Roll 1d00    Mundane Items
1 brazier, red wax drippings, brass dented helm with a bloody head of a gnome still in it, corroded bronze pliers, wooden bench, some piles of guano
2 warped wood wall basin, cracks in the wall, iron tub, ruined rags, blacksmith hammer
3 empty glass bottle, dried blood on the ceiling, iron pliers, white candle, leather boot, blue wax drippings
4 8 torches on the walls held in iron wall sconces...but only 2 of them are still useable, wine bottle of perfume, 9 foot wood pole, rubble and dirt scattered around, bent brass knife, tapestry of a scorpion, rusty iron bowl
5 oak chest of drawers [CONTAINS: dirty purple smock --- ripped yellow hood --- orange doublet], some piles of guano, pile of straw, metal pan, wooden tray, animal bones, 5 foot long ruined iron bar, brass hand saw
6 ruined wood armchair, birch cupboard [SPOILED CONTENTS: beans --- mushrooms --- onions], broken stone armchair, dried blood on the wall, sword blade, bent iron bowl, 3 sticks scattered around
7 red slime on the wall, tinderbox, quill, iron goblet, broken iron flask, 5 foot wood pole, 14 hardened blobs of once melted iron, a full cask of water, clear slime on the ceiling, rubble and dirt scattered around, small rusty iron mirror
8 a three quarters full cask of ale, a large pile of rocks, bronze ladle, fire pit with ashes, rubble and dirt scattered around, wooden flagon, broken hourglass, a note containing a map of a nearby area showing where 4 gem mines may be located, wooden wall basin
9 8 rusty bronze hooks on the wall, 9 wax blobs from blue candles, wooden flagon, jar of lantern oil, bits of fur and hair, 2 iron hooks on the wall, patches of moss, cracked granite tub, brass dipper, 2 broken crossbow bolts, a pile of orange ashes with a copper amulet (worth 68 copper) lying on top of it
10 purple pillow, 4 corroded bronze wall sconces, ruined painting of a house, iron dented shield, dagger [the blade is made of iron and has a bronze handle with a leather grip], steel throne, hourglass
11 bent iron rusty razor, a large pile of rocks, rosewood chest [CONTAINS: small parchment describing where some nearby treasure is hidden --- iron horseshoe --- gray scarf --- compass], ruined iron spoon, bronze hammer head, purple painted writings on the floor that warns of a nearby creature...but written in a long dead gnomish language
12 mounted bear head, corroded iron dented shield, iron goblet, marble chair, scattered bits of bones and teeth, broken iron flask, rusty bronze spoon
13 rusty metal bucket, mounted lion head, gold candle stick worth 57 silver, orange thread (80 feet)
14 small puddle of clean water, patches of moss, crumbling stone throne, orange slime on the wall, areas with mold, small bottle of ink, dagger hilt, straw scattered around
15 maple plate, 10 wax blobs from blue candles, warped wood armchair, fireplace with wood inside, 6 torches on the walls held in brass wall sconces...but only 2 of them are still useable
16 painting of a scenic forest view, padded ruined wood chair, fireplace with wood inside, a torture rack made mostly of has some areas of dried blood, 3 broken and dirty eggshells, orange couch, bent iron sifter
17 ripped green cushion, ruined green sheet, rubble and dirt scattered around, whip, wooden armchair, rusted splint mail armor, fire pit with ashes, charcoal, bronze kettle, mahogany brush
18 ruined brass dented plate armor, 100 feet of twine, rotted bones of an ogre [CONTAINS: wooden holy symbol --- iron pliers], 9 foot wood pole, 8 crossbow bolts, patches of moss, 4 large broken and dirty eggshells, 3 bronze wall sconces, scattered ashes, broken lyre, short granite table
19 pick handle, padded maple chair, orange candle, ruined iron dipper, a full cask of water, wooden club
20 metal small bell, a 4 foot wide hole that is about 2 feet deep, ruined bronze goblet, rotting wood throne, round stone table, brass pan, bent iron dipper, stone bench
21 blunt bent spear head, pile of dirt, areas with mold, ruined leather armor, rusty iron dented shield
22 broken cauldron , scattered leaves and twigs, moldy brown pillow, cobwebs, 15 foot moldy rope, gray slime on the wall, 3 bent brass spikes, rusty iron dented plate armor
23 4 wax blobs from purple candles, empty spherical, glass bottle, bronze dented helm with a decayed head of a kobold still in it
24 coal drawings of constellations on the floor, 8 small stones scattered around, fireplace with wood inside, bronze spoon, wooden pitcher
25 whetstone, humanoid bones, maple chest of drawers [CONTAINS: yellow cloth pouch --- moldy purple robe --- orange scarf --- dirty yellow robe], torn painting of a scenic forest view, birch brush, iron small bell, ruined brass ladle, rubble and dirt scattered around, metal hand saw, bronze bucket, iron hammer head, dust throughout
26 3 pieces of wood, metal dented plate armor, cedar bed, cedar bed, pottery shards scattered around, 3 foot long iron chain
27 broken smoking pipe, orange cushion, 3 foot long ruined iron chain, wooden flagon, long broken wood table, moldy gray pillow, iron tankard, oak chest of drawers [CONTAINS: ruined yellow cloak --- dirty blue toga --- ripped brown stockings --- moldy purple veil --- torn orange cape --- moldy red veil --- brown surcoat --- brown leather pouch], gray slime on the wall, crystal bottle
28 ruined hourglass, orange blanket, liquid dripping from the ceiling, dagger hilt, smoking pipe, fire pit, 6 arrows
29 pile of straw, padded broken stone chair, small bottle of ink, metal kettle, mahogany armor rack {HOLDS: rusted banded mail armor --- ruined leather armor}, mounted moose head, bottle (filled with ogre mage teeth)
30 straw scattered around, ruined quill, 5 foot wood pole, scattered leaves and twigs, two-handed sword [the blade is made of steel with a leather grip], cedar bed, maple bed, 3 small broken and rotten eggshells, useless hourglass, leather boot
31 steel shelf, 8 ruined iron spikes, bronze dipper, brass kettle, 2 brass hooks on the wall, wooden club
32 ruined smoking pipe, 4 corroded iron hooks on the wall, an empty keg, stone armchair, yellow leather bag, smoking pipe, 50 feet of twine, patches of moss, rusty brass kettle, metal bucket, bits of fur and hair, bent dagger hilt, rusted plate mail armor
33 pick handle, brown painted drawings of the map to a treasure {located about 60 miles away from here} on the ceiling, liquid dripping from the ceiling, broken cauldron , ruined wood armchair, rosewood weapon rack {HOLDS: broken two-handed sword --- hand axe [the blade is made of steel and has a silver handle with a leather grip...the name of Poraneth is engraved on the handle] --- broken bastard sword}, iron music box worth 44 gold, red couch, straw scattered around, brazier, silver candle stick worth 84 gold
34 rotted head of a human, moldy blue couch, bronze hammer head, ruined brass pot, small puddle of clean water, copper music box worth 13 silver, painting of a city, bronze pot, brown canvas bag, chandelier, cedar cupboard [SPOILED CONTENTS: bottle of milk], straw scattered around
35 cobwebs, scattered ashes, blunt ruined spear head, granite workbench, basket, bent brass dipper, dried blood on the wall, metal dented helm, small metal mirror, iron bucket, straw scattered around, grindstone, bottle (filled with goblin teeth)
36 charcoal, bandora, blue towel, dried blood on the floor, wooden club, metal rusty razor, rosewood weapon rack {HOLDS: broken light pick --- pole arm [the tip is made of mithril and has a wood handle] --- broken long sword --- battle axe [the blade is made of mithril and has a metal handle with a leather grip...the handle is decorated with 9 gems {silver pearl}] --- broken halberd}, oak bed, pile of dirt
37 glass jar of perfume, oak weapon rack {HOLDS: broken long sword --- broken trident}, 5 foot wood pole
38 useless black cloth satchel, a huge pile of various bones, moldy black towel, brown washcloth, iron mug, ruined leather backpack, 5 pieces of wood, ripped black blanket, cedar armoire [CONTAINS: moldy blue tunic --- ruined orange toga --- dirty purple toga --- ripped orange jerkin --- moldy brown shawl --- brown apron --- red coat --- moldy blue surcoat], a pile of dung
39 small puddle of stagnant water, iron pliers, yellow couch, ruined bronze pot, 4 large broken and dirty eggshells, pottery shards scattered around, platinum candle stick worth 53 gold, grindstone, blood smears on the floor, 3 ingots of gold...worth 24 gold each, ripped blue pillow, food scraps, basket with a skull of an orc inside it
40 rusty metal sewing needle, maple workbench, iron bowl, chalk drawings of the map to a treasure {located about 200 miles away from here} on the wall, food scraps, brown slime on the wall, 10 foot wood pole, shredded and torn clothing, pottery shards scattered around, ruined bronze bucket, oak wall basin
41 broad sword [the blade is made of gold with a leather grip], ruined brass spoon, pile of straw, maple bench, fire pit with ashes, leather boot, 100 feet of twine
42 7 rusty bronze wall sconces, scattered leaves and twigs, rusty metal pan, small bottle of ink
43 ruined tapestry of a snake, rusty brazier, wooden tray, pile of dirt, ruined trident, cobwebs, chandelier, ruined iron dented helm with a skull of an elf still in it
44 tinderbox, liquid dripping from the ceiling, ruined dagger hilt
45 birch bunk bed, some piles of guano, 5 sticks scattered around
46 brown thread (20 feet), dried blood drawings of triangles on the floor, rusty brass pliers, ruined iron dented helm
47 rubble and dirt scattered around, rosewood cupboard [SPOILED CONTENTS: peas --- cakes --- mushrooms --- fish --- muffins], moldy green pillow, 32 foot rope, pile of dirt, a scattered chess set, a medium-short locked metal cage with rotten food on the bottom, wooden tray
48 torn white cushion, birch cane, blood smears on the floor, high mahogany stool, a scroll containing a map of a nearby city's sewer system, moldy mat, scratches and claw marks on the wall, broken torch, crystal bottle
49 platinum music box worth 10 gold, broken cauldron , 2 foot long bent iron chain, gray sheet, a pile of dung, padded broken wood chair, maple armor rack {HOLDS: broken banded mail armor --- ruined studded leather armor --- studded leather armor [made of animal hide and is purple in color...with a horse symbol on the back that is scarlet in color] --- dented tower shield --- plate mail armor [made of steel...with a spider symbol on the back that is royal blue in color]}, brown painted drawings of alchemic symbols on the floor
50 metal manacles on the ceiling, 4 crossbow bolts, pottery shards scattered around, chiseled writings on the wall that spells out one of the adventurer`s name...but written in a draconic language, wooden dish, wooden wall basin, pick handle, dagger hilt, animal bones, cedar chest [CONTAINS: yellow flower --- 8 sling stones --- a parchment suicide note --- 8 metal tacks --- bottle of blue hair dye], smoking pipe, jar (filled with simian thalamus glands), pile of straw
51 4 wax blobs from gray candles, broken cauldron , 6 hardened blobs of once melted brass, birch weapon rack {HOLDS: broken long sword --- broken battle staff}, pallet
52 ruined black sheet, iron tankard, iron dented helm with a rotted head of an ogre still in it, fire pit with wood, dagger hilt, maple pedestal, bronze manacles on the floor with a decayed bones of a human [CONTAINS: purple handkerchief --- cork], square stone table, wooden dish
