The BERDI; Dominant Race Of Greld

The Berdi trace their origins to a scant 16 fossil remains that "prove" that they evolved or were created on this planet. This despite the fact that none of the fossil remains survive to this time. In the eyes of the inhabitants, this makes them the source of everything that happens throughout SOS.

They are ego centeric to an extreme.

The population of the planet is very tightly controlled. All potential parents submit to "approval"; the judgment of this group is 99% effective in deciding if a couple will have a child. It is unusual for the "Gar’jeef" to grant more than 1 child per household, unless both parents are proven to be of immaculate genetic construction.

So changed are the people of Greld that they no longer number themselves among the human race. They call themselves the "Berdi" race. The Berdi are of human form, but commonly 7+ feet tall and always very slender to the point of thinness with many being what we would call gaunt. They have no hair anywhere on their bodies, and regard hair as a animal trait. It is not uncommon for a child born with hair to be killed by the mother. The mother then takes her own life, and that of the father if it has been determined that his side of the family carries the "Hair Gene". Although they are thin, their strength and constitution remains human normal. For more information consult the document BERDI.NEW.


Under NO CIRCUMSTANCE will a Berdi participate in a violent act.

Berdi speech is formed of clipped words and acronyms, the source of which has been lost in time.

The nobles of the Berdi have family lines streaching back 8,000 years and are unshakable in their ruling power. They are refiered to as the "Six-Score", but in reality there are a total of 63 families who share in the administration of the planet. 20% of the present population has "Noble Blood" and may hold public office. There are tests and oaths taken upon entering the service that screen a applicant. This process has been perfected, that only 1% of the officials would possibly do something detrimental to their position or their charges. The are scrupulously honest.

Each Berdi is trained as a baby and young child in ways to use their mind and powers of will to resist magic. A child of 1 year has a 1% magic resistance roll, and a 10 year old has a 10% chance. A adult of 100 can only be affected by a spell on a percentile roll of 1.

Berdi live for their participation in "Projects". These projects are planetary or multi-planetary in scope, and may be planned for 300 years and take 500 years to execute. Their entire economic system and social structure revolves around the projects. They are always the primary subject of conversation, and although it is the "Be’Jah Congress" of mages and scientists who decides in the end what is done with each project, it is am matter of intense interest and concern to all good Berdi. Sometimes the needs and desires of different projects conflict, and the political fireworks will fly. But under no circumstances will the disagreements cause the participants to do something unethical. The "terafum" or terraforming of Roon was one of the first Projects undertaken.

The life of the average person has increased from "Two Score and Ten" to about 150 years. The effects of aging are not seen until 10 years before a persons death. Then the entire effects of aging are seen in those 10 years.

Up to that point, there is no aging, although a aged person may be known by

their wise or decadent expression

It is uncommon and considered impolite for a person to eat in public, or in the company of people outside of one’s own family. LISTING OF FOOD TYPES - (See plant chart)

The life of the average person has increased from "Two Score and Ten" to about 150 years. The effects of aging are not seen until 10 years before a persons death. Then the entire effects of aging are seen in those 10 years.

Up to that point, there is no aging, although a aged person may be known by

their wise or decadent expression

No clothes are worn, for they are not needed most of the time (the temperature is globally controled). Also, it is another feature of culture that has been eliminated in the interest of simplicity. The only exception to this is when the are celibrating.

The language spoken has been developing throughout the entire history of the world. There is only one language (not counting seldom used dialects or religious ceremony tongues.) This language has been magically charmed and "Expurgated". This makes it impossible to utter an insult. The only option to express disbelief or scorn is to praise something or a comment far to much. An attempt to criticize something results in the temporary paralysis of the vocal chords.


There is an additional color that is fashionable, and that is called "Dif" colored. This stands for Diffraction. This color shines in all colors of the rainbow, and for this reason is not considered "loud" by the Berdi. However, it is only worn on festive occasions.

As Magic and Technology have been contending for supremacy for thousands of years, it is not surprising to find that a syntheses of the two has arisen called "Matech" pronounced Mat’tek with a short "a". This character class is only open to Berdi characters, and it is rare considering their civilization to have one join a party of adventurers. In their own way they are quite useful, but they are invariably of Good alignment, as are most of the Berdi.

They have those too who have specialized either in magic or technology. Both of these skills have advanced considerably and they regard the magic of the party as being "gross" and "clumsy". Each has its own class. The Mages are called "Badragu", the "Technologists are called "U’Gradbah". All the priests on this world are devoted to the God of Neutral Good ______. This is the planetary religion, and Un-Beleavers are often given over to zealous priests who will not allow the transgressor to leave the convent until the priest has converted him. These Clerics are called "Jeuh’klave". They will always help someone first and ask questions later.