Gods by plane and Planet

This is an attempt to apply top down "programming" to designing a campaign. By Creating the gods that will occupy the outer planes, then demi-gods to control the inner planes I hope to form a logical system of conflicts and adventure possibilities. From this information, assigning the relative importance of a given god to a particular county, nation, race, or alignment should be easy. First, I will enumerate the Planes I will concern myself with. Then, I will create a god to fill that nitch.


There are many planets on SOS and many gods as well. Some gods will be worhipped on some planets but not on others.


There are many planets in the Sos system, but there are even more planes, and each plane has it's own God or Godling associated with it. Yet, they all live in the same place; the outer planes. The outer planes exist in a state of balance that allows all alignments to be represented. This demands that no god gets far more powerful, or the State of Grace is disturbed.

A god of a planet is a very busy being. There is so much to do, and so many places to be, that a god will almost always have beings devoted to doing their will. The gods of SOS have this problem multiplied. It would be impossible for them to do more that react to situations (put out fires) with no time for planning, strategy, or pleasure. It is unknown which of the gods first employed this method of manifesting themselves, but now all the gods make use of Avatars.

An Avatar is a physical representation of a god that is created by splitting the gods life force into that physical form. Thus the more powerful a god is, the more numerous the Avatars that may be animated. Some deities may utilize more than one Avatar per planet although this is rare. Destroying an Avatar will reduce the total power of a god especially on the planet that avatar was in charge of! The deity in the outer plane is otherwise not affected. This means that to "Kill" a god, one must always go to the home outer plane to do it. It is not unknown for very powerful avatars to flee back to their home outer plane where they will be more powerful and receive some protection from the deity itself.

A deity may even create an avatar for a specific task that affects an entire world. May of the demi-gods and heros of the SOS are avatars unaware of their origins. Some are aware of their godhood but prefer (or have been sworn to) keep it secret. This kind of avatar, commonly known as "Sendings" may be sent to the P.M. Plane just to deliver a message or fight a particular fight. The god must prepare the avatar for some time, so this is a whole different action from divine intervention which is impulsive and immediate on the gods part. Most often, it the gods most powerful avatar on the planet (or deity of some player character) who will answer to the call.

It is possible for a god to transfer so much power to a avatar, that the avatar becomes a sort of god too. For all GAME purposes these avatars are gods of a particular planet. In some of the evil pantheons the avatar attempted to kill the god in a coup. This has always failed (so far). MAKE


A gods power is directly proportional to the amount of sacrafices services that is devoted to a god. As each culture on each planet is different, the gods (who will alter their avatar to make themselves more acceptable to their worshipers) Avatars will vary from one to the next.

An avatar has an "area of expertise" or a sphere of influence that they are devoted to. On some worlds, a follower will assume a job or role consistent with their gods tenants. Whole lives are lived in a fashion dictated by the Church with personal desires made subject to the needs of the god. This is rare. It is however, the basis for those who enter the priesthood.

Major Planes

Prime Material SOS (Some Gods, Many Avatars)
Ethereal (No gods, some Avatars and Dead Gods)
Astral Plane (No gods, some Avitars)
Major "Elemental" - 6
Quasi Planes - 12
Outer Planes

The Inner Planes are the battle grounds for all the gods of SOS. No one group of gods controls more than a part of any on the inner planes. It is the worship of those of the inner planes that gives the gods their powers. So the main way a god has of increasing its power, is by Page 5 "converting" people to their religion. One of the main jobs of a cleric is to proselytize as many as possible in an attempt to win a convert for their god. The clerics are quite competitive about it, and can be a real pain. This should be given very high visibility in all places. Thus, any planet of SOS will have numerous factions at odds with each other.