53 broken wood tub, smoking pipe, dagger hilt, marble chair, wooden pitcher, 2 foot long ruined iron bar, a scroll containing musical notes, 2 foot long corroded iron chain, ruined tapestry of a castle, birch armoire [CONTAINS: moldy green shawl --- red cape --- ripped green trousers --- ruined brown leather belt --- ripped purple leggings --- moldy brown leather sandals --- moldy green cap --- yellow stockings], bronze bowl, moldy mat
54 15 hardened blobs of once melted iron, some piles of guano, basket with a half-eaten head of an ogre inside it, rusty brass dented helm
55 useless smoking pipe, straw scattered around, bent brass sewing needle, cobwebs, moldy black blanket
56 half-eaten bones of a human [CONTAINS: 5 pieces of fake copper --- bronze spoon ], iron hammer head, blood smears on the wall, ripped green pillow, rusty short sword, moisture on the ceiling, 9 wax blobs from gray candles, maple bunk bed, grindstone, fireplace
57 small corroded brass mirror, corroded bronze bucket, broken blacksmith hammer, 3 gray candles, areas with mold, rusty iron pan, a large ruined red carpet with a dark red design on it, charcoal, rusty brass pan, 8 pieces of wood
58 corroded bronze ladle, maple bunk bed, brazier, liquid dripping from the ceiling
59 4 blue candles, birch coffer, cracks in the ceiling, platinum-colored, glass bottle of perfume, tapestry of a hawk, smoking pipe, ruined iron pot, whip, skull of an elf, 10 iron wall sconces, wooden tray, scattered leaves and twigs
60 bits of fur and hair, rusty dagger hilt, grindstone, 2 pieces of wood, pick handle, liquid dripping from the ceiling, green sheet, a medium-short rusty cage, scratches and claw marks on the ceiling
61 brazier, wooden tray, 5 foot long rusty iron bar, oak weapon rack {HOLDS: bastard sword [the blade is made of adamant with a leather grip] --- rusty long sword --- ruined pole arm --- rusty broad sword}, large puddle of murky water, cobwebs, wooden tub, 6 metal wall sconces, an empty cask, brass sewing needle, decayed head of a dwarf
62 9 foot wood pole, skull of an ogre, ruined mattress, bronze bowl
63 mahogany chest [CONTAINS: small brown leather book containing prayers --- rubber ball --- black flower], rubble and dirt scattered around, small bottle of ink, broken light warhammer, corroded brass branding iron, tinderbox
64 green cushion, rusty metal pot, glass bottle of perfume, rusty iron pan, corroded bronze bucket, areas with mold
65 bloody head of a kobold, 14 foot rope, 2 foot long corroded iron chain, iron hand saw, clay jug, fungus growing, fire pit with ashes, cedar weapon rack {HOLDS: rusty battle axe --- broken bolt --- ruined heavy flail --- broken heavy warhammer}, 6 small stones scattered around, a 4 foot wide hole that is about 2 feet deep, large puddle of poisoned water, small puddle of clean water
66 wooden club, bottle (filled with giant worm glands), iron pliers, broken leather bag, short crumbling stone table, 2 corroded bronze hooks on the wall, pick handle, hand axe [the blade is made of adamant and has a wood handle with a leather grip], wooden flagon, torch
67 rags, 70 feet of red yarn, 10 torches on the walls held in metal wall sconces...but only 5 of them are still useable
68 warped wood armchair, black cloth bag, a huge pile of various bones, birch cupboard [SPOILED CONTENTS: jar of jam --- raisins --- onions --- fowl --- bottle of honey --- berries --- bottle of honey --- prunes], flute, mahogany cupboard [SPOILED CONTENTS: berries --- onions --- cookies --- prunes --- meat --- biscuits], wooden tray, bent metal pliers, rusty bronze hammer head, brass sewing needle
69 60 feet of twine, maple brush, blue sheet, yellow cushion, green washcloth, animal bones, 50 feet of twine, small bottle of ink, birch plate, ripped white cushion, 4 large broken and dry eggshells
70 broken stone armchair, jar of lantern oil, dust throughout, a small ruined yellow rug, dented large shield, mahogany stool, bronze knife, basket
71 iron manacles on the wall with a mutilated bones of a hobgoblin [CONTAINS: hourglass], chandelier, grindstone
72 shredded and torn clothing, dented banded mail armor, bent bronze knife, a large metal cage with rotten food on the bottom, fungus growing, torn painting of a scenic desert view, moldy orange washcloth, torn mat, mutilated head of a dwarf, 7 iron wall sconces
73 bronze tankard, scattered bits of bones and teeth, 3 wax blobs from orange candles, 4 bent bronze wall sconces, pallet, padded warped wood chair, maple cane, an empty keg, chalk writings on the floor that warns others to leave this place...but written in a human language, torn leather armor, half-eaten corpse of a lizard man [CONTAINS: wooden snuff box with 5 pinches remaining --- wooden whistle --- flint and steel --- blackjack]
74 broken cauldron , corroded metal manacles on the ceiling, scattered bits of bones and teeth, pottery shards scattered around, scattered leaves and twigs, 2 ingots of silver...worth 5 gold each, high maple stool, mahogany brush
75 oak stool, a large locked metal cage with humanoid bones on the bottom, gray thread (40 feet)
76 humanoid bones, 19 wax blobs from blue candles, whetstone, iron manacles on the floor, jar of lantern oil, small puddle of clean water, an empty cask, torn blue sheet, birch bunk bed
77 cobwebs, painting of a castle, food scraps, ruined torch
78 ruined iron tankard, brass bucket, corroded sword blade, steel bench, a parchment containing a plain letter written to Jonin, whip
79 scratches and claw marks on the floor, 14 pieces of wet parchment, tapestry of a scenic desert view
80 birch brush, 15 hardened blobs of once melted iron, high mahogany stool, basket with a skull of a hobgoblin inside it, 2 foot long iron bar, basket with a skull of a dwarf inside it, pottery shards scattered around
81 whetstone, maple armchair, painting of a house, iron manacles on the wall, ruined orange towel, ruined metal pot, charcoal, metal dented shield
82 wooden flagon, brass dented helm, high maple stool, bits of fur and hair, wooden pitcher, walnut plate, a full cask of water, white slime on the floor, a large pile of ashes with a silver amulet (worth 16 gold) lying on top of it, cobwebs, ruined orange washcloth, basket, mahogany weapon rack {HOLDS: broken morning star --- broken knife --- broken bolt}
83 ripped rags, 10 foot wood pole, blunt spear head, pile of straw, fire pit, chandelier, shredded and torn clothing, small bronze mirror
84 small puddle of clean water, metal sifter, padded rusty iron chair, 4 ruined bronze wall sconces, orange candle, broken cauldron , maple casket [CONTAINS: 6 pieces of fake gold --- corncob pipe --- brown scarf --- corncob pipe]
85 fire pit with ashes, a full keg of water, iron bowl, maple plate, padded oak chair, torch
86 mounted polar bear head, broken scimitar, ripped mattress, grindstone
87 cobwebs, 10 ingots of lead, maple cupboard [SPOILED CONTENTS: plums --- butter --- pastries --- beans --- raisins --- berries --- plums --- apricots], cracks in the ceiling
88 liquid dripping from the ceiling, wooden chair, liquid dripping from the ceiling, small metal hanging mirror, walnut casket [CONTAINS: bottle of cheap wine], rusty iron shelf, basket, short stone table, jar of lantern oil
89 square broken wood table, shredded and torn clothing, iron hand saw, 4 small broken and fresh eggshells, liquid dripping from the ceiling, iron fork, granite armchair, mahogany desk [CONTAINS: leather scrollcase --- iron padlock with key --- ivory dice --- hand axe [the blade is made of silver and has a bronze handle with a leather grip] --- pipe tobacco --- iron horseshoe --- pint of lamp oil --- blank spell book bound in brown leather with a symbol of a unicorn on the cover], dried blood on the floor
90 cedar chest of drawers [CONTAINS: ruined green pantaloons --- ruined green tunic --- dirty orange blouse --- green coat --- gray veil --- gray coat --- black cloak --- torn purple cape], corroded brazier, rusty iron small bell
91 30 feet of yellow yarn, broken lute, green blanket
92 wooden pitcher, dagger hilt, fire pit with wood, corroded iron pail, corroded bronze sewing needle, small puddle of murky water, wooden armchair, 70 feet of orange yarn, brown cushion, rosewood desk [CONTAINS: small leather pouch of blue powder --- iron medallion --- bottle of cheap wine --- cloth bag of crushed herbs --- spherical, glass bottle of water --- 8 iron spikes], cobwebs, bent iron manacles on the floor with a decayed bones of a hobbit [CONTAINS: 3 wolfsbane flowers --- vial of perfume --- glass eye --- small parchment describing how to bypass a nearby trap]
93 brass goblet, an empty cask, bronze bucket, wooden club
94 blunt ruined spear head, ruined quill, gray wax drippings, rosewood cupboard [SPOILED CONTENTS: raisins --- beans --- butter --- pudding --- nuts --- butter --- eggs --- biscuits --- greens --- cookies], mounted ogre head, 3 orange candles, bronze sifter, shredded and torn clothing, bent brazier
95 2 bloody bandages, ripped brown pillow, orange thread (100 feet), torn mattress, charcoal, small puddle of oily water, a huge pile of various bones, platinum music box worth 40 electrum, rusty metal pot, fire pit, brown thread (100 feet), bits of fur and hair
96 bronze hand saw, skull of a dwarf, brown thread (60 feet), marble workbench, an iron maiden made mostly of bronze, gray pillow, humanoid bones, moisture on the ceiling
97 white wax drippings, maple tub, 3 wax blobs from orange candles, 14 pieces of burnt parchment, some piles of guano
98 scratches and claw marks on the floor, torn leather armor, pottery shards scattered around
99 9 pieces of wood, ripped mattress, wooden club, a torture rack made mostly of walnut...lying on it is a rotted remains of an ogre [CONTAINS: blue silk handkerchief --- thief tools --- 44 foot ball of gray string]
100 oak throne, gray canvas bag, 7 bent metal hooks on the wall, ruined leather satchel, ruined wood workbench

Roll 1d20    Unusual Item
1 an idol (it is about 3 feet high and made of iron [worth 73gp] and looks like a monkey...any magic items that touch it will be disenchanted.).
2 an altar (made of gold and has various carvings on it...any magic items set on it will be disenchanted.).
3 a magical talking mouth (created by Mythran the chuckles at the adventurers and tells them that they will soon meet their doom.).
4 a pool (made of bronze with a statue [it is about 6 feet high and made of marble [worth 680gp] and looks like a badger.] in the center and is filled with is 4 feet deep and 7 feet wide in the shape of a rectangle.).
5 an altar (made of animal bones and has a sacrificial knife on it...causes anyone that touches it to become evil.).
6 an altar (made of stone and has a sacrificial knife on it.).
7 a statue (it is about 9 feet high and made of bronze [worth 140gp] and looks like a ape.).
8 a statue (it is about 5 feet high and made of granite and looks like a pegasus.).
9 a magical talking mouth (it laughs at the adventurers and tells them they are too late.).
10 a statue (it is about 6 feet high and made of iron [worth 60gp] and looks like a wyrm that has gems for eyes - Rock Crystal (80gp)...touching it triggers a trap [ROOM TRAP: A scything blade comes from a nearby wall attacking as a warrior (level 4). It will slice at whoever touches it. If they get hit, they will suffer 1d6x3 damage. [It can be deactivated by tapping the wall in a particular spot...and from a safe distance]].).
