The Black Time
This was a time when the use of magic faded away and was replaced for a time by Technology. Great strides were made in this area and the tech level got very high. It was brought to an end by the dastardly members of the Technocracy League. In their heighday it was a criminal offense to cast a spell of any kind. But despite their attempts to suppress magic, it was still being practiced by witches and druid covens and by small timeentertainers who braved prison and worse by disguising their magical skills as "Slight of Hand".
The League sought to maintain their power over the people by limiting their power individually in every way possible. As magic put a large amount of power in a persons hands, they tried to crush those who used it and destroy or discredit all books published about it. To prevent the spread of underground magical arts, they prevent free travel by demanding travel passes of anyone away from their current residence. Many other repressive measures were imposed on the public in this vain attempt.
The lore continued to exist. Much of the time knowledge was passed down from adult to child using no written materials other than the spell books which were necessary for mages. At that time possession of a spell book was punishable by death and thus the books were extremely well hidden.
At last the power had corrupted the League and they began to get uncaring about the life they forced the people to lead. This was the beginning of unrest. It still took 250 years for the revolution to begin. It began on the then newly colonized world of Sekar. The people on that world were living a life little better than that of animals with the products of the world going into the pockets of the League.
Minor magics had been overlooked (if not exactly made legal) in a small attempt to better conditions. No one is sure at this time what was the match that lit the fire of rebellion among the populous. What is knowing that a Coup was attempted to overthrow the representatives of the League some 1200 years after the founding of the colony. In order to end the rebellion, the Terra-Forming machines were destroyed, and the planet began to return to the dry state that it was in before the technologists had intervened. Millions died as a result, the bulk of the dead being comprised of the weak, old, young and other innocents.
This incredibly rash act started protest on all the other worlds and eventually resulted in mass riots, assassinations, political coups and the destruction of the League. In the backlash of feeling against the League, laws were passed limiting the use of technology and the destruction of almost all devices beyond that of simple mechanics.
As the state-of-the-art of magic was at a all time low at that point, and due to the heavy loss of life during the time of revolution, the thousands of years that followed are now referred to as the Black Millennium.