Good - Shu  - Tefnut/Evil - Hastur - Cthulhu
Good - Seker - Geb/Evil - Cthuga - Shudde Mell

Intersecting Planes
DUST - The battle ground between Shu and Shedde Mell
HEAT - The battle ground between Hastur and Seker
VAPOR - The battle ground between Tefnut and Cthuga
ICE - The battle ground between Cthulhu and Geb

Additional Planes POSITIVE MATERIAL PLANE - Ruled by Isis and Anhur, assisted by Nephthys
NEGATIVE MATERIAL PLANE - Ruled by Tsathogghua aided by Keglaholaha
ASTRAL PLANE Good - Anubus/Evil - Yog Suthloth
SHADOW PLANE Good - Bast/Evil - Y'golonac

AIR Shu / Hastur
WATER Tefnut / Cthulhu
FIRE Seker / Cthuga
EARTH Geb / Shudde Mell
KNOWLEDGE Toth / Nyrlethotep
LAW Osiris / Nodens
CHAOS Bast / Y'golonac
WAR Anhur / Keglaholaha
NATURE Nephthys / Shub-Niggurath
MATERIAL PLANE Isis (Positive) / Tsathogghua (Neg)
ASTRAL PLANE Anubus / Yog Suthoth
UNIVERSAL Ptah / Azathoth
LUCK Anubus / Yog Suthoth

Astral (No god)
Outer Planes - 15 (Concordant Opposition is the Plane of the Creator)
Greater Powers - 15 For the Outer Planes (The Creator is Neut.)
Lesser Powers - 50 for the Sub-Levels of Outer Planes
Demi-Powers - 18 Inner Planes and as needed for racial gods

Racial gods are seldom of a strictly defined allignment. They act as go-betweens between their race and the higher Powers. While they will grant spells, aid and advise in some cases, the alignment strictues of the cleric are loosened and the emphisis to god service becomes aiding the race. AS these are Demi-Powers however, they will flee if in danger where a greater Power might stand.

Most of the gods listed below are from the original Dieties and Demi-gods book. The location of the god is listed after the name. DD=Original Dieties and Demigods),nnn=page where found-nnn=number of HP. The name used in my campaign is listed first, followed by the name of the god as it is in the DD book.

Note that the Dieties of the Tefnut are not presently known with accuracy, and thus are not listed.

Nirvana (Lawful Neutrals)

Primus (Greater God) Anu D22-400
Sub Levels - Shang-Ti Glasya DD37
Varuna Dagita DD79
Rhuda Stregl DD77
Yama Yasma DD80
Horus Morteus DD51
Utu Tur DD127
Spectra Mine

Kopeta Forgotten Relms Helm, Mystra
Selune Moon of Illusions None
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Zilchus
Luna Moon of Clay Zilchus
Celene Mage's Moon None
Isis Frontier Planet Morteus,Spectra
Haforld Moon of One Face Spectra
Seker Desert Planet Yasma
Cluros Cave Moon Yasma
Greld First World Anu
Roon Dinosaur Moon Gelglor (Avatar)
Klee Forest Moon Tur
Tekumel Planet of Aliens Avanthe
Gayel Moon of Good Gods None
Kashi Moon of Evil Gods None

Arcadia (Neutral Good Lawfuls)

Tpestio - Marduk (Greater God) DD24-350
Meduso - Freya DD117-339
Grumabadum - Clanggedin(dwarf) UE110-375
Thumis - Petal Throne
Helm - Forgotten Relms

Kopeta Forgotten Relms Azuth
Selune Dinosaur Moon Azuth(AKA Askar)
Grawk Planet of Intrigue St. Cuthbert, Pholtus
Luna Moon of Clay St. Cuthbert
Celene Mage's Moon Pholtus
Isis Frontier Planet Freya, Marduk
Haforld Moon of One Face Marduk (AKA Lucio)
Seker Desert Planet Issus
Cluros Cave Moon Clanggendin
Greld First World None
Roon Dust Moon None
Klee Forest Moon None
Tekumel Planet of Aliens Thumis
Gayel Moon of Good Gods None
Kashi Moon of Evil Gods None

Seven Heavens -(Lawful Good)

Lunia - Vishnu DD79-389
Belkhanu - Petal Throne - 7
2) Mercuria - Athena DD65-329
Ilmater - Forgotten Realms
3) Venia - Daikoku DD81-350
Fharlanghn - Greyhawk
4) Solianias- Labelas Enoreth (elvin) UE114-310
5) Mertion - Shu DD54-346
6) Jovar - Ebisu DD82-313
7) Chronias - Surya (Greater God) DD78-360

Kopeta Forgotten Relms Tyr
Selune Dinosaur Moon Tyr
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Heironeous, Fharlanghn
Luna Moon of Clay Fharlanghn
Celene Mage's Moon Heironeous
Isis Frontier Planet Mercuria, Chronias
Haforld Moon of One Face Meriton
Seker Desert Planet None
Cluros Cave Moon Jovar
Greld First World Lunia
Roon Dust Moon Lunia
Klee Forest Moon Venia
Tekumel Planet of Aliens Hnalla, Belkanu
Gayel Moon of Good Gods Hnalla, Belkanu
Kashi Moon of Evil Gods None