11 a pool (made of stone and is filled with blood and is 5 feet deep and 5 feet wide in the shape of a circle...contains an intelligent spirit that will attempt to answer 2 questions about the area.).
12 an idol (it is about 1 feet high and made of gold [worth 6,400gp] and looks like a mammoth.).
13 an altar (made of brass and has various carvings on it...causes a curse if touched where the toucher grows about 1 foot for about 24 hours.).
14 a fountain (made of iron and is filled with purple is 3 feet deep and 10 feet wide in the shape of a hexagon...any magic items put in it will be disenchanted.).
15 a wizard floor symbol (constructed with jade colored pebbles, is 8 feet across, and in the shape of a has blood scattered around it....anyone that enters the shape will gain 1 dexterity point only once.).
16 a wizard floor symbol (constructed with purple sand, is 7 feet across, and in the shape of a has animal bones among it..).
17 a magical talking mouth (created by Keldor the warns that this place is inhabited by Etnoxaad the demon.).
18 a statue (it is about 8 feet high and made of silver [worth 540gp] and looks like a ram.).
19 a magical talking mouth (created by Galtor the tells an adventurer, by name, that they were expecting them.).
20 a fountain (made of clay and is filled with A BROWN CANVAS BACKPACK CONTAINING: 3pp / 78gp / 77ep / 12sp / is 2 feet deep and 6 feet wide in the shape of a circle.).

Roll 1d20    Room Trap
1 a pit opens up in the area that drops 10 feet before landing in water. Anyone who falls in will be in a large underground cave containing a FROG, Poisonous [FREQ: Rare | APP: 2-12 | SZ: S | MV: 30`/90` | AC: 8 | HD: 1 | HP: 1-8 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1 | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | XP: 35+1/hp | THAC0: 19 |  SPATK: Poison (+4 to-Save vs.) | SRC: MM (41)]. [It can be deactivated at the trap's source and by a thief, or one with a disarm trap skill]
2 a wall closes the exits to the area. The room then begins to fall in temperature for about 20 minutes...where no one can survive the extreme cold. [It can be deactivated by tripping a thin wire somewhere on the floor]
3 a locked iron cage that falls from the ceiling and lands on all of those close to the central spot of the area. [It can be deactivated by deciphering the orange painted writings of a riddle {requiring a wisdom check to solve} on the floor of the nearest secret room that shows how the trap can be activated and deactivated]
4 darts fire from the wall at anyone in the area, attacking as a warrior (level 2), causing 1d4+2 damage. [It can be deactivated at the trap's source and by a thief, or one with a disarm trap skill]
5 a pit opens up in the area that is 30 feet deep and filled with lava. Anyone who falls in will be killed. [It can be deactivated by finding a stone tablet somewhere within the previous area, that shows how to disable the trap]
6 a wall closes the exits to the area. The ceiling then begins to descend. [It can be deactivated by deciphering the coal writings of mystical runic symbols {that can be read by a wizard-type with an intelligence check} on the ceiling of the nearest secret room that shows how the trap can be triggered safely]
7 darts fire from the wall at anyone in the area, attacking as a warrior (level 3), causing 1d4+3 damage. [It can be deactivated by tapping the ceiling in a particular spot...and from a safe distance]
8 a wall closes the exits to the area. Sand then begins to fill the room from above. [It can be deactivated by a lever disguised to look like something else]
9 a locked iron cage that falls from the ceiling and lands on all of those close to the central spot of the area. [It can be deactivated by finding a stone tablet somewhere within this area, that shows how one can simply avoid the trap]
10 a portcullis or wall closes the exits to the area. [It can be deactivated by finding a small book somewhere within this area, that shows how the trap can be activated and deactivated]
11 a spear comes out of the wall toward whoever first enters the area. It attacks as a warrior (level 6) and does 1d6+6 damage. [It can be deactivated by a lever magically hidden on the wall of the nearest secret room]
12 white gases fill the area that cause instant unconsciousness to anyone inside for about 7 turns...unless they can save for paralysis. [It can be deactivated at the trap's source and by a thief, or one with a disarm trap skill]
13 a scything blade comes from a nearby wall attacking as a warrior (level 2). It will slice at whoever first enters the area. If they get hit, they will suffer 1d6x2 damage. [It can be deactivated by tripping a thin wire somewhere on the floor]
14 darts fire from the wall at anyone in the area, attacking as a warrior (level 4), causing 1d4+4 damage. [It can be deactivated by tapping the ceiling in a particular spot...and from a safe distance]
15 darts fire from the wall at anyone in the area, attacking as a warrior (level 2), causing 1d4+2 damage. [It can be deactivated by a button concealed on the floor]
16 an acid liquid that splashes anyone inside, causing 1d4x10 damage. They must also save for breath or be blind for 6 days. [It can be deactivated at the trap's source and by a thief, or one with a disarm trap skill]
17 a portcullis or wall closes the exits to the area. [It can be deactivated at the trap's source and by a thief, or one with a disarm trap skill]
18 blue gases fill the area. Any flame will ignite it causing all in the area to save for breath from the explosion or suffer 1d12x3 damage. [It can be deactivated by a handle concealed on the wall]
19 a wall closes the exits to the area. Water then begins to fill the room. [It can be deactivated by deciphering the chalk writings of mystical runic symbols {that can be read by a wizard-type with an intelligence check} on the floor of the nearest secret room that shows how the trap can be activated and deactivated]
20 a nearby wall opens to reveal a SLITHERING TRACKER [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1 | SZ: S | MV: 120` | AC: 5 | HD: 5 | HP: 5-40 | ATK: - | DMG: - | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: N | XP: 280+5/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Paralyzation | SPDEF: Transparency | SRC: MM (88)]. [It can be deactivated by tapping the floor in a particular spot...and from a safe distance]

Roll 1d20    Large Container   Roll 1d20    Small Container
1 large brown leather rucksack   1 medium red cloth satchel
2 large mahogany case with a locked padlock   2 medium yellow leather sack
3 iron casket with a locked keyhole   3 medium brown cloth rucksack
4 huge leather sack   4 little brown canvas knapsack
5 huge oak strongbox   5 small brown canvas knapsack
6 huge maple case   6 little brown canvas pouch
7 iron strongbox with a locked keyhole   7 rosewood trunk
8 huge iron case with a locked keyhole   8 little mahogany trunk with a locked padlock
9 huge iron coffer   9 little brown canvas rucksack
10 huge leather sack   10 medium brown leather pouch
11 large tan leather knapsack   11 little purple cloth satchel
12 iron chest with a locked keyhole   12 small black canvas rucksack
13 large iron trunk   13 little leather knapsack
14 cedar case   14 medium blue cloth sack
15 large iron footlocker with a locked keyhole   15 small brown canvas backpack
16 huge green cloth knapsack   16 medium gray cloth bag
17 large iron trunk   17 small brown leather knapsack
18 iron casket   18 medium brown canvas knapsack
19 iron casket with a locked padlock   19 small black leather sack
20 huge iron trunk with a locked padlock   20 small yellow leather bag

Roll 1d20    Container Trap
1 a pit opens up in front of the container that is 30 feet deep. Anyone who falls in will take 3d6 damage. If they survive, they then must face a YETI [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1-6 | SZ: L | MV: 150` | AC: 6 | HD: 4+4 | HP: 8-36 | ATK: 2 | DMG: 1-6/1-6 | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: N | XP: 435+5 | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Hug (2-16) | SPDEF: Immune to Cold | SRC: MM (103)]. [It can be deactivated by deciphering the red painted writings of mystical runic symbols {that can be read by a wizard-type with an intelligence check} on the wall of the previous area that shows how the trap can be broken]
2 dark gases come out of the container causing laughter to the opener for about 4 turns (unless they can save for poison)...where wandering encounter checks are made each turn the laughing continues. [It can be deactivated by deciphering the dried blood writings of mystical runic symbols {that can be read by a wizard-type with an intelligence check} on the wall that shows how one can simply avoid the trap]
3 an explosion spell that causes 1d10x5 damage to all of those close to the container. They only take half damage if they save for spells. [It can be deactivated by tripping a thin wire within the container]
4 a nearby wall opens to reveal a SNAKE, Amphisbaena [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1-3 | SZ: M | MV: 120` | AC: 3 | HD: 6 | HP: 6-48 | ATK: 2 | DMG: 1-3/1-3 | MR: 0% |  INT: Animal | AL: N | XP: 475+6/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Poison | SPDEF: Immune to cold | SRC: MM (88)]. [It can be deactivated at the trap's source and by a thief, or one with a disarm trap skill]
5 poisonous insects come out of the container where they must save for poison from the bites or suffer 1d4x2 damage. [It can be deactivated by tapping the wall in a particular spot...and from a safe distance]
6 poisonous insects come out of the container where they must save for poison from the bites or die. [It can be deactivated by a handle concealed on the floor of the nearest secret room]
7 brown gases come out of the container causing memory loss to the opener for about 2 hours...where memorized spells are also lost. [It can be deactivated by deciphering the green painted writings of a demonic language on the ceiling that shows the word that must be spoken out loud {rabyetahnih} to disable the trap]
8 a pit opens up in front of the container that is 29 feet deep (taking 3d6 damage from the fall) and filled with some odd green mushrooms. Anyone who falls in will land on them, causing them to release yellow spores that cause the victim to fall asleep for 6 hours unless they can save for poison. [It can be deactivated by a lever in plain site on the wall]
9 a wall closes the exits to the area. The walls then begin to compact the area where they will crush all inside in about 10 minutes. [It can be deactivated by deciphering the carved writings of a riddle {requiring a wisdom check to solve} on the floor of the previous area that shows how the trap can be triggered safely]
10 a wall closes the exits to the area. The ceiling then begins to descend. [It can be deactivated by tapping the floor in a particular spot...and from a safe distance]
11 a pit opens up in front of the container that is 10 feet deep (taking 1d6 damage from the fall) and filled with some odd blue mushrooms. Anyone who falls in will land on them, causing them to release gray spores that cause blindness for 3 hours unless they can save for poison. [It can be deactivated by deciphering the coal writings of complicated instructions {requiring an intelligence check to follow} on the floor that shows the word that must be spoken out loud {ibuzeaw} to disable the trap]
