The Party Enters Ptolus

From their location in the Dwarven Hive dungeon about 120 NE of Fransica the party is transported to the Undercity Market in Ptolus 1/2 a world away. This was accomplished by the appearance of a Golden Vortex. This is a randomly appearing teleportation effect that is the result of the Chaos forces operating in Ptolus.

The room they appear in is 30'x30' and is unremarkable in it's aspect. It is located in an area described on page 423. The first thing (other than their quick view of this room) the party will notice is the cold temperature. It is about 45 deg. Because the party members came from and equatorial climate, this is very cold to them. Next thing they notice is the smell. It is s combination of the moldy, moist air and the rankness of the city at large. It isn't nice and it's very different than anything they have smelled before.

The room is made of stone and doesn't appear to have any exit. There is no door or other opening. However when they search this small area they will find (with a DC 15 Perception roll) that in the east wall near the N. is an area that is not stone but mortared brick of poor quality. While it is very sturdy, it may be attacked and destroyed.

Break DC
Masonry wall (1 ft. thick) 8 90 35

Once the mortared area has been knocked down, they will hear the hum of conversation. There is a passage way leading to the E. that show light in the area beyond. They will come out in the Undercity Market near the Wall of the Lost.

They arrive in the City for the first time on the 5th of Birth (sometimes misspelled as Berth) in the year 721.

As you are looking at some items for sale you see a shadow shaped like a flying bird land on the shoulder of the rather rotund man on the stall next to this. It leans toward the mans ear and you see it's beak move. Then is turns into smoke and disappears.

Give them a chance to look around the Undermarket. They will notice that they are attracting a lot of attention. No one is being rude, but particularly the human females (Vixen) are being oogled as they are wearing the normal clothes of the southern continent which are leather armor and little else. They look very out of place in the cold city of Ptolus. After a while (not long) they will be approached by Solvi.

Solvi Yektya,

female human Rog2:  CR 2; Size M (5 ft., 5 in. tall); HD 2d6+2; hp 12; Init +2 (+2 Dex); Spd 30 ft.; AC 12 (+2 Dex); Attack -2 melee, or +3 ranged; SV Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +4; AL N; Str 4, Dex 15, Con 12, Int 11, Wis 18, Cha 11.
Languages Spoken:  Common.
Skills and feats:  Appraise +1, Bluff +4, Decipher Script +3, Disable Device +5, Gather Information +5, Hide +6, Knowledge (Local) +6, Listen +8, Move Silently +7, Search +4, Spot +9, Tumble +4; [Evasion], Sense Motive +3, Persuasive.

Solvi will approach them with caution and position herself in front of where the party is headed and bow deeply. She sweeps the brown felt hat with a huge golden feather off her head revealing long red hair. She bows deeply to the party and says

"Good morning gentle people. If you have a moment of time to spare to learn something to your great advantage please harken to me. It may pay both of us well!"

A Sense Motive check of 20 reveals that she is in earnest and has no hostile intent. A roll of 25 will reveal she is hoping for profit from the encounter.

If the party does not stop to listen she will say "That's OK. I suppose you already have your gate receipt and identification papers". If they continue on... so be it. Their next encounter will be with the City Watch.
If the party stops to talk she will continue on to say

"You don't look like you are from around here and maybe could use some help finding you way around. Let me first say that I am an independent person who offers information of all kinds for insignificant amounts of silver. I am not in anyway connected with the authorities and swear I will keep all your secrets as if they were my own romantic encounters. I ask only a fee of 2 shinys  and for this I will put myself at your disposal for the remainder of this rather gloomy day. I guess you already have your identification papers and have paid your tolls at the gate right?"

An additional SM check at the same DC will reveal she is on the level with this offer.
If the party denys her offer she shrugs and says "Be it so new bloods. May the gods protect you" and walks off. It will only be a matter of time before the city watch decides to investigate these weirdos and interview them.

The rest of this section will assume they pay her the silvers.
The first thing she will ask is if this is their first time in the city. If they say no, she will look at them sidelong and make a Sense Motive of her own at a DC 20. She will do this each time they tell her something as she is actually trying to impress them with her perceptive ability. She will never call them liars, but if she detects a inaccuracy she will offer an explanation of what the consequences are.

Next she will ask if they have their IDs. She will explain to them that this is necessary and that she will get it for them.
Then she will ask which gate they came through. Then she will ask if they paid the tax. If they say no she will say "Wrong answer! You have paid your tolls but the recept was lost when your purse was dropped into a puddle. It would be nice if one of you could soil your purse to bolster this claim. By the way it is illegal to enter the city in any way other than the gate if you plan on doing any commerce." She walks around the entire party and says "It's not much of a story but it's better than nothing. This tale and a crown will get us out of any difficulties."

Smiling she says "Pay attention if you please. You were acosted by a group of 20 ork bandits halfway between here and Charenbug who stole everything you had including your papers. You were taken in by some villagers in a hamlet called Novanak who gave you these pitiful clothes and weapons you now bear. I hope I don't need to tell you to keep all items of value carefully hidden at all times. Now if you will follow me, I'll take care of the last bit of business and then we can relax. By the way, be sure and guard your thoughts around the City Watch or the Constables as they sometimes have mages with them."