Twin Paradises - (Neutral Good Lawfuls)

Shurrock - Ukko (Greater God) DD62-400
Torm - Forgotten Realms
Dothion - Garl Glittergold (Gnome) DD109-350
Ulaa - Grayhawk

Kopeta Forgotten Relms Torm
Selune Dinosaur Moon None
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Istus,Ulla
Luna Moon of Clay Istus
Celene Mage's Moon Ulla
Isis Frontier Planet Shurrock (AKA Ukka)
Haforld Moon of One Face Ukko
Seker Desert Planet None
Cluros Cave Moon None
Greld First World Shurrock
Roon Dust Moon Dothion
Klee Forest Moon None
Tekumel Planet of Aliens Krakan, Dilinala
Gayel Moon of Good Gods Krakan

Elysium - (Neutral Good)

1) Amoria - Isis (Greater Goddess) DD52-300
2) Eronia - Seker DD53-378
3) Belierin - Ishtar DD24-250
4) Thalasia - Shang Hai Ching DD24-250

Kopeta Forgotten Relms Chauntea, Lathander
Selune Dinosaur Moon Lathander
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Ehlonna
Luna Moon of Clay Ehlonna (AKA Lonnia)
Celene Mage's Moon Eronia
Isis Frontier Planet Belierin, Amoria
Haforld Moon of One Face Belierin
Seker Desert Planet None
Cluros Cave Moon None
Greld First World Amoria
Roon Dust Moon Amoria
Klee Forest Moon Thalasia
Tekumel Planet of Aliens Chegrra
Gayel Moon of Good Gods Chegrra

Happy Hunting Grounds - (Neutral Good Chaotics)

1) Krigala - Mielikki DD60-322
2) Brux - Artemis DD65-219
3) Karasuthra - Susanowo DD84-400

Kopeta Forgotten Relms Karasuthra (AKA Deneir), Milil
Selune Dinosaur Moon None
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Pelor
Luna Moon of Clay Karasuthra(AKA Monedo)
Celene Mage's Moon Pelor
Isis Frontier Planet Krigala, Brux
Haforld Moon of One Face Brux
Seker Desert Planet None
Cluros Cave Moon None
Greld First World None
Roon Dust Moon Krigala (AKA Mutsa)
Klee Forest Moon Brux (AKA Huntslady)
Tekumel Planet of Aliens Qon
Gayel Moon of Good Gods None

Olympus or Arvandor - (Chaotic Good)

1) Arvandor - Zeus (Greater God) DD63-400
2) Ossa - Posidon (Greater God) DD73-390
3) Pelion - Elvin Relm - Aerdrie Faenya UE112-322

Erevan Ilesere 290, Solonor Thelandira 308,
Hanali Celanil 312, Labelas Enoreth 310
Kopeta Forgotten Relms LLiira, Sune, Tymora
Selune Dinosaur Moon LLiira
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Trithereon
Luna Moon of Clay Trithereon
Celene Mage's Moon Trithereon
Isis Frontier Planet Ossa
Haforld Moon of One Face None
Seker Desert Planet None
Cluros Cave Moon None
Greld First World Arvandor
Roon Dust Moon Arvandor
Klee Forest Moon Pelion and the rest
Tekumel Planet of Aliens Ketengku
Gayel Moon of Good Gods Ketengku

Gladsheim - (Chaotic Good Neutral)

1) Asgrod - Odin DD113-400, Frigga 339
2) Muspelheim - Thor DD121-399
3) Nidavellir - Dwarven Relm -Vergadain UE110-345, Dumathoin 366

Kopeta Forgotten Relms Selune
Selune Dinosaur Moon Selune
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Olidammara
Luna Moon of Clay Vergadain
Celene Mage's Moon None
Isis Frontier Planet Muspelheim
Haforld Moon of One Face Muspelheim
Seker Desert Planet None
Cluros Cave Moon Dumathoin
Greld First World Asgrod
Roon Dust Moon Nidavellir
Klee Forest Moon None
Tekumel Planet of Aliens None
Gayel Moon of Good Gods None