12 white poisonous gases come out of the container where the opener must save for poison or suffer 1d10x5 damage. [It can be deactivated at the trap's source and by a thief, or one with a disarm trap skill]
13 a wall closes the exits to the area. The ceiling then begins to descend. [It can be deactivated by a button concealed on the wall]
14 arrows fire from the wall at anyone in front of the container, attacking as a warrior (level 5), causing 1d6+5 damage. [It can be deactivated by finding a piece of parchment somewhere within the nearest secret room, that shows how the trap can be activated and deactivated]
15 poisonous insects come out of the container where they must save for poison from the bites or die. [It can be deactivated by tapping the ceiling in a particular spot...and from a safe distance]
16 a wall closes the exits to the area. Oil then begins to fill the room for 10 minutes (6 inches deep) where a fire source will then drop from the ceiling. [It can be deactivated by a switch in plain site on the wall of the nearest secret room]
17 arrows fire from the wall at anyone in front of the container, attacking as a warrior (level 6), causing 1d6+6 damage. [It can be deactivated at the trap's source and by a thief, or one with a disarm trap skill]
18 a spear comes out of the wall toward whoever opens the container. It attacks as a warrior (level 1) and does 1d6+1 damage. [It can be deactivated by finding a piece of paper somewhere within the previous area, that shows how to disable the trap]
19 a scything blade comes from a nearby wall attacking as a warrior (level 5). It will slice at whoever opens the container. If they get hit, they will be decapitated. [It can be deactivated at the trap's source and by a thief, or one with a disarm trap skill]
20 a wall closes the exits to the area. The room then begins to rise in temperature for about 30 minutes...where no one can survive the extreme heat. [It can be deactivated by a handle concealed on the floor of the previous area]

Roll 1d20    Curse
1 person is always cold, requiring extra clothing until curse removing magic is used
2 person turns into a new race (kobolds) for about 8 days
3 person is always hot, causing them to shed their armor and robes for about 8 days
4 person is always cold, requiring extra clothing until curse removing magic is used
5 person falls in love with the first person they see until curse removing magic is used
6 person grows a lizard tail for about 8 days
7 person will begin to walk in a crookedly manner until curse removing magic is used
8 person is always cold, requiring extra clothing for about 8 days
9 person fumbles during combats, with a 3 penalty to attack rolls until curse removing magic is used
10 person's skin gets covered in bronze scales until curse removing magic is used
11 person will cause domestic animals to flee from them for about 8 days
12 person will cause flowers to wilt whenever they pass nearby for about 14 hours
13 person will cause domestic animals to flee from them for about 8 days
14 person's hair turns copper and grows 3 feet longer until curse removing magic is used
15 person's skin gets covered in red hair for about 8 days
16 person is always cold, requiring extra clothing until curse removing magic is used
17 person turns to a cloud of smoke for about 14 hours
18 person grows about 1 foot until curse removing magic is used
19 person changes sex for about 14 hours
20 person will cause flowers to wilt whenever they pass nearby for about 14 hours

Roll 1d00    Coins, Gems, Jewels   Roll 1d00    Coins, Gems, Jewels
1 GEMS [1 each]: Garnet (6gp)   2 GEMS [3 each]: Turquoise (1gp)
3 38ep / 725cp   4 15,750cp
5 GEMS [2 each]: Obsidian (1gp)   6 JEWELRY: Silvery Gemmed Broach (170gp)
7 5ep / 8sp / 220cp   8 822sp / 1,060cp
9 JEWELRY: Golden Clasp (112gp)   10 a marvelous fox fur cape worth 6gp
11 156sp / 30cp   12 390sp / 7,950cp
13 a gorgeous decorative helm made of bronze and is decorated with 3 moonstones and the name of `Aghai` is engraved on the inside worth 105gp   14 6gp / 102ep / 35sp / 2,350cp
15 31sp / 325cp   16 31gp / 8sp / 1,990cp
17 14,000cp   18 23gp / 1ep / 275cp
19 5pp / 1gp / 1sp / 5cp   20 3gp / 4,425cp
21 7sp / 490cp   22 777sp / 15,960cp
23 9ep / 140sp / 950cp   24 6sp / 405cp
25 21ep / 4,200cp   26 46sp / 2,230cp
27 44ep / 15,300cp   28 2gp / 19sp / 260cp
29 10ep / 1sp / 5cp   30 245gp / 139sp / 4,220cp
31 set of 3 candlesticks made of bronze, each decorated with 2 gems (chalcedony) worth 42gp each   32 set of 3 candlesticks made of bronze, each decorated with 5 gems (moonstone) worth 105gp each
33 8ep / 6sp / 110cp   34 1gp / 16sp / 316cp
35 cane sylvan whittled of oak with a jade on the top worth 53gp   36 a nice bundle of shirts finely sewn of hemp worth 10gp
37 90gp / 150sp / 251cp   38 6pp / 42sp / 360cp
39 35ep / 12,250cp   40 JEWELRY: Silvery Gold Chalice (55gp)
41 29sp / 260cp   42 4,725cp
43 GEMS [2 each]: Freshwater Pearl (1gp)   44 set of 9 baked and glazed clay tiles with a skull painted on them worth 42gp
45 GEMS [3 each]: Black Opal (117gp)   46 2gp / 3ep / 386cp
47 GEMS [2 each]: Sardonyx Quartz (6gp)   48 96ep / 20sp / 50cp
49 JEWELRY: Silver Earring (48gp)   50 10ep / 3,700cp
51 59gp / 9,850cp   52 5gp / 9sp / 56cp
53 34gp / 8ep / 2sp / 360cp   54 253sp / 190cp
55 9sp / 450cp   56 scroll with information on a spell called *Untdran`s Spell of Climbing Hat* worth 210gp to a wizard
57 set of silverware (2 forks, 16 spoons, 17 knives) worth 105gp   58 GEMS [3 each]: Silver Pearl (6gp)
59 an odd bundle of shirts elegantly knitted of cotton worth 9gp   60 a delightful orange-colored, decanter of wine worth 37gp
61 an extraordinary small green carpet with a dark black design on it worth 6gp   62 a strange brown-colored, decanter of live centipedes worth 6gp to an alchemist
63 129gp / 4,600cp   64 12,251cp
65 27gp / 76sp / 505cp   66 a marvelous large orange carpet worth 140gp
67 a nice decorative helm made of iron worth 9gp   68 a large leather backpack of gorgeous coins from a missing land that are made of pewter with a symbol of a lion on it (54 ea) worth a total of 123gp
69 12ep / 450cp   70 37sp / 100cp
71 a rare, large diary titled `The Dark Crypt of the Dragon` and is bound in red animal skin, and is worth 32gp   72 GEMS [3 each]: Blue Sapphire (135gp)
73 2gp / 4ep / 336cp   74 JEWELRY: Silver Buckle (70gp)
75 GEMS [1 each]: Obsidian (1gp)   76 10sp / 430cp
77 GEMS [2 each]: Green Spinel (9gp)   78 JEWELRY: Golden Comb/brush (180gp)
79 4ep / 23sp / 76cp   80 an extraordinary large brown rug worth 42gp
81 GEMS [2 each]: Chrysoprase (3gp)   82 4gp / 2sp / 190cp
83 42ep / 29sp / 996cp   84 a pretty porcelain plate worth 10gp
85 71sp / 1,205cp   86 203gp / 2ep / 28sp / 40cp
87 340ep / 14sp / 10,720cp   88 a magnificent silver-colored, decanter of fairy dust worth 105gp to an herbalist
89 a splendid silver-colored, decanter of wine worth 10gp   90 24gp / 6ep / 42sp / 660cp
91 698sp / 1,790cp   92 5pp / 11gp / 8sp / 965cp
93 12,251cp   94 199ep / 258sp / 5,890cp
95 an elegant medium-sized brown carpet worth 42gp   96 JEWELRY: Silvery Gemmed Coronet (150gp)
97 184ep / 283sp / 6,140cp   98 GEMS [2 each]: White Pearl (9gp)
99 244ep / 70sp / 2,150cp   100 JEWELRY: Silver Bracelet (42gp)

Roll 1d20    Exceptional Item
1 Potion of Treasure Finding
2 Splint mail armor +2 [made of steel]
3 Arrow +2 {11 each}
4 Shield, large, +1, +4 vs missiles
5 Bolt +1 (6ea)
6 Long Sword +1, +3 vs regenerating creatures
7 Wand of Secret Door & Trap Location with 27 charges
8 Scroll of Protection from All Lycanthropes
9 GEM: Deep Blue Spinel (18gp)
10 Potion of Frost Giant Strength
11 Leather armor [made of pegasus hide and is brown in color]
12 Rug of Smothering
13 Fendia`s Incredible Locket {this platinum locket has a green spinel set in it and will absorb up to 20 points of magical spell damage before being destroyed}
14 Splint mail armor [made of gold]
15 Potion of Longevity
16 Rope of Climbing
17 Wine bottle of blessing oil (remove curses on those it is rubbed on). This liquid looks smoky in appearance.  It also has a musty taste and smell to it.  It seems to be sanguine (red) in color.
18 Wand of Fear with 10 charges
19 Sacred Sword of Ri`saad - great sword +2 with a +4 against plants (fungus bane) [the blade is made of steel with a alligator leather grip]
20 Ring of the warrior (+1 to attack rolls) [a gold ring with a emerald set in it]

Roll 1d20    Treasure Hoard
1 16 inch tall jade statue of a woman worth 25gp ----- GEMS [3 each]: Blue Sapphire (45gp) ----- Test tube of sharpening oil (makes edge weapons behave at +2 for 4 hours). This liquid looks oily in appearance.  It also has a oniony taste and smell to it.  It seems to be cream (yellow) in color. ----- GEMS [2 each]: Jade (9gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Turquoise (1gp) ----- Broad sword [the blade is made of iron with a leather grip...the name of Draenor is engraved on the hilt] ----- Glass bottle of swimming potion (drinker can move through water as though they are moving on land for an hour). This liquid looks vaporous in appearance.  It also has a fiery taste and smell to it.  It seems to be mahogany (brown) in color. ----- GEMS [3 each]: Alexandrite (56gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silver 5 Inch Sphere (24gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Eye Agate (2gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Amethyst (8gp) ----- Green-colored, decanter of speech mixture (can talk in the same language as the one you are trying to converse with for 50 minutes). This liquid looks watery in appearance.  It also has a fishy taste and smell to it.  It seems to be straw (yellow) in color.
2 A LEATHER BACKPACK CONTAINING: 10ep / 1sp / 5cp ----- GEMS [1 each]: Sard Quartz (6gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Garnet (11gp) ----- Short sword +1 [the blade is made of bronze with a lion leather grip] ----- Chain mail armor [made of iron] ----- GEMS [3 each]: Sardonyx Quartz (3gp)
3 A WHITE LEATHER SATCHEL CONTAINING: 58pp / 10gp / 7ep / 25sp / 650cp ----- JEWELRY: Silver Clasp (40gp) ----- GEMS [3 each]: Golden Yellow Topaz (27gp) ----- Fantastic Ring of Za`bar - rings of the birds (this will cause the wearer, and all of their possessions, to turn into a cuckoo for 3 hours per day) [a copper ring with a blue sapphire set in it - it has 34 charges] ----- GEMS [1 each]: Eye Agate (1gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silver Earring (8gp)
4 A YELLOW LEATHER POUCH CONTAINING: 25gp / 125cp ----- GEMS [2 each]: Pink Pearl (10gp) ----- Long sword +3 of life leech (attack roll of 20 drains 6 life from opponent and heals the wielder) [the blade is made of mithril with a leather grip] ----- Banded mail armor [made of silver...with a bat symbol on the front that is gold in color] ----- Light pick [the pick is made of steel and has a wood handle with a leather grip] ----- Banded mail armor +2 [made of steel] ----- GEMS [3 each]: Golden Yellow Topaz (15gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silver Box (70gp) ----- Powerful Armor of Soltak the Slayer - plate mail armor +2 [made of steel] ----- Test tube of humanoid domination draught (kobolds). This liquid looks cloudy in appearance.  It also has a earthy taste and smell to it.  It seems to be ivory (white) in color.
