They are as tall as humans and a little heavier, thanks to their muscle. They have dark brown skin,  sloping foreheads, jutting jaws, prominent teeth, and coarse, black body hair.

  • +2 Strength, –2 Intelligence, –2 Charisma.
  • A apes’s starting Intelligence score is always at least 3. If this adjustment would lower the character’s score to 1 or 2, his score is nevertheless 3.
  • Medium: As Medium creatures, half-orcs have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  • Ape base land speed is 30 feet.
  • Automatic Languages: Common and Ape
  • Favored Class: Barbarian. A multiclass ape’s barbarian class does not count when determining whether he takes an experience point penalty.

An Ape's hair usually is black. It has lupine ears and reddish eyes. Apes prefer wearing vivid colors that many humans would consider unpleasant, such as blood red, mustard yellow, yellow-green, and deep purple. Their equipment is dirty and unkempt. An adult male Ape is a little over 5 feet tall and weighs about 180 pounds.Females are slightly smaller.

The language an Ape speaks varies slightly from tribe to tribe, but any Ape is understandable by someone else who speaks Ape. Some Apes know Goblin or Giant as well. Civilized apes speak common.

Apes tend to be short-tempered and sullen. They would rather act than ponder and would rather fight than argue. Those who are successful, however, are those with enough self-control to live in a civilized land. Apes tend to decide arguments with Fist Fighting which is something to see when a pair of them really get going. Apes love to shout and tend to be very loud in combat unless there is a reason to be quiet. They regard battle scars as tokens of pride and ornamental scars as things of beauty.

Apes inherit a tendency toward chaos from their orc parents, but, like their human parents, they favor good and evil in equal proportions. Apes don't have much use for religion although they accept the postive aspects (healing anyone?). An ape cleric or druid is very rare.

Most Apes encountered away from their homes are warriors; the information in the statistics block is for one of 1st level.

Apes are proficient with all simple weapons, preferring those that cause the most damage in the least time. Many Apes who take up the warrior or fighter class also gain proficiency with the falchion or the greataxe as a martial weapon. They enjoy attacking from concealment and setting ambushes, and they obey the rules of war (such as honoring a truce) only as long as it is convenient for them.

future notes
Now, they are a race united by a rich culture and their love of freedom. Although they are united by culture they are fragmented by their individualism.