Limbo-  (Chaotic Neutral)

1) Air'Lou - Huan-Ti DD39 376
2) Wata'Rou - Chih Sung-tzu DD38 319
3) Ear'Tu - Huan Ti - DD34-380
4) Fir'Hou - Indra DD75-400

Kopeta Forgotten Relms Leira, Tempus
Selune Dinosaur Moon Leira
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Istus, Rlishaz
Luna Moon of Clay Ear'Tu (AKA Grond)
Celene Mage's Moon None
Isis Frontier Planet Air'Lou
Haforld Moon of One Face Fir'Hou
Tefnut Water World Wata'Rou
Seker Desert Planet None
Cluros Cave Moon Ear'Tu (AKA Dirtk)
Greld First World All 4 as elemental gods
Roon Dust Moon Ear'Tu
Klee Forest Moon Air'Lou
Tekumel Planet of Aliens Sarku
Gayel Moon of Good Gods None
Kashi Moon of Evil Gods None

Pandemonium-  (Chaotic Neutral Evil)

1) Pandesmos - Loki DD119-300
2) Cocytus - Tuonelar - DD61-340
3) Phlegethon - Hruggek (Bugbear) DD105,221
4) Agathion - Abbathor (Dwarf God) UE111-330

Kopeta Forgotten Relms Talos, Auril
Selune Dinosaur Moon None
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Erythnul, Ralishaz
Luna Moon of Clay Ralishaz
Celene Mage's Moon Erythnul
Isis Frontier Planet Cocytus, Agathion
Haforld Moon of One Face Cocytus (AKA Coktus)
Seker Desert Planet None
Cluros Cave Moon Hruggek
Greld First World Pandesmos
Roon Dust Moon Pandesmos
Klee Forest Moon Pandesmos
Tekumel Planet of Aliens Ksarul, Gruganu
Gayel Moon of Good Gods None
Kashi Moon of Evil Gods Pandesmos

Abyss - (Chaotic Evil)

Level 62-65 - Klotaia - LoLth DD107-66
Level 143-146 - Meshak - Shakak DD15-390
Level 289-291 - Ketzerotil - Tlazolteotl DD36-211
Level 663-666 - Mummumur - Cthulhu DD-43 400

Kopeta - Beshaba, Umberlee
Tekumel - Hru'u
Grawk - Raxivort
Kopeta Forgotten Relms Beshaba, Umberlee
Selune Dinosaur Moon Beshaba
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Raxivort
Luna Moon of Clay Raxivort (AKA Clutigous)
Celene Mage's Moon None
Isis Frontier Planet Klotaia, Mummumur
Haforld Moon of One Face Klotaia
Greld First World All 4 of the abyss
Roon Dust Moon Ketzerituk
Klee Forest Moon Ketzerituk
Tekumel Planet of Aliens Hru'u
Gayel Moon of Good Gods None
Kashi Moon of Evil Gods Hru'u

Tarterus - (Evil Chaotic Neutral)

Othrys - Kronos DD72-400
Cathrys - Kali DD76-279
Minethys - Tezcatlipoca DD35-377
Colothys - Vaprak DD111-198
Porphatys - Thrym DD123-300
Agathys - Yog Sothoth DD47-400

Kopeta Forgotten Relms Malar, Talona
Selune Dinosaur Moon Talona
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Nerull, Iuz
Luna Moon of Clay Nerull
Celene Mage's Moon Iuz
Isis Frontier Planet Cathrys, Agathys
Haforld Moon of One Face Minethys
Seker Desert Planet None
Cluros Cave Moon Colothys
Greld First World Othrys
Roon Dust Moon Othrys
Klee Forest Moon Porphatys
Tekumel Planet of Aliens None
Gayel Moon of Good Gods None
Kashi Moon of Evil Gods None

Hades - (Neutral Evil)

Olinos - Anthraxus MM2 30 233
Niflheim DD119 350
Pluton - Hades DD69 390

Kopeta Forgotten Relms Mask, Myrkul, Shar
Selune Dinosaur Moon Myrkul
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Incabulos
Luna Moon of Clay Incabulos
Celene Mage's Moon Incabulos
Isis Frontier Planet Niflheim
Haforld Moon of One Face Pluton
Seker Desert Planet None
Cluros Cave Moon Niflheim (AKA Sufok)
Greld First World Olinos
Roon Dust Moon Olinos
Klee Forest Moon Olinos
Tekumel Planet of Aliens Vimuhla
Gayel Moon of Good Gods None
Kashi Moon of Evil Gods Vimuhla