5 A BROWN CLOTH SATCHEL CONTAINING: 4sp / 656cp ----- GEMS [3 each]: Obsidian (1gp) ----- Incredible Rod of Jafar the Medium - rod of absorbing magic [this has 48 charges and is made of iron and has a carnelian at each end] ----- Scroll with a level 1 mage spell...Shocking Grasp ----- GEMS [2 each]: Blue Quartz (1gp)
6 A BLACK CANVAS KNAPSACK CONTAINING: 1pp / 1ep / 1sp / 60cp ----- GEMS [1 each]: Coral (5gp) ----- Unknown Armor of Garrison the Robber - banded mail armor +1 [made of steel...with a boar symbol on the front that is emerald in color] ----- Waterskin of undead domination elixir (zombies). This liquid looks cloudy in appearance.  It also has a herbal taste and smell to it.  It seems to be flaxen (yellow) in color. ----- GEMS [2 each]: Rhodochrosite (1gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silvery Gold Choker (15gp) ----- Lost Wand of Smirisulgor - wand of snow storms [this has 47 charges and is made of dragon bone] ----- JEWELRY: Silvery Gemmed Choker (126gp) ----- GEMS [1 each]: Jasper (6gp) ----- GEMS [3 each]: Chrysoprase (6gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Silver Pearl (4gp) ----- GEMS [1 each]: Chalcedony (4gp) ----- GEMS [1 each]: Black Star Sapphire (90gp) ----- GEMS [3 each]: Coral (2gp)
7 an extraordinary small red carpet worth 4gp ----- GEMS [3 each]: Jade (9gp) ----- Clay jug of blessing oil (remove curses on those it is rubbed on). This liquid looks syrupy in appearance.  It also has a sour taste and smell to it.  It seems to be salmon (orange) in color. ----- JEWELRY: Golden Buckle (35gp) ----- Broad sword +2 [the blade is made of iron with a leather grip...the name of Jyhin is engraved on the blade] ----- GEMS [2 each]: Moonstone (3gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Alexandrite (70gp) ----- GEMS [1 each]: Smoky Quartz (4gp) ----- GEMS [1 each]: Tiger Eye (1gp) ----- GEM: Deep Blue Spinel (35gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silver Amulet (12gp) ----- Ornate Armor of Raban - leather armor +1 [made of animal hide and is gray in color...with a axe symbol on the front and back that is indigo in color] ----- GEMS [1 each]: Alexandrite (63gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silver Headband (48gp) ----- GEMS [3 each]: Peridot (3gp)
8 A BROWN CANVAS POUCH CONTAINING: 1pp / 1sp / 5cp ----- GEMS [3 each]: Deep Blue Spinel (22gp) ----- Scroll with a level 2 mage spell...Scare ----- JEWELRY: Silvery Gold Amulet (43gp) ----- Short sword +2 [the blade is made of steel with a leather grip...the name of Cirth is engraved on the hilt] ----- Chain mail armor +2 [made of steel]
9 A BROWN CANVAS SATCHEL CONTAINING: 38pp / 68ep / 27sp / 1,561cp ----- GEMS [1 each]: White Pearl (6gp) ----- Powerful Mace of Yyntrix - light mace +2 [the blunt end is made of steel and has a steel handle with a leather grip...the handle is decorated with 7 gems {fire opal}] ----- GEMS [1 each]: Chrysoberyl (11gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Eye Agate (1gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Jasper (3gp) ----- Banded mail armor [made of iron...with a scorpion symbol on the front and back that is azure in color]
10 A BLUE CANVAS POUCH CONTAINING: 25pp / 70gp / 78ep / 46sp / 181cp ----- Irasteheh`s Necklace {this gold necklace has a crown symbol on it and will detect any undead that are within 80 feet but only 4 times per day} ----- JEWELRY: Silvery Gemmed Chalice (152gp) ----- GEMS [3 each]: Golden Pearl (6gp) ----- Protection from demons scroll ----- GEMS [1 each]: Violet Garnet (20gp) ----- Ring of strength +1 [a silver ring] ----- GEMS [3 each]: Turquoise (1gp) ----- GEMS [1 each]: Citrine (2gp) ----- GEMS [1 each]: Onyx (3gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silvery Gold Anklet (18gp) ----- JEWELRY: Exceptional Goblet (120gp) ----- JEWELRY: Exceptional Goblet (400gp) ----- GEM: Violet Garnet (64gp)
11 GEMS [2 each]: Alexandrite (20gp) ----- A LEATHER KNAPSACK CONTAINING: 3pp / 6gp / 10ep / 17sp / 736cp ----- GEMS [3 each]: Tiger Eye (1gp) ----- GEM: Sardonyx Quartz (5gp) ----- JEWELRY: Golden 4 Inch Cylinder (45gp) ----- Scroll with a level 1 mage spell...Detect Magic ----- Test tube of secret doors concoction (drinker can see secret doors and compartments for about an hour). This liquid looks clear in appearance.  It also has a honeyed taste and smell to it.  It seems to be fallow (yellow) in color. ----- GEMS [1 each]: Jasper (4gp)
12 A BROWN LEATHER SATCHEL CONTAINING: 3pp / 13gp / 40sp / 600cp ----- Clay jug of treasure seeking elixir. This liquid looks fuming in appearance.  It also has a sugary taste and smell to it.  It seems to be sapphire (blue) in color. ----- Protection from demons scroll ----- GEMS [3 each]: Sardonyx Quartz (6gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silver Goblet (32gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silver Box (90gp) ----- Glorious Sword of Inforlem - long sword +1 [the blade is made of iron with a leather grip] ----- Chain mail armor +3 [made of steel] ----- Scimitar [the blade is made of steel with a leather grip...the name of Tocpertaniel is engraved on the blade]
13 A BROWN CANVAS KNAPSACK CONTAINING: 5pp / 7gp / 7ep / 5sp / 26cp ----- Mythical Sword of Largimol the Mage - bastard sword +1 [the blade is made of iron with a leather grip...the hilt is decorated with 8 gems {coral}] ----- GEMS [1 each]: Silver Pearl (6gp) ----- GEMS [3 each]: Rock Crystal (2gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Carnelian (3gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Lapis Lazuli (1gp) ----- GEMS [3 each]: Alexandrite (56gp)
14 A GREEN CLOTH BACKPACK CONTAINING: 1pp / 1gp / 2ep / 7sp ----- GEMS [2 each]: Star Rose Quartz (2gp) ----- GEMS [1 each]: Black Pearl (54gp) ----- GEMS [1 each]: Carnelian (6gp) ----- GEM: Tiger Eye (1gp) ----- Leather armor +1 [made of mammoth hide and is purple in color] ----- JEWELRY: Silvery Gold 5 Inch Triangular Pyramid (30gp) ----- Great sword +1 [the blade is made of gold with a leather grip] ----- JEWELRY: Exceptional Belt (631gp) ----- &Om`s Missing Boots {these red dragon skin boots allow the wearer to never be knocked off their feet from a combat move} ----- GEMS [2 each]: Carnelian (5gp) ----- GEMS [1 each]: Fiery Yellow Corundum (42gp) ----- Axe +1 [the blade is made of steel and has a gold handle with a leather grip] ----- Sling +5 [made of pegasus hide...the cradle is decorated with a jade] ----- GEMS [2 each]: Chrysoberyl (4gp)
15 a pretty crystal bottle of perfume worth 13gp ----- Ultimate Armor of Earda the Vanquisher - leather armor +2 [made of animal hide and is brown in color...with a snake symbol on the back that is violet in color] ----- JEWELRY: Golden Chain (43gp) ----- Morning star [the star is made of bronze and has a iron handle with a leather grip] ----- GEMS [2 each]: Banded Agate (1gp) ----- GEMS [3 each]: Silver Pearl (10gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Sardonyx Quartz (2gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silvery Gold Buckle (30gp) ----- GEMS [1 each]: Coral (9gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silver Amulet (40gp) ----- GEMS [3 each]: Malachite (1gp) ----- GEMS [1 each]: Aquamarine (56gp)
16 A LEATHER RUCKSACK CONTAINING: 70ep / 9sp / 1,045cp ----- JEWELRY: Exceptional Headband (120gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silvery Gold Buckle (70gp) ----- Forgotten Armor of Kaasha the Barbarian - leather armor +1 [made of manticore hide and is yellow in color...with a tower symbol on the front that is scarlet in color] ----- GEMS [2 each]: Golden Yellow Topaz (43gp) ----- Crystal bottle of undead domination concoction (spectres). This liquid looks bubbling in appearance.  It also has a sweet taste and smell to it.  It seems to be madder (red) in color. ----- GEMS [3 each]: Peridot (5gp) ----- Bronze-colored, decanter of healing concoction (restores 1d4x4 health). This liquid looks luminous in appearance.  It also has a honeyed taste and smell to it.  It seems to be purple (violet) in color. ----- GEMS [1 each]: Alexandrite (20gp)
17 scroll case made of ivory with wood endcaps and decorated with 8 gems [red spinel] worth 5gp ----- GEMS [1 each]: Eye Agate (2gp) ----- GEMS [3 each]: Chrysoberyl (4gp) ----- GEMS [3 each]: Alexandrite (40gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Coral (12gp) ----- Heavy mace +1 [the blunt end is made of iron and has a silver handle with a leather grip...the handle is decorated with 8 gems {malachite}] ----- JEWELRY: Silvery Gold Crown (70gp) ----- GEMS [1 each]: Violet Garnet (40gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Jade (6gp) ----- GEMS [3 each]: Black Pearl (42gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silver Comb/brush (70gp) ----- Wurthu`s Astounding Cloak {this black cloak allows the wearer to become invisible for 4 hours per day...the magic word to activate the cloak is `lheolane` which is learned from identifying magic} ----- JEWELRY: Silver Comb/brush (81gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Blue Sapphire (104gp)
18 A LEATHER KNAPSACK CONTAINING: 32sp / 410cp ----- Tower shield +3 [made of iron] ----- GEMS [3 each]: Tiger Eye (1gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Sard Quartz (3gp) ----- Scroll with a level 2 mage spell...Scare [written in an ancient human language]
19 door handle made of bronze with a tourmaline pressed in it worth 8gp ----- GEMS [2 each]: Blue Quartz (2gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Alexandrite (30gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silvery Gold Anklet (24gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Chrysoprase (2gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Malachite (2gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Deep Blue Spinel (42gp) ----- Splint mail armor [made of adamant...with a wolf symbol on the front and back that is azure in color] ----- GEMS [3 each]: Hematite (1gp) ----- Mighty Armor of Hussien - splint mail armor +2 [made of adamant] ----- JEWELRY: Exceptional Goblet (1,080gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silvery Gold Broach (18gp) ----- JEWELRY: Silvery Gold Comb/brush (108gp) ----- GEMS [3 each]: White Opal (70gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Zircon (6gp)