You hear the sound of horses hooves on stone. When you look toward the sound you see a centaur carefully picking its way down the broad  stairway out of the light and into the dim of the Undercity market. No one else takes any notice,"

She takes them across the market to a permanent stall that has the symbol of the city on a banner overhead. She tells them to stand off some distance from the stall and asks them for 8 silver pieces explaining they need the receipts from the gate. She then goes up to the old man sitting behind a desk and says "I am the docent for this group of unfortunates who have lost everything in a bandit attack. They have nothing they will sell in the city, but have lost their entrance receipt. They are very law abiding people and are interested in obtaining a duplicate of their papers which were lost due to an unfortunate spill into a deep puddle. I have agreed to advanced them the entry toll and an extra fee for your effort."

She then counts out the silvers and in return is given slips of paper. Solvi then gives one to each of them. As she does she says "Sorry this was so expensive, but I thought it advisable to pay more than the normal toll to prevent any troublesome questions".

When the party looks at these they are amazed! They are blank block printed forms. This is totally unknown in the lands the party comes from and their exactness of the printing (not the written parts) is very surprising. The paper too is of much higher quality than they are used to.

Solvi then says "We should make our way to the Old Town where the Administration Building is and get you your identification papers. We have a story and we have your entrance papers so there is little chance of difficulty now so we can take our time and enjoy the sights!"

As they are heading up the stairway to the surface "You notice a Lizardman lounging on the steps leading to the surface smoking a long wooden pipe and smiling. The smoke smells funny"

When they are up to the top of the stairs read this:
At the top of the stairs there is a contingent of the City Watch (show them the picture) who look at you closely as you come up. The top of the stairs are puddled and the cobblestone plaza is muddy and slippery. You can smell rain, and looking up it looks dark and threatening; itis just about to rain. The odors of damp clothes and people, moldy wood, wet straw, rain-slicked stone, and burning wood and coal mix together to create a unique aroma. These smells mingle with the odors of cooking food, domestic animals, garbage, and sewage. You see there are a number of buildings surrounding the courtyard and several signs promising goods for sale. There are a couple of 2 horse carriages and a 1 horse surrey  that have small wheels in the front and larger wheels in the back that are shaped like small houses but are made out of light wood and shellacked canvas. There are a score of people in the plaza going about their business.

To the west you see a cliff about 200 ft high with a steep stone ramp leading to it.You see a second cliff not quite as high with more buildings and behind that is a dark gray spire that is so tall it disappears into the dark clouds. You can see what looks like a wooden hut floating from the first cliff to about 300' in the air that is secured to the ground with a rope. As you take in this scene you notice a person on a flying carpet travel from the buildings on the bottom heading over the top cliff.

It will take about 15 minutes to get from there to the admin building.
They will go to Tavern Row St. to Sunrise St. to Dragon St. to Emperors Rd. to Dalenguard Rd.
The list of Midtown buildings is on page 198.
The admin building is #55 and on Dalenguard Road. Look at page 313 for a building list of this district.
Once at the Admin building, Solvi will take them to the registrar and get them fixed up with their ID papers.

There will be one random encounter and one color encounter on the way. If time allows, detail the important buildings on the way.
170 Cloud Theatre "A good place to see a play, but there are better places around for music"
,178 Tillies Furnishing, "Don't know"
177 Midtown Dancehall  "Lots of fun really informal but watch your purse if you know what's good for you"
175 Old Goose, "Ya hungry? Lets have some lunch. The place has good food  and the prices are good too.
174 North Point Restaurant "Gnomish food... If you like that sort of thing"
184 Copper kettle, "Good copper goods but a rude staff"
183 Good Eats "More gnome food with some halfling specialities. HUGE portions and pretty cheap."
255 Wood Market (fire and lumber)

Old Goose Restaurant - Not detailed in the city doc. Run by Unos the Centaur Warrior 3 (Crossbow)
The Old Goose (page 221) is a quiet local pub where most of the clientele knows each other.
This place sells beer and wine and has a short menu of rather salty food. It's mostly pub fare
Ale, Beer, Mead, Jack (hard apple cider)-Mug 4 cp or 6cp for Cities Best Brew (stout)
sausages with bread and cheese 5sp
thick soup - 2 sp add 5 cp for a loaf of bread
toad in the hole or Chefs Stew 3 sp
Bread Brown Molassas loaf of 2 cp add a cp for butter or cheese

Delvers Guild off ice 424

Dungeons that are ready:
DARK RELIQUARY - Undead Mansion and Dungeon
CULT OF THE EBON HAND - Chaos worshippers are kidnapping childeren
THE CAVERNS - Serpent caves and the Giants Staircase
DARK TIDINGS - A rescue mission from the Delver's Guild
RATMEN - Kill them in the sewers for 3gp a tail