Present Date 953,178
Despite claims to the contrary,all life started on Greld
first. Greld's history goes back some 55,000 years and as such is held
to be the origin of humanoid like in the SOS system.
Because of the great old age of this world, it is very much unlike any
other place the party has been in before.
Due to many and various means, most of the animals that
are not domesticated have been eliminated from Greld. Even many of the
domesticated animals are missing or have been genetically altered so much
that they are no longer simple "Animals", but low intellegence sentients.
An Example of the above is the dog. The dogs intelligence
has been increased until it is as smart as a 6 year old human when mature.
Their basic nature (fawning, whining, cowardly, loyal, hungry, ect.) remains
the same. The breeds have all been mixed and there is now only one variety
of dog that resembles a medium sized Mutt. There are other animals that
have been altered in this way, but they are much more rare. There are many
Berdi that are campaigning for increased civil rights for these "Manimals"
as they are called.
Along with most animals, the harmful ones have been long
extinct. There are only two species of animals too powerful and intelligent
to have escaped extinction. These are the Tootherto and the XeXiklaus.
See the monster listing for information on these species.
There are only 75 species of plantlife remaining on Greld.
All but 10 species are helpful to man, and only 4 of those remaining are
lethal or harmful.
The colors of the entire planet tend toward the brown
and gray. The sky is a gray-blue, the leaves are tan-green, flowers are
deep green-red and black, houses are made of gray granite ect. The Berdi
shun bright or pastel colors as being to "loud". They will only wear white
to a funeral.
Most of the animal life has disappeared, but several very
genetically advanced species exist. Minianimals are sometimes to be found
in the wild but they are protected from law.
Roon (moon of Greld) Air Fish of all kinds.
Fish occupy all of the normal food niches commonly held
by birds and mammals. The scavenger and parasitic niches are filled by
crustaceans of all kinds.
Time Line of Greld
TIME LINE DATE 3,429,000,000
Atmosphere begins to develop on the planets.
TIME LINE DATE 4,162,885,000
The first race of men is born on Greld. This
year is a commonly agreed upon approximation of what is a evolutionary
Beginning of civilization on Greld. Nothing is
known of this time other than a few barely recognizable ruins, and a cliff
with runes engraved which no one can read.
Recorded history begins on Greld
First Reappearance of Civilization on Greld after
the Cataclysm.
Contact between Roon, Klee and Greld re-established
Limited Communication among all SOS re-established
by gods.