20 A BLUE LEATHER RUCKSACK CONTAINING: 42pp ----- Studded leather armor [made of dragon hide and is brown in color...with a axe symbol on the front that is scarlet in color] ----- GEMS [3 each]: Jasper (8gp) ----- JEWELRY: Golden 2 Inch Sphere (120gp) ----- GEMS [2 each]: Black Opal (35gp) ----- GEMS [3 each]: Blue Quartz (1gp) ----- Large shield +1 [made of gold...with a hand symbol on the front that is scarlet in color] ----- Battle staff [the length is made of silver and has a iron handle] ----- GEMS [3 each]: Black Pearl (57gp) ----- Platinum-colored, decanter of youth liquid. This liquid looks oily in appearance.  It also has a salty taste and smell to it.  It seems to be heliotrope (violet) in color. ----- GEMS [3 each]: Aquamarine (63gp) ----- GEMS [1 each]: Jade (7gp)

Roll 1d00    Encounter
1 COCKATRICE [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-6 | SZ: S | MV: 60`/180` (MC C) | AC: 6 | HD: 5 | HP: 5-40 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-3 | MR: 0% |  INT: Animal | AL: N | XP: 315 + 5/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Petrifying touch | SPDEF: Darkvision 60` | SRC: MM (15)]
2 ANT, Giant [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1-100 | SZ: S | MV: 180` | AC: 3 | HD: 2 | HP: 2-16 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-6 | MR: 0% |  INT: Animal | AL: N | XP: 20+2/hp | THAC0: 16 | SRC: MM (7)]
3 WOLF [FREQ: Common | APP: 2-20 | SZ: S | MV: 180` | AC: 7 | HD: 2+2 | HP: 4-18 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 2-5 | MR: 0% |  INT: Semi | AL: N | XP: 35+3/hp | THAC0: 16 | SRC: MM (101)]
4 FUNGI, Violet [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1-4 | SZ: S-M | MV: 10` | AC: 7 | HD: 3 | HP: 3-24 | ATK: 1-4 | DMG: special | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | XP: 135+4/hp | THAC0: 16 |  SPATK: Rot flesh | SRC: MM (42)]
5 DRAGON, Blue, Young {Known as Marab} [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1-4 | SZ: L | MV: 90`/240`/60` (MC E) | AC: 2 | HD: 8 | HP: 8-64 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-6/1-6/3-24 | MR: 0% |  INT: Very | AL: LE | XP: variable | THAC0: 12 |  SPATK: Lightning Bolt Breath Weapon + Spells | SRC: MM (31)]
6 LIZARD, Minotaur [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1-8 | SZ: L | MV: 60` | AC: 5 | HD: 8 | HP: 8-64 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 2-12/2-12/3-18 | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | XP: 875+10/hp | THAC0: 12 |  SPATK: Grip | SRC: MM (61)]
7 DRAGON, Copper, Young {Known as Ugaraga} [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-4 | SZ: L | MV: 90`/240` (MC E) | AC: 1 | HD: 7 | HP: 7-56 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-4/1-4/5-20 | MR: 0% |  INT: High | AL: CG | XP: variable | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Acid Spittle/Slow Gas Cloud Breath Weapon + Spells | SRC: MM (32)]
8 WEASEL, Giant [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1-8 | SZ: M | MV: 150` | AC: 6 | HD: 3+3 | HP: 6-27 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 2-12 | MR: 0% |  INT: Animal | AL: N | XP: 125+4/hp | THAC0: 16 |  SPATK: Drain blood (2-12) | SRC: MM (100)]
9 WOLF, Worg [FREQ: Rare | APP: 3-12 | SZ: M | MV: 180` | AC: 6 | HD: 4+4 | HP: 8-36 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 2-8 | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: NE | XP: 90+5/hp | THAC0: 15 | SRC: MM (101)]
10 DEVIL, Lemure {Known as Damaz} [FREQ: Common | APP: 5-30 | SZ: M | MV: 30` | AC: 7 | HD: 3 | HP: 3-24 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 13 | MR: 0% |  INT: Semi | AL: LE | XP: 65+3/hp | THAC0: 16 |  SPDEF: regeneration 1hp/rd | SRC: MM (23)]
11 BRAIN MOLE [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1-3 | SZ: S | MV: 10` | AC: 9 | HD: 1/4 | HP: 1 | ATK: - | DMG: - | MR: 0% |  INT: Animal | AL: N | XP: 31 | THAC0: - |  SPATK: Psionic | SRC: MM (11)]
12 SNAKE, Giant Poisonous [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-6 | SZ: L | MV: 150` | AC: 5 | HD: 4+2 | HP: 6-34 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-3 | MR: 0% |  INT: Animal | AL: N | XP: 390+5/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Poison | SRC: MM (88)]
13 TOAD, Giant [FREQ: Common | APP: 1-12 | SZ: M | MV: 60`/60` hop | AC: 6 | HD: 2+4 | HP: 6-20 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 2-8 | MR: 0% |  INT: Animal | AL: N | XP: 50+3/hp | THAC0: 16 | SRC: MM (95)]
14 GARGOYLE [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 2-16 | SZ: M | MV: 90`/180` (MC C) | AC: 5 | HD: 4+4 | HP: 8-36 | ATK: 4 | DMG: 1-3/1-3/1-6/1-4 | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: CE | XP: 165+5/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPDEF: +1 wpn to-hit | SRC: MM (42)]
15 WRAITH [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 2-12 | SZ: M | MV: 120`/240` | AC: 4 | HD: 5+3 | HP: 8-43 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-6 | MR: 0% |  INT: Very | AL: LE | XP: 575+6/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Energy Drain | SPDEF: +1 wpn or silver to-hit, Immune to Sleep/Charm/Hold/Cold | SRC: MM (102)]
16 LEECH, Giant [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 4-16 | SZ: S | MV: 30` | AC: 9 | HD: 2 | HP: 2-16 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-4 | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | XP: 160+4/hp | THAC0: 16 |  SPATK: Drain blood (2/rd), 50% chance to cause disease | SPDEF: 1% chance of detection/rd | SRC: MM (60)]
17 DRAGON, Black, Young {Known as Olthonis} [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-4 | SZ: L | MV: 120`/300` (MC E) | AC: 3 | HD: 6 | HP: 6-48 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-4/1-4/3-18 | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: CE | XP: variable | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Acid Spittle Breath Weapon + Spells | SRC: MM (31)]
18 SHADOW [FREQ: Rare | APP: 2-20 | SZ: M | MV: 120` | AC: 7 | HD: 3+3 | HP: 6-27 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 2-5 | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: CE | XP: 225+4/hp | THAC0: 16 |  SPATK: Drain STR | SPDEF: +1 wpn to-hit, 90% Hide in Shadows | SRC: MM (86)]
19 NIGHTMARE [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1 | SZ: L | MV: 150`/360` | AC: -4 | HD: 6+6 | HP: 12-54 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 2-8/4-10/4-10 | MR: 0% |  INT: High | AL: NE | XP: 600+8/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPDEF: Smoke cloud (-2 to-hit) | SRC: MM (74)]
20 TOAD, Poisonous [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-8 | SZ: M | MV: 60`/60` hop | AC: 7 | HD: 2 | HP: 2-16 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 2-5 | MR: 0% |  INT: Animal | AL: N | XP: 155+2/hp | THAC0: 16 |  SPATK: Poison | SRC: MM (95)]
21 SPIDER, Giant [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-8 | SZ: L | MV: 30`/120` | AC: 4 | HD: 4+4 | HP: 8-36 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 2-8 | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: CE | XP: 315+5/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Poison, Webs | SRC: MM (90)]
22 JACKALWERE [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1-4 | SZ: S-M | MV: 120` | AC: 4 | HD: 4 | HP: 4-32 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 2-8 | MR: 0% |  INT: Very | AL: CE | XP: 800+4/hp | THAC0: 15 |  WEP: hand axe (1d6 damage) | SPATK: Sleep Gaze | SPDEF: +1 wpn or silver to-hit | SRC: MM (56)]
23 HELL HOUND [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 2-8 | SZ: M | MV: 120` | AC: 4 | HD: 5 | HP: 5-40 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-10 | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: LE | XP: 250+8/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Fire Breath Wpn | SPDEF: Surprised only 1 in 6 | SRC: MM (51)]
24 DRAGON, Green, Adult {Known as Glanarth} [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1-4 | SZ: L | MV: 90`/240` (MC E) | AC: 2 | HD: 8 | HP: 8-64 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-6/1-6/2-20 | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg-Very | AL: LE | XP: variable | THAC0: 12 |  SPATK: Chlorine Gas Cloud Breath Weapon + Spells | SRC: MM (33)]
25 LION, Spotted [FREQ: Rare | APP: 2-8 | SZ: L | MV: 120` | AC: 5/6 | HD: 6+2 | HP: 8-50 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-4/1-4/1-12 | MR: 0% |  INT: Semi | AL: N | XP: 300+6/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Rear claws (2-8/2-8) | SPDEF: Surprised only on a 1 | SRC: MM (61)]
26 DEVIL, Erinyes {Known as Eriel} [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-3 (4-16) | SZ: M | MV: 60`/30` (MC C) | AC: 2 | HD: 6+6 | HP: 7-54 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 2-8 | MR: 30% |  INT: Avg | AL: LE | XP: 875+8/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Charm Person, Suggestion, Illusion, Infravision, Teleport, Know Align., Fear, Animate Dead (1/rd) | SPDEF: Darkvision 60` | SRC: MM (22)]
27 RUST MONSTER [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-2 | SZ: M | MV: 180` | AC: 2 | HD: 5 | HP: 5-40 | ATK: 2 | DMG: - | MR: 0% |  INT: Animal | AL: N | XP: 185+4/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Corrode metals | SRC: MM (83)]
28 OCHRE JELLY [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-3 | SZ: M | MV: 30` | AC: 8 | HD: 6 | HP: 6-48 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 3-12 | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | XP: 150+6/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPDEF: Immune to lightning | SRC: MM (75)]
29 TROGLODYTE [FREQ: Common | APP: 10-100 | SZ: M | MV: 120` | AC: 5 | HD: 2 | HP: 2-16 | ATK: 3 or 1 | DMG: 1-3/1-3/2-5 or by wpn | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: CE | XP: 36+2/hp | THAC0: 16 |  WEP: hand axe (1d6 damage) | SPATK: Revulsion Odor | SPDEF: Chameleon | SRC: MM (97)]
30 BLINK DOG [FREQ: Rare | APP: 4-16 | SZ: M | MV: 120` | AC: 5 | HD: 4 | HP: 4-32 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-6 | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: LG | XP: 170+5/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: from rear 75% time | SPDEF: Darkvision 60`, Teleporting | SRC: MM (10)]
31 WOLVERINE, Giant [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1 | SZ: M | MV: 150` | AC: 4 | HD: 4+4 | HP: 8-36 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 2-5/2-5/2-8 | MR: 0% |  INT: Semi | AL: N | XP: 205+5/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Musk | SRC: MM (101)]
32 DEVIL, Horned (Malebranche) {Known as Kaos} [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-2 (2-5) | SZ: L | MV: 90`/300` (MC D) | AC: -5 | HD: 5+5 | HP: 10-45 | ATK: 4 or 1+wpn | DMG: 1-4/1-4/2-5/1-3 or 1-3/by wpn | MR: 50% |  INT: High | AL: LE | XP: 1,320+6/hp | THAC0: 13 |  WEP: fiery trident (1d6+1 fire damage) | SPATK: Charm Person, Suggestion, Illusion, Infravision, Teleport, Know Align., Fear, Animate Dead (1/rd) | SPDEF: +1 wpn to-hit | SRC: MM (22)]