Gehanna - (Lawful Evil Neutral)

Khalas - Surtur DD121 380
Chamada - Cthuga DD44 400
Mungoth - Lovitar DD60 227
Krangath - Shargaas UE199 265

Kopeta Forgotten Relms Bhaal, Loviatar
Selune Dinosaur Moon Loviatar
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Syrul
Luna Moon of Clay Syrul
Celene Mage's Moon Syrul
Isis Frontier Planet Chamada
Haforld Moon of One Face Krangath
Seker Desert Planet None
Cluros Cave Moon None
Greld First World Khalas
Roon Dust Moon Mungoth
Klee Forest Moon Mungoth
Tekumel Planet of Aliens Dlamelish, Hrihayal
Gayel Moon of Good Gods None
Kashi Moon of Evil Gods Dlamelish, Hrihayal

Nine Hells - (Lawful Evil)

Avernus - Tiamat 128 Each is ruled by a Lord or
Dis - Dispater 144 Prince of Hell. It's their
Minauros - Mammon 139 strength that keeps Set in
Phlegethos - Belial 154 his position.
Stygia - Geryon 133
Malbolge - Moloch 166
Maladomini - Baalzebul 166
Caina - Mephistopheles 188
Nessus - Asmodeus 199
In the Lowest Set Rules

Kopeta Forgotten Relms None
Selune Dinosaur Moon None
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Hextor
Luna Moon of Clay Stygia
Celene Mage's Moon Malbolge
Isis Frontier Planet Avernus, Dis, Minauros
Haforld Moon of One Face Dis, Phlegethos
Seker Desert Planet Tor
Cluros Cave Moon Tor
Greld First World Set
Roon Dust Moon Caina, Minauros
Klee Forest Moon Maldomini, Nessus
Tekumel Planet of Aliens Durritlamish
Gayel Moon of Good Gods None
Kashi Moon of Evil Gods Durritlamish

Acheron - (Lawful Evil Neutrals)

Avalas - Ares DD65 33
 Thuldanin - Tvashtri DD78 227
Tintibulus - Maglubiyet DD109 350
Ocanthus - Blibdoolpoolp DD110 310

Kopeta Forgotten Relms Bane
Selune Dinosaur Moon None
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Pryemius
Luna Moon of Clay Pryemius
Celene Mage's Moon None
Isis Frontier Planet Thuldanin, Ocanthus
Haforld Moon of One Face Thuldanin
Tefnut Water World Ocanthus
Seker Desert Planet None
Cluros Cave Moon None
Greld First World Avalas
Roon Dust Moon Avalus
Klee Forest Moon Tintibulus
Tekumel Planet of Aliens Chiteng
Gayel Moon of Good Gods None
Kashi Moon of Evil Gods Chiteng

Concordant Opposition - (True Neutral)

The Creator (Bob Dobbs) Mine 499
Oghma The Binder
Holy Fin
Bobicob (Dobiwab)

Kopeta Forgotten Relms Sylvanus
Selune Dinosaur Moon Sylvanus (AKA Sylva)
Grawk Planet of Intrigue Boccob, Ulaa
Luna Moon of Clay Ulla
Celene Mage's Moon Boccob
Isis Frontier Planet Bobicob, Oghma, Holy Fin
Haforld Moon of One Face Bobicob
Seker Desert Planet None
Cluros Cave Moon None
Greld First World Holy Fin
Roon Dust Moon Holy Fin
Klee Forest Moon Bobicob (AKA Dobiwab)
Tekumel Planet of Aliens Dra
Gayel Moon of Good Gods None
Kashi Moon of Evil Gods None

Isis has the largest number of Avitars and they are represented as Saints (for good demi-gods) and Thralls (for evil demi-gods). None of these appear in the lists above as they are so numerous. Below, see the gods, Saints and Thralls of Isis by Plane and God.

