Entering into the City of Greyhawk

I think that the planet Grawk (at least in the Greyhawk part) should be described in terms similar to those used in describing England. People have been living on this planet much longer than they have on the parties homeworld and on Grawk, more places have received the works of the hand of man. There are remnants of the past everywhere, most often lying just under the surface of the green growth that covers all. The land has been civilized and sculptured so that the original wild appearance has disappeared.

The money adventurers bring into Greyhawk is a major part of the cities economy. They LIKE adventurers; particularly those who can pay their own way and leave a good tip. The situation is similar to that found in Gold Rush towns where rough, brave and violent men would arrive with vast amount of disposable income. Many businesses exist only to serve adventurers or to provide training and job services for them.

Remember that this is their first time in the city. Describe it like they have never played D&D before.

The people speak common with the emphisis on the wrong parts of words. So where they say "e-con'-omy" the Greldians say "E-co-no'-my". They seldom use the "th" sound. They say "Duh" for "the", "Dat" for "that" and "Dose" for "Those". The also avoid the "h" removing it when it occurs at the begining of a word. So they say "ave" for "have" and "Ate" for "hate".

The party will be landing at the docks in the Dragon Ship, so their first experience of the planet's people will be there. It is important to instantly give them the character of the people and the place. Perhaps some set encounters will help.

Date of parties arrival on Grawk on Moonday, 10th of Wealsun, Common Year 580

Greyhawk Stats

Pop=58K (75K with surrounding farms and villages) Resources=Precious Metals and Gems.

City Wall: 30' high, 18' wide at base and 10' wide at the top. A parapet lines both sides of the wall and is 3' high. Top is regularly patrolled w/ 1 watchman every 300' in day and 150' at night with torches every 150 (offset from guard stations).

City Gates:

Only Highway and Cargo gates are open during darkness.

Guards stop all who enter and request name and business in the city and take down the names in an enormous book in an alcove near the gate.


Ship Tax (3sp-3gp day), Cargo Tax .05%, Precious Metal Tax: 1% to trade taxation.

Guild Tax: 5sp to 5 gp per year, Freesword Tax 3gp per adventurer. Entitles bearer to seek hire in the city and search for plunder.

Contraband includes: Poisons, evil god artifacts.

Gate House is a pair of towers flanking the gate and an enclosed area over the gate.

Gates are steel renforced wood, 12' high, 8' wide and 1' thick. .

Black Gate Highway Gate, Garden Gate, Cargo gate are larger - 16'x24'x1'

Behind the gate is an portcullis with interwoven 2" iron bars.

Human Races:

Oeridians - (South Center where party is) Furyondy, Perrenland, Shield Lands, Medegia, Onnwal and Sunndi

Clothing-Checks and diamond plaids. Tight blouses and trowsers (skirts), cloaks and capes.

Baklunish - (In the NW) Tiger, Wolf nomads, Ull, Zeif, Rovers, Ket, Payhnim and Tusmit

Golden skin, gray or gray-green eyes, Blue Black to dark brown hair

North - Bright patterns and gaudy colors. Coveralls and common blouses and pants.

South - Parti-colors in pastel. Complex puffs and slashes in elaborate blouses and knickers.

Flannae - (North Center) Tenh, Geoff, Sterich, Stone Fist, Pale

Bronze to dark copper skin, brown, or black eyes, Black to brown hair

Tan to olive skin. Honey blond to black through common brown. Brown and gray eyes.

Brightly colored Face Paint, loincloth and simple ponchos and overgarments of solid colors.

Suloise - (Various areas. Ernst, Barbarians, Tilvanot, Scarlet Brotherhood, Jungles.

Fair Skin. Light red, yellow blond, platinum blondCurley/Kinkey hair. Eyes are pale blue, violet, dark blue.

Solid Colors with house emblems, loose pants and blouse, Furs and vests.