33 TOAD, Ice [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1-4 | SZ: L | MV: 90` | AC: 4 | HD: 5 | HP: 5-40 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 3-12 | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: N | XP: 205+5/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Radiate cold 10` (dmg 3-18, 1/2rd) | SRC: MM (95)]
34 DEMON, Type I Demon (Vrock) {Known as Xartatesael} [FREQ: Common | APP: 1-3 (1-6) | SZ: L | MV: 120`/210` (MC C) | AC: 0 | HD: 8 | HP: 8-64 | ATK: 5 | DMG: 1-4/1-4/1-8/1-8/1-6 | MR: 50% |  INT: Low | AL: CE | XP: 1,275+10/hp | THAC0: 12 |  SPATK: Detect Invisibility, Gate Vrock (10%), Telekinesis (1/rd), Teleportation | SPDEF: Darkvision 60` | SRC: MM (18)]
35 SNAKE, Amphisbaena [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1-3 | SZ: M | MV: 120` | AC: 3 | HD: 6 | HP: 6-48 | ATK: 2 | DMG: 1-3/1-3 | MR: 0% |  INT: Animal | AL: N | XP: 475+6/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Poison | SPDEF: Immune to cold | SRC: MM (88)]
36 OWLBEAR [FREQ: Rare | APP: 2-5 | SZ: L | MV: 120` | AC: 5 | HD: 5+2 | HP: 7-42 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-6/1-6/2-12 | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: N | XP: 225+6/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Hug (2-16) | SRC: MM (77)]
37 DRAGON, Brass, Old {Known as Sagrianth} [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-4 | SZ: L | MV: 120`/240` (MC E) | AC: 2 | HD: 8 | HP: 8-64 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-4/1-4/4-16 | MR: 0% |  INT: High | AL: CG | XP: variable | THAC0: 11 |  SPATK: Sleep/Fear Gas Cloud Breath Weapon + Spells | SRC: MM (31)]
38 DRAGON, White, Old {Known as Giyeth} [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-4 | SZ: L | MV: 120`/300` (MC D) | AC: 3 | HD: 7 | HP: 7-56 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-4/1-4/2-16 | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: CE | XP: variable | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Cone of Frost Breath Weapon + Spells | SRC: MM (34)]
39 MEN (BANDIT/BRIGAND) [FREQ: Common | APP: 20-200 | SZ: M | MV: 120` | AC: 8 | F1 | HP: 1-10 | ATK: 1 | DMG: by wpn | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg-Very | AL: N/CE | XP: 10+1/hp | THAC0: 20 |  WEP: staff (1d6 damage);SRC: MM (66)]
40 XORN [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-6 | SZ: M | MV: 90` | AC: -2 | HD: 7+7 | HP: 14-63 | ATK: 4 | DMG: 1-3/1-3/1-3, 6-24 | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: N | XP: 1,275+10 | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Surprise 5 in 6 | SPDEF: Immune to Fire/Cold, Resistant to Electricity | SRC: MM (102)]
41 ELEMENTAL, Water [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1 | SZ: L | MV: 120` | AC: 2 | HD: 8 | HP: 8-64 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 5-30 | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: N | XP: 2850+15/hp | THAC0: 12 |  SPDEF: +2 wpn to-hit | SRC: MM (38)]
42 MINOTAUR [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1-8 | SZ: M | MV: 120` | AC: 6 | HD: 6+3 | HP: 9-51 | ATK: 2 | DMG: 2-8/1-4 or by wpn | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: CE | XP: 400+8/hp | THAC0: 13 |  WEP: two-handed sword (1d10 damage) | SPDEF: Surprised only on 1 | SRC: MM (71)]
43 INVISIBLE STALKER [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1 | SZ: L | MV: 120` | AC: 3 | HD: 8 | HP: 8-64 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 4-16 | MR: 30% |  INT: High | AL: N | XP: 1,090+10/hp | THAC0: 12 |  SPATK: Surprise on 1-5 | SPDEF: Invisibility | SRC: MM (55)]
44 SPECTRE [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1-6 | SZ: M | MV: 120` | AC: 2 | HD: 7+3 | HP: 10-57 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-8 | MR: 0% |  INT: High | AL: LE | XP: 1650+10/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Energy drain (2 lvls) | SPDEF: +1 wpn to-hit, Immune to some magic | SRC: MM (89)]
45 GHOUL [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 2-24 | SZ: M | MV: 90` | AC: 6 | HD: 2 | HP: 2-16 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-3/1-3/1-6 | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: CE | XP: 65+2/hp | THAC0: 16 |  SPATK: Paralyzation | SPDEF: Immune to sleep/charm | SRC: MM (43)]
46 MEN (BERSERKER) [FREQ: Rare | APP: 10-100 | SZ: M | MV: 120` | AC: 7 | Normal Men | HP: 2-7 | ATK: 1 | DMG: by wpn | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg-Very | AL: N | XP: 10+1/hp | THAC0: 20 |  WEP: shortsword (1d6 damage) | SPATK: 2x attacks or 1 attack +1 to-hit | SRC: MM (67)]
47 BEETLE, Giant Fire [FREQ: Common | APP: 3-12 | SZ: S | MV: 120` | AC: 4 | HD: 1+2 | HP: 3-10 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 2-8 | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | XP: 20+2/hp | THAC0: 18 | SRC: MM (9)]
48 STIRGE [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 3-30 | SZ: S | MV: 30`/180` | AC: 8 | HD: 1+1 | HP: 2-9 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-3 | MR: 0% |  INT: Animal | AL: N | XP: 36+2/hp | THAC0: 18 |  SPATK: Drain blood (1-4hp/rd) | SRC: MM (92)]
49 EAR SEEKER [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1-4 | SZ: S | MV: 10` | AC: 9 | HD: 1/4 | HP: 1 | ATK: 1 | DMG: * | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | XP: 0 | THAC0: 20 |  SPATK: Infestation | SRC: MM (36)]
50 SU-MONSTER [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-12 | SZ: M | MV: 90` | AC: 6 | HD: 5+5 | HP: 10-45 | ATK: 5 | DMG: 1-4(x4)/2-8 | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: CE | XP: 225+6/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Psionics | SRC: MM (93)]
51 ELEMENTAL, Earth [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1 | SZ: L | MV: 60` | AC: 2 | HD: 8 | HP: 8-64 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 4-32 | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: N | XP: 2850+15/hp | THAC0: 12 |  SPATK: Battering | SPDEF: +2 wpn to-hit | SRC: MM (38)]
52 LYCANTHROPE, Werebear [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1-4 | SZ: L | MV: 90` | AC: 2 | HD: 7+3 | HP: 10-59 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-3/1-3/2-8 | MR: 0% |  INT: Exceptional | AL: CG | XP: 825+10/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Hug (2-16) | SPDEF: +1 or silver wpn to-hit | SRC: MM (63)]
53 SALAMANDER [FREQ: Rare | APP: 2-5 | SZ: M | MV: 90` | AC: 5/3 | HD: 7+7 | HP: 14-63 | ATK: 2 | DMG: by wpn/2-12 | MR: 0% |  INT: High | AL: CE | XP: 825+10/hp | THAC0: 13 |  WEP: longsword (1d8 damage) | SPATK: Heat | SPDEF: +1 wpn to-hit | SRC: MM (85)]
54 BUGBEAR [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 6-36 | SZ: M | MV: 90` | AC: 5 | HD: 3+1 | HP: 4-25 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 2-8 or by wpn | MR: 0% |  INT: Low-Avg | AL: CE | XP: 85+4/hp | THAC0: 16 |  WEP: heavy warhammer (1d6+1 damage) | SPATK: surprise on a 1-3 | SPDEF: Darkvision 60` | SRC: MM (12)]
55 LAMMASU [FREQ: Rare | APP: 2-8 | SZ: L | MV: 120`/300` (MC C) | AC: 6 | HD: 7+7 | HP: 14-63 | ATK: 2 | DMG: 1-6/1-6 | MR: 30% |  INT: Genius | AL: LG | XP: 850+10/hp | THAC0: 12 |  SPATK: Invisibility, Dimension Door (1/rd), Spells as C4 | SPDEF: Protection from Evil (10`rad/-2/+2) Empathy, Telepathy | SRC: MM (59)]
56 OGRE [FREQ: Common | APP: 2-20 | SZ: L | MV: 90` | AC: 5 | HD: 4+1 | HP: 5-33 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-10 or by wpn | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: CE | XP: 90+5 | THAC0: 15 |  WEP: heavy warhammer (1d6+1 damage);SRC: MM (75)]
57 CARRION CRAWLER [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-6 | SZ: L | MV: 120` | AC: 3/7 | HD: 3+1 | HP: 4-25 | ATK: 8 | DMG: Paralysis | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | 580+4/hp | THAC0: 16 | SRC: MM (13)]
58 LIZARD, Giant [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 2-12 | SZ: L | MV: 150` | AC: 5 | HD: 3+1 | HP: 4-25 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-8 | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | XP: 125+4/hp | THAC0: 16 |  SPATK: Swallow | SRC: MM (61)]
59 RAKSHASA [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1-4 | SZ: M | MV: 150` | AC: -4 | HD: 7 | HP: 7-56 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-3/1-3/2-5 | MR: 0% |  INT: Very | AL: LE | XP: 925+8/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: ESP, Illusions, MU+C spells | SPDEF: Immune to spells <8th lvl, <+3 wpn 1/2 dmg | SRC: MM (81)]
60 WOLVERINE [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1 | SZ: S | MV: 120` | AC: 5 | HD: 3 | HP: 3-24 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-4/1-4/2-5 | MR: 0% |  INT: Semi | AL: N | XP: 125+3/hp | THAC0: 16 |  SPATK: Musk | SRC: MM (101)]
61 FROG, Killer [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 3-18 | SZ: S | MV: 60`/120` | AC: 8 | HD: 1+4 | HP: 5-12 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-2/1-2/2-5 | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | XP: 36+2/hp | THAC0: 16 | SRC: MM (41)]
62 DWARF [FREQ: Common | APP: 40-400 | SZ: S | MV: 60` | AC: 4 | HD: 1 | HP: 1-8 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-8 or by wpn | MR: 0% |  INT: Very | AL: LG | XP: variable | THAC0: 19 |  WEP: heavy flail (1d6+1 damage) | SPDEF: Save vs. Magic +4 | SRC: MM (35)]
63 HOBGOBLIN [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 20-200 | SZ: M | MV: 90` | AC: 5 | HD: 1+1 | HP: 2-9 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-8 or by wpn | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: LE | XP: 20+2/hp | THAC0: 18 |  WEP: bow (1d6 damage) with about 10 arrows each;SRC: MM (52)]
64 INTELLECT DEVOURER [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1-2 | SZ: M | MV: 150` | AC: 4 | HD: 6+6 | HP: 12-54 | ATK: 4 | DMG: 1-4/1-4/1-4/1-4 | MR: 0% |  INT: Very | AL: CE | XP: 1,510+8/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Possession, Psionics | SPDEF: +3 wpn to-hit, Immunity to most magic | SRC: MM (54)]
65 FROG, Giant [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 5-40 | SZ: S-M | MV: 30`/90` | AC: 7 | HD: 1-3 | HP: 1-8(small) 2-16 (large) 3-24 (huge) | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-3/1-6/2-8 | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | XP: 45+3/hp | THAC0: 19/16 |  SPATK: Swallow | SRC: MM (41)]
66 BEAR, Cave [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-2 | SZ: L | MV: 120` | AC: 6 | HD: 6+6 | HP: 12-54 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-8/1-8/1-12 | MR: 0% |  INT: Semi | AL: N | XP: 475+8/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Hug (2-16) | SRC: MM (9)]
