

The King
At the time of the adventure, King Davard has ruled for 45 years. He is human and is 68 years old. The queen is named Lanaia and they have 5 children; 1 son and 4 daughters. All but the youngest daughters are married to members of the Funnundia nobility. The youngest is married to the King of Suakland as part of a political merging of blood.
King Davard is a kind and thoughtful ruler but is quite ruthless to anyone threatening his rule or attempting to change the political status quo. In addition to a sizable standing army, a long standing law compels 2 years of service from every man to the crown on demand. Although this is usually only used in times of war, it is also used as a way to control young men who have been accused of serious crimes.
The King of Funnunda usually lives in Fransica, but moves the court to Bidipili in the winter as the storms in Fransica are severe. There is a great castle at Fransica that sits high on a bluff overlooking Boonar Bay.

The Human Cities
The largest human city is Zoonsentia that lies at the intersection of Norvis and Savishelk rivers. This is a very cosmopolitan city that welcomes all races. Cisotino is the next largest and is ruled by evil Duke Eskokala that rules the city and surrounding territory with an iron fist and a private army of 2300 men. Almost all of the cities in Funnundia have a sizable percentage of humans. In some cities these are representatives of the King or soldiers on watch, but human traders are found everywhere except in the Ape city.

The Elves
There are 2 major elven cities. One on the north coast called Seeom and the other is Loofaral on the banks of Tane Lake. Seeom is a fishing and trade center for the north coast and is heavily fortified as it has been raided many times in the past. Just south of Seeom is one of the most treasured forests in the kingdom. This forest is guarded jealously by the elves and other races that stray away from the trails that follow the river Seerome are watched carefully by hidden trackers. Loofaral is a far more traditional elven city except for it's extensive docks on the lake. The area around the city are heavily forested and are dotted with small elven settlements.

The Gnomes
The Gnomes of Funnundia are reclusive and most of them try to avoid the other races deeming them to uncivilized to be around. Their only city is Semal in the Kodar mountains. Although they pay tribute to the King, they consider themselves an independent nation and do not respect his rule. This causes occasional problems, but as they do join with the King during times of crisis, he allows them to be more independent the most other cities. Most of the tribute they pay is not monetary but their weapons and other inventions.

The Midgets
The Midgets are a gregarious race that are found in any city that will have them. Maskepar has the largest proportion (about 65%) but find their own company somewhat boring. The next most popular city with them is Fransica with about 18% of the population being midgets. The planes around the city have many Midget settlements.

The Dwarves
Most of the Dwarves live in mines spread out across Mt. Makol. The locations of these mine-cities is a carefully guarded secret. There are two dwarven cities that are known and of considerable size named Dakaromal and Karekadak. These are trade cites and welcome anyone with money or strong backs to work in the coal mines near both cities. Although dwarves are given preferential treatment, all other races are treated decently as long as they behave themselves.

The Apes
The apes occupy the hills due south of Gergar and have made a city called Aripasts. The Earl of Aripasts has formal alligence to the King but is almost completely autonomous except for wars or other uprisings. The apes are mostly peaceful with their neighbors, but guard their settlements aggressively. Any non-ape venturing into their territory had better be very tough or have an excellent reason. Intruders are most often taken to Aripasts for judgment by the Earl. They are most commonly taxed if they have money or enslaved if they don't.

The Vargr
The Vargr occupy the planes in the NW corner of Funnundia and have one major city named Gergar. This is not a large city and is very spread out as the Vargr as a rule don't like to be crowded. It is a trade city and all races are welcome. However, the locals love to fight. They don't use weapons, but their paws do more damage than a fist. The males will fight about anything including who is going to get the last bed at the inn. There is no law against unarmed combat, but using a weapon will land you in jail if you use one.

The Aslan
Horroars is the city of the Aslan. They occupy the planes between the high land north of Lake Lokas and south of Lorkal. Not a lot of humans call Harroars home, but they are not prohibited. It's just the local laws that make it tough on the humans and other races too. The law demands a member of a accused persons clan present themselves at the trial and provides severe penalties for not having anyone to "speak for you". The most common result of not having someone to go to the trial is summary judgment with almost always results in a conviction. The common way around this is to hire someone to agree to add a visitor to their "clan" for a price. The clanish nature of the Aslan is tough to deal with for outsiders!

The Tenic
The reptilian Tenic only have a city here for trade purposes. The vast majority of them live along the coast of Boonar Bay and even have underwater cities. Humans and other races complain of the smell (they love fish, fishing and seaweed) so there aren't a lot who live there. But they have great fish, pearls and minerals mined underwater that makes it worthwhile for those who are willing to deal with the stench.

The Flora and Fauna
This section will  be used to create the random encounter charts, so it is sort of like an outline for that.
Native Tribesmen
There are several tribes of wild men living in the jungle. They mostly want to be left alone, but all of them are raiders who seek to take from others to let them live lazy lives without fighting the jungle for their food and other wants. They each have their own strange culture and all of them hate all the other tribes.
MonkeysThere are many species of monkeys that range from creatures the size of hamsters to the size of great apes.
Some of them are good eating, some will eat you if they get a chance!

The players start in the Kingdom of Funnundia - a place where the temp. and foliage is similar to the jungles surrounding Ankor Wat.
The culture should be similar to Greek in the city state era with democratic/royalty government.
There is a king that issues decrees that must be ratified by a 7 person Royal Council of Judges to become law. These representatives are elected by the people every year. They must sit at a court of law one day a week to try cases.
The Tech Level is similar to the pre-Crusade Middle Europe
The Architecture and dress is similar to Mayan with upper body nakedness is the norm for unwed women looking for a husband and men wearing a leather harness for weapons and tools

The human form in this area is commonly found in almost all niches of the ecosystem. In addition to all the humanoid sentient races, there are numerous varieties of non-sentient gorillas, chimpanzes, spider monkeys. Not commonly found in earth ecosystems are cat sized, and even mouse sized apes. There is a ape called the Undertaken who are about as big as a bulldog and occupies the niche of a vulture; a carniverous scavenger. It is not uncommon for some families to adopt this creature as a house god and view their presence as a good omen.
There are even rat-apes. These act just like other rats and use the same stats, but they look horrible. They look like tiny people!

Another unique creature is the Springheel. These are arborial kangaroos. They have monkey arms and hands, but have developed huge leg muscles and their legs are normally tucked under their bodies and not extended except when the jump. Their jumps are prodidgous; stretching as far as 30' with their arms grabbing a branch. They weigh about 5lbs and are about 2' high with the face of a gibbon ape.

There are many different kinds of snakes.
There are many spiders as well.
Butterflies and birds swarm through the trees and display brilliant colors.

Crocodile, Giant
Dog, Riding
Giant Ant
Monstrous Centipede
Monstrous Scorpion
Monstrous Spider
Assassin Vine
Blink Dog
Advanced Megaraptor Skeleton
Constrictor Snake
Constrictor Snake, Giant
Couatl, Psionic
Dire Ape
Dire Tiger
Giant Bombardier Beetle
Lizard, Monitor
Spider Swarm
Weretiger, Human Form
Weretiger, Hybrid Form
Weretiger, Tiger Form

The dungeon they go into wipes their memories as they exit.