Isis Gods, Saints and Thralls

Mercuria - Goddess of Wisdom and Combat (Clerical)
Saint Smilet the Profound (Mages)
Saint Janicea the Mighty (Fighter)
Saint Gororond the Deep (Dwarves, Gnomes)

Chronias - Sun God (Fighter-Demon Slayer) (Fire)
Saint Teneron the Rightious (Clerical)
Saint Canerous the Songful (Bards)
Saint Lermarin the Green (Elves)

Meduso - Goddess of fertility (Peasant God) (Clerics)
Saint Felice the Fecund (Clerics)
Saint Shallinea of Golden Boughs (Elvin)

Tpesto - God of Weather and Cities (Clerics and Merchants)
Saint Flora of the Wilderness (Druids)
Saint Robin the Generous (Thief)
Saint Dorkgar of the Warrens (Dwarf, Gnome)

Shurrock (AKA Ukka) - God Master (Birds and Air) (Clerics)
Saint Rex the Sanctioned (Law Giver) (Fighters)
Saint Sahlen the Winged (Druids)


Belierin - Goddess of Love and War (Air, wife of Air'Lou)(clerics)
Saint Fripp the Crimson King (Bards and Fighters)
Saint Claudious of Conjuration (Mages)

Amoria - Goddess of Motherhood (Peasant God)
Saint Amy the Devoted (Clerics)


Muspelheim - God of Thunder (God of Smiths) (Dwarves, Gnomes)
Saint Hardy the Unwavering (Fighters)
Saint Salvious of the Peaks (Druids and Bards)
Saint Lathendas the Abandon (Elvin)


Ossa - God of the Waters (Water) (Clerics)
Saint Ossius The Mariner (Fighters)
Saint Sirusan The Fisher of Souls (Clerics and fisherman)


Bobicob - God of Dispassion and Evenhandedness (Clerics)
Saint Chippen the Fair (Bards)
Saint Pompei of Retribution (Theives)

Oghma - God of Knowledge (Mages)
Saint Odessus the Unseen (Illusionists)
Saint Veruit the Valorous (Fighters)

Holy Fin - God of Indifference (Any race, align, Class)


Morteus - The Avenger (Fire) (Fighter)
Saint Dromaors the Faithul (Dwarven)
Saint Selenuar the Strict
Spectra - God of Dragons (Elves)


Air'Lou - God of War (Air) (Fighters and Clerics)
Saint Edwar the Farsighted (Soothsayers and Bards)
Saint Storid the Lucky (Gamblers and Theives)
Saint Crosius the Perspicacious (Mages)
Saint Caressa the Easy (Whores and courtesans)


Avernus - God of Dragons (Evil) (Clerics)
Thrall Seksur the Treacherous (Drow)

Dis - Fire Lord (Fighters, Pirates)
Thrall Crussle the Consumer (Salamanders and fire beasts)

Minauros - Ruby Wing Lord (Fighters)
Thrall Nimbla the Genius (Mages)
Thrall Musked the Foul (Orks and others)


Cathrys - Black Mother of Death and Creation (Clerics)
Thrall Peshead of the Glaciers
Thrall Sulskun Daughter of Corruption (All Underdeep)

Agathys - Key and Guardian of the Gate (All tenticled)
Thrall Sulimar the Slave (Human Theives)


Niflheim - Goddess of Disease (Clerics)
Thrall Gokekakik the Banished (Dwarf, Gnome Fighters)


Thuldanin - God of Technology (Human Mages)
Thrall Eourid of the skys (Air)
Thrall Lightfoot of Theives
Thrall Gausius the Undefeated (Fighters)

Ocanthus - God of Kuo-Toa (Sea Mother)


Chamada - God of the Fire Elementals (Clerics)
Thrall Borgis the Arsonist (Humans)


Cocytus - Goddess of the Underworld (Clerics)
Thrall Stubinis of Disease (Clerics)
Thrall Korols of Poison (Theives and fighters)
Thrall Wraslid of Ignorance (Mercinaries)
Thrall Selkid the Starved (Merchants)

Agathion - God of Deep Dwarves (Fighters)


Krigala - Maiden of Pain (Clerics)
Thrall Duina the Seductive (Human Whores)
Thrall Ka' Kree the Silent (theives)
Thrall Seniss Lord of a Thousand Screams (Fighters)

Brux - Goddess of the Hunt (Clerics, Fighters)
Thrall Zukar of the Horn (Bards)


Klotaia - Goddess of the Drow
Mummumur - God of Illithiads