67 LEUCROTTA [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1-4 | SZ: L | MV: 180` | AC: 4 | HD: 6+1 | HP: 7-49 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 3-18 | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: CE | XP: 475+8/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Imitation, Back kick (1-6) | SRC: MM (60)]
68 DRAGON, White, Young {Known as Moth} [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-4 | SZ: L | MV: 120`/360` (MC D) | AC: 3 | HD: 5 | HP: 5-40 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-4/1-4/2-16 | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: CE | XP: variable | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Cone of Frost Breath Weapon + Spells | SRC: MM (34)]
69 OTYUGH [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1 (2) | SZ: M | MV: 60` | AC: 3 | HD: 7 | HP: 7-56 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-8/1-8/2-5 | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: N | XP: 550+10/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Disease | SPDEF: Never surprised | SRC: MM (77)]
70 MEDUSA [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1-3 | SZ: M | MV: 90` | AC: 6 | HD: 6 | HP: 6-48 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-4 | MR: 0% |  INT: Very | AL: LE | XP: 725+6/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Petrifying Gaze, Poison | SRC: MM (66)]
71 ORC [FREQ: Common | APP: 30-300 | SZ: M | MV: 90` | AC: 6 | HD: 1 | HP: 1-8 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-8 or by wpn | MR: 0% |  INT: Low-Avg | AL: LE | XP: 10+1/hp | THAC0: 19 |  WEP: broadsword (2d4 damage);SRC: MM (76)]
72 AERIAL SERVANT [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1 | SZ: L | MV: 30`/240` (MC A) | AC: 3 | HD: 16 | HP: 16-144 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 8-32 | MR: 0% |  INT: Semi | AL: N | XP: 5,250+20/hp | THAC0: 7 |  SPATK: Surprise on 1-4 | SPDEF: +1 wpn to-hit | SRC: MM (6)]
73 QUASIT [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1 | SZ: S | MV: 150` | AC: 2 | HD: 3 | HP: 3-24 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-2/1-2/1-4 | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: CE | XP: 325+3/hp | THAC0: 16 |  SPATK: poison (DEX loss), Invisibility, cause Fear | SPDEF: Regenerate 1/rd, +1 wpn or iron to-hit, Immune to cold/fire/lightning, save vs. magic as 7HD, Darkvision 60` | SRC: MM (80)]
74 ROT GRUB [FREQ: Rare | APP: 5-20 | SZ: S | MV: 10` | AC: 9 | HD: 1/4 | HP: 1 | ATK: - | DMG: - | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | XP: - | THAC0: - |  SPATK: Burrow (1-6 + 1-3 till death) | SRC: MM (83)]
75 MEN (CAVEMAN) [FREQ: Rare | APP: 10-100 | SZ: M | MV: 120` | AC: 8 | HD: 2 | HP: 2-16 | ATK: 1 | DMG: by wpn | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: N | XP: 35+3/hp | THAC0: 19 |  WEP: longsword (1d8 damage);SRC: MM (67)]
76 FROG, Poisonous [FREQ: Rare | APP: 2-12 | SZ: S | MV: 30`/90` | AC: 8 | HD: 1 | HP: 1-8 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1 | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | XP: 35+1/hp | THAC0: 19 |  SPATK: Poison (+4 to-Save vs.) | SRC: MM (41)]
77 WIGHT [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 2-16 | SZ: M | MV: 120` | AC: 5 | HD: 4 + 3 | HP: 7-35 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-4 | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: CE | XP: 540+5/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Energy drain | SPDEF: +1 wpn or silver to-hit, Immune to sleep/charm/hold | SRC: MM (100)]
78 GHAST [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1-6 | SZ: M | MV: 150` | AC: 4 | HD: 4 | HP: 4-32 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-4/1-4/1-8 | MR: 0% |  INT: Very | AL: CE | XP: 190+4/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Stench, Paralyzation | SPDEF: Immune to sleep/charm | SRC: MM (43)]
79 DRAGON, Black, Old {Known as Mallieth} [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-4 | SZ: L | MV: 120`/240` (MC E) | AC: 3 | HD: 8 | HP: 8-64 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-4/1-4/3-18 | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: CE | XP: variable | THAC0: 11 |  SPATK: Acid Spittle Breath Weapon + Spells | SRC: MM (31)]
80 SPIDER, Huge [FREQ: Common | APP: 1-12 | SZ: M | MV: 180` | AC: 6 | HD: 2+2 | HP: 4-18 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-6 | MR: 0% |  INT: Animal | AL: N | XP: 145+3/hp | THAC0: 16 |  SPATK: Poison (Save +1), Surprise on 1-5 | SRC: MM (90)]
81 DRAGON, White, Adult {Known as Fith} [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-4 | SZ: L | MV: 120`/300` (MC D) | AC: 3 | HD: 6 | HP: 6-48 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-4/1-4/2-16 | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: CE | XP: variable | THAC0: 14 |  | Dragon Egg (This dragon has an egg with a 60% chance to survive) SPATK: Cone of Frost Breath Weapon + Spells | SRC: MM (34)]
82 MUMMY [FREQ: Rare | APP: 2-8 | SZ: M | MV: 60` | AC: 3 | HD: 6+3 | HP: 9-51 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-12 | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: LE | XP: 1,150+8/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Fear, Cause Disease | SPDEF: +1 wpn to-hit, Immune to sleep/charm/hold | SRC: MM (72)]
83 DEMON, Manes {Known as Oron} [FREQ: Rare | APP: 4-16 | SZ: S | MV: 30` | AC: 7 | HD: 1 | HP: 1-8 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-2/1-2/1-4 | MR: 0% |  INT: Semi | AL: CE | XP: 18+1/hp | THAC0: 19 |  SPDEF: +1 wpn to-hit | SRC: MM (17)]
84 GROANING SPIRIT (Banshee) [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1 | SZ: M | MV: 150` | AC: 0 | HD: 7 | HP: 7-56 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-8 | MR: 0% |  INT: Exceptional | AL: CE | XP: 2,450+10/hp | THAC0: 13 |  SPATK: Wail | SPDEF: +1 wpn to-hit | SRC: MM (50)]
85 TROLL [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-12 | SZ: L | MV: 120` | AC: 4 | HD: 6+6 | HP: 12-54 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 15-8/5-8/2-12 | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: CE | XP: 525+8/hp | THAC0: 13 |  WEP: heavy flail (1d6+1 damage) | SPDEF: Regeneration 3/rd, Darkvision 60` | SRC: MM (97)]
86 APE, Carnivorous [FREQ: Rare | APP: 2-8 | SZ: L | MV: 120` | AC: 6 | HD: 5 | HP: 5-40 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-4/1-4/2-8 | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: N | XP: 170+5/hp | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Rending 1-8, Surprise only on 1 | SRC: MM (7)]
87 DRAGON, Black, Adult {Known as Abrae} [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 1-4 | SZ: L | MV: 120`/240` (MC E) | AC: 3 | HD: 7 | HP: 7-56 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-4/1-4/3-18 | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: CE | XP: variable | THAC0: 12 |  SPATK: Acid Spittle Breath Weapon + Spells | SRC: MM (31)]
88 IMP [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1 | SZ: S | MV: 120` | AC: 2 | HD: 2+2 | HP: 4-18 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-4 | MR: 25% |  INT: Avg | AL: LE | XP: 275 + 3/hp | THAC0: 16 |  SPATK: Poison, Spells | SPDEF: +1 wpn to-hit, Regeneration, Immunity to some magic, Save as F7 | SRC: MM (54)]
89 SPHINX, Gynosphinx [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1 | SZ: L | MV: 180`/300` (MC D) | AC: -1 | HD: 8 | HP: 8-64 | ATK: 2 | DMG: 2-8/2-8 | MR: 0% |  INT: Genius | AL: N | XP: 1,550+10/hp | THAC0: 12 |  SPATK: Detect Magic/Invisible, Read Magic/Languages, Locate Object, Dispel Magic, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Remove Curse, Legend Lore (1/day), Symbol (1/week each) | SRC: MM (89)]
90 NIGHT HAG [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1 | SZ: M | MV: 90` | AC: 9 | HD: 8 | HP: 8-64 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 2-12 | MR: 65% |  INT: Exceptional | AL: NE | XP: 1,750+10/hp | THAC0: 12 |  SPATK: Sleep, Spells | SPDEF: Immunity to some magic, +3 wpn to-hit | SRC: MM (73)]
91 ZOMBIE [FREQ: Rare | APP: 3-24 | SZ: M | MV: 60` | AC: 8 | HD: 2 | HP: 2-16 | ATK: 2 | DMG: by wpn | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | XP: 20+2/hp | THAC0: 16 |  WEP: light warhammer (1d4+1 damage) | SPDEF: 1/2 dmg from blunt wpn | SRC: MM (103)]
92 SKELETON [FREQ: Rare | APP: 3-30 | SZ: M | MV: 120` | AC: 7 | HD: 1 | HP: 1-8 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-6 | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: CE | XP: 20+1/hp | THAC0: 19 |  WEP: longsword (1d8 damage) | SPDEF: Immune to sleep/charm/cold/sleep, 1/2 edged wpns | SRC: MM (87)]
93 BADGER [FREQ: Uncommon | APP: 2-5 | SZ: S | MV: 60`/30` | AC: 4 | HD: 1+2 | HP: 3-10 | ATK: 3 | DMG: 1-2/1-2/1-3 | MR: 0% |  INT: Semi | AL: N | XP: 20+2/hp | THAC0: 18 | SRC: MM (8)]
94 MOLD, Brown [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1 | SZ: S-L | MV: 0` | AC: 9 | HD: - | HP: - | ATK: - | DMG: - | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | XP: - | THAC0: - |  SPATK: Freezing | SPDEF: Immune to most magic | SRC: MM (71)]
95 CEREBRAL PARASITE [FREQ: Rare | APP: 3-12 | SZ: S | MV: - | AC: - | HD: - | HP: - | ATK: 0 | DMG: 0 | MR: 0% |  INT: Non | AL: N | XP: 0 | THAC0: - |  SPATK: Infestation | SPDEF: Immune to all except Cure Disease | SRC: MM (14)]
96 RAT, Giant [FREQ: Common | APP: 5-50 | SZ: S | MV: 60` | AC: 7 | HD: 1/2 | HP: 1-4 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 1-3 + disease | MR: 0% |  INT: Animal | AL: N | XP: 7 + 1/hp | THAC0: 20 | SRC: MM (81)]
97 REMORHAZ [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1 | SZ: L | MV: 120` | AC: 0/2/4 | HD: 7-14 | HP: 7-56 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 6-36 | MR: 75% |  INT: Animal | AL: N | XP: 1,700+16/hp | THAC0: variable |  SPATK: Swallow | SPDEF: Heat (10-100) | SRC: MM (82)]
98 YETI [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1-6 | SZ: L | MV: 150` | AC: 6 | HD: 4+4 | HP: 8-36 | ATK: 2 | DMG: 1-6/1-6 | MR: 0% |  INT: Avg | AL: N | XP: 435+5 | THAC0: 15 |  SPATK: Hug (2-16) | SPDEF: Immune to Cold | SRC: MM (103)]
99 ELEMENTAL, Fire [FREQ: Very Rare | APP: 1 | SZ: L | MV: 120` | AC: 2 | HD: 8 | HP: 8-64 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 3-24 | MR: 0% |  INT: Low | AL: N | XP: 2850+15/hp | THAC0: 12 |  SPDEF: +2 wpn to-hit | SRC: MM (38)]
100 OOZE, Gray [FREQ: Rare | APP: 1-3 | SZ: M-L | MV: 10` | AC: 8 | HD: 3+3 | HP: 6-27 | ATK: 1 | DMG: 2-16 | MR: 0% |  INT: Animal | AL: N | XP: 200+5/hp | THAC0: 16 |  SPATK: Corrosion | SPDEF: Immunity to most magic | SRC: MM (49)]

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