The Citidel
H2 - House of the Knights of Holy Sheilding - Appartments
H3 - Lord Henways Manor and Menagerie - Home
H4 - Aaron Strachans House - Home
H5 - Wheel of Gold Gambling House - Fine Gambling Club
H6 - Patricians Club - Club
H7 - Estate of Lord Silverfox - Home
H8 - Royal Opera House - Theatre
H9 - The Lords Tomb - Graveyard of the rich
H10 - Villa of Fioranna Aielestriel - Home
H11 - City Guard Barracks
H12 - Watchhouse/Courts of Justice/Gaol
H13 - Wizards Guildhall - Guild
H14 - Lord Mayors Palace - Home
H15 - Org Nenshens House - Home
H16 - Jallarzi Sallavarians House - Home
H17 - Glodreddi Bakkanins House - Home (Tax Inspector)
G2 - Ottos House - Home
G3 - The Nymph and the Satyr - Bar
G4 - The Sacred Temple of Saint Cuthbert
G5 - High Tower Tavern and Hostelry - Inn
G6 - Star of Celene - Inn
G7 - Cith Watch Station
G8 - Gold Dragon Inn - Inn
G9 - The Grand Theatre
G10 - Temple of Pelor
G 11 - The Golden Phoenix - Inn
G12 - Temple of Boccob
G13 - Chapel of Fharlanghn
G14 - Sanctum of Heironeous
C2 - Great Library of Greyhawk
C3 - The Old Mill
C4 - The Black Dragon Inn
C5 - Jewelers and Gemcutters Guildhall
C6 - University of Magical Arts
C7 - The City Mint
C8 - New Mill and the School of Culinary Art - Restaraunt
C9 - The Bardschool
C10 - Bridge of Entwined Hearts
C11 - The Savant - Tavern
C12 - Free City Arena
C13 - City Watch Station
C14 - The Roc and Oliphant - Tavern
C15 - The University of the Flaness
C16 - Guild Station of the Nightwatchmen
C17 - The School of Clerkship
C18 Gnarlyhouse - Frathouse
A1 - Guildhall of Architects and Stomemasons
A2 - The Fat of the Hog - Bar/Restaraunt
A3 - City Watch Station
A4 - Guildhall of the Carpenters
A5 - Guildhall of the Performing Artistes
A6 - Guildhall of Leatherworkers, Weavers and Tailors
A7 - Fruit of the Mill - Food Shop
F2 - Silver Dragon Inn
F3 - Sages Guildhall
F4 - Moneychangers Guildhall
F5 - Blue Dragon Inn
F6 - City Workhouse
F7 - Duke Garands House - Home
F8 - The Pit - Gladitorial Combat in the streets
F9 - Cartographers Guildhall
F10 - City Watch Station
F11 - Translators Guild
F12 - Red Serpent Restaurant
F13 - Guildstation of the Nightwatchmen
F14 - Burrow Heights - Homes in holes in the ground
R2 - The Green Dragon Inn
R3 - Low Seas Tavern
R4 - The Wizards Hat Inn
R5 - Guildstation of the Nightwatchmen
R6 - Tarnek McGloogans Warehouse
R7 - The River Rat - Inn
R8 - Temple of Pholtus
R9 - The Establishment of Selczek Gobayuik, Undertaker
R10 - Toomas Rateks Warehouse
R11 - Barge Inn
R12 Temple of Rao
R13 - The Silver Garter - Whore House
R14 - Temple of Trithereon
R15 - House of the Mage Otiluke
T2 - Whitehorse Inn
T3 - Old City Watch Station
T4 - Merchants and Traders Guildhall and Livery
T5 - Madam Serenas Fortunetelling
T6 - City Slaughterhouse
T7 - Guildstation of the Nightwatchmen
T8 - Gold Digger Tavern
T9 - Brass Dragon Inn
T10 - Chapel of Olidammara
T11 - Shrine of Beory
T12 - Old Mother Grubbs House of Fortune - Gambling/Whorehouse
T13 - Public Bath House
T14 - Temple of Xerbo
T15 - Common Crypt - Catacombs
T16 - Millrose Brewery
T17 - Madame Zaccarusos Rooms for Rent
T18 - The Great Burn - Burned out area
T19 - Zorbos House of Fun
T20 - Devin Halfhocks Pawnshop
T21 -- Great Hall of the Thieves Guild
T22 - Black Orchid Boarding House
T23 - City Depot - Stables/Barns/Workshops
T24 - Gritch Hariad, Jewler
T25 - THe Hanged Man Inn
T26 - Esteemed Chapel or Norebo
T27 - Pawnbrokership of Vesper
T28 - Mama Esthers Bakery and Boarding House
S2 - Stairnezh Stables
S3 - Buildhall of the Beggars Union
S4 - Temple of Ralishaz
S5 - Assassins Guildhall
S6 - Garraldsons Locksmithy
S7 - Dragon Turtle Inn
S8 - Left Hand Inn
S9 - Fedroots Daggerarium
S10 - CHapel of Ulaa
U2 - Sectet Shrine of Orcus
U3 - Assassins Guild
U4 - Burrow of Darek Halfplow
U5 - The Cult of the Shriven Sickle
U6 - Citadel Celler